Skinsuits for satanists

There is one minor problem with the way this poll was reported: the tenet is not false:

Fifteen percent of Americans agree with the central false tenet of the QAnon conspiracy theory: that the government and other entities are controlled by Satan-worshipping pedophiles running a child sex trafficking ring, according to a new poll.
Among Republicans the survey, released Wednesday by the Public Religion Research Institute, found that 23 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that “the government, media and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.”
That number declines to 14 percent among independents and 8 percent among Democrats. 
The survey also found that 20 percent of Americans believe another central part of the conspiracy theory, that “there is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders.”
Twenty-eight percent of Republicans surveyed agreed with the statement, compared to 18 percent of independents and 14 percent of Democrats.
The poll also found that 15 percent of survey respondents said that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”

Americans have desperately tried to avoid accepting the obvious: their nation was destroyed by evil people who labored hard from 1920 to 1965 to open up the borders of the USA for precisely that purpose. But the truth is no longer deniable by anyone with even a modicum of honesty and historical awareness. The only question is what price Americans will have to pay for being foolish and stupid enough to permit the entry of history’s great nation-wreckers, and how much land they will have to sacrifice to the imported foreign hordes in order to be free again.

Fortunately, it is already clear that the century-long attempt by the Satan-worshipping pedophiles to utilize the US empire to establish their long-cherished dream of Techno-Babylon has failed. Both the Chinese and the Russians are already at war with them; the Russians expelled them and the Chinese have refused to fall for their usual blandishments.

That is why they are so desperate to thought police, muzzle, and disarm the American people, why they had to fake the 2020 election so openly, and why they are trying to start wars with both Russia and China. They have nowhere else to go. They know perfectly well that once the American people begin to understand exactly what they are and precisely whom they serve, there will be no mercy for them, no matter how much they shriek and cry about anti-satanism.

By their fruits then surely ye shall know them.

Satan does not wish to rule in secret. His proud and arrogant servitors dream of seeing the inferior masses cringing and cowering before them in submission. And that is why his schemes, sooner or later, will always come to light.

Meanwhile, the ever-retarded Boomers are still worrying about “Communists”:

In the chaotic world we live in, a catastrophic event could come from just about anywhere, but the one that I want to focus on in this article is a Communist takeover of America. Breitbart recently reported an open letter signed by over 120 retired generals and admirals warning of just that. The letter stated in part: “Our nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.”

No one who has been paying attention could doubt the reality of this threat to our country. As frequent Crisis contributor Paul Kengor demonstrates in his excellent book The Devil and Karl Marx, Communists have been slowly taking over the institutions of this nation for the last hundred years. Now, they appear ready to make a push for complete control of the country. They do not always call themselves Marxists, or Communists, or Socialists, but their goal is the same—to create a Soviet America.  

The “Socialism and Marxism vs Constitutional freedom and liberty conflict” put forth by conservatives is a false front. The real war is not about Right and Left, or Capitalist and Communist, Democrat and Republican, or Soviet and American, or Axis and Allies, or Jew and Nazi, or Republican and Nationalist, or Scientist and Priest, and it never has been. The labels don’t matter. All of these identities are just skinsuits for satanists.

The truth really isn’t that hard to grasp for those who are honest with themselves. Tolkien, for one, very well understood how the world works. Ask yourself this question: in the current US context, who are the Grima Wormtongues, over whom do they wield influence, what objectives do they seek, and whom do they serve?

Woke for thee, but not for me

After all of its incessant preaching and thought policing about diversity and equality, Google finds itself facing a class action lawsuit for discriminating against women:

A California state judge has ruled that several women, who are accusing Google of violating gender equity laws by underpaying female employees, can do so on behalf of 10,800 alleged victims of the practice. The Thursday ruling by the San Francisco Superior Court Judge Andrew Cheng, certifying a class-action status to the 2017 gender pay gap suit, was celebrated as a major victory by the plaintiffs. “This is HUGE,” Kelly Ellis, one of the women behind Ellis et al v. Google Inc. tweeted.
A lawyer representing the plaintiffs said the decision “shows that it is critical that companies prioritize paying women equitably over spending money fighting them in litigation.” The trial of the case may start as soon as 2022, the lawyer, Kelly Dermody, told Bloomberg.
The lawsuit filed on behalf of all female workers of the tech giant alleges that the Silicon Valley behemoth violated California’s Equal Pay Act by systematically giving preferential treatment to males working in similar positions. The tech giant paid women less than males for doing similar jobs and promoted fewer women at a slower pace, compared to men of a similar qualification, the claims said.

As with the champions of “free speech”, the corpocracy never practices what it preaches.

Clay Travis took the ticket

But hey, if you’re going to sell out, at least make sure you get something valuable for your soul:

For the past six years of OutKick radio, Julie Talbott, Don Martin and Scott Shapiro, the best bosses I’ve ever had, have supported me 100{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}. Not once have I ever gotten a call asking me to avoid a topic or to be careful about what I was saying on a sensitive issue. All three of them have been absolutely fantastic. My wife, whose counsel I trust more than anyone on the planet, said upon meeting Julie and Don for the first time six years ago, “These people barely know you and they already treat you better than anyone you’ve ever worked for.” She, as usual, was right.

Several months ago, Julie Talbott called me with a question: What did I think about the idea of moving to the Rush Limbaugh time slot? Note, she didn’t say, “What do you think about replacing Rush Limbaugh?”

So beginning in June, instead of hearing me daily on Fox Sports Radio nationwide, you will be hearing me from 12-3 Eastern every day, on the largest radio show network in the country. And I’ll be joined by co-host Buck Sexton, whom I believe many of you will come to love as well. This is a secret both of us have been keeping quiet for months now. We’ve even done secret mock shows with each other in addition to the daily shows we’ve been doing. Trust me on this, Buck is fantastic, and we are going to have the best daily conversations anywhere on radio. I’m 100{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} confident of this fact.

His cluelessness is actually kind of cute. 

These wonderful people treat me so well and say such nice things to me! They gave me lots of money, they never tell me what do to or say, and now they’re giving me the biggest microphone in the country!

Congratulations, Clay. Now try saying “Free Palestine” or talking about Ann Frank’s ballpoint pen on that big microphone and you’ll see their other face.

The Epstein-Gates-Microsoft coverup

It’s really remarkable to see how the essential falsehood of the history of computer technology is rapidly being revealed, as well as the role that the mainstream media continues to play in keeping it under wraps:

The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of Epstein’s ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates’s company Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself. While it is now permissible to report on ties that discredit Gates’s personal reputation, the information that could tie his relationship with Epstein and the Maxwells to Microsoft has been omitted. 

If, as the Evening Standard reported, Epstein did make millions out of his business ties with Gates prior to 2001 and if Gates’s ties to Isabel Maxwell and the Israeli espionage–linked company CommTouch were to become public knowledge, the result could easily be a scandal on a par with the PROMIS software affair. Such a disclosure could be very damaging for Microsoft and its partner the World Economic Forum, as Microsoft has become a key player in the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution initiatives that range from digital identity and vaccine passports to efforts to replace human workers with artificial intelligence. 

There are clearly powerful actors with a vested interest in keeping the Epstein-Gates narrative squarely focused on 2011 and later—not necessarily to protect Gates but more likely to protect the company itself and other top Microsoft executives who appear to have been compromised by Epstein and others in the same intelligence-linked network. 

This is hardly an isolated incident, as similar efforts have been made to cover up (or memory hole) the ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to other prominent Silicon Valley empires, such as those led by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. One key reason for this is that the Epstein network’s blackmail operation involved not only sexual blackmail but electronic forms of blackmail, something used to great effect by Robert Maxwell on behalf of Israeli intelligence as part of the PROMIS operation. Given its nature, electronic forms of blackmail through illegal surveillance or backdoored software can be used to compromise those in power with something to hide, but who were uninclined to engage in the exploitation of minors, such as those abused by Epstein.

That Isabel and Christine Maxwell were able to forge close business ties with Microsoft after having been part of the front company that played a central role in PROMIS-related espionage and after explicitly managing their subsequent companies with the admitted intention to “rebuild” their spy father’s work and legacy, strongly points to the probability of at least some Microsoft products having been compromised in some fashion, likely through alliances with Maxwell-run tech companies. The lack of mainstream media concern over the documented ties of the Epstein network to other top Microsoft executives of the past, such as Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone, and Steven Sinofsky, makes it clear that, while it may be open season on the relationship between Bill Gates and Epstein, such is not the case for Microsoft and Epstein.

The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley’s most powerful companies. Much effort has been invested in creating a public perception that these companies are strictly private entities despite their deep, long-standing ties to the intelligence agencies and militaries of the United States and Israel. The true breadth of the Epstein scandal will never be covered by mainstream media because so many news outlets are owned by these same Silicon Valley oligarchs or depend on Silicon Valley for online reader engagement. 

Almost everything you think you know about Silicon Valley and the history of technological development in the United States is clearly false. What the actual truth is, we may never know, but the official narrative isn’t so much false as a complete and utter fiction that might as plausibly contain unicorns, magic, and programmers riding dragons.

Microsoft DOS became IBM’s operating system of choice after Archmage Wilhemina Gates defeated the Red Pope Steven Jobs in an arcane duel hosted on the Xerox PARC campus….

The Gaza scorecard

The Saker pronounces his judgement of the most recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is interesting once one removes the over-the-top parentheticals. I don’t necessarily agree with his conclusions, but it is a more useful analysis than the mainstream’s “whoever kills the most civilians wins” metric:

The Israeli scorecard

The problem with Gaza now is the same that the failed invasion of Lebanon in 2006 has revealed: just like the Lebanese in 2006, the Palestinians of 2021 are not afraid of the Zionists anymore. Furthermore, with a great deal of help from Iran and others, Hamas in Gaza is now much, much better armed than in the past. True, some of its missiles are decidedly low tech and not very effective, but Hamas also has shown some pretty decent UAVs too. Most importantly, from now on for Hamas it is only one way: up the “quality ladder”.

The other major goal of the Israelis in this war was to prove to the world that their “Iron Dome” air defense network was the “super-dooper most bestest” in the world. It now appears that at best, the Israelis intercepted somewhere around 30-40{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} of the Hamas missiles. The way the Israeli hid this is by claiming that their fancy shmancy Iron Drone did not even try to engage missiles which were not deemed dangerous. But in the age of the ubiquitous smartphone, that kind of silly nonsense can easily be debunked. While the full Iron Dome air defense system probably works marginally better than the quasi-useless US Patriot, the Israeli air defenses are clearly at least a generation behind the Russian ones, including the S-300s the Russians sold to Syria.

It is crucial to remember that Hamas’ missiles are much inferior to those of the Houthis and the Syrians, and even more inferior when compared to Hezbollah or Iranian drones and missiles! In other words, the “invincible” IDF can’t deal with even its weakest, least sophisticated enemies and the grotesquely expensive Iron Done cannot protect the Zionists from any determined missile attacks by the Resistance coalition of Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia…. In other words, far from showing how “invincible” the Zionist entity is, this latest war against the Palestinians has shown beyond reasonable doubt that the IDF cannot deal with any of its enemies.

The Palestinian scorecard

Let’s start by the obvious one: the Palestinians were not defeated. This victory can be further subdivided in the following:

  • The Palestinian leadership has mostly physically survived, it still exists as a local authority. Plenty of Palestinians were murdered, but that did not affect the operational capabilities of the Palestinian forces any more than the IDF succeeded in affecting Iranian operational capabilities in Syria.
  • The Palestinian leadership has also survived politically. It was not blamed by the “Palestinian street” for starting the war, nor was it blamed for how it executed it. As for Fatah, it is now, by all accounts, lost somewhere in a political no man’s land which, admittedly, it richly deserves for its incompetence, corruption and subservience to Israel and the USA.
  • Militarily speaking, the Palestinian missile strikes were not nearly as effective than, say, Hezbollah strikes would have been, but, hey, they made huge progress and we can all rest assured that the Palestinians of Gaza will, sooner or later, catch up with the Houthis and, further down the road, maybe even Hezbollah.
  • By many accounts, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have made major political inroads into the Palestinian political scene outside Gaza. Even in spite of a truly immense hasbara effort by the Israelis, the international public opinion was blaming Israel for the orgy of violence.

I think The Saker left out one obvious point in favor of the Israelis, which is that it was the Palestinians who asked for the ceasefire, not the Israelis. But the fact that the Israelis were afraid to risk the failure of a ground invasion is probably the most significant aspect of the conflict; as Martin van Creveld has pointed out, Goliath demonstrating that he is bigger than David is not a victory condition, since everyone already knew that from the start.

The other important point is that Israel stopped its air campaign after Putin told it to stop, not in response to any of Biden’s many requests. This tends to underline the idea that it is now Russia that is the primary outside influencer in the post-ISIS Middle East, not the USA, due to the way in which the Syrian war. 

Regardless, the fact that the Palestinians didn’t lose doesn’t mean that Israel did. A failure to win a clear-cut victory is not a defeat. Sometimes a failure is just a failure.

But the conflict has also demonstrated that while the US public is still generally well-disposed toward Israel, the incessant anti-American provocations by the ADL and the anti-BDS movement, combined with a large and growing immigrant population immune to both Holocaustianity and Scofield churchianity, have noticeably weakened the strength of US support for Israel.

TECHNO-BABYLON or the religion of science

The Promethean capture of science, and the transformation of scientistry into a propaganda machine for a very old religion, may not have begun with this 1923 essay by the revered J.B.S. Haldane, entitled, DAEDELUS or Science and the Future, but it is clearly detectable in hindsight.

Ever since the time of Berkeley it has been customary for the majority of metaphysicians to proclaim the ideality of Time, of Space, or of both. But they soon made it clear that in spite of this, time would continue to wait for no man, and space to separate lovers. The only practical consequences that they generally drew was that their own ethical and political views were somehow inherent in the structure of the universe. The experimental proof or disproof of such deductions is difficult, and — if the late war may be regarded as an experimental disproof of certain of Hegel’s political tenets — costly and unsatisfactory.

Einstein, so far from deducing an new decalogue, has contented himself with deducing the consequences to space and time themselves of their ideality. These are mostly too small to be measurable, but some, such as the deflection of light but the sun’s gravitational field, are susceptible of verification, and have been verified. The majority of scientific men are now being constrained by the evidence of these experiments to adopt a very extreme form of Kantian idealism. The Kantian Ding-an-sich is an eternal four-dimensional manifold, which we perceive as space and time, but what we regard as space and what as time is more or less fortuitous.

It is perhaps interesting to speculate on the practical consequences of Einstein’s discovery. I do not doubt that he will be believed. A prophet who can give signs in the heavens is always believed. No one ever seriously questioned Newton’s theory after the return of Halley’s comet. Einstein has told us that space, time and matter are shadows of the fifth dimension, and the heavens have declared his glory. In consequence Kantian idealism will become the basal working hypothesis of the physicist and finally of all educated men, just as materialism did after Newton’s day. We may not call ourselves materialists, but we do interpret the activities of the moon, the Thames, influenza, and aeroplanes in terms of matter. Our ancestors did not, nor, in all probability, will our descendants. The materialism (whether conscious or sub-conscious does not matter very much) of the last few generations has led to various results of practical importance, such as sanitation, Marxian socialism, and the right of an accused person to give evidence on his or her own behalf. The reign of Kantian idealism as the basal working hypothesis, first of physics, and then of every-day life, will in all probability last for some centuries. At the end of that time a similar step in advance will be taken. Einstein showed that experience cannot be interpreted in terms of space and time. This was a well-known fact, but so long as space and time down not break down in their own special sphere, that of explaining the facts of motion, physicists continued to believe in them, or at any rate, what was much more important, to think in terms of them for practical purposes.

A time will however come (as I believe) when physiology will invade and destroy mathematical physics, as the latter have destroyed geometry. The basic metaphysical working hypothesis of science and practical life will then, I think, be something like Bergsonian activism. I do not for one moment suggest that this or any other metaphysical system has any claims whatever to finality.

Meanwhile we are in for a few centuries during which many practical activities will probably be conducted on a basis, not of materialism, but of Kantian idealism. How will this affect our manners, morals and politics? Frankly I do not know, though I think the effect will be as great as that of Newton’s work, which created most of the intellectual forces of the 18th century. The Condorcets, Benthams, and Marxs of the future will I think be as ruthlessly critical of the metaphysics and ethics of their times as were their predecessors, but not quite so sure of their own; they will lack a certain heaviness of touch which we may note in Utilitarianism and Socialism. They will recognise that perhaps in ethics as in physics, there are so to speak fourth and fifth dimensions that show themselves by effects which, like the perturbations of the planet Mercury, are hard to detect even in one generation, but yet perhaps in the course of ages are quite as important as the three- dimensional phenomena.

If the quantum hypothesis is generally adopted even more radical alterations in our thinking will be necessary. But I feel it premature even to suggest their direction in the present unsatisfactory state of quantum mechanics. It may be that as Poincare (the other Poincare) suggested we shall be forced to conceive of all changes as occurring in a series of clicks, and all space as consisting of discrete points. However this may be it is safe to say that a better knowledge of radiation will permit us to produce it in a more satisfactory manner than is at present possible. Almost all our present sources of light are hot bodies, 95{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} of whose radiation is invisible. To light a lamp as a source of light is about as wasteful of energy as to burn down one’s house to roast one’s pork. It is a fairly safe prophecy that in 50 years light will cost about a fiftieth of its present price, and there will be no more night in our cities. The alternation of day and night is a check on the freedom of human activity which must go the way of other spatial and temporal checks. In the long run I think that all that applied physics can do for us is abolish these checks. It enables us to possess more, travel more, and communicate more. I shall not attempt to predict in detail the future developments of transport and communication. They are only limited by the velocity of light. We are working towards a condition when any two persons on earth will be able to be completely present to one another in not more than 1/24 of a second. We shall never reach it, but that is the limit which we shall approach indefinitely.

Developments in this direction are tending to bring mankind more and more together, to render life more and more complex, artificial, and rich in possibilities — to increase indefinitely man’s powers for good and evil.

Haldan’s speech is now considered a foundation of transhumanist philosophy. 

Fundamental ideas of transhumanism were first advanced in 1923 by the British geneticist J. B. S. Haldane in his essay Daedalus: Science and the Future, which predicted that great benefits would come from the application of advanced sciences to human biology—and that every such advance would first appear to someone as blasphemy or perversion, “indecent and unnatural”. In particular, he was interested in the development of the science of eugenics, ectogenesis (creating and sustaining life in an artificial environment), and the application of genetics to improve human characteristics, such as health and intelligence. 

Science should not be confused with the religion itself, as all three aspects of science are merely the tool and the fetish of the Promethean transhumanism it serves. Needless to say, the Vaxx is the mass practical application, possibly though not necessarily the first, of transhumanist religion to humanity. Whether it will prove to be an advance for the species, an evolutionary dead end, an extinction event, or a spiritual blasphemy has yet to be determined.

But regardless, I tend to doubt that those whose evaluation of the present crisis are limited to the material, the scientodific, and the political are going to be able to comprehend much of what is happening, or what it is genuinely at stake here.

Julian Huxley wrote: Many people assert that this abandonment of the god hypothesis means the abandonment of all religion and all moral sanctions. This is simply not true. But it does mean, once our relief at jettisoning an outdated piece of ideological furniture is over, that we must construct something to take its place.

And now we are beginning to see that which has been constructed to take the place of God: Techno-Babylon. But instead of building a temple to the race of Man, they are building a temple of the race of Man. Note, in particular, the gleefully demonic way in which Haldane ends his essay with a mocking parody of G.K. Chesterton’s The Ballad of the White Horse.

The scientific worker of the future will more and more resemble the lonely figure of Daedalus as he becomes conscious of his ghastly mission, and proud of it.

Black is his robe from top to toe,

His flesh is white and warm below,

All through his silent veins flow free

Hunger and thirst and venery,

But in his eyes a still small flame

Like the first cell from which he came

Burns round and luminous, as he rides

Singing my song of deicides.

Mailvox: Vaxxmania in the military

As if the US military wasn’t facing enough challenges, now the generals want to kill off the soldiers before they even enter the battlespace with genetic mutations:

The Pfizer model is the one they want us to take. It’s what’s available at the on-station clinics which means personnel would have to go out of their way and risk personal expense to get any others.

The pressure to take the vax mostly emanates from the officers. I’ve noticed a contrast with Officers trusting this thing like it’s come down from God while NCO’s are far more skeptical. Regular soldiers even more so with the distrust. From my officer’s perspective, what they hit us in particular with is nonsense about setting the example. Rather a bastard misuse of telling junior officers to set the example. About being “the first off the helicopter” in Vietnam or “the first off the boat” at Normandy. Do I need to go at length about how absurd this is?

I read this as a worldview that’s exhausted. They’re referencing their sacred motifs and deeds to pressure people into taking a rushed production gene therapy whose long term health effects are conjecture. And that italicized portion of the text doesn’t even fully capture the awful picture of the Pfizer serum, as you and your regulars know I am sure.

Then of course there’s the hard incentives. Want to take your mask off in office meetings? Gotta take the vax. Want to avoid ‘quarantine’ when you arrive overseas (which just happens to be done at the same place they house prisoners)? Take the vax. I know people who appear intelligent who took it on that first basis of just wanting to not wear a mask. 

Next up is attitude. Don’t want to take the vax? The officers on board with this will let you know they think you’re not a team player and probably a tinfoil hatter. Right; me and the others who refuse to be tested-on are nuts. This is their perspective: Guarding the CIA’s poppy fields in Afghanistan for a whole year of one’s life is perfectly normal and a checked box on your resume, but refusing literal poison is suspicious silliness. I anticipate as the vax-refusal situation progresses the retribution will get serious. It’s only a question of severity.

All the pro-vax people I’ve spoken to about it think it’s a regular old vaccine and don’t understand why anyone would be skeptical of it. They think Corona Chan is a horseman of the apocalypse and if they get it then they will die. Barring that, they think it will kill old people and mutants with immune disorders if everybody doesn’t let a corporation with a criminal record play God with their genes. That last part is of course is out of my head, not theirs, as they don’t even know it will mess with their genetics. Which reminds me; who or whatever is producing propaganda directed at us is knowingly lying. One “TAKE THE VAX” pamphlet I glanced over had a bullet point to the effect that “some people think the Covid-19 vaccine will change their DNA.” Which is of course higher level attempt to deceive the reader, because while it’s true the serum won’t tamper with DNA, nobody ever alleged it does. It screws with your mRNA.

Fortunately, mRNA is just junk DNA that doesn’t serve any purpose, right? Trust the science. It’s totally settled.