Good Thing He Doesn’t Fly Planes for a Living

The forced vaccination of airline pilots hasn’t caused any crashes of passenger airliners yet, but on April 9th, an American Airlines plane flying into Dallas was just six minutes away from crashing when its vaccinated pilot had a heart attack:

“My name is Bob Snow. I am an American Airlines Captain and have been a Captain for a number of years. My total service with the company is over 31 years. On Nov. 7, I was mandated to receive a vaccine. Quite literally, I was told if I did not receive the vaccination, I would be fired. This order was from our director of flight. So, under duress, I received the vaccine.

“Now just a few days ago, after landing in Dallas, six minutes after we landed, I passed out. I coded. I required three shocks. I had to be intubated. I’m now in ICU in Dallas. This is what the vaccine has done for me. I will probably never fly again, based upon the criteria the FAA establishes for pilots. I was hoping to teach my daughter to fly; she wants to be a pilot. Now that will probably never happen, all courtesy of the vaccine. This is unacceptable, and I’m one of the victims.

“You can see that this is an actual result of the vaccine for some of us. Mandatory, no questions asked, get the shot, or you’re fired. This is not the American way.”

Perhaps the most tragic thing is that when Captain Snow sues American Airlines, he will probably be informed that it was his choice to be vaccinated and that no one actually forced him to submit to genetic therapy. Therefore, the consequences are all on him.

He was merely coerced, threatened, browbeaten, and ordered to submit to it.

Remember this – REMEMBER THIS – the next time someone is attempting to “force” you into something. Evil always seeks your deceived consent.


The Vaxx was Our Vietnam

Except the vaxxes killed considerably more young Americans than Vietnam did.

More than 61,000 Millennials and record numbers of Gen-Xers died in 2021 alone, after the Covid vaccines hailed as miracles were rolled out, leaving an unprecedented wake of mortality in the last quarter of the year. The Millennial generation, aged about 25 to 40, experienced a staggering 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall of 2021…

These deaths, which amounted to more than the number of deaths from the entire Vietnam War compressed into a single year, occurred in tandem with spikes in vaccine and booster shots that were mandated in August 2021. 

Safe? Not so much. Effective? That raises two questions: for whom and for what?

But at least all those dead Millennials and Gen-Xers have the consolation of knowing they died keeping democracy safe for Grandma. Or something like that.


Mailvox: It Was Their Choice (German Edition)

We know the Narrative has shifted, since governments and corporations are now attempting to escape responsibility for the very gene therapies they mandated for their citizens and employees:

Was recently privy to some internal discussion at a large, German software company which indicated that employees filing for additional medical reimbursement for vaxx-related injuries are being told that it was their personal choice to be vaxxed or not. 

This flies in the face of the policy of said company which had it’s own private mandate in the US division.  Employee identification badges which also serve as office entry passes for electronic locks were disabled until they provided vaxx documentation in an internally developed software application.  Until the documentation was posted into the app, access was denied.  There was discussion of allowing religious or medical exemptions, but deadlines were shifted and there was never a final, final date enforced for the exemption to be put in place.  

All of this is in light of the recent notification that the vaccine “policy” (it’s a mandate) is only “suspended” currently.  It hasn’t been eliminated or revoked… it’s only suspended.  

In other words, this corporation still has a mandate, but it’s going to try to pretend it never existed in the first place. Even if the courts are entirely corrupt, that’s a bold move, Cotton. We’ll see how that works out for them.


It Was Your Own Choice

After nearly two years of harsh lockdowns and vaccine mandates, Australia’s Prime Minister declares that if you suffered any adverse effects from the vaccines they forced on you, it’s your fault. After all, you didn’t have to work, or go to school, or go to the supermarket.

“We’re all responsible for our own health. When it comes to informed consent and giving consent to whatever procedure or treatment that you may have, or I may have, then I’m ultimately responsible for whatever people may do in their health treatment to me. And there has been the opportunity for people to visit their GP, to have that consultation, the government has provided that and funded that. And the informed consent process provides the decision to the individual. That’s the sort of country we live in. People make their own decisions about their own health and their own bodies.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison

You fucked up. You trusted them.

What part of “the Official Story is always wrong” is hard to understand? What part of “never, ever, trust the Narrative” is difficult to grasp? What part of “modern science is less reliable than a coin toss” is beyond your intellectual capacities?

If the government-media complex tells you X, about the only thing you can be certain of is that Not-X is much more likely to be true.

Never forget that you are dealing with spiritual wickedness that glories in deception and despair. They will tell you that you have no choice, then blame you for making the very choice they made you feel you didn’t have. It’s the coercion that is the clue.


Solving the Recurrence Riddle

One of the consequences of the vaxx that has been observed by many people is the way in which cancer patients in remission have been seeing their cancers come back, and coming back at an alarmingly aggressive rate after being vaxxed with the mRNA technology. Neon Revolt brings to our attention a scientific study that may explain why this is happening.

The Covid vaccines nuke the body’s ability to destroy cancer cells. Give it 5-10 years. Everyone who took the jab will be growing tumors. I’m not even joking or being hyperbolic. THE VAXX NUKES the body’s ability to destroy cancer calls.

The report spends two pages describing the chemical pathways through which apoptosis is induced in the body. Apoptosis, for those who don’t know, is cell death. It’s how the body recognizes, regulates, and kills mutated (read: cancer) cells, before they get out of control.

Tumors and cancer are what happens when those regulatory and immune systems are overwhelmed.

The Jab disregulates a ton of these chemical pathways, effectively neutering the body’s ability to fight any kind of cancer.

You’re going to see people dropping dead from this within the decade. THAT is the implication of this report.

This is precisely the insidious, slow-acting, but reliably lethal sort of approach that I anticipated from the depopulationists. They needed something that would reduce the population over time, but would not do so too quickly or catastrophically, lest it spark violent resistance that would be directed at them. Also, the more plausible deniability for the vaxx, the less likely it would be for the responsible parties to be held liable for their actions.

So, rather than triggering cancer, inhibiting the human body’s ability to resist the cancer cells that eventually pop up in most people over time is a method that would fit the depopulationist’s requirements. Neither the study nor the logic are conclusive proof that this is what has happened, but it does present an increasingly coherent picture of the depopulationist program.


Vaccine Regrets

I doubt a single Pureblood will be surprised to learn that the Filthbloods are already beginning to regret their decisions to get vaxxed:

Today is my one year “regretiversary” of the vaccine that ruined my life. So to celebrate the fact it hasn’t killed me (yet), here’s a thread attempting to summarize the rollercoaster ride this last year has been… On April 13, 2021 I received Moderna #2 after believing the BS we were told by the gov and media, all my friends/family were fine after their shots, docs recommended it, if I wanted to work/travel I’d have to get it. I thought it was the ticket to get back to normal. I was wrong.

The side effects came on hard and heavy the same day, so for the causation doesn’t equal correlation crowd that tries to discredit adverse reactions, enough. And no, it wasn’t covid. I never had the virus. Previous years were healthy and I backtested negative. It was the vax 100%.

I experienced a host of side effects that can’t even fit in a single post because so many symptoms popped up almost instantly and have evolved for the worse over the last year.

I went to the ER where I was gaslit and dismissed. Same with my PCP, and rheumatology, who canceled after waiting months to be seen, saying, “we don’t treat vaccine adverse reactions.” I reported them for patient abandonment, but the state regulatory board sided with the docs.

It wasn’t until five months after the shot until I saw immunology and nine months until neurology, who admitted they see vaccine injured patients regularly and began testing. Our symptoms mimic that of long covid, which has now been backed by science.

Cardiology started me on beta blockers, which created a half dozen new side effects, immunology put me on cromolyn sodium, which hasn’t helped, and neuro tried to get IVIG, but insurance denied approval for the $50k treatment. 30 appts later, traditional medicine has failed.

Which leads to the fact the injured are desperate for research that we’re not getting. The CDC, FDA, and NIH know that vaccine injuries exist, but are doing everything in their power to make sure you don’t. Pfizer tried hiding nine pages of adverse reactions from the public for 75 years until a judge forced them to release the data. They say “trust the science,” but…

At the root of all this evil lies Big Pharma, which is making a fortune on these vaccines, spends $4.5 billion annually on media advertising to control the narrative, pays off whichever party is in power to make sure you’re told what they want you to hear. Then there’s the big tech censorship. Social media “fact checkers” have ties to the pharma industry so people like me, who are people just like you, are labeled as “misinformation” if you end up drawing the inevitable short straw and suffer an adverse reaction then speak out.

Fortunately, this hasn’t been the typical experience for most of the vaccinated, although there are far too many in the 16-59 age group who are unable regret their decision because they are now dead from various forms of vaxx-induced heart failure. And while it’s neither polite nor appropriate to remind these victims – and yes, despite their stupidity they are absolutely victims – that they were warned, it will be necessary to remind them of that the next time the Narrative demands their submission to it.

Testing the Hypotheses

Over the last decade, a lot of theoretical hypotheses have been subjected to real-world practical tests and failed. Unfortunately, this hypothesis appears to be holding up over time as the evidence comes in:

Hypothesis: The jabs not only don’t work they ruin immunity, and the more of them you take the worse the odds (by some factor, either linear or exponential — but with an unknown exponent) of one of the following outcomes:

Immediate death or serious disability due to clotting disorders or other serious systemic dysregulation.
OAS imprinting, such that each new insult confers and strengthens an incorrect antibody response (that increasingly fails to neutralize the infection.)
OAS imprinting as above coupled with evolutionary pressure that results in ADE (binding antibodies overwhelm neutralizing), and the infection kills you outright as your body is unable to fight off the acute phase at all.
OAS imprinting as above which results in an inability to entirely clear the infection. This is a nightmare scenario as low-level damage continues to accrue from the virus itself, much as occurs with AIDS. It’s not AIDS and those claiming it is are wrong on the facts, but it bears a resemblance to it and so will the outcomes (nasty infections that ordinarily don’t bother someone become ugly to the point of serious or even lethal results.)

There is evidence for this already, and its getting stronger over time. We knew this might happen too because the first three have occurred with every single attempt to vaccinate against a coronavirus in history, no matter the mechanism used to deliver the antigen production and as a result of same showing up in animal trials, given enough time, they were halted before humans got ****ed.

This time we didn’t bother with the animal trials which require a year or two to find out. We’re finding out in animals — human animal trials — that the evidence is emerging for exactly the same outcomes.

Yes, that’s bad.

It’s not Case Nightmare Kitty, but it’s looking a little worse in the long run than I had hoped after the worst scenarios were quickly ruled out. That being said, it will be necessary to keep an eye on a) all-cause death rates and b) birth rates over the next five years to understand the full extent of the ongoing damage to the populace.

As Karl Denninger says: “The nature of this sort of issue is that it is likely to reveal the boundary of the horror slowly rather than rapidly.”

15 Tennis Players Withdraw

The Miami Open is hit by an astonishing number of player withdrawals during the tournament:

Fifteen players have already dropped out of the Miami Open, an unprecedented number for a major sports event.

The tennis world reacted with shock after favorites Paula Badosa and Jannik Sinner had to retire during the quarterfinals of the Miami Open. Badosa, soon to be the number three in the world, became unwell during her match against Jessica Pegula and left the court in tears.

Badosa, who was comforted by her American opponent, decided to stop after consultation with her physiotherapist. Pegula reached the semifinals of the Miami tennis tournament for the first time in her career after Badosa’s resignation, reported Yahoo Sports.

In the men’s tournament, the Italian phenomenon Jannik Sinner was forced to withdraw. He gave up after 22 minutes in the game against Francisco Cerundolo, the number 103 in the world ranking. “When I served at 3-1 and 30-0, I saw him bend over. It was very strange,” Cerundolo said during an interview. “I hope he’s okay, he’s a great player.”

Whatever could be the cause? We don’t KNOW it’s the vaxx… but it’s the vaxx.


Zero Sympathy

Of my six nuclear family members, one is dead and the other was in the ER this week. Unsurprisingly, those are two of the three members of the family who are vaxxed and boosted. I’m not asking for any condolences or whatever, I’m simply pointing it out so you understand that I’m not speaking as an individual with no personal experience of family casualties when I say something that will probably sound callous and cruel to many of you. Which is this:

None of you reprehensively stupid idiots who got vaccinated deserve one single iota of sympathy from anyone if you experience an adverse effect from your submission to experimental gene therapy forced upon the world by global population reductionists. This goes 3x for those who were dumb enough to get vaccinated twice, then boosted. Karl Denninger explains:

I will say this with utter certainty: I’ve never seen an obituary page with this sort of toll among young people and given the absence of older people, who die all the time of old age, of course, the magnitude of this wave of death is quite clear.

We all know good and n well why these younger people died. “Died suddenly”, absent a car crash (which would be listed) or OD (which is sometimes not since an obit is typically not intended to shame anyone) doesn’t happen in young people on a statistical basis. Yes, young people do die — they get cancer, they die of belief they are Superman (especially common in young males) and they also, in certain demographics, have a habit of getting shot, stabbed and similar — none of which is “died suddenly”.

If you want a calibration on exactly how ridiculous this pattern of death is you can have it quite-easily. You see, there are a few people who were young and killed the usual ways young people die. A couple of motorcycle accidents. Childhood cancer and another caused by asbestos. Misfortune in the backcountry. A man convicted of a crime who killed himself before sentencing. And a Covid-19 death, an illness that got the better of the person.

But what of the rest?

You know damn well why those people are dead and death on this scale among young people has never been seen before.

You let this happen, America.

You haven’t done one damn thing to the Mayors, Governors, CEOs, “Health Departments”, so-called “Public Health” organizations such as Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins, colleges and others who mandated these jabs, expelling and firing those who refused.

I made clear that my expectation was that while there would be a big spike in the immediate fatality rate — and there was — it wouldn’t be over after that.

And it both wasn’t — and isn’t.

You did this America.

You let them do it.

And you still are.

Take a bow.

Your child, spouse, significant other, loved one — or you — may well be next and having done the stupid thing there’s not a damn thing you can do now to stop it; that option expired when you let the original acts take place without putting a stop to it as soon as the signals on safety showed up — which, I remind you, we knew about and I wrote about before the mass campaign began and thus every bit of this was completely avoidable.

It’s not a tragedy when consequences happen to people who do stupid things. It’s just inevitable. It doesn’t matter how anyone feels about it, for better or for worse, bad things are going to happen to people who did stupid things. As my pureblood brother says, “‘suddenly’ is not a cause of death”.

I did my mourning 18 months ago, when I had to watch the majority of my acquaintances, friends, and family members ignore my warnings in favor of following the advice of people who openly advocate reducing the number of humans on the planet. To be honest, I felt worse about their abject stupidity than I did about the increased probabilities that they would eventually experience some sort of negative consequences from their submission to the satanist program.

I still hope most of them will turn out to be all right; after all, what is an average reduced lifespan of five years or so when most people are living 15 years longer than their great-grandparents? Four score and ten is all we’re promised anyhow. I’m not looking to dance on anyone’s grave or tell anyone “I told you so.” However, I’m not going to feign any shock, sorrow, or surprise when those who have done obviously stupid things experience undesirable consequences.

Get used to saying politely: “I’m sorry to hear that.” And leave it at that. What’s done is done, and there is no point in saying anything else.