Winning is Not on the Table

All of the more informed military strategists concur: the US military is in no shape to win any sort of war with Russia:

Most Americans continue to believe that the United States will prevail in a conventional war with Russia. But that is simply not the case. For starters, Russia’s state-of-the-art missile technology and missile defense systems are vastly superior to those produced by western weapons manufacturers. Secondly, Russia can field an army of more than 1 million battle-hardened combat troops who have experienced high-intensity warfare and are prepared to engage whatever enemy they may face in the future. Third, the United States no longer has the industrial capacity to match Russia’s impressive output of lethal weaponry, artillery shells, ammunition, and cutting-edge ballistic missiles. In short, Russian military capability far exceeds that of the US in the areas that really count: High-tech weaponry, military industrial capacity, and experienced manpower. In order to drive this overall point home, I’ve taken excerpts from the work of three military analysts who explain these matters in greater detail underscoring the dramatic shortcomings of the modern US military and the problems it is likely to encounter when faced with a more technologically advanced and formidable adversary…

We see the same criticisms reiterated over and over again : Insufficient industrial capacity, dwindling stockpiles, “insuperable production limitations”, and diminished technological superiority. When we add these to the myriad logistical problems of conducting a war in eastern Europe with an ad hoc army of inexperienced volunteers who have never seen combat, we can only conclude that the United States cannot and will not prevail in a prolonged conflict with Russia. Even so, Washington continues to fire ATACMS missiles into Russia (13 more were launched over the past two days) apparently believing that there will be no response to the provocation. Even so, NATO Command continues to entertain illusions of victory by pressing for preemptive “precision strikes” on Russian territory welcoming the prospect of a direct conflagration between NATO and Russia. And even though, both France and the UK threaten to deploy combat troops to Ukraine thinking the inexorable trajectory of the war can somehow be reversed. It’s madness.

Five centuries of primacy have produced a cadre of western elites so drunk with hubris that they are incapable of seeing what is painfully obvious to everyone else, that the imperial model of western exploitation (the ‘rules-based order’) is collapsing and that new centers of power are rapidly emerging. It appears now that these same elites are prepared to drag the world into a catastrophic Third World War to preserve their grip on power and to prevent other nations from achieving the independence and prosperity they’ve earned. Fortunately, Washington will fail in this effort just as it has failed in all its other interventions dating back to 1945. Because the United States no longer has the technology, manpower or industrial capacity needed to win a war with Russia.

I’m no professional military analyst. But I reached the same conclusion before the Special Military Operation began in 2022, and nothing that has happened since suggests otherwise. All of the US and NATO sabre-rattling is counterproductive, because it’s like bluffing in poker with nothing in your hand but Uno cards.

One hopes President Trump is getting better advice from his experts than Clown World is getting from its various professionals, analysts, and strategists, all of whom have invested too heavily in their word spells to be capable of admitting even the most obvious truths. This is how imperial overstretch happens.

And forget China, let alone the Sino-Russo-Persian alliance.


The End of the Enlightenment

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, declares the end of the form of Western civilization that has persisted since the Enlightenment:

After the collapse of communism, after the collapse of the USSR, the idea of the Western elite was that the world should be Westernized, should be created in their image and likeness. This is the idea of American exceptionalism, European arrogance and conceit, real or imaginary civilizational superiority, which has existed since the European Enlightenment.

All this contributed to the fact that after 1990 the task became not the restoration of Eurasia, not a global agenda, not a world agenda, but the Westernization of the world along the lines on which the previously successful Western world had been built.

We are here today because that era is over. The idea that the whole world should be organized along Western lines and that the people who would be chosen to do that would be willing to do it in exchange for economic, financial advantages has collapsed.

Asian states have become stronger and have proven their ability to rise, exist, and survive as independent economic and political powers. As a result, the center of the world economy has shifted to the East.

Moreover, the Eastern economies are growing four times faster than the Western ones. Western industry creates 40% of the world’s added value, and Eastern industry – 50%. This is the new reality.

The Western world has not only failed in its idea and strategy of reorganizing the world, but is also suffocating in its own environment within the Western world. The issues that liberal, progressive, dominant thinking could not answer have been put on the agenda. This is migration, this is gender ideology, ethical contradictions regarding traditional values, or even the ongoing war. Thus, the West is becoming increasingly incapable of governing itself.

The five-hundred-year era of dominance of Western civilization is over.

At this point, it’s entirely obvious that the Enlightenment was a satanic turn that led Christendom upon a false path that has not only destroyed Western civilization, but the organizations and nations who created it in the first place.


Of Script and Scriptwriters

Uncle John has his doubts about what appears to be the inorganic second coming of the God-Emperor:

One thing I’ve been observing for a while is what I call The Script. The overwhelming sense that current mainstream culture and politics are not organic. That they’re being directed in some way to deliver a predetermined outcome. This was something I laid a marker on in a private social media venue some time back. I wrote a post on it here a bit ago, wanting to state it publicly. The tl,dr is that some closing Q narrative beats are playing out, only in a forced, not organic way. And all the high weirdness that has gone on since the “inauguration” makes the unreal show aspect inescapable. The premise then was that the people have to see how bad it will get. They’re too NPC and the enemy too entrenched for an informed change.

Note it’s all narrative level. “The patriots” don’t want a real, off the chain nationalist uprising. Both “sides” are still invested in the illusion that the system is real. Following up the first post, the multiple faction within the House of Lies model seems more likely. Things did circle the bowl, but there was no grassroots cry for Trump. What happened is the infosphere changed enough to snuff the TDS tsunami and pulse the NPCs into MAGA. It’s actually been really interesting in a “so that’s how it happens” way. It’s one thing to see where a pattern goes logically and another to experience it unfold. The sudden repackaging of consummate machine man Musk as free-speech-but-not-really fat Tony Stark master futurist is a great example1 There’s clearly opposition. But one faction appears to have wrested the wheel from the clown wing.


The plan is presumably to sweep in, House of Lies intact, and try a civnat reboot. This is preferable in the short term for quality of life and future-proofing. There are X-factors. The clowns are brazenly criminal. Are they sufficiently threatened for kinetic disruption? There are a lot of destabilization assets around the country. Then there are the structural tissues of the House of Lies – financialization, information control, the surveillance state, etc. How deep does factional conflict run? What is really at stake? It should go without saying that I have no idea who or what is driving The Script, let alone how or why. The opening of this post shows how much interest I have in that. It’s just that the inorganic pattern of events – with their loosely Biblical beats – leading to Trump’s inevitable return has looked obvious for a while.

It’s quite obvious that Trump is the primary tool of the sane faction of Clown World that wants to fix the system. He’s not a nationalist, he’s a civic nationalist who still thinks in terms of 1950s America being the greatest and most free nation in history; making America great again means restoring what used to be the balance between Americans and immigrants.

But just as the imperial restorationists of the Meiji era wound up being deeply disappointed by the new Japanese government’s decision to open to the world rather than return to the primordial perfection of the Emperor Jimmu’s reign – they were infuriated to see how their campaign for National Learning intended to cleanse Shinto of its various Buddhist intertwinements wound up with Shinto being fused with Enlightenment ideals – the would-be US restorationists will find that it’s not possible to go back in time.

To save America, both the neo-liberal rules-based world order and the USA must be allowed to collapse and fail. And I doubt there is a script for that, at least, not outside of Moscow and Beijing.



Andrei Martyanov is not at all impressed by the credentials of the incoming National Security Advisor:

“Mike is the first Green Beret to have been elected to Congress, and previously served in the White House and Pentagon,” Trump said in a statement announcing his latest cabinet pick. “Mike served in the Army Special Forces for 27 years where he was deployed multiple times in combat for which he was awarded four Bronze Stars, including two with Valor.” “Mike retired as a Colonel, and is a nationally recognized leader in National Security, a bestselling author, and an expert on the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran, and global terrorism,” the statement added. “He serves as a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Mike is a distinguished graduate with honors of the Virginia Military Institute. Mike has been a strong champion of my America First Foreign Policy agenda, and will be a tremendous champion of our pursuit of Peace through Strength!”

Is not an expert “on the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran and global terrorism” and especially on Russia, because there are about zero people for the least 20+ years in both House Armed Services and House Foreign Affairs Committees who have any clue about the world outside and the modern warfare. He cannot be an expert, considering his alleged support for a delusional and utterly obsolete concept of “Peace Through Strength” for the United States. Waltz worked for Donald Rumsfeld–the guy who failed miserably in his understanding of the warfare and applied geopolitics. TOE of the US Armed Forces is a testament to the views of these people, not that anyone else would have fared better by screwing US doctrinal development so profoundly. Somebody has to tell the guy that “Strength” based on TOE from 1990s is not strength.

I had a very tenuous hope for Trump calling on Colonel Douglas Macgregor for the position of National Security Adviser, well … we all knew what was coming, didn’t we. Waltz is a “specialist” in high intensity police operations in Afghanistan, wow … Degree in “International Relations” from VMI kinda gets you some ideas. So, the “special forces” guy with zero understanding of technological and economic drivers of the modern war will be a classic US gung ho “advising” Trump. Well, looks like we exchanged one set of neocons for another.

I’m not impressed either, but then, I didn’t expect to be. There is absolutely no one in the US military establishment who is genuinely qualified to prepare for either the industrial element of a hypothetical air-sea war with China or the scale of the air-land war with Russia. Even the concept of an air-sea-land war with Iran in the Middle East might or might not be within the limits of the US military’s strategic capabilities.

Technology, demographics, industrial capabilities, and international economics have all changed dramatically since 1990 and that is not a coincidence. But as with the aphoristic generals always fighting the last war, US strategists have not even begun to correctly understand, much less anticipate, the current challenges; we know they have not because they would not be assuming that “strength” is their advantage anymore. Just as the British military still vastly overrates its own significance and abilities, the US military is not cognizant that it is now a regional power, not a global superpower.

And no one who has served in the military can claim to know anything useful about “national security”, not in a nation that has been invaded by tens of millions of foreigners without the military or the so-called security establishment doing anything about it.

This announcement is a bit more promising, although the two appointees are both clowns, they are from the sober faction that is trying to preserve the current system rather than destroy the world.

President-elect Donald Trump has officially named Elon Musk to head the newly created ‘Department of Government Efficiency.’


America is a Christian Nation

But the current Imperial USA is a Satanic construct supported most strongly by Atheists and Jews.

The situation is not sustainable by pseudo-democracy, a constitutional republic, or even imperialist authoritarianism. The more that American Christians awaken to the subversive evil of their illegitimate foreign rulers, the less the political structure of the USA can remain unitary in the face of all of the various centrifugal pressures that are continuing to build up.

It is said that Man cannot serve both God and Mammon. Even less can he serve both God and Moloch.

2033 is coming fast, and it is not to be feared. It’s an opportunity for Americans to free themselves of their gaslighting narrators and a considerable amount of societal deadweight. Because things are not going to get better, as evidenced by the usual suspects up to their usual PR stunts.

What’s certain is that Mossad agents did accompany the Maccabi fans to the Netherlands. We know that because it was posted as a headline at the Jerusalem Post. So, the Mossad was present. The question is whether they were actively engaged in what amounts to a massive psyops using the footballers to advance their dark agenda?

We can’t answer that, but we can say that it is highly unusual for a government to deploy its intelligence agents to a football match in a foreign capital. Who else does that? No one, which begs the question of whether they were enlisted to participate in a covert “dirty tricks” operation that required their professional supervision.

Of course we can. Anyone who has been paying any attention to recent history can. The fake “Amsterdam anti-semitism riots” were just another gaslighting psychological operation of the sort that we’ve seen going back to Ellis Island and the so-called “Melting Pot” at the very least. It’s all fake, it’s all narrative, it’s all lies. Anyone who is genuinely devoted to the truth and the Truth will eventually see through it and reject it.

We leave for the masters of rhetoric to contemplate the significance of the claim that “this was a pogrom in Europe comparable to the Holocaust.”


The Rage is Building

What did the politicians think would happen once resources began running out. How are the Germans going to pay for all those unproductive migrants and refugees when even Volkswagen is shutting down multiple plants? How long will the Spanish sleep in their cars when the foreigners sleep in four-star hotels?

The destruction of civil society is the price of believing all the wicked lies about equality, diversity, and inclusivity, about immigration being good for the economy, and about the moral duty to aid and abet the invasion of your country. It’s all obviously stupid in hindsight, to such an extent that historians will marvel that it could have ever happened, but it was every bit as stupid at the time, it’s just that it’s not possible to provide the material evidence to prove something that hasn’t happened yet.

And, unfortunately, the majority of people are totally immune to logic, as they vastly prefer reasoning based upon argumentum ad imaginarium.


God is Not Blessing America

Archbishop Vigano condemns the subversion and destruction of the American nation by the wicked Deep State that rules the United States:

Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dense with indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards.

In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients.

Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.

They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters.

And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.

But what until yesterday was dismissed as the result of conspiracy theories is now admitted by the government itself.

They take away your sunlight; they poison you by seeding the clouds; they overwhelm your villages and your fields with deadly hurricanes; they kill your livestock and dry up your crops with induced droughts and devastating fires. They aim to control the entire food sector, to force you to eat only what they make available to you. This is what the Agenda 2030 calls for, which has been imposed without any vote by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum…

Power is managed by the criminal deep state – whose names and faces we now know – that is responsible for the destruction of your great Nation.

A cleansing fire is long overdue. And if it is not a righteous one that burns in the hearts of Americans, it will be the deadly fires of post-imperial struggles for power over the remains of the state.


On the Phenomenon of Male Flight

Martin van Creveld has pointed out the phenomenon of male flight from education and entire professions, repeatedly, for decades. But only now that the higher education system is on the point of complete collapse is anyone else beginning to recognize that it poses a very real and serious problem:

  • In 1969 almost all veterinary students were male at 89%.
  • By 1987, male enrollment was equal to female at 50%.1
  • By 2009, male enrollment in veterinary schools had plummeted to 22.4%

A sociologist studying gender in veterinary schools, Dr. Anne Lincoln says that in an attempt to describe this drastic drop in male enrollment, many keep pointing to financial reasons like the debt-to-income ratio or the high cost of schooling.

But Lincoln’s research found that “men and women are equally affected by tuition and salaries.”

Her research shows that the reason fewer men are enrolling in veterinary school boils down to one factor: the number of women in the classroom.

“There was really only one variable where I found an effect, and that was the proportion of women already enrolled in vet med schools… So a young male student says he’s going to visit a school and when he sees a classroom with a lot of women he changes his choice of graduate school. That’s what the findings indicate…. what’s really driving feminization of the field is ‘preemptive flight’—men not applying because of women’s increasing enrollment.” – Dr. Anne Lincoln

For every 1% increase in the proportion of women in the student body, 1.7 fewer men applied. One more woman applying was a greater deterrent than $1000 in extra tuition!

This points to the underlying flaw in feminism and sexual equality. Men and women are not the same, they do not possess the same average strengths and weaknesses to the same degree, and most importantly, their preferences are different.

Every society faces a fundamental choice. Either deny men what they observably and actually prefer or deny women what they think they prefer in theory. Across the West, the last 60 years have been an experiment in the latter. Women have been given the red carpet treatment in the corporations, in the universities, and even in the men’s locker rooms. Divorces and custodies have been granted on demand. Pregnancies have been prevented. Babies have been aborted. Obesity and ugliness have been celebrated. The churches have been de-doctrinated and literally neutered. Refugees have been welcomed. The insane have been liberated from their asylums.

And yet, not only are women unhappier than they were before being granted their collective societal bucket list, men are increasingly opting out of every form of participation in society. So, unless women are both as willing and as capable as men of performing most of what historically had been male duties, or men are forcibly denied the right to exercise their preferences and conscripted to perform the tasks that women won’t, the choice is between a) societal collapse and b) denying women the right to fully exercise their preferences.

It appears what passes for society in the West has uniformly opted for (a). It’s a bold move, historically speaking. And we can already see how it’s working out for us.


Hungary Opts Out

An object lesson in why government by treaty does not, and cannot, ever work:

Hungary has joined the Netherlands in seeking an opt-out from European Union rules on asylum, a minister has said, as the country’s nationalist leader Viktor Orban is expected to make waves at the European Parliament on Tuesday.

Last month, the Dutch government, which is dominated by Geert Wilders’ hard-right party, declared an ‘asylum crisis’ and requested an opt-out of the common asylum policy from Brussels. It said the move was justified so it can provide ‘housing, health care and education’ to its citizens, but the European Commission responded by saying that it expected no ‘immediate changes’.

The European treaties are binding agreements, and any exemptions can only be made with the agreement of all 27 EU member states.

“Binding agreements” are the way Satan tries to claim your soul. This is as true of nations as it is of individuals. The fact is that there are no agreements that can ever be regarded as permanently “binding” for sovereign nations. The sooner that the remaining EU member-states realize this and follow Great Britain’s lead in ridding themselves of their would-be rulers, the better.

No nation should ever sign any agreement that purports to be binding, permanent, or final.