Can confirm

I thought you all might enjoy this from Twitter.

Bender ‏@real2716057
The BEST BASED BLOG award goes to @voxday.  His blog is now on my daily required reading list.

This is the “award” that got the most responses by far.  The disciples of the Supreme Dark Lord are everywhere…

VFM and Gab

All VFM who emailed me prior to noon today have received their registration emails from Gab.  In the event you don’t think you have, you are advised as follows:

Many in the lists had already been sent, mostly gmails, those folks should check both their “social” and spam folders. Usually best to do an inbox search. Google is pushing our emails to both of those folders.

Remember, once you’re on, be sure to do a post with #DreadIlk and #VFM so that others can find and follow you.

By the way, @a will be appearing at the Monday Brainstorm on the Disconvergence. I’m hoping that we’ll actually have three of the major #AltTech players there. Invites will go out this evening.

UPDATE: And this is what #AltTech in action looks like. In tangentially related news, the Brainstorm invites have gone out to the Brainstormers and OGs. They’ll go out next to the VFM. Tomorrow I’ll open it up to everyone else. We can seat up to 1,000.

VFM: stand down

This is a command to the 500, to all my beautiful, slavering darlings.

Stand down. No more #AltRetard business until further notice. An accord has been reached and we will honor it accordingly.
Return to your kennels. But stay hungry. I will have bigger, fatter, and tastier prey for you next week. Big Fork is coming.
PS: I’ve heard from 60 or so of you so far concerning that other matter. Check your emails if you want to get on sooner rather than later.

A requested correction

Robert Evans of Cracked gets it all wrong.

One prominent figure in the alt-right is Vox Day. Day doesn’t directly threaten people, but he does regularly advocate for his readers to harass folks for him. Here’s how he advised his readers to treat women like Jessica Valenti, a writer for The Guardian whom he happens to dislike:

Open up your hate and let it pour over them. Don’t think for even one nanosecond that they don’t deserve it every bit of the criticism, of the contempt, of the disdainful dismissal that overwhelms them. They are trying to destroy Western civilization. They are trying to destroy marriage and civil society. They are advocates of child murder. They are advocates of a philosophy that makes National Socialism look merciful and Communism practical and Fascism coherent by comparison. Do not hold back. Speak back twice as hard. Speak back until they fall silent.

First, he left out the previous paragraph, which said:

What they call “harassment” and “abuse” is seldom anything more than free speech answering free speech. They have a right to speak their piece, and we have a right to speak right back. We have a right to speak back with all of the contempt, disdain, and loathing that we feel for their insane and societally suicidal ideas.

Second, and more disturbingly, he unwittingly denigrated the special relationship I have with my most loyal readers. I’m sure you will understand why I emailed him and requested a correction, as follows.

Dear Mr. Evans,

I would like to request a correction to your article of September 20, entitled “5 Things You Learn Being Attacked By The Alt-Right”. I do not direct my readers to harass anyone. While my Vile Faceless Minions have been known to flay my enemies, devour their bodies, and present me with their skulls to use as wine goblets, I can assure you they do so without direction and solely out of love for their Dark Lord.

With regards,

Vox Day
Supreme Dark Lord
Evil Legion of Evil

Should any of the VFM, or the Dread Ilk wish to correct Mr. Evans with regards to this unfortunate misunderstanding of our relationship, I am reliably informed he can be reached at

Forgive us our dry eyes

In case you’re wondering why the #AltRight doesn’t give a quantum of a damn about (((media figures))) crying about people being mean to them on the Internet, Mike Cernovich puts it in perspective.

Let’s look at the “harassment” issue rationally.

On the one hand, Jewish pundits have people troll them. Guess what, people troll me every day. If you don’t have a thick skin, don’t share your words and ideas with the world.

Meanwhile I have people call the police on me, report me to the State Bar, and lie about me to prevent me from giving mindset seminars. (They always fail and I always give my seminars, which happen worldwide to rave reviews.)

And as far as my friends go, I have it pretty easy.

Vox Day had to hire private security for our happy hour in Paris France, which was covered in Le Monde.

Milo Yiannopoulos had his talk at DePaul university shut down due to violence:

Milo Yiannopoulos’ event at DePaul University had to be cut short Tuesday night after protesters stormed the stage, blew whistles, grabbed the microphone out of the interviewer’s hand, and threatened to punch Yiannopoulos in the face.

Roosh had entire countries ban him from entry after the dishonest media claimed he was holding seminars on how to rape people.

Where was the outrage from the (((mainstream media)))? Where were the “free speech bloggers”?

To the surprise of no one who follows these issues, the people who virtue signal how appalled they are by “online harassment” were silent.

Mike doesn’t even realize that I’ve been dealing with online harassment from the very start. Back in 2001, I received over 100 death threats as a result of CAIR declaring me their email action item of the day in response to a pro-Israel column I wrote for WND. I didn’t cry about it, I didn’t call the FBI, I didn’t beg for mercy, and I didn’t back down.

I just let my editor know, in case any of it was directed his way, and made sure my weapons were freshly loaded and readily accessible. Everyone is going to die sooner or later, so aspire to die well and take as many of the bastards with you as you can, both personally and in reprisal.

It’s been 15 years and I still get “harassed” almost every day. But I don’t even notice it anymore, I just prepare accordingly for public events. Because Supreme Dark Lord. No protester will ever reach a stage on which I appear, as there are multiple layers of defense in depth and not all of them are apparent.

We live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death and we fear no evil, we hunt the fuckers in the Name of Christendom and the Risen Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

VFM hunt

Here we go again. This isn’t the SJW’s first attack review either. You know the drill. Let’s see if anyone can track down this “Nome D. Gerr”. If we do, we will contact his employer, as we have done before when we’ve caught an attack reviewer in action. How many scalps will this guy make, is it four or five now?

Nome D. Gerr
May 5, 2016
God, Robot
sad puppies find g-d

this is deja vu all over again, an offense to enjoyable fiction. reading this will contract your mind. should history repeat, the sad dawgs, with contempt for fans and bitter worship of hard core ballot rigging, will manipulate this opus died onto the slates of multiple nebula awards. as before, the mad puppies will finish 6 out of 5 on all ballots, losing to all other nominees and finishing behind write in votes for “not again”. this injection of organized religion and tea bagger nuttery into SF&F is a perversion and a waste of bytes.

Nome D. Gerr
October 29, 2015
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police

this is a scree of vindictiveness and self promotion. Somehow, probably in a manner akin to the almost success in awarding himself a people’s s/f trophy, this time waster appears in too many (and too many completely unrelated) categories of kindle recommendations. for example, just today, this book was pimped to me three times: in Moro history, in adaptionics and in economics. Motivated by apparent personal animosity, this book is gaming kindle.

Having gamed the 2014 Hugo Awards, now I’m gaming Kindle. Seriously?

Anyhow, just to make it perfectly clear, if you leave an attack review on any Castalia House book, I will unleash the Vile Faceless Minions and send them after you. If you have been insufficiently careful, if you have slipped up even once somewhere, we will doxx you, we will contact your employer, and we may even send a log of your activities to your family members. In extreme cases where your local law has observably been violated, I will personally contact the police; you will not be the first, the second, or even the third individual to be subjected to a police interrogation as a result of attacking us.

VFM, check your emails this weekend. It’s operation time. This will only require 20 of you, so if you don’t get one, don’t be surprised.

Don’t think that the SJWs are not organizing against us as well. They are doing their level best to identify all of those against whom they intend to run their usual game of discredit, disemploy, and destroy. From Mediated Feminisms: Activism and Resistance to Gender and Sexual Violence in the Digital Age at UCL Institute of Education.

Notice who they have right in the center sweet spot. Twice. Translaton: I’m not a PUA, an MGTOW, an MRA, or a TradCon, so she has no idea where to put me. And their total inability to make any sense of us, judging by their interpretive babble, suggests that the more open this culture warfare becomes, the more people are forced to choose sides, the more it will be to our advantage. And this is good, because Western civilization cannot survive social justice convergence.

Fear of a Dread Ilk planet

I thought the VFM, in particular, would enjoy this Twitter exchange:

Roosh ‏@rooshv
Breitbart has a traitor on their staff who is feeding secret company information to the competitor.

big snout ‏@davisiain
i called it right the otherday by tweeting cuckbart at them. milo needs to run their counter intel.

Leana Braun
‏he could always borrow @voxday shitlord army. Effective and ruthless.

Just to be clear, in GG-speak “shitlord” is a term of art. It’s one step above “edgelord” and several above “troll”.

I’m not surprised that Breitbart has SJW entryists burrowing inside the organization, though. Every anti-SJW organization and institution that isn’t actively on guard against them does.

Meanwhile, I’m not sure how conclusively this debunks the Michelle Fields’s claim to have been ritually sacrificed to Satan on the stage at a Trump rally; I leave it to the viewer to decide.

20 Million Views for 2015

Just passed the number last weekend. I’ll have a full report early in 2016. But still: 20 million
views. It doesn’t suck. Thank you.

You may now throw your yellow flag: Unsportsmanlike conduct, 15 yards, taunting.

In other news, it isn’t easy being a Supreme Dark Lord at Christmas time. Forget all the various festivals and invitations from cringing inferiors too frightened to not invite one to their tedious celebrations, the real problem this year is that my Ice Princess wants a freaking cheetah as a companion for her puppy.

Because having four large beasts underfoot clearly isn’t enough. Well, I suppose it could be worse. She might have asked for a pair of matching polar bears or a narwhal. Whatever happened to a nice, simple necklace of gilded SJW ears, anyway?

UPDATE: Dance party makes Waco go away!

John Scalzi @scalzi
Also muting 27 keywords, mostly Twitter handles I’d already muted, so I don’t have to see jerks sucking up to other jerks by insulting me.

If you don’t see it, you can pretend it isn’t happening. You were right back in 2005, Johnny. There is a LOT more candy in me. An infinite amount. What a pity you don’t like the taste of it anymore.

I think he’s right

Some File 770er impugns the fearsome International Lord of Hate:

I think Vox having his emblem on an assault rifle is several orders of magnitude more scary than Correia’s on an assault rifle. There’s masculinity maintenance on the one hand, and on the other hand there’s “how close can I come to calling for ethnic cleansing before he police show up?” that Vox practices.

I hope slighting Correia’s perceived level of dangerousness doesn’t trigger another downward spiral and meltdown on his part.

Well, obviously. I am several orders of magnitude more scary on the basis of my crimethink alone, and that’s not even taking the Vile Faceless Minions or the Dread Ilk into account. As it happens, I have no need to call for any ethnic cleansing. It’s already happening whether any of us want it or not. It could have possibly been avoided in the USA as recently as 1990, but I think it’s been inevitable ever since Reagan signed the 1986 Amnesty.

La Raza has already driven most of the African-Americans out of Compton. They will continue to clean out the southern half of California; they don’t mind Anglos but they do not tolerate blacks. It’s rather remarkable that none of the SJWs in SF have even noticed this yet. Of course, they’re a bunch of parochial white liberals, so they know nothing at all about Mexicans or the ruthlessness of La Raza. Even so, it’s a little bit strange that they haven’t made the connection yet between their fear of me, a great-grandson of a Mexican revolutionary, and my kindred.

As it happens, an acquaintance reported that in a in a large French city today all the taxi drivers at the train station were refusing to pick up anyone who wasn’t white European. An African woman was pitching a fit, complaining to the police, who shrugged and told her no one was obliged to drive her anywhere.

Mass migrations are always followed by war and forced migration. As Martin van Creveld’s essay in There Will Be War Vol. X demonstrates, that is the reliable historical pattern.

Anyhow, I will have to see about having an appropriately scary emblem suitable for the Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil developed. Perhaps a flayed SJW with his broken limbs in the shape of a swastika? No, too obvious. Maybe a horned skull with a pair of tomahawks crossed behind it….