Service may be spotty

It’s not so much that I had to spend a few hours at the hospital yesterday following a soccer practice – no worries, I’m fine – or the fact that I’m on some antibiotics as the fact that I was having a very strange, but rather aesthetically pleasing dream about driving a minitrain to a friend’s house through the snow to the strains of Celtic music that make me question the wisdom of doing a lot of posting over the next day or two.

Who wraps their Christmas presents in blue wrapping paper with red-and-green tartan ribbons lined in gold? And what was the significance of the little mouse riding on the minitrain? Why were the presents in the very large medieval fireplace instead of under the tree? And how was I controlling the speed of the train when there were only two buttons that let me switch lanes to pass the cars in the tunnels?

I did score four goals after two weeks of being shut out, though, so it’s all good. The full volley on the rebound from a teammate’s shot was particularly nice.

Dear Boomer

Dear Boomer,

No one, since the literal creation of Man, has accepted “but the Devil made me do it” as an excuse. No one forced you to reject your history, your traditions, your nation, and your ancestors. No one made you neglect your children and your grandchildren. No one forced you to go into debt and eat the seed corn.

You did those things. No one did them for you or to you. You were presented with more freedom than nearly any other generation in human history and you freely chose to be wicked. You created the “latchkey children”. You failed to pass on a functional society. You failed to pass on the knowledge that your fathers passed on to you. You planted no trees. You strip-mined the economy. You left your wives, and left your husbands, and you shattered your families, simply because no one forcibly stopped you. And if anyone tried to convince you otherwise, you dismissed them as fascists and religious freaks.

So don’t blame your parents, society, the Jews, Vietnam, the black community, the communists, Kondratiev waves, or anything else. None of your excuses matter and none of them will be accepted by anyone. The more you defend yourself, the more you will be despised by the younger generations and the generations still to come. You’re not sexy, you’re not cool, and the Beatles will be forgotten about five minutes after the last Boomer dies. Seventy is not the new twenty.

You will never be forgiven because you will never repent of your wickedness. So, eat, drink, and be merry today, for the Day of the Pillow is coming.

Ok, Boomer?

UPDATE: Milo wrote a succinct but favorable review.

It’s been nearly a year since a man made me this hard.

Controlling the nukes

So, apparently the Unidentified are reported to be turning off US nukes while turning on the nukes of other countries.

That is one of the concerns we have from a national security perspective, that there does seem to be some sort of congruency or some sort of intersection between these UAP or UFO sightings and our nuclear technology with nuclear propulsion, nuclear power generation, or nuclear weapons systems. Furthermore, those same observations have been seen overseas in other countries. They too have had the same incidents. So that tells us this is a global issue.

Now in this country we’ve had incidents where these UAPs have interfered and actually brought offline our nuclear capabilities. And I think to some they would probably say, well, that’s a sign that whatever this is, is something that is peaceful. But in the same context, we also have data suggesting that in other countries these things have interfered with their nuclear technology and actually turned them on, put them online. So that is equally, for me, just as concerning. I think that there is certainly at this point enough data to demonstrate there is an interest in our nuclear technology, a potential to even interfere with that nuclear technology. And when you look at all these naval ships out there–let’s take the Nimitz battle carrier fleet for example–in some cases you’re talking about a nuclear footprint probably bigger than most cities. You have a nuclear-powered carrier with aircraft on board that–and then you have nuclear-powered destroyers. You have nuclear-powered submarines, some of those with nuclear weapons on board, or nuclear–certainly nuclear capabilities. I’ll just say that. So, I think–I think, yeah, it shouldn’t be a surprise that maybe there is an increased interest in our capabilities as it relates to our nuclear technology. And the Navy is certainly not immune to that.

Of course, if this all turns out to be yet another – and that’s why we have to have a single global government – we’ll know it’s just the latest Satanic deception. Which is precisely what I assume it is, but let’s try to have an open mind for the time being.

And turning off weapons systems should never be confused with peaceful intentions.

When advertising fails

Apparently the relentless television ads in Britain have failed to win over the non-attention whore part of the population:

WHEN 21-year-old Madison Sarah uploaded a new lifestyle vlog to YouTube from her bedroom in Manchester, she was hoping for comments about how pretty she looked.

Instead she was branded “a disgusting f**king w***e” and threatened.

Her crime? Dating musician boyfriend Paddy, who is black.

And she’s not the only British woman to face such vile trolling.

In fact a Sun Online investigation has found an alarming rise in racist abuse, aimed at relationships between white women and black men.

These disgusting trolls have dubbed themselves the coal patrol because they are trying to stamp out “coal burners” – their name for white women who date black men.

This is just one example of the price of buying into the media lies. These young women think they’ll be praised and rewarded for their behavior, and instead find themselves being criticized and rejected, because the media presents a very false image of public opinion. And that’s before the real toll of coal-burning is exacted.

It’s telling that none of the women’s groups that are supposedly so concerned about domestic violence ever address the fact that a coal-burner is far more likely to be beaten or murdered by her boyfriend than the average white woman or the average black woman. She’s also more likely to be abandoned if she has a mixed-race child than a black woman with a black child is, despite the high percentage of black single mothers. So, it’s not just conservatives, even women’s groups would rather permit young women to be beaten to death than be accused of racism.

Ironically, it’s only the “disgusting trolls” who are doing anything to prevent these stupid young women from blindly putting themselves into danger.

Despite obsessive media focus on blacks, in the USA more than twice as many mixed-race children are being born to White/Asian combinations than White/Black combinations. Which just goes to show, the primary purpose of the media is to misinform. Global populations being what they are, the US is more likely to become West China than North Africa, which may account for the Asian exclusion laws that preceded the nation’s demographic suicide-by-Congress in 1965.

Wednesday PM Arktoons

MIDNIGHT’S WAR Episode 7: Vampire War

THE HAMMER OF FREEDOM Episode 8: Leave Him to Us
The panel below is a good example of the massive level of detail available on Arktoons standard resolution, which provides 81 percent more graphic detail than Webtoons or Tapas. Although it’s interesting to note that Webtoons has recently introduced a new 1080-wide cover element, which tends to indicate that they are paying attention to the way in which Arkhaven is changing the digital comics game.
And we’re just getting started. There is a lot of new content and new features that will be coming over time. Join the fun as a subscriber.


Another good reason to read the Junior Classics. It’s hard to have much sympathy for the vaxxed who drop dead, especially when they have openly mocked those who refuse to follow their literally self-destructive example:

A 57-year-old husband, father and grandfather is dead, in what is fast becoming a trend of death after social media virtue signaling.

Mr. Ronald Babb, Sr. and his wife Rose, received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on April 12, according to his Facebook page. They received the shot at a Walmart on Genessee Street in Camilius, New York, about 14 miles west of Syracuse. Mr. Babb posted he and his wife’s “vaccine cards” on Facebook with a caption saying they are now waiting to “turn into robots.”

Mr. Babb died seven days after the shot, Monday April 19.

I’m wondering how long it will take before the media begins claiming radical white supremacist anti-vaccine extremists are sneaking around and murdering people who are known to have been vaccinated in order to make their anti-vaxx conspiracy theories more convincing. 

You wouldn’t think it would be possible, but remember, we’re dealing with a retarded segment of the public here who not only think that experimental genetic therapies are safe and tested vaccines, but genuinely believe the Boogaloo Boys are responsible for making BLM look bad.

Meanwhile, actual medical workers are choosing to risk their careers rather than risk their lives:

Nearly 200 staff members at a Houston-area hospital were suspended for not following a policy that requires employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Their suspensions followed a protest by dozens of workers Monday night against the policy.

The hospital, Houston Methodist, had told employees that they had to be vaccinated by Monday or face suspension. Last month, 117 Houston Methodist employees filed a lawsuit against their employer over the vaccine policy.

The Alpha weakness

The Alpha always thinks everything is about him. This is why Alphas are so easily manipulated by those who are not loyal to him or who have agendas requiring his neutralization.

Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their President. More COUNTRIES should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech – all voices should be heard. In the meantime, competitors will emerge and take hold. Who are they to dictate good and evil if they themselves are evil? Perhaps I should have done it while I was President. But Zuckerberg kept calling me and coming to the White House for dinner telling me how great I was.

The level of obtuseness revealed here borders on the embarrassing, but it is all-too-typical of the average Alpha. Who cares what the social media companies are actually doing, who cares about the strategic disadvantage in which you are being placed, who cares that your own followers are being silenced and economically ruined, what’s really important is that the heads of the social media companies are ritually genuflecting and paying you your rightful due as the top of the social hierarchy. That’s what really matters, right?

The one thing the Alpha truly cares about beyond everything else is recognition of his status. That’s why they’re always beating their chests and casting about for any possible challengers. So long as you publicly kiss the Alpha’s ring, you can get away with just about anything you want without inspiring his opposition.

This is another area where being confused with an Alpha is advantageous to the Sigma. Whereas the Alpha is naturally inclined to preen and forgive all sorts of shenanigans so long as sufficient smoke is being blown up his backside, the Sigma is suspicious of anyone who pays him compliments, particularly those he knows to be less than entirely merited.

Wednesday AM Arktoons

DEUS VULT Episode 7: Schemes of the Devil

ALT★HERO Episode 7: One Falls, Another Rises
I’m pleased to announce that we’ve got several new series underway, including one set in Selenoth that is being created in a new style that we’re calling an “illustrated episode”, which I suspect may turn out to be an extremely popular series format. But the new series that everyone is most anticipating is almost certainly DAY OF THE PILLOW, which will be a four-panel comic illustrated by Lacey Fairchild and set in the world of HYPERGAMOUSE.
A review from SG:

I like the latest episode of #AltHero. Was thinking its another cartoon comic where punches fly, and that’s that. But here, punches actually have weight & consequences.

One of the foundations that distinguished ALT★HERO from the start is non-continuity. We’re not interested in writing stories where Batman catches the Joker again, only to let him go and commit more murder and mayhem in order to convince himself that he is the superior individual.