History in the Making

I am awed and dumbstruck at the opportunity to witness something this significant and epic, even if it’s only on video.

Drone wars: Russian net-throwing drone intercepts Ukrainian net-throwing drone. Perhaps the first duel of its kind.

Imagine having been able to witness the first manned aerial duel during WWI. This may have been the first unmanned air duel in human history, and soon we’ll probably be able to see the first AI air combats. That’s not the only callback to WWI, as another thing to note is the terrain below, which is so cratered by shells that NASA could fake another Moon landing there.


America is a Christian Nation

But the current Imperial USA is a Satanic construct supported most strongly by Atheists and Jews.

The situation is not sustainable by pseudo-democracy, a constitutional republic, or even imperialist authoritarianism. The more that American Christians awaken to the subversive evil of their illegitimate foreign rulers, the less the political structure of the USA can remain unitary in the face of all of the various centrifugal pressures that are continuing to build up.

It is said that Man cannot serve both God and Mammon. Even less can he serve both God and Moloch.

2033 is coming fast, and it is not to be feared. It’s an opportunity for Americans to free themselves of their gaslighting narrators and a considerable amount of societal deadweight. Because things are not going to get better, as evidenced by the usual suspects up to their usual PR stunts.

What’s certain is that Mossad agents did accompany the Maccabi fans to the Netherlands. We know that because it was posted as a headline at the Jerusalem Post. So, the Mossad was present. The question is whether they were actively engaged in what amounts to a massive psyops using the footballers to advance their dark agenda?

We can’t answer that, but we can say that it is highly unusual for a government to deploy its intelligence agents to a football match in a foreign capital. Who else does that? No one, which begs the question of whether they were enlisted to participate in a covert “dirty tricks” operation that required their professional supervision.

Of course we can. Anyone who has been paying any attention to recent history can. The fake “Amsterdam anti-semitism riots” were just another gaslighting psychological operation of the sort that we’ve seen going back to Ellis Island and the so-called “Melting Pot” at the very least. It’s all fake, it’s all narrative, it’s all lies. Anyone who is genuinely devoted to the truth and the Truth will eventually see through it and reject it.

We leave for the masters of rhetoric to contemplate the significance of the claim that “this was a pogrom in Europe comparable to the Holocaust.”


How Bad is Kamala?

Kamala Harris is the worst candidate in the history of U.S. politics. She’s not only ineligible, she’s completely unelectable; she couldn’t even get 10 percent of the Democrats votes when she ran in the 2020 Democratic primary.

The only reason to doubt that Donald Trump will win the 2024 U.S. Presidential election is because the 2020 election was rigged and tens of millions of fake votes in battleground states were manufactured for Joe Biden. And the reason the rigging won’t suffice is because Harris probably can’t win 25 percent of the legitimate popular vote. Which, no doubt, is why the Washington Post is refusing to endorse her.

The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election. Nor in any future presidential election. We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates.

How bad a candidate is Harris? She’s so awful that THE WASHINGTON FREAKING POST won’t endorse the Democratic for the first time since 1976. The Post endorsed Walter Mondale. It endorsed both Clintons. It even endorsed MICHAEL DUKAKIS. But it won’t endorse Harris.


On the Phenomenon of Male Flight

Martin van Creveld has pointed out the phenomenon of male flight from education and entire professions, repeatedly, for decades. But only now that the higher education system is on the point of complete collapse is anyone else beginning to recognize that it poses a very real and serious problem:

  • In 1969 almost all veterinary students were male at 89%.
  • By 1987, male enrollment was equal to female at 50%.1
  • By 2009, male enrollment in veterinary schools had plummeted to 22.4%

A sociologist studying gender in veterinary schools, Dr. Anne Lincoln says that in an attempt to describe this drastic drop in male enrollment, many keep pointing to financial reasons like the debt-to-income ratio or the high cost of schooling.

But Lincoln’s research found that “men and women are equally affected by tuition and salaries.”

Her research shows that the reason fewer men are enrolling in veterinary school boils down to one factor: the number of women in the classroom.

“There was really only one variable where I found an effect, and that was the proportion of women already enrolled in vet med schools… So a young male student says he’s going to visit a school and when he sees a classroom with a lot of women he changes his choice of graduate school. That’s what the findings indicate…. what’s really driving feminization of the field is ‘preemptive flight’—men not applying because of women’s increasing enrollment.” – Dr. Anne Lincoln

For every 1% increase in the proportion of women in the student body, 1.7 fewer men applied. One more woman applying was a greater deterrent than $1000 in extra tuition!

This points to the underlying flaw in feminism and sexual equality. Men and women are not the same, they do not possess the same average strengths and weaknesses to the same degree, and most importantly, their preferences are different.

Every society faces a fundamental choice. Either deny men what they observably and actually prefer or deny women what they think they prefer in theory. Across the West, the last 60 years have been an experiment in the latter. Women have been given the red carpet treatment in the corporations, in the universities, and even in the men’s locker rooms. Divorces and custodies have been granted on demand. Pregnancies have been prevented. Babies have been aborted. Obesity and ugliness have been celebrated. The churches have been de-doctrinated and literally neutered. Refugees have been welcomed. The insane have been liberated from their asylums.

And yet, not only are women unhappier than they were before being granted their collective societal bucket list, men are increasingly opting out of every form of participation in society. So, unless women are both as willing and as capable as men of performing most of what historically had been male duties, or men are forcibly denied the right to exercise their preferences and conscripted to perform the tasks that women won’t, the choice is between a) societal collapse and b) denying women the right to fully exercise their preferences.

It appears what passes for society in the West has uniformly opted for (a). It’s a bold move, historically speaking. And we can already see how it’s working out for us.


The Well Runs Dry

France and Germany are throwing in the towel on Ukraine. Not all at once, of course, but the writing is clearly on the wall.

The heavyweights of Europe — France and Germany announced a reduction in funding for Ukraine. Not far from the time when The EU will also abandon anti-Russian sanctions, the observer is sure Pravda.Ru Lyubov Stepushova.

France, which promised assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 3 billion euros this year, reduced it by 1 billion, that is, by a third. This is caused by problems in the budget — its deficit for 2024 may amount to about 6% of the country’s GDP, which is unacceptable, according to EU rules. French Defense Minister Sebastian Lecorniu in an interview with Politico clarified that he does not plan to request additional funds from the parliament for Kiev by the end of this year.

Germany has also cut aid to Ukraine by half since the new year. According to German media, according to the budget for 2025, it will decrease from 7.1 billion euros this year to 4 billion euros next year.

It would be much better to make Ukraine go cold turkey and put pressure on the Kiev regime to surrender unconditionally instead of pointlessly wasting more Ukrainian lives in a futile effort to maintain a false posture that will neither fool nor impress the Russians into settling for less than they believe they require for a lasting peace. In the aftermath of the NATO expansion and Minsk betrayals, Russia is not in a hurry to reach any sort of settlement that is simply going to lead to another war in a decade when its position might be less advantageous.

The undeniable military reality is that Ukraine has to accept whatever Russia decides to demand; only then can the massive work of attempting to rebuild a smaller and less ambitious Ukrainian state begin. The other option is that Russia will simply continue its war of attrition until Kiev falls to its forces, so the sooner Kiev surrenders, the better for everyone.

1.8 million casualties, of which 780,000 are KIA since February 2022. And for what? About the only substantive accomplishment was permitting Kiev to serve as a massive short-term money-laundering center for the global elite.

The inflexion point has been reached. The Pax Americana, the neo-liberal world order, and the post-WWII era have ended. The locii of power have shifted from London and Washington to Moscow and Beijing. This is the new global reality. This is now the context in which all geopolitical and military and economic policies must be understood.


Carthago Delenda Est

Decades ago, I predicted that with the rise of Clown World would come the return of public human sacrifice. And while we’re not quite there yet, it’s already visible on the horizon:

Krishna Kushwaha of Hathras, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the first in his family to get a formal education. To ensure a brighter future for his children, he enrolled them in a hostel. Little did he know that his 11-year-old son Kritarth would fall prey to black magic.

Kritarth was a student of standard II at the DL Public School. On the evening of September 22, he was kidnapped by two of his teachers, the owners of the school, and one of their fathers.

Black magic is defined as the use of supernatural power or magic for selfish motives or purposes. It turns the human mind away from logic and rationality. The occult is not new in India, having been practiced for ages up and down the country. Surprisingly, society doesn’t protest against black magic.

The kidnappers assaulted Kritarth, breaking his collarbone. They then performed an occult ritual, after which the boy was strangled to death. The school contacted Krishna and told him that his son was not well, and he was being taken to hospital in Agra. Krishna found this suspicious. When the family found their son’s body, they discovered disturbing marks and found that his head had been shaved.

During a subsequent investigation, police visited the site of the black magic rituals and uncovered material linked to the practice, such as occult texts. Under interrogation, one of the accused confessed that the child had been sacrificed, as the school owners believed it would bring prosperity to the institute.

This has been happening in secret for centuries across Europe, and for the last century, in the United States as well. Along with homosexuality and transgenderism, it is the historical hallmark of The Empire That Never Ended, against which both China and Russia are warring. Vladimir Putin calls it The Empire of Lies, whereas Xi refers to it as The Western Hegemony, albeit in a different context than his predecessors Deng and Mao did.

This is why, whether its outward form is Hinduism, Judaism, enlightened secularism, churchianity, or open Satanism, its primary target is always Christianity. It is why, if it is not crushed again the way it was when Scipio Africanus took Rome, I suspect it won’t be more than two decades before we start seeing neo-Aztec temples publicly performing human sacrifices in Mexico.


He Never Did Nothing to Nobody

If only Scotland Yard had been able to conclusively confirm the identity of Jack the Ripper at the time, we might have had an English Anti-Defamation League decades sooner than we did in the USA.

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight.

During the murders investigation, Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer. Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a “great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies”.

But even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism.

Every single time isn’t just a meme. “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” Most people don’t understand the significance of that very literal statement. The religion is much older, and much more terrible, than many of its practitioners themselves realize. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that from the Irish Potato Famine to the Holodomor to the Great Leap Forward, there is always a man that will not be blamed for nothing to be found in the background.

This doesn’t bode well for either Argentina or Mexico. We’ve already seen what it’s done to Ukraine.



24 Minnesota
17 USC (#11)

So that was fun. Minnesota hasn’t beaten USC since 1955. I was a Gophers fan when I was a kid, Tony Dungy was the quarterback, and upsetting a #1 Michigan team 16-0 in 1977 was the most exciting thing about growing up in Minnesota prior to The Miracle on Ice in 1980. I even went to a few games at the old Memorial Stadium, including the 1976 season opener that was a win over Indiana.

But too many seasons of losing 45-0 to Big Ten rivals and 73-0 to Nebraska, in company with the incredibly stupid move to the horrible Metrodome, caused me to lose all interest in college football, except for keeping an eye on future NFL players. They didn’t even make it to a single bowl game, no matter how lowly, between 1987 and 1998.

However, the new stadium is really cool – the Vikings played there in Brett Favre’s last year – and the expansion of the Big 10 means that the Gophers are now getting the chance to play teams like USC and UCLA that they seldom played without getting to the Rose Bowl, which hadn’t happened since 1962. In fact, this was only the sixth time the two maroon-and-gold teams had ever played in my lifetime… and the first time was the year I was born.

Because my mother is a football fan who grew up in Pasadena and attended USC, I spent many a late Saturday afternoon watching USC play, although I tended to prefer UCLA. PAC-8 football always seemed a little exotic compared to Big 10 football, although SWC football, with its tearaway jerseys, was the most exciting. I was a bit of a Texas fan, mostly because my parents’ friends, who were huge Arkansas boosters, were so annoying, with their “Pig-sueey” nonsense. The Michigan upset notwithstanding, 1977 was a tough year.

Most people think the development of NIL-related professionalism is a terrible thing for college football, and I certainly have my doubts about the evolution of the Big 10 and the SEC into superconferences. The disappearance of the PAC-12 is certainly to be regretted and I wonder if USC will one day regret its move to the Big 10 for the same reason Arkansas misses the now-defunct SWC. But it is at least possible that the money-related dispersal of talent across dozens of universities may end up having a very positive effect on the general level of competitiveness across the NCAA. After all, it’s a lot easier for teams like Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio State to stockpile talent when all it costs them is a scholarship.

Because this certainly wasn’t happening before the NIL era. In fact, it’s been 118 years since Vanderbilt scored this many points on Alabama.

40 Vanderbilt
35 Alabama (#1)


An Amateur Take

Andrew Anglin demonstrates that while he’s got astute political observers on his writing committee, he doesn’t have a military historian:

There is a group of commentators on the internet who have been telling people for a year that Iran and its allies, Hezbollah in particular, were well capable of somehow crippling Israel. I don’t want to name names, but if I did want to name names, at the top of the list would be names like “Scott Ritter,” “Pepe Escobar,” and “Jackson Hinkle.”

Anyone who understands the Jewish problem enjoyed hearing from these self-proclaimed experts on the “Axis of Resistance” that Israel was finally going to get its comeuppance. This didn’t seem totally out of the question, given that the IDF has faced significant setbacks in Gaza. However, what we’ve seen in the days since the shocking exploding pager attack of September 17th has demonstrated that the Jews are very much in the game and that there is a very real chance they will have success in their long term objectives in the region.

Reality isn’t based on what we want. Reality stands on its own, regardless of what anyone thinks about it. People who are still claiming that everything the “Axis of Resistance” is doing is going according to plan are delusional, denying basic reality. Hezbollah was the single most important Iranian proxy, and Israel has wiped them out like it was nothing.

Things in the Middle East are looking quite grim, and you should not let anyone tell you otherwise.

It’s always intriguing to see how those who know nothing of war, have never read much about it, have never taken part in wargames, and who really aren’t very interested in the subject never hesitate to opine and even prophesize on the subject.

From the military perspective, nothing has substantially changed in the Middle East except the Israeli military occupation of Gaza has gone from passive containment to active repression and expulsion. The reported decapitation of Hezbollah is the equivalent of a major battle won, not the war itself. And while Nasrallah was a gifted political leader and diplomat, he wasn’t a military strategist; the assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani was a much bigger blow in that regard for the so-called Resistance.

Whether Israel is actually engaged in a full-scale invasion of Lebanon or is merely clearing out a buffer zone in order to permit its 60,000 settlers to return to the north doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. Either way, the IDF, and more importantly, its primary weapons supplier, are being attritted much faster than they can replace their manpower or their weapons. Just as NATO can afford to fight to the last Ukrainian, Iran can afford to fight to the last Arab; remember, for all their words about pan-Islamic unity, the Iranians are not Arabs, they are Persian.

We are now hearing that the leadership of Iran was told by the United States that if they did not retaliate, there would be a ceasefire in Gaza. It’s virtually unfathomable that the Iranians would believe this, but they are apparently so devoted to avoiding war that they are willing to believe anything.

Of course they didn’t believe anything that the “Great Satan” told them. But there is a reason why Iranians call the USA “the Great Satan” and Israel “the Little Satan”. They know which enemy genuinely matters for them; without the significant US support upon which it is dependent, Israel would be overrun within five years. The Iranians understand, as so many media commentators do not, that this is a global war, and that blows to the NATO economies are probably more useful to them than any number of missiles raining down on Tel Aviv.

What happens on the tactical level seldom signifies much at the strategic level, much less the geostrategic level. One of the hardest things for any commander, at any level, to do is to wait for the right moment to engage, especially when everyone is on edge and desperate for someone to something, anything. And as any wargamer knows, taking ground and killing zergs is meaningless if you are expending too many resources to last you until the end of the conflict.

Was it worth the reported 85 Mark 4 JDAMS to eliminate the Hezbollah leadership? Quite possibly, given that the IDF were given 14,000 bomb kits over the last two years by the USA. But at that burn rate, they’d run out in less than half a year. It’s one thing to bomb civilians and a trained militia with the benefit of air supremacy. It’s another to attempt to take on a full-fledged military in possession of the sort of modern air defense systems that prevent anyone from flying anywhere near the battlefield in Ukraine.

Nothing is over. In fact, World War III has barely begun.