A Pandemic of the Vaccinated

In every age group from 20-79, the percentage of the confirmed Covid cases are “fully vaccinated” exceeds the percentage of the population that is “fully vaccinated”.

This means the fake vaccines are literally worse than nothing. And remember, the Antibody Dependent Enhancement that is created by the “vaccines” don’t merely enhance Covid-19, they will enhance all similar viruses, including the common cold virus.

This isn’t just logic applied to scientific data anymore. This isn’t just theory. This is now the published medical reality from a sample size of 18,678 confirmed Covid cases. The fake vaccines will not protect you, and contrary to the government and media propaganda, they will render you more susceptible to infection, hospitalization, and possibly, death, than simply doing nothing.

If you chose to get vaxxed, if you choose to submit to the boosters, you’re knowingly playing Russian Roulette, you just don’t know how many chambers are loaded. And, at this point, you’ve confirmed that you’re literally too stupid to survive on the basis of anything but sheer luck and the kindness of strangers who profit by injecting graphene into your body. Regardless of how it plays out, it’s impossible for me to harbor any sympathy for the vaxxed; it’s not as if people weren’t repeatedly screaming “don’t even think of doing it” for months before the first fake vaccines were made available to you.


The Mark of the Australian Beast

Australia returns to its penal colony roots:

The Australian state of Victoria will “lock out” unvaccinated people from participating in the economy, Premier Dan Andrews has announced. Victoria is currently under draconian lockdown restrictions, with residents of Melbourne – who make up the vast majority of the state’s population – living under a 9pm to 5am curfew, forbidden from leaving their homes except to work, buy groceries, or get a Covid-19 vaccination. When the lockdown is lifted, Premier Dan Andrews said on Sunday, future restrictions will apply only to those who are unvaccinated.

“There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated,” Andrews stated. “We’re going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be.”

So much for the once-vaunted courage of the ANZACs. What a lot of feeble sheep they are turning out to be! Historically they went to war for considerably less egregious violations of the rights of foreigners. Then again, on the plus side, this is sound encouragement for sane Australians to leave before China takes over the continent.


Evil Britain Seeks to Vaccinate Kids

And they’re even planning to evade any requirement for parental consent. Of course, those wise 12-year-olds who have “enough maturity” to elect to get vaccinated won’t be paying the bills for the medical treatment they’ll require for the adverse effects. And neither will the British Medical Association nor the British government that is now pushing the worse-than-useless shots on children:

Some 12-year-olds have ‘enough maturity’ to decide whether to get a Covid vaccine, a British Medical Association chief claimed today amid a row over jabbing children.

Dr David Strain claimed youngsters aged 12 to 15 were capable of weighing up the benefits of vaccination against the small risk of serious side effects.He claimed they should be able to overrule their parents’ wishes and get the injection if officials sign off on the plans this week.

Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said yesterday that children would be able to get the vaccine against their parents’ wishes if it is made available for the age group.

The awful consequences of this evil attempt to sacrifice the children for the benefit of keeping Britain’s Boomers alive can already be observed.

An FA Youth Cup match was abandoned Thursday evening as a young footballer was rushed to hospital after suffering a ‘cardiac arrest’ on the pitch.

Fans have been asked to leave the stands after the match between West Bridgford Colts and Boston United was abandoned on Thursday evening.

The game was being held at Regatta Way Sports Ground, the home stadium of the West Bridgford Colts in Gamston, Nottinghamshire.

Eyewitnesses reported a player remaining unresponsive after receiving ‘multiple’ shocks from a defibrillator.

The player, reportedly a member of West Bridford’s team, has been taken to Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham as paramedics battle to save his life.

Three ambulances, including the air unit, attended the scene as emergency services rushed to revive him.

UPDATE: The BBC has confirmed the death of the 17-year-old player.

This is pure and unmitigated evil. There is no scientific or medical justification for injecting these awful poisons into children. None whatsoever. These vaccines are murder by medicine.


From Theory to Reality

We have no plans to introduce vaccine passports. We have vaccinated, as of yesterday, 2,431,648 first dose and 412,167 second dose. No one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport

Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi, 10 January 2021

Mr. Zahawi, presumably of the Oxford Zahawis, who is obviously every bit as British as any Angle, any Saxon, and any descendant of Alfred the Great, has unaccountably changed his tune of late.

Nadhim Zahawi today confirmed vaccine passports will be required to gain entry to large venues, arguing the documents are the ‘best way’ to avoid winter Covid closures. The Vaccine Minister said the Government is concerned large venues ‘could end up causing a real spike in infections’ because of groups of people mixing in close proximity.

Minister Nadhim Zahawi confirms vaccine passports WILL be required for entry to large venues from October to avoid winter closures, Daily Mail, 5 September 2021

Nine months is all it requires for conspiracy theory to become conspiracy reality these days. In a more honest and accurate word, conspiracy theorists would be described as spoiler alerts.

ER Doctor Lied About Ivermectin ODs

The Vaccine Nazis must be running short on crisis actors since they’re now hiring actual doctors to publicly lie about the state of the hospitals. Oklahoma ER doctor Dr. Jason McElyea very publicly claimed that people overdosing on ivermectin were causing emergency rooms to be “so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting” access to health facilities.

As always, anything you read in the mainstream media is the one thing you can be certain is not true. Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.

The hospital McElyea worked for, NHS Sequoyah, located in Sallisaw, Oklahoma – just issued a statement disavowing McElyea’s claims.

Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room.

With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months.

NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose.

All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.

We want to reassure our community that our staff is working hard to provide quality healthcare to all patients. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify this issue and as always, we value our community’s support.

Forget being “overwhelmed”. They haven’t even treated ONE SINGLE PATIENT for an Ivermectin overdose. Not one! Please, for the love of God and all that is Good, Beautiful, and True, please keep this incident in mind the next time you see an anecdotal report provided by a doctor in the media. The medical community is corrupted. Many of the doctors speaking out publicly are liars, when they aren’t fake doctors in the first place. Their statements cannot be trusted to even the slightest degree. And if their statements are in line with the Vaccine Nazi regime, they should be assumed to be lying in defense of the Narrative.

Do not EVER believe anything reported in the mainstream news. Be deeply suspicious even if they report that water is wet or that the sun rose in the east this morning.


Almost, But Not Quite, Completely Worthless

An analysis of the statistics indicates that the covid vaccines are more than 90 percent worthless:

As it turns out there’s damn good reason to not have faith since the table in that article discloses that in July 75.2% of cases, all symptomatic, were in fully-vaccinated workers. The workforce was 83.1% fully-vaccinated at that time. There was only one death and thus statistically the power to prevent death was undetermined.

It is reasonable to believe that zero of said workers are in fact seriously immune-compromised since being so would make working in a health-care setting, with sick people all around you on a daily basis, a literal suicidal act.

Now if the vaccine was completely worthless then 83.1% of cases would be in vaccinated persons and 16.9% in unvaccinated persons, since that would be the ratable portion. If the vaccine was 100% effective then 100% of the cases would be in unvaccinated persons and, of course, zero in vaccinated individuals.

The Market Ticker, 2 September 2021

For some reason, the CDC and various health ministries have been very slow to report that the vaccines are 9.51 percent effective. Fortunately, it does not appear that they are as unsafe as they are ineffective.


30 Percent of Nurses Will Quit

That’s about the percentage that has persistently appeared in polls concerning rejection of the fake vaccines:

Pushback against area hospital systems’ mandates for employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 continues with the latest coming from more than 100 nurses who say they’d quit before complying.

A number of UC Medical Center nurses, responding to a union survey, indicated they would leave their jobs if the hospital system’s vaccine mandate is finalized.

The Ohio Nurses Association survey was conducted immediately after UC Health and other area hospital systems announced they would mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for their employees. The survey, done Aug. 5-12, was made public Wednesday. Results show that 136 of 456 nurses who responded – balked at the mandate. The medical center has more than 1,500 nurses.

Cincinnati-area medical leaders face the news media Aug. 5 at the Christ Hospital Health Network in Mount Auburn to announce a region-wide vaccination mandate for hospital employees and volunteers starting Oct. 1. From left: Deborah Hayes, chief executive officer of the Christ Hospital; Michael Fisher, CEO, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Mark Clement, CEO, TriHealth; Dr. Richard Lofgren, CEO, UC Health; Dr. Steve Feagins, chief clinical officer, Bon Secours Mercy Health; David Fikse, president, Mercy Health-Cincinnati, Dr. Robert Prichard, chief clinical integration officer, St. Elizabeth Healthcare in Edgewood, and Dr. Thomas Lamarre, infectious disease specialist at the Christ Hospital.

The survey underscores the ongoing controversy over the region’s health systems requiring vaccinations, which at one point landed all six of them in local courts. A recruiter with St. Elizabeth Healthcare, another of the six health systems, recently told The Enquirer that the vaccine mandate had led some nurses to quit.

“This places the medical center in a very difficult position, and it places the nurses in a very difficult position,” said Dominic Mendiola, labor representative for the nurses association. He said that UCMC has been at capacity on and off since July, and currently, 187 nursing positions are posted.

At this point, everyone who is dumb enough to get vaccinated against corona-chan has been. Virtually everyone else is not “vaccine-hesitant”, but vaccine-resistant to the point that they will resist even government-forced vaccinations, to say nothing of employer-mandated ones.

And to be honest, nearly one-third of the population is much better than I was expecting. Given MPAI and the relentlessness of the media and social media propaganda, I anticipated 10-15 percent. Not only that, but it’s evident, on an anecdotal level, that the combination of the boosters and the twice-daily pfill is causing the number of vaccine skeptics to grow rapidly.


The Broken Window School of Medicine

Pfizer is going to offer booster subscribers a twice-daily pill to keep them from dying of adverse reactions and mutant ADE infections breaking through the boosters:

Pharmaceutical megacorporation pfizer is now developing a COVID pill that is meant to be taken alongside the COVID vaccines that have already made the company a staggering amount of money. The new pill is expected to be released by the end of the year and will be required to be taken twice per day.

“Success against #COVID19 will likely require both vaccines & treatments,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Wednesday. “We’re pleased to share we’ve started a Phase 2/3 study of our oral antiviral candidate-specifically designed to combat SARS-CoV-2-in non-hospitalized, low-risk adults.”

Seriously, who keeps falling for this nonsense? Precisely how brain-dead must you be to keep buying what they’re selling?


Not All Employers are Idiots

Even some hospitals are beginning to recognize that not requiring the vaxx – which as soon as October will require THREE shots in the USA to maintain “fully vaccinated” status -will give them a competitive advantage in acquiring and retaining employees in a difficult labor environment:

I was visiting with a couple board members of local hospitals recently. One asked the other if they were going to require their employees to get vaccinated. The hospital is ~70% vaccinated, and the board member said they discussed it but decided at this time, they would not because 1) they were worried about losing even a small portion of the remaining 30% and creating issues with hospital staffing, and 2) as most hospitals around us are requiring it, they felt they may have a hiring advantage if they are in the minority of hospitals that do not require employees to be vaccinated.

So don’t be afraid to tell your employer that a) you are willing to get fired over any requirement to inject foreign substances into your body and b) that if employees with less than three shots are not also fired before the end of the year, you will sue them for discrimination.


Mailvox: Vaccine or Get Out

I can’t confirm the accuracy of this, but I received an email that contained the following information:

Cadets at USAFA will be forced to receive the covid vaccine Monday morning (8/30) or be dismissed from the Academy.

If it’s legitimate, I assume that similar steps are being taken at West Point and the Naval Academy. We already know of one former midshipman who recently left Annapolis due to the constant pressure to get vaccinated, so whether this particular assertion is accurate or not, the campaign to indoctrinate and vaccinate the officers of tomorrow is real.

We can’t know how many cadets will elect to abandon their careers, but we can be certain that this will be an absolute disaster for US military capabilities. It should be kept in mind, however, that this isn’t necessarily the awful thing many people would have thought it was before the US government declared patriots and white people to be among its most pressing threats.