Stillborn in Singapore

The fertility-reduction effects of the vaxx are starting to appear in the Asian statistics now:

The Asian city-state of Singapore is small, wealthy, regimented, and very good at collecting and publishing data. Last week, it released full-year 2022 data on deaths, live births, and stillbirths. Here’s the chart on stillbirths. Official Singaporean government data, nothing less or more.

73 stillbirths in 2019.

78 in 2020.

78 in 2021.

133 in 2022.

Looks like about a 70 percent jump annual, after three years in which the figures remained essentially flat. The reality is even worse.

Singapore puts out these reports each quarter. In the first quarter of 2022, it reported only 13 stillbirths, compared to 18 in 2021. Thus, in April through December 2022, stillbirths doubled to 120 – from 60 during the same period a year before. This increase in stillbirths from April through December did NOT occur because of a rise in births. In fact, the opposite is true.

Births in Singapore fell 10 percent in the final three quarters of 2022, a marked shift from the January-March period, when they rose about 1 percent (due entirely to increases in January and Feburary). The decline has not eased, either; births fell 15 percent in December.

In other words, stillbirths doubled from April to December even as live births fell, reversing the early 2022 pattern.

We always knew it was going to be bad. Now the question is how much worse it is going to get. Are the effects gradually going to wear off, or are they going to get stronger as the vaxxed body continues to produce spike proteins?

My expectation is the latter, and we’ll have confirmation of that as governments start hiding their population and health statistics in a futile attempt to prevent the vaxxed from realizing what has been done to them and their children. I say “futile” because, sooner or later, the reality is going to become obvious to even the most thoroughly brainwashed individuals.


Just Admit it Already

I was extremely skeptical that Damar Hamlin was alive and well from the moment of “his” appearance at the AFC divisional playoff game in Buffalo, in which “he” appeared to be too short and too slight to be the real Damar Hamlin. Now the smoking gun appears to have been found, which is Hamlin’s Pittsburgh tattoo that commemorates his collegiate career at Pitt.

The tattoo quite clearly isn’t there on the “Damar Hamlin” who appeared at the Super Bowl. I also suspect that the shades were being worn by the individual attending the Super Bowl because there is something observably different about the shape of his eyes. And while the blasphemous jacket both attracted attention and covered Hamlin’s arm tattoos, it appears someone forgot about the neck tattoo.

It’s not the first time. The media announced that Hamlin got a new hand tattoo in February, before the Super Bowl, after “conspiracy theorists” noticed that the individual who attended the AFC playoff game between the Bills and the Bengals on January 22, 2023 was missing the hand tattoos previously observed on the hand of Damar Hamlin.


When Rhetoric Becomes Reality

Homeschool or die was supposed to be rhetoric, not dialectic.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday updated its schedule of recommended immunizations to include COVID-19 shots and boosters for children, adolescents and adults.

The schedule was recommended by the agency’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, then approved by the CDC and other health care organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The CDC can issue guidance, but does not have the authority to mandate vaccines for schools or work settings. Such mandates can only be put in place by the states.

Fortunately, most states will not mandate the vaxx for schoolchildren. But those that do will see depopulation.


The King’s Justice

It’s just a rumor. For the time being.

People known to me for decades are living as ex-pat Americans in Thailand. Two of them are outstanding, though now ‘retired’ into a different life, investigators. One worked for over 30 years as a US Naval officer, the last 15 of which were involved in criminal fraud cases. The other was an investigator for the Washington State Patrol, again, Criminal investigations.

Both are in resident in Bangkok these last few years. My ex-Navy friend is a serious linguist, concentrating on 7 Asian languages. That’s how I know him.

Rumors: They have revealed to me that several, different, sources, are reporting to them, that ‘something’, a really big ‘something’, is disturbing the Bangkok ‘underworld’. My guys have contact with it through a couple of martial arts dojos. Both are hearing the same rumors, ‘disturbance in the force’ kind of rumors.

The rumor to NOT listen to says that ‘assassins’ are being ‘recruited’ out of very deep holes in the martial arts world.

It could just be wishful thinking, of course. On the other hand, people have historically looked to their kings for justice, which may be one reason why Clown World professes to love democracy. And I have no doubt that the King of Thailand is absolutely furious about what happened to his daughter.

They held the king in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice.

The monsters responsible for the vaxx will be held accountable, in this world or the next.


Ben Shapiro Backtracks

The narrative has definitely shifted. Now the public champions of the vaxx are trying to claim that they weren’t really pushing the vaxx on anyone. They just “broadly recommended” it because people lied to them. They were really the good guys all along!

No one, and I mean NO ONE, should ever listen to these deceitful morons ever again. The harm they have done is literally incalculable, but it is material and it is significant. If anyone deserves to experience cases of Suddenly, it is these outspoken vaxx pushers.

Even if they were terrified of Covid and decided to get vaxxed themselves, they never had to say one single word about it or utilize their influence on others for evil. And yet they did, and they did so repeatedly, and they did so with open contempt for those who were speaking the truth and were correct all along.

If Ben Shapiro ever hosted a single vaxx skeptic on his show and permitted them to raise any of the obvious doubts about the vaxx, I am unaware of it. At least Scott Adams openly entertained and discussed the vaxx skeptic case, although, much to his regret, he ultimately rejected it for unique personal reasons.


Post-Partum Abortion

We told them not to vaxx their children. Some of us literally begged them not to vaxx their children. And yet, the retards not only vaxxed themselves, they even vaxxed their kids despite there being absolutely no reason whatsoever for them to do so. And now they are harvesting the bitter fruit of their retardery.

Nov 11, 2021
After an hour and a half of screaming both girls have their first dose of the vaccine. Anna got it without any problems. Caitlin screamed and cried for an hour and a half. Then didn’t she’d a tear when the pharmacist was able to do the shot.

Jan 04, 2022

Covid booster side effects were worse than the second shot for me. Bad headache, 101 temp, bad body aches. They were really bad for about 6-8 hours. I’m mostly better now but still have a slight temp and headache. Even with the side effects the vaccine is worth it. On a good note. My girls had no side effects from the second shot besides a sore arm.

Jan 26, 2023

Anastasia M. Weaver, 6, passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, Jan. 25. 2023, in the emergency room at Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman. with her loving family by her side.

I’m sure one can make a eugenics-based case for this being a positive outcome as gullible retardery is evolutionarily excised from the species. But I just can’t see it that way. The sheer stupidity of these unnecessary tragedies wounds the spirit and numbs the soul.


So Many Unanswered Questions

A new study finds a vast increase in heart attacks across all age groups in 2022. Scientists, as we have come to expect in the post-vaxx era, are totally befuddled and can’t think of anything that might possibly have been able to affect tens of millions of people since 2020.

A new study has been published that links the increase in heart attacks amongst adults between the ages of 25 and 44 to COVID-19. The study was conducted by the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and published in the Journal of Medical Virology. Researchers discovered that overall heart attacks increased for all age groups since the onset of the pandemic by 14 percent.

By the second year of the pandemic [2022], heart attacks for the 45-64 age group increased by 19.6% and for the 65 and older group had increased by 13.7%. However, it was the youngest age group [25-44] that had the highest increase of nearly 30%.

“There are several potential explanations for the rapid rise in cardiac deaths in patients with COVID-19, yet still many unanswered questions,” said Yee Hui Yeo, MD, first author of the study and a Cedars-Sinai physician-scientist. “Importantly, our results highlight disparities in mortality that have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and that are persisting even through the Omicron era,” added Yeo.

Researchers said that prior to the pandemic, world statistics on heart attacks were decreasing but the pandemic had interrupted that progress.

Heart attacks on dramatic rise for 25-44 age group, 30 January 2023

I wonder when scientists are going to get tired of pretending to be retarded. I mean, it can’t be easy on the average individual with a 110+ IQ to consistently act as if they’re genuinely this stupid.


Reconsidering Vaccines

Ron Unz, a former skeptic of vaccine critics, is forced to reconsider his instinctive pro-vaccine position:

A central theme of anti-vaxxers has been that many of the vaccines they criticize actually have serious adverse side effects, sometimes doing more harm than good, and I’d always been quite skeptical of this claim. After all, I’d known that prior to their general release new vaccines must typically go through a long period of clinical trials, in which they are matched in randomized, blinded large-scale tests against placebos. But the very first chapter of Turtles claimed that this was mostly a myth and a deception.

According to the authors, such vaccine trials are not conducted against true placebos such as saline solutions, but only against previously approved vaccines. So a new treatment is considered safe if its rate of harmful side-effects is no worse than those of previously approved versions rather than no treatment at all, an illogical approach that seems to make little sense. Thus, the supposed safety and efficacy of current vaccines has only been established relative to a long series of their predecessors, often stretching back decades, and this constitutes the “Turtles All the Way Down” metaphor of the book’s title. This sort of very simple factual claim seems unlikely to have been made unless it were actually true.

Surprisingly enough, the tested rate of adverse vaccine side-effects is sometimes quite significant. For example, during the clinical trials of the Prevnar vaccine, about 6% of the 17,000 infants tested needed emergency room visits and 3% required hospitalization. But because the previous vaccine used for comparison purposes had similarly high rates of negative side-effects, Prevnar was judged safe and effective, a shocking verdict.

There are also cases in which no previously approved version of the vaccine existed for use in such a comparison trial, and one might naturally assume that the only possible choice would be to use a true placebo such a saline solution. Yet as Turtles reveals, in that situation a deliberately crippled version of the vaccine itself is given to the other half of the trial population, a compound which could not provide any benefits but would still probably produce all the same adverse side-effects. The most plausible reason for this strange methodology would be to mask the existence of those adverse side-effects, thereby ensuring the vaccine’s approval.

Turtles summarizes this outrageous situation by stating that each year tens of millions of vaccine doses are administered to infants and toddlers in America, and not a single one of them has ever been tested in clinical trials against an inert placebo. None of this proves that any of these vaccines are dangerous, but it certainly raises that serious possibility. Pilots who fly blind may not necessarily crash, but they probably have a much greater chance of doing so…

The easiest and most convincing means of demonstrating that vaccines are actually safe and beneficial with few serious side-effects, would obviously be to conduct a large randomized trial study comparing the total health consequences of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, what they call a “Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated” (VU) study. Yet according to Turtles, no such study has ever been conducted: “It seems inexplicable that VU studies have not been initiated by the vaccine establishment for so many years.”

It’s a very long article and delves deeply into the actual history and science of the development of vaccine technology. Read the whole thing. It may well convert you from being a vaccine skeptic to being an outright denier. Although how anyone can seriously attempt to defend vaccines in the post-vaxx era is a mystery.


Pfizer’s Non-Denial

Robert Malone observes a few salient facts about the Project Veritas bust of a Pfizer director admitting gain-of-function research on the coronavirus.

1) Pfizer lawyers did not throw their Director of R&D Operations and Scientific Planning under the bus. 2) there is no denial of what he said. 3) No denial that he is Pfizer staff. 4) Swapping new spike sequences into original Wuhan-1 is technically gain of function research. The press release from Pfizer only addresses the company’s own actions and statements regarding gain of function and directed evolution research. It does not specifically mention any contractors or partners that the company may be working with.

We all knew they’d be doing it. And YouTube, Google, and every other tech/media company wouldn’t be aggressively attacking the Project Veritas expose if it wasn’t real.

First the responsible parties release the disease, then they release the actual bioweapon as a purported cure. That’s what villains do, and the global depopulationists do it because they are very wicked people who are genuine villains seeking to reduce the human population. This isn’t a movie, this is the sort of reality that movies are based upon.