When The Reaper Calls

The Death Jab is killing a lot more Australians than Covid ever did.

So, the good news is that you’re not necessarily doomed if you were dumb enough to get the Death Jab one or more times. The bad news is that you not only proved that you’re literally gullible enough to kill yourself on the basis of a government agency’s recommendation, but you’re also much more likely to die of “suddenly” or some other cause due to your genetically-altered, vaccine-compromised immune system.

It’s possible for science and the media to hide or otherwise explain away a lot of statistical anomalies, but all-cause mortality isn’t one of them.


We Don’t Know it’s the Vaxx

But it’s the vaxx:

Victorian Labor senator Kimberley Kitching dies suddenly in Melbourne aged 52

The ABC understands Senator Kitching, 52, died of a suspected heart attack this afternoon. Labor Leader Anthony Albanese says the party is “in shock” over the passing of their friend and colleague.

Victorian Labor senator Kimberley Kitching has died suddenly in the Melbourne suburb of Strathmore. She began feeling unwell while driving between two meetings and pulled over before calling her husband, Andrew Landeryou. An ambulance was called but she died of a suspected heart attack near to where her vehicle was parked.

Two weeks ago, one of my family members, double-vaxxed and boosted, died of a “pulmonary edema” at the age of 42.

I’m genuinely curious how many members of my extended social circle are going to die suddenly, unexpectedly, and at a relatively young age before everyone understands and is willing to admit that it is the vaccinations that are primarily responsible for those deaths. One is easily dismissed. Two is just an unfortunate coincidence. Three is just an agglomeration of people with unhealthy lifestyles. At four, I suspect those who have been vaccinated will start to get nervous and begin asking serious questions for the first time in two years.

But I anticipate that it will take at least five statistically-improbable deaths in an extended social circle before the idea that the Covid vaccines were responsible for them is accepted as the general consensus. Perhaps some unlikely health emergencies, such as a teenager’s stroke or heart attack, that don’t prove fatal, would also count as an input factor, but I think it will require five improbable events per social circle before the consensus changes, because it appears to take at least five undeniable dialectical narrative violations to penetrate the average individual’s rhetorical shield.

As one of my brothers recently noted, “dies suddenly” is not an actual cause of death.


Expected Mortality 2022

They’re not saying it’s the jab, but it’s the jab.

Summation of Major Insurance company corporate group policy Loss Ratios (Death Claims) Q4 rate vs 2019 rate:

Unum $UNM +36%
Lincoln $LNC +57%
Pru $PRU +41%$RGA +21%
Hartford $HIG +32%
MetLife $MET +24%

In a meeting between the various leaders of the insurance industry, they discussed what they’re all seeing on the ground and how to proceed.

“Additionally, they did something interesting,” Dowd continued. “They did a reinsurance deal for a high face amount individual policies, at what looked like very bad economics for them. On the conference call a Southside analyst was very confused. He said, ‘Why would you do this deal?’

“I can speculate why they did this deal. This deal looks bad now, but a year or two from now it may look like a genius move. And they actually think there’s going to be 300,000 excess deaths due to — they call it ‘Covid and indirect Covid,’ whatever that means — in the U.S. in 2022. So they actually raised their expectations for mortality in the U.S. during the conference call.

“So they’re not saying it’s the jab, but it’s the jab.”

Clearly, it is the jab. The insurance companies may not be willing to say it out loud, but they’re preparing for it behind the scenes. That bodes ill for those who have been jabbed and are starting to realize things aren’t like they’re being told.

To be honest, if it’s only 300k excess deaths due to the vaxxes in the USA, that will be a little better than I was anticipating.


Killshot is Cancer Shot

Further to last night’s Darkstream, more and more evidence is coming in that indicates the mRNA vaccines are triggering existing cancers in the bodies of the vaccinated.

Item 1: Anecdotal evidence and the DMED database show “cancer coming back with a vengeance”.

The DMED database shows the rate of cancer is up by 3X after the COVID vaccines rolled out. See ACT OF WAR: Thanks to COVID “vaccines,” the military’s cancer rate has more than TRIPLED

In talking with Ryan Cole about this, he believes this is primarily due to accelerating existing cancers (ones people already know they have or recent cancers that people never realized were there) rather than creating new cases of cancer.

The bottom line is that don’t be surprised when after the jab, you suddenly have a relapse or a new cancer.

Item 2: No one who was infected with Covid should have ever gotten vaccinated against it. Natural immunity remains as strong as it was at the start even 20 months later, while the vaxxes only offered limited protection for 3-6 months.

The screamfest has been that “oh, if you had Covid, you’ll get it again so you need the jab.”

There was never any evidence for this claim. Now, we have duration data out 20 months, basically the entire pandemic, and… I’ll just quote it:

Among 295 reported COVID-confirmed participants, 293 (99%) tested positive for anti-RBD antibodies (≥250 U/mL, 44%; ≥500 U/mL, 27%; ≥1000 U/mL, 15%). A median of 8.7 (IQR, 1.9-12.9; range, 0-20) months passed since reported COVID-19 diagnosis. The median anti-RBD level among those who tested positive was 205 (IQR, 61-535) U/mL. There was no evidence of association between time after infection and antibody titer (0.8% increase [95% CI, –2.4% to 4.2%] per month, P = .62)

There was no evidence of deterioration of protection, such as it is. Yet we know, factually, that when you get jabbed the titers disintegrate over the space of just a few months. There was never evidence this would happen in people who got the virus and recovered.

Item 3: The mRNA and the spike proteins migrate to and persist in the lymph nodes. This may explain the connection between the vaxxes and cancer.

This study asserts that the mRNA and the spike protein produced persists for weeks in lymph node germinal centers in human patients. Having worked with mRNA for decades, I can attest that this is highly unusual.

Remember that mRNA is not new technology. Moderna has been trying to commercialize it for about a decade now for various indications, including cancer. Cancer, of course, is a disease where very high risks are tolerated because the alternative is basically always death, and any sort of bad thing is better than death.

But they’ve never made it work. The reason is that every time they had enough dose to get the results they also got toxicity; the injected stuff got broken down too fast otherwise, and if you raised the dose the toxicity went up enough that you couldn’t get an effect without screwing the patient.

This is the history of mRNA — until now. It’s why it has never been deployed in human disease before; it’s not for lack of trying.

Malone hypothesizes that what changed was the substitution of pseudouridine (a synthetic that does not exist in nature) for uridine is the reason the mRNA jabs are able to produce the spike without being destroyed first. Well, that solves one problem but produces another; the body is incapable of clearing it because it doesn’t recognize it as foreign.

So now what is injected migrates through the body and is taken up instead of staying at the injection site, doing its thing and being rapidly degraded and cleared. That the latter happens is known because we have the Japanese data, which they demanded Pfizer produce, that show wildly-elevated presence in the ovaries, among other tissues. This should not have happened, but it does.

We knew this early last year and yet did nothing with that information. Now we know why, and its much, much worse than my base working hypothesis — that it was simply a function of the very high vascularization found in muscle tissue. Nope.

It was only a matter of time before the long-term adverse effects of the vaxxes began to show themselves. The fact that the Fake Biden Administration has declared a new war on cancer is a pretty solid indication of what those long-term adverse effects are anticipated to be.


No Coverage for Vaccine Damage

One of Germany’s largest insurance companies will not pay for vaccine-related injuries. There is some reason to believe that this will be true of U.S. insurance companies as well.

Was gilt als versicherter Unfall bei der Unfallversicherung ? Was nicht?

Accident insurance does not cover the following accidents :

  • If you suffer an accident due to impaired consciousness as a result of drug use.
  • If you suffer an accident while driving a motor vehicle due to impaired consciousness as a result of alcohol consumption (with an alcohol content in the blood of 1.1 per mille or more ).
  • The damage to health is caused by you intentionally.
  • Vaccination injuries due to ordered mass vaccinations.
  • Accidents during active participation in motor sport competitions or training.
  • Accidents due to war or civil war events.


They Simply Forgot

Of course, the BBC also forgot to warn its viewers and listeners about Vaccine Enhanced Infection.

BBC News “forgot” to tell you that official data shows the Triple/Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in December.

Imagine how bad that chart would look if it compared all-cause deaths between the two populations instead of just the Covid-19 deaths. Because as unsafe and ineffective as this chart proves the vaxxes to be, it leaves out the heavy toll that is being caused by their adverse affects.

Literally every argument for the Covid vaxxes has proven to be false. They don’t provide immunity. They are not safe. They don’t prevent hospitalization. And now it has been demonstrated that they now increase a Covid patient’s chance of dying.


Better Odds at Auschwitz

Karl Denninger points out that US hospitals are incredibly efficient at killing Covid patients:

Tennessee publishes Covid case, hospitalization and death data on a daily basis — by county.

Sevier County has one hospital, so there is exactly one place to aim your ire when it comes to their results vis-a-vis Covid-19. Since it is part of Covenant Health that entire corporate entity and every other medical edifice that is a part of same down to every affiliated physician office shares every bit of responsibility involved here.

On 7/1/2021 306 people had gone to said hospital for since it started and of them 186 had left in a box, for a total of 60.1% slaughtered. The deliberate refusal to offer any sort of early treatment is reasonably chargeable to these bastards, and all of the outcomes of the hospitalizations are, of course. This death percentage is wildly higher than that of other hospitals all over the country and it is highly unlikely that is a “mere coincidence.”

You see, as of 12/29/2021 Sevier County’s single hospital had recorded 465 people in the hospital with 332 leaving in a box, for a total slaughter percentage of 71.4% since this crap began. In other words their record has gotten worse over time with more than a year of experience in this disease, not better.

But it gets really nasty when one does a bit of subtraction and only considers those who got the Coof in the last six months of 2021. You see 159 souls on or since 7/1/2021 had stupidly not shoved a gun up the nose of their doctor immediately upon being diagnosed with -19 and demanded some form of early treatment such as, for example, IMASK+. Nope, they allowed said murderous ** to tell them to go home and eat chicken soup instead and some of them, arguably as a direct result in many cases, wound up in the hospital.

Of those 159 souls who failed to force their physician to actually practice medicine instead of being a money-grubbing ** 146 of them, or an astounding 91.8% left in a box.

Now perhaps you can explain how you can call a place a “medical facility” with this sort of record? And perhaps you can find some rational explanation for this outcome, given that essentially all the really old people who were most-susceptible either got Covid and died or got vaccinated and were allegedly “protected” prior to July 1st of 2021 for this outcome other than the corporate entities involved realizing that they got away with maximizing revenue which just happened to kill the patient and thus did a hell of a lot more of that in the back half of 2021.

If you can find such an explanation in a world where “vaccines are free” and are “both safe and effective” please let me know what it is. I’m waiting.

I’ll bet you had better odds of survival at Auschwitz!

And he’d win that bet. From auschwitz.org:

Of the 400 thousand prisoners registered in the camp, 200 thousand people died there. They included almost 100 thousand Jews, 64 thousand Poles, 21 thousand Roma, 14 thousand Soviet prisoners of war and more than 10 thousand prisoners of other nationalities.

And whether you buy into the current Holocaustian dogma or not, the easily verifiable fact is that there was a better chance of walking alive out of Auschwitz concentration camp than there is from some US hospitals if admitted there for Covid treatment.


Third Time’s the Charm

A dark and disturbing interpretation of the German omicron data:

In Germany 70.53% are fully vaxxed, 2.97% are partially vaxxed and 26.5% unvaxxed.

So unvaxxed have 186 cases out of 26.5% of the population
Fully vaxxed have 4020 cases out of 70.53% of the population.

So the vaxxed Omicron case incidence is 57.0 per percent of population (830,000 is 1% of the 83 million German population) And the unvaxxed Omicron case incidence is 7.02 per percent of population.

So the vaxxed are 57.0/7.02 = 8.12x more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaxxed in Germany That is what vaccination has done for the people of Germany.

The Koch Institut failed to produce its normal vaccine effectiveness table in its December 30 weekly report. This may have been due to the holidays or may have been because the table would be disastrous for the vaccines. But we can help the Germans out here by doing the calculation for them using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula.

Vaccine effectiveness = immune system effectiveness = (1-8.12)/8.12 = -7.12/8.12 = -87.7%.

So the vaccinated have an 87.7% lower immune response than the unvaccinated have to Omicron.

This means that the average German is down to the last 12.3% of his or her immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc. etc.

Here is the prediction, the extrapolation from UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report data from Weeks 35-42 that we first made on October 10th. The predicted figures are in olive green.

So Germany, at 87.7% immune system degradation, has done 6.7% worse than our model which predicted, an 81.0% degradation this year.

One can’t call this a prediction because it concerns events that have already taken place. And it can’t be ignored that the data is in line – in fact, it is even worse – than the previous extrapolation indicated. So, the best-case scenario is that the Pfizer vaccine effectiveness formula is nonsense. And, considering that it is a Big Pharma model utilized to sell vaccines, there is a reasonable probability that the formula is more or less irrelevant to the actual state of the human immune system.

But if it isn’t nonsense, then things could be looking rather grim indeed for those foolish enough to have submitted to a third or even fourth vaccination.


Don’t Trust Doctors

Seriously. They’re the auto mechanics of the human body. They tend to possess a highly-specific knowledge base which includes literally nothing about science, politics, economics, statistics, or logic. Yes, you can trust them to identify a problematic mole, tell you to lose weight, patch up the damage, and cut out things that shouldn’t be there, but that doesn’t mean they know anything at all about epidemiology, adverse vaccine effects, or the financialization of science.


The Convergence of Medicine

The vaccine nonsense is not a one-off, as SJWs have infiltrated the medical schools, and, as with other Western institutions, are in the process of destroying the medical industry’s ability to perform its primary function:

The two accrediting bodies for American medical schools now say that meritocracy is “malignant” and that race has “no genetic or scientific basis,” positions that many doctors worry will lower standards of care and endanger lives by discouraging vital genetic testing.

The Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which accredits all medical schools in North America, is cosponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)—the same groups that on Oct. 30 released a controversial guide to “advancing health equity” through “language, narrative, and concepts.”

Those concepts include the ideas that “individualism and meritocracy” are “malignant narratives” that “create harm,” that using race as a proxy for genetics “leads directly to racial health inequities,” and that medical vulnerability is the “result of socially created processes” rather than biology.

It’s only a matter of time before the official position is that sex has no genetic or scientific basis, and that specializing in gynecology or prostate cancer is cancelled for sexism. Once you accept the principle that the lie is beneficial – which you’ll note again begins here with the false statement that “race has no genetic or scientific basis”, you open the gates to other, even more risible absurdities.