Le Monde on GGinParis

A la rencontre du GamerGate, le mouvement libertarien qui veut défendre « ses » jeux vidéo
Le Monde
William Audureau

Meet GamerGate, the libertarian movement to defend “men’s” video games. Protean,
sometimes violent and a strange nothing, the movement of video game
players met Saturday, July 11 in Paris without interposed screens.

Paris, Gare de Lyon, at the stroke of 10 PM. Drinks in hand, forty
patrons mingle calmly on the sidewalk in front of a nondescript bar.
Three men stand facing them. In a black  jacket over a black T-shirt,
the writer known as “Vox Day” speaks to the crowd. “We
are the first in decades to successfully oppose the Social Justice Warriors
[derogatory term describing feminist and LGBT activists]. I’m right, you
may be left, but we fight together. You are not alone,” he declares. In
the audience, some lift their glasses, slightly ill at ease.

against reconfiguring this movement for political purposes,” says a
young programmer with a psychobilly look– 50s pompadour and an easy
familiarity. “I’m 200% anti-racist, I’ve supported the French
antifascist action since the age of fourteen,” he adds as if to further
distance himself from one of the organizers of the event, Vox Day, a
video game programmer and science fiction writer known for his
supremacist writings and for having called a black female colleague a
“half-savage”– a remark he repeated Saturday to Le Monde. And yet, the
two men were participating in the same rally.

From antifascists
to supremacists to ecologists, libertarians, socialists and the
apolitical, all political sides were present, even the most extreme,
this Saturday, July 11 in this Parisian brasserie, during the first
“official” meeting of GamerGate in France…

In many respects,
GamerGate comes from the same culture as Anonymous. It springs from the
same forums, takes on the same form of hackitivism, tinted with grinning
anarchism and harassment; its horizontalist and conservative values are
close, but with a more pronounced libertarian hue and a new masculinist

“We are revolutionaries of freedom” believes Vox Day, who presents himself in a provocative manner as an “extreme libertarian” and cites Voltaire in a triumphant tone. But all do not put as much political motives behind their support of GamerGate. “I like just to play the perfect woman with large breasts,” says an amused Elodie, 25, a software developer. “Let them not change my games.”

I find it vaguely amusing that even in a clear attempt to do a hit piece on #GamerGate, the mere fact that Mr. Audureau actually covered the GGinParis event, and spoke directly with us, caused him to present a much more balanced piece than we’ve seen everywhere from NPR to Popular Science.

That’s why the media tries so hard to avoid talking to us and prefers to instead talk about us. Because every time we speak, we punch holes in their SJW narrative.

GGinParis’s salute to #GamerGate

It was inspiring to meet GamerGaters from several different countries and to discover how determined all of them were. It was both a privilege and a pleasure to be able to meet everyone there. I think these meetups are important because they help reinvigorate those who are getting discouraged and inspire those who are thinking about getting involved but haven’t made the leap yet.

Paris in 48 hours

But first, TT reports on RPinDC:

About 30 Sad and Rabid Puppies met up in Ballston Virginia last night.  John Wright and his wife Jagi were in attendance and in the center of some interesting conversations.  Several ilk were there, including Salt, Mick-On-Everything, Cargo Squid, Rantor, and the banned Dr Torch.  From the Sad side, discussions about Larry’s, Brad’s and Kratman’s works could be heard.  All in all a good meet up. 

I’m not sure anyone who attended IlkMoot is conscious yet, so any reports on that will be forthcoming.

As for GGinParis, Spacebunny and I arrived on Friday afternoon, visited the Eiffel Tower, then found a small, but very good Chinese restaurant, Shan Gout, in the 12th Arrondissment, just around the corner from two game stores. The next day, we visited the Arc de Triomphe, decided the French were protesting a bit much with regards to WWII, and roamed about before meeting up with Mike Cernovich and the charming @ShaunaGee for a high-protein dinner at Gourmet Gourmand, a wine shop with a single table which is not only excellent and highly recommended, but turned out to be absolutely hilarious.

Remy, who owns the place and is a true Philosophe of Food, actually slapped Mike’s hand away from the Spanish version of bruschetta at one point because the flavors had not yet had time to set, and then proceeded to declaim, “Now, we have the food. What does it mean?” Remy is awesome and so was the meat, the cheese, and the wine. He also insisted that we try the Serrano jambon before digging into the Pata Negra in order that those new to the ultimate in cured pig could properly appreciate the latter. Shauna must have duly appreciated it, because no sooner was the plate placed in front of her than I blinked and it disappeared.

We were just down the block from Le Killy Jen, so we strolled over and met the security detail we’d arranged for in light of what happened in DC. Milo was fashionably late and showed up with Allum, who clearly isn’t paid enough and will one day write a series of books about the Rabelaisian horrors he has witnessed. About 40 people showed up for GGinParis, including #0053 and Giuseppe Filotto, who presented me with an Item of Cultural Heritage that would probably have gotten me arrested had the gendarmarie been paying closer attention. #53 graciously presented us with GG and Rabid Puppies buttons; I took the former and Milo promptly claimed the other. You can see both of them in the picture of SB and Milo below. The French newspaper Le Monde also sent a reporter, who interviewed a number of GGers and finally concluded that it was very hard to explain #GamerGate in French political terms, although he admitted that “true revolutionaries dedicated to Liberté in the spirit of Voltaire” was something that the French could understand. He didn’t seem to quite be able to connect this with his observation that some of us “had said things that are illegal to say in France”.

Afterwards, Mike and Shauna and Milo and Allum and #53 and Spacebunny and I closed down a bar in the Place du Tertre over a rather good bottle of Malveaux, then wound up at La Chat Noir until 4 AM. Among other things, this small-hours spree inspired the following comments:

“Where ARE we?”

“Why does that woman keep taking off her clothes?”

“Whatever happened to Allum?”

“Does anyone have a phone that actually works in France?”

Mike Cernovich, to the kid who threw up in the cab: “It happens.”

Nefarious plots were plotted, dark alliances were solidified, unspeakable concoctions were consumed, plush raccoons were posed with, new friends were made, and a fabtastic time was had by all.

The freedom fighters

It’s a surreal moment when you discover that a) ISIS has a blocklist, and b) you’re on it. Granted, they only copied anti-GamerGate’s blocklist, but you’d think it would give the more self-aware aGGs pause to realize that the Islamic State is following their lead.

But it does tend to show how much commonality there is across statist totalitarians, whether they are of the #LoveWins or #GravityWins variety.

Speaking of freedom fighters, Trigger Warning is an example of people getting off their posteriors and attempting to fight back. They’ve been great, doing some of the only reviews of Castalia House books that have appeared, such as Ann Sterzinger’s review of Martin van Creveld’s EQUALITY: THE IMPOSSIBLE QUEST.

They’re looking to raise money on IndieGoGo, so go and have a look at supporting them, especially if you’ve been reading their site. Natasha Marie Phoenix’s piece on Generation Hugbox was particularly good.

Some have called it “political correctness.” I find this phrase overused and meaningless. What we are witnessing is a passive totalitarian control of the public discourse.

Although as we’ve seen everywhere from SFWA to the Supreme Court, that passive control is increasingly showing signs of going active. You’re going to have to stand up and fight sooner or later. Might as well start now.

Bienvenue, #GamerGate

If you support #GamerGate, you are invited to join Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and me at Le Killy-Jen in the 12ème arrondissement on July 11th at 8 PM for GGinParis. It’s an entirely casual affair and any #GamerGaters who can make it are welcome to come and meet up in the flesh. Buy your own drinks, buy Milo a drink, arm-wrestle Mike, or sit on the terrace, light a Gauloise, and argue with me about whether or not games truly represent Richard Wagner’s Gesamkunstwerk, regardless, a good time will be had by all.

As far as excitement goes, we’re anticipating a little less than GGinDC experienced with the bomb threat, but as you might expect, anti-GGers are greeting this with all the civility and bonhomie that we have learned to expect from SJWs around the world. After I posted the initial graphic, one Vincent M in the Ile de France responded as follows:

Vincent M.@vnz
Misère, je découvre l’existence d’une réunion de gamergateux à Paris, le #GGinParis. Prenons nous a rêver : suicide collectif ? Sivouplait ?

Damn, I discovered the existence of a meeting of GamerGaters in Paris, the #GGinParis. Can we dream of a collective suicide? Please?

Keep that in mind the next time you hear SJWs complaining about how terrible, awful, and very bad GamerGate is. We dream of better games. They dream of collective suicide.


Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopoulos, and I will be at GGinParis on Saturday, July 11 at 8 PM. If you’re in Europe, or if you’re going to be in Europe this summer, and intend to come, please shoot me an email with GGinParis in the subject.

The SJWs are losing

So are their allies in the media:

If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, then these people went out of their way to prove that social justice is the last refuge of bullies and cowards.

But real life is not high school, and now the worm has turned. Like clockwork, nearly every alleged “victim” put forward with oozing crocodile tears by these journalistic reptiles has been discredited. Their narrative that sexism dominates Silicon Valley has been crushed under a judge’s gavel. Their claim that depraved captains of tech exploit rape culture to ravish the vulnerable appear to have been exposed as rank opportunism at best. Their allegations that rape has swept America’s college campuses now look like the fabrications of pathological liars and jealous exes. The allegedly “sexist” and “violent” #Gamergate has braved a bomb threat without incident, while its media critics have either been fired, lost millions of dollars for alienating their core audience, or have simply revealed their extremism too publicly to be taken seriously. An army of science fiction fans determined to see merit returned to the criteria used for awarding the prestigious Hugo Awards have stormed the leftist bastille that is Worldcon and reduced their opponents to (ironically) suddenly discovering that an uncritically “inclusive” space might not be all it’s cracked up to be.

And if that wasn’t enough, this week, the Society of Professional Journalists has agreed to hear the case made by #Gamergate supporters that the entire field of gaming journalism has been turned into a hotbed of cronyism and ideologically motivated deceit. This mark of legitimacy was sensibly conferred after a particularly conscientious member of the SPJ quite reasonably pointed out that an accusation of unethical behavior deserves a hearing, no matter how unfashionable its exponents.

This didn’t start overnight. It won’t end overnight. But we’re winning our Lexington and Concord.

Delenda est

I couldn’t help but smile yesterday when the gentleman at File 770 mentioned that he had asked several pro-Puppies what they wanted and they answered “SJW delenda est.” That was beautiful. It touched me to such an extent that a single tear trickled down my cheek beneath the iron mask. And speaking of tears, this cri de coeur by Zoe Quinn about her unemployed and now-unhireable boyfriend is a good summary of what we want to see repeated over and over by SJWs in science fiction in the future:

How has the industry responded to his loyalty? Dubbing him a hiring risk. Too hot to touch. Heaven forbid some teenagers spam them with meme-laden emails. SmegmaDan’s blog said Alex hated gamers, better not hire him it could be risky.

Elephants afraid of mice.

God could you imagine how much worse it’d be if he was a marginalized person? Look at what happened to The Mighty No 9’s Dina Abou Karam? Look at her google search.

When you combine this with all of the other barriers marginalized people face, combined with how they are targeted for mob hatred at an exceptionally higher rate, it has a chilling effect on speaking out. There are countless marginalized people I’ve spoken to in the industry who are too afraid to support their friends in even the most lukewarm ways because they don’t want their employers to retaliate. There are so many women and people of color that have expressed private support alongside an apology for their fear of making it public because they have to keep their search results clean for a potential studio’s HR department.

You know that’s done to people like us on purpose, right? That running away at the first sign of smoke without fire is a tactic used against targets of online mobs CONSTANTLY? That they abuse SEO as a tool of social warfare? That the only power this carries is the kind major companies give to them by not bothering to see if it’s smoke without fire?

What if someone like Alex wants to go independent (leaving aside the question of if indies even hire producers for a second)? I cast a long shadow. He gets fucked over not just once from the industry’s general fear, but twice because his story has been looked over or lumped in with mine because he wasn’t “loud enough” about his own trouble. Not only does he get targeted because of being with me, but people look past his suffering, sacrifice, his work, and efforts to rebuild. People thoughtlessly treat him as an appendage. It’s infuriating. Look at some of the articles written about Crash Override. Look how often he’s missing or thought of simply as “a boyfriend” and not the cofounder he is. Look at how people attribute his work to me.  The man works his face off, gets results, and still gets screwed out of some of the credit.

Does that sound familiar? It does to me. I’ve fucking been there myself. It sounds like what USUALLY happens when I work with any men on a project. If you’re a marginalized person at all, you KNOW this feeling of frustration, of being whitewashed, of seeing your work being downplayed.

It’s not just Alex either. I’ve watched people who have been targets keep their heads down to try to keep themselves safe, just to have people all collectively forget what has happened to them. They’re stuck in a no-win position because speaking out means more hurt gets hurled their way, and more of their privacy is lost, but the cost of staying silent is that it seems that the world forgets about what happened to you at all. You’re left to wonder why people weren’t standing up for you like that, and if they cared about your suffering at all.

And since people with the power and reach need to speak up when those without are being hurt. Since I have been given the privlege to have this platform, I can’t just watch this, I have to speak up: THIS INDUSTRY IS CREATING A RISK OF SPEAKING OUT BY CALLING THOSE WHO SPEAK OUT A RISK.

We are bleeding assets to this industry, to this medium, at an alarming pace because of this risk aversion and shortsightedness. I would be dead or totally lost if not for Alex and the other folks who have been targeted by GamerGate and quietly faded away because it got to be too much. To see so many of them treated as footnotes is heartbreaking. To see my partner who has endured all of the hell I have and more treated as a fashion accessory and not the fully fledged and fucking impressive human being he is insults both of us and the things we have built *together*. For a risk adverse industry to treat him and other activists like lepers because a teenager might go “ur game sux” shows some pretty fucked up priorities.

The #GamerGate response has been worthy of the Vile Faceless Minions themselves: “Schadenfreudelicious!” One thing we’ll be discussing at Brainstorm tonight is how to bring successful #GamerGate tactics into science fiction, as Zoe Quinn points to one obvious possibility. It’s readily apparent that Tor Books doesn’t care in the slightest that PNH calls himself a racist or that John Scalzi launches vulgar attacks on everyone to the right of Hilary Clinton who crosses his path. But then, Tor Books is not their ultimate employer….

The employer stood behind us. They saw the horde for what it was. But
it didn’t stop there. Studios he never worked at got brigaded. Then his
employer’s employer got brigaded, and upped the pressure. One of the
things that makes mob harassment so insidious is how it attacks from
every possible angle, and some you didn’t even think of. All it takes in
any system is one point of failure, one person to make the wrong
decision, one person to not understand what’s going on, one person to be
a coward.

The SJWs have been playing this game of DISQUALIFY for a long time. They love to hurl the threat “you’ll never work in this industry again” at their enemies; Charles Stross, to his eternal credit, even warned me about it ten years ago. So it’s tremendously rewarding to see an SJW literally crying over the tactic being successfully brought to bear against them.

The secret of #GamerGate’s amazing success is emails, sent out on a daily basis in a series of coordinated campaigns against specified targets. Few corporations can resist a steady barrage of emails; as Quinn herself points out, it only takes one person somewhere in the system to crack and the target will be cut loose. And given the poor sales and financial performance of the science fiction publishing houses in recent years, it is unlikely that their corporate masters are likely to continue to tolerate actions and behavior which have quite observably turned a statistically significant percentage of the science fiction-buying public against them.

Zoe Quinn claims “20 accounts owned by 3 guys” have been sufficient to DISQUALIFY her boyfriend from industry employment. There are 364 Vile Faceless Minions. There are another 200+ Dread Ilk, plus an unknown quantity of Ilk, Rabid Puppies, and #GamerGate sympathizers. Even if we assume that Ms Quinn is lying (she is an SJW after all), I expect we can accomplish more than most of us might think if we were to follow #GamerGate’s lead in this regard. And in case you’re feeling sorry for the unemployable SJW lowlife, do keep this in mind.


SJWs only get sick of culture wars when they start losing. Until then it’s “Full Speed Ahead!” and “Remember the Misogyny!” 
– Daddy Warpig

Anti-GamerGate is afraid

CisWhiteMale ‏@Userlich
hey @voxday how do you feel about being lumped with Elliot Rodger

King of Bros ‏@Doomskander
I think it’s more hilarious that he’s further on the scary scale than Rodger

Vox Day ‏@voxday
I feel I’d like to correct them. I am considerably scarier than an inept loser like Elliot Rodger.

#GamerGate has more fun

Vox Day @voxday
It’s too bad Sasquan isn’t closer to Vegas or I’d ask @TheMercedesXXX to dress like an Indian and accept the Hugo Award for me. #GamerGate

Mercedes Carrera ‏@TheMercedesXXX
@voxday that would be top Kek. And probably get me thrown out. Lol

#GamerGate has got to be the first consumer revolt that managed to bring together unequivocally evangelical Christians, unabashed porn stars, and undeniably fabulous homosexuals. Among many, many others. How evil are the SJWs, how universally loathsome is their ideology, that it can inspire such diverse tribes to unite against them?

We need a word to describe anti-SJWism. Then again, I suppose we’ve already got one. And that word would be “freedom”.