O Jerusalem

Once again, the God-Emperor delivers where his predecessors, both Republican and Democrat, were nothing but talk:

In a momentous shift of United States foreign policy in the Middle East, President Donald Trump is set to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on Wednesday and initiate the process of relocating the U.S. embassy to the city from Tel Aviv, according to senior administration officials. The president is expected to officially announce the policy changes in remarks at the White House at 1pm on Wednesday.

That’s great news. Jerusalem is the capital of the nation of Israel and pretending otherwise is absurd and insulting. Those who are always saying “next year in Jerusalem” no longer have any excuse for not putting their feet where their mouths are.

Now let’s see the God-Emperor keep his word in two areas of considerably more import to Americans, namely, BUILDING THE WALL and DRAINING THE SWAMP.

Only a DAY of gratitude?

Steve Sailer reveals his hateful anti-semitic hatefulness as he proposes but ONE measly day to celebrate Jewish immigration and thank these valuable contributors to America for their efforts in making America more deeply and truly American:

Reading the columns of David Brooks, Bret “I have always thought of the United States as a country that belongs first to its newcomers” Stephens, and Roger Cohen, I now realize we should have a national holiday celebrating the immigration of their ancestors to the United States.

This National Day of Adulation and Gratitude for Jewish Immigration might be the only hope of keeping them from trying so hard to convert every other American national holiday into an occasion for their own ethnocentric ancestor worship.

Worse, instead of frankly admitting that they really, really like their own kind, the Brookses, Stephens, and Cohens feel compelled to concoct elaborate globalist theories about why every single American national holiday is a mandate for letting in not just their forefathers, but every scimitar-waving Muslim on earth.

If Steve didn’t hate and envy Jews, he would have proposed at least a week of celebration, although perhaps repurposing the 40 Days of Lent would be more appropriately demonstrate the boundless debt of gratitude every American no doubt feels to these true blue Americans who are exactly like every other American except for having arrived later and being more special.

Foreign corruption

Imagine how much worse this sort of thing is likely to be in the USA:

Priti Patel is facing the sack today after Theresa May ordered her to cancel an Africa tour and return to the UK. The Aid Secretary’s fate appears to be sealed after two further secret meetings with Israeli officials emerged on top of the 12 that had already been revealed. The latest developments appear to have hardened the mood in Downing Street, where there had already been fury at Miss Patel’s ‘freelancing’.

No10 sources said the minister had been told to return to the UK from Nairobi for a showdown, cancelling plans for her to fly to Uganda with Trade Secretary Liam Fox. The row over Miss Patel’s extraordinary breach of government protocol while on a ‘family holiday’ to Israel surfaced last week, but erupted again on Monday when she admitted there were more undeclared meetings, including with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mrs May demanded an apology from Miss Patel and formally reprimanded her, hoping that would draw a line under the furore. However, it has now been revealed that she held two further unauthorised meetings with senior Israeli political figures which were not attended by UK Government officials. Miss Patel narrowly avoided the sack following the initial wave of revelations after the PM decided she could not risk destabilising the Government further after Sir Michael Fallon quit over sexual harassment claims last week. But Downing Street’s stance changed yesterday after it emerged that Miss Patel had tried to divert some of Britain’s aid budget to humanitarian work by the Israeli army in the disputed Golan Heights.

I wonder what would happen if the special counsel were to investigate Israeli interference with the US government with the same energy he has shown in the futile RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA probe.

I understand that Israel is in a geographically precarious position and is always looking for ways to improve the odds of its survival, but this sort of thing is absolutely the wrong way to go about strengthening one’s alliances and pretty much guarantees a backlash that could be worse than any potential benefit gained.

UPDATE: This affair may take down May as well as Patel now. Total incompetence on the part of the Prime Minister, who should have fired Patel immediately.

Number 10 instructed Development Secretary Priti Patel not to include her meeting with the Israel foreign ministry official Yuval Rotem in New York on 18 September in her list of undisclosed meetings with Israelis which was published on Monday, the JC has learned.

Ms Patel listed 12 meetings in the statement, and the emergence of two more last night is thought to have made her sacking imminent.

But the JC understands, from two different sources, that Ms Patel did disclose the meeting with Mr Rotem but was told by Number 10 not to include it as it would embarrass the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

It would be ironic as well as unfortunate if this diplomatic debacle helped Jeremy Corbyn, the avowedly anti-Zionist Labour leader, come to power.

A poem, updated

There’s a miserable family called Stein:
There’s Gert and there’s Ep and there’s Wein.
Gert’s poems are noise,
Ep sold little boys,
And Hollywood was raped by Wein.

It’s rather remarkable to see how some Judeo-Christians will twist and contort themselves to try to somehow a) condemn pedophilia and child molestation while b) avoiding any condemnation of the teachings of their rabbis or the rabbis themselves.

Consider this recent Twitter exchange:

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Hollywood values are Jewish values. There are no “Judeo-Christian” values. Ask any rabbi.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
Why imply that Hollywood degeneracy is a Jewish value?

Mr. Smith‏ @ClazyAsylum
Is this the Jewish version of “Islam is a religion of peace”?

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
Judaism is not degenerate

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
The entire history of the Jews in the USA proves that to be a false statement. Do you accept Christian morality as the metric?

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
I agree that most Jews are degenerate. I disagree that Judaism is degenerate. Most Jews don’t follow Judaism.

Mr. Smith‏ @ClazyAsylum
Following Judaism wouldn’t be degenerate at all. Oh, wait… (Warning: picture of rabbi performing metzitzah b’peh.)

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
What does the rampant pedophilia in the church tell us about Christians?

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
That Vatican II was an abomination, it is a mistake to permit homosexuals in the Church, and Christians should be guided by the Bible.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
I have not seen you condemn pedophila in the church in this exchange. Tell us more about your Christian values.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Weak, degenerate. All pedophile clergy in the Church should be excommunicated, then executed. Do you support the same for those rabbis?

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
Why can you disavow degeneracy on behalf of Christians but I can’t disavow degeneracy on behalf of Jews?

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
You can. But you are not disavowing the teachings or the authorities that EXPRESSLY PERMIT that degenerate behavior.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
Show me a degenerate teaching and I will condemn it and the claimed authority that teaches it.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Do you condemn and disavow Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai? At what age does the Talmud say “the sexual matureness of woman is reached”?

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
I’m not a fan of Shimon bar Yohai, since he had a low opinion of common folks.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
That is not a disavowal. Do it unambiguously. Don’t play word games. Condemn him and disavow him as an evil man teaching evil laws.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
I’m not sure what you hate about bar yohai so much, but I condemn all rape, pedophilia and degeneracy, and any who condone it

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
You are not fooling anyone, liar. You know Simeon ben Yohai’s teachings and yet you will not condemn or disavow him. Why not?

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
As far as I know he did not condone pedophilia, but if he did I condemn and disavow. How can I be clearer?

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
As for the Talmud, there is a difference between when a woman is a woman and when one is allowed to marry her.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
Talmud does not permit rape, pedophilia or child marriage.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
It does however hold that if a young child is molested/raped in violation of the law she remains a virgin for legal/marriage purposes

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
So degenerate, protecting the innocent.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
No, it is to protect the ASSAILANT. The innocent cannot throw guilt on him. You are literally defending pedophiles now, degenerate.

((( ?)))‏ @usershem
Just because a raped child is legally considered a virgin doesn’t mean the rapist is not punished. You are the one contorting.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Either condemn Simeon ben Yohai as an evil man teaching evil practices and disavow him or stand revealed as a degenerate pedo-defender.

Needless to say, he continued to equivocate and feign ignorance until I finally blocked him for wormtonguery. Now, don’t take my word for any of this. Look up the rabbi’s teachings on sex, marriage, and children, then decide for yourself. But do notice that usershem NEVER ANSWERED the questions that would have nailed down his position, whether it was a Christian metric for morality or the age of female sexual maturity. His behavior was even intellectually shadier than it looks here, because on another tangent he defended the degenerate practice of metzitzah b’peh as abuse, but not molestation, because he somehow magically knows the pure intentions of every rabbi who ever put mouth to underage genitals.

Also notice the way his attempt to deflect moral degeneracy onto the Christian Church was abandoned as soon as he realized that I was not going to defend the degenerates there, but was perfectly happy to condemn them, disavow them, and see them punished. The contrast between my reaction and his on the subject could not be more clear.

This is the Judeo-Christianity that our conservative friends hail so warmly. This is the Judeo-Christian values that many conservatives claim to be the basis for America’s founding. This is the intellectual spirit of Judeo-Christ. It is devoted to the exact opposite of the truth as it is designed to conceal, obfuscate, distract, and mislead.

I did find it a little ironic to see how willing this usershem was to throw literally “most Jews” under the degenerate bus in order to try to break the observable link between the religious teachings and the infamous Hollywood/Media/Wall Street degeneracy. There are plenty of decent Jews who abide by the Christian standards of morality as well as any Christian, and indeed, there are more than a few Christians who happen to be of Jewish descent. They would not hesitate to condemn evil teachings or evil men.

But it should be obvious that “Judeo-Christianity” is not Christianity and that “Judeo-Christian values” are not Christian values and neither reflect nor respect Christian morality.

Now, I understand that the urge to defend one’s identity is a natural, powerful, and instinctive one. But should you ever find yourself tempted to defend the ongoing commission of unmitigated evil targeting innocent children on the grounds of tradition, fear, or good intentions, you should seriously consider the source of that temptation. There simply is no defending this sort of thing, or pretending that there is no possible connection between the medieval teachings and the actions today.

UPDATE: Larry David does his best to get out in front of the growing Hollywood Values scandal.

He’s just tikkuning the olam

Harvey Weinstein isn’t a serial rapist and sex predator, he’s merely healing the world:

Harvey Weinstein believes he is a savior who was born to be accused of sex assault in order to ‘change the world’, it is reported. Sources close to the shamed producer said he has resigned himself to being punished over the allegations ‘as a martyr for social change’.

The bizarre claim emerged after more than 80 women accused Weinstein of sexual harassment, assault and rape dating back to the 1970s. Sources told the site: ‘Harvey believes he is a savior, that he was born to take the fall for his behavior in order to “change the world.”‘

Oh, that’s a new one. I figure it will take about two or three more Hollywood Jews being busted for their predatory behavior before we start hearing about how it’s another Holocaust if sex criminals are held accountable for their crimes.

Globalism is bad for all nations

Including the Jewish nation, as Moshe Feiglin, the leader of Zehut, points out:

Radical Left MK Merav Michaeli, who stated last week that the core family “is one of the things that we need to start breaking apart” did not actually say anything we did not know. All she did was to directly say what she and the entire politically correct dictatorship that rules Western and Israeli consciousness say all the time – just in a more sophisticated manner.

Although their values represent a minority, these forces rule Israeli consciousness by means of all the unelected power hubs in the country: academia, the media, the justice system, the welfare systems, government bureaucracy and the defense system.

Until now, these forces were smart enough to blur their statements and outsmart the public. Instead of saying that the family is bad, they would say: “Everything constitutes a family” (in which case nothing constitutes a family).

Instead of saying that it is bad to have children, they would say that we must safeguard them. (In other words, detach them from their parents).

Michaeli simply said these things directly. “The core family is the most dangerous place for children… and it must be broken apart”. Yes, she really said it.

(The claim that the core family is the most dangerous place for children is ridiculous blather. But who is checking? Children are attacked wherever they are. If they are in dormitories or any other situation outside their family, they are attacked even more. Michaeli could just as soon have claimed that breathing air is most dangerous to society. After all, 100{7a570d310fd04ee61246b4469264ca1004967a98be813fe63aaa5d2057987204} of the deceased lived and died in an oxygenated environment…)

Michaeli has removed the mask and has allowed the tip of this giant, lethal iceberg to peek out from the depths. By doing so, she has performed an important service for Israeli society.

When somebody tries to speak the simple truth, he is immediately denounced by the politically correct octopus. This means that if you are a consumer of the general media and rely on it to gain a sense of what is legitimate and what is not, what is good and what is bad, what is light and what is darkness – then you are forced to adopt these mad positions. Nobody will dare to take the media to task and tell you the truth.

Take for example Minister of Labor, Chaim Katz. The Knesset, including the Minister, decided that children will be adopted by normative families only. Makes sense, right? But the consciousness octopus immediately recruited all its heavy hitters and wonder of wonders – in just a short time Minister Katz announced that the law would be changed and the State would no longer give children for adoption to normative couples only, but would include same-sex couples, as well.

It is important to understand – these children will not be thrown into the streets. Thank G-d, the demand for children for adoption in Israel is much greater than the supply. The question here is the welfare of the child. You do not have to be a genius to understand that a child needs both a father and a mother. But the child does not really interest the octopus. What really interests the octopus is to dissolve the institution of family. That is why it is so important to it is to keep drilling into our heads that anything can be defined as a family, making nothing a family. Mission accomplished. No more family, no more society, no more nation. We have successfully destroyed the old world down to its foundation.

“What is good for the Jews” is not an appropriate objective for Americans or Europeans. They are not part of the American nation or any of the European nations, they are the Jewish nation, a people in their own right. But what is good for ALL nations is good for Jews and Americans and everyone else alike and what is bad for all nations is bad for Europeans and Asians and everyone else; nationalism is the only secular force strong enough to conquer globalism and it is in the interest of all nationalists to support the existence and objectives of all non-imperialist nationalisms.

This observation is somehow beyond the understanding of some nationalists of various types, who foolishly think that they are going to be the first nation to ever successfully oppose the entire world on their own, without any friends or allies. But it is nevertheless what both logic and history dictate.

The octopus seeks to strangle us all. Only through collective commitment to our division can we expect to withstand it.

Back to the Jungle?

I think perhaps the Littlest Chickenhawk is taking this whole Israel First thing a little too far. Kind of racist too, isn’t it?

But at least he’s willing to stand up for his right not to fight for his country.

“Better early than late”

First France, now Spain.

Barcelona’s chief rabbi has urged Jews to move to Israel after warning that Europe has been ‘lost’ because of the threat from radical Islam…. In an interview with Jewish news agency JTA, he said: ‘I tell my congregants: Don’t think we’re here for good, and I encourage them to buy property in Israel. This place is lost. Don’t repeat the mistake of Algerian Jews, of Venezuelan Jews. Better early than late. Europe is lost.’

That’s good advice, and it is entirely in line with what Israel’s Prime Minister recommends. And although there are those who really don’t like to hear it, it is absolutely pro-semitic advice that applies to the rest of the Diasporans around the world as well.
There are three things worthy of note here. First, this makes it abundantly clear that the Jews of France and Spain do not regard themselves as French nor Spanish in the end. They will not fight for their countries of residence when they have a homeland to which they can safely retreat. Which, of course, is perfectly understandable. But no such option exists for the actual French and Spanish peoples; my money is on the Spaniards, who bravely reclaimed their land and restored their nation after centuries of Islamic occupation.
The second thing is the observation smart people can genuinely see these things coming, sometimes more than a decade in advance. I was always impressed by the way Ludwig von Mises left Austria in 1934, several years before the Anschluss and five years before WWII actually began, simply due to his ability to read the tea leaves correctly.
The third thing is that Europe is not lost. Neither is America. Remember, nothing worth fighting for is lost until the very last man willing to fight for it surrenders or dies. The West is not simply going to lay down and die.
Never forget. All we need is twelve.

IQ, exaggeration, and overrepresentation

Sargon‏ @Sargon_of_Akkad
Has the alt right come to terms with the fact the Jews are just better than they are?

Greg Matusow @gregmatusow
sounds like something a jew would say

Sargon‏ @Sargon_of_Akkad
Sounds like something a race realist who depends on IQ scores to say, you mean.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Your metric is incorrect, Sargon. First, there are 48 high-IQ Han, 11 high-IQ Europeans, and 5 high-IQ Japanese for every high-IQ Jew.

Sargon‏ @Sargon_of_Akkad
Of course, but that’s only because of population size.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Obviously. But you cannot claim they are not overrepresented in X because intelligent when there are 64 more intelligent non-Jews per Jew.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Second, average Jewish IQ is only 98, not 115.
Israel IQ = 95
Arab IQ (22.7%) = 84
Jewish IQ (77.3%) = 98

Now, it occurred to me that while I knew the oft-heard claim of a 115 average IQ for Jews was a misleading substitution of a subset for the set, and I had also observed that the claim was almost certainly an exaggeration in light of the average Israeli IQ of 95, I’d never actually run the numbers. The first thing was to update the population percentages according to the latest Israeli demographics, which currently has the Jewish population at 75 percent and the non-Jewish population at 25 percent.

This resulted in an average Israeli Jewish population IQ of 98.7 percent, slightly higher than my original calculation. Now, the Ashkenazi are 47.5 percent of the Israeli Jewish population, which means that if their average IQ is 115, the majority of the Jewish population of Israel has an average IQ of only 83.7, which is TWO standard deviations lower, and is also lower than the average IQs of Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, as well as Nigeria, Uganda, and the Israeli-Arab population.

Does that strike you as likely? No, me neither.

There is one Israeli study that found the difference between Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Jews in Israel to be 14 points. This would indicate an average Ashkenazi IQ of 106 and a non-Ashkenazi IQ of 92. This is considerably more credible, especially since it also happens to align with a number of studies on Ashkenazi IQ. Given that 74 percent of the global Jewish population is Ashkenazim, that means that the average Jewish IQ is 102.4.

So, average Jewish IQ is not particularly high, but is slightly higher than the European average, and considerably higher than the current US average, which I calculate to be around 95 and falling. Which, of course, is why high average intelligence is an inadequate explanation for the historical Jewish success in 20th-century America, as their level of comparative success is declining even as the IQ delta grows.

People of no particular religion do NOT control the media

And if you suggest they do, they will terminate your career in the media.

Sunday Times Ireland columnist Kevin Myers will not write again for the paper, a spokesman said. The newspaper said it abhorred anti-Semitism after Mr Myers noted that two of the best-paid female presenters at the BBC, Claudia Winkleman and Vanessa Feltz, were Jewish in an article on the corporation’s gender pay gap. Sunday Times editor Martin Ivens has apologised personally to the two women for these ‘unacceptable comments both to Jewish people and to women in the workplace’.

Let me see if I understand this. Disparate impact is a terrible injustice and is not only policed by various government agencies, but requires financial redress to underrepresented minorities and special rules to ensure their advancement when whites are statistically overrepresented, but to even notice disparate impact is anti-Semitism and cause for immediate termination when people of a particular religion that shall not be mentioned are observed to be statistically overrepresented.

After all, of the 65,640,000 people in the UK, 269,568 of them are people whose religion shall not be mentioned at all, so doesn’t it only make sense that two of them would be the two highest paid women in British broadcasting? I mean, the odds against that happening are only 0.0041 squared, or if you prefer, a one in 59,488 chance.

That’s perfectly reasonable, right? Why on Earth would that strike anyone as unusual?

Thank goodness the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism was there to demand that Mr. Myers should “no longer work as a journalist at any decent publication”!

It is clear that the column breached clauses 12(i) and 12(ii) of the Independent Press Standards Organisation’s Editors’ Code by making discriminatory comments about Jews and also mentioning the religion of the Jewish BBC presenters at all. We have called on the Independent Press Standards Organisation to require the Sunday Times to prominently print apologies in the next edition; investigate the editorial process that allowed this column to be printed in the first place; and recommend that Kevin Myers no longer be employed by any newspaper as a columnist or journalist.

Frankly, I don’t think that mere permanent disemployment and expulsion from the industry is going far enough, as justice obviously demands that Mr. Myers be run over with a bulldozer before his family home is demolished. Also, the entire editorial staff of the Sunday Times should be fired and replaced by people of no particular religion that shall be mentioned at all.