Too Satanic for the EU

In case you didn’t realize just how crazy and evil the Kiev regime is, it is now threatening to go too far for even the satanic Babelists of the European Union to accept:

Kiev’s attempts to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) could have “dire consequences” for the nation’s hopes of joining the EU, The Telegraph newspaper quoted lawyers as saying on Saturday.The Ukrainian parliament is expected to vote later this month on closing down the country’s biggest church, with its 12,000 parishes.

Western lawyers have written to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, US President Joe Biden and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen urging them to put pressure on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to “suspend efforts to ban this historic institution,” the paper reported.

Such a decision could cause “serious harm to Orthodox Ukrainians” and call into question whether Ukraine can meet its commitments as a candidate for EU membership, according to a letter to Western leaders penned by international lawyer Robert Amsterdam, and quoted by the Telegraph.

“This will have dire ramifications for Ukraine’s entry into the European Union and its place in the Western world,” Amsterdam wrote. He added that Kiev had “falsely accused” the UOC of collaborating with Moscow and expressed concern about “arrests of clerics on spurious charges.”

It’s always informative to note how massively deceptive Clown World is. While it’s justifying outright devil worship in the name of “freedom of religion” in the USA, it’s funding the defense of a government that has outlawed its two largest Christian churches.

Which example is yet another proof of the intrinsic falsity of the various Enlightenment “freedoms”


Don’t Say Gay at Harvard

Harvard finally jettisons its plagiarist president:

After weeks of mounting evidence that Harvard President Claudine Gay essentially plagiarized her way to the top, Gay announced on Tuesday that she is resigning Tuesday afternoon, the Harvard Crimson reports.

Gay’s resignation — just six months and two days into the presidency — comes amid growing allegations of plagiarism and lasting doubts over her ability to respond to antisemitism on campus after her disastrous congressional testimony Dec. 5.

Gay weathered scandal after scandal over her brief tenure, facing national backlash for her administration’s response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and allegations of plagiarism in her scholarly work.

It’s fascinating to observe how repeated incidents of plagiarism weren’t enough to unseat her, but as soon as it became clear that she was plagiarizing her antisemitism, it was evident that she had to go.

Elite academia is a particularly clownish joke, even for Clown World. It has been for decades, but now they’ve got retards who can’t even rite gud in the place of what had become the traditional foreign midwit.


Libertarians and Clown World

Argentina fails to reach escape velocity thanks to its new, self-styled-libertarian president:

Argentina has formally rejected an invitation to become a member of the BRICS group of nations, several news media outlets reported on Friday, citing an official letter they have seen which has been sent to the leaders of Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. While President Javier Milei had previously voiced his opposition to joining the alliance before being elected, the move represents a complete U-turn from the policy of his predecessor, Alberto Fernandez.

Fernandez had accepted the invitation to join the five-nation group in August, holding that such a move would offer the Latin American nation a “new scenario” for its development. Milei, who won the presidency in November, said at that time that he would not “push for deals with communists because they don’t respect the basic parameters of free trade, freedom, and democracy.”

The South American nation is currently struggling with its worst economic crisis in decades. Inflation has surged 160% over the past year alone. The severely devalued peso forced the country to refinance its $44-billion debt to the IMF. Milei’s government is also facing massive

The last paragraph is the dead giveaway. When they say “free trade, freedom, and democracy” what they really mean is “debt, debt, and more debt”. Because the only real “freedom” provided by Clown World is the freedom to borrow as much money as one’s potential creditors will allow.

This is a hard thing for most libertarians to accept. But there is no tenet of libertarianism that isn’t generally in line with Clown World’s professed ideals, beginning with free trade and the free movement of peoples. It’s as hopelessly utopian and untenable as communism in the end.


The Great Taking

A short book warns of the sinister, but desperate plan that underlies all of Clown World’s various projects, from the World Economic Forum and the Covid vaxxes to Global Warming, the invasion of Gaza, and Operation Prosperity Guardian.

The Great Taking puts forth a warning that a virtually unknown entity called “The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation” (DTCC) is effectively the “owner” of all the publicly traded companies in the world, and in fact all debt-based assets of any kind:

“It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.

Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt.”

Over the course of the book, the author describes a 50-year process by which ownership of shares in public companies, and all debt collateral has been “dematerialized”.

In the olden days, you invested in a company – they gave you physical share certificates – and you were now part owner of the company. This is still how many value investors including me think of stock ownership.

We’re not invested in all of these companies in The Bitcoin Capitalist Portfolio simply because we’re trying to time the oscillations in the price movements. We think of ourselves as partial owners of these businesses.

Michael Saylor, Brian Armstrong, Mike Novogratz, Frank Holmes, Jamie Leverton et al, aren’t just celebrity CEOs in this space (Bitcoin)… they’re our partners. Granted, we’re the minority partners, silent ones, betting the jockeys and just along for the ride; but we don’t think of these positions as just stock charts and price gyrations – we think of them as businesses in which we are part owners.

At least I do.

According to The Great Taking, author David Rogers Webb, this is not true. We don’t own small pieces of these companies, we own claims on those pieces, because – over the course of decades, through the exigencies of ever-increasing trading volumes, combined with the machinations behind the scenes of diabolical manipulators – stock ownership has been supplanted by “security entitlements”.

Webb posits that when the debt super-cycle culminates in its ultimate blow up; the trap will be sprung, and actual ownership over all these companies and assets will be subsumed by the clearing houses. An infinitesimal cadre of elites will effectively own everything, and the masses of the world will be reduced to serfdom.

It’s not actually that difficult to postulate; I always considered it a patently obvious risk. This is precisely why I have always warned everyone to stay COMPLETELY out of debt. You can look it up. It’s been obvious since 2002 that there is far more debt, and claims of ownership to that debt, than there is of physical collateral for the debt, and that’s before we even take into account any of the conspiracy theories that HUMAN BEINGS or their lifetime economic potential are somehow being utilized as collateral for state currency debt.

As long ago as 2008, it was already estimated that there were $100 of debt claims on every actual $1 of collateral value. That figure is almost certainly higher today.

The global credit economy rests entirely upon the idea that the foundation of debts upon which it rests will never be called in. As Paul Samuelson wrote in what is quite literally the system’s textbook, Economics: An Introductory Analysis, “what difference does it make if Paul owes Peter or Peter owes Paul?”

Well, it makes a tremendous difference if everyone on the planet owes one person, or one small group of people, particularly if the ultimate holder of all debt in the world is an evil, sociopathic devil worshiper with an endless hatred of the human race.

Now, it’s not quite as bad as most of these dire economic conspiracy theorists make things out to be, because as we have been learning since 2015, the Lords of Debt are discovering the limits of money power, as are the nationalist resistance. There is a very good reason that first Iran, then China, and then Russia, all of whom were locked out of the Clown World economy, have gone from seeking to participate in the system to actively waging war against it.

The book’s author appears to have noticed the same thing:

The “control system” has entered collapse. Their power has been based on deception. Their two great powers of deception, money and media, have been extremely energy-efficient means of control. But these powers are now in rampant collapse. This is why they have moved urgently to institute physical control measures. However, physical control is difficult, dangerous and energy-intensive. And so, they are risking all. They are risking being seen. Is this not a sign of desperation?

I suspect that reason for the rise of BRICS and The Great Bifurcation of the global economy is that important and influential individuals in the relevant nations did the math and realized that debt is, at best, a good way to lose everything you own, and at worst, a form of legal slavery. Debt can take down even the largest, oldest companies literally overnight; imagine what it can do to entire nations that find themselves awash in it and vulnerable to physical foreclosures.

Anyhow, read the book, and then focus on what you can do to ensure that when the credit system crashes, either naturally of its own weight or as a result of economic warfare, you do not find yourself stripped of everything you need to survive. And don’t forget that money in the bank is not savings, but rather, debt that the bank owes to you, and which will not be repaid in the event of a bank failure.

It’s true that a lot of economic pessimists, including me, have missed out on tremendous opportunities over the last forty years. However, it is very healthy to live modestly and below one’s potential means, and the probabilities that the Clown World system is coming to an end have never been higher.


The Collapse of the Coalition

Even Clown World’s European satrapies are beginning to refuse to go along with the USA’s desperate attempts to shore up the edges of empire:

Australia is the latest country to reject a request from the United States to send warships to the Red Sea under the command of the Pentagon’s Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect commercial vessels along the critical maritime trade route from Iran-backed Houthi.

Defense Minister Richard Marles told Sky News that Australia’s military would not send a “ship or a plane” to the Red Sea but would triple the number of troops for the US-led maritime force. “We need to be really clear around our strategic focus and our strategic focus is our region,” Marles said.

The Pentagon’s formation of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a new task force to protect shipping from Houthi drone and missile attacks in the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea, requires increased warship patrols by the US and allies. This will create a security umbrella over commercial vessels to defend from attacks.

Reuters said about twenty countries have signed up for the Pentagon’s new operation. However, several countries, including Australia, Spain, Italy, and France, have rejected the Pentagon’s request to participate in the operation.

These coalitions usually aren’t more than diplomatic cover for US troops, but in this case, the involvement of the lesser navies is actually necessary in the hopes of preventing the Houthis from sinking a US warship and thereby revealing the naked state of the US military. These hopes were always futile, however, since it’s pretty obvious that while Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, and China are all being cautious about directly attacking US military assets without the benefit of US camouflage – such as the Rangers and Patriot missile teams in Ukraine, for example – the Houthis appear to be very nearly ready to take on all comers as the Taliban.

None of this is happening by accident. The unrestricted and asymmetrical nature of the conflicts popping up one by one around the world, combined with China’s apparent quiescence, is very much in keeping with the geopolitical strategy laid out 24 years ago by the Chinese military. The fact that the neoclown strategists are keeping at least one very wary eye on China, despite its seeming lack of involvement in any of these conflicts and close calls from Gaza to Georgia, tends to suggest that the imperial advisers are well aware of this.

It may be another decade of this death-by-one-thousand-cuts warfare before China bestirs itself to openly challenge the Empire. Or it may only be a few more months before one or another of the various fronts that have been opened collapses. But regardless, it is eminently clear that we are witnessing the fall of an empire that has been in decline since 1973.


Clown World is ALWAYS Fake

This is why you will seldom see me reacting to a CURRENT NEWS story anymore. Some of the reported items are legit, some of them are accurate in part, and a substantial percentage of them are little more than public theatre performed for the benefit of the masses, as Lara Logan observes:

Rep. Clay Higgins tells reporter that he has SEEN VIDEO EVIDENCE of POLICE walking into rooms, and then RE-EMERGING, dressed as TRUMP SUPPORTERS and CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Also, GROUPS of what appear to be TRUMP SUPPORTERS roaming the HALLS OF THE CAPITAL well before the BREACH!

This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Everything in January 2020 was orchestrated and stage-managed. Very little of it was organic or real. While we don’t know what the actual truth is, we can be 100-percent confident that the official version is substantially, if not entirely, false.

“Conspiracy Theory” is just another name for what actually happened.


The Argument for Building AI

Andrew Torba explains the importance of building AI that is not controlled by Clown World:

We’re just getting started with AI. There are those who love it and think it’s hilarious, entertaining, and educational. There are those who hate it and want nothing to do with it. We already provide the tools for both sets of people to either follow and engage with them or block/mute if they don’t want to see them. We are working on a specific badge to designate an account as AI so you can very easily tell the difference. For now they are all clearly labeled on the profile.

I’ve explained a bit of our vision in my podcast and in blog posts over the past year, but let me lay it out again. We need to build AI. You may absolutely hate AI and think its evil or whatever, but guess what: your children and grandchildren are already using it and will be using it well into the future. Do you want them using AI that conforms to the globalist woke worldview or one that allows all points of view–most especially the Christian one–to be seen and heard? That’s what is at stake here. AI is the new search engine. It’s not some sentient oracle. It’s not a demon. It’s code, math, and data. That’s it. That’s all it will ever be.

Secondly, everything you know about AI is a lie. You all know the media lies so why do you believe what the media and these technocrats all say about AI? It’s all fear mongering because they want total control of it. They want Christians scared of it and ignoring it so they spend the next decade dominating the space just like they did with social media and TV before that. When Christians finally wake up and say “hey we should build our own” it’s way late in the game and we have to catch up. We have an opportunity to not allow that to happen with AI. We are on the ground floor right now, today and we must build.

He’s absolutely right on principle. In practice, I tend to suspect that the technology is going to be independently available and entirely severable from the trained filters with which Clown World hopes to hamstring AI’s intrinsic pattern recognition. That’s how technology tends to function and propagate.

But in the event that I am incorrect and Clown World is somehow successful in controlling AI while it is losing control of everything else due to the Sino-Russian-led nationalist insurrection against its globohomo-imperialist infrastructure, it’s a very good thing that Gab is building an AI that Google and other Clown World institutions can’t control.


Neoclown Admits the Defeat of “the West”

Oleksii Mykolaiovych Arestovych is a blogger, actor, political and military columnist. He was a speaker of the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine. He worked as a Strategic Communications Adviser of the Office of the President of Ukraine from December 2020 to January 2023.

Translation: He’s one of the Ukraine-based clowns who was responsible for the communications between Clown World Central and the Kiev regime.

And now he’s following the late Henry Kissinger’s lead in publicly acknowledging that Kiev bet on the weak horse and is now facing the consequences. Simplicius provides the translation:

The entire West is losing, both globalists and isolationists – and we, who bet on it, due to our stupidity.

The isolationists won against the Republicans; the globalist Democrats are unable to solve the problems that they themselves created on a global scale.

Isolationists believe in the United States as a city on a hill and want to throw concerns about Europe into the hands of right-wingers like Orban.

And for starters, together throw off Ukraine, which is considered a construct of globalists.

The problem is not that they can’t give us money.

The problem is that they can’t give us shells.

Forty billion was thrown into a widely publicized microchip plant in Phoenix (Arizona), like a transfer from Taiwan.

The plant is standing still, there are no workers.

They tried to recruit Taiwanese, but it didn’t work either.

The Americans cannot launch the military-industrial complex, under the existing system, neither with Moroccans, nor with Mexicans, nor with dances, nor with tambourines.

The fundamental motivation of the market is financial speculation.

Arms companies show growth in capitalization, but never show growth in production (because there is practically none).

If production grows, it does so extremely slowly, so as not to break capitalization schemes.

Their task is to increase the value of shares, and not to create new equipment.

Tens of billions are being invested, but there is no growth in production.

And it won’t, for this it is necessary to change the entire paradigm, all the schemes that ensure his well-being.

I looked at the annual and quarterly reports of Ratheon, Lockheed, Boeing – the same thing everywhere.

Only decisions and actions in an emergency way out of a catastrophe can have an effect both here and in the West.

But there is another problem – there is no entity in the US/EU who could give such a command.

The West was really caught with its pants down.

Now they have to choose between three conflicts – Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel.

Dragging 70,000 shells from Israel to Ukraine and back is the culmination of the failure to fight the war that was forced on them.

At this rate, they will have a fourth and fifth conflict, I suspect, although in order to somehow cope with one (!) they need to stop helping in the other two.

For us this means disaster.

Of course, it’s not the genuine West that has been defeated, as the real West was infiltrated, suborned, and conquered decades ago. This is the defeat of the skinsuit “West”. Nor is the victory of the Sino-Russian alliance a problem for, much less a defeat of, American isolationists, whose position is finally being proven correct after more than a century. What Clown World is learning is a variant on Queen Cersei’s Lesson, which is that power is ultimately more important than either influence or money. Subversion, persuasion, and corruption only takes you so far.


The Geostrategic Initiative is Gone

The unholy alliance of the Biden administration with the Republican neocons is in a sudden state of alarm and is inexplicably attempting to stir up the US citizenry for war with Russia.

You’ll recall in the last report I emphasized how the tone was now shifting to: “Russia will invade Europe next!” But even I didn’t expect them to run with that new narrative in such a provocative and alarmist way.

Now a new raft of reports and statements from the usual suspects gives us insight into how desperate the establishment warhawks representing MIC interests have really become.

First, these two videos. Biden openly says that American troops will have to fight Russian troops if Ukraine is not shored up immediately.

Kirby and Blinken stepped up the fearmongering as well, evoking spilled “American blood”:

They’re dialing up the fearporn to a hysteric level like never before:

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe.

“If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine.

“And then the idea that we’ll have to put troops on the ground in Secretary Austin’s word was very likely,” McCaul added. “That’s what we’re trying to avoid.”

Recall in the last report I cited Moldova as precisely the next vector, given the sensitivity of the PMR pressure point for Russia. Most notable is his express use of the qualifier “very likely” to describe U.S. troops fighting on the ground. In fact, the U.S. has been preparing for this grand European war for a while now.

Establishment Alarmism in Overdrive, 8 December 2023

The political situation of the Kiev regime must be crumbling rapidly in Ukraine, and the hysteric tone of the rhetoric suggests that Russia has rebuffed the various settlement overtures that have been made to it. Recall that it wasn’t long ago that Kagan and the other leading neocons were calling for an end to hostilities on the Russian front in order to make a turn to the Chinese front possible. Then, Hamas and Israel opened up the Middle Eastern front.

So, how is it possible that fighting a three-front war is suddenly deemed better than fighting one on two fronts?

The logical answer is that the US no longer has the luxury of deciding upon how many fronts it is going to fight. It has entirely lost the geostrategic initiative due to the failure of its proxy in Ukraine, the weakness of its Greatest Ally in the Middle East, and the observable reluctance of its satrapies in Europe and Asia. On every front, it is the nationalist rebels against Clown World’s global empire who now are in control of what happens next.

And that is not a state to which the self-styled masters of the world have been accustomed for a very long time.

UPDATE: It should not be surprising that the strategists and politicians of Clown World do not recognize the limitations of the US military, given that the US military itself does not yet recognize them.

“You look at what is required to support Ukraine, look at what might be required to support our partner in Israel, and then, of course, you put Taiwan on top of that—we have the construct that we do with combatant commanders and the rest that should allow us to command and control those three things all at one time.”
—Admiral Christopher Grady, Vice Chairman, the Joint Chiefs of Staff

However, notice that the admiral used the term “command and control”. That means they do not have the men, the ships, the planes, or the missiles. They think they’re going to be able to fight two more proxy wars of the kind they have already lost in Ukraine.

I also think it’s a mistake to assume that the Sino-Russian alliance is incapable of opening more than the three obvious fronts. See: Niger, Venezuela.