Back in the days when the Sad Puppies were the #GamerGate of the science fiction world, I reached a gentleman’s agreement with Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen, two of the first three leaders of the Sad Puppies, after they decided that they did not want to be directly connected to me or the group that became known as the Rabid Puppies. I told them at the time that this separation was a mistake for them, and that there were more Rabid Puppies than Sad Puppies, but they refused to believe that and insisted it was necessary for reasons that I will leave to them to explain.
However, they did agree that given the amount of media scrutiny we were all under, it would serve little purpose for us to attempt to speak for, or about, each other in public. All three of us knew that the media was going to try very hard to utilize anything that we would say to undermine the others. To their credit, and to mine, none of us gave the media any material for ten years.
Unfortunately, I have now concluded it is time to end that gentlemen’s agreement because a) it is now clear and undeniable that these are two men who are not, and perhaps never were, on the side of what is right or what is true, b) they are not gentlemen, and c) they have been repeatedly lying about one of my authors for several years. Therefore, I sent both of them this email last night.
This is just a heads-up that I am concluding our gentlemen’s agreement. It’s absolutely fine that you don’t like Del Arroz. But you’re both blatantly and very publicly lying about one of my authors, and you’ve both been behaving in an unprofessional manner. I do not find this acceptable.
You’re certainly free to think what you like and you can call me all the names in the book that strike your fancy. You can even get an early start on it, if you like, since I’ll be quoting both of you at length tomorrow.
Regards, etc.
Now, to a certain extent, this is a tempest in a teapot. Literally no one in our greater community has given a quantum of a damn about what Larry Correia thinks ever since he opted out of leading the Sad Puppies more than a decade ago. Being a flagrant Never-Trumper, a civic nationalist, and a Mormon, he’s as irrelevant to the tens of thousands of Castalia, Arkhaven, and Unauthorized fans as I am to his readership. And I doubt more than two percent of our community has ever even heard of Brad Torgersen.
But nevertheless, as we’ve seen again and again, what permits wickedness to thrive is the tolerance and the silence of those who know better. And what Larry and Brad have been doing for years, the twisted rhetoric they have been repeatedly attempting to pass off as the truth, is neither good, nor beautiful, nor true. They no longer merit respect or restraint on my part.
Here are a few examples of the unacceptable behavior to which I am referring. It should be clear to any impartial observer that Larry Correia is a vulgar midwit with very poor judgment on matters personal, professional, and political.
- Jo Bird almost nothing you wrote there is accurate. That is common when you get your news from a known pathological liar. You not getting the venom isn’t my problem. I’ve dealt with this piece of shit for years and believe he is a malignant sociopath. Lots of people have seen this in action and know. Then someone like you comes along, people explain why he’s despised, then he farms those comments about his history to make more content playing the victim. It’s a big tiresome scam. The reason people don’t like to talk about him directly is he gets off on the attention.
- Everything this fucker says is a twisted lie. There are two types of non-lefty authors. Those who have been conned into thinking JDA isn’t a piece of shit, and those who have found out that JDA is actually a piece of shit.
- His “anonymous sources” are the demons he’s possessed by.
- You’re just a narcissistic grifter. You’re not on my team. You’re on a team that consists of you and your bizarrely over inflated ego. Everybody is wise to your schtick except a handful of mopes who buy into your exaggerated fake Christian, alpha male, try hard act. They don’t realize that behind the scenes you wanted so hard to write for us that you were an annoying, cloying, suck up, and you got rejected, not for politics, but because you’re just not that good, and you’ve had a chip on your shoulder ever since. The only writers who haven’t cut ties with you are the ones who haven’t yet clued in to your scam, just like I tried to help you when you first got blackballed, until I clued in on your scam. But you’ll fuck them over too in order to score some points for yourself eventually, because you can’t help yourself. Then once they realize you’re just a weird creepy asshole, you’ll make yourself out to be the victim and they’re sell outs. It’s who you are. Now seriously. Fuck off. I’m sure you’ll go write some posts and do some videos about how I’m a sellout loser cuck gamma soyboy or whatever, and you’ll get a couple hundred hits maybe, and I’ll be happy to go back to ignoring you.
- Jon is a sociopathic grifter who goes through life trying to insert himself into other peoples’ troubles to try and score clout for himself. He starts shit for others and then cries how he’s a victim. When you take exception to him fucking people over for clout he will say everybody but him is a secret leftist sell out and you just hate him because he’s “Christian”. Do not trust him. He’s fucking cancer. Seriously. I can’t accentuate this enough. Trust him at your own peril. That dude is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.
- You stupid motherfucker. The press wants Trump to be the nominee. They give him endless free coverage. They make sure he sucks all the air out of the room. They want you low information dipshits to push him through the primary. They know Trump is easiest to beat in the general. And on the off chance he wins, they already know how to reliably manipulate him.
- ONLY Trump can win the White House and to prove that he points us to… Richard Baris? Holy fuck. And I’d point you to cold cruel reality where half of America despises Trump, his candidates get trounced, and that’s before he’s a convicted felon. Like seriously. (Insert Generic Vanilla Republican here) would be a better choice to win in the general because of Trump’s ridiculous baggage. People are sick of the democrats, but they are also sick of Trump’s shit. The only people who aren’t sick of his shit are the Trumpkins who eat that clown show up, but as the last elections demonstrated, they turn out far less than the moderates who hate his guts.
In summary, Larry Correia does not know the truth, he does not tell the truth, and he is not, by his own profession, on our team. As for Brad Torgersen, everything he is can be encapsulated in one single statement.
- May the Lord take Trump in his sleep tonight.
That’s no way to talk about the man who was not only the second-greatest President that the USA has ever known in his first presidential incarnation, but is presently leading America in a desperate war for national survival against the Deep State, the Deep Church, and Clown World.
Just as Neil Gaiman’s fans were given sufficient opportunity to observe that there was something fundamentally wrong with the man before it became impossible to deny, fans of Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen should now be aware that they are not the sort of men they are often assumed, in ignorance, to be. They, their colleagues, and their supporters can spin and posture and spew all the vulgar rhetoric they like, but the truth will inexorably expose them for who and what they are.
Ten years ago, Larry compared the three of us to three WWII leaders. “Look at it like this. I’m Churchill. Brad is FDR. We wound up on the same side as Stalin.”
It was an apt comparison. As you may recall, Stalin won.