Truth is Disinformation

Inversion is the stink of sulfur that always gives away the true nature of Clown World:

BRUSSELS, May 13. /TASS/. The European Commission considers statements that the European Union wants victory in Ukraine on the battlefield to be disinformation, despite the fact that this phrase was previously written by the head of the EU diplomatic service, Josep Borrell. This was stated by EU Foreign Service Representative Peter Stano at a briefing in Brussels. Commenting at the request of journalists on the phrase of Sergei Lavrov, whom Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to reappoint as head of the Foreign Ministry, that if the West “want [a solution to the conflict in Ukraine] on the battlefield, then it will be on the battlefield,” Stano considered it “ misinformation and distortion of reality.”

In turn, the head of the press service of the European Commission, Eric Mamer, called the same question from journalists incorrect. “The European Union is not on the battlefield. It is Russia that wants victory on the battlefield. Asking us about this, excuse me, means ignoring everything we have said on this topic before,” he argued. He also said that the European Union is “an organization based on a philosophy of peace.”

Borrell was the first European official to say that the conflict in Ukraine “must be won on the battlefield.” He wrote about this on April 9, 2022 on X (formerly Twitter) after a visit to Ukraine in the company of the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. From that moment on, this phrase was constantly repeated throughout 2022 and the first half of 2023 by many European politicians, and then disappeared from the vocabulary of European officials. This roughly coincided with the defeat of the so-called Ukrainian offensive last summer.

I expect they’ll also consider it to be disinformation that anyone ever said “Russia will run out of ammunition in two more weeks” and “the Covid vaccines are safe and effective”. Apparently one has to have the memory of a goldfish to take Clown World seriously.