The Inversion of Democracy

It is very, very important to read this interview of Mike Benz by Tucker Carlson in its entirety. It makes it very clear why countries like France and Germany are passing insane laws to attempt to control their citizenries and how the entire techno-fascist infrastructure was rapidly transformed from a revolutionary tool being utilized to expand the neo-liberal world order – or, as they like to call it, “democracy” – to a reactionary tool being used to prevent the neo-liberal world order from collapsing.

Read the whole thing at Robert Malone’s Substack. Absolutely read the whole thing.

Google began as a DARPA grant by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were Stanford PhDs, and they got their funding as part of a joint CIA NSA program to chart how “birds of a feather flock together online” through search engine aggregation. And then one year later they launched Google and then became a military contractor. Quickly thereafter, they got Google Maps by purchasing a CIA satellite software essentially, and the ability to use free speech on the internet as a way to circumvent state control over media over in places like Central Asia and all around the world, was seen as a way to be able to do what used to be done out of CIA station houses or out of embassies or consulates in a way that was totally turbocharged. And all of the internet free speech technology was initially created by our national security state – VPNs, virtual private networks to hide your IP address, tour the dark web, to be able to buy and sell goods anonymously, end-to-end encrypted chats.

All of these things were created initially as DARPA projects or as joint CIA NSA projects to be able to help intelligence backed groups, to overthrow governments that were causing a problem to the Clinton administration or the Bush administration or the Obama administration. And this plan worked magically from about 1991 until about 2014 when there began to be an about face on internet freedom and its utility.

Now, the high watermark of the sort of internet free speech moment was the Arab Spring in 2011, 2012 when you had this one by one – all of the adversary governments of the Obama Administration: Egypt, Tunisia, all began to be toppled in Facebook revolutions and Twitter revolutions. And you had the State Department working very closely with the social media companies to be able to keep social media online during those periods. There was a famous phone call from Google’s Jared Cohen to Twitter to not do their scheduled maintenance so that the preferred opposition group in Iran would be able to use Twitter to win that election.

So free speech was an instrument of statecraft from the national security state to begin with. All of that architecture, all the NGOs, the relationships between the tech companies and the national security state had been long established for freedom. In 2014, after the coup in Ukraine, there was an unexpected counter coup where Crimea and the Donbas broke away and they broke away with essentially a military backstop that NATO was highly unprepared for at the time. They had one last Hail Mary chance, which was the Crimea annexation vote in 2014. And when the hearts and minds of the people of Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation, that was the last straw for the concept of free speech on the internet in the eyes of NATO – as they saw it. The fundamental nature of war changed at that moment. And NATO at that point declared something that they first called the Gerasimov Doctrine, which was named after this Russian military, a general who they claimed made a speech that the fundamental nature of war has changed.

The Gerasimov Doctrine is the idea that you don’t need to win military skirmishes to take over central and eastern Europe. All you need to do is control the media and the social media ecosystem because that’s what controls elections. And if you simply get the right administration into power, they control the military. So it’s infinitely cheaper than conducting a military war to simply conduct an organized political influence operation over social media and legacy media. An industry had been created that spanned the Pentagon, the British Ministry of Defense and Brussels into a organized political warfare outfit, essentially infrastructure that was created initially stationed in Germany and in Central and eastern Europe to create psychological buffer zones, basically to create the ability to have the military work with the social media companies to censor Russian propaganda and then to censor domestic, right-wing populist groups in Europe who were rising in political power at the time because of the migrant crisis.

So you had the systematic targeting by our state department, by our intelligence community, by the Pentagon of groups like Germany’s AFD, the alternative for Deutsche Land there and for groups in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Now, when Brexit happened in 2016, that was this crisis moment where suddenly they didn’t have to worry just about central and eastern Europe anymore. It was coming westward, this idea of Russian control over hearts and minds. And so Brexit was June, 2016. The very next month at the Warsaw Conference, NATO formally amended its charter to expressly commit to hybrid warfare as this new NATO capacity. So they went from basically 70 years of tanks to this explicit capacity building for censoring tweets if they were deemed to be Russian proxies. And again, it’s not just Russian propaganda this, these were now Brexit groups or groups like Mateo Salvini in Italy or in Greece or in Germany or in Spain with the Vox Party.

And now at the time NATO was publishing white papers saying that the biggest threat NATO faces is not actually a military invasion from Russia. It’s losing domestic elections across Europe to all these right-wing populace groups who, because they were mostly working class movements, were campaigning on cheap Russian energy at a time when the US was pressuring this energy diversification policy. And so they made the argument after Brexit, now the entire rules-based international order would collapse unless the military took control over media because Brexit would give rise to Frexit in France with marine Lapin just Brexit in Spain with a Vox party to Italy exit in Italy, to Grexit in Germany, to Grexit in Greece, the EU would come apart, so NATO would be killed without a single bullet being fired. And then not only that, now that NATO’s gone, now there’s no enforcement arm for the International Monetary fund, the IMF or the World Bank. So now the financial stakeholders who depend on the battering ram of the national security state would basically be helpless against governments around the world. So from their perspective, if the military did not begin to censor the internet, all of the democratic institutions and infrastructure that gave rise to the modern world after World War II would collapse.

This is why Owen and Stefan were deplatformed. This is why, after nearly twenty years of no one caring, this blog was suddenly kicked off Blogger without even any pretense at a cause. Clown World knows it is collapsing, and now it is actively destroying democracy (the will of the people) in order to save “democracy” (the neo-liberal word order). The Covid lockdowns were always useless – however much we introverts enjoyed them – except in that they bought Clown World more time to try to strengthen its infrastructure and institutions against their inevitable collapse.

This isn’t the end of democracy. It’s the inversion of democracy. Putin knows this. Tucker Carlson knows this. Xi Xinping knows this.

And now all of us do too.


We’re Dangerous and We’re Spreading

The Economist senses the ongoing decline of Clown World and is terrified of the consequences of its inevitable collapse:

IN THE 1980s Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher built a new conservatism around markets and freedom. Today Donald Trump, Viktor Orban and a motley crew of Western politicians have demolished that orthodoxy, constructing in its place a statist, “anti-woke” conservatism that puts national sovereignty before the individual. These national conservatives are increasingly part of a global movement with its own networks of thinkers and leaders bound by a common ideology. They sense that they own conservatism now—and they may be right.

Despite its name, national conservatism could not be more different from the ideas of Reagan and Thatcher. Rather than being sceptical of big government, national conservatives think ordinary people are beset by impersonal global forces and that the state is their saviour. Unlike Reagan and Thatcher, they hate pooling sovereignty in multilateral organisations, they suspect free markets of being rigged by the elites and they are hostile to migration. They despise pluralism, especially the multicultural sort. National conservatives are obsessed with dismantling institutions they think are tainted by wokeness and globalism.

Instead of a sunny belief in progress, national conservatives are seized by declinism. William Buckley, a thinker of the old school, once quipped that “A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling stop.” By comparison, national conservatives are revolutionaries. They do not see the West as the shining city on the hill, but as Rome before the fall—decadent, depraved and about to collapse amid a barbarian invasion. Not content with resisting progress, they also want to destroy classical liberalism.

Some people expect all this to blow over. National conservatives are too incoherent to pose a threat, they say. Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s prime minister, supports Ukraine; Mr Orban has a soft spot for Russia. The Polish Law and Justice party (PiS) is anti-gay; in France Marine Le Pen is permissive. Besides, the obsession with national sovereignty would make people worse off, as trade collapses, economic growth stalls and civil rights are curtailed. Voters would surely choose to restore the world liberalism made.

That view is unforgivably complacent. National conservatism is the politics of grievance: if policies lead to bad outcomes, its leaders will shift the blame onto globalists and immigrants and claim this only proves how much is wrong with the world. For all their contradictions, national conservatives have been able to unite around their hostility towards common enemies, including migrants (especially Muslims), globalists and all their supposed abettors.

The growing peril of national conservatism, THE ECONOMIST, 15 February 2024

Let Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher burn in Hell, along with all the other conservatives who signed off, however reluctantly, on the surrender of the white Christian West to a satanic, pedophile, globalist elite that wanted to impose The Empire That Never Ended on a world that was intoxicated with what it erroneously believed was the triumph of human liberty and the so-called End of History.

There is no “national conservativism” because we’re not fucking conservatives. We want Clown World and all its cursed clowns back in Hell where they belong. We’re nationalists, period. Let Russians rule Russia. Let Americans rule America. Let the Germans rule Germany. Let the Chinese rule China. And let everyone stay in their own nations, and live according to their cultures and traditions instead of trying to impose their ways on everyone else around the world.

The neoliberals know they’re wrong. They absolutely know it, they just can’t bring themselves to completely abandon their false ideals, fake principles, and their elite positions that their satanic masters have granted them.

The citizens of many Western countries see illegal migration as a source of disorder and a drain on the public purse. They worry that their children will grow up to be poorer than they are. They are anxious about losing their jobs to new technology. They believe that institutions such as universities and the press have been captured by hostile, illiberal, left-leaning elites. They see the globalists who have thrived in recent decades as members of a self-serving, arrogant caste who like to believe that they rose to the top in a meritocracy when, in reality, their success was inherited. These complaints have their merits, and sneering at them only confirms how out of touch elites have become.

The world liberalism made is a stinking, dsyfunctional hellhole where nothing works anymore and an evil imperial elites live off the credit-blood of the nations. Let liberalism, neoliberalism, conservatism, and neoconservatism die, as they deserve, because all of them were based on lies from the very start. And only retards and the thrice-boosted still believe those lies, including “immigration is good for the economy.”

“If Congress passes a new bill restricting the admission of new migrants at the border, do you think this would be good or bad for the United States?” Sixty-nine percent of the Americans responded that it would be “good,” while only 14 percent predicted “bad.”

They can call us Alt-Right, or Nationalist Right, or Christian Nationalists, or whatever label they deem sufficiently scary for the purposes of their rhetoric. But no matter what they call us, we are The Inevitable.

Because, as the great historian Sir Charles Oman noted, the great lesson of history is that the world-mind works by action and reaction, and a swing of the pendulum in one direction will ultimately be followed by a swing in the other.

The satanic globalists have had it all their way for at least the last 79 years. They promised Heaven and they delivered Hell on Earth. But the pendulum is already swinging back, and it is going to swing back hard with a holy vengeance.

“Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years.”
–Xi Xinping

The Inevitable Descent of Clown World


British Asset Dies in Russia

It’s a bit much for the people who are holding Julian Assange and the J6 political prisoners in prison for doing absolutely nothing that can be reasonably regarded as criminal to shed crocodile tears over the death of a British intelligence asset who tried to overthrow the Russian government in a Russian prison.

Now that you’ve heard the fake outrage from the West, let’s look at the information they withheld from you. Navalny is a terrorist. He was caught planning a color revolution to overtake Russian with MI6. He’s not “political opposition”. He’s a foreign intelligence asset. A spy.

Below, you can see Navalny discussing planning “mass protests, civil initiatives, propaganda, establishing contacts with elites” with British MI6 agent, James William Thomas Ford, via the funding from unnamed rich billionaires.

Navalny was the West’s frontman to takeover Russia from within. The same exact playbook they used to take over Ukraine. Navalny was a Deep State asset, and he was treated as such. As a hostile foreign actor looking to overthrow a sovereign nation, on behalf of the West. Treason and sedition. So spare me with the West’s fake outrage and pearl-clutching, as if Putin is unfairly jailing and murdering political opponents, while the Trump witch hunt is going into its 8th year… and while Julian Assange is still being tortured in prison…

Biden and the MSM are already trying to leverage this situation to coerce Americans to send more money to Ukraine. The entire thing is a hoax, just like everything else they do.

Navalny was literally caught on video plotting a color revolution in Russia. He was a traitor to his nation and a corrupt actor in service to Clown World. He was a very evil man. Pay attention to anyone pretending that he was some sort of political martyr, because that is a reliable confirmation of loyalty to Clown World.

UPDATE: The British are desperately trying to turn this into a thing. It isn’t working. At all.

World mourns Alexei Navalny. World leaders lash out with Biden blaming Russian despot’s brutal regime for Kremlin critic’s death inside Arctic penal colony – as protests erupt across the world

Yes, clearly the Chinese and the Zambians are outraged, simply outraged. Sadly, the Palestinians are too busy being Gazacausted to take to the streets, while the Europeans are already occupied with protesting their own governments’ attempts to commit economic suicide.

Besides, as we all know, Russian prisons are safe and effective. And indeed, it has been reported that Mr. Navalny died of “suddenly”, which we have been repeatedly assured is entirely normal these days.


A Bizarre Headline

Iran declares Antarctica its property in direct challenge to Biden, global treaty. Iranian Navy commander announces planned military base in South Pole.

Okay… so that’s strange. Aside from the penguins, who really cares about the South Pole? What is the reason for the expressed Iranian interest there, and how would that be of any concern to the USA?

The Kurgan suggests this could be an implied threat by the Iranian government to expose some of Clown World’s unsettling historical secrets to the world.

If you have read any of my Overlords of Mars series of books, or even the complete collection, Nazi Moon, the seemingly bizarre headline takes on a potentially quite interesting outlook.

Although my series is science fiction in the traditional style of the genre, the fact is that if I had to bet money on it one way or the other, I would absolutely bet that the Nazis did have at least one and possibly more bases in Antarctica, aside from the semi-mythological Base 211, and it is absolutely possible they also had a submarine base there that permitted them to develop the technology that allowed them to keep the Americans away during Operation Highjump. And that the subsequent operation Argus of dropping nukes in Antarctica in the 1958s was a continuation of the secret war between the antigravity owning Nazis in Antarctica and the American creation of the deep state.

If any of the above speculations hold any truth at all, and there is very good evidence to suggest this is at least partially the case, then what Iran is really doing, is a gentle threat of exposure to America. Putin did a similar thing a few times, threatening to release all the relevant satellite data concerning the 9/11 attacks… Russia also did a much subtler gameplay on the Moon landings, not quite threatening to expose them as fake, but simply implying Russia knew the truth about them, which I think they do.

At any rate, exposing even just an old Nazi base in Antarctica would, in the end bring down the whole WWII narrative.

It does put a rather sinister spin on one of my favorite memes. What if penguins aren’t just cute little flightless waterfowl, but miniature Nazi icetroopers in service to the newly-awakened elder gods?


Trannies are Literally Retarded

It’s becoming abundantly clear that not only is baphometizing minors a particularly evil form of child abuse on the part of the parents and medical professionals, but also a historic crime against humanity by Clown World that is even worse than anything the infamous Dr. Mengele ever conceived:

A world-renowned expert who found puberty-blockers can harm children’s IQ says woke academics initially dismissed her research as ‘biased’. University College London neuropsychologist Professor Sallie Baxendale published a review of the potential impact of the powerful drugs on teens who take them.

Her alarming study highlighted cases where young girls seemingly lost between 7 to 15 IQ points while taking the medications, which halt bodily changes in puberty.

But despite the concerning findings, Professor Baxendale initially struggled to find a publisher for her review. Three separate journals rejected her paper in which she called for ‘urgent’ research into the impact of the drugs on children’s brain functions.

Writing in the now-published article in the peer-reviewed Acta Paediatrica journal, she said: ‘What impact does any delay in cognitive development have on an individual’s educational trajectory and subsequent life opportunities given the critical educational window in which these treatments are typically prescribed? If cognitive development “catches up” following the discontinuation of puberty suppression, how long does this take and is the recovery complete?’

I wonder if virtue-signaling parents who think that their tranny child is a social benefit to them would rethink their wicked plans if they realized that they are not only sterilizing their child, but permanently lowering the child’s IQ by a whole standard deviation? To put it in perspective, that’s the difference between the average white American IQ and the average black American IQ.

Probably not, considering that deviation is their central motivation.


Free Speech is Blasphemy

Free Speech doesn’t sound quite so appealing once you realize it literally means Blasphemy.

The only reason the concept of “free speech” was created as an ersatz human right during the Enlightenment was to permit secret satanists to blaspheme against Jesus Christ despite the many laws of Christendom that forbade them to do so.

And now that they can blaspheme freely and legally, we have all seen how genuine their philosophical commitment to the concept was. Like free trade, free speech is just another inverted satanic lie that delivers the exact opposite of what it promises.

Whenever Clown World promises “freedom” it delivers chains.

Just exercising his god-given right to free speech…

UPDATE: In which a dictionary from 1919 is consulted.

A friend gave me a copy of Webster’s Elementary School Dictionary from 1919.

Words not included in it: racist, antisemitic.

Words included: antichristian.


Free Trade is Economic Heroin

In all the many defenses of Free Trade going back to David Ricardo and his fatally-flawed concept of Comparative Advantage, and in all of the critiques going back to the 18th century mercantilists, one of the issues that no one either side of the economic issue ever seems to discuss is the inherent fragility of free trade and the way in which that fragility is imposed upon the economies of nations foolish enough to adopt a free trade policy.

I’ve already laid out, in statistically-significant detail, the proof of the total incompatibility of free trade with nationhood, in my Efficiency of Labor Mobility critique of free trade. But the scale and scope of that argument, combined with its requirement to have a basic grasp of neo-Keynesian economic theory, has proven to be well beyond the average individual and the average free trade economist alike. Lest you think I exaggerate, the total inability of the author of an introductory textbook on Austrian Economics to understand the critique, let alone formulate a response to it, really has to be read in order to be believed.

But the European Union’s successful attempt to force the Hungarian government to approve its economic aid package for Ukraine demonstrates another fundamental problem with free trade that even the average heroin addict is able to comprehend. It goes well beyond the obvious problem that many have previously observed with the regards to the way in which free trade can result in needing to buy weapons and raw materials from a trading partner with whom one is at war.

Several EU heads of state directly told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that they would crash the Hungarian economy if he blocked a €50 billion ($54 billion) economic aid package for Ukraine, his adviser, Balazs Orban, has revealed.

EU leaders signed off on the mammoth four-year aid package earlier this month, after the Hungarian leader lifted his veto in exchange for some minor concessions from the bloc’s 26 other member states. These concessions included an annual debate on its implementation and a promise to review its impact on the EU budget after two years.

Before the package was approved, the Financial Times reported that the European Council had drawn up a plan to cut funding to Budapest and tank the Hungarian economy if Budapest maintained its veto. According to the Financial Times, the EU planned on pulling funding from Hungary, thereby hampering its ability to subsidize foreign direct investment and eventually crashing the value of the Hungarian forint.

EU leaders threatened to ‘politically rape’ us – Hungary, RUSSIA TODAY, 10 February 2024

In other words, since the Hungarian government foolishly permitted itself to become dependent upon the transfer of free money created ex nihilo by German banks, it now no longer has the ability to establish its own policies in the interest of the citizens of Hungary. Hungary might as well be a heroin addict attempting to defy the wishes of his heroin dealer.

This illustrates both the anti-democratic nature of free trade and usefully explains why Clown World is so hell-bent on imposing free trade policies everywhere from Azerbaijan to Zambia. Once Clown World can get a nation hooked on its destructive economic drug, it can literally dictate that nation’s policy. Only going clean, like Russia was inadvertently forced to do by the sanctions regime enforced by the West, can free an economy from the external chains and intrinsic fragility imposed by free trade.

Free trade is economic heroin for a nation. It might make things feel good for a while, but it’s very bad for your health and will eventually kill you if you don’t get off of it.


A Tale of Four Presidents

There is no mystery as to why the global satanists were desperate to prevent a public interview with the President of Russia being presented to Western audiences, or why they are throwing the full weight of their pet media into trying to discredit the interview, the interviewee, and the interviewer in a futile attempt to mitigate its inevitable effects.

Because anyone who listens to more than five minutes of it will immediately conclude that not only has Ukraine been defeated, but that the USA, NATO, and its so-called allies are absolutely and utterly doomed.

THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA: The West is afraid of a strong China more than it fears a strong Russia because Russia has 150 million people and China has 1.5 billion population and its economy is growing by leaps and bounds or five percent a year. It used to be even more, but that’s enough for China. As Bismarck once put it, “potentials are the most important.” China’s potential is enormous. It is the biggest economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power parity and the size of the economy. It has already overtaken the United States quite a long time ago and it is growing at a rapid clip.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There is some movement, and I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna, let me be choose my words—there’s some movement. There’s been a response from the, uh, there’s been a response from the opposition, but um… I think as you know initially, the president of Mexico, El-Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to humanitarian material to get in. I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate.

Just for the record, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is the President of Egypt. The President of Mexico is Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

When the strongest argument for Clown World’s continued survival is that its enemies are correct and its demi-global order of representative democracy is a corrupt facade designed to conceal the real rulers of its satanic empire, it is pretty clear that the Rastas are right and Babylon gwan fall.


A Call to Preserve Civilization

Bishop Williamson issues a call to all Western civilizationists to preserve what we can from the inevitable collapse of Clown World.

The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw, predicting the grave consequences for society and civilisation, which are now evident. Several outstanding writers, and magazines like Rivarol, have long been sounding the alarm, as dark events followed one after another.

After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change,” chemtrails, etc. Yet there was little public reaction. People might be a little shaken for a moment or two, but soon they settled down again. Yet we speak of “a rise in the standard of living” as though there has been a real bettering of life, when in reality it has been little more than technical – better machines making available more material goods. The result has been that the household’s need for two salaries instead of one splits the mother from the home, especially if she may not like mothering.

For a whole age France radiated worldwide, in general for good, but now it is itself sinking in a moral and economic decline, in such a social and intellectual crisis that it can no longer exercise any such influence. Worst of all, it rejects, scorns and is ignorant of all that it once achieved. Yet surprisingly, that “West,” which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.

And ever since Covid, that monstrous lie designed to test just how far the manipulation of modern man can go, the peoples of the Europe of Charlemagne have fast been enslaving themselves to the banksters of London and New York. The depopulation plan behind Covid goes back at least to the 1970’s when Jacques Attali, still today a key adviser to the French government, said in a public interview, “Useless eaters are good for the slaughter-house.” Hence the dangerous and deadly “vaccinations.”

As for France, it is cut up and sold for profit to the USA and private interests. As for Europe, it is torn apart by the USA-NATO attack on Russia, with the vile mass-media and their commentators spewing lies against Russia, while above all the entire political class keep silent. By their proxy war in the Ukraine, killing half a million whites, the USA have achieved at least one thing – Europe’s economic power and Germany’s competition are broken – German companies are moving to America. Little do the Americans suspect how history shows that such “conquests” are signs of an empire’s imminent fall. Moreover, the West has tied its fate to that of the State of Israel which it worships, but the rest of the world is rejecting such arrogance and degeneracy, and it is not accepting what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

The complete lack of reaction in all of France’s highest institutions to such infamy of the France of Charlemagne signals the end of a world. They stand and watch, silent and docile, while France rolls into the trash-cans of history. Some hope it will last their time, others continue to sleepwalk, drunk on their own propaganda. Those in power strive to silence all opposition, while World War hangs over their heads.

Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation.

You know what we’re doing. Hundreds of you are doing it with us. We are the warrior monks of the 21st Century and beyond, even as our children lay the foundations of the future Christian civilization that will inherit the shattered remnants of the satanic empire.


Communism > Clown World

One of the most startling realizations of the 21st century has been the inescapable conclusion that communism, despite all of its atheism, murderous tendencies, economic shortcomings, and various other evils, is still much, much better for a nation than Clown World’s neoliberalism.

A map recently published by German poll aggregator Wahlkreisprognose shows that in the former East Germany Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has a clear lead in almost the entire former German Democratic Republic while the western part is overwhelmingly dominated by the conservative CDU and its Bavarian sister party CSU.

In other words, the country is sharply divided along what was once formerly West Germany and East Germany (GDR).

In the map, the Institute has colored Germany’s Bundestag constituencies according to party preference. The black color represents the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the blue color the Alternative for Germany (AfD), the red color the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), and the green color the Greens. The fainter the color, the smaller the lead of the party in the constituency, and the darker the color, the more dominant the party is.

The CDU dominates in western Germany outside the big cities, and the AfD in eastern Germany outside Berlin. The CDU and AfD are perfectly aligned with the former border between the former German Democratic Republic and the former West Germany.

This is not an argument for communism, but rather a condemnation of Clown World. North Korea is still Korean. China is still China. But the USA is no longer American, Great Britain is no longer British, the European nations are invaded and occupied by foreigners, and even the proud nations of Japan and South Korea are under direct assault.

Clown World delenda est.

By the way, the econoclowns lied about the “economic need for immigration” too. Immigration doesn’t help the economy at all. It is observably worse for an economy than losing a war and being nuked.

Mass immigration may cost Germany up to €19.2 trillion, and has already cost the country €5.8 trillion, according to a top German academic on public finances, Prof. Bernd Raffelhüschen, of the University of Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. Often referred to as the “pension pope,” Prof. Raffelhüschen’s study blows a hole in the narrative promoted by pro-migration parties and business leaders, who claim that mass immigration will save Germany’s public finances and the job market.

Several top Dutch professors recently released a study detailing how migrants have cost the Netherlands a minimum of €400 billion since 1995, and the Netherlands has accepted far fewer migrants than Germany. In Norway, researchers found that only half of migrants are employed despite the state spending €6.6 billion on workforce integration projects over the course of 10 years.