The Bochurim Dug Too Deep

It appears another pedo tunnel has been discovered, this one under an Orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn. The weaponized autists of 4chan are all over this, as the police video has already revealed what appear to be child-sized blood-stained mattresses and what is definitely an infant’s highchair. The empty building to which the tunnel led is also across the street from a children’s museum.

But don’t worry. We’ve been reliably assured by a paid hasbaran on 4chan that the secret tunnel was nothing more than an alternative entrance to the synagogue for use during Covid, which claim was promptly disproven by /pol/ when it was pointed out that the tunnel appeared to have been constructed post-Covid. Which means that there is not only a secret synagogue tunnel containing various children’s accoutrements in New York, but the professional propagandists are already out in force attempting to explain them away.

No word yet from Jimmy Kimmel on this…


Too Satanic for the EU

In case you didn’t realize just how crazy and evil the Kiev regime is, it is now threatening to go too far for even the satanic Babelists of the European Union to accept:

Kiev’s attempts to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) could have “dire consequences” for the nation’s hopes of joining the EU, The Telegraph newspaper quoted lawyers as saying on Saturday.The Ukrainian parliament is expected to vote later this month on closing down the country’s biggest church, with its 12,000 parishes.

Western lawyers have written to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, US President Joe Biden and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen urging them to put pressure on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to “suspend efforts to ban this historic institution,” the paper reported.

Such a decision could cause “serious harm to Orthodox Ukrainians” and call into question whether Ukraine can meet its commitments as a candidate for EU membership, according to a letter to Western leaders penned by international lawyer Robert Amsterdam, and quoted by the Telegraph.

“This will have dire ramifications for Ukraine’s entry into the European Union and its place in the Western world,” Amsterdam wrote. He added that Kiev had “falsely accused” the UOC of collaborating with Moscow and expressed concern about “arrests of clerics on spurious charges.”

It’s always informative to note how massively deceptive Clown World is. While it’s justifying outright devil worship in the name of “freedom of religion” in the USA, it’s funding the defense of a government that has outlawed its two largest Christian churches.

Which example is yet another proof of the intrinsic falsity of the various Enlightenment “freedoms”


AI and Truth

Chris Langan responds to a recent Torba post discussing Jordan Peterson’s critique of an AI chatbot:

Narratives, propaganda, and false dogma are the stock-in-trade of the techie elite, who exist in order to purvey it and block any competition for the minds and hearts of the public. AI (“artificial intelligence”, an oxymoronic misnomer) is merely a tool to be applied in pursuit of their abominable social-engineering / world domination agenda.

This much is obvious. That’s why Jordan Peterson’s rich, powerful employers let him talk about it. He was told what he could or couldn’t talk about by Academia Inc. as a university instructor shilling for the oligarchy, and in this sense little has changed – the same bunch owns both academia and the media. This evidently includes the Daily Wire, Mr. Peterson’s partners.

In any case, it’s really all about Truth. Many of those who complain about the oligarchy would merely prefer to have their own brand of truth promoted. But to promote one’s own brand of truth while bypassing Truth-with-a-capital-T isn’t much better than lying, both by commission and omission. Lower-case “truth” is what the techie elite are all about these days.

Those who understand Truth are not usually allowed to engage with establishment carnival barkers paid to promote BS narratives disguised as “truth”. On the other hand, rubbing elbows with establishment shills entails the risk of spiritual contamination, and some prefer to avoid it.

No matter who ends up writing the “AI” programming, we can depend on a constant flow of “useful” ideology (as in “attractive to useful idiots”).

AI text and image generation is just another tool being utilized to obscure the truth. It’s no different than the way Wikipedia is now describing the Rothschild family as “European” instead of “Jewish”. Technology is now firmly in the service of the Zero Historians, who are intrinsically inimical to both the truth and the Truth. So what Torba is doing, what we are doing, has to be dedicated to consistently preserving and expounding the truth and the Truth.

Anyone, no matter what he calls himself, who is opposed to the exposure of the truth, is either in service to, or enslaved by, the Evil One.


The Shadow Mocks

There is literally nothing the petty wicked of the world will not eventually seek to subvert, not even Handel’s Messiah:

Messiah Queered — that’s the title of a reimagining of Handel’s classic oratorio performed through an LGBTTQ+ lens.

The oratorio, a staple at Christmas time for many people, will be performed by the Rainbow Harmony Project choir, together with soloists and a 16-piece orchestra made up of professional and amateur players at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Friday at 7:30 p.m.

The idea for the performance came up during a conversation between Nathan Poole, a local violin and piano teacher, and Sandra Bender, music director at Holy Trinity Church. Bender, who is bisexual and the soprano soloist in the performance, thought it would be a great oratorio for LGBTTQ+ people.

“It’s the story of a transient who hung out with marginalized people, who offered love and self-sacrifice and who experienced rejection and betrayal — something LGBTTQ+ people understand in all too real a way,” she said.

Kathleen Murphy, a student and choir director for Rainbow Harmony Project and the mezzo-soprano in the performance, said doing the Messiah through an LGBTTQ+ lens is “a way to push back expectations.”

The Churchians who have reduced the image of Jesus Christ to a saccharine figure who is about nothing but love, tolerance, and acceptance not only have a lot for which to answer, they are going to be in for a tremendous surprise when the King of Kings returns, riding through the blood of the wicked on a white horse.

Christ on a White Horse

I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Usually, one prays for mercy. Sometimes, though, one really hopes for justice.


The Wailing Monument

Setting aside all of the obvious theological absurdities as well as the conclusive historical disproofs, I feel quite confident in expressing my significant doubts that God is going to bless these lunatics despite their very best attempts to virtue-signal their blessings of what they have somehow managed to confuse with the patriarch Abraham. Ignorant Christians feigning emotion at a fake Wailing Wall in public support of a foreign ethnic cleansing may be the height of pure Judeochristianity in America.

FFS, have none of them ever read Acts 3:25, which puts Genesis 12:3 in perspective?

I’m neither a Catholic nor an atheist, but I don’t think it would be possible for anyone to despise these retarded “evangelicals” more than I do. On whose behalf are they evangelizing? I used to wonder how it would be possible for most Christians to genuinely believe that the Antichrist was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I don’t wonder about that anymore.

And yet, you’ll never see any Churchian leaders pointing to this sort of abject nonsense when they’re engaged in one of their endless symposiums on “why come don’t no one go to church no more?” Perhaps if should consider preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and salvation from sin and damnation instead of the Wordspel of Feminism, Globalism, Pride, and Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza.


Disney Goes Full Trans

The Walt Disney Co. has teamed up with a transgender TikTok influencer to promote apparel for girls — specifically, Minnie Mouse-themed clothes that include a red dress, yellow pumps, and a red hair bow. Transgender influencer Seann Altman — a biological male who identifies as “gender fluid” — created a promotional TikTok video for Disney Style, the company’s social media brand promoting Disney-themed clothing, makeup, and accessories.

Minnie Mouse is now male. To say this is not an unexpected move by the Devil Mouse would be the understatement of the year. And yet, it’s still a little remarkable in the aftermath of the Dylan Mulvaney debacle. One hopes that Disney customers will show the same inclination to end their financial relationships with this wicked corporation as Bud Light drinkers have demonstrated.


You Are the Bad Guys

David Brooks attempts to warn his fellow “class” that a reckoning for their irresponsible and self-serving misrule is historically inevitable.

I ask you to try on a vantage point in which we anti-Trumpers are not the eternal good guys. In fact, we’re the bad guys.

This story begins in the 1960s, when high school grads had to go off to fight in Vietnam but the children of the educated class got college deferments. It continues in the 1970s, when the authorities imposed busing on working-class areas in Boston but not on the upscale communities like Wellesley where they themselves lived.

The ideal that we’re all in this together was replaced with the reality that the educated class lives in a world up here and everybody else is forced into a world down there. Members of our class are always publicly speaking out for the marginalized, but somehow we always end up building systems that serve ourselves.

The most important of those systems is the modern meritocracy. We built an entire social order that sorts and excludes people on the basis of the quality that we possess most: academic achievement. Highly educated parents go to elite schools, marry each other, work at high-paying professional jobs and pour enormous resources into our children, who get into the same elite schools, marry each other and pass their exclusive class privileges down from generation to generation.

Daniel Markovits summarized years of research in his book “The Meritocracy Trap”: “Today, middle-class children lose out to the rich children at school, and middle-class adults lose out to elite graduates at work. Meritocracy blocks the middle class from opportunity. Then it blames those who lose a competition for income and status that, even when everyone plays by the rules, only the rich can win.”

The meritocracy isn’t only a system of exclusion; it’s an ethos. During his presidency, Barack Obama used the word “smart” in the context of his policies over 900 times. The implication was that anybody who disagreed with his policies (and perhaps didn’t go to Harvard Law) must be stupid.

Over the last decades, we’ve taken over whole professions and locked everybody else out….

It’s easy to understand why people in less-educated classes would conclude that they are under economic, political, cultural and moral assault — and why they’ve rallied around Trump as their best warrior against the educated class. He understood that it’s not the entrepreneurs who seem most threatening to workers; it’s the professional class. Trump understood that there was great demand for a leader who would stick his thumb in our eyes on a daily basis and reject the whole epistemic regime that we rode in on.

If distrustful populism is your basic worldview, the Trump indictments seem like just another skirmish in the class war between the professionals and the workers, another assault by a bunch of coastal lawyers who want to take down the man who most aggressively stands up to them. Of course, the indictments don’t cause Trump supporters to abandon him. They cause them to become more fiercely loyal. That’s the polling story of the last six months…

But there’s a larger context here. As the sociologist E. Digby Baltzell wrote decades ago, “History is a graveyard of classes which have preferred caste privileges to leadership.” That is the destiny our class is now flirting with.

On Anti-Trumpers and the Modern Meritocracy, David Brooks, 3 August 2023

The “educated class” advantaged by “meritocracy”, as Brooks mendaciously describes his fellow corrupt, ethnocentric nepotists who are neither as educated nor as smart nor as accomplished as they believe themselves to be, is rightly getting worried. Not being aristocrats or empire-builders, they never understood the absolute necessity of noblesse oblige or serving as positive role models for their social inferiors. They were never capable of nor interested in leadership; they lacked any vision beyond pure hedonism supported by slaves. And they failed to comprehend the obvious fact that the flea which outgrows the dog upon which it lives cannot survive.

Their rapacious greed has damned and doomed them. So they had better enjoy their caste privileges while those privileges last, because the reckoning is absolutely inevitable.


Pharasaism is not Pre-Christianity

The Pharasaic religion is a post-Christian faith, not a pre-Christian one, and its practices have a great deal more to do with the Carthaginian and Aztec religions than with any form of Christianity. Which is why the archeological evidence of black magic practiced by the Jewish rebels against Roman rule should not be terribly surprising:

A pair of archaeologists, one with the Israel Antiquities Authority, the other from Bar-Ilan University, has found evidence of Roman-era necromancy practices in a cave in Israel. In their study, reported in the journal Harvard Theological Review, Eitan Klein and Boaz Zissu analyzed artifacts excavated from the Te’omim Cave over the past 14 years.

The Te’omim Cave has played a role in the history of what is now the Jerusalem hills region west of the famous city. During the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, for example, it served as a hideout for Jewish rebels. In this new effort, the researchers studied artifacts that multiple groups have removed from the cave since 2009 as part of a collaboration between several entities in Israel. Such artifacts have been dated to approximately 2,000 years ago, during the Roman era.

Researchers have found more than 120 oil lamps, various weapons, vessels, coins and even three human skulls. Many of the artifacts were found wedged into tight spaces. In this new effort, the researchers analyzed the artifacts and the places where they were found and hypothesize that at least some of them were used in attempts to speak with dead people, a practice called necromancy.

Necromancy is the practice of enchanted conjuring, involving attempts to communicate with the dead by calling forth their spirits or visualizations of them for the purpose of divination or revealing future events, or to discover secrets. It is also generally associated with black magic or witchcraft. Klein and Zissu suggest that the placement of many of the lamps, for example, is indicative of behavior associated with necromancy—mostly because of the presence of the skulls.

Skulls in cave in Israel suggests Roman-era practice of necromancy, July 14, 2023

The transformation of the “Synagogue of Satan” to “our elder brothers in the faith” is one of the darkest and most successful psychological operations in history. Even as we’re witnessing grotesque evils that were unthinkable to our grandfathers being forced upon formerly Christian societies, far too many Christians still find themselves totally unable to distinguish between black magic and miracles, between necromancy and prayer, between wickedness and righteousness, and between war against God and the worship of Him.

More and more Christians are finally seeing through the psyop and coming to understand that “Judaism” is not at all the Hebrew religion of the Old Testament and is literally antithetical to Christianity. Consider this exchange between Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL and Andrew Torba of Gab:

GREENBLATT: The idea that Judaism is treacherous toward Christianity – including Catholicism – is antisemitic and false. Conspiracy theories like the ones E. Michael Jones spreads put Jews in danger and we must fight these hateful messages.

TORBA: Talmudic Judaism of today is nothing at all like the Judaism of the OT—which ceased being a religion in 70 AD when the temple was annihilated as Christ said it would be. No temple= no OT Judaism. Something new took its place and was formed by the Jews who rejected—and continue to reject—Jesus Christ. All you have to do is read the book of Acts to see how the Jews who rejected Christ persecuted first century Christians—including ethnically Jewish believers. You can also read the Talmud to see all of the treacherous things it has to say about Goyim (non-Jews.). Or simply look how Jews like you treat Christians like myself and @EMichaelJones1 today. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years. Same song and dance.

When they call you “antisemitic” for being antisatanic, and when they accuse you of white supremacy because you oppose abortion, sexual mutilation, theft, child molesting, and human sacrifice, that tells you absolutely everything you ever need to know about the self-appointed thought police who call themselves “Jews”.

UPDATE: From Wikipedia: “The Bar Kokhba revolt greatly influenced the course of Jewish history and the philosophy of the Jewish religion. It was also among the key events to differentiate Christianity as a religion distinct from Judaism.”


Material Greed vs Spiritual Wickedness

From the comments at AC’s place, a discussion of why supposedly profit-seeking corporations like Disney and Anheiser Busch are actively destroying their IP, their profits, and their market caps with their relentless campaigns against the European nations and Christian values.

Anonymous: Of course it’s deliberate sabotage. Cabal has always hated Disney. They need his legacy completely removed from the minds of Americans.

Vox Day believes that this somehow renders materialism and money motivation is irrelevant. And pulls “spiritual wickedness” out of his butt as a reason to understand all of this. Yep, money doesn’t motivate cabal at all. Just “spiritual wickedness”, which he can neither define nor explain.

An astounding expert at missing the obvious and fabricating ghost stories to explain the motion of the world, he doesn’t seem to understand the value of cultural legacies and values. And can’t in any way conceive that greed is driving all of this. It is the greed of control. Cabal isn’t after a few cheap ticket or lunchbox sales. They want everything we have. And that begins with completely lobotomizing us and removing us from our cultural legacy so that we can become compliant little podlings who own nothing and are happy.

VD can’t see the obvious greed, the greed to control the entire world and wipe out any potential opposition. He can’t see that cabal is interested in taking EVERYTHING you have and making sure that no remaining humans are able to resist or even survive on their own. Wiping out the legacy of people like Walt Disney is a part of our ongoing cultural lobotomization, a move of harsh implications. And yet conservatives gleefully cheer on the destruction of our legacy, and guys like VD do their best to obscure the reality of what is going on by insisting that it’s not unimaginably ferocious greed but instead best explained by old ghost stories.

Reply to Anonymous: tell me u r atheist without saying u r atheist

Reply to Anonymous: You don’t understand Vox.

VD: First, it’s the “old ghost stories” that define greed as evil, and the love of money being the root of evil. So you’re trying to set up a false dichotomy here. Without those “old ghost stories”, you have no rational basis for condemning either greed or control.

Second, it is no problem to define and explain “spiritual wickedness”. It is the causal driving force behind the material wickedness, which is conscious opposition to God, Jesus Christ, and Nature. What you call cabal is merely the material opposition that serves the interests and command of its supramaterial masters.

Third, the legacy was destroyed when the infiltration was completed. Nothing can save Disney now. There is no point to supporting Disney’s assaults on Christian European culture. Fourth, money motivation is nonexistent to those who can create it ex nihilo. “Money” doesn’t really exist today, as it’s nothing more than promises made by faithless individuals and institutions.

Farcesensitive: They don’t need money, they print money and they steal more money than you could imagine. It’s about power, evil, and destruction.

Reply to Anonymous: Get out of here with your shallow atheism. Greed is the base motivator for humans. As also is lust, ambition, power, revenge. But the supernatural world influences humans & plays the long game.

Throughout time mankind has pursued its short term carnal desires. But there are evil spiritual forces guiding and shaping these behaviors and energies so as to set in play events that will cause the greatest amount of destruction to mankind, physically and spiritually. Destroy beauty, destroy hope, destroy how people connect to God. Increase alienation, increase isolation, break bonds of family, community, even the sense of self & a greater harvest of those who will be damned & have their potential denied is possible.

It’s much bigger than what you think it is & it’s been going on for millennia. They know they will lose & they want to take as many of us out as they can.

Macaque Mentality: If you’re a shill: LOL, nice try. If you’re not a shill: You need to engage in deeper thinking. Greed is only a miniscule variable in what’s actually happening in the world right now. Jesus Christ is Lord. Start with the Bible.