Protecting the Filthbloods

Laws are being passed to prevent discrimination against the genetically altered formerly human:

No longer sci-fi speculation, the transhuman revolution is real; it’s here; it’s unfolding in real time. Man’s transformation into machine – or at least something not entirely human — will accelerate rapidly in the coming decades.

The next milestone on the road to transhuman techno-hell is a most unorthodox piece of legislation in Chile – which, along with Argentina, is the global corporate technocracy’s beachhead on the South American continent. The new law “bans discrimination against mutants and genetically altered people“:

“Law No. 21.422 prohibits labor discrimination against mutations or alterations of genetic material, and in turn ‘prohibits demanding any certificate or test to verify that the worker does not have such alterations or mutations in his human genome.’”

Ultimately, whether the intent of the bill is to normalize and legalize genetically engineered human chimeras as “human,” or to disincentive employers from snooping into actual natural humans’ genetic makeup as a precondition for employment, or for some other purpose, remains unclear.

Given the recent track record of human rights abuses by Western governments admittedly captured by the World Economic Forum, the safe bet is on the first, more sinister objective.

Actually, this is probably not about transhumanism, as it is more likely that it is a response to growing awareness of the deleterious effects of the gene therapies that are the mRNA-based not-vaccines. Because once it becomes clear that the vaxxed are much more likely to keel over and die, or become very expensive medical liabilities, no corporation is going to want to be on the hook for their insurance bills.


Safe and Effective Abortions

Vaccinated women no longer require coathangers or vacuums to prevent childbirth:

Out of 27 women that were accidentally pregnant during the vacc program. Outcome: 23 spontaneous abortions. 2 premature with neonatal death. 1 spontaneous abortion with neonatal death. 1 living baby

Pfizer doc 5.3.6 page 12

“Safe and effective”

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis

Twitter has this tweet marked “misleading”. How, one wonders, can an accurate quote from an original source reasonably be categorized as misleading? The numbers are the numbers, are they not? It appears the word “misleading” has been redefined as “contrary to the current Narrative”. See also, “debunked”.


Clown World as Crucible

AC contemplates a thought that I, too, have thought before. What if we’re not the targets of clown world?

One of our greatest weaknesses is we tend to ascribe so much to stupidity. They have even fed us the meme, “Never ascribe to malice that which can be ascribed to stupidity.” But those we face have very smart people in very high places, telling all the idiot puppets in positions of power that we see what to do. More often than not, I think the planners and the puppet string pullers know exactly what they are doing. However if this is the case, it does not make sense in the context of the farmer looking to breed more docile, complacent sheep. It might make sense however if there were a farmer looking at the current crop of obese trannies, skinny manlets, and ultra-left NPCs, and deciding he needed to do some major selective breeding to salvage his herd’s reproductive viability.

Why do we assume that the elite want the fat, mindless, degenerate, and self-sterilizing subhumans that their policies are producing in such quantities lately? Of what possible use can they be to anyone? If we are ruled by an arrogant and aesthetic elite that values bloodlines, intelligence, and talent, is it not at least possible that clown world is a crucible intentionally designed to eliminate the weak, the stupid, and the ugly?

And isn’t that more in keeping with the beliefs and behaviors of the pagan elites of the past? I’m not saying that’s necessarily the case, I’m simply observing that almost every aspect of clown world appears to be designed to lure the susceptible into the consensual destruction of their selves and their genetic lines.

Regardless, our responsibility to resist and refuse to submit to it remains the same.


How the World Really Works

AC explains that the way the world actually works is not at all how the globalist establishment’s Narrative tells you it works.

I used to be purely mechanistic, and “scientific,” in quotes, because I was really just adopting what I was told by those I thought understood the world as a cause and effect mechanism. There were molecules, and physics, and rules, and everything was just sort of there, clicking away as a clockwork mechanism, which began with a chemical soup, accreted into “life,” which was just a sort of curious quirky self-perpetuating chemical reaction. And it all happened as they said, we were the first here, and it was all as it appeared. It was a fairly cohesive theory, as you could follow it from beginning to end and it made sense and looked good on the surface, given the lies we were told and what was hidden.

The Bible was some weird book of fairy tales, which people latched on to and claimed was true, but which was vastly inferior to understanding what I thought was a coherent story of life’s formation, evolution, and our present state.

As time went on, I saw things, from Bob seemingly getting taken over by some weird evil personality, to feeling the golden glow raining down from above which you see in old Renaissance paintings, right at the moment when I first took the fork which led to this path. That warm glow of love raining down on people in those paintings was not some artist’s concoction to simulate God’s love and grace. It is actually a real phenomenon I assume people were feeling back then as the Dark Ages passed and the chosen began to embark on their given roles. When I felt it there was someone else there who felt it too. I assume God knew as a mechanist, I would have written it off as some neural quirk inside my brain, but for a witness. So He gave me a witness. It is a weird, warm glow of happiness and love that clearly rains from above, and makes you feel different and uplifted, almost euphoric.

So I was realizing religion and God were real things, and there was something else going on in this world from my own experiences, even before I found out the evil leaders in this world were using occult worship to seek favor from some evil entity with the power to grant favors in this world. And now we find out there was some sort of interdimensional, technologically sophisticated entity which had been here long before humans, hidden from us, and which was making fun of our most advanced military tech and operations as it ran circles around them. It appears it can present itself to us in all sorts of ways to trick us as to its true nature. And you know it is in our government, because it has to have intel operations, and that is how intel operations roll.

Once you break through, and realize there are actually things like that out there which you don’t see in the text books, then you begin wondering, if there are these incredible things, with such power, so consequential, how is it they not only don’t talk about them in school or the text books, but they actually spend considerable time telling you there is nothing to it? It is like psychic abilities. I have no hard data either way on that one, but I am fucking haunted by the fact they tested all the GATE kids in our school, apparently were testing GATE kids nationally for psychic ability, and at the same time were lying to all of us, telling each class it was just a one-off thing they were doing once that year, for some study at a local university – as they were doing it to everyone for decades. Why lie?

And all along was the Bible, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
More accurate than anything taught in school, in college, in our news media. It is the only thing not either clueless or outright lying to us. And the amazing thing is, it didn’t just come out and get revealed. It was there all along, and the establishment has been attacking it from Day One.

So yeah, I think the Bible is really the main text book now for how this world works.

I came to much the same conclusions for very different reasons, but the important thing to keep in mind is that even a fairly basic knowledge of what has passed for science for the last 30 years will rapidly convince anyone of sufficient intelligence that a) the scientific narrative is not only false, but impossible, b) science doesn’t offer rational explanations for the vast majority of things it purports to explain, and c) the scientific profession is actively engaged in hiding and/or explaining away a considerable amount of information that directly contradicts the scientific narrative.

And all of this is correctly anticipated and explained by the Biblical narrative, which describes a world that is fallen from perfection, filled with sin, and ruled by evil.

The Problem of Evil for the secular perspective should not be underrated. It is so fundamental a problem that it is almost impossible to examine it honestly and not reject the secular perspective entirely.


Solving the Recurrence Riddle

One of the consequences of the vaxx that has been observed by many people is the way in which cancer patients in remission have been seeing their cancers come back, and coming back at an alarmingly aggressive rate after being vaxxed with the mRNA technology. Neon Revolt brings to our attention a scientific study that may explain why this is happening.

The Covid vaccines nuke the body’s ability to destroy cancer cells. Give it 5-10 years. Everyone who took the jab will be growing tumors. I’m not even joking or being hyperbolic. THE VAXX NUKES the body’s ability to destroy cancer calls.

The report spends two pages describing the chemical pathways through which apoptosis is induced in the body. Apoptosis, for those who don’t know, is cell death. It’s how the body recognizes, regulates, and kills mutated (read: cancer) cells, before they get out of control.

Tumors and cancer are what happens when those regulatory and immune systems are overwhelmed.

The Jab disregulates a ton of these chemical pathways, effectively neutering the body’s ability to fight any kind of cancer.

You’re going to see people dropping dead from this within the decade. THAT is the implication of this report.

This is precisely the insidious, slow-acting, but reliably lethal sort of approach that I anticipated from the depopulationists. They needed something that would reduce the population over time, but would not do so too quickly or catastrophically, lest it spark violent resistance that would be directed at them. Also, the more plausible deniability for the vaxx, the less likely it would be for the responsible parties to be held liable for their actions.

So, rather than triggering cancer, inhibiting the human body’s ability to resist the cancer cells that eventually pop up in most people over time is a method that would fit the depopulationist’s requirements. Neither the study nor the logic are conclusive proof that this is what has happened, but it does present an increasingly coherent picture of the depopulationist program.


The Dark Empath

Well, there goes my psychological self-defense. Curse you, pseudoscience! Although this recent taxonomical definition does underline my point that I am not a sociopath.

Recent research has found that individuals who boast dark personality traits, such as narcissism, can still retain high levels of cognitive and affective empathy. The study, recently published in Personality and Individual Differences, identifies these types of people as “dark empaths.”

Empathy can be broken up into three categories: cognitive, which describes the intellectual understanding of someone else’s feelings without sensing them; affective, or feeling someone else’s emotions as your own; or compassionate, a combination of cognitive and emotional empathy.

Individuals are considered dark empaths when they possess cognitive and/or affective empathy as well as characteristics from the “dark triad” — a collective term for three dark personality traits: Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism.

Traditionally, researchers have found that those with darker characteristics are often associated with a lack of empathy.

And while this new data, which the researchers gathered from a group of 1,000 individuals, certainly reinforces that assertion, it also indicates a strong presence for the dark empath group.

“As expected, we found a traditional dark triad group with low scores in empathy (about 13 percent of the sample). We also found a group with lower to average levels across all traits (about 34 percent were ‘typicals’) and a group with low dark traits and high levels of empathy (about 33 percent were empaths),” the study’s authors said.

“However, a fourth group of people, the ‘dark empaths,’ was clearly evident. They had higher scores on both dark traits and empathy (about 20 percent of our sample). Interestingly, this latter group scored higher on both cognitive and affective empathy than the ‘dark triad’ and ‘typical’ groups,” they added.

The team said they were not entirely surprised that the dark empaths scored as high as they did in the cognitive and affective empathy sections.

“This makes sense in a way, as to manipulate others for your own gain — or indeed enjoy the pain of others — you must have at least some capacity to understand them,” they explained.

The researchers also found that the dark empaths were more indirectly aggressive than typicals and empaths.

As it has been said, one is advised to most fear the torturer who sheds tears for the pain of his victims.


High Verbal, Low Math

Steven Hsu explains why so many evolutionary biologists, and other would-be scientists, simply don’t understand the topics or implications of the topics they are attempting to discuss:

I sent the message below to a social scientist I know who (like many, perhaps understandably) is confused about Stephen J. Gould’s status as an evolutionary theorist. Many Gould readers are surprised to learn that his main expertise was the paleontology of snails and that he struggled with higher mathematics. When I first encountered Gould’s essays as a kid, I concluded that there was just no there there. He was all literary flourish and little depth.

Which brings me to an observation I’ve been meaning to write about. It is that high verbal ability (which Gould certainly had) is useful for appearing to be smart, or for winning arguments and impressing other people, but it’s really high math ability that is useful for discovering things about the world — that is, discovering truth or reasoning rigorously. The importance of math ability manifests in two distinct ways:

(1) Powerful (deep) models of Nature (e.g., electrodynamics or evolutionary theory) are themselves mathematical. Most of the incredible progress in our understanding of the universe is just not available to people who do not understand math. For example, we can talk until we are blue in the face about the Uncertainty Principle, but there is no precise understanding without actual equations.

(2) The statistical techniques used to analyze data obtained in a messy, complex world require mathematical ability to practice correctly. In almost all realistic circumstances hypothesis testing is intrinsically mathematical. It is quite easy to fool yourself statistically if you don’t have strong math ability, but rather are simply following cookbook recipes.

High verbal ability is useful for more than just impressing others — it typically implies a certain facility with concepts and relationships between ideas — but high V alone is a dangerous thing. The most confused people I meet in the academy tend to be high V, low (modest) M types.

We see this repeatedly in people like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, JF Gariepy, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Sargon of Akkad, and Curtis Doolittle, as well as most e-celebrities. They talk and talk and talk in circles in a manner that is superficially convincing to the average intelligence, but an analytical critique of their positions reliably reveals fundamental flaws that render them incorrect, if not nonsensical.

This is because most people don’t have what I think of as “a sense of math”. It doesn’t necessarily mean any higher math training, or even much knowledge of mathematics per se, so much as an instinctive grasp of statistics and mathematical relationships. You don’t actually need much math to understand the basics of statistics and percentages, but you do need a sense of math to immediately know that Ashkenazi Jews in the United States cannot possibly have an average IQ of 115 given the fact that their relatives in Israel do not have IQs nearly two standard deviations below them.

You don’t need to know much about math or DNA to immediately know that the number of genes that are fixed in any given species cannot have been fixed in the time allotted for them to have done so given the fact that we cannot observe species literally morphing before our eyes in real time. You don’t need anything beyond a basic sense of math to immediately understand that religion is not, and has never been, a significant cause of war, much less the primary one.

And you certainly don’t need much math, although a little knowledge of military history is useful, to immediately recognize that claims of 1,000 dead Russians per day in an invasion that has conquered territory at a historically rapid pace are absurd.

The High V Low M scientists tend to be popularizers rather than original thinkers, which is why Steven Gould was always going to be a fraud once he decided to try to make a name for himself as “a very original and great evolutionary theorist.”


Speed Up Those Mutations

Biologists can’t do the math, but apparently they are beginning to understand that the mathematical critique of their evolutionary mutational model is posing a genuine threat to the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis and the theory of evolution by natural selection.

New study suggests for the first time that genetic mutations are NOT always random and may evolve to respond to environmental pressures. Researchers tracked the appearance of a malaria fighting mutation in genomes. They tracked these mutations throughout populations in Africa and in Europe. The team found the genetic mutation was much more prevalent within Africa. It also evolved much faster than would be expected in individuals and groups.

Darwin’s theory that genetic mutations are always random is wrong, suggests a new study which found evidence that mutations can be a response to environmental pressures.

For more than a century, scientists have held to Charles Darwin’s theory that all genetic mutations are random and accidental, with the most beneficial traits being passed on through the generations of breeding.

Researchers from the University of Haifa in Israel say that isn’t the case, finding that the generation of the human hemoglobin S (HbS) mutation is not random… The findings challenge a core assumption at the heart of Darwin’s theory of evolution, showing that a long-term directional mutation response to environmental pressures is possible, and that mutations are not just random phenomena. 

Translation: the Prometheans who direct what presently passes for “science” are now prepared to throw out Darwin and natural selection in order to preserve whatever will permit them to deny the logic of a Creator God who designed humanity.

He hasn’t claimed their discovery discredits the theory of evolution, and both studies suggest randomness still plays a big role in mutations, however, it isn’t the only mechanism at play in evolution.

This is late-stage epicycle construction, as they’re trying to add additional mechanisms that will permit a faster rate of mutation, and therefore a faster rate of gene fixation, in order to account for the obvious, and undeniable, impossibility of random mutations being naturally selected prior to being fixated in the population. But these attempts to retroactively salvage the Neo-Darwinian model of evolution is an obvious confession of what I’ve been pointing out for years now, which is that the model simply does not work.