The Daily Kabuki

I think we all know what Miles Mathis is going to conclude about the “Alex Jones trial”:

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones immediately took to the airwaves after the verdict in his defamation trial on Friday – which will see him be forced to pay nearly $50million in damages to the family of slain six-year-old Jesse Lewis.

Lewis was among the 20 children who were shot dead by crazed gunman Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012. Another six people were killed in the massacre.

For years Jones claimed on his InfoWars platform that the shooting in Newton was a ‘false flag’ operation perpetrated by the US government to further gun control.

In his Friday broadcast, Jones claimed the trial against him was ‘coordinated and run’ by billionaire philanthropist George Soros and ‘operatives.’ He did not identify the other ‘operatives’ by name.

The host also accused Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of being a ‘blue-haired SJW’ and insinuated that she was corrupt by saying that she ‘altered the record of the trial.’ ‘SJW’ stands for Social Justice Warrior.

The fact that the UN and the governments of the post-West are now going to such extreme lengths in order to try to prevent people from even whispering their doubts about the official narrative only serves to further convince the intelligent observer that literally nothing they say even remotely corresponds with reality.

Inversion theatre is the order of the day.

The only thing they’ll accomplish with these highly publicized efforts is to ensure that the reality patrol – aka “conspiracy theorists” – becomes even more focused on obtaining rock-solid evidence disproving the narrative before publicly expressing any doubts about it. This is why I no longer pay any attention to “current events” reported by the media. If they weren’t fake in one way or another, they wouldn’t require legal muscle to enforce their “truth”.


The Abyss Stalks Back

AC explains this is what the stalker state in action looks like. Seeing how obvious it is, I’ve never understood how the Secret Stalkerazi has any hope of avoiding eventual exposure in the era of the Panopticon and the digital camera. Literally everyone now has the ability to film and take pictures of those who are following and photographing and filming them, so logic dictates that everyone who is involved in the physical surveillance will inevitably be recognized, if not identified.

Stalk the Abyss, and it’s only a matter of time before the Abyss stalks back.


Does a Bear Glow in the Woods?

In which Owen and the Beartaria team are accused of being a federal operation:

What I Think Comprises the “Op”

My best guess: I think that there will be four phases of the operation. I believe we are currently nearing the end of Phase One.

Phase One: Information Collection and list making. Owen is collecting the names and addresses of non-op-team “Bears” via two methods:
All letters sent directly to him have the name and address of the “Bear” recorded.

All Telegram links in the BTA (Beartaria Times App) that the Op team runs try and identify the Bears on the Telegram chat and then proceed to collect as much information and possible about the person’s views on controversial topics.

Phase Two: Initial roll-up of subset of the “Bears” that Owen and the team has identified and categorized as fitting into the preferred Operational Target (I describe the “Operational Target” in the following section) To provide believable cover for himself, just like those 1980’s Miami Vice episodes, he will ALSO be arrested and it will be a spectacle that is recorded by the op team for purposes of mass media dissemination.

My best guess is that the timing of will coincide with one of the meet-ups or happen during a meet-up, because of the convenient proximity of the operational targets. Because of this, I predict that Phase Two will happen all in one day sometime during the upcoming Bear Meet-up in the Ozarks.

Phase Three: Phase 3 will be the prosecution and confinement of the preferred Operational Targets identified in phase 1. It will also include, of course, the slipping away of Owen Benjamin or his release based on some legal reason or technicality. This is consistent with prior ops where the leader escapes punishment. Typically, these leaders are on the payroll of security services and make a LOT of money if they are good. Owen Benjamin is the best person I’ve ever seen play the role of “oppressed victim of The System.”

Owen will have to re-convince his audience that he’s NOT an insider to the operation; some will believe him and others will not. If he plays that role effectively, then Phase 4 will be more successful for the op team.

Phase Four: Phase 4 will be the identification and possible apprehension of those individuals who express vehement anger or rage at the operation, whether they be on social media or otherwise. Given the emphasis of Owen on his family and all of the heart-rending content he posts, this last phase could actually be substantial. All individuals identified will either be 1) Intimidated or 2) Arrested.

Is it possible that Owen is the largest and most unlikely honeypot in FBI history? Sure, it’s possible. Anything is possible. But that’s not the right question. The right question is “what is the probability that Owen and the entire Bear infrastructure are feds?” And the answer to that is: very, very low.

The two things that immediately leaped out at me are: a) this came out not long after Patriot Front was, and in my opinion, correctly, ID’d as a federal op. So, a little poisoning of the independent well would make sense at this point in time. And b) the title “Son of Yeshua” is deeply suspect and strongly indicates we’re dealing with a Gamma caught up in the throes of a self-delusion right from the start. Characters with these sorts of appellations almost invariably believe themselves to be some sort of prophet and enjoy predicting future events that never come to pass.

You would not believe some of the emails and “warnings” that I receive on a regular basis. Suffice it to say that they are never, ever genuine in any way.

The good news here is that the aforementioned gentleman was kind enough to provide us with a clear predictive model. So, after no one is arrested for anything this summer, we can safely conclude that he’s full of complete nonsense and await the next attempt to discredit another pillar of the Unauthorized community.

And before the attention of the Panopticon returns to me again, I will confirm that I am not employed or associated with or compensated by any intelligence, surveillance, military, investigative, or police organization. I can’t speak for anyone else on the subject, but I will speak unequivocally for myself.

As for the accuser, he would do well to keep in mind that “bearing false witness” is not a legitimate activity for the Christian.


On the Assassination of Shinzo Abe

Global Research reaches some conclusions that are similar to my own, albeit on the basis of considerably more detail.

The critical event that likely triggered the process leading to Abe’s assassination was the NATO summit in Madrid (June 28-30).

The NATO summit was a moment when the hidden players behind the scenes laid down the law for the new global order. NATO is on a fast track to evolve beyond an alliance to defend Europe and to become an unaccountable military power, working with the Global Economic Forum, the billionaires and the bankers around the world, as a “world army,” functioning much as the British East India Company did in another era.

The decision to invite to the NATO summit the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand was a critical part of this NATO transformation.

These four nations were invited to join in an unprecedented level of integration in security, including intelligence sharing (outsourcing to big tech multinationals), the use of advanced weapons systems (that must be administrated by the personnel of multinationals like Lockheed Martin), joint exercises (that set a precedent for an oppressive decision-making process), and other “collaborative” approaches that undermine the chain of command within the nation state.

When Kishida returned to Tokyo on July first, there can be no doubt that one of his first meetings was with Abe. Kishida explained to Abe the impossible conditions that the Biden administration had demanded of Japan.

The White House, by the way, is now entirely the tool of globalists like Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs) and others trained by the Bush clan.

The demands made of Japan were suicidal in nature. Japan was to increase economic sanctions on Russia, to prepare for possible war with Russia, and to prepare for a war with China. Japan’s military, intelligence and diplomatic functions were to be transferred to the emerging blob of private contractors gathering for the feast around NATO.

We do not know what Abe did during the week before his death. Most likely he launched into a sophisticated political play, using of all his assets in Washington D.C., Beijing, and Moscow—as well as in Jerusalem, Berlin, and London, to come up with a multi-tiered response that would give the world the impression that Japan was behind Biden all the way, while Japan sought out a détente with China and Russia through the back door.

The problem with this response was that since other nations had been shut down, such a sophisticated play by Japan made it the only major nation with a semi-functional executive branch.

If there is one thing we have learned from the Devil’s Own, it is that once they take his mark, their future options are enhanced, but severely restricted. Disobedience appears to be permitted within limits, but crossing those limits or failing to get on board with the primary plan often results in termination.

Even so, I remain dubious that Japan will fall in line with the Global Nato concept; the Ukrainian conflict has obviously taught them the extent to which the globalists are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian. Japan doesn’t want war with either China or Russia, much less both of them – and probably the Philippines as well – in the name of an economic order that hasn’t done much for them since the end of the Heisei Era.


Another Convenient Death

One of the men responsible for permitting the January 6 theater has died a very timely death of Suddenly.

The man in charge of protecting the Senate during the Capitol riot has died just a day before the Committee investigating the attack was set to reveal new evidence in a surprise session.

Michael Stenger, 71, was the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate on the day of the attempted insurrection. He resigned amid criticism he had failed to react effectively to the building being overrun. His sudden death on Monday came the same day an unexpected additional hearing of the committee investigating the riot was announced.

The surprise meeting will ‘present recently obtained evidence and receive witness testimony.’

In February 2021, Stenger told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that the role of ‘professional agitators’ needed to be investigated.

He said: ‘There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6.

‘Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators.

In other words, the globalists are still trying to prop up their false “insurrection” narrative and they’re not about to permit those who know everything about the FBI involvement in it to tell the truth about it. This is why taking the ticket is such a short-sighted and foolish thing to do. The ticket masters won’t even hesitate to sacrifice their servants in order to protect their lies and their projects.

What this sudden death helps further confirm for us, by the veriphysical principle of Informative Coincidence, is the probability that the January 6 Insurrection was staged for reasons that we do not yet know.

There is an additional benefit of the vaxx that should be noted here. Now literally any Covid-vaccinated individual can be terminated in a variety of ways and no one will dare to ask any questions about the actual cause of death.


A World That Hates Truth

Dr. Vernon Coleman explains what is in store for everyone who dares to publicly refute the Narrative:

My early books such as ‘The Medicine Men’ and ‘Paper Doctors’, (both published in the 1970s) were widely praised in the national press. The Guardian newspaper bought serial rights for the first and published a huge extract. The BBC made a programme about it.

During the 1970s and early 1980s, while working as a GP, I worked a good deal for both broadsheet and tabloid newspapers and for national TV stations. I wrote numerous columns and made several thousand TV and radio programmes. And I wrote a host of books which were mostly very well received and reviewed – appearing in the best-seller lists around the world. I was sued and served with injunctions and so on but probably no more than most authors.

My medical career came to an end in the 1980s when I was fined by the NHS because I refused to put diagnoses on sick notes. I felt that maintaining patient confidentiality was important. I resigned as a GP, though my protest resulted in a change in the regulations.

But then, at the end of the 1980s, there was a not very subtle change in the way the establishment treated original thinking: anyone who questioned the ‘official’ line was either actively suppressed or attacked. Any questioning of vaccination or vivisection, for example, drew violent attacks from the medical establishment and, in particular, from the pharmaceutical industry…

Privately and professionally, sharing the truth in 2020 was the worst thing I ever did. It has brought me and my beloved, hard-working and constantly loyal wife nothing but personal and professional pain. It has taken up nearly every minute of my life for two years.

The aim of the attacks was not, simply to destroy me – it was to stop people listening to anything I said, or reading anything I wrote. Before March 2020 I had many millions of readers around the world. I wonder how many I have left now. Precious few, I suspect. How do people know that the word ‘discredited’, plucked out of thin air and applied to my name by Google, is just a libel and not a fact? How many know that the ASA which is quoted is a private organisation funded by advertisers?

I was expelled from the Royal Society of Arts because ‘of my views and my recent involvement in the BBC Panorama programme’. That’s what they said. This seemed to me to be a bit like arresting someone because they’d been mugged. (I was never invited to appear on the programme they mentioned. The BBC boasts that it won’t ever give airtime to those questioning vaccination ‘whether they’re right or wrong’.)

The abuse on social media grew and grew. It isn’t normal, unpleasant social media abuse. It is a campaign of suppression and oppression, decorated with malicious lies, and threats (including death threats) invented to help keep the truth suppressed.

If my videos or articles are put on sites such as YouTube by other people they are taken down within minutes.

Someone watches everything I do. In May 2022, a publisher working outside the UK and the US finally produced an English language paperback version of my thrice banned book Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History. I mentioned the book’s publication on my website. Within hours the publisher’s PayPal account was closed making it difficult for him to sell books by mail order. He then opened another payment account with a different company and, almost immediately, that account was also closed…

I tell you all this to show just how bad things have become, how the truth is suppressed and how whistle-blowers and truth-tellers are mercilessly and ruthlessly demonised.

Satan and his servants absolutely hate the truth as well as those who tell it. This is because they hate and fear the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and even those who don’t consciously and willingly serve Jesus Christ are doing so every single time they refute one of the myriad of satanic lies that presently engulf our fallen world.

But this demonization of truth-tellers is little more than psychological projection of a false narrative constructed by those who are literally oppressed by demons, whose minds are clouded and whose eyes are blinded by the very forces they serve, knowingly or not. And while there is someone watching everything that everyone does – there are actually two levels of surveillance, the material Panopticon of which Charles Stross and AC write as well as the spiritual witnesses described by Epictetus and Jesus Christ- there is One who is much greater watching the watchers, who will judge them for their crimes against good men like Dr. Coleman.

So don’t cry and curse your fate when evils great and small target you for harassment or attempt to harm you and make your life more difficult. It’s an honor, a distinction, and a testimony that you have been effective in your service of the Creator of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Even if history doesn’t remember that, one can reasonably hope that God will.


Fake Patriot Front

First, I expressed my opinion on Gab.

Fake and Gay and Fake some more. Patriot Front couldn’t glow any harder if you bathed each and every agent in a nuclear reactor for 24 hours. No one, in the entire history of government enforcement, who has ever been arrested has ever been permitted to keep wearing their hats and sunglasses, much less their masks.

This is pure theatre.

Someone sent me a DM, to which I responded in what everyone here will regard as an entirely predictable manner.

“You should really remove that post about calling Patriot Front feds. You are losing massive support and getting ratio’d remove it and all will be atoned.”

I repeat: Patriot Front is fake. It is OBVIOUSLY fake. It’s not even as legitimate as the Tea Party, which at least was a genuine grass roots organization before it was subverted and corrupted.

If you want to believe otherwise, that’s fine. I am aware MPAI. But I have never cared what anyone thinks about my opinions and I am not about to start now. So, if you wish to stop following me or supporting me over this, that is absolutely 100-percent fine with me.

And about that “getting ratio’d”: I note that the current ratio is 1.5k UP and 56 DOWN.

In other words, Patriot Front is not only Fake and Gay, but it also has defenders on social media who blatantly lie about the most easily verifiable facts. If it looks like #fedposting and it smells like #fedposting…

By the way, the ratio is now 1,700 to 78. Looks like the budget for the social media op was only $1,000.


They Called Their Shot

It doesn’t really matter if the satanic elite of Clown World are divinely bound to announce their intentions or if they are simply narcissistic psychopaths who revel more in the knowledge that they are getting away with their wicked deeds than they do in the deeds themselves, the simple fact of the matter is that they do announce their future intentions, albeit always in a manner that provides them with plausible deniability both before and after the fact.

This X-Files episode is not an accident. This is not an astonishing coincidence. This is how, and why, it is relatively easy to interpret current events utilizing well-informed conspiracy analysis. Even when this episode was first broadcast, I immediately noticed the expositional clumsiness and contemplated the possibility that it was blown cover as cover, although I must admit that I forgot about it as time passed. But it was not the only such announcement. This habitual revelation under the cloak of fiction is another reason why anyone who submitted to the vaccine – which I will remind you was relentlessly pushed by international corporations and global depopulationists – was not only blitheringly stupid, but required almost wilful ignorance to do so.

We were warned. We were repeatedly warned. And I can assure you, it vastly amused the wicked of Clown World to see how many of us flat-out refused to believe their repeated warnings. The truth really is out there.


Who Deceives Wins

Even relatively recent history is fake and gay. The great hero of the SAS was a complete fictional construct:

In 1942, a downtrodden Britain desperately needed a hero. The widespread respect – even grudgingly – enjoyed in Britain by charismatic General Erwin Rommel, the commander of Hitler’s Afrika Korps, was a source of particular frustration to Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Rommel’s capture of the Libyan port of Tobruk that June, leading to the surrender of 34,000 men to his German-Italian troops, was one of the worst moments not just of the western desert campaign but of Britain’s entire war.

What was required, in Churchill’s mind, was a counter to the adulation of Rommel. A soldier who was not just Rommel’s match but who was his superior in guile and courage. A warrior of whom the British could be proud.

That September, newspapers carried a scoop: the tale of the ‘Phantom Major’, a military mastermind whose covert team of guerrilla soldiers was striking terror into the hearts of Rommel and his men.

The major in question was David Stirling, and his new elite fighting squad the Special Air Service, or SAS, would become one of the most celebrated units of the British Army with its fearless motto Who Dares Wins.

Stirling was described as ‘the newest terror of the desert’ who, ‘towering 6ft 4in, is as lithe as a panther, a former boxing champion, one of the finest horsemen in the Army’. He was fluent in German, capable of fooling his way through enemy checkpoints and was, they claimed, a veritable ‘Robin Hood in battledress’.

In the space of a year, Stirling had risen from a humble lieutenant to a major with a Distinguished Service Order – a truly startling ascent. For, in reality, David Stirling was a man of limited capacity with a troubling, error-strewn history.

He might have been the Phantom Major to the British tabloids but to his soldiers, Stirling was a liability who had repeatedly gambled with their lives in his pursuit of glory. His languor and fondness for drinking and gambling in the clubs of Cairo, meanwhile, had earned him the nickname ‘the Giant Sloth’.

Born to a wealthy aristocratic family whose ancestral home was Keir House in Perthshire, Stirling, the fourth of six siblings, had underwhelmed since childhood, overshadowed academically and in charm by his older brothers Bill and Peter. His mother Margaret Fraser was also a force of nature whose father, the 13th Lord Lovat, had been aide- de-camp to Queen Victoria.

When war broke out, Stirling joined the Scots Guards but struggled from the start. He lacked the discipline to knuckle down and submit to the drudgery of drilling. Meanwhile Bill, who had also trained with the Scots Guards, submitted proposals to the War Office to develop a guerrilla warfare training programme to prepare troops for special missions.

This was set up at the Commando Special Training Centre at Inverailort House in the remote north of Scotland, and among the first recruits – thanks to Bill’s intervention, and to the relief of the Scots Guards – was Stirling.

Bill quickly discovered what the Guards had known for several months: David Stirling was indolent and temperamental, a disruptive influence. Now it was Bill’s turn to look for a way to offload his wastrel sibling. The man who would, indirectly, prove his salvation was Winston Churchill.

Keep this little historical detail in mind if you’re ever tempted to fall for the grand heroics of the Navy SEALs or any other brave and daring special forces that are publicized for the benefit of the public. Remember, the Official Story is always false in at least some important detail.


The Staged Show in Texas

AC points out some of the obvious questions, contradictions and inconsistencies raised by the detailed timeline of what appears to be a federally-staged school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

First, the teacher who propped open the door next to the shooter’s crashed truck, a door that was always kept locked, was seen on video doing so one minute before the shooter arrived on scene and crashed his truck. Work out the statistical probability on that. After crashing, the shooter immediately shot at two men who approached his vehicle outside, and the teacher then left the door propped open for 12 minutes, while they went and got a phone and maybe called 911, returned to the door, and then fled into the school afraid, leaving the door open for the shooter to enter. The school, which had both, lockdown drills, and weekly real lockdowns due to border-crime pursuits, then did not lockdown in those 12 minutes, while there was shooting right outside. All classroom doors were left open and unlocked, apparently just waiting for the shooter to walk through them, as 5.56 was going off outside. The shooter finally entered, and was able to walk freely into a classroom, and then lock the door behind him to prevent law-enforcement entry. And then you have all the weird law enforcement activity, which basically contained the shooter in the room with children for an hour, as they were calling 911 and apprising the dispatcher there were live children with the shooter and he was killing them. None of that makes sense, even before you consider that they are now saying the second rifle was a Daniel Defense too. So the unemployed, 18 year old shooter’s kit cost as much as $6300-$8000, per the link, and it was not bought on a credit card.

Now, keep in mind that the only thing of which we can be certain is this: the event did not happen as the official story is reported. Everything asserted by the government-news complex, from the heroes to the villains, from the motivations to the methods, is fake and gay in at least some way.

But that doesn’t mean that no one was shot and killed. In fact, on the basis of historical observation, it is logical to conclude that the federal agencies responsible for producing these “school shootings” have, over time, gone from initially a) permitting genuine school shootings to take place by refusing to intervene to b) staging false ones using crisis actors to c) staging real ones using wind-up toys and/or patsies to cover for professional shooters. The truth may be considerably darker than most conspiracy theorists wish to imagine.

Precisely which school shooting happens to fall into which category is irrelevant, and in most cases would be difficult to ascertain, although the way in which the police perimeter was reportedly utilized to actively prevent the parents in Uvalde from interfering with what appears to have been a very reluctant shooter for over an hour tends to suggest the latter.

The police have since been heavily scrutinized for standing outside of the school while the massacre unfolded. It has since been revealed that Pete Arredondo, the Chief of Police in the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, ordered his officers to wait for backup and more equipment before initiating a tactical breach, People reported. The police remained outside of the school for more than an hour.

Whatever genuinely happened there, it is simply another transparent attempt to manufacture rhetorical support for disarming Americans, and that’s all we actually need to know about the matter. Ignore all the sob stories, the pictures, the interviews, and all the other blatant attempts at emotional manipulation, don’t permit yourself to get drawn into pointless discussions of these events, because it’s nothing more than the usual satanic attempt to shut down your intellectual capacities and rule you through the emotions of anger and fear.

As a general rule, never trust anyone who seeks to inflame or frighten you. It’s a near-certainty that anyone who does so is attempting to make use of you in some way. Neither fury nor fear tend to be in harmony with the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.