Officially Denied

The Washington Post and a literal Rothschild assure us that the Red-Bearded Bard of Appalachia is a totally 100-percent genuine phenomenon, for reals.

Anthony’s meteoric rise has provoked its fair share of skepticism — and other theories. Some have accused him of being an industry plant, an artist who presents as independent but is secretly backed by rich and powerful insiders. Others have speculated that “Rich Men” was the product of “astroturfing,” a coordinated marketing or PR campaign pretending to be a grass-roots movement.

Rothschild doubts that’s the case. For one, it’s hard to purposefully make something go so viral, so quickly. And if the country music industry did have this power, it would probably go for someone “more marketable” than Anthony, he said.

“I don’t think there needs to be some kind of scheme or a scam to make this guy popular,” he said. “I think this is just the right thing, at the right time, for the right group of people.”

Oliver Anthony and the ‘mainstreaming’ of conspiracy theories, WASHINGTON POST, 20 August 2023

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m sure convinced now!

Let’s consider for a moment some observational principles which Postcards pointed out concerning the signs of controlled opposition. Two in particular appear to be highly relevant in this case, in addition to another one that I added.

  • Inexplicable popularity with conservatives.
  • Irregular ties to suspicious folk.
  • Connected to other manufactured creatures.

Read this paragraph from the Washington Post article with that last point in mind.

The most revealing window into Anthony’s worldview may be a YouTube playlist he curated, “Videos that make your noggin get bigger.” The list includes performances from Luciano Pavarotti and Hank Williams Sr., but it also features several talking heads popular among the far right — Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan — as well as multiple clips putting forward the conspiracy theory that Jews were responsible for 9/11. Mike Rothschild, a journalist and author who covers conspiracy theories, doesn’t think these connections are incidental…

Yes, I think that is indeed a revealing window. And as a side note, speaking as an editor and writer, I think that playlist title is fake. It has the same sort of false Hollywood tone that the dialogue provided by those recounting events that never happened invariably does.

“And then he said, ‘don’t be bustin no caps on me, fool!'”

On a tangential note, some have asked what could be the point of pushing a controlled figure who even partially violates the mainstream Narrative. Read the whole Washington Post article, especially the last three paragraphs. One obvious objective would be to suck up the resources that would otherwise go to legitimate figures with the potential to seriously threaten the current Narrative.


They Want to Believe

No matter how many times they get burned, it’s child’s play to fool conservatives again and again. Even more than liberals, they see only what they want to see. It’s not a mystery how conservatives managed to have their country stolen right out from under them, as they don’t have the self-preservation skills of the average baby rabbit.

The reaction of a number of SGers to the observation that nothing goes viral that is not fake, manufactured, and unauthorized. Remember, these are SGers, not Gab users. They’re not stupid. But they’re susceptible to the right kind of rhetoric, which is to say, emotional manipulation.

  • I place the odds that he’s “fake and gay” about the same as Owen being “fake and gay.” (Near 0)
  • Many of the comments here lay bare how out of touch most people..left & right are with blue collar stiffs in rural America. Ive lived and worked around these types my whole life. I watched him sing, do the interviews. Hes real.
  • I’m not much of a country music fan, but the song touched my soul and many, many others. He reminds me of Johnny Cash. A deeply flawed man, with a good voice, and an ability to reach the working class. They’re men. Not demons or saints.
  • Pulling one quote out of context and condemning a man and decrying others on SG is dumb. On the whole he’s helpful, and over his head
  • We have yet another decent, unaware person humiliated for pointing out even a small amount of truth. How does that help?
  • Sounds very much like he wrote them. The great general “anthem” feel everyone can related, then the very specific reference to 5’3” 300 pounds and buying specific junkfood on EBT card comes across as a person “this ticks me off” experience.

At least far fewer people are falling for the Red-Bearded Bard of Appalachia than fell for the Sobbing Sage of Toronto a few years ago. Of course, it won’t be long before the anons figure out everything from who actually wrote the song to who paid for its recording and who funded the viral marketing campaign. This sort of thing isn’t new, by the way. I remember the WaxTrax executives talking about how seriously they were annoyed by Warner Bros. very successful, but deceptive launch of Guns ‘n Roses as an indy rock band on a fake independent label called Uzi Suicide.

That’s another reason to turn down a record deal that most people don’t appear to have considered. You can’t sign one if you’ve already got one.

The initial conclusion appears to be that this is a Conservative Inc. campaign. If so, then my guess is that it’s ultimately intended as an anti-Trump play. So, watch to see whose presidential campaign the Bard of Appalachia appears at for potential confirmation.

There was nothing authentic about this song’s rise to popularity.

Jason Howerton seems to be the key player involved in the astroturfing campaign. He’s the CEO of Reach Digital, which helps “media companies and political influencers grow their social media footprint exponentially.”

Jason was one of the first accounts heavily promoting this song as he provided a background on Oliver Anthony and his faith. Jason indicates that Oliver Anthony had been contacted to record the song. Jason also admits he even covered the cost to produce the record.

So who wrote the song? And how did so many big right wing-accounts have the video ready to post simultaneously?

You can like the song, and like its message without gaslighting us into believing this was an authentic viral hit by a simple country man with a mic and a guitar.

“Launch a product, get over 1.3 million hits” overnight was the article Mr. Howerton shared on Linkedln. This was another Conservative Inc AstroTurf campaign

Always be skeptical of the things that appeal to you. No one gets fooled by that which they hate or to which they are indifferent. People get fooled by that which makes them feel good.

UPDATE: The Bard is not exactly a rock-ribbed conservative himself.


Are the Lahaina Fires Fake?

Miles Mathis thinks so and provides a paper to make his case:

What’s wrong there? Well, why is the “after” photo in black and white? Do you really think they were filming this with B&W film? No, it isn’t really in B&W because we can see some gold in the lower right. Which means they jacked with this on purpose, removing most of the color to sell you the idea of this fire. I guess you are supposed to think the ash turned the entire ocean to gray. But it doesn’t work like that. The ocean is way too big and in too much motion to turn completely to gray, even that near shore. We have confirmation of that from helicopters flying over and filming: the films aren’t B&W like this. Also see the photos above, where the ocean is the same color before and after, even near shore. If anything, the ocean goes from blue to purple in the second photo, so we see manipulation even there. The very fact they are jacking with these photos tells us something is up. They are hiding something or promoting a story, at the very least. At the most they have faked this whole thing. How could they fake this whole thing? Same way they are faking the war in Ukraine. Same way they faked the bombs dropping on Japan. Same way they faked the war in the Pacific. In fact, this whole story may be staged as a test, to see if their film faking techniques are now good enough to sell this story to people already on the lookout for just such a fake.

Now, I have no opinion on this, beyond my basic principle that the only thing we can be absolutely sure didn’t happen is what the media is reporting as the official story. In other words, there were no fires in Hawaill started by the combination of downed power lines and global boiling. While my mother graduated from Punahou in Honolulu, I’ve only been to Maui once, so as far as I know, the island in question might not even exist. But Miles Mathis is correct to point out the digital effects being utilized as well as the implications of that utilization. Fortunately, the Committee helpfully provides us with a falsifiable metric to serve as a means of testing his analysis.

But surely people on the ground would know if this was some sort of project? It has to get out. But the truth about Japan has never gotten out to the mainstream in 78 years. They did the same basic thing there: staged it on a island and controlled all information out. We only know what the governments of the world want us to know. Even the locals in Maui would be pretty easy to fool. They admit they evacuated everyone from that Kukui peninsula, so none of the locals saw this. They are getting their information just like you are.* You will say they have to be allowed back in to get any of their stuff that survived, but my guess is they won’t. They will be told nothing survived and the government will insure most of those who weren’t insured. Only a few government agents will be allowed back in, to do their interviews and make their reports and continue the conjob. Unlike in Ohio, Biden has already signed off on disaster relief (that was fast!) and federal funds “will be pouring in soon”, according to mainstream media. My guess is that peninsula will be blocked off for the “rebuild”, with no road in and a no-fly zone over.

From SocialGalactic:

Road closure, reopen to limited people, then reclose when people started trying to look around is true. It’s somewhat early yet, but I haven’t heard of anyone known to my friends confirmed dead.

One of the ways to be certain after the fact about an event being faked and/or false-flagged is if the evidence is destroyed. We know that access to the peninsula is already being restricted and homeowners are not being permitted to return to their homes; if that continues indefinitely then it will be necessary to take the Committee’s analysis of this event seriously.

UPDATE: However absurd the idea of the fires being faked may appear, it’s not as absurd as what people are being expected to swallow about the fires.

They are telling us only 2 of the 96 bodies found so far can be identified. That’s sort of strange, right, since they are also telling us many of them were incinerated in those cars we keep seeing. So why can’t they identify them from their cars? License plates and VIN numbers burned right off I guess, even though the letters are raised on license plates to prevent that, you know. Their teeth were burned right out as well, I guess, preventing use of dental records.

UPDATE: Don’t dismiss The Committee too fast.

On Monday, Hawaiian governor Josh Green announced that his administration was considering acquiring properties in the seaside resort town of Lahaina that had been destroyed by the recent wildfires. He vowed to prevent foreign buyers from swooping in to exploit the tragedy, suggesting the state was better suited to take control of the land. “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Green said while standing amongst the rubble.


John Wick is Real

At least, the Bowery King element is, if this gentleman’s bizarre experience of chasing down a thief observed committing a smash-and-grab robbery is any guide.

While waiting for the police to arrive we stayed about a block behind the man who was now just walking. He no longer thought he was being followed, but also knew the police were called. We watched him take off his shoes, shirt and cut his blue jeans into shorts. Within thirty seconds, he looked likes a completely different person. We called 911 back and gave the new description and his new location.

A middle aged man wearing a ‘Just do it’ NIKE hat suddenly rode up to me on his circa 1980s huffy, grabbed my shoulder told me to stop following. He said “I’ll make serious trouble for you”., I knocked his arm off me stood my ground and told him I was not going anywhere. He looked into my eyes and saw I was not going to back down so he retreated. I caught back up to the thief who had just turned a corner and observed as two other homeless placed a blanket over him and then walked away. If I had not seen it I would have easily walked past him. We called 911 again and let him know he was now hiding under a blanket several blocks away.

As John spoke to the operator, a lady wearing a black jacket and minis skirt lunged at me and tried to take my phone. She held on tight and with all her might tried to take it from me. Another man arrived on a BMX and grabbed my arm. I got her to let go and let the new man know I meant business and to stay away. He got the message and stayed on his bike. He did though also threaten me and said “Watch your back”. As I questioned this lady on why she was trying to take the phone she saw two city employees in yellow vests and started screaming “Help I am being harassed!”, hoping they would believe her. They looked in our direction then looked away and kept working. She continued screaming and the man jumped out from under the blanket ran away with another group of individuals that seemed to appear from nowhere. There were five of them and he blended in with them in the middle and walked away.

Jon called 911 once more and they finally told them they would not pursue because we were not the victims. We asked the operator to reconsider, reminding her we were eyeball witness, filmed it and knew exactly where he was. She reiterated they would not pursue and told us to do the same. The last few photos I took was of him jumping into a car. It came out of nowhere and it was clear they were following us the entire time. The driver got out, stared me down then jumped back in and sped off.

This entire event happened over a twenty minute period and about twenty blocks. While relieved I got the items back, I was also very frustrated with how impossible it was to get a police officer to arrest a clearly guilty person. That is when it dawned on me why smash and grabs and most other crimes now occur in the middle of the day with multipole witnesses. There are no consequences. What I witnessed was organized crime. There were spotters, enforcers, harborers, a woman screaming fake claims to distract what she had done and a getaway driver. All told there was at least twelve people involved and all did not hesitate in getting physical and to threaten anybody that got in their way. They were very organized and it was clear they had done this dozens if not hundreds of times before.

This sounds a lot less like “organized crime” and a lot more like the “surveillance state” that AC and others have described in action. The idea that 12 people were involved in attempting to cover up a single petty crime may sound far-fetched and fantastic when you read it, but the author’s account comes complete with pictures taken by himself and his colleagues, so there is little reason to doubt that it took place exactly as described.

A lot of truths are dropping. A lot of facades are falling. A lot of lies are failing. Don’t be surprised at anything anymore.


Oppenheimer and the Manhatten PsyOp

Who would ever have imagined that Barbie may have been the more historically accurate of the two big movies this summer? Miles Mathis watches the Oppenheimer movie and concludes that it’s an inept attempt to cover for the fact that the Manhattan Project was a fraud from the very start.

At minute 47, we finally get to the Manhattan Project, and the strangest missed clue in the whole mystery is put right on the chalkboard. Oppenheimer suggests to Groves they create a secret base for the project? Where? Well, on Oppenheimer’s private ranch in New Mexico. . . Pause on that. Swish it around in your mouth for a while and taste it as if you are just swallowing for the first time. This is as strange as having the codebreaking project at Bletchley Park, or actually much stranger. In the 1940s the US military already had bases all over the country, with many in the west being out in the middle of nowhere and almost unknown. They didn’t need a new secret base, and if they did you would expect the brass to pick the location, not the 38-year-old Oppenheimer. Opie was allegedly a physicist, not an expert on US geography. So having Opie draw this up on the chalkboard as an X, and the X turn out to be his private ranch, is a magnificent and visual clue to the fake. We are supposed to believe this all happened on the private ranch of some rich guy out in the middle of nowhere? But as you see, it was perfect: it was the perfect place to hide a huge bomb project, but was also the perfect place to hide the LACK of a huge bomb project. All the secrecy would hide a project, but it would also hide the LACK of a project. What if there was nothing out there at all but some cacti and tumbleweeds? Would we know the difference to this day? No.

Here’s something else most people don’t know. Most of the uranium for the Manhattan Project supposedly came from the Shinkolobwe Mine in the Belgian Congo, Africa. But it was derelict, being flooded and then closed in 1936. The US allegedly reopened it in 1944, which seems a little late, doesn’t it, especially since they first had to pump out all the water. To answer this little problem, we are told this Belgian mining company had stockpiled 1,200 tonnes of uranium in a warehouse in Staten Island. That’s convenient isn’t it? Sometime after 1936, after being closed, this company decided to stockpile all that uranium in New York? And why would they do that? In 1936 there was no call for uranium since no one was building bombs back then. But they just put 1,200 tonnes of it in Staten Island for a rainy day, because, you know why not?

And how is this for suspicious? After the war, ore containing 1% of U3O8 was considered fantastic, but this uranium in the warehouse in Staten Island just happened to be 65%, over 65 times higher in the needed yellowcake. What luck, right? Never before or since had uranium of that mix been found, but we happened to have it sitting in a warehouse in Staten Island. Right next to the Ark of the Covenant.

Oppenheimer was a Fraud, 5 August 2023

The more one reviews the details of 20th Century history, the more obvious it becomes that literally everything has been fake and gay for a lot longer than the last twenty years of open Clown World rule. There isn’t a single item of the mainstream history narrative that can be assumed to be generally true. At this point, it is more likely that space, nukes, and dinosaurs are all more or less fraudulent than they are actually as was taught to us in our schools and universities.

Be skeptical, be very, very skeptical, that anything is as you were told it was, if you haven’t personally gone over at least a substantial percentage of the details of the sort that Miles Mathis points out in his recent paper on the Manhatten Project. Because the closer one looks at these things, the more obviously manufactured they appear to be, and the devil’s hand is revealed in the ridiculous details.

What is astonishing is the ease with which these false historical events can be debunked with a level of knowledge that goes no deeper than Wikipedia. And it would certainly be nice if somewhere, someone is keeping an account of human history that is actually more or less an accurate record of real things that actually happened.


Of truth and Truth

Liars are very concerned that Christianity appears to make it harder for them to successfully lie to people:

A new study, published in something called the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, claims that both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism are independently associated with a greater tendency to believe in conspiracy theories. More to the progressive point, that study purportedly found when people believed in both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism, their distrust of government officials increased significantly. Egad!

In other words, they were more astute and less naïve.

Yet leftists believe that the findings provide insight into the socio-cultural factors that contribute to the inexplicable spread and persistence of “misinformation” — among certain groups of people.

The more one is dedicated to discovering the truth, the more one finds oneself led inexorably toward the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It should not be a surprise that the People of the Lie wish to dissuade everyone from even beginning to learn what the truth of their reality is.


Why Clown World Fears Russia

The piece connecting the war in Ukraine to the Q campaign and the panic across Clown World appears to be the founder of Burisma Holdings, who is now believed to be “an asset of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service”:

Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky, who allegedly paid a total of $10 million in bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden in 2015 and 2016 in exchange for then-Vice President Joe Biden’s assistance in getting Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired, is believed to be an asset of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) by the United States intelligence community, according to a national security source speaking to RedState on condition of anonymity. The official said:

“The US intelligence community has a high degree of confidence in their assessment of Zlochevsky as SVR. This is not a new assessment; the intelligence community under Obama knew this, and Obama was briefed on it. Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland were briefed as well.”

In a June 2021 RedState exclusive story about the defection of Chinese counterintelligence official Dong Jingwei, it was reported that among the “terabytes” of data Jingwei brought with him to the United States was information related to “details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies and members of Russia’s SVR.”

It was revealed by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Monday that the “foreign national” mentioned in an FD-1023 form by a confidential human source (CHS) not only claimed to have bribed Hunter and Joe Biden but possessed a total of 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them about the arrangement. He created the recordings as a sort of “insurance policy.” It was not clear whether the FBI had copies of the audio recordings or not.

GRASSLEY: “The foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recording of his conversation with them. 17 such recordings…15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden…two audio recordings of phone calls between him and…

— (@townhallcom) June 12, 2023

Last week Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Anna Paulina Luna, and Nancy Mace said that the foreign national identified in the FD-1023 form is Zlochevsky.

This is, as AC has noted, potentially an extremely big deal. What it may signify is that Russia, and therefore China, have all the information that is necessary to expose and destroy Clown World, root and branch. Everything from the Holocaust and the Moon landings to the legitimacy of the Biden administration appears to be fully documented by Russian intelligence, which would mean that Vladimir Putin can unleash chaos throughout the West and undermine every Western government simply by providing the verifiable truth of post-WWII history to the people of Europe and America.

I’ve suspected as much since Putin made a very specific reference to “the Empire of Lies” and the neoclowns reacted in much the same way vampires do to the offer of a garlic-infused shower of holy water coming out of a silver waterspout in the shape of a cross. I also suspect that this may be the basis of the post-2015 “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative that has never made any sense whatsoever in the electoral context provided.

We can only hope and pray that the Russians, and their secret allies, will soon do us the service of telling the rest of us what they already know to be true. All Clown World ever had over Russia was the threat of the US military, and now that threat appears to have been exposed as one that is entirely empty.


Academics, WSJ Confirm Pizzagate

I’m sure you’re all very surprised to learn that the media was protesting just a little too much when it claimed Pizzagate had been “debunked” by virtue of an actor theatrically firing a single shot at a computer in a pizza joint. It turns out that there is a vast network of pedos protected by the technocratic elite and permitted to commit their crimes against with the complicity of the very platforms that ban so-called “hate speech”.

Instagram, the popular social-media site owned by Meta Platforms, helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage-sex content, according to investigations by The Wall Street Journal and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Pedophiles have long used the internet, but unlike the forums and file-transfer services that cater to people who have interest in illicit content, Instagram doesn’t merely host these activities. Its algorithms promote them. Instagram connects pedophiles and guides them to content sellers via recommendation systems that excel at linking those who share niche interests, the Journal and the academic researchers found.

Though out of sight for most on the platform, the sexualized accounts on Instagram are brazen about their interest. The researchers found that Instagram enabled people to search explicit hashtags such as #pedowhore and #preteensex and connected them to accounts that used the terms to advertise child-sex material for sale. Such accounts often claim to be run by the children themselves and use overtly sexual handles incorporating words such as “little slut for you.”

Instagram accounts offering to sell illicit sex material generally don’t publish it openly, instead posting “menus” of content. Certain accounts invite buyers to commission specific acts. Some menus include prices for videos of children harming themselves and “imagery of the minor performing sexual acts with animals,” researchers at the Stanford Internet Observatory found. At the right price, children are available for in-person “meet ups.”

Of course, one could hardly blame Facebook or the technocracy for these sordid, carefully-hidden activities, as a company with only 86,482 employees couldn’t be expected to effectively police its own sites, right?

Alex Stamos, the head of the Stanford Internet Observatory and Meta’s chief security officer until 2018, said that getting even obvious abuse under control would likely take a sustained effort. “That a team of three academics with limited access could find such a huge network should set off alarms at Meta,” he said, noting that the company has far more effective tools to map its pedophile network than outsiders do. “I hope the company reinvests in human investigators,” he added.

On the basis of the observable evidence, one might not unreasonably advance the hypothesis that the company doesn’t want to get “even obvious abuse under control”. One wonders what would serve to falsify that hypothesis to the media’s satisfaction, perhaps another out-of-work actor throwing a knife at a copy machine?


Never Too Old to Take the Ticket

How on Earth does she do it? We’re supposed to be amazed by Kylie Minogue’s “comeback of the century” as a pop kitten at the age of 55.

Kylie Minogue is currently in the midst of a career resurgence not seen since her Can’t Get You Out of My Head days. The Australian hitmaker, who just celebrated her 55th birthday, is racing up the charts with her comeback single Padam Padam and reaching a whole new generation of fans via social media.

The addictive dance track has become a viral sensation on TikTok and Twitter, racking up millions of views through hilarious memes. It’s also shaping up to be a massive hit on the music charts, becoming her highest-charting single in Australia in over a decade after debuting at No. 39 in its first week.

The song is racing up the UK charts too, hitting No. 1 on the UK Big Top 40 chart, which measures radio airplay, iTunes sales and Apple Music streaming.

Very impressive, right. It’s just a mix of the right song, the right producer, and the right singer at the right moment, right?

Whatever. She’s just another manufactured Illuminati whore.

So we have a very good idea of how this “unexpected comeback” was arranged. What’s interesting, however, is that the global media is openly attempting to run cover for her ticket-taking. It’s not the fact that they’re doing so that’s interesting, that’s only to be expected, but the fact that they feel the need to do so.

Kylie Minogue is embroiled in a bizarre and baseless Satanic conspiracy theory.

In other words, we’re actually supposed to believe that the way that the vast majority of people are granted fame and what passes for success in the entertainment world, the very way that celebrities from Bob Dylan to Lady Gaga have openly admitted is how it was given to them, is “bizarre and baseless”.


Bill Gates, Sex Machine

AC puts a very different spin on Bill Gates’s affair with a young Russian bridge player.

The story was Bill Gates competed in a Bridge tournament, and he was so impressed with the intellect she displayed, he had an affair with her, and she, little star struck ingénue was so awed by his star power, he was able to get her in the sack. Epstein crossed paths with her by chance, when she was seeking $500,000 to set up a Bridge-oriented website, and while he did not give her the cash, he paid for her to attend computer programmer school, and let her stay in his apartment in New York City for nothing. Then he later tried to blackmail Gates into putting money into a JPMorgan charitable fund using his knowledge of the affair.

What really happened? This girl knew Anna Chapman. She was a spook. Moreover, a trained honeypot spook, probably. They probably met in honeypot school. Bill Gates runs Microsoft. His software is on everyone’s computers. Years before this, he was probably approached, or connected with someone, probably with relation to bridge. A bridge connection. Supposedly you never want to simply send your infiltrator in cold, looking to compromise someone, or get something, because they first have to fight to gain trust, and your meeting may always seem unusual and provoke suspicion. You first insert another person, beyond reproach, who never tries to compromise the target, or get anything out of them. They build trust and a bond with the target, and then you then insert the compromiser through them, using an introduction and some social capital (Here is my friend…), so the compromising agent has some social capital going in, and the target will never wonder how they met, or if there was an ulterior motive. Gates probably has another agent in his circles somewhere who introduced them. I would assume she was part of a massive operation, specifically targeting Gates, maybe hoping to get him to insert someone into Microsoft at some point, maybe someone who could get a backdoor into Windows, if they could get deep enough. Impossible to know how it worked from here, beyond he was a target, and was so important it was probably impressive in scope once she got in with him.

It also explains why Epstein let her stay in his apartment when she came to New York (and met her friend Anna Chapman) and why he paid for her to go to computer programmer school. Epstein was pure intelligence, and he likely knew exactly who she was and who she worked for. So he probably planted her somewhere in a controlled apartment, probably put up with cameras and microphones being monitored by his bosses, and a controlled school, where his intel handlers could get a good, long, multi-year look at her, maybe with an eye to turning her, or at least building a legend on her. Epstein contacting Gates about her probably was not so much a case of “I know about your affair,” but was probably more along the lines of, “I know you got compromised by a Russian agent.”

AC’s scenario would certainly go a long way toward explaining why Bill Gates the face of all things Clown World these days. I don’t know about you, but I tend to doubt he has any particularly strong attachment to Africa, vaccines, or farming. He’s basically a creepier, sexually ambiguous Elon Musk playing the role of Smart, Successful Billionaire, as even the old stories about his supposed programming chops tend to strike one as little more than a charade.