Clown World’s Bluff

The European retarderati doesn’t know how to fight, do diplomacy, or do anything else except double down on its delusional rhetoric. An Austrian Clown World puppet by the name of Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn, the Chairman of the Austria NATO NGO, actually dared to threaten Americans and the God-Emperor 2.0 himself:

If MAGA/Putin America wants to play hard ball with us in Europe, we shall do the following.

  • 50% tariffs on all US imports
  • Confiscating all USA military assets in Europe if case US withdraws USA military staff
  • No more inteligence sharing
  • No more visits or invitations
  • Boycott key American products whose owners support Trump as Tesla, SpaceX
  • Exclude USA defence sector from EU military procurement
  • Cancel all F35 contracts etc
  • We produce our own defence material ourself of buy it from Ukraine, Turkey or South Korea

Call them on it, Mr. President. By all means, call them on it! It’s hard to think of anything that would shatter the European Union faster, more completely, and permanently than seeing it attempt to flex on a tripartite economic alliance of China, Russia, and the USA. Europe is a continent, it is not a regional power or even an actual power at all.

These little European yap dogs behave like men who were never spanked as children or punched in the mouth as adults. They have no ability to distinguish between verbal posturing and material power.

UPDATE: The God-Emperor called at least part of the Eurocrat bluff.

President Donald Trump is putting a pause on all military aid to Ukraine and issuing an ultimatum to President Volodymyr Zelensky after their Oval Office meeting blew up on Friday. All military equipment not currently in Ukraine will be halted and all future aid is now in jeopardy.


Appearances vs Reality

Far too many people, and pretty much everyone in the media, are far too obsessed with the idea of political leaders “appearing strong” as opposed to actually being strong. Which tendency Simplicius notes, particularly in reference to Vladimir Putin:

Too many people view the world in black and white, and believe the slightest weakness condemns a leader to total incompetence or treachery. No, Putin has weaknesses like everyone else, but also big strengths—it’s just at times one over-shines the other in glaring ways. The Russian armed forces have now likely lost somewhere approaching 100,000 dead if not more, the least they deserve in their colossal sacrifice is to know they didn’t die in vain; a stronger message from the commander-in-chief ensuring that objectives will be met would go a long way here.

The other most important thing to mention vis-a-vis ceasefire talks that no one else is talking about is the following. Russia and the US appear to be at a kind of epistemic loggerheads when it comes to the order with which the conflict must come to an end. You see, Trump, Marco Rubio, and others from their camp hold the position that the conflict must be brought to a ceasefire first, and only then would the higher order normalizations and negotiations between the US and Russia take place. In short, the Trump administration is putting the cart before the horse in its impatience to put some big win on the scoreboard, particularly given that many other Trump campaign promises have already flopped, or similarly log-jammed.

But Russia insists on the opposite order of events: first the US must recognize all the causes of the conflict and fulfill Russia’s demands for long-term security guarantees, and only then will Russia entertain bringing the conflict to an end. How to reconcile these antipodal positions? Easy: Russia must simply continue plowing ahead until the US ‘comes around’ to realizing that it’s not the one in the driver’s seat.

Being strong does not consist of making vacuous statements completely at odds with reality, as the Ukrainian, European, and US leaders are extremely prone to doing. That’s a magickal belief in rhetoric, attempting to alter the material universe with nothing more than their words and willpower. By their definition of “strong leadership” there has been no stronger leadership than Hitler in the Berlin bunker, making bizarre proclamations about inevitable victory and issuing orders to nonexistent battalions.

Keir Starmer, Emmanual Macron, and whatever nonentity is heading up the German government can posture as they like, but their opinions count even less than yours or mine. As Simplicius points out, Russia will simply keep doing what it is doing until the entire retarderati finally realizes that Russia is not going to run out of ammunition in two weeks, the Kursk incursion no longer exists, and the Kiev regime flees to Paris, or, as is more likely the case in the end, Jerusalem.

Both Putin and Xi practice the sort of strong leadership articulated by Teddy Roosevelt. They speak softly, in the case of Xi, very, very softly, and they carry big sticks which they do not hesitate to utilize. Trump can certainly negotiate with them, and make deals with them, but no amount of wild rhetoric and posturing is going to impress them.

The Clown World Order is failing. Their fake and gay “democracies” have been exposed, as well as their inversive “freedom” and now the nationalist “autocracies” are, as I have long predicted, rising to replace Clown World’s globalist charade.

Today, not only are autocracies increasingly confident. The US is moving to their side. That is the lesson of the last two weeks. Freedom is not in as much danger as it was in 1942. Yet the dangers are very real.


Freedom Isn’t Real

The Zoomers can see what the previous generations were unable to see at a similar age: the professed ideals of society are completely fraudulent. Democracy doesn’t express the will of the people, free trade doesn’t make the society any wealthier, and the free movement of people is just another name for invasion and occupation.

To our parents and grandparents, steeped in the baggage of the Second World War, ‘freedom’ is the ultimate democratic right. 

But many in Generation Z can see that our ‘free’ society has degenerated into instability and uncertainty. 

If ‘freedom’ means being unable to afford a home, to live in overcrowded and overpriced rented accommodation, to work soulless jobs in order to pay sky-high taxes, and to have no sense of belonging or identity, perhaps freedom is not what we need.

So it’s no shock to read that a recent survey commissioned by Channel 4 found that 52 per cent of Britons aged 13 to 27 have lost faith in democracy and would welcome a dictator – a strong leader ‘who does not have to bother with parliament and elections’. 

A third of my generation believe ‘the UK would be a better place if the Army was in charge’. 

Other polls have found that many of us are likely to back the death penalty, while a Mail on Sunday survey this week found that two-thirds of us favour castrating sex offenders.

These reports have caused much alarm among liberal commentators – for whom democracy and the social contract are sacrosanct. 

They don’t want to face the brutal truth that the social contract has been ripped up by a political class that has long refused to put the interests of ordinary British people first, or to deliver on our repeatedly expressed wishes at the ballot box – on immigration, crime, tax and much else.

Drug use, shoplifting and defrauding the state go unpunished. Millions of economically burdensome migrants from places and cultures vastly different from our own are invited in, housed and fed at our expense – and we are attacked and slurred as bigots if we complain.

The so-called “social contract” never existed. I never signed any social contract and neither did you. Moreover, the morals and mores of society have been subverted, and in many cases, even inverted. Modern society, in the UK, in Europe, and in the USA alike, has conclusively falsified the ideals of the Enlightenment, which were always aimed at the destruction of Christianity, one of the three pillars of Western civilization.

And now that Christendom has been weakened, the other two pillars, the European nations and the Greco-Roman legal and philosophical construct, are crumbling as well. What we have now is rule by deceptive foreign oligarchy, it is neither democracy nor freedom. Every and all appeals to those outdated, falsified ideals are false on their face, and the young men and women who see this are entirely correct to reject them as lies.

Even Francis Fukuyama admits that he was wrong. History never ended and so-called “liberal democracy” is not the only legitimate form of government.


Never Go Hard with NPCs

No friendships survived. My own family barely talks to me now. I went hard on the vax- almost everyone I know took it so they all hate me.

This is the narcissistic mistake of the well-intentioned. Just as the Gamma who erroneously believes that the power and purity of his attraction to a woman will make him attractive to her, the informed assumes that those he tries to save, but fails to convince, will be grateful to him and appreciative of his efforts when they eventually realize that he was right all along.

This never happens. Humanity is an ungrateful species. The average individual is more likely to hate you for being right than appreciate you for caring enough for trying to save them. In fact, they are more likely to blame you for not trying hard enough, no matter how hard you actually tried, because your lack of success in saving them is sufficient proof of your lack of effort.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do your best to warn your friends and family of future dangers. It means that you should warn them once, twice at most, and be willing to answer any questions that they might have for you, but do no more than that.

Most people are incapable of learning, or changing their minds, on the basis of information. Accept that and accept them how they are and for what they are. As soon as it’s clear that they’re not going to listen to you, leave them to their fate and thereby preserve the relationship. Because, in the end, you can’t save anyone who doesn’t want to be saved.

If Jesus Christ can’t, you certainly won’t be able to.


NFL Referees Confirm Suspicions

The NFL referees practically confirm that certain games are being rigged on the orders of the league office in their very suspicious non-denial denial of their own corruption.

On Monday, Commissioner Roger Goodell pushed back on the suggestion that game officials favor the Chiefs. On Tuesday, the union representing game officials issued a statement expressing appreciation for the Commissioner’s remarks.

“Commissioner Goodell’s comments that it is ‘ridiculous’ to presume that NFL Officials are not doing everything possible to make the right call on every play is spot on,” NFL Referees Association executive director Scott Green said. “Officiating crews do not work the same team more than twice each regular season. It is insulting and preposterous to hear conspiracy theories that somehow 17 officiating crews consisting of 138 officials are colluding to assist one team.”

That’s a bit strong. And it teeters on the possibility of protesting too much.

It doesn’t teeter on the possibility of protesting too much, it’s an obvious non-denial denial. When someone suspected of robbing a specific liquor store at a specific time pompously declares that it is insulting and preposterous to hear conspiracy theories that somehow 17 different criminal organizations are colluding to rob 138 different liquor stores and gas stations, instead of directly addressing the actual accusation, that’s such an obvious evasion that it serves as a practical confession.

We all know that the NFL puts the thumb on the scale when one team is blowing out another team at halftime. We can all see when a coach and quarterback have been instructed to lose a game. And it’s absolutely and entirely obvious when a head referee has been told which team should get the important calls. The NFL and the NFL Referees Association is insulting our intelligence when they try to pretend that they are a completely honest and organic sporting association when we all know that they are a for-profit entertainment organization that has the legal right to put on a show in any way it deems most entertaining.

The more they protest in such stupid and obvious ways, the more they confirm our suspicions. And if the Vikings bring back Sam Darnold, that will serve as strong support for the hypothesis that the last two games of the 2024 season were intentionally thrown by the Vikings on the orders of the NFL.


Churchill, FDR, and Stalin

Back in the days when the Sad Puppies were the #GamerGate of the science fiction world, I reached a gentleman’s agreement with Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen, two of the first three leaders of the Sad Puppies, after they decided that they did not want to be directly connected to me or the group that became known as the Rabid Puppies. I told them at the time that this separation was a mistake for them, and that there were more Rabid Puppies than Sad Puppies, but they refused to believe that and insisted it was necessary for reasons that I will leave to them to explain.

However, they did agree that given the amount of media scrutiny we were all under, it would serve little purpose for us to attempt to speak for, or about, each other in public. All three of us knew that the media was going to try very hard to utilize anything that we would say to undermine the others. To their credit, and to mine, none of us gave the media any material for ten years.

Unfortunately, I have now concluded it is time to end that gentlemen’s agreement because a) it is now clear and undeniable that these are two men who are not, and perhaps never were, on the side of what is right or what is true, b) they are not gentlemen, and c) they have been repeatedly lying about one of my authors for several years. Therefore, I sent both of them this email last night.


This is just a heads-up that I am concluding our gentlemen’s agreement. It’s absolutely fine that you don’t like Del Arroz. But you’re both blatantly and very publicly lying about one of my authors, and you’ve both been behaving in an unprofessional manner. I do not find this acceptable.

You’re certainly free to think what you like and you can call me all the names in the book that strike your fancy. You can even get an early start on it, if you like, since I’ll be quoting both of you at length tomorrow.

Regards, etc.

Now, to a certain extent, this is a tempest in a teapot. Literally no one in our greater community has given a quantum of a damn about what Larry Correia thinks ever since he opted out of leading the Sad Puppies more than a decade ago. Being a flagrant Never-Trumper, a civic nationalist, and a Mormon, he’s as irrelevant to the tens of thousands of Castalia, Arkhaven, and Unauthorized fans as I am to his readership. And I doubt more than two percent of our community has ever even heard of Brad Torgersen.

But nevertheless, as we’ve seen again and again, what permits wickedness to thrive is the tolerance and the silence of those who know better. And what Larry and Brad have been doing for years, the twisted rhetoric they have been repeatedly attempting to pass off as the truth, is neither good, nor beautiful, nor true. They no longer merit respect or restraint on my part.

Here are a few examples of the unacceptable behavior to which I am referring. It should be clear to any impartial observer that Larry Correia is a vulgar midwit with very poor judgment on matters personal, professional, and political.

  • Jo Bird almost nothing you wrote there is accurate. That is common when you get your news from a known pathological liar. You not getting the venom isn’t my problem. I’ve dealt with this piece of shit for years and believe he is a malignant sociopath. Lots of people have seen this in action and know. Then someone like you comes along, people explain why he’s despised, then he farms those comments about his history to make more content playing the victim. It’s a big tiresome scam. The reason people don’t like to talk about him directly is he gets off on the attention.
  • Everything this fucker says is a twisted lie. There are two types of non-lefty authors. Those who have been conned into thinking JDA isn’t a piece of shit, and those who have found out that JDA is actually a piece of shit.
  • His “anonymous sources” are the demons he’s possessed by.
  • You’re just a narcissistic grifter. You’re not on my team. You’re on a team that consists of you and your bizarrely over inflated ego. Everybody is wise to your schtick except a handful of mopes who buy into your exaggerated fake Christian, alpha male, try hard act. They don’t realize that behind the scenes you wanted so hard to write for us that you were an annoying, cloying, suck up, and you got rejected, not for politics, but because you’re just not that good, and you’ve had a chip on your shoulder ever since. The only writers who haven’t cut ties with you are the ones who haven’t yet clued in to your scam, just like I tried to help you when you first got blackballed, until I clued in on your scam. But you’ll fuck them over too in order to score some points for yourself eventually, because you can’t help yourself. Then once they realize you’re just a weird creepy asshole, you’ll make yourself out to be the victim and they’re sell outs. It’s who you are. Now seriously. Fuck off. I’m sure you’ll go write some posts and do some videos about how I’m a sellout loser cuck gamma soyboy or whatever, and you’ll get a couple hundred hits maybe, and I’ll be happy to go back to ignoring you.
  • Jon is a sociopathic grifter who goes through life trying to insert himself into other peoples’ troubles to try and score clout for himself. He starts shit for others and then cries how he’s a victim. When you take exception to him fucking people over for clout he will say everybody but him is a secret leftist sell out and you just hate him because he’s “Christian”. Do not trust him. He’s fucking cancer. Seriously. I can’t accentuate this enough. Trust him at your own peril. That dude is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  • You stupid motherfucker. The press wants Trump to be the nominee. They give him endless free coverage. They make sure he sucks all the air out of the room. They want you low information dipshits to push him through the primary. They know Trump is easiest to beat in the general. And on the off chance he wins, they already know how to reliably manipulate him.
  • ONLY Trump can win the White House and to prove that he points us to… Richard Baris? Holy fuck. And I’d point you to cold cruel reality where half of America despises Trump, his candidates get trounced, and that’s before he’s a convicted felon. Like seriously. (Insert Generic Vanilla Republican here) would be a better choice to win in the general because of Trump’s ridiculous baggage. People are sick of the democrats, but they are also sick of Trump’s shit. The only people who aren’t sick of his shit are the Trumpkins who eat that clown show up, but as the last elections demonstrated, they turn out far less than the moderates who hate his guts.

In summary, Larry Correia does not know the truth, he does not tell the truth, and he is not, by his own profession, on our team. As for Brad Torgersen, everything he is can be encapsulated in one single statement.

  • May the Lord take Trump in his sleep tonight.

That’s no way to talk about the man who was not only the second-greatest President that the USA has ever known in his first presidential incarnation, but is presently leading America in a desperate war for national survival against the Deep State, the Deep Church, and Clown World.

Just as Neil Gaiman’s fans were given sufficient opportunity to observe that there was something fundamentally wrong with the man before it became impossible to deny, fans of Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen should now be aware that they are not the sort of men they are often assumed, in ignorance, to be. They, their colleagues, and their supporters can spin and posture and spew all the vulgar rhetoric they like, but the truth will inexorably expose them for who and what they are.

Ten years ago, Larry compared the three of us to three WWII leaders. “Look at it like this. I’m Churchill. Brad is FDR. We wound up on the same side as Stalin.”

It was an apt comparison. As you may recall, Stalin won.


The Russians Knew

Vladimir Putin admits that the Russians knew the 2020 election was stolen and none of the six Joe Bidens were ever elected President of the United States:

Russian president Vladimir Putin has said the 2020 US presidential election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, and that had the outcome been declared fairly, the Ukraine conflict might have been avoided.

“I cannot disagree with him that if he had been president, if his victory hadn’t been stolen in 2020, perhaps the crisis in Ukraine that arose in 2022 wouldn’t have happened,” Putin has said in an interview published by Russia 1 TV journalist Pavel Zarubin on Telegram on Friday…

Trump has never admitted that he lost the 2020 election, despite courts failing to find evidence of widespread voter fraud. He has consistently alleged the 2020 election was blighted by irregularities, and that he lost despite winning 10 million more votes than Biden.

I’ve never admitted it either, because he didn’t. My early estimates were as accurate in 2020 as they were in 2016 and 2024, the only thing they couldn’t account for was millions, perhaps even tens of millions, of fake votes. I have never, ever believed, not for one second, that Joe Biden got more votes in Minnesota than Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama. The election fraud was clear, blatant, obvious, and statistically undeniable, and the fact that the media not only wasn’t all over it, but actively denied it is one reason that I no longer read any US “newspapers” or watch any US “news” channels.

It’s counterintuitive, but you will actually develop a better sense for what is going on in the world, and in the USA, if you completely ignore what passes for the mainstream news and the conservative news alike. What they report is the Narrative, not the news.

I’m not surprised that the Russians knew exactly what was going on. I assume the Chinese and the Israelis did too. The certain knowledge that the “rules-based world order” of “the Western democracies” was resting on a completely false foundation that was neither rules-based nor democratic was probably what proved the decisive factor in deciding to begin openly opposing it because it meant Clown World had lost the rhetorical high ground.


It Was a Nazi Salute

Elon Musk’s intentional and very public Nazi salute is no different than Richard Spencer’s “Hail Victory, Hail Trump” performance after the 2016 inauguration. It was an attempt to damage Trump through the negative visual rhetoric of a fake supporter. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Elon Musk is an actor who plays the role of “the world’s richest man” as well as “elite PC gamer” and “corporate CEO”. All three roles are fake and the midwits who scripted his role never took into account that their conceptual model for the part, Tony Stark, spends most of his time in the lab, not playing corporate front man. He’s not on our side, or President Trump’s side, anymore than Richard Spencer, Ben Shapiro, Neil Gaiman, or Jordan Peterson are.

They’re not controlled opposition, they are fake opposition. And his assignment to attempt to undermine President Trump’s second term is the reason Musk isn’t hanging out in Hollywood trying to seduce yet another actress or singer.


False Marketing

Women’s athletes and the Texas Attorney General are waging a war against baphometism and Clown World institutions like the NCAA:

San Jose State women’s volleyball star Brooke Slusser warned the NCAA after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the organization over transgender inclusion in women’s sports. Paxton filed the lawsuit on Sunday, accusing the organization of deceptive marketing practices for allowing transgender women to compete against biological females. Paxton said in a news release the NCAA violated the Texas Trade Practices Act “which exists to protect consumers from businesses attempting to mislead or trick them into purchasing goods or services that are not as advertised.”

Slusser, who was a part of a lawsuit against her own school and the NCAA for allowing a transgender woman on the Spartans’ roster this season, posted about Paxton’s suit.

“Hey NCAA, just in case you haven’t realized yet this fight will just keep getting harder for you until you make a change!” Slusser wrote on X.

Paxton accused the NCAA of “engaging in false, deceptive, and misleading practices by marketing sporting events as ‘women’s’ competitions only to then provide consumers with mixed sex competitions where biological males compete against biological females.”

“The NCAA is intentionally and knowingly jeopardizing the safety and well-being of women by deceptively changing women’s competitions into co-ed competitions,” Paxton said in a statement. “When people watch a women’s volleyball game, for example, they expect to see women playing against other women – not biological males pretending to be something they are not. Radical ‘gender theory’ has no place in college sports.”

Paxton said he was seeking a court to grant a permanent injunction to prohibit the NCAA from allowing transgender athletes in women’s sports in Texas or “involving Texas teams, or alternatively requiring the NCAA to stop marketing events as ‘women’s’ when in fact they are mixed sex competitions,” the news release said.

The false marketing angle against men who compete in women’s sports is a much better and more legally powerful angle than the “fairness” angle that was borrowed from feminism. Because a man is not a woman, it is easy to demonstrate that a man is not a woman, and it is obviously false marketing to claim that coed sports are “women’s sports”.

Lawfare is a side that cuts both ways, but it needs to be intelligently applied, and it must be kept in mind that the rhetoric for one side is seldom as effective for the other.


Narrative Status: Exploded

“A big, big thank you to President Donald Trump for being here tonight. I’m proud to be a great American champion. I’m proud to be a Christian American champion.”
– Jon Jones, UFC heavyweight champion

Don’t tell us how racist President Donald Trump is. Tell Mr. Jones. And notice how Christian nationalism is rising everywhere. Both Christianity and nationalism are, quite literally, for everyone. The satanic globalists are vehemently and viciously opposed to both.