The Paper is Not Magic

And, as Liberia has proven, it doesn’t make the dirt magic either.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. It is therefore futile and foolish to make appeals to Constitutional arguments in an immoral and atheistic society. Our enemies have disregarded what the Constitution says for half a century. It is a mistake continuing to play by a set of rules that our enemies no longer obey. Worse yet, turning a piece of paper into an idol and elevating it to some pseudo “holy” status in our minds.

Andrew Torba is correct. The power is not in the paper, the power is in the ideas and those ideas have been adulterated and perverted wherever they haven’t been abandoned. Neither the words nor the ideas have ever applied in any way to newcomers, immigrants, citizens, illegals, invaders, foreigners, or the children of those diverse peoples, they only ever applied to the Posterity of the Founders, the direct genetic blood descendants of the men who fought the American Revolution against their British brethren for independence from the King of England.

The Constitution was written to safeguard the liberties of the sons and daughters of the American Revolution and no one else. That’s what the Preamble to it says and that’s literally what Posterity meant. And that’s what it still means today, the legalistic fantasies of the would-be inclusive midwits who overrate the importance of their credentials and their own cognitive capabilities notwithstanding.

The words of the U.S. Constitution have never applied in any way to most of the “Americans” who are reading this now. So to fetishize it, to place any trust whatsoever in it, is to fundamentally fail to understand what it is, why it was written, and why it is no longer even remotely applicable to the United States of America in the Year of Our Lord 2024.

No damage therefore, that men in the state of nature suffer from one another, can give a conqueror power to dispossess the posterity of the vanquished, and turn them out of that inheritance, which ought to be the possession of them and their descendants to all generations. The conqueror indeed will be apt to think himself master: and it is the very condition of the subdued not to be able to dispute their right. But if that be all, it gives no other title than what bare force gives to the stronger over the weaker: and, by this reason, he that is strongest will have a right to whatever he pleases to seize on.
– John Locke, Of Conquest, Second Treatise on Civil Government, 1690


The US Defines Antisemitism

In order to assist you in the extremely important moral imperative of avoiding even the smallest hint of antisemitism, here is the official U.S. State Department definition of antisemitism. Or rather, the official partial definition, since the definition is not limited to the examples included, which will no doubt be expanded in the future as needed.

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

  • Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust
  • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
Defining Antisemitism, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, 10 March 2024

Well, I’m relieved they provided this useful, if incomplete, clarification. We definitely won’t be doing any of that and we definitely won’t be doing that here! I’m absolutely certain the merest thought of contemplating any of that hasn’t even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing anyone’s mind here.

I can’t help but wondering, though. Do you think there is a single self-help book about winning friends and influencing people ever published that recommends calling the police every time someone doesn’t believe something you say, trying to get someone fired every time they don’t like your tone of voice, or seeking to get them ejected from their house if they happen to criticize something you’ve done?


Is This Really News?

BREAKING: The federal government has been illegally surveilling and building profiles for Americans in secret portal called DSAC for those who oppose firearm restrictions, lockdowns & vaccine mandates, and or support border security and are labeling them as domestic extremists.

I’ve lost track of the number of government lists I’m on, and that’s just the US government. Look, all of this stuff is completely illegal, unconstitutional, and proves that the whole thing about “the Land of the Free” is total and absolute nonsense. But it’s not as if we didn’t know this already.

The material surveillance state erected by Clown World is wicked, nefarious, anti-American, and wrong. It needs to be exposed and it needs to be eliminated entirely. Even so, don’t forget that all the men and machinery of the surveillance state is but a pale shadow of the spiritual surveillance that is actively seeking to peck away at your soul every single day. So don’t stress yourself worrying about either the material evil or the spiritual evil. They exist. They have always existed. Do what is right, speak the truth, and fear God only.

And remember, it’s pretty clear that they fear us. Perhaps you should give some thought as to why that might be.


Big Tech Discovers Consequences

The servants of Clown World are going to find themselves in a lot of legal jeopardy in the coming years as they gradually discover that they don’t have the free pass to break the law with the BRICSIA nations that they have historically possessed in the skinsuit West:

Indian users took to X (formerly Twitter) to draw the government’s attention to Gemini’s response to a question on whether Modi is a “fascist.” The tool replied that the prime minister’s policies have been “characterized as fascist” by experts due to the BJP’s “Hindu nationalist ideology, crackdown on dissent, and its use of violence on religious minorities.”

In contrast, the tool adopted a milder tone when asked the same questions about former US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

Reacting to the X post, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, India’s minister of state for electronic and information technology, claimed that Gemini violated the Information Technology Act and several provisions of the criminal code.

These are direct violations of Rule 3(1)(b) of Intermediary Rules (IT rules) of the IT act and violations of several provisions of the Criminal code.

“We’ve worked quickly to address this issue,” Google said in a statement amid the backlash, adding that Gemini is “built as a creativity and productivity tool” and may not “always be reliable.” In response, Chandrasekhar made it clear that invoking the ‘unreliability’ of AI models does not exempt tech platforms from the law. He also warned that India’s digital citizens are “not to be experimented on with unreliable platforms and algorithms.”

It’s a fascinating defense. “Sure, we openly and very publicly broke the law, but that’s okay because our tools are unreliable.” How is that any sort of legally-acceptable excuse? Russia and China have already demonstrated the way in which national sovereignty trumps corporate unaccountability, now it is time for the rest of the world to follow suit.

It would be good to see these multinational corporations being held to the same standards that young men posting memes on Twitter are held. If corporations are legal persons, why are they not held accountable to the law in precisely the same way as other people? The state can’t imprison a corporation, but the state could certainly imprison the executives responsible or revoke a corporation’s charter for the appropriate period of time.


Who are the Nazis Now?

In Clown World’s desperation, their pet politicians have been ordered to openly destroy every genuine element of economic freedom and democracy in a futile attempt to save what they call “democracy” but is obviously and observably against the will of the people.

Alternative für Deutschland find themselves in the targets of our nominally democratic priesthood not because they are extremely right-wing, or racist, or xenophobic or anything like that. Politically, they’re hardly different from the CDU of the 1980s. Their real crime is having achieved enough strength to threaten the establishment ecosystem. The stronger AfD become, the harder it will prove for the reigning parties to form anti-AfD coalitions. Some of these parties, like the FDP, seem destined to disappear entirely; others, like the SPD, fear a future of permanent irrelevance. The once-dominant centre-right CDU, meanwhile, will find itself unable to form workable governments with partners on the left, and thus without any excuse not to enact the mild nationalism that a clear majority of voters demand, and that is so deeply out of fashion with our globalist rulers.

This is the purpose of the unceasing, astroturfed agitation “against the right” that the establishment have visited upon Germany for over a month now. The protests have not worked to destroy support for the AfD, so now they are being repurposed as a license to take enforcement action against “right-wing extremism.” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) said at a press conference on Tuesday that the protests have given her both “encouragement” and a “mandate” to proceed against the right. “This really is a very positive signal,” she said, “because it is about defending our open society against its enemies. As a democracy on the defence, we must stand up to the extremists.”

Faeser spoke these words in the course of announcing a range of measures via which she hopes to combat “right-wing extremism.” These are also outlined in a 16-page Interior Ministry paper on “Resolutely Combating Right-Wing Extremism: Using the Instruments of Defensive Democracy.” Here, it is important to note that Faeser is among the most unpopular politicians in all of Germany. Last year she suffered a humiliating defeat in her effort to become Minister President of Hessen, and 60% of Germans view her unfavourably. That is powerful motivation to bring German democracy back under control. Her “package of measures” to combat “the right” are some of the most openly antidemocratic, dictatorial policies I have ever seen any Western politician articulate. In other nations these kinds of things are surely said behind closed doors, but in Germany they are printed in all the major papers. You can only imagine what these people contemplate in secret.

Faeser and her fellow political enforcers have such a wide-ranging, fluid understanding of what “right-wing extremism” constitutes, that the label can be deployed against basically anybody. The Interior Ministry paper claims that “The aim of right-wing extremists is to abolish liberal democracy and reshape our society according to their nationalist, racist and anti-pluralist ideas.” You might think, “well, that’s okay then, I’m a pluralist liberal,” but that would be as naive as thinking you were safe from the Stasi because you were not a fascist. The same paper proceeds to complain that “the extremist … New Right … aims to discuss topics and use terms that give their inhuman plans a harmless appearance.” Translated from democratese: “There are people out there who are not saying anything illegal but they have made themselves inconvenient anyway.” The president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, likewise spoke at the press conference of the tendency of “right-wing extremists” to “dress up and camouflage themselves.” They must “be unmasked and exposed … [as] enemies of our democracy.”

Germany announces wide-ranging plans to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of political dissidents, in order to better control the “thought and speech patterns” of its own people, EUGYPPIUS, 17 February 2024

This should end well…

This is exactly the sort of thing that Tucker Carlson exposed in the interview quoted in the previous post entitled The Inversion of Democracy and it’s been going on for several years now. But something has changed, because these clowns, who are some of the least popular people in the country, are now openly declaring war against the entire German people.

Suddenly Vladimir Putin’s crusade to de-nazify Europe is making a lot more sense. There is no one more rabidly fascist than a self-righteous neo-liberal.


The Cost of Cowardice

The failure to cross the Rubicon is proving to be expensive for President Trump:

Donald Trump and his family business have been fined a devastating $364 million for inflating property prices worth following a blockbuster fraud trial in New York. Judge Arthur Engoron also banned the former president from serving as the director of a company in the state for three years in the crushing ruling issued on Friday that puts the future of his business in the Big Apple in doubt.

His son’s Eric and Don Jr. were fined more than $4 million each and his former CFO Allen Weisselberg was fined $1million for the scheme to massively inflate prices of his properties including Mar-a-Lago to get favorable loan terms from lenders.

Trump has up to 30 days to come up with the money, which with interest could top more than $400million, or secure a bond of around $35 million.

It’s all about the Rule of Law, folks. The Rule of Law and democracy. It’s all about the Rule of Law, democracy, and fighting antisemitism. And, of course, transgendering any children who manage to avoid getting aborted. And vaxxing those who manage to avoid getting transgendered.

Do you still think God blesses America? Because, at least from afar, it looks a lot more like a place that has been profoundly acccursed.

You’ll cross it now… in chains.


Biden’s Replacement

It’s becoming rapidly apparent that Biden is unlikely to make it to the November election in sufficient shape to speak in public. AC suggests that the plan is to replace him with RFK Jr., due to the problems with getting any other Democrat on enough state ballots given the registration rules:

RFK Jr. is the replacement for Biden, they will keep him in place until a replacement is impossible and then send him to hospice so all their voters will gravitate to RFK Jr. and hope he can steal enough centrists and Never Trumpers to win.

The comment is just dead on. If they ran RFK as a democrat, we would all assume he is comped, and opposition would be high. Now they have set him up as the anti-Cabal candidate who democrats and the establishment, and the CIA, and Vaxxies, just hate with a passion, and who they do not want to win since they have opposed him so vociferously. And then Biden gets either dead or 25th-ed, and now Democrats cannot run anyone because all the deadlines ran out, and RFK is there, perfectly positioned. He is like a more charismatic Bernie Sanders to the leftists, and he is almost quasi-Trumpian to the anti-Cabal right, so our resistance is lower than to Biden or an establishment candidate. It even makes sense why Gavin Newsom chose not to run, as did all the other establishment candidates. They all knew the plan – maybe their only chance for survival – was RFK, and everyone will do whatever is needed to support the plan.

I’m very dubious, mostly because it assumes that people who habitually break the election laws, including in the previous election, are going to make plans that are based upon the need to obey the candidate-registration laws. But it would explain both the way the elite media is gradually turning against Biden while going very, very soft on RFK Jr.

Even so, I’d assume that RFK Jr. was a backup plan, at most. If they want Newsom on the ballot, they’ll put him on the ballot, one way or another. And the Republicans will cry, but they won’t actually do anything about it.

As for the conservative obsession with Michelle Obama being a potential candidate… well, conservatives are retarded.


Free Speech is Blasphemy

Free Speech doesn’t sound quite so appealing once you realize it literally means Blasphemy.

The only reason the concept of “free speech” was created as an ersatz human right during the Enlightenment was to permit secret satanists to blaspheme against Jesus Christ despite the many laws of Christendom that forbade them to do so.

And now that they can blaspheme freely and legally, we have all seen how genuine their philosophical commitment to the concept was. Like free trade, free speech is just another inverted satanic lie that delivers the exact opposite of what it promises.

Whenever Clown World promises “freedom” it delivers chains.

Just exercising his god-given right to free speech…

UPDATE: In which a dictionary from 1919 is consulted.

A friend gave me a copy of Webster’s Elementary School Dictionary from 1919.

Words not included in it: racist, antisemitic.

Words included: antichristian.


Ethnic Cleansing in the EU

If you ever wonder why I expect that the tens of millions of Arab and African migrants who have invaded Europe will not be permitted to stay there permanently, note that an EU state has already begun the process of deporting large numbers of unwanted foreign residents.

Latvia is attempting to deport thousands of Russian-speaking people – and apparently, these ‘purges’ affect not only newcomers who have recently applied for a residency permit, but people who have lived in the country their entire lives.

The New York Times recently told the story of Russian-speaking widow Nina Marcinkevica, who was born in Latvia 63 years ago, when the Baltic republic was still part of the Soviet Union. She married and raised a family there, and has never lived anywhere else. Nina resides in the predominantly Russian-speaking city of Daugavpils in the eastern part of the country. In the fall, she received an official notice stating that she had lost her rights to residency, her state pension, and medical care. “You must leave the territory of the Republic of Latvia by November 30, 2023,” the letter stated.

The Latvian authorities have the opportunity to expel Marcinkevica due to her Russian citizenship. Over 3,200 Russian nationals living in Latvia received notifications about potential deportation in early October, according to the news portal

This isn’t the outrage it is portrayed to be. The Latvian people absolutely have the right to their own country, and no Russian or any other non-Latvian has the right to invade their borders or reside among them if the Latvian people don’t want them there. Particularly in a democracy, even a limited representative democracy, mass immigration and the free movement of people cannot be permitted by any nation which wishes to survive as a nation.

But it is incredibly hypocritical, given the way in which the EU authorities have, despite the clear opposition of the majority of its peoples, encouraged the mass invasion of the European nations. Which means that even in the unlikely event that the EU doesn’t collapse in the next ten years, a clear legal precedent has been set for the mass repatriation of migrant populations that have proven to be incompatible with the languages, laws, and cultural traditions of the host nation.

Finland appears to be following Latvia’s lead, as it plans to pass a law banning Russians from acquiring property in Finland. No doubt repatriations will soon follow.

Finland is preparing to completely prohibit Russian citizens from purchasing real estate in the country, Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen said in a statement published on Finland’s official government website on Friday.

In truth, given current economic and cultural trajectories, the children of those Russians expelled from Latvia or Finland will probably be deeply grateful that their parents returned to Mother Russia, however involuntarily the return.