Filthbloods Die Faster

As I said back when the vaccines were first announced, watch the mortality rates. Because the one thing they can’t easily hide are the bodies.

An official report published by the UK Government confirms the mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated population in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.

This has resulted in the partly vaccinated, double vaccinated, and triple vaccinated populations being more likely to die of any single cause than the unvaccinated population among all age groups in England as of May 2022, the most recent month with data made available by the UK Government.

It’s going to get harder and harder for the pro-vaxx forces to defend, distract, and deny the observable facts. It will take years, more likely decades, to assess precisely how badly the vaxxed have had their lifespans shortened and their fertility reduced, but the statistics already indicate that they are considerably less healthy and will die much sooner than the average Pureblood.


Unlucky 13

Thirteen triple-vaxxed Canadian doctors have died of Suddenly.

I’ve now tracked 13 Canadian doctors “sudden deaths” (thank you to everyone who contributed info). This is the most complete data set I’ve seen anywhere by far.

Three doctors died while exercising (two swimming, one running), two of them were very high level athletes. Three doctors died “in their sleep” unexpectedly.

Two doctors also had aggressive cancer that had arisen within the past year.

All of them were at least triple vaccinated due to illegal vaccine mandates.

Remember: these are YOUNG healthy individuals who are always first in line to get jabbed. Vast majority of doctors will get their 4th and 5th jabs this summer and fall.

That’s at least a one in 7,500 chance of dying of Suddenly. Nothing to worry about, right?


Natural Immunity FTW

Karl Denninger conclusively proves, with incontrovertible evidence, that natural immunity to Covid is vastly superior to the Covid vaxxes even if one doesn’t take into account the way the vaxxes are reducing human life expectancies and birth rates:

As those of you know who read my column almost exactly one year ago I got Covid. Delta, in fact.

All the so-called “experts” said that your IgG titer would disappear within months, and thus after three months you really ought to get jabbed.

Bluntly: They lied.

I ran this a few minutes ago.

That is a quite-strong IgG titer. It has been one year, almost exactly, and that is arguably stronger in terms of IgG than what it was about 2 weeks after I recovered. At the time I also, as expected, had an IgM titer. That is obviously now gone as it should be…

It is proof that I have IgG antibodies circulating in my blood right here, right now, today and I was infected exactly once almost precisely one year ago.

In fact I still have a photograph of that test with a nice timestamp on it. This IgG read is stronger than the one I had two weeks post-recovery, implying that my protection was still building at that time and has not materially waned over the entire year since.

There was never, ever, any need for a Covid vaccine, even one that was, unlike the existing Covid vaxxes, genuinely safe and effective.

The so-called experts were wrong. The science lied. And the filthbloods all harmed themselves, and their children, for nothing.

UPDATE: A pilot adds his two cents.

I just got tested again, third time in 18 months via blood draw/lab. Same experience here. My IgG levels are nearly the SAME as they were over 2 YEARS AGO.


Depopulation Watch: North Dakota

Live Births

  • 2020: 10,051
  • 2021: 10,106
  • 2022: 4,668 (through June 30)

This means North Dakota is on track this year for 9,336 live births, a 7.6 percent decline from the pre-vaxx average. Could be worse, but it’s not a good sign since it is further evidence that the vaxx inhibits human fertility, as has already been observed in Taiwan, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

UPDATE: On a related front, stillbirths appear to have increased nearly 3,000 percent over the last six months in Waterloo, Canada. All 86 mothers were reportedly vaccinated. This rise in stillbirths may account for a substantial portion of the observed fall in live births.

UPDATE: Hawaii is on track for a 9.3 percent post-vaxx decline in the number of live births.


Trust the Fiction

Canadians were told to “trust the science” of vaccine passports. What “science” was that? There was neither science nor any scientists involved in the entire process.

There was no scientific basis for Canada’s discriminatory, offensive vaccine passport system that helped launch massive countrywide protests.

Among many issues, the report details that no one in the “COVID Recovery unit,” which was responsible for enacting the policy, had any training in epidemiology or public health, instead, the director-general has a degree in literature:

“No one in the COVID Recovery unit, including Jennifer Little, the director-general, had any formal education in epidemiology, medicine or public health.

“Little, who has an undergraduate degree in literature from the University of Toronto, testified that there were 20 people in the unit. When Presvelos asked her whether anyone in the unit had any professional experience in public health, she said there was one person, Monique St.-Laurent. According to St.-Laurent’s LinkedIn profile, she appears to be a civil servant who briefly worked for the Public Health Agency of Canada. St.-Laurent is not a doctor, Little said. (Reached on the phone, St.-Laurent confirmed that she was a member of COVID Recovery. She referred other questions to a government spokesperson.)”

The worldwide response to Covid was not merely a crime against humanity, it was literally fiction invented by literature majors, failed actors, and corrupt bureaucrats funded by evil billionaires devoted to global depopulation.

All of those gullible victims who got themselves and their children vaccinated against Covid and thereby reduced their fertility and expected lifespans did so on the basis of a series of fairy tales told by wicked halfwits. This may have been the single stupidest collective action by a large group of people since the Children’s Crusade of 1212.


Excess Death in Australia

As I said even before the mass vaccinations began, the one thing the statisticians can’t hide is the bodies.

Key statistics
– In 2022, there were 59,147 deaths that occurred by 30 April and were registered by 30 June, which is 8,513 (16.8%) more than the historical average.
– In April there were 14,492 deaths, 1,580 (12.2%) above the historical average.

Baseline comparisons
Throughout this report, counts of deaths are compared to an average number of deaths for previous years. In this report, data for 2021 is compared to an average number of deaths recorded over the 5 years from 2015-2019 as was the case in previous publications. Data for 2022 is compared to a baseline comprising the years 2017-2019 and 2021. 2020 is not included in the baseline for 2022 data because it included periods where numbers of deaths were significantly lower than expected. Counts of deaths for 2015-2021 are included in the baseline datacubes of the data downloads section of this report.

These average or baseline counts serve as a proxy for the expected number of deaths, so comparisons against baseline counts can provide an indication of whether mortality is higher or lower than expected in a given year. The minimum and maximum counts are also included to provide an indication of the range of previous counts. Minimums and maximums for any given week can be from any of the years included in the baseline.

Provisional Mortality Statistics Jan-Apr 2022, Australia Bureau of Statistics, 29 July 2022

In other words, now that 96 percent of the Australian adult population has been vaxxed, about 10 percent more people are dying than normal. I would anticipate that when the Australian birth rate information for 2022 is released, it will show a decline of around 20 percent against the average.

At this rate of depopulation, Australia will be peacefully absorbed into China before 2040.


The Unvaxxed Will Inherit the Earth

Strong evidence that the unvaccinated are more fertile than the vaccinated.

Interesting news on the birth rate drop front! It turns out that the highest vaccinated counties of Hungary have the worst drop in birth rates in 2022! This is a within-country comparison, comparing Hungarians to Hungarians, for the same time period.

You can see that the five least vaccinated counties experienced only a 4.66% drop in birth rates between Q1 of 2021 and Q1 of 2022. At the same time, five most vaccinated counties experienced a 15.2% drop in birth rates!

This is a tremendous 10.5% difference between birth rate outcomes! Put in other words, the birth rate decline in most heavily vaccinated Hungarian counties was THREE TIMES greater than the decline in least-vaccinated counties!

This is evidence, not conclusive proof, but the conclusive proof should not be long in arriving.

Nemesis Arrives

Three young Canadian doctors die just days after their hospital begins administering Vaxx Take Four

Dates of death: July 17, 18, 20.

Look at how close together the dates are! All three died in a 3 day period just days after they gave the 4th shot. All are young doctors. You can see from their pictures. All three at Trillium Health in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

One can’t exactly say that it’s a pity, much less a tragedy. No one deserves to experience the fullness of the Vaxxine Experience more than medical doctors, except, of course, for those who were responsible for making, selling, and mandating the Covid not-vaccines.

And while we don’t know it was the vaxx… it was the vaxx.

Depopulation was the goal from the start and the globalists are now openly waging war on fertilizer and human fertility alike. And if you still can’t see that, well, you’re simply not very smart.


The Damage is to the Totality

To say that Karl Denninger has no sympathy for the vaxxed would be putting it mildly. But his ire is not unreasonably based on a much better scientific understanding of what they did to themselves, and what was done to them, than most.

This was just published in Nature, and thus one cannot argue its “mere opinion” or a “conspiracy theory” since it went through the journal’s review process. It is no longer mere speculation that the jabs could wind up causing serious immune damage — and that said damage may well be permanent.

Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible…. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles.

Notice a problem in that language — the damage isn’t specific to Covid and it is not transient either as one might expect from an immune challenge by vaccination (or infection) — even at eight months, likely the duration of the study, immune impairment from these jabs was persistent. That’s extraordinarily bad, and exactly why you don’t rush out new things without testing over a long period of time so you can not just find such potential problems but definitively run them into the ground before you go stabbing a couple hundred million people in America alone and billions more world-wide.

The impact may be irreversible and notice that the article talks about mitigating rather than reversing the impact, specifically limiting other drugs that might otherwise suppress or interfere with immune function even on a short-term basis. May I remind you that beyond the impact when it comes to being impaired in fighting off other diseases every single person on the planet today has cancerous cells in their body and it is your immune system that keeps those in check and prevents you from developing clinical cancer. If this damage is permanent then your lifetime cancer risk has been permanently and materially increased, perhaps by a LOT.

What’s worse is that the younger you are the greater the harm because you have more years in front of you for those abnormal cells to get out of control.

Let me point out another very nasty aspect of this: This paper does not describe a random chance event; rather it describes mechanisms of action that are caused when you are given these jabs. Indeed it is logical, given this data, to believe that myocarditis is simply a bad roll on how ugly it was for you in that myocarditis is inflammation which, in the absence of a pathogen is evidence of significant immune dysregulation. That is, every person who took the jabs got screwed. The degree of screwing of course varies from person to person but everyone who took the jab got nailed to some degree because the mechanism of harm was introduced into the body. Whether there is variation with the technology used is not something that is yet in evidence but the presumption at this point has to be that at best it is a result of what I have described as a nasty biological parlor trick through the inducement of the body’s cells to produce spike protein, a trick that was chosen in an attempt to avoid the history of ADE that has repeatedly developed in trials of whole, inactivated virus for various coronavirus strains. What’s worse is that the spike was intentionally genetically modified in the jabs to prevent it from folding and breaking down in order to enhance the immune response and thus it has now been found in the circulation months after vaccination.

We did all of this despite having zero long-term evidence that hijacking the cellular machinery to produce the spike was safe and much worse we had scientific evidence prior to the mass roll-out of these shots that the spike alone, absent the rest of the virus, was capable of producing direct harm to the body. I warned of this repeatedly in my column right here before we started this idiocy on a mass-basis and now, it appears, I was not only right I underestimated the risk in that my assumption was that the damage would be coronavirus (and maybe Covid) specific.

The evidence now strongly suggests that the damage is to the totality of immune response.

To be honest, I’m less concerned with the vaxxed living with damaged immune systems and lower life expectancies than I am with regards to the a) effects on fertility and b) the effects of vaxx-shedding on the fertility of the purebloods.

The human race can survive just fine with much shorter lifespans than are presently enjoyed, but it cannot survive without a sufficient number of healthy children annually being born.


The Unvaxxed Shall Inherit the Earth

The long nightmare of the slow and gullible is only beginning as it has become apparent that the adverse effects of the vaxx are varied, lethal, and long-lasting.

I went to the nail salon this week, and there was a young women working there who started weeping inconsolably in a corner. I asked the manager what was wrong. “She just lost her mother” was the reply. She had died in her sleep suddenly though she was perfectly healthy.

This last weekend, I had attended the funeral of an old friend. He was perfectly healthy too, and then he got late-stage pancreatic cancer — and he was gone a few months later. That was the exact same story for another friend. He was healthy as a horse, until he wasn’t — because he too had suddenly developed late-stage pancreatic cancer.

Not to mention a young (and very fit) mother I know who just got a check-up, and was told that she too has suddenly developed aggressive cancer in her early 40s.

The perfectly healthy are getting bad cancers much too frequently now. The perfectly healthy are dying suddenly.

What all of them shared was being vaccinated.

She cites a report by Steve Kirsch, who has commissioned a series of vaccine-related polls, that bears mentioning.

Our latest poll is devastating for the official narrative:

a 6.6% rate of heart injury (>10M Americans)

2.7% are unable to work after being vaccinated (>5M Americans),

6.3% had to be hospitalized (>10M Americans)

you were more likely to die from COVID if you’ve taken the vaccine.

Almost as many (77.4%) households lost someone from the vaccines as from COVID. If you believe that 1M people in the US have died from COVID, then this survey indicates that ~750,000 people died from the vaccine (10.18/13.15*1M) with a 95% confidence of at least 600,000 deaths.

The Vaxxocaust is almost certainly the biggest crime against humanity in history. And unlike other famous historical crimes, such as the Great Leap Forward, the Partition of India, the Holodomor, and the Armenian genocide, it was one that most of its victims could easily have avoided.