What say you, supporters

I like to think that I know my own supporters’ minds better than the average individual, but I could be wrong. What say you?

Vikfield‏ @vikfield
This was a really bad idea. You are dividing the right by forcing this meme. Please re-think this.
Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
You can’t divide the Right by pointing out who is not, and has never been, of the Right. We tried this with the neocons, remember?
Vikfield‏ @vikfield  55m55 minutes ago
Btw, check out the RT and Like stats on this Meme vs your other #DailyMemeWars What you are doing is not popular with your own people
Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
It wasn’t popular when I predicted the 2008 financial crisis either. I don’t give a quantum rat’s ass about popularity. I never have.
Vikfield‏ @vikfield
I’m not talking about popularity with the masses but within your own supporters. What you are doing is illogical and we can see that.

Vikfield is a genuine supporter of two years duration. So, I’m willing to hear him out and at least entertain the possibility that his assertion is correct. Here is the meme and the statistics compared to other recent #DailyMemeWars tweets. The tweet in question is italicized.

Aug 25:  9,747 Impressions, 152 Likes, 136 Retweets
Aug 24: 26,215 Impressions, 200 Likes, 143 Retweets
Aug 23: 21,539 Impressions, 271 Likes, 200 Retweets
Aug 22: 37,030 Impressions, 428 Likes, 305 Retweets
I have to admit, it’s not a spectacularly successful meme – far too wordy and rather esoteric – but I think it would be stretching it somewhat to claim that it is “not popular” with my own people. I am not going to back down on anything I’ve said, but I’m quite willing to hear your opinions concerning my take on the Fake Right.
Speaking of which, you’d think they’d learn. But they never do.

Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
I don’t do rallies. Or events. Or conventions. I reject all speaking invitations and I have for 16 years.
Jason Kessler‏ @TheMadDimension
Is that because of your stutter?
Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
No, it’s because of your face. Your soft, pasty-white, terrified face with tears running down it as a girl tackled you.

Retraction and apology

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday

Dear @JGreenblattADL,

I am an American Indian. Neither I nor my beliefs are “white supremacist”. I expect a retraction and an apology.


Now, obviously I am not so naive as to expect Mr. Greenblatt to simply do the right thing and promptly apologize for the false accusations directed at me and others. SJWs, I am given to understand, are generally accustomed to doubling down. So, I believe it is now time to summon up the long-dormant VFM from the caverns beneath the Dark Lord’s castle to, shall we say, encourage them to be virtuous and honest in their future actions, particularly those directed our way.

But before that we will need the direct contact information for these individuals, beginning with Mr. Nathan and Mr. Greenblatt. Diggers and data-miners, you know the drill. And until we receive a retraction and apology, we will continue to hammer them on their blatant and, ironically enough, defamatory lies.

On a related note, Deplorable Winning saw the humor in their little hit list:

Congratulations to the Vox Day of Best Timeline: Vox Day made the ADL print the 14 words.

Why, thank you very much indeed.

We, the Dread

Electric Pence has revealed the plot of Far Cry 5: Theodore Keal, leader of the Red Ilk Gang, has been terrorizing the inhabitants of Justopia for years…until Joan Kalzi resisted.

That is the header from my old WND column, by the way, colorized by an artist.

Hey, I don’t criticize YOUR hobbies

This is really the last chance we have short of a “mountains of skulls.” 

He says that like it’s a bad thing. Some people collect stamps, some people collect shells, some people collect other things. I just happen to find the collecting, and sorting, and stacking to be a peaceful and relaxing pastime after a long day of tormenting SJWs and directing raids into enemy territory.

Reviewers/Proofreaders wanted

We’ve got a pair of Mil-SF novels coming out this month. One is good. The other may be the best novel we have published yet. If you would like to volunteer for proofreading or reviewing either, please email with MIL-SF in the subject. We would like 20-25 between the two.

We are good to go, thank you!

Also, well done, VFM. Exactly what was required. Mission accomplished.

Are you tired yet?

Dark Lord Designs and Cryptofashion have created what can only be described as a winning new design for sale. And yes, Trumpslide 2020 shirts are on the way. So much winning! It’s a nice way to soft-trigger those who inquire about what sort of winning is involved, at the wearer’s option.

Traffic report 2016

Last year I mentioned that I believed 2016 was going to be “absolutely extraordinary”. And it turned out to be exactly that, as the God-Emperor Ascendant’s unexpected success in the early primary turned into a Super Tuesday victory that became a nomination and eventual election. More excellent authors joined Castalia House, Infogalactic and Gab were launched, I finally got some new Selenoth out the door, and Milo became the bestselling author on all of Amazon. Incredible.

In 2016, Vox Popoli had 25,817,343 pageviews and Alpha Game 5,332,285 for a total of 31,149,628
Google pageviews. The blogs are now running at a average rate of 85,341 daily pageviews, up from an average 56,923 last year. The running annual pageview totals are as follows:

2008: 3,496,757
2009: 4,414,801
2010: 4,827,183
2011: 5,969,066
2012: 7,774,074
2013: 13,111,695
2014: 15,693,622
2015: 20,776,969
2016: 31,149,628

I very much appreciate the part you have all played in making that happen. On Twitter, I picked up an additional 21,000 followers, but that has proved irrelevant since I stopped using it in favor of Gab, where I now have 14,006 followers. We’ve been making so many server-related changes at Infogalactic of late that the statistics are a bit wonky, but it already has average daily traffic in excess of 90,000 pageviews. The Burn Unit is now 173 subscribers strong and we’re hoping to increase that to 1,000 by the end of the year while making serious progress in Phase Two. Dark Lord Designs now features 11 different t-shirt and sweatshirt designs in a variety of colors.

Castalia House grew from 37 titles, including 5 in print and 1 in audiobook, to 65, with 19 titles in print and 8 in audiobook. Book sales increased 54 percent, with print now accounting for 21 percent of the total. The three new editors made a big difference, although we did not get three of the books out that I anticipated releasing this time last year. This year, we’re looking forward to publishing new fiction from John C. Wright, Nick Cole, B.V. Larson and David VanDyke, Peter Grant, Mojo Mori, Stefan Molyneux, and Martin van Creveld, as well as non-fiction from Jerry Pournelle, Jeffro Johnson, Mike Cernovich, Vox Day, and Martin van Creveld.

Yes, that’s correct. Castalia House will be publishing a novel by Martin van Creveld, which I believe will be his debut novel. I think I can guarantee that the subject matter will blow everyone’s minds. Think CS Lewis meets Robert Graves. We’ll also get the Eternal Warriors trilogy out this year, in ebook and in print, as well as the three volumes that comprise the Collected Columns from my WND days. I anticipate publishing two additional non-fiction books this year, plus the complete print edition of A Sea of Skulls.

Thanks to all of you who continue to support VP and all of its various endeavors. Thanks to the VFM for your mindless obedience and ever-burning hatred for the SJW enemy, thanks to the Dread Ilk for your awe-inspiring loyalty, thanks to the Brainstormers for your support and advice, thanks to the Original Galaxians, Techstars, Burn Unit and Phase 2 donators for making Infogalactic possible, thanks to the Rabid Puppies for your gleeful and wanton destruction, and thanks especially to the entire Castalia House team of authors, editors, proofreaders, and volunteers.

We may not be responsible for the God-Emperor’s ascension, but we are, without question, making a substantive difference in many people’s lives around the world. As good as 2016 was – and it was very good – I anticipate an even better 2017, as more Dread Ilk begin to spread their dark wings, launch their own initiatives, and begin rampaging across the land. In closing, I will note that it’s inspiring to see John Scalzi courageously keeping his nonexistent chin up despite another 11 percent decline in traffic at The Most Important Blog in Science Fiction Ever, a 38 percent decline from its 2012 peak that has brought it back to late-2009 levels of traffic. So brave. Thank you for this.

Can confirm

I thought you all might enjoy this from Twitter.

Bender ‏@real2716057
The BEST BASED BLOG award goes to @voxday.  His blog is now on my daily required reading list.

This is the “award” that got the most responses by far.  The disciples of the Supreme Dark Lord are everywhere…