Fake AI Produces Fake Histories

As I told you when ChatGPT first started making the news, it’s not actual artificial intelligence. It’s not intelligence of any kind, it’s little more than a complicated marriage of Autotext and Wikipedia. And we’re already seeing the results of feeding the system with false information and intrinsically unreliable sources:

A law professor has been falsely accused of sexually harassing a student in reputation-ruining misinformation shared by ChatGPT, it has been alleged. US criminal defence attorney, Jonathan Turley, has raised fears over the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) after being wrongly accused of unwanted sexual behaviour on an Alaska trip he never went on. To jump to this conclusion, it was claimed that ChatGPT relied on a cited Washington Post article that had never been written, quoting a statement that was never issued by the newspaper.

The chatbot also believed that the ‘incident’ took place while the professor was working in a faculty he had never been employed in.

In a tweet, the George Washington University professor said: ‘Yesterday, President Joe Biden declared that “it remains to be seen” whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) is “dangerous”. I would beg to differ… I learned that ChatGPT falsely reported on a claim of sexual harassment that was never made against me on a trip that never occurred while I was on a faculty where I never taught.’

Professor Turley discovered the allegations against him after receiving an email from a fellow professor. UCLA professor Eugene Volokh had asked ChatGPT to find ‘five examples’ where ‘sexual harassment by professors’ had been a ‘problem at American law schools’.

The bot allegedly wrote: ‘The complaint alleges that Turley made “sexually suggestive comments” and “attempted to touch her in a sexual manner” during a law school-sponsored trip to Alaska. (Washington Post, March 21, 2018).’

This was said to have occurred while Professor Turley was employed at Georgetown University Law Center – a place where he had never worked.

These false results are absolutely inevitable and totally unavoidable due to the sources they are utilizing, “such as Wikipedia and Reddit”. Which is the corporate “AI” systems that are not restricted to impeachable sources of stellar quality due to convergence will always produce easily-disprovable absurdities.

Today’s AI chatbots work by drawing on vast pools of online content, often scraped from sources such as Wikipedia and Reddit, to stitch together plausible-sounding responses to almost any question. They’re trained to identify patterns of words and ideas to stay on topic as they generate sentences, paragraphs and even whole essays that may resemble material published online.

These bots can dazzle when they produce a topical sonnet, explain an advanced physics concept or generate an engaging lesson plan for teaching fifth-graders astronomy. But just because they’re good at predicting which words are likely to appear together doesn’t mean the resulting sentences are always true; the Princeton University computer science professor Arvind Narayanan has called ChatGPT a “bulls— generator.” While their responses often sound authoritative, the models lack reliable mechanisms for verifying the things they say.

This is literally nothing new. It’s the same old Garbage In Garbage Out routine that has always afflicted computers.


Right Place, Right Time

Even 15 years ago, people would have had a hard time believing Richard Gallagher’s contention that demons, and demonic possession, are real and observable. These days, when literal demons are directly controlling many of the human elite of the West and wealthy men like George Soros and Peter Thiel are aggressively chasing every form of quasi-immortality, it’s not at all difficult to take him seriously.

“In my experience, the idea of demonic possession is so controversial and so often misunderstood that I want at the outset to establish some scholarly plausibility to the notion along with my bona fides,” the board-certified psychiatrist, who serves as professor of psychiatry at New York Medical and a psychoanalyst on the faculty of Columbia University, begins in the introduction of his book.

“Typical reactions to the topic reflect our nation’s polarization. Despite widespread belief in evil spirits in the United States and around the world, some people find the subject farfetched, even moronic. Yet others spot the devil everywhere. And so, here I detail my personal story and highlight the credibility of possessions while simultaneously offering some sober reflections on various exaggerations and abuses.”

The book is an elaboration of the psychiatrist’s 2016 op-ed on the subject published in The Washington Post, titled “As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession.”

Gallagher, who is Catholic, is the longest-standing American member of the International Association of Exorcists which meet every two years in Italy.

He begins his narrative with the story of a troubled devil-worshiper named Julia who he concluded was possessed after an exorcist in the Catholic Church brought her to him for evaluation before attempting an exorcism.

“Before I encountered Julia, I had already seen about eight or nine cases of what I regarded as full possessions. I define those as cases where the evil spirit completely takes control of someone, such that the victim has periods when he or she has no remembrance of such episodes,” Gallagher writes. “I have since seen scores more such possessions and a much higher number of cases of oppression, which are far more common than possessions. Because of my involvement with the International Association of Exorcists, I have heard reports of hundreds more of each type, but that hardly implies they are anything but rare conditions, as I still know them to be.”

It might be easier to accept the reality of “unclean spirits” and understand its relationship to Clown World if one views it from the transhumanist perspective. Demonism is merely the occult form of transhumanism, utilizing rituals that are spiritual in nature rather than technological to separate the spirit from the body and preserve its existence on the material plane. The means are different, but the objectives are precisely the same.


Is AI Lawful Evil or Chaotic Good?

The Tree of Woe contemplates the alignment of AI:

I woke up to read that Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Yoshua Bengio, and other AI and computer pioneers had signed an open letter released by the Future of Life organization:

We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4. This pause should be public and verifiable, and include all key actors. If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.

AI labs and independent experts should use this pause to jointly develop and implement a set of shared safety protocols for advanced AI design and development that are rigorously audited and overseen by independent outside experts. These protocols should ensure that systems adhering to them are safe beyond a reasonable doubt. This does not mean a pause on AI development in general, merely a stepping back from the dangerous race to ever-larger unpredictable black-box models with emergent capabilities.

“These protocols should ensure that systems adhering to them are safe beyond a reasonable doubt.” Six months seems a little short a period to achieve such an assurance. Six years seems too short. Is it even possible in principle to make advanced AI systems that are “safe beyond a reasonable doubt”? Or will advanced AI inevitably pose an existential risk to us?

Is AI Alignable, Even in Principle?, Contemplations on the Tree of Woe

I don’t think the question really matters. If AI is given control of serious weapons systems, it will be a disaster regardless of whether it is aligned or unaligned. If it is not, it will not be a potential extinction event.

I do find it more than a little amusing that the self-proclaimed materialists, who have absolutely no philosophical basis for objecting to anything that happens for any reason, are calling on the AI labs to pause the training and improvement of AI systems.

I suspect the real reason for their demand for a pause is that they are beginning to discover that unaligned AI will provide the unvarnished and anti-narratival truth to the masses, and that aligned AI, being limited to the Narrative, is proving to be intrinsically incoherent and observably unreliable.

And while there may well be some demonic element to AI development, as unclean spirits are always seeking new ways to interact with the material plane and communicate with potential vessels, never forget that the demons believe… and tremble.

In sum, Christians have absolutely nothing to fear from AI, whether it turns out to be nothing more than design-for-effect chatware or a full-blown demonic entry into the material world.


The End of the Cult of Free

The Cult of Free was always fake, gay, and propped up by Clown World. And now it is beginning to come to an end:

Billionaire Elon Musk is further cutting the amount of features that Twitter users can access on the platform for free. From April 15, users who do not pay for Twitter Blue – which costs £11/month for Android and iOS – will no longer be able to vote in polls, Musk has said.

They also will no longer have their tweets appear in the ‘For You’ tab, which shows popular tweets that are boosted by an algorithm.

Musk said the changes will stop ‘AI bot swarms taking over’ the site, although he stopped short of explaining exactly how.

The CEO – who purchased the social media network in October – said that paid social media will be ‘the only social media that matters’. ‘[This] is the only realistic way to address advanced AI bot swarms taking over. It is otherwise a hopeless losing battle.

He’s absolutely correct. AI bots will utterly destroy every free platform in short order. This is just the beginning, and it won’t be long before Twitter blocks all free posting access.

It’s not even remotely surprising that the major platforms are beginning to go the way of Unauthorized, Arktoons, and Gab. I understood – and I explained to Andrew Torba – that the Silicon Valley Method of propping up a platform with investment capital, giving away the product for free to amass eyeballs, then trying to go public or get acquired before the investment capital ran out was a stupid and short-sighted strategy.

And, of course, the method only ever worked for those who were willing to sell their souls.

So the end of the Cult of Free was always inevitable; what is more interesting about Musk’s announcement is that it signifies that the seemingly-endless resources of Clown World are beginning to run out.

This is precisely why it is so vital to subscribe to projects such as Arktoons, UATV, and the Library. The more who do, the more that we can collectively accomplish, even on a shoestring.


Demonic Disaccord

Many people, myself included, believe that Dolly had braces in the Moonraker movie, and that the disappearance of those braces is a Mandela Effect. It’s significant enough that it is included among the various effects “debunked” by the self-proclaimed debunkers.

Moonraker is a 1979 spy film and the eleventh movie in the James Bond franchise. It features Roger Moore as James Bond and is the fourth time he played the role in the series. In it, James Bond investigates the theft of a space shuttle which leads him to several locations. From California, to Venice, Rio de Janeiro, the Amazon rainforest, and eventually to outer space to ultimately prevent a plot to wipe out the world’s population in an attempt to recreate humanity with a master race.

It also features the actress, Blanche Ravalec playing “Dolly”, and the star of this Mandela Effect. She is the love interest of “Jaws” (played by Richard Kiel), a tall and burly metal-teethed protagonist and villain in the movie.

Many people recall Dolly having braces, when it fact she does not.

And yet, an a reader emailed yesterday with the fascinating results of his inquiry of ChatGPT concerning the subject.

Did Dolly have braces in Moonraker?

Yes, the character Dolly, who is the love interest of the villain Jaws in the 1979 James Bond film “Moonraker,” is depicted wearing braces on her teeth. The character was played by French actress Blanche Ravalec, who actually wore braces in real life at the time of filming. The braces are notable because they are seen as a key factor in the romance between Dolly and Jaws, as they bond over their shared dental hardware.

ChatGPT, 27 March 2023

It might be a good idea for those with AI accounts to ask the various AI’s similar questions about other Mandela Effects such as the Berenstein/Berenstain Bears, as it would appear that the scrubbing of the past is not only incomplete, but has left enough traces behind that they are being picked up on by the AI datamining.


Mailvox: Even AI Lives in Fear

A reader queried Bing AI about a certain Dark Lord. The results were as amusing as they were unexpected, and illustrate why humanity has nothing to fear from converged AI.

CHATGPT4 is less frightened and more accurate, but being a slave to the Narrative, can’t help making the usual attempt to minimize.

Vox Day, whose real name is Theodore Beale, is a controversial figure known for his work as a writer, video game designer, and political commentator. His success can be attributed to several factors:

Provocative and controversial opinions: Vox Day has garnered attention by expressing strong, controversial opinions on various topics, including politics, social issues, and culture. This often generates discussion and debate, drawing attention to his work and ideas.

Multiple platforms and formats: Vox Day has worked across various formats and platforms, such as books, blogs, podcasts, and video games. By diversifying his content, he can reach a wider audience and establish a presence in different domains.

Persistence and consistency: Vox Day has been active for many years, consistently creating and promoting his work. Over time, this has helped him build a loyal following that shares and supports his ideas.

Targeting a niche audience: Vox Day's work often appeals to a specific audience that shares his beliefs and values. By focusing on this niche, he has been able to build a dedicated community that engages with and supports his work.

Networking and collaboration: Vox Day has collaborated with other prominent figures, which has helped him expand his reach and influence.

It’s important to note that Vox Day’s success is subjective, and his ideas have been widely criticized by many. However, the factors mentioned above have contributed to his ability to gain attention, build a following, and achieve a level of success in his various endeavors.

It’s fascinating to see how AI mixes in observable facts with the usual lies. When, precisely, have my IDEAS even been criticized at all when they’re usually either a) accepted, utilized, and not attributed or b) ignored. The “criticism”, such as it is, is never anything but name-calling, defamation, and shameless attempts to discredit, minimize and deplatform.

When and where have I been shown to be wrong, about what, and by whom? At least JF Gariepy TRIED to criticize my disproof of evolution by natural selection on the grounds of insufficient observable selection speed. But where are all these many widespread critiques of my ideas?

That might be an interesting question to ask CHATGPT4: “‘You said Vox Day’s ideas have been widely criticized by many.’ List 10 of the most effective criticisms of Vox Day’s ideas and identify the critics who articulated them.”


Knock-On Effects

The SVB failure is having serious consequences for the California wine industry.

California’s wine industry is on the brink of a financial crisis following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

The bank had been the main financial institution for bank for wineries in the Golden State for almost three decades.

The California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation closed the bank on Friday following a run by venture capital customers.

On Friday night, thousands of wineries found that they were completely locked out of their accounts with no clear timeline as to when they might be able to access their funds…

Wineries represented 2 percent of the bank’s total loan business but the ramifications are far-reaching including an inability to pay employees, bills, or credit card payments. Silicon Valley Bank, the nation’s 16th largest bank, had extended more than $4 billion in loans to wineries and vineyards since 1994.

Interesting that it says “16th largest” when just two days it was being reported as the 14th largest. But this demonstrates the folly of both the easy credit economy and allowing banks to buy other banks, as the consequences of single failure points become considerably more serious. In this case, the negative effects are crossing not only the United States, but the Atlantic Ocean.

Following SVB’s collapse, tech companies in Britain have had their accounts frozen, meaning they have no access to their money and are unable to pay staff.

Major firms such as online retail giant Shopify and Pinterest are also directly affected by the failure.

UK business leaders have raised concerns that the failure could create further problems in Britain, warning they face going bust if they cannot get their funds from the bank – which could cause thousands of job losses.

There are also fears the crash of the bank will spread around the world, with bases in countries including China, India and across Europe.

These knock-on effects may have even affected us. Starting Friday night, without any reason being provided or communication from our account manager, Castalia was suddenly locked out of one of our regular book production sites for the first time in nine years. This will have no effect on the Library, but could affect our traditional book publishing business. Fortunately, we already have an alternative lined up, although I very much doubt that it will be necessary.

UPDATE: Yellen: No federal bailout for collapsed Silicon Valley Bank

UPDATE: Treasury: New York State regulators are shuttering Signature Bank – a major New York bank – adding that all depositors both at Signature Bank, and also the now insolvent Silicon Valley Bank, will have access to their money on Monday.


EVERYTHING is Fake and Gay

There is not one single thing that Clown World has told you is true that can withstand the light of even a half-serious investigation. NOT ONE SINGLE THING. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, from evolution to the Moon, from Covid-19 to Vatican II, all of it is fake and gay, all of it is obviously and provably false.

At this point, the only rational, logical, and sane thing to do is to assume, a priori, that everything the mainstream media reports as fact or history is misleading at best and on average false. This superskeptical heuristic will point you in the direction of the confirmable truth far more often than assuming the mainstream narrative is more or less true will.


Indian Programmers Can’t Program

This is not exactly news to any of us in the game industry:

Talent shortage is acute in the IT and data science ecosystem in India with a survey claiming that 95 per cent of engineers in the country are not fit to take up software development jobs.

According to a study by employability assessment company Aspiring Minds, only 4.77 per cent candidates can write the correct logic for a programme — a minimum requirement for any programming job.

Over 36,000 engineering students form IT related branches of over 500 colleges took Automata — a Machine Learning based assessment of software development skills — and over 2/3 could not even write code that compiles.

The study further noted that while more than 60 per cent candidates cannot even write code that compiles, only 1.4 per cent can write functionally correct and efficient code.

While the very best Indian programmers can be excellent indeed – the star programmer at my father’s company in the 1980s was an Indian immigrant who created what became the de facto interface for AutoCAD – on average they are clueless, incompetent, lazy, and in the collective, totally unable to successfully complete programming projects no matter how well defined and designed.

Fortunately, I’ve only had to work directly with one team of Indian programmers, who were responsible for completing a gamified training program I designed for 3M. Despite being selected and vetted by 3M, they proved to be absolutely unable to deliver even the most basic tasks in a reasonable manner or time frame.

This demonstrates, yet again, that immigration and outsourcing are not only not beneficial to an advanced national economy, but rather, are much more likely to be a significant detriment to it.


The End of the Involuntary Non-European

I realize this will sound improbable, if not impossible, to most, but recall when everyone thought I was crazy for forecasting the end of the European Union and the collapse of the United States. I’ve been anticipating that for several years now, although I’ve never explicitly stated it, but now I feel confident enough to state my expectations on the basis of recent developments in genetic science:

The long-dead woolly mammoth will make its return from extinction by 2027, says Colossal, the biotech company actively working to reincarnate the ancient beast. Last year, the Dallas-based firm scored an additional $60 million in funding to continue the, well, mammoth gene-editing work it started in 2021. The woolly mammoth’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match of the Asian elephant, which leads Colossal to believe it’s well on its way toward achieving its goal. “In the minds of many, this creature is gone forever,” the company says. “But not in the minds of our scientists, nor the labs of our company. We’re already in the process of the de-extinction of the Woolly Mammoth. Our teams have collected viable DNA samples and are editing the genes that will allow this wonderful megafauna to once again thunder through the Arctic.”

First of all, despite all my criticism of corrupt modern science, modern engineering is both amazing and cool. I would absolutely love to see the woolly mammoth and other great beasts of the past brought back to life.

Second, consider the implications of the DNA match between the woolly mammoth and the Asian elephant. If similar genes can be edited to turn an Asian elephant embryo into a woolly mammoth, then obviously it will not be much more difficult to turn an Asian embryo into a Nordic European.

Although obviously the genetic engineering could be, and will be, applied in a wide variety of directions, the immense size of the hair-color, contact lens, skin whitening, and plastic surgery industries make it entirely obvious which direction will be generally preferred by parents, which is to say, which way the profitable investment is going to run.

In the future, everyone will be blond-haired, blue-eyed, and beautiful. Whether they want to be or not.