Demonic Disaccord

Many people, myself included, believe that Dolly had braces in the Moonraker movie, and that the disappearance of those braces is a Mandela Effect. It’s significant enough that it is included among the various effects “debunked” by the self-proclaimed debunkers.

Moonraker is a 1979 spy film and the eleventh movie in the James Bond franchise. It features Roger Moore as James Bond and is the fourth time he played the role in the series. In it, James Bond investigates the theft of a space shuttle which leads him to several locations. From California, to Venice, Rio de Janeiro, the Amazon rainforest, and eventually to outer space to ultimately prevent a plot to wipe out the world’s population in an attempt to recreate humanity with a master race.

It also features the actress, Blanche Ravalec playing “Dolly”, and the star of this Mandela Effect. She is the love interest of “Jaws” (played by Richard Kiel), a tall and burly metal-teethed protagonist and villain in the movie.

Many people recall Dolly having braces, when it fact she does not.

And yet, an a reader emailed yesterday with the fascinating results of his inquiry of ChatGPT concerning the subject.

Did Dolly have braces in Moonraker?

Yes, the character Dolly, who is the love interest of the villain Jaws in the 1979 James Bond film “Moonraker,” is depicted wearing braces on her teeth. The character was played by French actress Blanche Ravalec, who actually wore braces in real life at the time of filming. The braces are notable because they are seen as a key factor in the romance between Dolly and Jaws, as they bond over their shared dental hardware.

ChatGPT, 27 March 2023

It might be a good idea for those with AI accounts to ask the various AI’s similar questions about other Mandela Effects such as the Berenstein/Berenstain Bears, as it would appear that the scrubbing of the past is not only incomplete, but has left enough traces behind that they are being picked up on by the AI datamining.


Profit is NOT the Motive

The Miles Mathis Committee attempts to convince us that the wicked are responsible for manufacturing the chaos that surrends us, they aren’t evil, they’re simply greedy:

This mass-gaslighting project they are calling the Mandela Effect was created as a cohort of the “time/reality is an illusion” project of mainstream science—where they have been trying to convince us we are living in some sort of glitchy hologram. It is to answer the evergrowing awareness of the distortions people have come to have in the past decade—many of them via my research. I have shown my readers that much of recent history is a lie, including the high profile assassinations, the celebrity deaths, the fake serial killers, and so on. Rather than admit that and come clean, the governors have decided to take the hoax up a notch. They want to convince you that the distortion you have become aware of is even bigger than you think. It isn’t just that your government is lying to you all the time about everything. No, it is that you are living in some sort of science-fiction nightmare, where parallel universes are overlapping and intermixing, creating a chaos beyond anyone’s understanding or control.

However, I have already proven the real answer is much simpler: the chaos is manufactured. The governors even gave it a codename back in the 1960s: Operation Chaos. It is admitted that the CIA’s project existed under that name, while the FBI’s similar program was Operation Cointelpro. They joined sometime in the late 60s. That is not a conspiracy theory. It is partially declassified and you can read about it at Wikipedia and Society was purposely destabilized, and they tell us this was done to throw revolutionaries off-balance. It was to infiltrate the Communists, the Anarchists, the anti-war protestors, the hippies, etc. Or that is what they would have you believe. But the real reason chaos was manufactured is for. . . profit. Happy people in a stable society spend only a fraction of miserable people in a fractured society. If they are in constant fear, they spend even more. If they are alone, they spend even more.

This illustrates why it’s logically impossible to trust anyone or any source completely. It illustrates why it is logically impossible for any individual or any source to be 100-percent reliable. And I include myself in this right along with everyone else, because all of us, every single one of us, sees as though through a glass, darkly. Even if we were able to perceive every single observable fact accurately, and identify every single lie, deceit, and distortion with perfect precision, the meanings of those facts and motivations of those deceptions would still be imperfectly understood by us due to the different axioms with which we all operate.

The Miles Mathis Committee is generally correct about the conspiracies and the manufactured chaos as well as the parties primarily responsible for them. It is quite likely correct about many, perhaps even most, of the historical distortions and fictional events it exposes. But either it does not understand the spiritual aspects of the situation due to its inability to perceive beyond the material level of economics or it is itself another layer of deception meant to entrap those who have the ability to see beyond the surface narratives and their intrinsic incoherencies.

Economics is important, but it is neither the core nor the primary motivation for most human action. However, along with sex and power, it is generally believed to be one of the candidates for core human motivation because the materialist is, by essence and by definition, entirely incapable of understanding any elements that transcend the material.


The Persecution of Ricky Vaughn

The US federal government is shattering the Constitution and inadvertently revealing the existence of the surveillance state in its persecution of a memelord.

Last month, Revolver profiled the Biden Administration’s persecution of former Twitter anon Doug Mackey, who was a famous pro-Trump voice back in 2016 under the moniker of Ricky Vaughn…

In its latest filings, the DOJ reveals that one of the group chats it is currently using as evidence against Mackey contained a person who is now working with the FBI as a federal informant. According to the government, the “Confidential Witness” (or CW) was a pro-Trump, “alt right” leader who pleaded guilty to the same conspiracy to deprive civil rights charges that Mackey faces, and is now collaborating with the government.

In its filings, the government declines to say what CW’s current role with the government is, except that he is “presently engaged in proactive investigations, working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and may engage in additional investigations in the future.” Based on that statement, the government is asking that CW’s identity be kept secret, and that Mackey’s defense team be barred from asking any questions about CW’s current work.

This is a much bolder request than it might seem to the legally uninitiated. The Sixth Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees the right of any criminal defendant to “be confronted with the witnesses against him.” Like most constitutional rights, this law is not absolute, but limitations to it have historically been very limited. Courts have long disallowed anonymous witnesses due to the Sixth Amendment, except in extreme circumstances involving violent, organized criminal organizations with the capacity to retaliate against witnesses and their families. And even then, courts have restricted the right to testify anonymously. For instance, in 2014, the U.S. 10th Circuit said this, about the possible danger of retaliation from the ruthless Salvadoran street gang MS-13.

“…a generalized statement about danger — such as anyone who testifies against one of [MS 13’s] members faces danger from [MS-13] — would be insufficient to show that a threat against a witness was actual and not a result of conjecture.” [United States v. Gutierrez de Lopez, 761 F.3d 1123, 1140 (10th Cir. 2014)]

But now, in the Mackey case, the Biden DOJ asserts that its witness’s identity must be hidden, because if not, he might face, wait for it… harassment on the Internet!

CW through the CW’s internet moniker(s) occupied a prominent position within the online, alt-right community. In that capacity, the CW participated in, among other things, the online harassment of individuals with whom the CW maintained political disagreements, including by encouraging the CW’s followers on Twitter and other social media to amplify the harassment. In this case, the government anticipates that the CW will provide inculpatory evidence against the defendant and other individuals who, like the CW, had engaged in such harassing behavior. As such, the government anticipates that, if the CW’s true identity were to become known, then those with whom the CW associated online would likely engage in such behavior towards the CW. Revealing the CW’s true identity would also likely lead to the public exposure of the CW’s physical whereabouts. This could in turn subject the CW to more than simply online harassment and could very easily jeopardize the CW’s safety.

Mackey has never been convicted or even accused of a single violent crime, or of threatening violence online. There is no evidence at all of any kind of organized or predictable effort by the online “alt right” to physically target witnesses. Yet now, the government claims that Mackey’s Sixth Amendment rights can be nullified because of the vague possibility a witness against him might face “harassing behavior.”

This particular federal informant is widely rumored to be none other than “Baked Alaska”. But that’s not what is interesting, at least to me. What I believe to be more significant is this observation from AC:

Notice, Ricky had an informant before he had any hint of anything prosecutors might try to charge him with, going on around him. He was just a a squeaky clean, preppy guy, posting funny memes on Twitter. With an informant sent in. Which means an FBI/intelligence agent assigned to him.

So one guy posting on Twitter had an informant sent in and an intelligence operation dedicated to him on nothing more than the basis of his rhetorically-effective memes. What this means is that literally everyone with more than 200+ followers on any social media platform is being targeted, tracked, and infiltrated.

Given my family background and my national press syndication dating back to 1994, I’ve been aware of being on the radar for at least three decades, if not four. It comes with the territory and it’s understandable; no society will tolerate its iconoclastic outliers going too far astray. But it is nevertheless a little startling to see confirmation that the surveillance state in the USA is at least as prevalent and comprehensive as it was in East Germany during the Soviet years.


It Was Never About the Trinity

While I have been reluctant to pay the matter any attention whatsoever, I have come to the conclusion that there is a lot more going on here than the usual Internet drama and JimBob is something very, very different than he purported to be when he joined the Bear community and began lavishing attention on Owen. Not only does JimBob increasingly appear to be directly connected to some very bad actors, but his few defenders in the Bear community increasingly appear to be infiltrators as well, as they are shamelessly lying about JimBob, Owen, and now me as well.

For example, JimBob appears to have some connection to this woman, whom he tagged in his 2016 post about pizza-related jewelry.

He also tagged the artist below on the same Instagram post, whose highly-sexualized work is rife the same one-eye symbolism along with plenty of grotesque and evil imagery. There is a LOT more, and a lot worse, than what is seen here.

In response, JimBob’s dishonest defenders have resorted to everything from (a) claiming that the screenshots taken directly from Instagram yesterday, one of which I personally took myself, were fakes…

@WhiskeyDelta It’s a fake screenshot, created by a bear to troll JB. Vox is only sharing it because he’s good friends with Owen. I’m not even sure what site this is on. A search of that exact text finds nothing. If it does exist somewhere, I bet good money the account was created in the last week from an IP in Idaho… I’m not sure what Owen’s end game is here. Whatever happened to the Christian principle of turning the other cheek?

To (b) attempting to redefine the very concept of rhetoric while attempting to change the subject.

@BattleBrotherBear It’s rhetoric because there was no investigation just couple of photos PROVES the TRUTH. Vox and Owen are the wizards…

To claiming that I am lying about the fact that Owen’s subscriber numbers on UATV have increased since the so-called “debate”.

@WhiskeyDelta UaTv doesn’t publish subscription numbers, and Owen’s a proven liar. I stopped watching Owen after this, but in one of his last rants he complained Jimbob was “stealing his audience”. You don’t do that when your cup runneth over.

As I pointed out on Gab, these things are not, as yet, conclusive proof of anything. But the rabbit hole is definitely getting deeper. And considerably darker. It should be informative to see what the VFM and the Troll Hunters learn about the gentleman, his wife, and their associates, as there will certainly be an investigation now.

UPDATE: JimBob’s inept defenders are beginning to retreat. From Gab.

VD: You’re a complete and shameless liar. The screenshots were taken directly from JimBob’s own Instagram page. I took the pizza necklace screenshot dated August 15, 2016 myself.

WhiskeyDelta: Fair enough. I didn’t notice the date.

VD: The date has nothing to do with it. Do you admit that you lied when you stated this? “It’s a fake screenshot, created by a bear to troll JB. Vox is only sharing it because he’s good friends with Owen.”

UPDATE: The genuine Bears have reached a conclusion that appears to be at least partially correct.

Anyone who is defending jimbob is literally defending satanism


Nothing But a Psyop

The psychological operation of Covid-19 is confirmed by leaks of the British Health Secretary’s tweets.

Of course, the British media is doing their best to trivialize the Whatsapp leaks by focusing on the intra-Tory drama.

A spokesman for Mr Hancock said: ‘There’s nothing new in these messages, and absolutely no public interest in publishing them given the independent inquiry has them all. It’s highly intrusive, completely inappropriate and has all been discussed endlessly before.’

Everything, from the reported deaths to the lockdowns and the mandated vaccines, was based on nothing more than pure government-generated fear. What is left to be determined is what the real objective of the psyop was and what the long-term effects of the vaxx on the human population is going to be.


Rare and Expensive

The US federal government is spending more than $250,000 apiece to create fake white supremacists:

They eventually offered me three options. One, I get to stay in the Marines, but I have to work for them wherever I get stationed as a confidential informant. They were prepared to offer me a quarter of a million dollars as a sign-on bonus. To be a rat,” he explained. “They said that if I chose to stay in the Marines, they would want me looking for and joining ‘terror cells’ within the corps.”

“The second option was I get kicked out of the Marines, but I get on their payroll to work for them wherever I go in the civilian world. They said they wanted me to join groups. As many as I could. They mentioned Patriot Front, active clubs, and even something called Atomwaffen by name. They wanted me to look for evidence of violence and extremism. The third option was nothing. I get kicked out and that was it.”

When the Justice Report asked Kaltenbach what his response was to an offer of $250,000 dollars, the Marine private replied, “I told them to get f—ed. I felt like I was trapped in the room and couldn’t leave, so I just started to shut down.” But despite his refusal, the FBI, according to Kaltenbach, kept trying to coerce him.

“Be on team America, be on our side, and help us. Right now, you’re probably 50% team America, but we need you to come over the edge and be 100% team America,” said Kaltenbach, explaining the way federal agents attempted to use Kaltenbach’s innate sense of patriotism to adopt a new life as a domestic spy.

What they now call “Team America” clearly has absolutely nothing to do with the American Revolution, the Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution anymore. The inversion is now complete.


Whoring for the NFL

Mike Florio tries to float what has to be the dumbest, most disingenous defense of the defensive holding call that gifted the Super Bowl to the Kansas City Chiefs:

Four days after the Super Bowl, a surprising number of people continue to suggest that an instance of defensive holding should not have been called defensive holding.

The argument apparently was rooted in the reality that we all wanted to witness a more exciting finish to Super Bowl LVII, and that the foul called on Eagles cornerback James Bradberry allowed the Chiefs to bleed the clock, kick a field goal, and give the ball back to the Eagles with fewer than 10 seconds on the clock.

The argument definitely isn’t rooted in whether holding happened. It did. And, under the rules, holding definitely happened.

“It is defensive holding if a player grasps an eligible offensive player (or his jersey) with his hands, or extends an arm or arms to cut off or encircle him,” the rulebook states.

Or his jersey.

NFL Films has provided a much more clear angle of the fact that Bradberry did indeed hold the jersey of Chiefs receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster.

Bradberry admitted immediately after the game that he held Smith-Schuster, but that Bradberry simply hoped he’d get away with it. He didn’t. He shouldn’t have.

Why are people still insisting that the officials should have ignored a clear violation of the rules?

Why are people still insisting that the officials should have ignored a clear violation of the rules? The answer could hardly be more obvious. Because the officials had ignored it, and ignored similar violations, for the previous 58 minutes and 6 seconds. The more interesting question is this: why are Florio and other NFL-financed media whores are out in force defending the obvious and indefensible? The answer is because the thumb on the scale is becoming undeniable to even the average fan.

When casual observes like me can reliably and correctly identify which team will be the beneficiary of the referee’s calls before the first half of the first quarter is complete, the league has a problem. Unfortunately, instead of admitting that it has its officials put a thumb on the scale in order to a) keep televised games close and b) further the league’s favored narrative and either stopping the practice or defending its benefits, the NFL is choosing to try gaslighting its fans.

I, for one, am not going to argue that a 55-10 championship game, such as Super Bowl XXIV, is to be preferred in any way to the modern games with the thumb on the scale. It’s not an accident that so many regular season and playoff games are close these days; the phantom “roughing the passer call” against the Giants at the end of the game against the Vikings was as egregious as the officials stopping the clock on a non-existent substitution to permit Andy Reid’s challenging of a pass that had been complete.

Notice that Florio isn’t talking about that. Anyhow, the league should be informed that playing dumb is really not an effective defense in these circumstances.


Color Revolution in Hungary

The neocons are targeting Hungary for regime change.

Great to be here in Budapest with @USAmbHungary where @USAID just relaunched new, locally-driven initiatives to help independent media thrive and reach new audiences, take on corruption and increase civic engagement.

Samantha Power@PowerUSAID

Somehow, I doubt the Hungarians are going to be stupid enough to just sit back and let Soros’s minions do to them what they did to Ukraine. Especially if Putin offers them the part of Ukraine that is inhabited by ethnic Hungarians in return for breaking with NATO and the EU while Hungary’s purported “allies” attempt to overthrow the elected Hungarian government.

“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”

– Henry Kissinger