An Insidious Response

A Dutch observer contemplates the strange lack of correlation between the declining number of vaccine boosts and the increasing number of deaths by suddenly:

If you wish to blame the vaccines, then you’re left with the struggle of explaining why there are so many cases in late 2022, beginning in July, even though hardly any vaccines are administered in July, August and September. It doesn’t look like there’s a clear correlation between doses administered and sudden deaths. As I have argued before, I believe that whatever is going wrong with the population, is a product of an interaction between the vaccine and subsequent exposures to SARS-COV-2. A simple delayed effect from the vaccine is insufficient to explain the peak in late 2021 followed by a decline in cases of people “dying suddenly”.

When you catch a respiratory virus, the symptoms you experience are generally not from the virus itself. Rather, what you experience is the immune response your body produces against the virus. Now imagine something went wrong with a vaccine, you’re constantly being re-exposed to a virus which your poor antibody response is proving unable to deal with, so over time your body begins to produce anti-inflammatory antibodies normally associated with tolerance.

If this virus was able to infect your endothelium, but your body doesn’t really fight the virus anymore, would we start to see a lot of cases of people “dying suddenly”? This is an explanation that seems plausible to me. Another explanation to consider: Amyloidosis from massive amounts of poorly neutralizing antibodies produced by the body, resulting in embalmers finding an abundance of strange fibrous clots in people’s blood vessels.

The reality we’re dealing with is as following: After the first two shots, there is no IgG4 response. Nobody showed ANY IgG4 against SARS-COV-2. We only start to see IgG4 after breakthrough infections and/or the third shot. Whereas everyone had zero IgG4 immediately after the second shot, in a small number of people the last observation found that IgG4 had become their dominant response to the Spike protein, with almost everyone else also showing some amount of IgG4…

People move towards an IgG4 antibody response against SARS-COV-2, as their body’s response becomes IgG dominated after the first two vaccines. With IgA and IgM taking an abnormal backseat and IgG being forced to fight the virus on its own, inflammation becomes severe and antigen exposure becomes chronic, so that isotype class switching begins towards IgG4.

Once IgG4 emerges, it triggers a positive feedback loop whereby over time IgG4 becomes the dominant antibody response, as illustrated in the link above. It seems to me, that vast droves of people are in the process of having their immune response tipped towards an IgG4 tolerance response.

If people are then eventually reinfected, the antibody response is effectively entirely IgG4 dominated, which doesn’t trigger inflammation and so the infection becomes effectively silent, you don’t really notice common cold-like symptoms. IgG4, as an anti-inflammatory antibody that doesn’t activate complement and poorly binds to the Fcr receptor fails to bring the viral load down to zero. The virus eventually damages the cardiovascular system, resulting in a sudden unexpected death.

This is a scenario that is rather worse than we were beginning to hope in the aftermath of the booster campaigns. Having avoided Case Nightmare Kitty as well as any of the various insta-death scenarios, it was beginning to look as if the depopulationists had pretty much failed, with a significant caveat concerning possible long-term fertility effects.

However, the “silent infection” scenario, in which the vaccine + boosters allows subsequent infections to effectively evade the immune system and damage the cardiovascular system without the victim even noticing it, is observably in play. This could explain why the number of deaths by Suddenly is increasing even though most people received their final vaccine or booster months ago. Assuming that these deaths continue to steadily increase over time with additional infections, it would also suggest a subtle and particularly insidious depopulation program.


Nightfall, Reconsidered

It never occurred to me that the people who periodically massacred the scientists in Isaac Asimov’s famous short story, “Nightfall”, were actually the good guys.

Researchers at Boston University have created a new strain of Covid-19 that has an 80% kill rate in humanized mice.

Their names should be posted somewhere, publicly and prominently, in the event that their creation ever “escapes the laboratory”. The Mandarins may well have been onto something when they forcibly shut down technological development in China.


The UFO Disclosure Campaign

Rumors are heating up that the US government is in the process of coming clean on the existence of extraterrestrial life and unidentified flying objects:

Dr. Garry Nolan, an immunologist at Stanford, who recently stepped into the ufological arena after claiming to have analyzed alleged UFO remains. As we reported not long ago, during an interview with Tucker Carlson Today, Dr. Nolan discussed his thoughts on the Unidentified Aerospace-Underwater Phenomena (UAPs) and whether or not the government possesses technology that originated from another planet. In addition, Dr. Nolan discussed his experiences working with the government and analyzing and studying people who came too close to UFOs.

He stated during the interview that individuals involved in the recovery of UFO debris and subsequent secret government programs would soon come forward to reveal what they know, putting an end to one of the biggest cover-ups in modern history.

When you say that the government has been involved in a cover-up, do you think they’ve been hiding it all this time?” Coulthart asked.

“Oh yes. I know it’s a fact because I’ve spoken to important people who are about to come out and whistleblow on it,” Nolan replied.

“And there has been an active cover-up. Just look at what the Department of Defense (DoD) recently announced. They announced an office to study the phenomenon. Putting money aside, they say they will start the study from 1947.”

“Which is incredible. That’s the date of Roswell,” the interviewer said.

“Yes, 1947. And we want a list of every operation they did to misinform and misinform the public,” Nolan said.

A recent law passed by the U.S. Congress may have influenced this statement by the Stanford professor. It grants a kind of amnesty to officials, military personnel, and government contractors to provide information on UFOs without fear of legal consequences or reprisals.

Whether these rumors are true or not, what will be will be. I don’t really care because it’s always been entirely obvious to me that extraterrestrial life exists due to a) the size of the known universe, b) the panoply of historical anomalies, and c) the interaction between the natural and the supernatural. I’m not going to bother to explain my thinking now because anyone who can’t follow the logic won’t follow the logic and I just don’t care what anyone else happens to think of my conclusions.

And that’s not the interesting aspect of this rumored disclosure of a decades-long – and probably centuries-long – coverup as far as I’m concerned anyway. For me, the more interesting aspect is the way in which it would conclusively disprove, yet again, the retarded, but commonly-held idea that conspiracies involving large numbers of people are impossible due to the inability of people to avoid inadvertent disclosure to the public.

One would have thought that the success of the Manhattan Project, which involved 130,000 people working in 30 different locations over four years without anyone learning about its purpose would suffice to disprove the Impossibility of Conspiratorial Secrecy argument, but since a) it lasted only four years and b) it took place during wartime, most people erroneously discount the obvious falsification. That will not be possible in the aftermath of the disclosure of a successful 75-year UFO coverup.


The Nobel Committee Knows

The Nobel prize-givers may have been foolish enough to give a Peace prize to a newly elected US President who promptly launched a series of wars, but they’re not dumb enough to give any prizes to the scientists whose not-vaccines have killed or injured tens of millions:

Swedish paleontologist who proved that Neanderthals are ‘still alive’ wins Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine – as Covid vaccine breakthroughs are shunned again

My guess is that the members of the Nobel Committee are nervous about the possibility that they’ll one day be seen as giving awards to the architects of what amounts to a 21st-Century Holocaust. Another indication, as if any more were needed, that the Narrative about the safety and effectiveness of the vaxx is in the process of being flipped.


Trust the Science

Now this is science I am entirely willing to trust: coffee is very, very good for you:

The massive database contains the health records on half a million Britons, who are regularly quizzed on their lifestyle habits. Participants, who were aged 40 to 69, completed questionnaires on how many cups they drank per day and whether they opted for instant, ground or decaffeinated.

The findings, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, show 44 per cent drank instant, 18 per cent ground and 15 per cent decaf. Just over a fifth did not drink coffee.

Over the course of the 13-year study, nearly 28,000 participants died. Some 43,000 developed cardiovascular disease and 30,000 were diagnosed with arrhythmia — an irregular heartbeat.

All types of coffee were linked with a reduction in early death from all causes, with two to three cups per day linked with the lowest risk. Those drinking that much ground coffee were 27 per cent less likely to die early than non-coffee drinkers. Meanwhile, decaf fans had a 14 per cent reduced risk and instant was linked with a 11 per cent drop. And all those who drank coffee had a reduced risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

The good news is that since the amount of coffee drunk was self-reported, the ideal number of “two to three cups per day” is actually at least four cups, and could easily be five. Because no one, in the entire history of drinking coffee, has ever accurately reported how much coffee they really drank.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to fire up another espresso… for my health, you understand.


Smart Thermostats are Very Stupid

Contra their sole purported purpose for existing, smart thermostats have been scientistically proven to INCREASE energy usage:

“Engineering estimates from the California Technical Forum …. predict that smart thermostats will produce substantial reductions in energy consumption,” the report, called “The Human Perils of Scaling Smart Technologies: Evidence from Field Experiments,” said. It was released by authors from Johns Hopkins, University of Chicago, University of Southern California and University of Alabama.

They studied the smart thermostat impact on energy consumption using data over an 18-month period including more than 16 million hourly electricity use records and almost 700,000 daily observations of natural gas consumption.

“The most relevant estimates to our experimental sample come from Department of Energy Technical Reference Manuals, which are annual reports produced by energy providers and regulators. These reports primarily rely on engineering simulations and survey data to predict the effects of energy efficiency programs at scale.

“These predictions are then used by energy providers to justify expenditures on energy efficiency programs. Mapping these predictions for Californians, which vary by climate zone and the size of a home, to our experimental samples we find that savings of 1.3% and 4.0% are respectively predicted for overall electricity and natural gas consumption.”

However, those thermostats were found to “fail to deliver the expected energy savings.”

The researchers said, in their nearly 100-page report, those thermostats “actually increase electricity and gas consumption by 2.3% and 4.2%, respectively,” the report found. The report explained the problem was not necessarily one of usability. “In fact, researchers observed, nearly all users with the smart devices programmed them almost immediately, and many did so with energy savings in mind,” the report said.

Instead, the problem was with how often and to what extent users overrode the programming to set heating temperatures higher, or cooling temperatures lower, when they wanted to change it.

And this doesn’t even account for the real detriment to installing a smart thermostat, which is that it provides the service provider the ability to shut off your heat and power in the event Alexa hears you saying something that violates the current Narrative.

First, don’t even consider installing one. Second, if you’ve got one installed, replace it with a traditional dumb thermostat that is fully under your control.


The Pathway to Proof

The evidence against the Covid vaccines is on the verge of becoming undeniable by the mainstream. Between the excess deaths, the declining fertility, and the hard evidence being provided by embalmers around the world, the lethal nature of the vaxx is on the verge of being conclusively proven.

Richard Hirschman, who has been an embalmer since 2001, has noticed “a change of condition of bodies since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines.” These changes include the huge increase in people with blood clots, the strange nature of these blood clots, and patients who have died of cancer without any of the tell-tale signs, such as hair loss and emaciation. “Unfortunately, there is a new normal,” he says.

Hirschman has embalmed thousands of bodies during the course of his career. Last year, he handled over 600 himself. So he knows the signs to look for, and he knows what blood looks like. “In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time,” he says, “but since May last year, something about the blood has changed. It’s not normal. It’s drastic.”

When Hirschman first started seeing anomalies, he thought it strange, “but when you see the same thing over and over, you start to realize that something’s not right.”

Hirschman and many of his colleagues in the industry noticed an increase in clotting during the pandemic, “but it wasn’t until the roll-out of the vaccine that these really unusual fibrous structures started appearing.”

He describes a normal blood clot as having a texture like grape jelly or jam. If you were to pick it up, it would likely disintegrate in your fingers. Before 2021, blood clots would appear in between five and 10 percent of bodies. These days, says Hirschman, those numbers are more like 85 percent. “The majority of bodies I embalm are clotted,” he says. “Out of 358 bodies this year, only around 60 were not clotted, and a half of those were heavily clotted. Prior to last year, it wasn’t like that. Nothing like what we see now.”

What is more, these clots are unlike anything he’s ever seen before. He describes them as “a white fibrous structure, like calamari, a rubber band or spaghetti. Even the small ones are unusual looking, like worms. They resemble a small parasite.” Typically, blood clots come out of veins during the embalming process, very, very rarely out of an artery. However, Hirschman recently took one out of an artery 33 inches long. “Normally, I wouldn’t be able to pull a clot of that length without it falling apart,” he explains. “It’s the white, fibrous length that’s unusual. I cannot possibly imagine that being inside a healthy person.”

Hirschman suspects the vaccine is causing these clots. “The reason why I feel the vaccine is related is that I have found these strange structures inside of people who supposedly never had covid but had been vaccinated.”

Looking back, Hirschman sees a date correlation. “It was January 2021 when they really started pushing the vaccines,” he recalls. “I have never been so busy in all my life. I was running into clots like crazy; even in February and March, the clotting was huge. Initially, it was in elderly people, and those were the first they tried to protect.”

Hirschman has also noticed a change in the bodies he is receiving who have died from cancer. Typically, these people have tumors, hair loss and are emaciated due to their struggle with the disease and harsh treatments. “Lately, had I not been told these people had cancer, I’d not have known. People are getting cancers and are dead before they know it,” he says. “They don’t live long enough to go through the stages.”

As I pointed out early in the vaccination push, the one thing they would not be able to hide despite their best efforts was the bodies. So now the pathway to proof is clear: for scientists to find evidence of the vaccine materials, or the spike proteins produced by the vaxx, in the tumors and the strange clot structures.

The statistical evidence already proves the case, but since most people are statistically ignorant, it’s still plausible for the governments, media, and scientists to stand by their denials. That’s why rock-hard scientific evidence will need to be provided in order to force them to admit what is already obvious to the intelligent observer.



US life expectancy is falling, and it’s going to fall even further in 2022:

Life expectancy at birth in the U.S. declined nearly a year from 2020 to 2021, according to new provisional data from the CDC.

Why it matters: It’s the latest evidence of the toll the COVID pandemic took on Americans’ health and takes the U.S. life expectancy at birth to its lowest level — 76.1 years — since 1996.

Together with recent data showing life expectancy fell 1.8 years between 2019 and 2020, that means life expectancy at birth fell by 2.7 years over two years — the largest two-year decline since 1921–1923.

The so-called experts are trying to blame it on Covid, which makes no sense given that Covid disproportionately affected the elderly. Which means, of course, that it’s a combination of a) obesity and b) the vaxx.


They Want You Fat, Then Dead

There’s literally no other conclusion one can possibly reach, given the behavior of the techno-medico-media complex. Apparently it’s much more profitable to slowly kill the unproductive over time than it is to sell things to them.

For ten years on these pages I’ve talked about getting the carbs and machine-processed oils out of your diet. For eight of those last ten years this was perfectly ok with the various censors — Google, to be specific.

When Covid started up I pointed out that by the data if you were a fat-ass you were wildly more-likely to die. Not a little more likely, much more likely. 2, 3, 5, ten times more-likely, depending on how much of a fat-ass you were. The worse it was, the worse the outcomes. That doesn’t mean you would definitely die because probability doesn’t work like that, at least until probability is 1.0.

I also have been pointing out for those same ten years that you don’t need fancy tests or money. All you need is to stand naked against a wall and look down. If you have a gut you’re metabolically compromised. If you can’t see your genitals you’re severely compromised.

Not “sometimes”, not “maybe”, every time.

Well, post Covid’s emergence I was basically forced to move all of my articles on low-carb eating off the “advertising is shown” side of the site, because it was suddenly considered “medical misinformation”, despite it being perfectly fine for ten years to discuss such topics. It isn’t “misinformation” at all, but to argue against, even with scientific data behind your opinion anything other than the “one true way”, as defined by the government and big tech in collusion, suddenly became verboten. This is one of the earlier articles, incidentally, which surprisingly wasn’t flagged.

You can go here, if you wish, which is the “cheat” to get the archives of all the stuff moved over. Some of it has rolled off but not all, for example the marked-exempt Demolishing The Lies On Low-Carb Eating post.

Now I want you to pay attention to this, which just recently published and thus far Youtube hasn’t forced it offline. They probably will. It documents medical studies that proved the use of insulin as a treatment for Type II diabetes doesn’t decrease all-cause mortality; that is, it does nothing to keep you from being dead.

In fact it slightly but statistically increases your odds of being dead!

That’s right — your doctor eventually prescribes something that increases your odds of being dead.

Yet this is what basically every medical scold sells you if you’re overweight and show up with high blood glucose: You have an irreversible condition, you can manage it with drugs which will progressively stop working over time, exercise will help but again the damage is irreversible and, in the end, you’re fucked.


Get lean. Keep your blood clean. Don’t enter the Kill Machine.


Medical Science is Faked

Around 70 percent of all medical science trials are faked.

As he described in a webinar last week, Ian Roberts, professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, began to have doubts about the honest reporting of trials after a colleague asked if he knew that his systematic review showing the mannitol halved death from head injury was based on trials that had never happened. He didn’t, but he set about investigating the trials and confirmed that they hadn’t ever happened. They all had a lead author who purported to come from an institution that didn’t exist and who killed himself a few years later. The trials were all published in prestigious neurosurgery journals and had multiple co-authors. None of the co-authors had contributed patients to the trials, and some didn’t know that they were co-authors until after the trials were published. When Roberts contacted one of the journals the editor responded that “I wouldn’t trust the data.” Why, Roberts wondered, did he publish the trial? None of the trials have been retracted.

Later Roberts, who headed one of the Cochrane groups, did a systematic review of colloids versus crystalloids only to discover again that many of the trials that were included in the review could not be trusted…

Mol, like Roberts, has conducted systematic reviews only to realise that most of the trials included either were zombie trials that were fatally flawed or were untrustworthy. What, he asked, is the scale of the problem? Although retractions are increasing, only about 0.04% of biomedical studies have been retracted, suggesting the problem is small. But the anaesthetist John Carlisle analysed 526 trials submitted to Anaesthesia and found that 73 (14%) had false data, and 43 (8%) he categorised as zombie. When he was able to examine individual patient data in 153 studies, 67 (44%) had untrustworthy data and 40 (26%) were zombie trials.

So much for the “studies show” rhetoric. Karl Denninger is, as you might expect, taking a calm and measured approach to the news.

Our government has run a scam shop for the last couple of decades. Everyone seems to consider this is just a “cost of doing business” and that somehow, this is a monetary thing mostly or even only. No its not — not even in the main. Oh sure, you get screwed out of thousands per-person every year in the medical field through their monopolistic and other price-fixing practices, all of which under 15 USC Chapter 1 are felonies, but the monetary harm to your wallet is trivial in comparison to years of life lost or even your immediate disability or death.

Should we consider all medical advice and “studies” to be frauds until proved otherwise?


We should have decades ago.

The convergence of science and medicine is rending both completely unfit for purpose and unable to perform their primary functions.