The Vaccinated are Dying

Contra the attempts of the media to invert statistical reality, 95.87 percent of the people now dying of Covid are vaccinated. Remember, there are no official or reliable statistics recording or reporting this data in the United States, but the same is not true in other countries.

In Israel, the most-vaccinated country in the world, where the third shot is already being given, 232 of the 242 people who died of Covid in July and August were vaccinated. So pay zero attention to the scare stories, or the ludicrous reports that 90 percent of the people dying of Covid are unvaccinated.

It’s not a question of not trusting the US statistics because there are no comprehensive US statistics. It’s literally a comparison between the monthly reports published by a centralized Ministry of Health and hearsay from biased and unreliable anecdotal sources.

The corrupt doctors in the USA are flat-out lying with their “estimates” about the percentage of unvaccinated among the hospitalized. Just to put this on the record for future reference:

The T cells generated by the vaccines are holding up amazingly well, with 99% of the hospitalizations being among unvaccinated adults in the US,” Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease physician at UCSF, wrote in a tweet Wednesday. Estimates for the percent of unvaccinated people accounting for COVID-19 hospitalizations vary, but generally fall between 95% and 99%.”

CDC Gears Up for Round 3

You may have thought that you were “fully-vaccinated” after receiving two rounds of experimental gene therapy. Surprise!

Now the CDC wants everyone to line up for a third round of clot-shot lottery.

Note carefully: The Israel data says this will fail and kill lots of people.

Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.”

That’s right. They’re not.

Delta may be more-transmissible but if you’re immune it does not matter how transmissible a virus is. You either can or cannot be infected. It’s binary. If you’re immune then you’re immune. If you’re not then you’re not.

The idea that somehow Delta “can” break through immunity because it is more transmissible is flat-out scientific fraud and everyone who says that and has any knowledge of viruses and immunity knows it. They’re lying, on purpose, and every one of them deserves to be locked up in GITMO as a ****ing terrorist and waterboarded to within an inch of their lives.

The reason Delta is “breaking through” is either due to OAS or the fact that the vaccines never did work worth a crap in the first place to prevent you from getting infected. Their “efficacy” was a lie but whether its due to mutational reality or the fact that we claimed “effectiveness” simply due to herd effects with the existing circulating strains at the time does not matter.

My suspicion is that there is a blend of both going on here and there is science to back that up; the mutational pattern that we have seen and the science behind it says that evasion is happening. The “wild coding” used originally and to this day for the jabs is long-extinct; there is basically zero of that circulating anymore in the population. It has all been subsumed by ordinary mutational process and we had every reason to believe this would happen when Covid-19 first showed up because it has happened with every other coronavirus we have studied through history — including the closest analog SARS-1 which mutated itself out of transmission and being a threat to people.

This is much like what happens with the flu shot every year: They have to guess which specific flu strains will show up in advance. They’re never right. Their match varies in effectiveness but is basically never 100%. Get it right, you get decent protection. Get it wrong you get little or nothing.

Except: Every coronavirus in history has mutated at a high rate in the spike domain. All of them. We knew this and we ALSO knew before the first shot went into the first arm the strain against which the vaccines were developed — all of them — was extinct in the wild, having been out-competed by said mutations.

And this is why you are much better off to remain unvaccinated and rely upon natural immunities and long-proven medical treatments to combat the virus and its variants. The alternative is to subject yourself to a never-ending series of fake vaccines every six months as recommended by the experts who knowingly lied to you until you die of either an ADE infection or a heart attack.

It’s really not a difficult choice.

The Gun, She Smokes

From an October 22, 2020 FDA presentation to the “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee”, thereby proving that the FDA has known about the risks that it has methodically concealed from the public and downplayed to the media and the medical community.

Notice in particular that both “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” and “Vaccine enhanced disease” are listed as possible adverse event outcomes. This is conclusive evidence of evil intent on the part of at least some parties at the FDA.


A Severe Shortage

The medical corporations are learning that disemploying the unvaccinated is going to hurt them worse than those they unjustly fired:

Jennifer Bridges knew what was coming when her director at Houston Methodist hospital called her up in June to inquire about her vaccination status.

Bridges, a 39-year-old registered nurse, responded “absolutely not” when asked if she was vaccinated or had made an effort to get vaccinated. She was terminated on the spot.

“We all knew we were getting fired,” Bridges, 39, told CBS News. “We knew unless we took that shot to come back, we were getting fired today. There was no ifs, ands or buts.”

Bridges was one of more than 150 hospital workers fired by Houston Methodist hospital.

“All last year, through the COVID pandemic, we came to work and did our jobs,” said Kara Shepherd, a labor and delivery nurse who joined Bridges and other workers in an unsuccessful lawsuit. “We did what we were asked. This year, we’re basically told we’re disposable.”

Shepherd and her colleagues may be disposable in the eyes of hospital administrators, but they are perhaps not as easily replaced as she or Houston Methodist thought.

Two months after firing unvaccinated hospital staff, Houston Methodist is one of several area hospitals experiencing a severe shortage of medical personnel. Media reports say hospitals have “reached a breaking point” because of a flood of COVID-19 cases.

Never get vaccinated just to keep a job or preserve a career. The law of supply and demand is on your side. You may have to be patient, you may have to be flexible, and you may have to change jobs. But sooner or later, the corporations will either relent or they will collapse.

Notice that the airline industry is already demonstrating that vaxxed personnel are more vulnerable and less reliable than the unvaxxed. It’s been eight weeks and daily flight cancellations are holding steady at more than 10x the historical average. These labor shortages are not going to go away, they are almost certainly going to get worse.


Mailvox: Told You So

An Australian living in Europe doesn’t take much satisfaction from his family belatedly coming around on the danger posed by the fake vaccines:

I live in Europe. My parents and siblings are in Australia. They have been calling me up a lot now trying to convince me to get the clot shot. I had a heated exchange with them yesterday about how the risk reward ratio is totally off skew, and I am never getting an mRNA, and almost certainly never getting a standard jab like AZ, until there is 3 to 4 years of data.

Now this morning, barely 15hrs later, I get a message from my mother that one of their friend´s kids who is 40 dropped dead for no apparent reason just after taking the Pfizer clot shot. Leaving three kids behind, and because no signature no jab, they´re not going to get any help from the government. My mother actually said that she now understands my “vaccine hesitancy”.

I don´t wish this upon anyone, and I am not saying “I told you so”, I am just stressing to them the importance of not believing the god damned news and Govt and to “do your own research”.

Whether one bothers to say “I told you so” or not, the fact is that pretty much everyone who rejected the insane, experimental fake vaccines did, in fact, tell them so. And it’s important to remind them of that, and to remind them that they repeatedly put pressure on you to do the very thing that they finally understand is dangerous. This is not to score imaginary points or rub their noses in their having been wrong, but rather, to convince them to stop adding to the social pressure on people to harm their own health.

As more and more people die or otherwise suffer from adverse effects, this is increasingly going to become an issue requiring resolution between friends and family members. And remember, if it’s a point of contention, then they were among the fortunate.

It’s probably too much to expect them to learn anything from their failure to think, though.

Imagine how Vox feels. He’s been telling us for years that you can’t change people’s minds with dialectic. And yet, here we are, complaining that our dialectic isn’t working. I include myself in this because I did the same thing today.

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Australian Self-Genocide

I don’t know if this is legitimate or not, but if Australians permit their evil government to force-vaccinate their children, they don’t deserve to survive.

The Australian government is going to seize 24,000 children from its citizens and place them in a stadium quarantine camp to be forcibly vaccinated. Parents will not be allowed to attend. As was reported by the Daily Expose in the United Kingdom and Red State in the United States, Australia’s Brad Hazzard, the Minister for Health and Medical Research, has told parents in a press conference that 24,000 children will be sent to a stadium to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccine, and parents will not allowed to be present. Hazzard insisted to parents that their children would be “well looked after.”

At this point, I think we can safely assume that China will annex Australia any time it wants. If Australians won’t even defend their children from being injected with an experimental gene therapy from which they can’t possibly benefit, they certainly aren’t going to offer even a modicum of resistance to the Red Army.

Apparently Australians have learned absolutely nothing about how to resist illegitimate government from the example provided by the Taliban.

UPDATE: The good news is that the Australian authorities are not actually seizing the children, just taking them with the permission of their parents to be vaccinated and indoctrinated en masse. The bad news is that two of the children are already reported to have died from adverse reactions.

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Running the AUS Numbers

Foxgrams posted the current numbers from Australia and asked for analysis:

25,687,041 Total population of Australia as of 30th June, 2020


40,774 total Covid cases
970 total Covid deaths

10,195,842 individuals with at least one dose of vaccine.


28,487 Astrazeneca Adverse Reactions
254 Astrazeneca Deaths
16,816 Comirnaty Adverse Reactions
166 Comirnaty Deaths

The first thing that leaps out is 420 reported vaccine deaths compared to 970 total Covid deaths. Even if we leave out the assumption that adverse reactions are under-reported, assume that all of the Covid deaths are actually OF Covid rather than WITH Covid and are of the unvaccinated, and ignore the natural mutation of the virus to more contagious, less lethal variants, the relative risk factors make it clear that it is riskier for the average Australian to become a vaccine recipient than to remain unvaccinated.

  • Chance of unvaccinated individual contracting and dying of Covid = one in 26,481
  • Chance of vaccinated individual dying of an adverse vaccine reaction = one in 24,275

So, even in the most favorable possible case for the vaccines, the average individual’s risk of death is essentially the same. And once you begin factoring in comorbidities, age, the decreased lethality of the Delta variant, the number of vaccinated deaths, the possibility that the patient died of something else while Covid-positive, and the mounting evidence that the ADE scenario is in effect, it is clear that the vaccines pose a greater threat to human life than does the virus.

Now, to consider the non-lethal aspects of the situation.

  • Chance of unvaccinated individual contracting Covid = one in 630
  • Chance of vaccinated individual experiencing an adverse reaction = one in 225

Ergo, the chance of experiencing an adverse reaction to the vaccine is nearly 3x greater than the chance of catching Covid. Since the chance of dying of the vaccine is at least as good as the chance of dying of the disease, it makes absolutely no sense for the average individual to get vaccinated even before we have a good idea of what the negative long term effects of the vaccines are. And since Covid is less harmful to the young while the vaccines are more harmful to them, it is completely unconscionable, and should be illegal, to advocate or administer Covid vaccines to young adults and children.

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Ticking time bombs

The coronavirus appears to be becoming less dangerous to the unvaccinated and more dangerous to the vaccinated:

She said, up until two weeks ago, she was able to successfully treat every patient who contracted COVID-19. But, since then, she said seven fully vaccinated patients died from complications, such as pneumonia or stroke, caused by the virus.

“They were all fully vaccinated, which was disturbing… For one, I got to the hospital, the initial report, he was doing well. 2 liters of oxygen, sitting up, good saturation rate, crashed in 72 hours and died,” Seemann said.

This sort of ridiculous acceleration of disease progression is a screaming safety signal. It strongly implies, but does not prove, that the vaccine turned on the recipient and when later exposed made the progression of disease worse.

This was repeatedly demonstrated in animal testing with the original SARS virus when vaccine development was attempted. It was believed the cause of it was evaded by the current vaccines developed for Covid-19 but the only way to know for sure was to take years of testing to make certain that the ordinary mutational patterns that all viruses undergo did not result in such an outcome down the road.

This simply isn’t a surprise, given that it is exactly the way the animal testing proceeded. But it is additional evidence that a lack of immediate adverse effects is not proof that the mRNA vaccines are safe over time.

The Game of Corporate Chicken

An executive at a Fortune 500 confirms that the corporations are bluffing with regards to their vaccination policies:

I’m in a senior position at a Fortune 500 company, and I can tell you that leadership is highly, highly stressed about the number of people refusing mandatory vaccinations. They are currently betting that employees will blink before management, but if the unvaccinated employees stand firm in their convictions, this company will be fucked. If the company follows through on its threats and fires all the unvaccinated employees, the company will be decimated and will not be able to function.

Don’t give up. Don’t give in. There are more of us than there are of them.

He’s right. Stand strong, stand firm, and keep your genes clean. And did you catch what this stress on the part of vaccine-refusers implies? The reported percentage of people who have already been vaccinated is almost certainly exaggerated.

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How the vaxxed view the fate of the unvaxxed

McRapey waxes philosophical on how he and his fellow vaxxed should feel about the death of unvaccinated individuals:

So when your cousin/high school friend/neighbor and people like them who choose not to get vaccinated contract COVID and die, while the temptation is to be all, welp, what did you expect, you fucked around and found out, entertain the notion that, alongside anything else about the situation, they have been victimized by people who largely knew better. There are people who know that a virus doesn’t care about politics, but decided to frame it as a political issue because doing so ultimately allows them to sell pillows and nutritional powders and reverse mortgages and gold coins and whatnot to the people they terrified and made angry and ignorant, and because they think that in the authoritarian future they are working so hard to bring about, somehow they will be the ones wearing the boots instead of being crushed under a heel like everyone else.

Indeed, here in the second half of 2021, how bad should we feel about the COVID-related death of anyone who still chooses not to get vaccinated — with the full knowledge of the consequences of contracting COVID, and the spread of the rather-more-infectious Delta variant of the disease, and the ease of acquiring a shot (which here in the US is free to get, incidentally)? Is there a certain point where one throws up one’s hands, says, “well, you knew better, didn’t you?” and washes one’s hands of them?

As with so many things in this world, I think it depends.

Let’s begin by acknowledging a moral hazard inherent here. Mainly: there’s a difference between wondering how badly one should feel about the willfully unvaccinated dying of COVID, and hoping that they do. If you are in the latter camp, remember that wishing death on people almost always makes you the asshole in the scenario. I personally make an effort not to wish people dead, even as I acknowledge I have a list of people I think the planet would be better off without. I won’t mourn their sorry asses when they’re gone. I’m not going to hope they get pushed in front of a bus, however. And I’m not going to do any of that pushing myself.

With that acknowledged, I think we can separate the currently unvaccinated into three major categories:

1. Those who legitimately cannot be vaccinated: Children under the age of 12, and those over that age who have medical reasons that keep them from being vaccinated are generally blameless if they catch the virus. You should feel bad for them if they die, and if you additionally feel a bit pissed off that the willfully unvaccinated made their lives harder by not being vaccinated when they easily could be, then that’s perfectly all right. Because they did! And that’s an asshole thing to do.

2. Those who could be vaccinated but aren’t because they’re ignorant and/or have a head full of bullshit: This is the largest group, and personally I have some sympathy for them. Look, it’s hard to remember this sometimes, but lots of people don’t feel obliged to follow the news of the day with any assiduousness. When they do, they often get it from sources that a) have trained them over years to mistrust information that does not come from them, b) are lying to them because they have a financial motive for doing so. This informational ecosystem of bullshit has gone out of its way to frame a viral pandemic as just another political issue, which it’s fundamentally not. A virus doesn’t give a shit about your politics, only whether it can gain a foothold in your body.

But for millions of people, that framing has taken hold and at this point it’s impossible to shake. Your cousin/high school friend/neighbor railing about masks and “vaccination passports” on Facebook has been fed bullshit and accepts the idea that only the people feeding them bullshit are truly “objective” and trustworthy. We can go on and on about how that happened and the ultimate culpability of your cousin/high school friend/neighbor in their own ignorance and pleasure in pouring bullshit into their own head. But, for the moment, accept that they have been lied to, and are unfortunately not particularly well-equipped to break out of the framing that’s been reinforced to them, over and over, by the media figures and politicians they trusted (mind you, they will likely be furious if you point out the latter bit to them; they’re the free-thinkers, you see).

You can be sorry that because a vast right-wing propaganda machine thought it was more important to grasp toward power than to value human life, your cousin/high school friend/neighbor/whomever is now dead. Hopefully you will be motivated to avenge their death.

(There are people out there in the US not attached to the right wing who are also steering people away from vaccines, which I am noting here simply so people don’t bring up the point in the comments. Sure, they exist. With that said, let’s not pretend that the high correlation between the parts of the US that are deemed “vaccine hesitant,” and which parts of the US that voted for Trump in 2020, is some sort of wild coincidence).

3. Those who could have been vaccinated but weren’t because they were busy selling the lie: Dick Farrel, by all appearances, falls into that category. Not only did he apparently dine on the bullshit, he was also serving it up on his radio show and on (ugh) Newsmax. He was actively demonizing health experts and encouraging people not to get vaccinated. Who knows how many people found themselves infected, hospitalized, and dead because of his actions, and the actions of others like him in media and politics reinforcing each others’ bullshit. He went out of his way to peddle a lie and endanger the health of others, because among other things he thought there was some coin in it. I hope he brought a couple of coins for the ferryman when he went. That’s all the benefit he’s going to get out of them at this point.

My reaction to the Dick Farrels of the world is: I’m sorry their friends lost a friend, and I’m sorry for all the people they fed bullshit to who are currently in danger of contracting a dangerous but easily preventable virus because he encouraged them not to protect themselves with a simple, safe and efficient vaccine. If his death and deathbed conversion to the efficacy of vaccines serves as a useful rebuttal to all his previous bullshit on the subject, so much the better. Beyond that, I wouldn’t have wished him dead, and I’m glad he’s no longer able to tell other people not to get vaccinated. It’s too bad the former was required for the latter, but, well. Here we are. If it takes more deaths like his for it to sink in, at least they will not be entirely useless deaths. This is about as kindly as I can put that.

Now, it will be absolutely fascinating to observe how this slightly smug perspective begins to transform once the vaccinated population begin to realize that they are actually far more likely to die, either of Covid itself or of one of the many adverse vaccine effects, and worse, begin to suspect that they may have sterilized their children as well.

I just hope their understandable fear, rage, and violence is directed toward deserving targets, namely, toward the scientists and politicians and journalists who have done this to them, rather than toward innocent parties who were intelligent and aware enough to avoid stepping into the diabolical trap laid by the wicked.

“In many instances Stage 2 testing of the mRNA “vaccines” produced immune system failures within 6 to 18 months.”

Regardless, it would be wise to remember how they felt about the prospect of your death when they succumb to corona-chan or the adverse effects of their fourth booster shot.

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