Hush now

An ode to the inevitable, inescapable Day of the Pillow.

There are Boomers within, there are Boomers without

We’re silencing a wicked generation

There’s a shape on the bed, I see pillows ahead

As they’re booming right up to the day

The pillows descend

Hush now, hush now, don’t breathe it’s over

Hush now, hush now, the pillows come

They come, they come, to put a world between us

We know silence wins

Now I don’t have a job, just a degree and a name

Dispossession is causing me suspicion that you’re to blame

From the young ones today, tales of anger and rage

But you prefer believing the Fox News page

Hush now, hush now, don’t breathe it’s over

Hush now, hush now, the pillows come

They come, they come, to put a world between us

We know silence wins

Now I’m walking in time to the beat of your heart

And I’m counting the steps to the door of your room

Only shadows attend, as the pillows descend

Get to know the feeling of liberation and release

Hush now, hush now, don’t breathe now Boomer

Hush now, hush now, the pillows come

They come, they come, to put a world between us

We know silence wins

Vibrants vibe and Boomers boom

Arizona tries to simultaneously play the “I love the hate” card while simultaneously claiming that all the younger generations are going to die too. Not a convincing look. 2 of 5 Pillows.

Vox Popoli has done so much for the local pop corn industry I think they owe you at least a Christmas card or a thank you note. Day was interesting in his college days but that was then and now is now and what was once interesting has become fetishistic and curmudgeonly in the current iteration. And that’s where to pop corn comes in when I pass by here a little snack goes well with the unintended entertainment.

And BTW, While you’re so happily anticipate our coming pillorying anticipate your own because from this old boomers point of view the world at large has a date with a historic event that’s going to leave multitudes dead. Perhaps billions as other soi disant elites massage their fetishes that will consume the masses without regard to Race Religion or political affiliation. Now enjoy the show kiddies.

Rumpole, on the other hand, pretends that while he was previously down with the substantive criticism, it’s merely being told to shut up that really gets his generational goat: 1 of 5 Pillows.

Re: “Shut up, Boomer” Many earlier posts on the suject consisted of fact based criticism. Much of it was entirely valid. The Woodstock and Villages ones were really priceless, and likewise, many of the fact based comments were great (at least when the facts were correct). Having been spoiled by this and the other hearty fare, served up by a master, it is disappointing to see bare, insipid, ad hominem pap. 

Jim appears to be on the verge of awareness. It will be interesting to see if he ever ponders the reason the younger generations see no point in asking Boomers for help and advice:

There is a lot of old school knowledge that is being lost as boomers die off and retire. I have seen this in a engineering lab I worked in. The trend is to rely on computer models to rush products into production. Recall rates have been high on New products that the old guard would not allow to go to market. I spent 35 years in that engineering center (ag and construction components) I can tell you how the younger generations hate the boomers and will not seek them out for help or advice. 

Marky Mark indulges in the great Boomer pasttime. “Nothing that we did is our fault! It’s our PARENTS’ fault. Or maybe our grandparents’. But definitely not ours! Also, we changed the world!” 3 of 5 Pillows.

This gets tiring, as it wasn’t just the Boomers who put us in the pickle we’re in; there are plenty from earlier generations who got us here. Exhibit One is the Hart-Cellar Act, which was passed by those who preceeded the Boomers by decades. Exhibit Two is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Were the Boomers’ parents even alive back then?

As for Nelson Mandela, he mostly arose to prominence back when we had the Big Three TV networks; if they didn’t speak about something, it didn’t happen. He was practically canonized as a SAINT, for goodness sake! Since the Big Three canonized him, the viewers believed Walter Cronkite and company.

If the last year has taught us nothing else, it’s that the media are still very powerful. We may not like to think that, given the distrust for the media; we don’t like to think that, because we also know what’s going on. The proof of their power is how almost everyone masked up during the COVID scamdemic. That’s with a viable alternative media; that’s with huge DISTRUST of the MSM! Can you imagine how powerful the media were back in the days when there were only the Big Three TV networks? 

But Ghostsniper offers us some classic Peak Boomer: He’s got two things. He’s got grit, bootstraps, and his generation. He’s got three things. He’s got grit, bootstraps, his generation, and The Beatles. And you’re all just jealous of that. 4 of 5 Pillows.

“Shut up, Boomer”


Has anything more pussified ever been written?

And written by a person only a few years shy of boomerhood himself.

The most pathetic part is all the other pussy trolls who are easily led by this childish screed.

A few decent posts and then, bam, another rant composed by a schoolgurl.

Just like predictable clockwork.

What is it, simple envy/jealousy?

Or something more manic like bipolar disorder created by a trashed out childhood that lasted well into adulthood?

Dood, get a clue, even if you have to buy it. srsly 

I wonder, what part of “Shut up, Boomer” is so hard for these Boomers to understand? We accuse them of being totally unable to stop talking about themselves, and they deny the accusation by conclusively proving it. But we genuinely aren’t interested in their opinions. We aren’t interested in what they think, say, or believe. We’ve all had to listen to their interminable self-obsessed soliloquies for literally all of our lives, and we’re not listening anymore.

Now it’s our turn. We’ll do the talking and we’re going to relentlessly mock them and pile contempt upon them until The Day of the Pillow arrives and the Boomers finally, blessedly, fall silent once and forevermore.

Repent, Boomer. The sands of your hourglass are running out.

Asians are “invasive”

It’s official. It is now racist to refer to Asian people as “Asian”. People whose heritage stems from what used to be known as “the Orient” or “Asia” should henceforth be referred to as “Invasive”:

Finally, after years of oppression, Asian carp can finally breath a sigh of relief. Following the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s lead, The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee announced that they will now refer to Asian carp as “invasive carp”. 

Amongst those pushing for the name to be changed was Minnesota state senator Foung Hawj who considered “Asian carp” to be offensive, or even racist. ABC7 News reported that Hawj received applause at an Asian-American conference when it was announced that the fish would be gifted a new name: “It’s a nuisance, a small thing, but it can resonate greatly,” Hawj said.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was the first to designate the species “invasive carp”, doing so in April. The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee are expected to make the name change official in early August.

Please be careful to use this totally inclusive and not-offensive language in the future. 

Thursday PM Arktoons

A THRONE OF BONES Episode 12: To Hell and Beyond


The latest CDP: Adventure brings back the once-famed, now-cancelled Charlie Chan! Arkhaven is also extremely pleased to announce that the notorious Stonetoss is now joining Arktoons and his editorial cartoons will be appearing there twice a week, beginning next week.

Shut up, Boomer

 for fucks sake, stop with all the boomer shit.

Certainly, just as soon as the last Boomer either repents or dies. If you don’t like it, go away and watch Fox News or play pickleball or buy another condo or do whatever it is you Boomers do as you await your own personal Day of the Pillow.

This is a waste of an able mind, and irrelevant.

It is neither. The best way to convince the younger generations that they should not follow your generation’s wicked example is to pour unrelenting scorn and contempt on you. No one wants to be like you. No one wants to be remembered the way you will be remembered. Your very identity has already become an offensive term, like “gay” or “Negro”. It’s a beautiful thing.

And it’s amusing that the Boomers think it takes any effort at all to make a conclusively damning case against them. Every day, in every way, they are condemned by the state of the world they sought to create. Just to give one example, all of that ridiculous Mandela worship and bragging about ending apartheid in South Africa isn’t exactly aging well.

Collapse 2040

It appears I’m far from the only one who has been expecting the neo-liberal world order to collapse for a long time:

In 1972, a team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology predicted that humanity’s pursuit of economic growth without regard for environmental and society costs would lead to society collapsing by the mid 21st century – a new study finds this may become a reality.

Gaya Herrington, Sustainability and Dynamic System Analysis Lead at KPMG, undertook the task of proving or disproving MIT’s claims and used a world simulation model that analyzed how our world has progressed from 1972.

Herrington looked at 10 key variables, such as population, industrial output and persistent pollution, and determined our business-as-usual mentality will spark a decline of economic growth within the next decade. 

However, the data revealed an even bleaker future – our world could experience a total societal collapse by 2040.

A total societal collapse would mean an abrupt decline in quality of life, food production, industrial output and ultimately the human population. 

The primary factor these scarcity projectionists have failed to take into account is the rapidly declining quality of the human population. While technology has repeatedly rendered pessimistic projections incorrect, the declining average IQ and performance capabilities of the Western nations combined with the relative expanse of the low-performance populations vs the high-performance populations has now reached the point that one can’t count on many more technology rabbits being pulled out of hats.

I still see no reason to modify my prediction that the USA will break apart in the 2033 timeframe; certainly that could provide the impetus for the subsequent collapse of the neo-liberal world order. 

That will be non!

The French refuse to accept the imposition of vaccine passports and discrimination against the non-genetically modified:

Police fired tear gas at demonstrators who threw rocks and bottles, set construction equipment on fire in Paris, and picketed state buildings across France, in response to President Emmanuel Macron’s vaccine and health pass moves.

Mass protests all over the country took place on Bastille Day, the anniversary of the 1789 storming of the notorious Paris dungeon that kicked off the French revolution. In Paris, police fired tear gas to suppress the demonstrators.

Social media posts about the protests included the hashtags #PassSanitaire and #VaccinObligatoire, referring to Monday’s announcement by Macron that healthcare workers will have to get vaccinated against Covid-19 by September 15, or face losing their jobs. 

Moreover, a “health pass” to be introduced in August will limit entry to bars, restaurants, cafes and shopping centers in favor of those who’ve either tested negative, are fully vaccinated, or recently recovered from the virus. Macron had previously promised there would be no vaccine mandate or health passports. 

These protests that erupted all around the country have been big and intense, so it’s intriguing to see how the mainstream English press has been attempting to downpedal them, since they so egregiously violate the narrative of “everyone else has been vaccinated” that is being pushed now.

The trends aren’t all bad

 A Federal court overturns a gun ban dating back to 1968:

A US appeals court has ruled against a longstanding federal restriction that prohibits sales of handguns to adults younger than 21, finding that the age-based ban is unconstitutional.

“We refuse to relegate either the Second Amendment or 18- to 20-year-olds to a second-class status,” Judge Julius Richardson wrote in Tuesday’s ruling by the Fourth US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.

The 2-1 decision by a three-judge panel found that Congress failed to show sufficient public interest to justify precluding 18- to 20-year-olds from enjoying their full Second Amendment rights when it passed the law in question in 1968. Congress used “disproportionate” crime rates to craft the legislation, restricting the rights of “overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens,” and it failed to show that licensed dealers were the source of guns used by young adults to commit crimes, the court ruled.

There is still a long way to go. And it doesn’t help that the globalist governments of the West are trying to force discrimination against anyone smart enough to avoid injecting the spike proteins. But there are silver linings among the growing clouds.

No one said it would be easy. In fact, they repeatedly warned you that it wouldn’t be.