The Mysterious Omission

Ron Unz delves into the French Revolution and discovers a very interesting omission from Simon Schama’s popular history of that revolution:

Given its great length, Schama’s account provided an enormous amount of detail on the French society of that era and the course of the revolution that suddenly upended it. But his narrative very conspicuously lacked any direct explanation of why that colossal upheaval occurred, instead suggesting the French Revolution resulted from a combination of unforeseen, contingent factors and events. Two years of bad harvests had driven up the price of bread and the blunders of the king and some of his ministers provoked the spontaneous political combustion that brought down their thousand-year monarchy, while further mistakes gradually moved the revolution in an increasingly radical and bloody direction.

This constituted the major contrast with Webster’s account, which instead presented a very different interpretation of roughly the same historical facts. She portrayed the French Revolution in strictly conspiratorial terms as the deliberately planned outcome of particular political plots.

Some of her theories seemed quite unlikely. Her book was written during the height of the anti-German propaganda of the First World War. Therefore, on the basis of extremely thin evidence, she suggested that prior to his death in 1786, Frederick the Great of Prussia had sought to weaken the French monarchy and its Austrian alliance by promoting Masonic propaganda against Queen Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Austrian Empress Marie Theresa, who for decades had been his foremost geopolitical adversary.

But the main conspiracy that Webster described was hardly an implausible one, with neither the motive nor the means being outlandish, and she drew heavily upon contemporaneous sources for her analysis. The individual whom she fingered as the primary orchestrator of the French Revolution had also been discussed by Schama but only given glancing coverage.

As I had mentioned earlier, Philippe, the enormously wealthy Duc d’Orléans, was the king’s cousin and a close heir to the throne, ranked just behind the youngest brother of Louis XVI. Yet rather remarkably, he became one of the major early patrons of the revolutionary movement, even officially renaming himself “Égalité” as a sign of his support.

Among his large personal holdings was the Palais-Royal estate in Paris. Both Schama and Webster emphasized that he allowed it to be used as a hotbed and staging area for revolutionary activism, its private grounds being off limits to the French police authorities. Schama treated this as merely due to his liberal, open-minded tendencies, but according to Webster it was only one of the many actions he took deliberately aimed at destabilizing the ruling monarchy and then replacing his cousin on its throne. Whether or not her analysis was correct, the important role of the Palais-Royal in the early stages of the revolution appeared on dozens of pages of Schama’s text, and indeed many members of the National Assembly later described it as the “birthplace of the Revolution.”

One of the earliest cases of mass urban violence in Paris was a major riot at a wallpaper factory, leading to more than two dozen deaths, and this important story was covered at length by both Schama and Webster. Philippe visited the scene during that incident and threw small bags of money to the cheering rioters. Their attack on the factory was initially blocked by government troops, but after the latter were forced to open their lines to allow the carriage of Philippe’s wife to pass, the rioters poured through that gap and destroyed both the factory and the home of its influential owner. Both authors reported all these same facts, but only Webster treated them highly suspicious.

According to Webster, this was only one of many such examples. She argued that Philippe deployed his vast wealth to recruit thousands of violent brigands, who launched attacks against government facilities and civilian infrastructure, all aimed at fostering the spread of lawlessness, violent unrest, and the resulting wild rumors that would weaken the hold of the king and provoke an uprising. In fact, at one point Schama freely admitted that “later generations of royalist historians” had claimed that many of these incidents were orchestrated by Philippe and his fellow plotters in order to undermine government authority and allow him to seize the throne. But the author then made no effort to either explore or refute those accusations.

A couple of months after that first large riot, Philippe played a crucial role in leading the political revolt of most of the traditional French parliament against monarchical authority, and these members soon formed the new National Assembly in its place.

Later that same year, a mob of Parisian protesters led by women marched on Versailles and violently stormed the residence of the king and queen, who narrowly escaped with their lives. Philippe was later accused of having planned their murder by funding those rioters, who allegedly chanted his name as their new king. Once again, Webster heavily emphasized these facts, while Schama minimized them.

Webster also noted that the colors adopted early on by the revolutionary forces—white, blue, and red—happened to exactly match the colors of Philippe’s Orléans family. Perhaps this was mere coincidence, but perhaps not.

Given her future areas of historical interest, Webster also naturally emphasized that Philippe served as the Grand Master of French Freemasonry, presumably giving him a great web of hidden influence over the elite elements of his society, something obviously very helpful in overthrowing a regime. Schama entirely omitted that potentially important fact, and instead explicitly dismissed all such conspiratorial notions in just a few sentences:

To counter-revolutionary writers, looking back on the disaster of 1789, the proliferation of seditious and libelous material seemed even more sinister, evidence of a conspiracy hatched between godless followers of Voltaire and Rousseau, Freemasons, and the Duc d’Orléans. Was not the Palais-Royal after all one of the most notorious dens of iniquity, where even the police were forbidden from pouncing on peddlers of literary trash? Understandably, modern historians have steered clear of anything that could be construed as subscribing to the literary conspiracy theory of the French Revolution.

Wikipedia is notorious for representing the establishmentarian perspective on historical events and shying away from any questionable conspiratorial claims. But although the page on Phillipe makes no mention of Webster, the factual account it provided seemed closer to her analysis than that of Schama.

We should also not entirely ignore an interesting historical echo that came decades later. After the final defeat of Napoleon, the Bourbon monarchy was restored in France, and two of Louis XVI’s younger brothers then successively held the throne. But in the Second French Revolution of 1830, Charles X was overthrown and replaced by his cousin Louis Philippe d’Orléans, Philippe’s surviving son, who thus finally achieved the goal that his late father had allegedly sought.

Judging Webster’s work and weighing her conclusions against those of Schama is obviously difficult for a non-specialist such as myself, but I can certainly understand why her book was so highly regarded by at least some scholars when it appeared in 1919. Her main historical analysis seemed solidly based upon reliable sources of that era, many of which were only available in French, and she made an effort to weigh these against each other and evaluate their credibility. Her text included well over 1,000 footnotes to such crucial source material, while Schama’s provided none at all, instead merely listing the main works he drew upon for each individual chapter. So to some extent, Webster’s book represented new academic research, while Schama had produced what amounted to a very hefty synthesis and presentation of preexisting material.

All of this raises the interesting question of why Schama’s massive volume so casually dismissed and ignored the conspiratorial analysis that had been advanced by Webster more than three generations earlier.

The answer, of course, is that in order to get published and become the primary English language reference on the French Revolution, it was vital for Schama to conceal the involvement of The Empire That Never Ended.

I’ve read Schama’s work twice. I’ve never read anything by Webster. But I have absolutely no doubt that Webster’s work is more historically accurate and reliable, simply because Schama had to omit what has been, over the course of recorded human history, one of the most important actors and drivers of events, which is the intersection of supernatural and material evil that Philip K. Dick identified as The Empire That Never Ended, that AC calls Cabal, that Vladimir Putin calls The Empire of Lies, and which we label Clown World.

The Romans called it Carthage, demanded its defeat, and sowed its grounds with salt. The Conquistadors called it the Aztec Empire and did their best to eradicate it forever. The Crusaders were corrupted by it. The Inquisitors did their best to root it out of Christendom and have been slandered for their efforts ever since. But regardless of what it is called, it will never die because it is not of human origins and the fallen rulers of this world will always find corrupt human spirits who are willing to serve them in return for the false immortality they are offered.

It’s not hard to understand why the wicked are so slavishly committed to the will of their evil masters. They fear death, as they well should, and they will do literally anything in their futile attempts to avoid their inevitable Divine judgment.


Where Was God?

Where was God? He was there at the quarterback’s side, as always:

Where was the quarterback’s God Sunday evening while he was getting sacked six times? And where did this mess of a game leave Mahomes and his professed faith?

The answer to both questions is exactly where it all was before the game.

God apparently allowed the Chiefs to take one on the chin. They say setbacks are a set-up for a great comeback. I believe that’s in the Gospels somewhere because Jesus suffered unspeakable punishment on the cross on Friday and died, but didn’t stay that way very long.

Sunday’s grand victory surely came.

Mahomes, meanwhile, thanked God after the Kansas City loss. He thanked God “for every opportunity he has given me.”

That doesn’t change the fact the Eagles were better. It doesn’t change the fact Mahomes went home with an L.

But neither did that loss change the fact Mahomes took the setback like a champion.

Win or lose, God is with us. As far as I can tell, He doesn’t care about who wins and loses. And contra the Calvinists, He does not ordain the results of the game. But He does care about us, and He does care how we comport ourselves, which is why it’s important to see Mahomes and other Christian athletes making it clear that they thank Him when they win and when they lose.


Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias

God is good, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and with his latest executive order, President Trump declares the US federal government will defend the right of every American to say so:

My Administration will not tolerate anti-Christian weaponization of government or unlawful conduct targeting Christians. The law protects the freedom of Americans and groups of Americans to practice their faith in peace, and my Administration will enforce the law and protect these freedoms. My Administration will ensure that any unlawful and improper conduct, policies, or practices that target Christians are identified, terminated, and rectified.

Deep State and Deep Church

Archbishop Vignano calls out two subversive Clown World entities serving Satan and seeking to destroy Mankind: the Deep State and the Deep Church:

Two Subversive Entities

Among the entities that support the globalist agenda for the profits they derive from it in terms of power and money is the deep state, made up of those apparatuses that have embedded themselves within the government and that determine its political action and choices, regardless of the color of the various alternating administrations, acting for their own interests against those of the citizens they claim to serve.

However, there is also what I myself have called the deep church, which is similarly composed of exponents of the Catholic Hierarchy, who after decades of progressive infiltration and occupation have come to take full control of the Catholic Church, along with Jorge Mario Bergoglio. These fifth columns of the globalist elite use their authority for the interests of third parties, in opposition to the glory of God, the honor of the Church, and the good of souls.

These two subversive entities – deep state and deep church, as I recalled in my first Open Letter to President Trump in 2020 (here) – are mirror images and complementary: their members are traitors in the service of illegitimate powers, which we have seen acting in a coordinated way during the pandemic farce, with “green fraud” and trafficking in illegal immigrants. American citizens and faithful Catholics have now understood that the serious social, economic, and religious crisis of the nation has been caused and prepared from afar by the coup of these forces subverting legitimate authority, one in the civil sphere and the other in the religious sphere. Americans have also come to understand that there is a huge difference between the refugee fleeing persecution and an organized mass of adult men of military age, transferred in a systematic way within national borders, who effectively constitute in a contingent of enemy soldiers and a potential threat to national security and the safety of citizens.

The Complicity of the Deep State with the Deep Church

The proof of the complicity between the deep state and the deep church is given not only by the fact that both support the programmatic points of Agenda 2030 because they derive an immediate advantage from them, but also by their mutual unwillingness to accept the reality that a legitimately elected President now desires to concretely implement the commitments he made during his electoral campaign. Their resistance is due to the fact that Trump’s initiatives seek to put an end to the network of interests and profits that they have fraudulently constructed in recent years. It is no mystery that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has never – and I repeat: never – raised a penny to fight abortion, but rather has funded with tens of millions of dollars associations that adhere to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and promote abortion, contraception, and homosexuality. Nor does the USCCB have any qualms about receiving subsidies from the Department of the Treasury for its management of illegal immigration, as its budgets, which are public, prove. And it should be remembered that, in addition to government funds, the USCCB receives funding from institutions and private foundations for the same purposes.

If in fact, as some would have us believe, the Bergoglian Hierarchy truly had at heart the salvation of souls – of all souls, both the souls of US citizens and the souls of the migrants who arrive on US territory – it should be doing what the Catholic Church has already very successfully undertaken in the past: providing for the evangelization, conversion, and religious instruction of these souls. I am thinking, for example, of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, the foundress of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the first American citizen to be raised to the honors of the altar. Her work of assistance to immigrants (initially Italians) expanded to include all those in need. She built churches, kindergartens, schools, boarding schools for female students, orphanages, retirement homes for lay and religious women, hospitals, and colleges thanks to the generosity of Catholics. Her example of a true apostolic and missionary spirit has been renounced, and cancel culture, so much in vogue today in the Bergoglian Church, is almost ashamed of the charitable work undertaken by her and other Saints.

The Bergoglian Church is an Accomplice in Ethnic Replacement

In this context, it is dismaying to hear the words of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who recently stated – referring to Italy but speaking about the entire Western world – that, in the face of demographic decline, the only workable solution is to import immigrants, thus concretizing the ethnic replacement theorized by Kalergi, the pan-European. This proposal is also widely reflected in similar requests from multinational corporations, who see the importation of immigrants as a way to drastically reduce the cost of labor to the detriment of native workers, further increasing their profits. As we can see, Authority is now completely subservient to the diktats of the elite, with the complicity of the mainstream media, even if this leads to a worsening of the social and working conditions of the population. Or rather, it is precisely for this reason, since, as I said, the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.

Make no mistake, every accommodation of the Deep State and the Deep Church is an accommodation with satanry. The civic nationalism of the conservatives is every bit as subversive, and every bit as false, as the globalism of the socialists. Transnationalism is no more legitimate than transgenderism or transracialism.

Never forget the conclusion of the great Israeli historian Martin van Creveld: Immigration is War.


A Different Breed

It’s fascinating to see how the young Christian athletes of today are increasingly bold in public about their faith. We’ve already seen it with Notre Dame, Boise State and with Georgia. Ohio State released a pretty solid hype video ahead of their Cotton Bowl game against Texas in which one of their leaders can be seen taking the eye black that we’ve been seeing a lot more of lately to a new level.

Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

That being said, where was THE Ohio State University? Perhaps it’s only the alumni in the NFL who say that.


Introducing Castalia Cathedra

G.K. Chesterton was the best writer of the 20th century. He said something about everything and he said it better than anybody else. But he was no mere wordsmith. He was very good at expressing himself, but more importantly, he had something very good to express. The reason he was the greatest writer of the 20th century was because he was also the greatest thinker of the 20th century… this was the man who wrote a book called The Everlasting Man, which led a young atheist named C.S. Lewis to become a Christian.

After more than three years of requests, Castalia Library will be publishing a G.K. Chesterton book. However, we’re doing more than that, we’re using it to launch a new line of leatherbound Christian literature, beginning with The Everlasting Man. You can read more details about what we’re calling Castalia Cathedra at the Castalia Library substack, or you can dive right in and make sure that you receive the first edition of what we anticipate to be a very long and significant series.


The Fall of the Fake Democracies

Simplicius rightly calls out the fake democratic imperialism of Clown World’s European slave-leaders and their woefully misnamed “rules-based order”:

A new speech by Georgian pretender Salome Zourabichvili to the EU Parliament is a must-see. It is the very apotheosis of the Rules Based Order’s terminal decline, on which we’ve enlarged at length here. As things get down to the wire and the European ruling elite squander their mandate from the people, they have no avenue left but to ratchet up totalitarian policies to stay in power—and to keep the system, that interconnected grid of elite deep state power in control. As that occurs, their anti-democratic calls become increasingly naked, as they’re forced to say the quiet parts aloud:

It is in the context of what recently happened in Romania and elsewhere that her speech is seen in its most egregious light. She essentially calls on European powers to intervene in her own country, to act against her own people and government, which she calls illegitimate; for the record she’s now called both the parliamentary and presidential elections illegitimate and has vowed to illegally stay past her deadline.

There are so many outright shockingly hypocritical and treasonous statements it would be too long to list them all. Right from the getgo she blames Russian “imperialistic tendencies” for wanting to influence Georgia, yet almost in the same breath declares that Georgia is a “strategic interest” for Europe, and that Europe should therefore move in to take control of it. Is that not imperialism by the same name?

She goes on along the tack of saying the unspoken by naming every strategic advantage that NATO and the EU would see with Georgia under their control, such as control of the Black Sea, Armenia, the Caucuses, amongst other things.

She hails the illegal nullification of the Romanian election, which is met with resounding applause by the corrupt unelected bureaucrats. And this shows the flagrant corruption of the system—a dying empire seeks only absolute power and expansion at all costs, nothing else matters. Laws, rules, democratic principles are mere frivolities to be used as bargaining chips or talking points as means to an end.

It has become abundantly clear that nothing the Enlightenment promised is real. Every single intellectual pillar upon which it rests, from biology and economics to physics and science, is entirely false. Not misleading or mistaken, entirely and consciously false.

These wicked people aren’t even the atheist materialists they pretend to be!

However, these are dangerous times, because every time The Empire That Never Ended is exposed and overthrown, it lashes out and attempts to do as much damage as it can on the way out. But this time, we have to do a better job of chronicling its evil, in order to avoid future historians crying about the methods required to both repress the evil and unleash positive human potential.

The demographic and economic consequences of the Black Death, which kept populations down and labour scarce well into the 1400s, exacerbated conflict. After about 1470, however, the balancee tilted across Europe. This can be seen most vividly in the consolidation of powerful new monarchies in France, Eland, and Spain… Political consolidation was accompanied by increasingly rigid social hierarchies and a new wave of repression directed against those who diverged from Christian ideals. At the same time, intellectual innovation beginning in Italy transformed education, religion, and eventually elite culture as a whole.
– A Concise History of Switzerland

We’ve seen the dreadful fruits resulting from the rule of an elite that diverged from Christian ideals. That pendulum has already reached its apex, and now it is swinging back toward new political consolidations, increasingly rigid hierarchies, and new waves of repression and intellectual innovation that will, taken in their entirey, have massively positive effects for humanity and the world.

The connection between social discipline and positive social advancement is no different than the one between personal discipline and positive personal improvement. The obese, drugged, immoral, dishonest, society in which we live is the direct result of the West’s abject failure to reject and repress The Empire That Never Ended and its wicked representatives like Salome Zourabichvili. It is the direct result of rejecting the truth and foolishly choosing to believe Clown World’s lies.


More Christmas, More Carols

We’re hosting our annual Christmas party today, so posting will be light. But please enjoy the latest releases from Vibe Patrol, being a spin on Good King Wenceslas as well as a new celebration of the Christmas season called The Word Descended. I like cheerful odes to the season as much as the next man, but the divine descent into darkness is the aspect of Christmas that strikes me as the most meaningful, and which I find the most compelling.

The dark carol was inspired by the verse inscribed in stone in a small Italian church where I used to live.

Il Verbo si fece carne e venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi.

The Word descended,
God made real.
A child is born
For His ordeal.
The Word descended,
Of flesh and bone,
The King will come
To claim His throne.
The Son of God,
The Sacrifice,
To free Mankind
He paid the price.