Calling China’s Bluff

The problem with de facto recognizing Taiwan as a sovereign state is that China isn’t bluffing.

The US government has approved an $80 million arms transfer to Taiwan under a program normally reserved for sovereign nations – a move likely to anger Beijing, which considers the island part of its own territory.

The State Department informed relevant lawmakers of the upcoming weapons sale on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press and Reuters, which obtained a copy of the congressional notification.

The transfer “will be used to strengthen Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities through joint and combined defense capability and enhanced maritime domain awareness and maritime security capability,” the department said, without naming any particular systems.

Though prior deals with Taipei have been carried out under different export authorities, the latest transfer is slated to go through the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program. Past FMF sales have largely been made to full-fledged nation states, with the sole exception of the African Union, and language used in the new notification could imply sovereignty for Taiwan, a stance China is unlikely to accept.

This is more of Clown World’s very clever wordgames that no one could possibly ever see through or object to. After all, the USA isn’t formally recognizing Taiwanese sovereignty, it’s merely treating Taiwan as if it is a sovereign state. That will totally fool everyone! And if Xi and the People’s Liberation Army choose to react to the de facto recognition in the place of the de jure recogition, well, joke’s on them!

When did retarded children take over US foreign policy?


Evil AND Necessarily Stupid

“Crooked Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent, I believe that he has gone mad – a stark raving lunatic – with his horrible country threatening environmental open borders and DOJ, FBI weaponization policies…He is a mental catastrophe that is leading our country to hell that will end up in World War III because of this man and for no reason whatsoever.”

– President Donald Trump

Bruce Charleton explains the necessity of the mental catastrophes.

Why is mere managerial obedience to the evil agenda no longer sufficient? 

The reason is that – at the highest most-strategic level of the real world-leadership – i.e. the senior demonic – the plan has changed from the imposition of a bureaucratic-totalitarian global System (which reached its peak in the worldwide coup of early 2020); to the current increasingly “Sorathic” agenda of destruction: destruction of people, animals, plants and the planet (justified via the inversion of all true-values). 

This spiteful agenda has been smashing the world economy, finance and trade; it has started and is escalating WWIII; turned environmentalism against itself; exploded the sexual revolution; imposed the birdemic-peck; and is incrementally ratcheting-through the societally fissile effects of the current diversity-woke stuff. 

In other words; the senior real-leaders are making their servants do the opposite of what they were supposed (even just a few years ago) to be aiming-at. 

Given such dissonance; even the most servile managerial drone would, eventually, be able to work-out that he was being used to destroy himself and everything he valued… This is a danger to the fulfilment of the top-level evil strategy for earth. 

A servile managerial drone might work-things-out… Unless, that is, he was so deeply defective in reasoning capacity that he was incapable of noticing that almost everything he did, actually had the inverse outcome from its supposed intention. 

And that is exactly what we now have: a Western leadership class who don’t even notice that what happens as a result of their policies is the opposite of what these policies are supposed to achieve

Evil or stupid was always a false dichotomy. Evil AND stupid is now a basic requirement for participation in what passes for public leadership. Everything is not merely fake and gay, it’s also retarded.


Russia: Two Predictions

ANON: Peace plan. Lines on the map stay where they are. general cease fire. Ukraine stops all pursuit of war crime stuff. Ukraine joins EU, but not NATO. Reset button over a few years on sanctions, and attempt to have a non-adversarial relationship. Security guarantees on both sides. Acceptable?

VD: No chance. There is no peace plan. WWIII is already well underway. The only reason the neocons want a peace plan with Russia is so they can focus on China. But China and Russia are perfectly aware of the divide-and-conquer plan.

ANON: So peace will come when? Russia retakes the Soviet-controlled area?

VD: Peace won’t come until the USA and NATO surrender. Right now, the USA is actively pivoting to China, but having to fend off both Iran and Africa.

ANON: Nukes will fly first in Europe

VD: I don’t think so. When push comes to shove, the USA will give up Europe. The US already is actively avoiding direct conflict with Russia and dangling “hey, keep what you’ve got” in front of them. If you read the military think tanks, they’re all screaming “CHINA CHINA CHINA!”

ANON: You are assuming that all of the various EU countries will accept Russian rule.

VD: No, not at all. Russia doesn’t need or want to rule them. They want them to stop sanctioning them economically at the US demand. The US isn’t even planning to fight Russia. They’re planning to have Poland do it.

ANON: Russia has made it clear it wants the old Soviet borders and has a right to them.

VD: Russia can take all of Europe. It could have done so before. It won’t unless the Europeans are dumb enough to force them to do it. The reason the US will let Europe go is because it’s not even strong enough to beat China alone. And China is a threat in a way Russia is not.

ANON: I’m going on the record now that Russia will not and cannot take the old Soviet borders and conquer Europe. You are wrong. You are correct that the US cannot contest the South China Sea alone, but the US, Philippines, Australia, Japan, S. Korea, and Vietnam can hold off China or make it so painful to take.

VD: Here’s my prediction: China will take Taiwan without barely firing a shot. The US will not commit more than 10k additional troops to Europe. The EU and NATO collapse, and most of the current European governments are replaced with BRICS-friendly nationalist governments. The question is if any other fronts go hot. If China gets greedy, they’ll go for Australia, which will involve war with the USN. Japan, Vietnam, and S. Korea will all refuse to back the USN, Australia and the Philippines will.

ANON: We’ll see.

VD: The great unknown right now is if China and Russia mean what they say about multipolarity. Have they learned from the ultimate failures of the British and American empires or not?


Fake Man South of Richmond

Are they actually faking the non-ticket takers now?

Promoted algorithm boosted “based” red beard hillbilly song guy was faking his accent and says diversity is our strength.

Never forget that it’s strategic doctrine for a certain group to always seek to control the opposition. And it’s also customary for that controlled opposition to use apparent euphemisms in the place of direct and more commonly-used labels. Hence “great architect” and “rich men north of Richmond” and so forth.

Now, I don’t have an opinion on whatever the guy’s name is because a) I don’t listen to country music, b) I purposefully avoid whatever the latest conservative enthusiasm is because it’s usually stupid, insipid, or fake, and c) absolutely nothing is going to save the United States, not a politician, not a law, and definitely not a singer. Not even the Second Coming will save a state that is no longer a nation.

Anyhow, it appears that Big Bear continues to bat 1.000. The lesson, as always, is this: everything viral is manufactured. Everything. Nothing goes viral in the mainstream without preparation, authorization, and approval.

From SG: Will you retards learn from this or will you ONCE AGAIN fall for the next obvious ticket taker that says some mildly true things? I’m gonna guess the second thing.

UPDATE: Big Bear explains in more detail.

The #1 way the (((rich men north of Richmond))) undercut the wages of the people Oliver Anthony is impersonating is mass migration.

The fact he said America is a melting pot and “diversity is our strength” means he’s fake. And by fake I mean he’s an ad campaign. An actor. Not authentic. Kind of like Mickey Mouse at Disney.

It isn’t “white supremacy” that makes the demographic hes impersonating hate migrants, it’s the fact the migrants destroy their ability to make a living.

The songs first line is “I’ve been selling my soul.” If you people don’t get better at recognizing this stuff, according to their religion they have a right and duty to turn you into cattle and cull you if they want.

No one who’s ever chanted “build the wall” would ever say “diversity is our strength.” It’s physically not possible


Smoking Their Own Supply

The Neoclowns’ collective delusion concerning the global geostrategic situation is off the freaking charts. They actually believed the recent Jeddah conference, which accomplished precisely nothing and has already been completely forgotten, was going to be the combination of Versailles and Nuremberg.

Sullivan, the national security adviser, recently brought an American delegation to the second international peace summit earlier this month at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. India and China both sent delegations to the session, perhaps drawn to Saudi Arabia for its immense oil reserves. One Indian academic observer dismissed the event as achieving little more than “good advertising for MBS’s convening power within the Global South; the kingdom’s positioning in the same; and perhaps more narrowly, aiding American efforts to build consensus by making sure China attends the meeting with . . . Jake Sullivan in the same room.”

Meanwhile, far away on the battlefield in Ukraine, Russia continued to thwart Zelensky’s ongoing counteroffensive. I asked an American intelligence official why it was Sullivan who emerged from the Biden administration’s foreign policy circle to preside over the inconsequential conference in Saudi Arabia.

“Jeddah was Sullivan’s baby,” the official said. “He planned it to be Biden’s equivalent of [President Woodrow] Wilson’s Versailles. The grand alliance of the free world meeting in a victory celebration after the humiliating defeat of the hated foe to determine the shape of nations for the next generation. Fame and Glory. Promotion and re-election. The jewel in the crown was to be Zelensky’s achievement of Putin’s unconditional surrender after the lightning spring offensive. They were even planning a Nuremberg type trial at the world court, with Jake as our representative. Just one more fuck-up, but who is counting?

It’s like they’re getting their strategic direction from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “We can achieve anything, so long as we do it… together!” All that’s missing is a dramatic image of Girl Power. In the meantime, here’s another fuck-up to add to the growing collection of Clown World catastrophes:

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has sent letters to Denmark and Norway assuring that the Biden government would expedite approvals for all transfers of F-16s to Ukraine. In the letters Blinken said that the F-16s would transfered once Ukrainian pilots have completed the Danish and Norwegian lead training program:

I am writing to express the United States’ full support for both the transfer of F-16 fighter aircraft to Ukraine and for the training of Ukrainian pilots by qualified F-16 instructors…. It remains critical that Ukraine is able to defend itself against ongoing Russian aggression and violation of its sovereignty.

The letters from Secretary Blinken mark the first time the Biden regime has given a hard commitment to supplying the Ukrainian military with F-16s.

Keep in mind that the only way F-16s could be useful in Ukraine is if they are nuclear-armed, and even then, the chances that they would survive long enough to get in range of any strategic Russian targets is remote. This isn’t WWII and air power is now almost entirely useless. Ten more years of technological development should be enough to mark the end of manned aircraft in war due to satellite, targeting, drone swarms, and laser technology.

There is a reason Russia isn’t making much use of its air superiority, and that is because it is simply too dangerous to fly over the modern battlefield. Artillery and air defense are now the order of the day.

I suspect Blinken wrote those letters in the hopes that Russia will settle for an armistice long before the pilot training can be completed and the F-16s sent to Ukraine to be shot down… assuming they can be hidden on the ground long enough to avoid being destroyed by hypersonic missiles.

Clown World isn’t just evil, it is quite literally deranged. This is the end result of eight decades of relentless lying to everyone, including themselves. Success always plants the seeds of failure, but even a two-bit drug dealer knows better than to smoke his own supply.


YouTube Deplatforms Scott Ritter

It’s getting a little tedious seeing people who insist on relying solely upon hostile platforms affecting surprise upon discovering that they, too, are on the hit list. This must be what it was like in a historical society where people were rounded up gradually, and no one ever did anything because, after all, nothing had happened to them yet.

YouTube has terminated the account of former US spy Scott Ritter and deleted all of his videos on the platform. According to Ritter, the Google-owned social media giant accused his channel of violating the terms of service.

Writing on X, Ritter stated that his channel, ‘The Scott Ritter Show’, through which he attempted to “import Russian voices to an American/Western audience,” had been flagged for ‘hate speech’ and taken down without prior warning or any specific examples of the offense.

Sooner or later, you would think that people would begin to grasp that it’s not necessary to actually break any of the rules to be metaphorically accused, arrested, charged, found guilty, and punished with deplatforming in one fell swoop. Do they seriously believe that everyone who had previously been deplatformed was genuinely guilty? Do they seriously think X isn’t going to do the same thing, sooner or later?

It’s interesting that they targeted Ritter now, though. This suggests that either a) something is going to happen in Ukraine or b) something is going to come out about Ukraine. He’s a fairly esoteric figure; if he was going to be deplatformed over the Special Military Operation, one would have expected it to happen about a year ago. So the question is not why, but why now? If Col. MacGregor is similarly deplatformed soon, that will tend to heighten suspicions.

Anyhow, this is precisely why UATV exists. And this is precisely why I encourage everyone who reads the blog to subscribe to UATV. And speaking of UATV, the SG community has suggested that we launch a DIY channel where UATV subscribers who specialize in useful skills can send videos to the channel moderators who will review and upload them for the benefit of the UATV community.

It’s a good idea, especially since YouTube is getting less and less useful for even the most vanilla subjects, so we’re sorting out how we’re going to make that happen.


Homonazis in the UK

Clown World just got even clownier:

A police force has been accused of heavy handedness after a teenage girl with autism was detained by seven cops after ‘saying a female officer looked like her nana, who is a lesbian’. The 16-year-old, who also suffers from scoliosis, had been driven to her home in Leeds, West Yorkshire, by officers after midnight when she allegedly made the comment. She was later dragged away screaming in the early hours of Monday morning over the ‘homophobic public order offence’.

It’s rapidly becoming abundantly clear why every civilized society for thousands of years didn’t tolerate sexual deviants of any kind.


A Classic Clown World Caper

Whenever anything is fake, gay, and beyond retarded, you know Clown World must be involved somehow. These “peace talks” in Jeddah make the endless, pointless Israeli-Palestinian peace talks look substantive and meaningful by comparison.

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hosted a summit of 42 nations over the weekend to draft principles for the end of Putin’s War in Ukraine. Russia was not invited to the talks, but China and the remainder of the BRICS group sent delegations. The talks concluded with a statement of principles, and the group agreed to meet again in the next few weeks and that Russia would be excluded from the process.

Ukraine Peace Talks Move Forward With China Present and Russia Excluded, RED STATE, 7 August 2023

This is as if Germany, Italy, Romania, Norway, Finland, and Japan had met at Yalta to discuss the terms for the end of World War II. Personally, I suspect China only attended because none of the Standing Committee could believe that it was real and they wanted to read the transcripts just for the comedy.

Foreign Minister: Now we should discuss the matter of this invitation from the Saudis to the peace talks.

Prime Minister: What do our friends in Moscow say?

Foreign Minister: The Russians are not invited.

Security Minister: Is Lukashenko representing the Union State, then?

Foreign Minister: Belarus isn’t invited either.

Political Minister: So who is offering the terms?

Foreign Minister: Apparently Zelensky, by the looks of them.

Prime Minister: And they’re offering these terms to Russia?

Foreign Minister: Yes.

Prime Minister: To the side that is actually winning the war?

Foreign Minister: Yes.

Prime Minister: And they delusional?

Economics Minister: Jane Yellen’s proposals were less hallucinatory than this and she was on ‘shrooms.

Foreign Minister: So we’re not sending anyone?

Prime Minister: Are you kidding? Tell Li Hui to make sure he gets this on video! It will be even funnier than that time Chen sent a pair of Brazilian trannies to Hunter Biden’s hotel room and he was too cracked out to notice.

Foreign Minister: Right. And we’ll release the usual statement afterwards, of course.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on China Attending the Meeting in Jeddah on Ukraine

The Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs had extensive contact and exchanges with participating parties, made clear China’s position and propositions, listened to the opinions and advice from various parties, and worked for more common understandings on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. China’s positive role in promoting talks for peace was fully recognized. China will continue to act in the spirit of the four principles, joint efforts in four areas and three observations proposed by President Xi Jinping, work on the basis of the document of China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, enhance dialogue and communication with all parties, and contribute to the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

I’ll admit it, the diplomatic statement made me laugh. While it may not initially strike the average reader as amusing, it is if you happen to have made a regular habit of reading Chinese diplomatic responses. By changing just a few words, it could easily pass for the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on the Situation in Niger, the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on Media Reports that Italy Is Considering Not Renewing the Belt and Road Cooperation Document, or the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on the Breaking of a Window of the Chinese Embassy in Odessa That May Have Been Caused by a Russian Hypersonic Missile or Perhaps by a Careless Romanian Cleaning Lady Who is Known to Drink Țuică While She Works.

I don’t know what the eventual terms will be when the Kiev regime finally admits the obvious and surrenders while there is still the possibility of an independent Ukrainian state and before the land is entirely divided up between Russia, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia. But I’m confident they won’t very closely resemble the terms now being proposed in Jeddah.

UPDATE: These two quotes from the article should suffice to demonstrate how utterly clueless Red State conservatives are about the global geostrategic situation in general, and the Ukrainian military situation in particular.

The advertised purpose of the conference was to pave the way to a durable and equitable peace agreement. Equitable, of course, is in the eye of the beholder. Those folks who believe that Russia was “tricked” into or “forced” to invade Ukraine because of NATO shenanigans orchestrated by Bond-villain Victoria Nuland will view “equitable” quite differently from people without substance abuse issues…

Ultimately, I think something like Zelensky’s 10-point will be the subject of an international conference. I think part of any final deal will be a Russian withdrawal from Ukraine and Ukraine’s admission into the EU and NATO bolstered in the short run by security guarantees furnished by the G-7.


Electric Vehicles and Digital Currencies

The global push for electric vehicles is no different than the push for digital currencies. It’s all about control. As we’ve seen in everything from picture-posting services to bank accounts, the state wants its agents – which, you will recall, includes corporations – to be able to deny anyone the ability to utilize even the most basic services at any time.

It’s probably already possible to externally turn off most modern cars with electronic starters, but those systems are easily bypassed. The combination of an electric vehicle with a two-way communications system means that the use of the vehicle can be easily denied, thereby enabling a future form of serfdom wherein the individual cannot travel without the express permission of his master.

So stop assisting the construction of this wicked system of centralized technocratic control. Buy an older used car. Carry cash and pay with it for everything possible. Refuse to patronize stores that don’t accept legal tender and be sure to inform the owner his loss of a customer. Reject convenience when it comes with control. Encourage others to do the same.

Clown World is in the process of collapsing, so there is no need to submit to its demands or regard its rule as inevitable.


Niger Tests Clown World

One of the inevitable consequences of the sanctions war on Russia was the realization by third parties that economic globalization is a trap that provides more external control than internal opportunity. This is why the Sino-Russian turn to Africa, Asia, and South America is significant, as it threatens to exclude the self-styled “global majority” from the greater part of the world’s population. That’s why the USA put so much pressure on African leaders to not attend the second St. Petersburg summit.

Last week’s Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg was a landmark event in Moscow’s foreign policy concept and practice. Not so much because it brought scores of African leaders and senior officials to the country. The first summit, four years ago in Sochi, featured even more African heads of state. Also, it is not solely because its agenda expanded beyond economics and included a humanitarian dimension: this is important, but this isn’t all.

Essentially, the meeting, with the bureaucratic preparation and the wide public coverage it has received within Russia, testifies to a sea change in Moscow’s worldview and international positioning toward the world’s rising non-Western majority, as laid down in the recently adopted Foreign Policy Concept.

St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in the early 18th century as a ‘window to Europe,’ and last week, it served the same purpose for Africa.

Eurocentrism, of course, is still deeply embedded in the Russian elite’s thinking and aspirations. Nevertheless, the failure of Russia’s long travails of Western integration in the wake of the demise of the Soviet Union has now exploded into the proxy war against the United States and NATO in Ukraine. This has produced a historic shift in Moscow’s policies, comparable to the time of Peter the Great in its significance, though in a wholly different direction. For the foreseeable future, the universe of Russia’s foreign policy will remain divided in two large parts: the house of foes including Europe, North America, and the rest of the Anglosphere, and the house of friends elsewhere. The dividing line between the two is a country’s position in relation to the sanctions regime against Russia.

Africa, in this regard, is largely on the right side of that divide. 49 nations out of the continent’s 54 were represented in St. Petersburg. True, only 17 of them participated at the top level. No longer a curious and skeptical observer, as during the Sochi summit four years ago, the West this time made a determined effort, advising, cajoling or threatening African leaders against going to Russia and dealing directly with President Putin.

Russia has proven that it is possible for a nation to stand up to the US military, which from Afghanistan to Iraq and Libya, had hitherto crushed every rebellion against the Clown World order. Which, one suspects, is why Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso have banded together to protect the new Nigerois regime from Clown World’s regional proxies.

In a move considered a tactical way to protect the recent regime change in Niger, Mali’s military Junta said Monday that they stand to support the coup leaders in Niamey. Mali said that they stand together with Burkina Faso to defend Niger and further warned that any foreign military intervention in Niamey will be considered a declaration of war on both nations with Niger.

“I warn that any military intervention against Niger will be considered as a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali,” announce Col. Abdoulaye Maiga, State Minister for Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, Mali junta.

The announcement was in response to the outcome of a summit by regional bloc ECOWAS that gave a 7-day deadline to Niger’s coup leaders to free detained president Mohamed Barzoum and restore civilian rule or face consequences, with military force an option being considered.

The irony of the appeals to democracy by the USA and the UK, both of which are led by equally unelected heads of state, is unlikely to escape the Russians, the Chinese, and everyone else observing the matter. If the new Nigerois government finds enough support to maintain power, this will be the second significant step toward the complete collapse of the Clown World order.

And since Wagner doesn’t appear to be occupied at the moment, I expect they’ll be willing to accept gold and uranium in lieu of cash.