Hospitals as Hit Men

In his pre-Christmas letter, Archbishop Vigano referred to “the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths.” And as I pointed out on last night’s Darkstream, one can no more expect a hospital, once converged, to perform its primary mission of saving human lives than one can reasonably expect a converged university to provide its primary mission of providing higher education.

Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, “CMS has granted ‘waivers’ of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.” She notes that “rights do not come from the hospital or CMS and cannot be waived, as that is the antithesis of a ‘right.’ The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

Creating a “National Pandemic Emergency” provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.

The hospital payments include:

A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

There was no “Covid pandemic” per se. What actually happened was the deliberate weaponization of cold and flu season, made to look more lethal than normal by the intentional euthanization of elderly patients in hospitals and nursing homes. This isn’t a “conspiracy theory”, it is a fully-substantiated, copiously-documented observation that you yourself witnessed in real time.

The bonus for the remdesivir protocol is particularly damning. An experimental drug for Ebola that killed a substantial percentage of its test subjects is obviously not a reasonable treatment for a virus that doesn’t kill 99.98 percent of the patients infected.

The Ebola virus spreads through direct contact with broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth. The World Health Organization estimates that the virus kills about half of the people who contract it…. After results from the first 499 participants had been reviewed, the trial’s safety monitors recommended that two drugs—ZMapp and remdesivir—be dropped from the remainder of the trial. These two drugs were much less effective at preventing death.

Note that 51.3 percent of the patients who received ZMapp and remdesivir died, compared to 49.7 percent of those who received only ZMapp.


You’re Very Far From Alone

The vaccinated percentage of the various state populations are being severely overestimated.

As we can see from the above according to the UK Health Security Agency report, 32.4 million people have had a single dose, 29.7 million people have had a second dose, and 15 million people have had a third dose as of December 12th 2021. This means there are 23.5 million people who have refused to partake in the largest real-world experiment ever conducted, not just 5 million that has been claimed for months

In other words, the pureblood percentage of the UK population is 42 percent, not 8.9 percent. The same is almost certainly true in every other Western country where the vaccines are being relentlessly pushed, such as the USA. Which, of course, is why they are doubling down on the media and corporate pressure to get vaccinated, which wouldn’t make any sense if herd immunity percentages had already been reached.

The US Centers for Disease Control has overcounted the number of Americans who have received Covid-19 vaccines, recording numerous second doses and boosters as first shots, state officials told Bloomberg. While the CDC’s data suggests some 240 million Americans have received at least one shot, the statistics claim just 203 million are fully vaccinated, a statistic which would suggest 37 million Americans started – but did not finish – their course of injections.

However, state and local officials who spoke to Bloomberg on Saturday found those numbers “improbable,” suggesting instead that the government had incorrectly recorded Americans’ vaccine data on a grand scale, mis-counting second doses and booster shots as first doses and thus overestimating the number of vaccinated Americans altogether.

The linked article doesn’t quite reach the correct conclusions, however. Counting second and third shots as first shots means that a) the number of vaccinated people are overestimated, but b) the number of completely unvaccinated people is underestimated.

Furthermore, the number of fake vaccinations is almost certainly much higher than anyone imagines. It’s a lot easier to arrange for a fake vaccination than to import a kilo of cocaine from Columbia, and yet 145,000 kilograms are smuggled into the USA every year.


Mailvox: Blue Cross Doubles Down

The SJWs at Blue Cross Blue Shield are still attempting to coerce their employees into submitting to the vaccine regime despite every legal ruling going against the vaccine mandates to date:

I’ve attached an internal email I received from the president/CEO of Blue Cross, stating they are still requiring employees to get the clot shot regardless of the mandate being halted. He states in the last paragraph the vaccines are “safe, effective, and FDA-approved.” I don’t know if this deceit is from sheer ignorance or pure malevolence. In the end, it doesn’t matter, the threat is still the same. To tell people the shots are FDA approved, knowing full well they are not, and to threaten them over it, has me enraged.

They denied a religious exemption. When I inquired about it, I received a form letter saying I didn’t match their criteria and there are no appeals. They ignored follow-up emails. I tried filing a complaint with EEOC, but they need an inquiry review first, and the earliest date was in Feb., a month after the termination date. I’ve tried filling an inquiry with the California chapter of Children’s Health Defense and have gotten no response.

The only thing I can think to do is attempt to shine a light on this evil. Maybe it can inspire others to stand up, and push back, file civil lawsuits against the man since he’s the one responsible for violating federal law.

From the desk of President and CEO Daniel J. Loepp

BCBSM will move ahead with our vaccination requirements

As you may have read in the news, a Federal District Court judge in Georgia has issued a nationwide injunction requiring the federal government to stop all actions to enforce the federal contractor vaccine mandate. This ruling is a step in a legal process that undoubtedly will continue to play out in the federal courts over coming weeks and months.

The ruling, regardless of its effect on federal enforcement efforts, will not affect BCBSM and our subsidiaries from moving forward to implement our previously announced policy requiring employees to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4.

BCBSM has a legal right, as an employer, to issue policies protecting the health and safety of our workforce, including requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. As such, we are within our legal authority to continue with enforcement of our policy over the coming weeks.

As our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. James Grant, and I have stated many times before, the safe, effective, and FDA-approved vaccines available to us now are the single best way for us, our colleagues, families, and communities to defeat COVID-19 and return BCBSM and our enterprise companies to a normal state of business operations. As a health care organization – committed to enriching, extending, and saving lives – we believe promoting vaccinations that have proven to save lives is the right course to take.

Daniel J. Loepp

President and CEO

This information is for internal use only, as it can contain proprietary or confidential information. It is not to be shared outside the company.

Given that it’s California, it’s going to be very, very difficult to do anything preemptively. Fortunately, the courts in California tend to be strongly anti-corporate. The best strategy at this point is to simply wait to get fired, and then seek recourse. Never forget that the enemy always gets a vote and that trying to prevent a wrongful action can be more difficult than exacting legal retribution for one.

Note that California-based Google is also firing all of its unvaccinated employees.

But remember, it’s very hard to get a court or a legal authority or even a policeman to address a situation before it actually happens. Yes, the perpetrators-to-be may have SAID they’re going to do something, but they haven’t actually done it yet. So there isn’t any serious justification for any legal action yet, because sparing people the emotional and psychological strain of experiencing the wrongful action is just not a concern to anyone on either side of the legal process.


Boost, Baby, Boost

The NFL is requiring a third shot for all coaches and employees.

The NFL is requiring players, coaches and other team personnel to receive a Covid-19 booster by Dec. 27. In a memo sent to teams on Monday and obtained by The Associated Press, the league said: “Given the increased prevalence of the virus in our communities, our experts have recommended that we implement the CDC’s recommendation.”

Despite the fact that neither vaccines nor boosters prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in the NFL.

Cleveland announced on Wednesday morning that Stefanski has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the Browns’ announcement, Stefanski is not only fully vaccinated, but has also received a booster shot. With 12 players on their COVID-19 lists, the Browns already had a full-blown crisis. Then the team announced on Wednesday morning that head coach Kevin Stefanski had tested positive for the virus.

Now Cleveland’s quarterback has, too. According to multiple reports, Baker Mayfield has tested positive for COVID-19.

On the plus side, at least NFL players haven’t been collapsing on the field with heart attacks, like the FIFA players.

Mailvox: A Report from Austria

I can only conclude the Austrian government’s threatened country-wide vaccine mandate is one massive bluff, not dissimilar to the Fake Biden Fake Administration’s threatened mandates, given the reported facts on the ground.

I live in the westernmost province, Vorarlberg, which has ~380,000 inhabitants. A few weeks ago the provincial government compared their residence register with their “vaccination” records and sent out 66,800 letters to those who weren’t on both lists, inviting them to a “vaccination” appointment.

On the back is a list of “vaccination” “myths,” showing what they think the purebloods think:

“Is it true that the corona vaccination doesn’t protect you from all the variants?”
“Is it true that the corona vaccination doesn’t help and that vaccinated people go to the hospital anyway?”
“Can mRNA vaccines change my genetic information?”
“Are the new vaccines unsafe due to the accelerated approval process?”
“Does the corona vaccine produce infertility?”
“Is it true that the long-term effects of the corona vaccination can not yet be evaluated?”
“Is the vaccination useless, since vaccinated people can still get infected?”

There are demonstrations every few days and they’re growing in size. The provincial capital, Bregenz, population ~30,000, had a big demonstration two weeks ago; the media admitted 5000 participants. Yesterday there was another demonstration which was even larger.

There are at least two new political parties forming for the purpose of repealing all corona measures. MFG (Menschen Freiheit Grundrecht = “People, Freedom, Rights”) already won some seats in the provincial government in Upper Austria in September and are now active in every province. In Vorarlberg there’s also a new party FBP (Freie Bürger Partei = “Free Citizens’ Party).

There are also Catholic prayer groups forming all over the country, from Vienna to little villages in the mountains, to pray the rosary for the country every Wednesday.

The government’s proposal threatens a system of fines for those who refuse the “vaccination” and the possibility of jail time for those who don’t pay. As far as I could figure out, there are 160 jail beds in this province and 87% are occupied. So the government is threatening 66,000 people with jail when they have 21 spots to put them in.

The lesson, as always, is this: stand fast, stay pure, and don’t submit. The wicked WILL fail, no matter how they thunder and bluff in an attempt to coerce you through fear.


$40 Million to Kill Ivermectin

That’s how much the Gates Foundation was willing to pay for ONE SINGLE STUDY that falsely badmouthed the successful early treatment of Covid-19 with Ivermectin:

Andrew Hill, PhD, is a senior visiting Research Fellow in Pharmacology at Liverpool University. He is also an advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation. As a researcher for the WHO evaluating ivermectin, Hill wielded enormous influence over international guidance for the drug’s use.

Hill had previously authored a analysis of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 that found the drug overwhelmingly effective.

On Jan. 6 of 2021, Hill testified enthusiastically before the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidlelines Panel in support of ivermectin’s use. Within a month, however, Hill found himself in what he describes as a “tricky situation.” Under pressure from his funding sponsors, Hill then published an unfavorable study. Ironically, he used the same sources as in the original study. Only the conclusions had changed.

Shortly before he published, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy in Bath, England, and one of the world’s leading medical research analysts, contacted Hill via Zoom and recorded the call (transcript below). Lawrie had learned of his new position and reached out to try to rectify the situation.

In a remarkable exchange, a transcript of which appears on pages 137 – 143 in Kennedy’s book, Hill admitted his manipulated study would likely delay the uptake of ivermectin in the UK and United States, but said he hoped his doing so would only set the lifesaving drug’s acceptance back by about “six weeks,” after which he was willing to give his support for its use.

Hill affirmed that the rate of death at that time was 15,000 people per day. At the 80 percent recovery rate using the drug, which Hill and Lawrie discussed earlier in the call, the number of preventable deaths incurred by such a delay would be staggering — as many as 504,000.

Lawrie was unable to persuade Hill, who instead of joining her team as lead author, went ahead and published his manipulated findings.

Four days before publication, Hill’s sponsor Unitaid gave the University of Liverpool, Hill’s employer $40 million.

The Gates Foundation is the primary private sponsor of Unitaid.

Unitaid warmly welcomes the extension of a long-term partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with a new commitment of US$ 50 million, bringing the foundation’s total contribution to Unitaid to US$ 150 million since 2006.

Now, imagine how much more the Gates Foundation has paid for all the other anti-ivermectin propaganda in order to a) sell more vaccines and b) depopulate the planet. This is why you should NEVER trust the Fake Science, which is most corporate- and foundation-funded scientistry these days.


Zuck and Fauci Discuss VEI

Not only is the tide turning, it appears the vaccine narrative may be on the verge of being turned on its head, as Anthony Fauci appears to be going into CYA mode.

Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus. “This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse. There was the history of the respiratory syncytial vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse. One of the HIV vaccines that we tested some years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected.”

No, it wouldn’t be the first time. The problem is that this was always the most likely outcome for the mRNA pseudo-vaccines on the basis of the animal testing that resulted in serious Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and Vaccine-Enhanced Infection.


Pureblood Actor Sues ABC

A very public test of the corporate vaccine mandates is in process:

A veteran actor is suing ABC for religious discrimination after he was fired from America’s longest-running soap opera for refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

Ingo Rademacher, 50, who starred as Jasper Jacks on General Hospital for 25 years before his dismissal last month, has accused the Disney-owned American Broadcasting Company (ABC) of refusing to accept his exemption request for “sincerely held religious objections to the Covid-19 shots.”

Rademacher is represented by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – the son of assassinated US Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former US president John F. Kennedy – along with attorneys John W. Howard and Scott J. Street. The actor’s lawsuit claims ABC “subjected him to half an hour of cross-examination about his religious beliefs and then denied his exemption request, without explanation.”

The lawsuit blasts the network’s decision as “blatantly unlawful” and argued that ABC does not “have the authority to force a medical treatment on its employees against their will,” and would have to offer religious exemption even if it did.

And yet, I’ll bet the denizens of the Hellmouth would fall all over each other granting religious exemptions if there was porcine DNA in the vaccines. That’s an area of accommodation that anyone suing a Jewish corporation like the Devil Mouse should be sure to delve into, because you can be fairly certain that they are not being as respectful of Christian religious beliefs as federal law requires.


Good Thing They’re Vaccinated

The English Premier league is at risk of being shut down because so many of its vaccinated players have come down with Covid. Which would probably be just as well, since they’ll be less likely to die from vaccine-related strokes and heart attacks if they’re not stressing their micro-clotted bodies.

Premier League SHUTDOWN fear: Teams worry that spiralling Covid cases – after record high of 42 in a week – could halt the season with stars having to wait for booster jabs and emergency protocols back in force.

Oh, yeah, and about those booster jabs? If you live in the UK, you’re going to need THREE shots now if you want to be considered fully vaccinated and carry around a valid “Covid passport”. Possibly within three weeks.

People may need three jabs to use controversial Covid passports for entry to large venues by January, the Health Secretary warned tonight. Sajid Javid told the Commons that people will only be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ once they have had their booster, and that three doses will be required for vaccine passports once all eligible adults in England have had ‘a reasonable chance’ to get another jab. But he refused to indicate when this would come into effect, as confusion mounts over whether the Prime Minister’s promise in his TV address on Sunday means everybody will have had their booster by December 31 or will just be offered a third dose by then.

Or, you know, you could get off the rollercoaster of useless vaccinations that are neither safe nor effective now, instead of doing so before the 4th booster. Or the 5th. Or the 6th.

Don’t think US sports will be spared either.

The NFL is is set to mandate all NFL Tier 1 and Tier 2 staff, including head coaches, assistants and others, must receive a Covid-19 booster by Dec. 27 or face considerable restrictions.