The God-Emperor is not your win

The Last Refuge hammers #NeverTrumpers trying to surreptitiously board the Trump Train in light of the God-Emperor’s well-received Supreme Court nomination:

Sorry #NeverTrumpers, but you don”t get to dismount your high horse and celebrate the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch today.  This is NOT your victory, this is ours!

There is a gobsmacking level of pontificating self-righteousness visible from the collective proletariat within your crony-conservative movement who made the decision to formulate their political argument from a position of opposition.

Perhaps it would be different if you framed your antagonism from a position of advocacy, but that wasn’t the direction you chose.  No, you chose a specific position of opposition as clearly evident within your chosen mantra “Never Trump”.

Perhaps it would be different if you ever had a come-to-Jesus moment and apologized immediately following the November election.  Then again, when your opinion of your own self-importance is this high, those humble words are just as foreign as your understanding of the movement that won.

You don’t get to frame the entire construct of your argument around opposition to a team, and then claim benefit to the outcome of victory.  Stay on your high-horse, move along and ride off into that proverbial land of irrelevance; you’re dead here.

Save your dismount for another defining “conservative” assembly where you can gather at CPAC again and give a standing ovation to House Speaker Paul Ryan a month after he eliminates the debt ceiling and passes a $2 trillion OmniBus spending bill, funding all of the progressive priorities you hypocritically claim to oppose; you’re good at that….

You had a choice. You chose a direction, you lost; and you damn near lost the entire friggin’ country. Just because the team you ridiculed and attacked has overcome all opposition and gained victory, that doesn’t mean you get to backtrack now and expect the bruised and bloodied recipients to forget those who launched the stones and arrows.

Abase yourself before the God-Emperor, #NeverTrump. Shed copious tears of self-remorse and flagellate yourself in public. Then you will be forgiven. Provisionally.

But you will never be trusted. Nor will you lead anyone’s opinions ever again. Remember, the God-Emperor’s inquisitors are watching, and they can scent heresy.

Now, get on board the Trump Train, find a turret, take the safety off, and shoot left.

When will the cucks concede?

Not yet, apparently. Conservatives are delighted with Donald Trump’s Supreme Court selection, but the Never Trumpers are still cluck-clucking away.

Conservatives were effusive in their praise on Tuesday evening for President Donald Trump’s choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch.

Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed said:

President Trump won 81 percent of the evangelical vote in no small measure because he made an ironclad pledge that if elected he would fill the vacancy on the US Supreme Court with a strict constructionist who would respect the Constitution and the rule of law, not legislate from the bench. We never doubted then-candidate Trump’s sincerity or commitment, and by nominating Judge Gorsuch, he has now kept that promise. Judge Gorsuch is a widely respected jurist whose razor-sharp intellect is complemented by his temperament and the knowledge of the law. He is exactly who the nation needs as a Supreme Court Justice in the model of the late Antonio Scalia. Faith & Freedom Coalition is thrilled by this nomination and will work tirelessly for the confirmation of Judge Gorsuch.

Michael A. Needham, CEO of Heritage Action for America, said:

Judge Neil Gorsuch is a nominee ‘very much in the mold’ of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. President Trump deserves credit for fulfilling his campaign pledge by nominating an individual who will, based on his record, interpret the text of the Constitution rather than create unwritten rights supposedly hidden between the lines. The usurpations of the rule of law, substituting for the will of the people as embodied in democratically enacted legislation rights nowhere to be found in our Constitution itself, only serves to divide our nation. Judge Gorsuch is an outstanding choice, and now the Senate must prepare to carry out its “Advise and Consent” role as it has for the past 227 years.

Meanwhile the left is in another panic: “‘More Extreme than Justice Scalia’ — Left-wing Activists Sound the Alarm Over Gorsuch” But the cucks and media cons are still aligning themselves with the Left and virtue-signaling their distaste for the God-Emperor. Benny Shapiro is whining about how there is no “Master Plan” while Jonah Goldberg is crying about how Steve Bannon’s master plan isn’t “good governance”. It’s absolutely absurd!

Who can still take these guys seriously? They’re not principled. It’s becoming eminently clear that they are defeatist anklebiters who are psychologically unequipped for winning. Jonah writes:

Bannon has said he’s a “Leninist” but he’s really more of a Trotskyist because he fancies himself the leader of an international populist-nationalist right-wing movement, exporting anti-“globalist” revolution. In that role, his status as an enabler of Trump’s instinct to shoot — or tweet — from the hip seems especially ominous…. The Bannon Way might work on the campaign trail, but it doesn’t translate into good governance. It’s possible — and one must hope — that Trump can learn this fact on the job. But what if he doesn’t? He could put the country in serious peril.

The Left is being rolled back on every front, and these sad sacks are wringing their hands? It’s going to be amusing to see them start changing their tune once the God-Emperor’s endeavors start bearing positive fruit.

Pagan rhetoric is not Christianity

The actual Christian position on refugees and immigrants:

It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.
– Matthew 15:26

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
– 1 Timothy 5:8

But what about that verse from Exodus?

Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.
– Exodus 22:21

When were Americans ever foreigners in Egypt? That is not Christian compassion, that has nothing to do with Christianity at all. Anyone who is appealing to Christianity in arguing for settling refugees and foreigners in the USA is a confirmed liar.

Got that, Churchian cuck? You have denied the faith and are worse than an unbeliever. If you genuinely want to go help the foreigners, go to foreign lands and do so. Take your neo-Babelist melting pot paganism with you and go.

No more cucking, cucky

Back in mid-2015, Hateful Heretic explained, to conservatives, what cuckservatism is, and why it is a complete dead end. It remains every bit as true and relevant today.

A cuckservative is a self-styled “conservative” who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country’s people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them.

The Platonic form of the cuckservative is the UK’s David Cameron, who famously proclaimed that it is England that needs to adapt to Islam and not the other way around. A cuckold is a perfect metaphor for this mewling, loathsome stain of a man.

It’s not just one thing. It’s not just McConnell selling out his base to lap up donations from Ex-Im Bank beneficiaries. It’s not just ¡Jeb! brazenly declaring that Americans need to be replaced by Mexicans because they’re a more moral and noble people than us. It’s not just Sean Hannity defending Israeli spies. It’s not just George W Bush throwing hard-earned American treasure at the HIV-infested toilet of Africa. It’s not just Rand Paul’s stated desire to return the franchise to millions of black felons who will overwhelmingly use it to vote for more gibsmedat funded by whites.

The idea of amnesty—namely that I, a hard-working, responsible American with no arrest record at all, owe welfare payments, free education, and other “bennies” to foreigners who have no legal right to be here—is rage-inducing enough. Seeing my ostensible defenders in the government bend over backward to make the left like them and justify turning America into a Third World country makes me want to bite my own face off.

The idea that conservatives shouldn’t even talk about race is one more way we’re cucked. See, the left talks about race all the time. They are explicitly and deliberately organized as a racial grievance party. Each passing year, they become more overtly and brazenly dedicated to punishing and expropriating whites in order to deliver gibsmedat to blacks and Hispanics. And when we complain about the way things are going, we get scolded for being “racist.” Holder is right. We are a nation of cowards when it comes to race. We’re terrified of speaking out about how black America’s problems are most certainly not the fault of the white middle class. We’re terrified of talking about what the vast majority of Arabs actually believe. We go into paroxysms of terror if the subject of just why all those Latin American countries are socialist comes up. And God forbid anyone ever, EVER say the two words “white interests” except to say how evil and illegitimate they are.

The Alt-Right is a conscious, even contemptuous, rejection of cuckservatism. It is not cowardly. It is not terrified. It is not defeatist. It is committed to the truth. It is committed to science. It is committed to the lessons of history. And it is committed to the idea that Western Civilization is a better place to live than any other societal ordering of men, including the various dyscivilizational notions created by utopians from communists to libertarians.

That’s why, if you have any regard for Western Civilization at all, you should be on board with both the Trump Train and the Alt-Right Revolution. Stop cowering. Stop cucking. Embrace truth and tribe, and start winning.

Pat Buchanan explains that this comes down to a simple distinction, between America as a legitimate nation of real people and America as an ahistorical, abstract, imaginary idea:

Who are we? What is a nation? What does America stand for?

Those desperate to see the wall built, illegal immigration halted, and those here illegally deported, see the country they grew up in as dying, disappearing, with something strange and foreign taking its place.

It is not only that illegal migrants take jobs from Americans, that they commit crimes, or that so many require subsidized food, welfare, housing, education and health care. It is that they are changing our country. They are changing who we are.

Two decades ago, the Old Right and the neocons engaged in a ferocious debate over what America was and is.

Were we from the beginning a new, unique, separate and identifiable people like the British, French and Germans?

Or was America a new kind of nation, an ideological nation, an invented nation, united by an acceptance of the ideas and ideals of Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln and Dr. King?

The Old Right contended that America existed even before the Revolution, and that this new nation, this new people, wrote its own birth certificate, the Constitution. Before Washington, Madison and Hamilton ever went to Philadelphia, America existed.

What forced the premature birth of the nation — was the Revolution.

We did not become a new nation because we embraced Jefferson’s notion about all men being “created equal.” We became a new people from our familial break with the Mother Country, described in the declaration as a severing of ties with our “brethren” across the sea who no longer deserved our loyalty or love.

The United States came into being in 1789. The Constitution created the government, the state. But the country already existed.

The cuckservatives and Alt-Lite and neocons and melting potists are all, at heart, statists. They openly claim that the State, the political entity, the government, that was created in 1776, (or 1789 if you prefer) is the nation. The Old Right, and now the Alt-Right, know better. We know that it is We the People, the Posterity of the Founders, who are the nation.

The state is not the nation. The state can never be the nation, or the concepts of nation-state and multinational state and multicultural state would not exist.

Cuckservatism and conservatism, like liberalism and progressivism, requires the adherent to believe things he knows not to be true. That’s why they always – ALWAYS – end up playing fast-and-loose with definitions and resorting to obvious absurdities when pressed. Their intellectual foundations are built on sand.

Attack, but politely, please

The cucks are trying, so hard, to wrap their heads around how one can fight back successfully against the Left. And yet, they are still failing, because they are intellectual cowards more concerned with means than ends:

We ought to take a page from the playbook of Trump, who has almost singularly provided us with a golden opportunity to redefine the terms of battle, no longer fighting on leftist ground. For Republicans and conservatives has been liberated from the PC thought police. We are free to fight back when vicious charges are leveled at us designed to instill fear and chill dissent.

As former speaker Newt Gingrich has perceptively noted, Trump has been a masterful media manipulator, getting media members to chase so-called “shiny objects” — “Can you believe Trump said X!?” ad nauseam.

Mr. Trump’s version of stray voltage has a number of effects beyond just causing chaos and distracting his opponents. When everything is an outrage, nothing is an outrage. And when everything is an outrage, you expose yourself as a purely partisan actor, turning off large swaths of the American public.

Trump’s lack of fear of touching politically incorrect third rails that millions of Americans felt, but which had not been articulated so bluntly by a national politician, served him well. Incidentally, it also allowed him to shift the Overton Window on critical issues like immigration and Islamic supremacism.

When attacked for taking these positions, unlike those to come before him, Trump did not avoid the fray. Rather, he jumped into it, counterpunching.

Lulled into a false sense of security by Republicans who fought with their hands tied behind their backs, constrained by suicidal rules of political engagement for decades, the Left did not know how to react when hit.

Leftists could not believe that a political opponent had the gall to actually fight tooth and nail.

Trump does not give an inch to his critics, and neither should any other Republican. He defines the rules of engagement, and so should all on the Right.

Watching the confirmation hearings to date, we see many on the Left jabbing as if we are in a pre-Trump world. Their questions all hew to the same old narrative that if you are not a racist, sexist, or bigot, then you are an out-of-touch plutocrat or a shill for some special interest or other.

Like Trump, Republicans should challenge these charges head on. They should take issue with the Left’s premises from the start, showing that it is the Left who is projecting when it tries to discredit those who believe in capitalism, the power of the individual, and the sanctity of the individual’s rights, the rule of law, national sovereignty, federalism, and the Judeo-Christian morality on which the country is based.

When leftists attack an attorney general designate because he is a white male from the South, they should be attacked for judging based on color of skin (rather than content of character) and for trying to bruise an appointee who will not stand for open borders, selective law enforcement, and politicized justice.

When leftists attack a secretary of education designate because her family is wealthy, they should be attacked for their anti-capitalism and hypocrisy, and their real desire to bloody an appointee because she believes that the Left’s own constituents — and indeed all Americans — should have the opportunity to send their kids to superior schools, rather than being doomed to a subpar education because it mollifies a teachers union.

These attacks are designed to put not only the appointees, but also all right-thinking people on the defensive — to fear reflexively a false premise because those premises have prevailed among the progressives who dominated media, academia, and government for decades.

We should no longer live in fear — for the Left thrives when we self-censor and accept its baseless premises.

They ought to take a page from Trump, but they won’t, because they STILL accept the baseless premises of the Left. Consider the cucking on display even in this exhortation to be bold and fearless and willing to fight:

  • The Judeo-Christian morality on which the country is based. There is no “Judeo-Christian morality”. Nor is the country based on the nonexistent concept. The USA was founded by Christians on the basis of predominantly Protestant values. Judaism, which is considerably more than the Mosaic Law, had, and has, nothing to do with the American nation or the founding of the USA. These appeals to the teachings of Judeo Christ rather than Jesus Christ are the certain sign of the cuck.
  • they should be attacked for judging based on color of skin. Dems are the real racists! Cucks never learn, they only project their fear of being accused of racism on everyone else.
  • they should be attacked for their anti-capitalism and hypocrisy. Call them commies! And hypocrites! Because that has worked so well for the last 50 years, right?

The ironic thing is that Donald Trump NEVER utilizes these feeble forms of limp-wristed hand-waving. He goes after them where it hurts, in a direct and aggressive manner that inevitably make the cucks complain that he is rude and boorish and hurtful.

Forget conservatism. Conservatives don’t fight. Their failure to do so, their inevitable failure to conserve anything, is why the Alt-Right exists in the first place.

No one cares what you want

Jonah Goldberg expresses concerns, concernedly, that Donald Trump will fail to be the kind of president Jonah Goldberg prefers.

I very much want Trump to be a successful conservative president — which is to say, I don’t want him to be a successful statist president. I understand all-too-well that many of Trump’s fans do want him to be a successful statist president. They don’t use the word “statist,” preferring the rough synonym “nationalist.” They either sincerely think, or convincingly pretend to think, that there’s a meaningful difference between a statist and a nationalist. There isn’t. That’s a worthwhile argument to have, and there will be many opportunities to have it down the road. But if Trump is going to be a successful conservative president, I think his biggest fans will have to recognize their own tribalism.

The intrinsic dishonesty of some civic nationalists runs so deep that they do not even appear to recognize it when they make massive blunders like confusing statism with nationalism.

Jonah is smarter than this. He understands the difference between a nation – a group of homogeneous people – and a state – a sovereign political entity. He’s written about the Kurds before, so he knows there is a Kurdish nation but not a Kurdish state. He’s written about the Soviet Union before, so he knows there was a Soviet state despite there being no such thing as a Soviet nation.

Moreover, conservatives have been overt statists since the first Bush ’43 administration. Has Jonah already forgotten “big government conservatism” or the bank bailouts of 2008? The fact is that conservatism is a dying non-ideology, and that’s why all the anti-Trumpers and Never Trumpers are beginning to cozy up to the God-Emperor Ascendant, whispering their wicked advice in the hopes that they can influence him.

But it won’t do them any good. Their electoral impotence, their intellectual irrelevance, and their lack of character was revealed in last year’s primary and general election campaigns. And very, very few of them are indicating that they learned anything from the experience.

And as for tribalism, we readily admit ours. We would just like to see Mr. Goldberg and company be honest about theirs. Given the absence of a strong demographic majority, tribalism and identity politics are the inevitable order of the day. See Thomas Sowell for details.

The fear of woman

Is the beginning of dyscivilization. Pastor Doug Wilson addresses one way in which modern Churchians have attempted to neuter the Christian man.

If over the course of a few months of pastoral counseling, say, I encounter three instances of husbands and fathers getting angry in the home, you can expect that problem to start showing up in sermons—either in sermons on anger, or passing illustrations about anger in sermons on something else. My assumption is that the instances I have found out about are the tip of the iceberg.

Now suppose—just suppose—the presenting problem in three marriages I am trying to help is the problem of lazy and idle housewives. Is there any practical way, without becoming a Pariah for the Ages, to preach on “Lazy Housewives”? I could get myself into a fit of the giggles just thinking about it.

Anything said along these lines will be immediately translated into an “attack on all women.” The violent response will insist that what you said about a small subset of women is to be understood by the entire world as an attack on all women, and the violent response will be led by women who also insist that they are every bit as rational as men, and should therefore be trusted to preach and teach and handle the text of Scripture, and they will do this when they have just finished parsing a statement that some mammals are marsupials into the clownish doctrine that all mammals are marsupials, and how dare you say that all mammals have pouches? Whales don’t have pouches, you maroon.

The reason for this reaction is that Satan hates women, and does not want them to have any pastoral care. He does not want them to have husbands who protect them. He wants them to be surrounded by feckless cowards, who refuse to tell them the truth.

He wants them to have men in their lives who would rather lie than lead.

I don’t know if I can go along with this hateful attack on women. After all, did not Judeo-Christ say: “I do not permit a husband to criticize or to assign blame to his wife; he must be silent in his servant-leadership. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.”

I am confident all right-thinking Churchians will agree with me that it is both wrong and sinful for a man to criticize any woman, but particularly a woman to whom he is, or was formerly, married, and that the proper role of a husband is to provide, without complaint, for his wife and his wife’s son.

“Muh Constitution,” he cucked, cuckingly

Alex Rawls has absolutely no idea what the U.S. Constitution is or for whom it was written:

The CONSTITUTION does not define a white ethnostate. It is no contradiction of the constitution to welcome many of those from other races that share a commitment to liberty under law and to Christian morality (which most religions other than Islam do in large degree).

Alex is absolutely and utterly wrong. The Constitution doesn’t define a white ethnostate, it clearly establishes a BRITISH ethnostate. It exists solely to defend the rights and liberties of the genetic descendants of the Founders and no one else. It does not welcome anyone and it does not indicate any interest in any other race or nation regardless of their commitment to anything, much less “liberty under law” or “Christian morality”.

The purpose of the Constitution is laid out in the Preamble:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Many, if not most, descendants of immigrants are not the Posterity of the then-People of the United States. Neither are people living in Mexico, Germany, Israel, or even Great Britain. The U.S. Constitution was not written for them, nor was it ever intended to secure the Blessings of Liberty for them.

The idea that the Constitution was intended to do anything at all for immigrants, resident aliens, or foreigners is as absurd as the idea that its emanations and penumbras provide them with an unalienable right to an abortion. The fact that courts have declared otherwise is totally irrelevant.

The proposition nation is a lie. There is no such thing, there never was any such thing, and there never will be any such thing.

The 16 Points of the Cuckservative

Ilsepher posted them on Gab. I took the liberty of adding a few refinements here and there. I just wish we’d had this to include in Cuckservative. We may have to add another appendix to the ebook.

  1. The Cuckservative recognizes that it is an imperative, and the chief solemn duty of all American men and women, to fight for the rights, welfare, security, happiness, justice, and well-being of the entire third world and its posterity, and provide them with free access to the fruits of our land, our people, and our welfare system.
  2. The Cuckservative realizes there is something magical about the American geography that instills a predilection and reverence for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant ideals, small government, and the American way of life, in anyone who resides there.
  3. The Cuckservative recognizes that it is always better to adhere to one’s principles and lose than risk betraying those principles by winning.
  4. The Cuckservative disavows every form of religious or ethnic state and recognizes that we must all strive towards a more inclusive United States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
  5. The religious ethnostate of Israel, and its right to remain exclusively Jewish, are intrinsically legitimate and must never be questioned or criticized.
  6. The U.S. Constitution is a sacred and inspired document, and the historical American nation as envisioned by the Founding Fathers must be carefully conserved.
  7. The United States of America is a proposition nation, unique from all other nations, due to its Magic Dirt.
  8. Rigorous adherence to the scientific method, including the social sciences, is vital in order to create policies based on reason, evidence, and statistics to better address, and understand, serious societal problems such as crime, poverty, inequality, and racism. Unlike liberals, the Cuckservative reasons on the basis of facts and does not allow emotions or societal norms to dictate his views, regardless of how controversial.
  9. Race does not exist, and even if it did, this uninclusive hatefact would not be relevant to the Cuckservative or his wife’s black son. PLEASE DON’T CALL ME RACIST!
  10. The Cuckservative exhibits dutiful and unquestioning faith in the teachings of the Judeo-Christian Church, and strives to instill subsequent generations with the Judeo-Christian values of inclusiveness, tolerance, self-love, and the revelation of the inherently good nature of man as embodied by Churchian teachings.
  11. The Cuckservative understands that diversity and multiculturalism are our greatest strengths, and that discrimination and intolerance of other lifestyles or people are evil, as was taught by Judeo-Christ himself.
  12. The Cuckservative must always stand like a rock in a stream of policies for muh principles.
  13. The Cuckservative understands he must change with the times lest he risk irrelevance in the face of the progressive evolution of society, by periodically questioning and amending his principles. 
  14. The Cuckservative knows moderacy is a virtue and it is his solemn duty to hold his nominal allies to a higher standard than liberals. A Cuckservative should not hesitate to take the side of a liberal if a fellow conservative gets unruly in debate and betrays the conservative principles of Decency, Tolerance, and Inclusiveness.
  15. The Cuckservative cares what you think about him. Especially if you are a liberal, socialist, communist. That goes double if you are black or gay, triple if you are a woman or Jewish.
  16. The Cuckservative pledges allegiance, to the Dirt, of the United States of America, and to the Equality for which it stands, One World, under the deity or abstract ideal of your current preference, with Tolerance and Inclusion for All.
But I think the cuckservative philosophy is can be summed up thusly: the best Americans are foreigners born abroad.

Conservatism is dead

And National Review killed it. Josh Gelernter provides the nail in the coffin with “A Conservative Defense of Transgender Rights“:

Kentucky governor Matt Bevin said last week that he hopes the Kentucky legislature won’t consider a transgender-bathroom bill in the upcoming legislative session; according to Bevin, “the last thing we need is more government rules.” He’s absolutely right, and I think it’s worth offering a conservative defense of transgender rights — which ought to be a conservative issue.

On the American political spectrum, conservatism is the mind-your-own-business ideology. I know smoking is unhealthy, but I enjoy smoking, and my health is none of your business. I know motorcycles can be dangerous, but I like the wind in my hair; whether or not I wear a helmet is none of your business. I realize that fireworks can blow up before they’re supposed to, but they’re fun and my fingers are none of your business. Don’t tell me what sort of car to drive, or what kind of light bulb I can buy, or what kind of milk I can drink, or how to raise my kids.

There’s a reason, when push comes to shove, most libertarians vote Republican. The Republican party is — more often than not, and should invariably be — the party of individual liberty. So conservatives have to ask, is it a good idea to empower the government to start lifting up people’s skirts?

The response, from many conservatives, is that it’s not a question of interfering with personal freedom — the freedom to live one’s own life however he’d like — but of preserving personal freedom — that is, the freedom to go to the bathroom among only people of the same biological sex. Allowing mixed-biological-sex bathrooms risks making adults uncomfortable, and risks opening the door to child predators, or so the argument goes. I’m afraid neither of those positions strikes me as well thought-out. Certainly not from a conservative point of view.

Well, if something doesn’t strike JOSH GELERNTER – THE Josh Gelernter of NATIONAL REVIEW – as “well thought-out”, then obviously it is wrong!

After all, what is conservatism if not doing whatever one wants at any time, without the slightest possible concern for the possible consequences to oneself or anyone else?

Conservatism is dead. Conservatism has conserved nothing, not even itself. If you want to live, if you want America to be reborn, if you want Western Civilization to survive, you have no choice but to support the Alt-Right.

The best response was this comment:

YIH says:    
December 26, 2016 at 7:42 am GMT
“A Conservative Defense of Transgender Rights”