India Defeated Covid with Ivermectin

It’s not up for debate anymore. The expensive mRNA fake vaccine approach has completely failed, with Antibody Dependent Enhancement and Vaccine Enhanced Infection “breakthroughs” now outnumbering the number of unvaccinated people being infected everywhere from Israel to Ireland. Meanwhile, in India, the disease has been all but eradicated by a US-size state that has relied upon a cheap, well-known, Nobel Prize-winning medication.

Uttar Pradesh, India — 33 districts in that state have been declared “Covid-free.”

Well, ok, not that entirely the entire state is Covid free, but close enough.

241 million people, 199 active cases. The positive test rate is currently 0.01%. In other words, statistically zero.


It’s not vaccination; statistically-speaking none of their people have been vaccinated while, according to JAMA’s study approximately 62% of the population of the US showed vaccine-generated antibodies as of May.

I bet you can figure out how they did it and it will only require one word too.

If you’re having trouble, well, read here because it’s fully explained and that one word is not vaccines.

Tell me again why hospitals, doctors and so-called “public health experts” still have a microphone to use; as I advocated for many, many months ago Utter Pradesh has cut off forward transmission of the virus with a cheap and safe drug.

No transmission, no epidemic. Period. It’s that simple.

This is a state that has a per-capita GDP of about $1,000, a total GDP of $240 billion, 40% of the citizens are below the poverty line, well above average for the nation as a whole.

It is a poor state and worse, the most-populous in the nation and has extremely high-density cities — the most-fertile environment imaginable for a pandemic virus — yet they slayed Covid with a cheap, wildly-available drug.

The fake vaccines aren’t just evil Satanic initiation rites that are intended to reduce the global population, they are also irrelevant, ineffective, and obviously unnecessary.

UPDATE: A direct comparison of how Utter Pradesh (241 million) is doing compared to the United States (331 million)

A population comparable to the US went from about 35,000 cases and 350 deaths per day to nearly ZERO within weeks of adding Ivermectin to their protocol. By comparison, the United States is the lower graph. On August 5, here in the good ol’ USA, blessed with the glorious vaccines, we have 127,108 new cases per day and 574 new deaths.

Let us look at the August 5 numbers from Uttar Pradesh with 2/3 of our population. Uttar Pradesh, using Ivermectin, had a total of 26 new cases and exactly THREE deaths. The US without Ivermectin has precisely 4889 times as many daily cases and 191 times as many deaths as Uttar Pradesh with Ivermectin.

It is not even close. Countries do orders of magnitude better WITH Ivermectin.

The Vaccine is the Virus

An in-depth and informative interview with two French vaccine experts, one of whom, Dr. Christian Perrone, was the Vice-President of the European Advisory Group to the World Health Organisation and was in charge of France’s vaccine program from 1994 to 2020:

Mike Robinson: Professor Perronne, I’d like to delve into hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in a little more detail in a minute, but before we get there, you said something in your last comment there that just raises a question. Is there currently a pandemic? What you said suggests there isn’t. Was there ever a pandemic?

But, as well as that, with respect to the “variants”: the mainstream media and the politicians are pushing—on the normal Sunday morning politics programmes—once again very strongly that the “Delta variant” and the “subsequent variants” which are coming along are going to have an extremely negative impact on anyone who’s unvaccinated at the moment. They’re saying that this coming winter, the “vaccinated” are going to be fine generally, but the unvaccinated are going to have a very hard time.

So is there a pandemic, was there ever a pandemic, but as well as that, should the unvaccinated be afraid of the current “variants” that are out there, and the coming “variants”?

Christian Perronne: Exactly the reverse! Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants. In transmission, it’s been proven now in several countries that vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. That’s been proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians. They’re having big problems in Israel now: severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination programme and there are problems [there] also.

But also, the “variants” are not very dangerous. All the “variants” since last year are less and less virulent. That’s always the story in infectious diseases. In my hospital, in March-April 2020, the whole building was full of people with Covid-19: fifty patients. And the so-called “second”, “third”, “fourth waves” were just very small waves, because the hospitals are not full any more. But in the media, they said that all the hospitals were full of patients. That’s not true. Of course, the epidemic was going on, but the “variants” were less and less virulent.

You know, in August 2020, they said, “The ‘Spanish variant’ will kill all of Europe!”—but in the end, there was no real problem.

After that, they said, “The British variant!”, and after that, “The New Zealand variant!”, and “The American variant!”, and “The South African variant!”, and so on. All that is only media stuff. It’s not scientifically-based. The “Delta variant” is of very low virulence. If you look at the official rates of the disease and of death in Brazil and India, which were the two last countries in the world with an active transmission of the disease, all the curves are going down. And now, the epidemic is quite over in many countries worldwide.

Yet now, you have governments obliging their citizens to be inoculated with these so-called “vaccines”—and in the countries where they did that, once the epidemic was [already] finished, the epidemic came back, and deaths started again.

In Vietnam, for example, it was an amazing success, they had only a few dozen deaths over more than a year, [the epidemic] was finished, and then one of the ministers said, “We have to vaccinate the whole population!” It’s now nearly mandatory, and after the start of this vaccination campaign, the epidemic came back and fatal cases occurred again. That’s proof that these inoculations are not a vaccine, but may facilitate the reappearance of the disease and also of deaths.

Read the whole thing. It’s increasingly clear that Russian military intelligence was essentially correct in its analysis of the situation. There was never any pandemic, as the “fear the deadly virus” campaign was a massive psychological operation designed to kill as many as five birds at once, but most importantly, freeze the global economy to prevent the financial crash that was imminent at the time.

  • Prevent a financial crash and credit evaporation
  • Weaken Xi Xinping and punish China for choosing nationalism over globalism
  • Prevent the re-election of Donald Trump
  • Produce billions in profit for various corporations in the pharmaceutical and medical industries
  • Provide a foundation for the human depopulation agenda

Meanwhile, the servants of Satan at Pfizer have now announced that they will seek vaccination of children as young as six months:

Pfizer to seek US vaccine approval for children between 6 months and 5 years in November


If You’re Vaccinated, You’re Retarded

I’m sorry, but it’s true. You put potentially lethal poison into your body because a group of people you know to have been repeatedly confirmed to be liars told you to do it. I don’t care what your retarded justifications and excuses were. You’re literally as stupid as the idiot who drinks antifreeze or huffs spraypaint.

Sure, Covid can kill you, even if you’re not old or obese, but so can stepping on the soap in the shower and you’re not injecting yourself with poison that won’t protect you from that.

“There is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate.”
— Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz

When people finally begin to understand what has been done to them and their children, it’s going to look like The Purge, except it will be doctors and scientists being hunted.


UK Emancipates Teenagers

Parents in the UK no longer have the ability to refuse to vaccinate their children over the age of 12:

Chris Whitty today endorsed plans to vaccinate healthy 12 to 15-year-olds against Covid, with millions of children due to start getting their jabs from next week. England’s Chief Medical Officer and his counterparts in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland said a secondary school rollout will help prevent further disruptions to education this winter. Under-16s will initially only be offered a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine, shown to be up to 55 per cent effective at preventing infection from the Delta variant. A decision on second doses is still to be determined, when more data is available internationally. Officials will weigh up the risk of heart complications after vaccination, which are slightly more common after the second shot. Doses will be largely administered through the school vaccination programme, and it’s believed parental consent will be sought – but children will be able to overrule their parents in the case of a conflict.

It’s astonishing to observe that the British fought the Scots and the Irish and the Indians just to rule over them, fought the Spanish on behalf of the Spaniards, fought the French on behalf of continental Europe, fought the Germans on behalf of the French and the Poles, but they won’t lift a single finger to defend their own children from the evil vampires of their medical community.

Also note that this is an effective lowering of the age of consent to 12. After all, if you’re old enough to make important medical decisions for yourself, you’re old enough to make decisions about other activities concerning your body.

They have been reduced to a subjugated and demoralized people, reduced to such a state that their current “national” hero is a half-Chinese, half-Romanian girl born in Canada. Hitler, Napoleon, and King Philip II of Spain must be laughing themselves sick in Hell.


Now They Come for the Children

The FDA is expected to approve the fake vaccines for elementary shool children:

The former head of the Food and Drug Administration said Sunday that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine could be approved for children ages 5 to 11 by the end of October.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who helmed the FDA under President Trump and serves on Pfizer’s board of directors, said the company should get information on its vaccines on young kids before the end of September — paving the way for approval for the next age group to get the jab.

“In a best-case scenario, given that timeline they’ve just laid out, you could potentially have a vaccine available to children aged 5 to 11 by Halloween,” Gottlieb said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

“If everything goes well, the Pfizer data package is in order, and FDA ultimately makes a positive determination, I have confidence in Pfizer in terms of the data that they’ve collected. But this is really up to the Food and Drug Administration to make an objective determination.”

The FDA has said it would take weeks, not months, to determine whether to OK the two-dose vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11. Pfizer, the only fully approved FDA vaccine, has been testing its shot on kids 2 years and older and has previously said data on children 2 to 5 could arrive just after September. It expected to have information from the 6-month to 2-year-old age group sometime in October or November.

The decision about whether to vaccinate younger children comes amid pressure to contain a surge of infections caused by the Delta variant, which has complicated efforts for schools to return to classes.

Gottlieb said he believes the shots will eventually be required for public school students.

These people are literal servants of Satan, just as Jesus told us they are. They’re pushing these poisons on helpless US children despite the fact that they can see what a disaster mass vaccination has been in Israel.

Philip Dormitzer, the chief scientific officer at Pfizer, made the comments to a Zoom gathering of academics last week. They were first reported by Channel 12 news on Friday night.

“Early in the pandemic we established a relationship with the Israeli Ministry of Health where they used exclusively the Pfizer vaccine and then monitored it very closely,” Dormitzer told the gathering, “so we had a sort of laboratory where we could see the effect.”

He added that Israel “immunized a very high proportion of the population very early — so it’s been a way that we can almost look ahead: What we see happening in Israel happens again in the US a couple months later.”

Israel has not only required a third shot in order to maintain “fully-vaccinated” status, but has released statistics that prove vaccination is literally worse than useless.


Ain’t No Boomer Like A Gab Boomer

“No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation.”
—David Spangler, 1978

The vaccine is not, to the best of my knowledge, the Biblical Mark of the Beast. The Beast has not yet revealed himself. But the act of receiving the vaccine does appear to be submission to, and participation in, a Luciferian initiation rite.

God knows what is in a man’s heart. But Satan doesn’t care, he just wants your submission.

When we were attacked in world war 2, we rolled up our sleeves and beat the Nazis and Japanese by working together as a country. Today, we have a virus that can kill people and all we have to do is get a simple shot, backed by science, and you pussies are too afraid to get it. Fucking communist cowards.

Ok Boomer. Enjoy your heart attack.



VACCINE, adjective [Latin vaccinus, from vacca, a cow.]

Pertaining to cows; originating with or derived from cows; as the vaccine disease or cow-pox.
— American Dictionary of the English Language
, 1828


A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.
— CDC, August 2021

A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.
— CDC, September 2021


Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease.
—CDC, until 2015

The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
—CDC, 2015 – August 2021

The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
—CDC, September 2021


A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828

Destroying the Hearts of Men

The Covid vaccines are inflicting serious heart damage on young men everywhere from California to the football pitches of England:

Research conducted by the University of California has found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems caused by the COVID-19 vaccine than to be hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 itself.

“A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac myocarditis – heart inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine,” reports the Telegraph.

“They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation.”

“Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.”

This compares to the risk of a healthy boy being hospitalized as a result of a COVID infection, which is around 26.7 per million, meaning the risk they face from the vaccine is 6.1 times higher.

Even during high risk rates of COVID, such as in January this year, the threat posed by the vaccine is 4.3 times higher, while during low risk rates, the risk of teenage boys suffering a “cardiac adverse event” from the vaccine is a whopping 22.8 times higher.

The research data was based on a study of adverse reactions suffered by teens between January and June this year.

In a sane world, such data should represent the nail in the coffin for the argument that teenagers and children should be mandated to take the coronavirus vaccine.

And yet, the UK is going to approve vaccines for teenage boys anyhow. Because – and I’m not kidding – it could improve their mental health.

Chris Whitty is set to clear the way for 12 to 15 year olds to routinely be given Covid vaccines – but they may only get one dose, it was claimed today. England’s chief medical officer, who was asked by No10 to make the final decision on jabbing youngsters, is next week expected to sign off on expanding the roll-out to include all over-12s. It could see secondary school children given jabs from the week commencing September 20. Advisers told him that the jabs could boost the mental health of youngsters and stop them taking time off school, The Times claims.

This is insanity and evil of Lovecraftian proportions. We’re already seeing young athletes collapsing and dying in the middle of sporting events. This is going to happen more and more often as the third and fourth booster shots are required. At this point, it is beginning to become apparent that we may be witnessing one of the greatest crimes in human history. It would not surprise me in the least if in the future, when the full extent of the truth is revealed, we see governments fall as scientists and doctors are hunted down like dangerous vermin.


Creepy Joe’s Covid Plan

President Biden is implementing a six-pronged, comprehensive national strategy that employs the same science-based approach that was used to successfully combat previous variants of COVID-19 earlier this year. This plan will ensure that we are using every available tool to combat COVID-19 and save even more lives in the months ahead, while also keeping schools open and safe, and protecting our economy from lockdowns and damage.

  • Requiring All Employers with 100+ Employees to Ensure their Workers are Vaccinated or Tested Weekly
  • Requiring Vaccinations for all Federal Workers and for Millions of Contractors that Do Business with the Federal Government
  • Requiring COVID-⁠19 Vaccinations for Over 17 Million Health Care Workers at Medicare and Medicaid Participating Hospitals and Other Health Care Settings
  • Calling on Large Entertainment Venues to Require Proof of Vaccination or Testing for Entry
  • Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Time Off to Get Vaccinated
  • Providing Easy Access to Booster Shots for All Eligible Americans
  • Ensuring Americans Know Where to Get a Booster
  • Requiring Staff in Head Start Programs, Department of Defense Schools, and Bureau of Indian Education-Operated Schools to be Vaccinated
  • Calling on All States to Adopt Vaccine Requirements for All School Employees
  • Providing Additional Funding to School Districts for Safe School Reopening, Including Backfilling Salaries and Other Funding Withheld by States for Implementing COVID Safety Measures
  • Using the Department of Education’s Full Legal Authority to Protect Students’ Access to In-Person Instruction
  • Getting Students and School Staff Tested Regularly
  • Providing Every Resource to the FDA to Support Timely Review of Vaccines for Individuals Under the Age of 12
  • Mobilizing Industry to Expand Easy-to-Use Testing Production
  • Making At-Home Tests More Affordable
  • Sending Free Rapid, At-Home Tests to Food Banks and Community Health Centers
  • Expanding Free, Pharmacy Testing
  • Continuing to Require Masking for Interstate Travel and Double Fines
  • Continue to Require Masking on Federal Property
  • Increasing Support for COVID-Burdened Hospitals
  • Getting Life-Saving Monoclonal Antibody Treatment to Those Who Need It
  • Expanding the Pool of Health Care Professionals Providing Treatment by Deploying Federal Monoclonal Antibody Strike Teams

Aside from the support for monoclonal antibody treatment, there’s literally nothing good one can say about this plan. I’m just surprised that they didn’t go right for the flight bans, but then, they are probably under the mistaken illusion that those who are still unvaccinated won’t even hesitate to quit their jobs rather than submit to the death jabs.


Vaxxing All Feds

Anti-President Biden dictates the vaccination of all federal employees and all employees of federal contractors:

President Joe Biden on Thursday will impose more stringent vaccine rules on federal workers, and take steps to encourage private businesses to do the same, during a major speech meant to lay out a new approach to combating the coronavirus.

Among the steps that the President will take is signing an executive order requiring all federal workers to be vaccinated, with no option of being regularly tested to opt out of the requirement, according to a source familiar with the plans.

The President will also sign an executive order directing that same standard be extended to employees of contractors who do business with the federal government. The Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian Health Service and National Institute of Health will also complete their previously announced vaccination requirements, which the White House estimates covers 2.5 million people.

That is a significant move beyond the one Biden announced earlier this summer that required federal workers be vaccinated but allowed for those who opted out to be subject to stringent mitigation measures. The White House has said the federal government should act as a model for other businesses in their own vaccine mandates, and has praised large companies that require employees to be vaccinated.

And he will address the confusion over booster shots, though will not make any new announcements on when additional doses will be authorized for Americans.

Suddenly the NIGHTMARE KITTY SCENARIO doesn’t look so awful. At least we’d be rid of the entire federal government. I’ll update this post once the actual announcement is made.

UPDATE: CNN’s description appears to be more than a bit of an exaggeration. The Department of Defense guidance letter that went out this morning allows for both exemptions and testing in lieu of “full-vaccination”, which is defined as two shots, no booster. As always, never trust the media’s version of events.