Joel Osteen Preaches Satanic Magick

And not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is eminently clear on the basis of John McArthur’s very public rebuke of the man.

A few weeks ago there was an event here at Dodger Stadium with Joel Osteen. 35 000 people at Dodger Stadium, something like that. He is now the largest “church” – i’m using the word loosely – in America, down in Houston. You need to understand that he is a pagan religionist, in every sense he’s a quasi-pantheist. Jesus is a footnote that satisfies his critics and deceives his followers.

The idea of his whole thing is that men have the power in themselves to change their lives. In his definitive book, Your Best Life Now, he says – and that ought to be a dead giveaway since the only way this could be your best life is if you’re going to Hell – he says that anyone can create by faith
and words the dreams he desires. Health, wealth, happiness, success, the list is always the same…

He says God has already done everything He’s going to do, the ball is in your court. You have to take that part of God which exists in you and create your own reality. Now what is the source of this, where
does this come from? Answer: Satan. This is satanic, this is satanic, this is not just off-center, this is satanic.

I have never, ever, seen anything good or positive come out of the so-called Prosperity Gospel. And those who are familiar with the teachings of Aleister Crowley, or even the bafflegarble of Jordan Peterson, will immediately recognize what Joel Osteen is preaching, which is the alteration of objective reality by the application of one’s subjective will.

That is the wicked inverse of the Christian’s prayer, “Thy will be done.”

The Bible repeatedly warns of false prophets. It should not surprise anyone that it is the falsest of the false prophets who are showered in fame and what passes for worldly success.


Of Autism and Atheism

Secular whites are beginning to have doubts about atheism now that Clown World is targeting the European peoples for their race the way it targets Christians for their faith.

Will I ever stop hating on the Catholic Church and become a believer? Maybe. But if I do, it won’t just be Hilaire Belloc, G.K. Chesterton, and Father Leonard Feeney who will have helped me kneel before the Queen of Heaven. It will also be Professor Richard Dawkins. Belloc, Chesterton, and Feeney have set me a positive example of Christian wisdom, insight, and intelligence. Dawkins has done the opposite. He’s set me a negative example of anti-Christian foolishness, blindness, and stupidity. With the able assistance of Christopher Hitchens, he’s taught me to regard atheism as uncouth, adolescent, and autistic.

Yes, I think Vox Day is right to connect atheism and autism. Like autism, atheism is a kind of color-blindness: an inability to perceive, understand and appreciate an essential — and extraordinarily beautiful — aspect of reality. Autistic people don’t perceive social relationships; atheists don’t perceive the most important “social relationship” of all, that between God and His Creation. Or so theists like Day would argue. I’m not with those theists yet, but Richard Dawkins is one of those who have helped me away from atheism and towards theism. I look back with shame on the days when I was a fully fledged fan of his. Now I’m only a partly fledged fan. I still admire his scientific knowledge and the quality of his prose. Unlike the polysyllabicizing gasbag Hitchens, Dawkins is a clear and careful writer who is more interested in describing biology than in demonstrating his own cleverness.

Not that Dawkins could demonstrate much cleverness if he tried. He’s made solid contributions to evolutionary biology, but he isn’t particularly clever. He himself has said that he doesn’t score well on IQ tests and I think Greg Cochran has called him a “pinhead.” That would be hyperbole, but Dawkins is certainly not “the world’s top thinker,” as a poll in Prospect Magazine once proclaimed him to be.

It’s been amusing to see the great regard so many atheists professed for the Four Horsemen of Atheism vanishing in light of the obvious mediocrity of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. Fortunately for Christopher Hitchens, he died before his intellectual mediocrity became fully apparent to everyone.

It’s fascinating how often those who can’t bring themselves to believe in God or Jesus Christ gradually begin coming around once they understand that someone, or something, is actively seeking their destruction. And the truth will eventually come to light once the vital question is asked: why are they seeking to destroy me?


Dancing with Demons

Scott Adams is foolishly flirting with the supernatural by practicing magick. Unless he turns to Jesus Christ, this won’t end well.

Here’s weird story I promise is true: Yesterday I had an almost hallucinogenic experience of communicating with the creators of the Simulation. I spoke with “them” out loud for about thirty minutes and could feel a presence. But I was skeptical. I offered “them” a challenge…

I asked “them” to prove I was in a Simulation by solving a problem I had experienced for months: my knees were continually sore from exercise. So… I asked the creators of the Simulation to make my knee pain go away, and to do so instantly. That would be the test. My knees hurt when I asked. And then…

My knee pain disappeared. Instantly. And there is zero pain today as well. I don’t know what it means. I only know it happened. If it sometimes seems as if I am authoring reality right in front of you, you might not be wrong. But the placebo effect is also an explanation.

Scott Adams, 28 November 2022

This is why rational materialism is so dangerous. It permits the curious rational materialist to believe his little dabbles into the esoteric are innocent and entirely harmless, when in reality they are a steeper and much faster pathway to the same destination to which the broad and easy path leads.

He wasn’t communicating with the creators of the Simulation, he was communicating with the viral pathogens of the Simulation, which is a secular philosopher’s variant on my God as Game Designer metaphor. But just as an NPC can affect game world results, such as the healing of a player-character, the viral pathogens of the Simulation can respond to an individual’s requests and even choose to grant them.

What it means is that Scott Adams is practicing magick, he just doesn’t realize it yet. He’s in a very low, desperate, and vulnerable state of mind, and, as is their wont, the demons are preying on that.

Set aside the Bible for the nonce. Have none of these “great intellectuals” ever even heard of Faust?


Crucifixion Denial

Elon Musk: Denying a violent event, such as Sandy Hook, the Holocaust, and the September 11th attacks.

Ian Miles Chang: Twitter now has a new policy against Holocaust denial, 9/11 denial, or Sandy Hook denial. Thanks for adding this, @elonmusk

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth was indubitably a violent historical event. Should not its denial be similarly banned? Does this not mean Twitter has adopted an official Crucifixion Denial policy?


Educating the Spiritually Blind

Archbishop Vigano addresses those whose hearts are in the right place, whose spirits are justly offended by the wickedness and evil of Clown World, but fail to grasp the fundamentally spiritual nature of the conflict they are observing:

In this series of events that we are witnessing and will continue to witness, your commitment could risk being thwarted or limited by the fact of not being able to see its essentially spiritual nature. I know that two centuries of Enlightenment thought, revolutions, atheistic materialism and anticlerical liberalism have accustomed us to thinking of Faith as a personal matter, or that there is not an objective Truth to which we all must conform. But this is the fruit of a propaedeutic indoctrination, one that happened long before what is happening today, and it would be foolish to believe that the anti-Christian ideology that drove the secret sects and Masonic groups of the eighteenth century had nothing to do with the anti-Christian ideology that today drives people like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates. The driving principles are the same: rebellion against God, hatred for the Church and humanity, and destructive fury aimed against Creation and especially against man because he is created in the image and likeness of God.

If you start from this evidence, you will understand that it is not possible to pretend that what is happening before our eyes is solely the result of profit-seeking or the desire for power. Certainly, the economic part cannot be disregarded, considering how many people have collaborated with the World Economic Forum. And yet, beyond profit, there are unstated purposes that stem from a “theological” vision – one that is turned upside-down, it’s true, but still theological – a vision that sees two opposing sides: the side of Christ and the side of the Antichrist.

On the one hand, there is the City of God – the one Saint Augustine writes about – and on the other hand there is the city of the devil. We can say that in this era the city of the devil is clearly identifiable in neo-Malthusian globalism, the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and in all those so called “philanthropical foundations” that follow an ideology of death, disease, destruction, and tyranny. And also in those forces that have infiltrated the institutions, which we call the deep state and the deep church.

The archbishop is absolutely correct. How many times have I warned you of the dangers of propaedeutic indoctrination! Well, none, actually, since that’s a new one on me.

Propaedeutics (from Ancient Greek προπαίδευσις, propaídeusis ‘preparatory education’) is a historical term for an introductory course into an art or science.

But if the words are new, the point is clear. Too many people who are on our side don’t even know what our side truly is because they have been spiritually lobotomized and forced to perceive the world through the false and illogical lens of the rational materialist. The Good, the Beautiful, and the True sings out to them, but they can only hear the faintest echoes of it, they do not hear the music itself.

And yet, they can smell the stink of sulfur that permeates Clown World, and their very being revolts against it. What the archbishop is telling these people is that they will be forced to make a choice, and it’s not our side that will force them to make it. Submit to God or submit to the world, those are the only two options available to every man.


Happy Thanksgiving


Among the many things for which I am thankful to God this Thanksgiving is this community. We may be a diverse and esoteric collection of souls, but we have continued to find common ground in devotion to the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, particularly as personified in the divinity of Jesus Christ.

And all of us can also be thankful to be privileged to find ourselves living in such interesting and challenging times, where we have been given the opportunity to stand up and declare a side in the long-running war between the servants of God and the servants of Satan. As much as we might long for the peaceful salad days of yore, it is the conflict that tests and tempers us that makes us become more than we were before.


Worse Than Unbelievers

Some Boomers reacted angrily to the idea that their wicked generation is evil because they are disinclined to curtail their spending in order to leave anything to their descendants. But the facts that one of them demanded I cite are even more damning of their generation than I had imagined.

With the older generation seemingly richer than ever thanks to generous pension provisions and rapidly rising house prices, it’s no surprise to find so many of them ticking off their ‘bucket list’ by travelling abroad, taking up new hobbies or treating themselves to expensive luxuries. In fact, the spending patterns of these golden oldies have become so widespread, they have even gained a name of their own. SKI-ing – or Spending the Kids’ Inheritance – has become the new normal for the over 50s, replacing the desire of previous generations to leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren.

According to a study by SAGA, in 2016 Britain’s over 50s owned almost 70% of the country’s household wealth, amounting to a staggering £6.2trn. What’s more, that figure had risen rapidly, climbing by £660bn in five years. Of the headline figure, pension wealth accounted for £2.52trn and property wealth a further £2.29trn. However, the days where their children could simply sit back and wait to inherit their share of this wealth are fading fast. These days, more and more older people are deciding to enjoy their money themselves rather than leave it behind for their family.

Having grown up in relative austerity in the post war years, many of the so-called baby-boomer generation are reluctant to go without in later life just so they can pass on their hard earned savings to their children. In fact, a study of Attitudes to Inheritance in Britain by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation showed that as many as two-thirds of over 50s would rather enjoy their life than worry about leaving an inheritance, with just a quarter saying they would budget their spending in order to leave something behind.

The study found that while most respondents liked the idea of leaving an inheritance, they did not think they should have to be careful with their cash, or cramp their lifestyle, in order to do so. It is a similar story down-under, where the Challenger National Seniors Australia report found just 3% of Australians over 50 plan to preserve their savings as an inheritance and only 25% said leaving their family anything was a top priority.

US Boomers are no better than their foreign counterparts. Notice that they are spending 57 percent more annually than Generation X, despite the fact that a) they don’t have families to raise and b) most of them are not financially assisting their children and grandchildren.

Separating out net worth along generational lines, it’s Baby Boomers who possess more than half (54%) of all of US household wealth. These Baby Boomers are also spending more than the other generations, with Epsilon reporting that Boomers spend $548.1 billion annually, a figure nearly $200 billion more than the next highest spending generation (Gen X).

Proverbs 13:22: A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.

1 Timothy 5:8: Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.


Calling Rome to Repentance

Last month, Archbishop Viganò wrote to the Roman Inquisition and demanded repentance for the Catholic Hierarchy’s support of the vaxx and a retraction of the Hierarchy’s Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines:

The imposition of the experimental serum took place through a coordinated employment of methods that was unprecedented in recent history, using mass manipulation techniques that are well known to psychology experts. In this operation of media terrorism and the violation of the natural rights of individuals, accompanied by intolerable blackmail and discrimination, the Catholic Hierarchy chose to take sides with the system, making itself the promoter of “vaccines,” even reaching the point of recommending them as a “moral duty.” The media skillfully used the spiritual authority of the Roman Pontiff and his media influence to confirm the mainstream narrative, and this was an essential element in the success of the entire vaccination campaign, convincing many of the faithful to undergo inoculation because of the trust they have placed in the Pope and his global role. The vaccination obligations imposed on employees of the Holy See, following the lines of protocols imposed in other nations, have confirmed the Vatican’s absolute alignment with extremely careless and reckless positions that are completely void of any scientific validity. This has exposed the Vatican City State to possible liability on the part of its officials, with a further burden on its treasury; and the possibility should not be excluded that the faithful may bring collective lawsuits against their own Pastors, who have been converted into salesmen of dangerous medicines. After more than two years, the Church has not considered it necessary to make any statement to correct the Note, which in the light of new scientific evidence is now outdated and substantially contradicted by the harsh reality of the facts.

Limiting itself strictly to an evaluation of the morality of the use of the vaccines, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has not taken account of the proportionality between the benefits of the gene serum – which have been completely absent – and the short- and long-term adverse side-effects which are now before everyone’s eyes. Since it is now evident that the drugs sold as vaccines do not give any significant benefit and on the contrary may cause a very high percentage of death or serious diseases even in people for whom Covid is not a serious threat, it is no longer possible to consider valid any attempt to demonstrate a proportionality between risks and benefits, thus eliminating one of the assumptions on which the Note was based: “The morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one’s own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good. In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed”. We know well that there is no “absence of other means,” and that the serum neither stops nor prevents the epidemic: this makes the mRNA “vaccine” produced with aborted cell lines not only morally inacceptable but also absolutely dangerous for one’s health, and in the case of pregnant women also for the health of their children.

The Church, in expressing a moral evaluation of the vaccines, cannot fail to take into consideration the many elements that contribute to formulating an overall judgment. The Congregation cannot limit itself to the general theory of the moral lawfulness of the drug in itself – a lawfulness that is completely questionable given its ineffectiveness, the absence of tests of its genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and the evidence of side-effects. Instead, the Congregation must speak out about this fact as soon as possible: Now that the complete uselessness of the serums “to stop or even prevent the epidemic” has been demonstrated, it can no longer be administered, and indeed there is a moral obligation for health authorities and drug companies to recall it as something dangerous and harmful, and for the individual faithful to refuse inoculation.

I further believe, Most Reverend Eminence, that the time has come for the Holy See to definitively distance itself from those private entities and multinational corporations that have believed that they can use the authority of the Catholic Church to endorse the neo-malthusian project of the United Nations’ Agenda2030 and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. It not tolerable that the voice of the Church of Christ continues to be complicit in a plan to reduce the global population based on the chronic pathologization of humanity and the induction of sterility; and this is even more necessary in the face of the scandalous conflict of interests to which the Holy See is exposed by accepting sponsorship and funding from the architects of these criminal plans.

To His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, SJ Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 18 October 2022

He’s certainly calling them out, repeatedly and in copious detail. And in doing so, he’s making it pretty clear to observers what god it is they serve. Whatever it is, it certainly isn’t the Christian God.

Which is why the Catholic Church definitely needs to bring back the Inquisition and start mucking out the Augean Stables of the Vatican.


Newsmax is Promethean

I’ve never believed, despite all their conservative pretensions, that Newsmax was on the side of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, even before I had a very negative experience with their mediocre internet advertising service many years ago. But their decision to jettison Lara Logan for her forthright Christian denouncement of the global satanists clearly indicates in whose service they labor.

Newsmax TV has severed ties with Lara Logan after she said on the network the global elite “dine on the blood of children” and made other bizarre statements.

Logan interviewed with network host Eric Bolling Wednesday on The Balance about global elites and their embrace of socialism. She responded she is a “firm and solid and immovable believer in God.” She added those controlling the levers of power “want us eating insects,” and implied they “dine on the blood of children.”

The network issued a statement to the Daily Beast Thursday night.

“Newsmax condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan and her views do not reflect our network,” someone from the network said. “We have no plans to interview her again.”

In her interview with Bolling, he asked her about her faith in connection to the country’s southern border.

She said:

God believes in sovereignty, and national identity, and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his and his servants.

And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us. you’ve all known [historian Yuval Noah] Harari and all the rest of them at the World Economic Forum. You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches, and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not gonna win. They’re not going to win.

Lara Logan knows what she’s talking about, as an elite reporter in the ABCNNBCBS medial cabal. And if there is one thing global satanists cannot bear besides the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it is an open denunciation of their wicked practices. Observe the way in which Newsmax’s statement makes it perfectly clear, “in the strongest terms”, that they not only endorse both the evil practices and their practitioners, but are willing to defend them.

The line between Good and Evil are becoming more clear every day. The time for being lukewarm and attempting to sit on the fence is over. And be aware that some of those you formerly believed were good guys who were more or less on your side are not.

And speaking of Prometheans, be very wary of what appears to be a newly-anointed gatekeeper, Stew Peters. Yes, it’s another Daily Beast hit piece, but as a rule, the faster they blow up, the more likely it is that they are manufactured personas. And in the aftermath of the Jordan Peterson Experience, we know that faux attacks are integral to elevating the profile of the appointed gatekeepers.

This year, Peters emerged from obscurity as the face of “Red Voice Media,” an online video company based around promoting professionally produced “The Stew Peters Show.” The Minneapolis Star-Tribune dubbed him “​​Minnesota’s best-known bounty hunter.” Peters quickly became a leading voice on the far-right, especially after his early October attacks on Jordan.


God Withdraws His Hand

Rod Dreher believes that God withdrew His hand of protection from the United States on September 11, 2002. And, let’s face it, subsequent events do tend to support his contention.

On this morning in 2002, I woke up before daylight to join a journalist friend in Brooklyn, where we both lived, and to follow a NYPD bagpipe band down to Ground Zero. The NYPD arranged for one of its piper bands to begin marching from each of the five boroughs, all to converge simultaneously at Ground Zero, where the memorial service was to begin.

The only people who had access to Ground Zero were family members of victims, and officials. But when we arrived there, a huge crowd had massed outside the perimeter. I said goodbye to my friend, and melted into the crowd to gather material for the piece I was writing for National Review (I had gone to work there that previous January). I remember standing there at the edge of Ground Zero, looking at my watch, waiting for the minute when, one year earlier, the first plane struck the north tower. That was also to be the signal for the start of the memorial service at Ground Zero.

At that moment — at that precise moment — a ferocious wind blew in from the same direction that the plane had taken. It was uncanny. There was a hurricane far offshore, and this was its outermost fringe. Still, the timing was eerie. That wind blew like something biblical, all morning. Signs, chairs, anything not tied down was blowing around. I walked around in that for hours, watching and talking to people.

After a while, I made it to the other side of Ground Zero, and took refuge from the wind in Trinity Church Wall Street, the old Episcopal church next door to the Twin Towers. The Archbishop of Canterbury had come over to preside over a memorial service there. I stayed for that. At some point towards the end of that service, we all heard the bells toll from Ground Zero next door, signaling the end of the reading of the names, and that service. When I emerged out onto the street a few minutes later, the wind had stopped. I don’t know what time it ceased to blow, but I would bet it was when the last name was read. In all these years since then, I’ve never seen anything online remarking about it one way or the other.

I walked back home to Brooklyn, wrote a piece for NR, filed it, then relaxed. The phone rang. It was my journalist friend, slightly freaking out. “Come over,” she said. I took off.

At her apartment, she led me into her home office, and pointed to something hanging on a wall. It was a small American flag, almost paper-thin, and very old. Judging from the number of stars on its field, I would say from the Revolutionary War era. It was mounted and framed under glass.

And it was torn from top to bottom, right down the middle.

“What am I looking at?” I asked.

She explained that someone had given her that antique flag many years earlier. She had it framed, and it had hung on the wall of every home office she had had since then, wherever she lived. Every day she was home, for years, she had looked at it.

On this day, however, when she returned from Ground Zero, she noticed that it had been torn right down the middle.

Nobody else had been home, and if they had been, they would have had to have torn the paper on the back of the frame to get to the flag. It was untouched.

Both of us were, and are, Christian. The significance of this sign was not lost on us.

The curtain of the Temple separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple. Traditionally, Christianity interprets this sign as indicating God’s judgment on the religion of His people, the Jews. I can’t speak for my friend, with whom I lost touch after I left New York, but I immediately interpreted the torn flag as a sign that God had withdrawn his protection from America, in judgment.

The USA observably ceased to be either a Christian or an American nation after its leaders surrendered to decades of tireless blandishments by judeochristians, led by Emmanuel Cellar, in 1965. But it wasn’t until 2001 that it became undeniable the US government was being ruled by a foreign elite, as the intentional sacrifice of thousands of US citizens for the purpose of engaging in imperialist warfare and eradicating historical American liberties sufficed to demonstrate.

If Dreher’s instincts are correct, then America was judged for its excessive tolerance, for committing the sins of Jeroboam and for its submission to evil, and was given over to the wicked to rule. And so long as the wicked rule, the suffering of Americans and those who live in US satrapies will continue, and most likely, will continue to increase.

What do Jeroboam’s sins have to do with us today? More than one would think, because the root cause of his sins is a temptation faced by most Christians today. Tolerance is a byword for virtue these days, but it was Jeroboam’s tolerance for that which was wrong which led to his disobedience, and ultimately culminated in the kingdom’s full-blown rejection of the Lord God of Israel. The Israelites did not immediately turn to Baal and Asherah, indeed, it took them many years to reach that state of apostasy. But the seeds of evil had already been sown by Jeroboam, in his willingness to tolerate forms of worship that God had expressly forbidden.