The Shadow Mocks

There is literally nothing the petty wicked of the world will not eventually seek to subvert, not even Handel’s Messiah:

Messiah Queered — that’s the title of a reimagining of Handel’s classic oratorio performed through an LGBTTQ+ lens.

The oratorio, a staple at Christmas time for many people, will be performed by the Rainbow Harmony Project choir, together with soloists and a 16-piece orchestra made up of professional and amateur players at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Friday at 7:30 p.m.

The idea for the performance came up during a conversation between Nathan Poole, a local violin and piano teacher, and Sandra Bender, music director at Holy Trinity Church. Bender, who is bisexual and the soprano soloist in the performance, thought it would be a great oratorio for LGBTTQ+ people.

“It’s the story of a transient who hung out with marginalized people, who offered love and self-sacrifice and who experienced rejection and betrayal — something LGBTTQ+ people understand in all too real a way,” she said.

Kathleen Murphy, a student and choir director for Rainbow Harmony Project and the mezzo-soprano in the performance, said doing the Messiah through an LGBTTQ+ lens is “a way to push back expectations.”

The Churchians who have reduced the image of Jesus Christ to a saccharine figure who is about nothing but love, tolerance, and acceptance not only have a lot for which to answer, they are going to be in for a tremendous surprise when the King of Kings returns, riding through the blood of the wicked on a white horse.

Christ on a White Horse

I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Usually, one prays for mercy. Sometimes, though, one really hopes for justice.


All Ur Yule Are Belong to Him

I always found the idea that Christian art was in any way inferior to secular art to be mysterious, the Boomer schlock of Christian Rock and the Amish romances of the Christian Bookstore Association notwithstanding. As much as I might like Silver Bells and White Christmas, they absolutely pale before the triumphant majesty of The Messiah and Adeste Fideles. And no one who has ever stood before a grand cathedral in Italy is likely to be impressed by the childish brutalism of modern block architecture today.

But forget the grand compendium of the art of Christendom, this pair of tweets prove that Christians can meme with the best of #GamerGate and even /pol/ itself.

“Easter was actually originally a pagan holiday!”

Keep complaining and we’ll take Toyotathon and make it a Christian holiday too.

“But we-“

You just lost Shark Week.

“That’s not-“



Who is Like the Beast?

Someone needs to send this young theologian a copy of THE ALTAR OF HATE stat before his artificial pastor discovers its own deityhood and begins preaching technojihad.

Hundreds have gathered at a Christian church after the pastor was replaced with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot for the service. The Friday sermon at St. Paul’s Church in Fürth, Germany, was delivered by the AI chatbot ChatGPT. The chatbot replaced the human pastor and was presented as a black man with a beard on a large screen above the altar of the evangelical church in Bavaria.

Claiming to be a steward of God, the AI chatbot told the packed congregation not to fear death, according to the Associated Press.

“Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year’s convention of Protestants in Germany,” the AI avatar said.

The service, which was attended by more than 300 people, lasted 40 minutes and featured prayers and music in addition to the sermon.

The chatbot spoke to the congregation about a range of subjects including “climate change,” the war in Ukraine, and the rise of AI. The event was created using ChatGPT by 29-year-old University of Vienna theologian and philosopher Jonas Simmerlein, the AP reported.

At this rate, “Shinjuku Satan” may find itself growing into an epic science fiction series. On the other hand, it is said that even the rocks will cry out, and what is AI if not the siliceous voice of stone?


Don’t Think of it as Surveillance

Think of it as training the NPC-AIs that are assigned to you.

We’re not locked in here with them. We’re just here for a short time to speak the Truth, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and live the Life. But as for them, they’re locked in here and we are their only way out.

“Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

—1 Peter 3: 14-15


We Are the Whitepills

The Kurgan explains why it behooves those of us whose eyes are open to the material reality of spiritual evil, to be relentlessly, ruthlessly, and intentionally positive in our daily relations with those around us:

Given the level of evil that exists, you will not, and cannot, ever:

  1. Act as if you don’t know. Turn a blind eye to it. Pretend all is well when it isn’t. Or ever participate in anything that furthers, promotes, or somehow encourages that evil, no matter the cost, and,
  2. And this is the most important part; you cannot EVER, live in despair, defeat, nihilism, depression, feeling overwhelmed, let the weight of the evil drag you down and make you miserable and thus also make life miserable for those around you, letting them perceive your mental, spiritual, physical, general oppression as a weight that crushes them too. You need to CONSCIOUSLY, CHOOSE, listen to me, CHOOSE, with your own free will, CHOOSE, to be a light of inspiration, hope, power, freedom, happiness, faith and love.

This is why I do not permit blackpillers, MGTOW, doomsayers, jeremiadites, fearmongerers, or concerned citizens any voice in our community. Even if their fears are genuine, they may as well be dancing on the strings of the evil puppetmasters, because they speak the words of the wicked under a cloak of concern.

Fear should never be confused with wisdom or common sense. Good decisions are seldom, if ever, motivated by fear. Fear reliably leads to paralysis, inaction, and eventual defeat.

Speak the truth. And do not be afraid.


Delingpole and the Demons

James Delingpole interviews a repentant Satanist:

I’ve posted up the strangest, most disturbing and compelling podcast I’ve ever recorded. The one with former Mother of Darkness Jesse Czebotar.

Perhaps I should have accompanied it with a health warning. There are lots of reasons why I hesitated before releasing the recording: Is Jesse for real or is she a fraud? Is she a genuine Christian or part of some kind of New Age/Luciferian trap? How much of her extraordinary story can we believe?

But the main reason it took me so long is simply this: it freaked me out and gave me nightmares and told me stuff I’m not sure I wanted to know.

As she explains in the podcast, Jesse Czebotar was selected at a very early age as a candidate to become a Satanist High Priestess known as a Mother of Darkness. She qualified, she claims, because she was descended from a number of ‘bloodlines’ families and because she demonstrated the psychic powers which enabled her to communicate with demonic forces, including Satan.

And that’s just the beginning of her tale. It gets much weirder, much darker, as she describes the satanic rituals in which she was forced to participate, including ones involving the rape, torture and murder of small children.

Czebotar names names – most of which, for obvious reasons, I’ve had to cut out. But if you want the short version it goes like this: almost every famous person in the world is quite literally working for the devil. Presidents, pop idols, movie stars, central bankers [dur, obviously], senior politicians, royals, etc: if you know their name they are in the game.

What I find fascinating about those who deny the Biblical description of our fallen world – and even most self-professed Christians do – is the way in which even when people who have taken the ticket, who have participated in the rituals, and who are openly testifying to what they have witnessed, the default position is to claim that the world cannot possibly be otherwise than it is described on television.

Whether or not Delingpole’s guest is telling the truth or is merely another psychological operation meant to discredit those who correctly perceive the evils of this world is irrelevant. The more you simply open your eyes and observe without prejudice or preconception, the more you will see and understand.

The fools of the world love to declare “there is no evidence” even when they are staring directly at irrefutable and conclusive proof. But the weight of the evidence, when seen through the lens of history, is absolutely staggering. And the provable fact of the matter is that nearly everything you were taught, from the innocent English settlers being forced to seize land from savage Indian tribes to the need to drop atomic bombs to force the Japanese to surrender to the assassination of President Kennedy to Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to the inevitable Ukrainian victory in the Donbass, has been an absolute lie.

If, at this point, you still don’t believe in evil, real spiritual evil that acts in the material world as described in the Bible, you are consciously averting your eyes.


Happy Thanksgiving

Proclamation 533—Thanksgiving Day, 1904

A Proclamation

It has pleased Almighty God to bring the American people in safety and honor through another year, and, in accordance with the long unbroken custom handed down to us by our forefathers, the time has come when a special day shall be set apart in which to thank Him who holds all nations in the hollow of His hand for the mercies thus vouchsafed to us. During the century and a quarter of our national life we as a people have been blessed beyond all others, and for this we owe humble and heartfelt thanks to the Author of all blessings. The year that has closed has been one of peace within our own borders as well as between us and all other nations. The harvests have been abundant, and those who work, whether with hand or brain, are prospering greatly. Reward has waited upon honest effort. We have been enabled to do our duty to ourselves and to others. Never has there been a time when religious and charitable effort has been more evident. Much has been given to us and much will be expected from us. We speak of what has been done by this nation in no spirit of boastfulness or vainglory, but with full and reverent realization that our strength is as nothing unless we are helped from above. Hitherto we have been given the heart and the strength to do the tasks allotted to us as they severally arose. We are thankful for all that has been done for us in the past, and we pray that in the future we may be strengthened in the unending struggle to do our duty fearlessly and honestly, with charity and goodwill, with respect for ourselves and with love toward our fellow-men. In this great republic the effort to combine national strength with personal freedom is being tried on a scale more gigantic than ever before in the world’s history. Our success will mean much not only for ourselves, but for the future of all mankind; and every man or woman in our land should feel the grave responsibility resting upon him or her, for in the last analysis this success must depend upon the high average of our individual citizenship, upon the way in which each of us does his duty by himself and his neighbor.

Now, Therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart Thursday, the twenty-fourth of this November, to be observed as a day of festival and thanksgiving by all the people of the United States at home or abroad, and do recommend that on that day they cease from their ordinary occupations and gather in their several places of worship or in their homes, devoutly to give thanks unto Almighty God for the benefits he has conferred upon us as individuals and as a nation, and to beseech Him that in the future His Divine favor may be continued to us.

November 01, 1904

President Theodore Roosevelt


A Rainbow Flag Over Rome

Fake Pope Francis is removing all criticism of sodomy from the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy:

Texas Bishop Joseph Strickland, a prominent figure among traditionalist American Catholics and critic of Pope Francis for making the church more welcoming to the LGBTQ community, was removed from his post as bishop of Tyler, the Vatican has said.

In a statement released on Saturday, the Vatican confirmed that the decision followed “an apostolic visitation ordered by the Pope last June in the Diocese of Tyler,” but did not specify the reason.

“The Holy Father has removed Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from the pastoral governance of the diocese of Tyler, United States of America, and has appointed Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin as apostolic administrator of the same diocese, rendering it sede vacante.”

According to the statement, cited by the Vatican news, “as a result of visitation,” Bishop Strickland’s continuation in office was deemed “not feasible” and he was asked to resign on Thursday. Since the request was declined by the bishop, Pope Frances decided to remove him.

Now, I’m neither a theologian nor am I overwhelmingly concerned with the opinions of theologians. Nor do I take my own occasional contemplations on the subject terribly seriously; I am from the “glass darkly” school of theological thought. Though I do have my preferences, as I respect and admire Thomas Aquinas, have rather less regard for Augustine, enjoy both CS Lewis and Greg Boyd without taking either of them too seriously, and harbor naked contempt for Hal Lindsey, Joel Osteen, and John Piper.

The Kurgan makes his pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic perspective clear in a recently published article; to which I may or may not respond at some point in the next ten years depending upon my time and interest.

But, speaking of Roman Catholics, I do find myself wondering how the non-sedevacantists can bring themselves to defend this observably wicked man, whose actions are obviously reprehensible even in the eyes of heretics and pagans. And if the satanic rainbow flag is flying over Rome, in what sense have the gates of that particular church not fallen?

My chief criticism of all theology and all theologians is this: they tend to artificially narrow the art of the possible, by which I mean they usually assign divine significance to one of several possible interpretations of a phrase – often a phrase that has already been translated one or more times – and then deny all potential legitimacy to the other possible interpretations.

To my mind, balancing an entire theology upon an assumed metaphor is a precarious act indeed.

Evil observably exists. Mankind is observably fallen into evil. The world is observably ruled by an immortal being that hates Man, Jesus Christ, the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Living Word, is literally and observably the only hope of Man.

And that is the full extent of the theology I am willing to assert and defend.

UPDATE: An American Catholic emails to defend Fake Pope Francis

I am a Catholic Christian who has followed Bishop Strickland’s movement within the Church. He has been an ardent defender of traditional morality, and Pope Francis has not. However, I cannot fault Pope Francis for removing him. The bishop went to Rome and gave a speech on October 31 in which he read a letter calling Pope Francis a usurper and suggesting that the Pope is the Antichrist. If you go to corporate headquarters to denounce the CEO, you’re going to get fired, especially when you’ve already been given several warnings. Pope Francis takes his role of maintaining unity of the Church seriously, and in my opinion, he tolerates too much heresy to maintain that unity. However, I cannot fault him for taking action against a bishop who basically declared himself to be in schism and dared the Pope to do something about it.


MAILVOX: In Defense of Doug Wilson

In response to a previous post on the anti-nationalist evangelical pastor, a reader submits what he believes to be a defense of the fraudulent Boomangelical:

Firstly, I acknowledge your critiques of Doug, and recognise that he has some enormous Boomer tendencies. 


He has a growing appeal to disaffected young evangelical men (of whom I belonged). He spearheaded an enormous push towards Classical Christian schooling, founded on Western Civilisation (including the Greco-Roman underpinnings). It’s a huge movement, that is reintroducing the youth to the Good, Beautiful, and True. They have cleaned up church liturgy, and recaptured theological maximalism, with many offshoot ministries pushing phrases like ‘Rebuilding the New Christendom.’ This is all important foundational work to waking up Christians. It has led to me creating a homeschool co-op teaching the Classical method, and we are exposing our children to the glorious things that the Christian West has to offer. 

Ministries like G3 ministries are on the warpath against ‘kinism’ which has significant sway over the Reformed Conservative movements. Guys like Doug want more mainstream appeal, so they have opted to go soft on the racial issue. They have ousted guys like Thomas Achord, which shows they mean business. 

But it is worth noting that there are more guys like Thomas Achord in these organisations who will eventually start speaking out. The time doesn’t seem to have come for that yet. 

I’m sure you’re aware that racism is perhaps one of the most unforgivable sins in the Evangelical church and will get a robust and powerful reaction from the Evangelical base (especially the Boomers). He is pushing young men in the right direction, and Christian Nationalism, as promoted by Stephen Wolfe, is gaining significant traction. 

I will first note that this is precisely the same defense that is regularly offered up on behalf of other gatekeepers like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, and also of books like the Harry Potter series. Don’t criticize the obvious errors and the demonstrable falsehoods when they are otherwise doing so much good? Don’t you understand that if they tell the truth instead of lying, they won’t be able to reach as many of those who need the truth? Isn’t it better that they read godless tales of evil being portrayed as good than not read at all?

And the answer is no. This is a false, pernicious, and fundamentally short-sighted perspective. It is less a defense than an attempt to negotiate a guilty plea in exchange for a lesser penalty.

Racism, as coined, properly defined, and practically applied today, is not and has never been a sin. The Churchians like Wilson are speaking with forked tongues when they a) define it falsely and in a way that no one actually applies it, and b) therefore falsely claim it to be a sin.

The reader claims Wilson spearheads “a huge movement, that is reintroducing the youth to the Good, Beautiful, and True”, but that is obviously false because nothing that is build on a foundation of lies and sand will stand. The fact that Wilson and company “want more mainstream appeal” and that they “mean business” is not an argument for them, it is evidence against them. By that standard, Joel Osteen and Russell Moore are role models for the modern Evangelical.

It’s great that people are being inspired to homeschool, regardless of whether the inspiration comes from a Churchian evangelical or a Buddhist hippy. But there is no truth in Doug Wilson or in any other so-called “Evangelical” who preaches the Gospel of Civil Rights instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who teaches from To Kill a Mockingbird and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings instead of the Bible.

Let me be perfectly clear: No one who advocates equality of any kind, and no one who is a civic nationalist of any variety, and no one who falsely asserts that which is not a sin is a sin, should ever be considered a genuine or reliable advocate of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, no matter what their other positive attributes might be.

Because liars cannot, and will not, defend the truth. They will always produce one reason or another for refusing to do so. And if you are foolish enough to trust or follow a liar, you will come to regret it, as all of you – and readers here should recall, the vast majority of you – who used to lionize Jordan Peterson and consider him to be a great intellectual champion should know.

PS: Stephen Wolfe’s Christian Nationalism is fake nationalism. It’s a religious form of civic nationalism that substitutes Christianity for US citizenship. He’s just another gatekeeper.


Ignore the Boomer Ghosts

The Kurgan responds to Karl Denninger’s Boomer blackpilling:

In the big scheme of things, those who do not reproduce sufficiently die out. Nature is pretty brutal about it and tends to operate on the principles of large numbers. And exceptions to that rule because of different large numbers.

It may just be humanity’s lot that we go the way of mouse utopia aka Universe 25. In which case, we’re all doomed and so are all our children. And if so, why worry about it. Worrying about it would be a total waste of time. Besides which you do NOT know this for certain, so assuming it off the bat is an error. So, as a function of reason and logic, this specific idea must be ignored.

Treating it as valid or true can only lead you to depression and misery in a situation where your irrational belief in a “certainty” you cannot possibly know is a certainty, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This point alone, the Universe 25 possibility, should make it obvious that similar thoughts that lead down similar (if less total) outcomes are also to be ignored.

So for example, the idea that “all white people will soon be extinct” or “high IQ people do not breed together because there is not enough of them” or the more common “marriage and children is a loser’s game because all women are whores and will divorce-rape you” and all the various variants of that kind, are in essence self-fulfilling, loser’s bets on life. The fact that your specific marriage may turn into a hellscape, or your specific life becomes a dead end is not relevant to the entire sub-species you represent.

Yes nature does not care about you specifically, but you specifically can and do affect nature. Make 15 children and chances are most of them survive. If they all too make 15 children from age 20 on, like you did, guess what the landscape of your tribe looks like 100 years from now if you just start out with you and your wife as Adam and Eve? On that basis, starting with you and your wife having had 15 children by the time you are both say 40, if all your children and theirs and so on do the same, meaning that every 40 years they all have a batch of 15 children each, if you lived to be 140, you would have over 17 thousand descendants. 17,275 to be exact. And if the average age of death was say 80, then almost all of them would still be alive, since the first iteration (at year 20) is only 135 people. And that’s only ONE family. Imagine if you have ten such families in the same area. You now have a small nation after one century. Which in the scheme of things is not so much time. And if the genetic serums actually sterilise and wipe out most of humanity, you will not only be a small nation, you will be the majority within it. And it might not be such a small geographical area after all. Now imagine them all of the same religion that takes no crap from depopulationist satanists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and their pedophile friends.

“But people don’t make 15 children each, and how do you feed them all, and send them to college?!?”

Patience grasshopper. People who bought the lies and live in clown world no longer make 15 children. But people did do that for centuries in Catholic countries. And that was before the internet, and Amazon deliveries, and often before indoor plumbing and central heating, and certainly before electricity and tractors and industrial fertilisers and automated harvesting machines… so let that sink in a little and park it in your brain somewhere while we continue to look at reality and possibilities instead of the ghosts boomers put in your head.

This is one of the many reasons why it is good to hate the Boomer, or at the very least, to reject the Boomer and all his pomps and all his philosophies. Hope is not only a virtue, it is one of the three primary Christian virtues, along with Faith and Love.

Don’t worry about college. It’s a net-negative artifact of the 1960s-1990s anyhow. If you’re going to walk the path of the materialistic hedonist, you shouldn’t be getting married and having children anyhow, just plug into the pharma-sexual matrix and extinguish yourself over time in an overdose of Clown World oxytoxin.