The True Anti-Tolkien

George RR Martin isn’t the anti-Tolkien. It’s the denizens of the Hellmouth who are desecrating JRR Tolkien’s intellectual legacy, as Fandom Pulse points out that The War of the Rohirrim is much worse, and much more intentionally subversive, than its box office failure would indicate.

Hera is kidnapped by Wulf and rescued by a strong female shield maiden-to-. The maiden goes toe to toe in combat with Wulf and his forces and rescues Hera singlehandedly. No men are required.

Later, when Helm dies, his one regret (even though both of his sons died horribly in this conflict) is that he didn’t listen to Hera. He affirms, despite her having done no deeds to deserve it, that she should be the one to lead her people, calling her both “cunning” and “strong” to unsubtly reiterate the point of the strong female lead.

However, the institution of marriage is struck again as the film progresses. During the final siege of the keep, rewritten as Wulf not being present but in battle with Frealaf in the original Lord of the Rings lore, Hera puts on a wedding dress to confront Wulf.

While it’s yet another cringy moment in which she goes toe-to-toe with a warrior man, fighting and having no problem being stronger than him in combat, the most subversive element is again an attack on the sacrament of marriage.

While it could be construed at first that Hera is willing to sacrifice herself for her people, she doesn’t. She simply kills Wulf with the help of the shield maiden woman, showing again that women can be stronger than men.

Wulf mocks Hera asking why he would marry her now. She once again reiterates that she will marry no man. This is where it gets creepy as Hera says she is wed “to death.”

Everything is sacrificed on their subversive altar. Literally everything. Heirs and families really should think twice before accepting riches to destroy the legacy their predecessors have left them. While it’s good to see that there is no audience for these absurd abominations, they never should have been made in the first place. And the opportunity cost is severe; there is plenty of room in Middle Earth lore for a dozen movies and series that will never be made because the Hellmouth is totally incapable of respecting the source material.


When a Pet Thinks He’s a Player

The Hellmouth is always quick to put him in his place:

 In the Heights just launched this weekend.  During what was supposed to be a routine promotional interview the Director, Jon Chu was suddenly being roasted by some sow for not having enough Black Latinos in this movie.  Vox (the crap one), NY Times, The Independent, the WaPo, and the rest of the Woketard media were on the attack over this horrifying issue of “Colorism” that no one had cared about before last week.  Lin-Manuel Miranda finally apologized for this hideous malfeasance on his part.

That is the official story.

The Dark Herald proceeds to explain the actual reason Lin-Manuel Miranda suddenly fell out of favor with the paparazzi.


First Star Wars, Now Middle Earth

The Hellmouth is methodically destroying the intellectual property it manages to acquire. Star Wars is effectively dead, so now it’s abusing Middle Earth.

Pop culture critic Gary Buechler aka Nerdrotic shared his review for Warner Bros. latest release The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim by deeming it a “boring slog.”

In a recent video upload, Buechler makes it clear the film does indeed feature a girl boss in the form of Helm Hammerhand’s daughter, Hera, who has no name in Tolkien’s original work and is only mentioned in a single sentence.

He says, “They went with a girl boss.” After noting the movie is not as bad as The Rings of Power, he says, “What [Warner Bros.] did manage to do was girl boss better.”

He explains, “War of the Rohirrim is about some unnamed daughter who ends up being the impetus of the story leading around a bunch of incompetent men who should have listened to her in the first place.”

“What could have been the story centered on Helm Hammerhand and the tragic events that led to the naming of Helm’s Deep turned into something else,” he added.

It’s all so tedious. Tolkien wrote less about women, and had less interest in the female perspective, than nearly any author not writing gay space dinosaur porn. So, naturally, the Hellmouth sees the mere mention of one character having a daughter and promptly throws out everything in order to tell her story.

It’s a remarkable form of arrogant non-creativity to both a) require someone else’s story and then b) refuse to tell it as is. What’s fascinating is the way in which it clearly never occurs to the non-creators that absolutely no one is interested in their stories, which is why they require the rights to the IP in the first place.

Tolkien’s legacy would have been much better served by putting his work into the public domain upon his death. Or, at the very least, upon his son Christopher’s death, as Christopher Tolkien was an excellent steward of his father’s work.


He’s Not Wrong

George R. R. Martin excoriates the Hellmouth’s mediocrities who inevitably make the works of others “their own” by ruining them.

Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin doubled down when Hollywood does an adaptation it should be a “faithful adaptation.” In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Martin stated, “Maybe I’m one of the few people in Hollywood who still thinks that when you adapt a work of art, a novel, a short story, you should do a faithful adaptation. It annoys me too much because they change things and I don’t think they generally improve them.”

“Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and ‘make them their own.’ It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and ‘improve’ on it.”

He continued, “’The book is the book, the film is the film,’ they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse.”

The truth is that subverting and ruining truth and beauty is one of the purposes of Hollywood. They’re greedy, to be sure, but their greed is less of a priority for them than their obligation to render what is true false and what is beautiful ugly. They are not only the enemies of God, they are the enemies of the good, the beautiful, and the true.


The Shadow Cannot Maintain

The Dark Herald explains why the IP holders of the D&D property are destroying the appeal of the Drow, and even more so, the character of the Drow renegade, Drizzt Do’Urden

The problem is that Drizzt was intriguing to D&D players because he was the only good member of a race that was well-known for being unspeakably evil. You hated running into even a single Drow if you were in a low-level campaign.

It was the fundamental dichotomy of his character that drew people to him. A child of the spider goddess who followed a path of light was somebody you wanted to find out more about.

What made him choose the life of a complete outcast? A traitor to be tortured and murdered by his own people but hated and feared by all else because he was a member of that race. His character archetype is that of the Renegade Hero* and it is their rebellion that fascinates an audience.

The problem is that retards like the people who write for Screenrant are so wrapped up in their Delulu Land paradigm that they can’t be made to understand that turning the Drow into just a bunch of subterranean indigenous people with BLACK skin and cultural differences that white colonizers from Greyhawk or the Wherever Realms can’t acknowledge as being valid utterly destroys the character of Drizzt.

It’s his rebellion against the fundamental evil of his own race that drew his audience to him. His evil race is the very foundation of his character. Take that away from him and he’s just some loner.

We all know that the shadow cannot create. But we’re learning that it cannot even successfully maintain what it holds. It inevitably destroys everything it touches over time.


Always Fake, Usually Gay

Lo and behold, but it turns out that the Real Men who are turning out for Kamala Harris in her television ads are just the usual theater kids pretending to be men they are not and could never be.

As many of you know, Jimmy Kimmel’s writer, Jacob Reed, directed an ad for the campaign titled Men for Kamala. The ad features what are presented as everyday male voters explaining why supporting Kamala Harris is the masculine thing to do. However, none of the men in the ad are actually regular voters—they are paid actors.

Moreover, their real-life circumstances differ significantly from the individuals they portray in the ad. Here are their stories:

  • Wayland McQueen is a far-left, pro-Antifa comedian and actor who has, until now, found limited success. He does improv gigs at the Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles. In a Twitter post from 2022, he explains what white privilege is and tells you why you need to acknowledge your white privilege. As of 2024 he is single.
  • Lanre Idewu is an immigrant from Nigeria. He is also an actor who works at the D.C.-based OCTET Productions. He has many intimate pictures with the Obamas and the Bidens. Idewu, who is bisexual, has done gay-for-pay movies and nude solo shoots. In the Men for Kamala ad, he says he is “man enough to braid his daughter’s hair,” but the only problem is that he doesn’t have a daughter. Idewu isn’t braiding anyone’s hair.
  • Mike Leffingwell, a gay man, also works at the Upright Citizens Brigade, where McQueen works. He is an acting coach, cartoon writer for Netflix and DreamWorks, and an actor in TV commercials. On his public Instagram page, he showcases his participation in his latest project—the Men for Kamala ad.
  • Winston Carter, the heavyset fellow in the ad who claims to be a mechanic and rancher, lives in Los Angeles signed with Taft Broadcasting Company. He has found limited success in the acting world, mainly as an extra in films and as a character in the low-budget superhero film Spaghettiman.
  • Tony Ketcham, the tough, rugged, bearded grandpa in his garage in the Men for Kamala ad, is also an actor. He now mainly does low-budget independent films like Car Botz, where he played the role of PePaw. Tony is unmarried in real life. In 2001, he played the extra role of “alcoholic consumer” in the movie Ghost World.

Well, I know I am just shocked to discover that these actors on television aren’t genuine. I definitely won’t be voting for Kamala now! What’s next, we’ll learn that the guys who were on The Big Bang Theory don’t actually do science?


Satanists Confirmed

The evils of the Hellmouth are no secret to anyone who reads this site. But it’s remarkable to see individuals with direct and extensive experience of Hollywood confirming what everyone here already knows.

Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo dropped a massive bombshell Tuesday, claiming he left the entertainment industry because of a proliferation of pedophilia.

I didn’t get “blacklisted” from Hollywood, I left because they’re all pedos.
— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) October 1, 2024

It was previously believed the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys actor had left or was pushed out of Hollywood over his conservative views and Christian beliefs; however, his new commentary sheds light on the real reasons he left the industry.

The Satanists of the Hellmouth hide behind the protection provided to them by Holocaustianity. They are not evil because they are of any particular genetic heritage – to the best of our current understanding, anyhow – they are evil because they quite literally worship Satan and are consciously at war with God Almighty, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and heritage America. Deviant sexual practices are a significant element of their wicked rites, which includes the systematic sexual abuse of children.

Ben Hirsch, the cofounder of Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates for victims of sexual abuse in Orthodox communities, suggested that the rate of abuse could exceed 50 percent for boys within Hasidic enclaves.

As the growing P. Diddy scandal shows, it’s not about race or nationality, but religion. Specifically, about the secret satanic religion behind Clown World that promises earthly success in lieu of eternal salvation. While the authorities are no doubt doing their utmost to contain the damage being caused by the Sean Combs revelations, the truth is gradually being exposed, drop by drop. And it is good, in fact, it is declared, that we will hate the wicked, just as they hate us. We are fortunate that they make it so very easy for us to do so by their abominable practices. The only “god” by whom they are chosen is the god of this world.

The just abhor the wicked man: and the wicked loathe them that are in the right way.
— Proverbs 29:27


The Pain Remains

It’s not over until Jeff Bezos says it’s over. The Dark Herald manfully continues to suffer through the relentless water torture that can’t even rise to the level of a generic and mediocre High Fantasy pastiche:

The series is unsalvageable, everyone involved knows it. You don’t have an exodus of on-camera talent unless they are trying to avoid the taint of association. The Tolkien fans are long gone. Even Hollywood has been forced swallow the bitter pill that the Woke audience they want doesn’t exist. By no possible measure is The Rings of Power a success yet they have to keep doing this. The makers are now going with the minimum risk of remaking Jackson’s Lord of the Rings without knowing how to do that. Whatever financial sleight of hand that was used to finance this has clearly locked Amazon into a multi-season commitment.

Every episode of this show is bad, no getting around that, but one of them had to be the worst. This one was it. They will have to build a high mountain indeed to top this heap of shit. This is the stupidest, most incompetent episode of the entire series so far.

The Legendarium. The Cinematography. The Spacial Awareness. The Basic Physics. The Narrative comprehension. The Avoiding gross demi-incest stuff. This one got every single thing wrong.

Except the title. That was picture perfect.

“Doomed to Die.”

I have to admit, I wasn’t even remotely tempted to watch Dem Rangz last season. And now, well, I just feel bad for Dark Herald and all of the poor actors and actresses are involved. And, of course, for Tolkien’s heirs, who are receiving an object lesson in why Christopher Tolkien was always such a stickler for respecting his father’s legendary work.

“What could possibly go wrong?” You know someone, probably a lawyer, said somewhere along the path that led to Amazon acquiring the rights to ruthlessly and relentlessly rape the literature.

And now we know.


3 Strikes, He’s Out

In the aftermath of multiple accusations of sexual assault directed at showrunner Neil Gaiman, the Amazon show Good Omens has been effectively cancelled as its Season 3 was “paused”:

Production has been paused on the third and final season of fantasy drama Good Omens, the Neil Gaiman drama for Amazon that’s shooting in Scotland.

Deadline is hearing there are discussions about possible production changes. A spokesperson would not comment.

News about the future of Good Omen comes less than a week after Disney put a planned feature adaptation of Gaiman’s 2008 YA title The Graveyard Book on pause amid a series of sexual assault allegations against the award-winning author.

While the mainstream media’s wall of silence about the accusations is still mostly holding firm – none of the major newspapers that have regularly published puff pieces on Gaiman for years have published an investigative article – the third cancellation in series of a Gaiman-related show isn’t something that can be reasonably ignored.

And yes, in this context, “paused” likely means “cancelled”.

Didn’t want to comment on this before the official drop, but I heard this yesterday from various pals who worked on the previous series. From what those crew are saying, it’s less “paused” and more “cancelled”.

Impressive, very nice. Now do Sandman.


He Jumped on the Grenade

Greater love for his fellows hath no man than the Dark Herald, who is suffering through the second season of The Rings of Power on our behalf:

It’s been two years since the first season of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power was unleashed on a helpless and unsuspecting world. Seven hundred and thirty days has not been enough to dull the pain of the horrors it inflicted on the genre of high fantasy.

J.R.R. Tolkien was without question the greatest and most influential fantasy writer of the 20th century. Every writer that followed him had to consciously either embrace or reject Middle Earth. The Lord of the Rings was the story of a struggle of good against absolute evil. A story where the protagonist succeeds in his quest to take the One Ring to Mount Doom but ultimately fails in his mission to destroy it. He is saved by Providence and the self-destructive nature of evil.

In the 21st century, there has been a race on to turn as much of the fantasy genre as possible into a pastiche and palimpsest of Professor Tolkien’s life’s work, or perhaps a better term would be a mockery. This production is certainly the pinnacle of that school of thought. There is no ultimate good or absolute evil there are simply shades of grey and at the end of the day everyone is the same and we are all equal. No one has the right to judge anyone for anything unless they are a white male, in which case they bear the sins of all the world and must constantly perform acts of contrition from morning to sunset.

Nowhere is this school of fiction more pervasive than in Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

throws back a quick shot of Four Roses

Let’s get after it.

The show starts with a recap of the first season. This is probably a sad necessity for its audience. I know that I personally had to (pauses to shudder) rewatch the entire first season because the brain cells that had been assigned to remember it had died of embarrassment. I’m not the only one, everyone who has to review this has been groaning about having to wallow through the acre of rotting of pig dump that is 2022’s Rings of Power.

Within minutes of starting this new season, you know that Amazon has outdone the last one in terms of sheer incompetence.

It’s impressive that Amazon actually managed to lower the bar. But, as we know, the real purpose of these abominations is to destroy the affection for the source material. Fortunately, the joke’s on them, because we can read old books!

Which is vastly more entertaining than thinly-disguised lectures on girl power and how orcs are people too and they just want a better life for their children, and anyone who doesn’t open the gates of Gondor to them are racists for whom there is no place in Gondorian society.