Appearances vs Reality

Far too many people, and pretty much everyone in the media, are far too obsessed with the idea of political leaders “appearing strong” as opposed to actually being strong. Which tendency Simplicius notes, particularly in reference to Vladimir Putin:

Too many people view the world in black and white, and believe the slightest weakness condemns a leader to total incompetence or treachery. No, Putin has weaknesses like everyone else, but also big strengths—it’s just at times one over-shines the other in glaring ways. The Russian armed forces have now likely lost somewhere approaching 100,000 dead if not more, the least they deserve in their colossal sacrifice is to know they didn’t die in vain; a stronger message from the commander-in-chief ensuring that objectives will be met would go a long way here.

The other most important thing to mention vis-a-vis ceasefire talks that no one else is talking about is the following. Russia and the US appear to be at a kind of epistemic loggerheads when it comes to the order with which the conflict must come to an end. You see, Trump, Marco Rubio, and others from their camp hold the position that the conflict must be brought to a ceasefire first, and only then would the higher order normalizations and negotiations between the US and Russia take place. In short, the Trump administration is putting the cart before the horse in its impatience to put some big win on the scoreboard, particularly given that many other Trump campaign promises have already flopped, or similarly log-jammed.

But Russia insists on the opposite order of events: first the US must recognize all the causes of the conflict and fulfill Russia’s demands for long-term security guarantees, and only then will Russia entertain bringing the conflict to an end. How to reconcile these antipodal positions? Easy: Russia must simply continue plowing ahead until the US ‘comes around’ to realizing that it’s not the one in the driver’s seat.

Being strong does not consist of making vacuous statements completely at odds with reality, as the Ukrainian, European, and US leaders are extremely prone to doing. That’s a magickal belief in rhetoric, attempting to alter the material universe with nothing more than their words and willpower. By their definition of “strong leadership” there has been no stronger leadership than Hitler in the Berlin bunker, making bizarre proclamations about inevitable victory and issuing orders to nonexistent battalions.

Keir Starmer, Emmanual Macron, and whatever nonentity is heading up the German government can posture as they like, but their opinions count even less than yours or mine. As Simplicius points out, Russia will simply keep doing what it is doing until the entire retarderati finally realizes that Russia is not going to run out of ammunition in two weeks, the Kursk incursion no longer exists, and the Kiev regime flees to Paris, or, as is more likely the case in the end, Jerusalem.

Both Putin and Xi practice the sort of strong leadership articulated by Teddy Roosevelt. They speak softly, in the case of Xi, very, very softly, and they carry big sticks which they do not hesitate to utilize. Trump can certainly negotiate with them, and make deals with them, but no amount of wild rhetoric and posturing is going to impress them.

The Clown World Order is failing. Their fake and gay “democracies” have been exposed, as well as their inversive “freedom” and now the nationalist “autocracies” are, as I have long predicted, rising to replace Clown World’s globalist charade.

Today, not only are autocracies increasingly confident. The US is moving to their side. That is the lesson of the last two weeks. Freedom is not in as much danger as it was in 1942. Yet the dangers are very real.


No One Will Fight for Clown World

The Macron-Starmer proposal of 30,000 British and French troops to serve as a “Reassurance Force” in Ukraine was obviously DUA, dead upon articulation.

The British public and Parliament were caught off guard by what many see as a reckless proposal from their PM. He announced the possibility of “British boots on the ground” just hours after the Munich meeting ended. This decision, or threat, appears to be a unilateral move by Starmer. It is unlikely to gain widespread support across the country and is already sparking outrage, particularly in the “Red Wall” – Britain’s former industrial heartlands. A poll in The Times just last week showed that only 11% of young people in the UK would consider fighting for their country, showing what we all know: that the UK is deeply divided over class, race, and region.

This is a problem for Starmer and the British liberals who have yet again found their war drums that were put away following the disastrous follies in Iraq and Afghanistan. What was once the Labour heartlands, the de-industrialized parts of the country, have also been the typical recruiting fields for the British Soldier – the white working class. These communities have been badly let down by all politicians have become deeply resentful and detached from what is happening within the politics, media and chattering classes of London.

It is no coincidence that those beating the war drums in London are the same individuals who supported the Iraq invasion and opposed the outcome of the EU referendum that led to Brexit. There has been a distinct division throughout the country since Brexit and I suspect Starmer’s reckless offering up of our military to “peacekeep” for the EU is a signal that he wants a closer relationship with the bloc. Unfortunately for Starmer, his brand of Labour – middle-class metropolitan liberals – will never offer up their own children for military service and will look north towards the very people they have spent the nine years since the Brexit referendum accusing of being racists, bigots, and xenophobes.

Starmer and Macron are deeply unpopular in their own countries. Perhaps they think they can paint over the damage done in their countries by successive neo-liberal governments by pulling the patriotic chord through the threat of war. But Starmer must realise that this will never be his Falklands War moment – when an unpopular Margaret Thatcher and her Tory government turned around their unpopularity by going to war with Argentina in 1982. Working-class populations outside the big metropolitan cities, in places like Blyth, Sunderland, Mansfield and Stoke-on-Trent, have traditionally been patriotic and supported the British military, but they will not follow Starmer and the failed EU leaders into a battle they see as ‘not theirs’.

The lesson here for the Western European political leaders is that ignoring sections of the population, allowing deep divisions and inequalities to fester, and then banging the war drums and expecting the working class to go and fight a war for you is not going to work. They can see right through this, and Vance’s words spoke to them more directly than a despised European elite class ever could.

Only the professionalization of the US military in the post-Vietnam era permitted its misuse and abuse as the enforcement arm of Clown World. But that was a much more innocent era, when the young were indoctrinated into patriotism and love of their nation. We’re now two generations into the redefinition of patriotism as racism and love of one’s nation as hate, which means that the only young men capable of fighting are either a) foreigners who hate the nation they’ve invaded and b) nationalists who hate the Clown Worlders who despise and hate them.

The vast majority of young British men are far more inclined to take up arms against the Starmer government than fight for it, much less to do so in defense of the illegitimate, anti-democratic Kiev regime.

I am descended from a long line of men who served the US military with great distinction dating back to Valley Forge. From there to Guadacanal and Korea, they fought and they bled for the Stars and Stripes, because they believed in serving their nation. Not an ideology, not some lines drawn on a map, not an idea, and not a state bureaucracy. They served their nation.

But neither I nor any of my descendants will ever lift a single finger in defense of Clown World, not in Ukraine, and not anywhere on the planet.


The Inevitable Retreat of NATO

The retreat of NATO is obviously in the works if the Europeans are already openly wringing their hands about the US withdrawing its troops and its security guarantees from Eastern and Central Europe.

Western security services and politicians are worried about a potential exit of US troops from NATO member states in Central and Eastern Europe, Bild has reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed sources. The tabloid suggests that Russia is trying to get the US to radically downgrade its military presence on the continent.

Bild claimed that European members of NATO “feared” that the high-level US-Russia talks in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, could lead to such an outcome. The German media outlet quoted an anonymous Western European security official as saying, “according to our information, we’re talking about Putin’s 2021 demands, that is, the withdrawal of US troops from all NATO states that joined the alliance after 1990.”

In December 2021, Russia presented the US and NATO with a list of proposals aimed at reshaping the security architecture in Europe, and to rule out Ukraine’s accession. The West rejected the Kremlin’s overture as an ultimatum at the time. Bild also quoted former Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis who posted on X on Tuesday that “it seems much more than likely” that the Kremlin would renew its demands that “NATO must go back to its 1997 borders, retreating from everything except East Germany.” He noted that while Trump technically cannot unilaterally implement a “reversal of NATO enlargement,” he could still “withdraw US troops from the Eastern Flank, which would have almost the same effect.”

The nations that would theoretically be affected include Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden.

Or, as one might say, a good start. Germany and Italy should be added to that list as well.

And what was that about how “Trump technically cannot unilaterally implement a ‘reversal of NATO enlargement'”? After what we’ve witnessed in the first month of the God-Emperors second incarnation, who would be foolish enough to rule it out? In fact, I’d go so far as to express my confidence that if Trump declares such a reversal – and he absolutely should – it will be implemented immediately, no matter how the Eurotards wail and gnash their teeth.

Wiser heads would have taken the Russian deal in 2021. They should pray that the Russians don’t see fit to further alter it from what is being offered now.

The US not only could withdraw its troops from Europe, it should and it will. The Russian ultimatum is neither here nor there, because the God-Emperor may want those troops for the occupations of Canada and Greenland…


The Kiev Regime is Done

And the European Union is officially irrelevant on the global level. It’s not even a genuine regional power. One by one, Clown World regimes are going to fall to the nationalist forces of the populist freedom that the satanic elite has deemed so “extreme” and “dangerous” to itself.

Few have expected the speed with which Zelensky’s regime has worn out its welcome. Now Zelensky has no choice but to cling to his final holdfast of the ever-narrowing and isolated European elite circle, that same Vampire ball which had just gathered in Paris days ago. The European tyrants who have squandered their citizens’ lives, destroying Europe’s future, turning a once bright-and-bustling civilization into a dystopian failed state overrun by migrants and skyrocketing prices—these elites have emerged as the scared, retreating figures now trying desperately to shield Zelensky beneath their skirt as the overwhelming concensus builds to loom deafeningly before them.

The remnants of their dying mass-media organs are stenographing their urgent pleas, trying any angle to save Zelensky from the wood chipper of history. For instance, Newsweek had the gall to pass this embarrassing bout of flatulence off as an ‘article’:

There are concerns that the Ukrainian president could be voted out of office if the country holds an election.

So, there are concerns that democracy could reign in a European country? Yes, we’ve come to learn this has become the gravest concern to this final globalist tyrant holdout of the rotting Brussels regime.

It’s absurd to deny Zelensky’s legitimacy after he literally forewent presidential elections, but it’s not absurd to openly deny the legitimacy of Romanian and Georgian elections with zero evidence of interference? The putrid Eurocrats have lofted to new heights of hypocrisy for all the world to see. Their increasingly shrinking coven becomes less and less relevant by the day, as they destroy the last crumbs of their credibility desperately shielding a blood-soaked despot.

More and more it begins to seem that Trump’s ‘sudden’ flare up against Zelensky has the note of premeditation in it. As I’ve previously posited, it’s possible that Trump has been setting up Ukraine for a fall, but he simply had to prep the ground first, by making reasonable overtures toward peace that he knew all along Zelensky would be incapable of agreeing to or honoring. Now the feigned indignation merely marks the transition to Phase Two of the planned demolition of the deep state’s Ukraine project.

There is a reason Vladimir Putin accurately described Clown World as “an Empire of Lies”. Nothing that the so-called “leaders” of the occupied West, from Germany, France, and the UK to the fake regime of the Six Bidens, ever said was even remotely true. They were, and are, the bad guys. They were the expansionary power with global aspirations. Not Russia. Not China. And now, not the United States.

The sooner Clown World is comprehensively driven back into the shadows, the sooner the American people and the European peoples can be freed from the evil that has oppressed them for the last sixty years.

UPDATE: Even the mainstream media reports that the clowns are in disarray. Imagine how panicked they’ll be when they finally realize Washington isn’t just abandoning the Kiev regime, but Clown World’s entire European project.

The Kremlin has said it ‘absolutely’ agrees with Donald Trump after the US president warned Volodymyr Zelensky to ‘move fast’ to end the conflict in Ukraine – as Europe has been left panicked at the prospect of Washington abandoning Kyiv.

UPDATE: NATO and the EU are dying, they just haven’t stopped thrashing about yet.

We are witnessing history. The post-World War II order with the US ruling the roost is coming unglued. I think this is the beginning of the end for NATO and for the European Union. But the collapse is not imminent. Political and economic chaos are likely to shake the major European countries and create internal pressures in the next two years that will lead the various nations to seek their own path for security outside the confines of NATO or the EU.


Not Much Room for Complaint

There is no reason the God-Emperor 2.0, or anyone else, should take the complaints of the Ukrainians or the Europeans seriously. He’s absolutely correct to point out that the Kiev regime had a seat at the negotiating table in both the Minsk 1.0 and the Minsk 2.0 talks, and not only did it fail to keep their agreements, but they actually passed a law making it illegal to talk to the Russians at all. So they’re out, and they should be out, because they’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.

US President Donald Trump has expressed disappointment with Ukraine’s leadership over its complaints that it was not invited to US-Russia peace talks in Saudi Arabia, suggesting that it has squandered opportunities to end the conflict on its own for years. Speaking to reporters after high-level talks in Riyadh on Tuesday, Trump was asked if he had a message for Ukrainians who may have felt “betrayed or disappointed” about not having a seat at the table.

“I’m really disappointed in what’s happened. I’ve been watching this for three years… I hear that, you know, they’re upset about not having a seat. Well, they’ve had a seat for three years and a long time before that.”

Trump added that the conflict “could have been settled very easily. A half-baked negotiator could have settled this years ago without the loss of much land, very little land. Without the loss of any lives and without the loss of cities,” he said.

And as for Europe, if any of the European countries want to be part of any post-surrender peacekeeping, that’s up to them. But it’s not the USA’s problem, the USA’s responsibility, or in line with the wishes of the American people.

Trump said he would welcome an EU peacekeeping force in Ukraine in case of a ceasefire between Moscow and Kiev. “If they want to do it, that’s great. I’m all for it. I would not object to it at all,” he said. Trump stressed that US troops would not be involved in any peacekeeping arrangement.

Besides, all those pro-Ukrainian morons have been telling us for years that Russia is weak, that Russia is losing the war, that the Russian economy is crumbling and that Russia is running out of ammunition in two weeks. So why are they suddenly crying about their fears of a Russian invasion of Europe? And why should anyone pay any attention to anything they say ever again?


Bring. Them. Home.

Simplicius suspects that Trump is going to go a lot bigger on Europe than anyone assumes or even imagines. As do I.

Things are rolling full steam ahead on the ‘negotiations’ front. Russian and American counterparts are set to meet in Riyadh tomorrow, February 18th. The American team is said to consist of Rubio, Witkoff, and Mike Waltz, and the Russian one of Lavrov, Putin foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov, and Kirill Dmitriev.

Of course the real nub of the negotiations will revolve around what the US is secretly willing to offer. On the surface, Trump and co. must preserve their bold American bravura, but these opening forays are non-starters for Russia. In reality, behind the scenes there are hintings that Trump may be ready to go much farther, perhaps even make some of Lavrov’s earlier dreams into realities. For instance, rumors now abound of Trump really doing a number on Europe unlike anything previously imagined.

If there is one thing we know about the God-Emperor 2.0, it’s that he likes to go big. Bigger than anyone else. The best. Huge. And there is nothing that would be bigger when it comes to Europe, or more to America’s advantage, than a complete withdrawal of its troops from Europe.

Now, the mere fact that Trump proposes something cannot be equated with him actually following through on it; the Wall is not yet built and the Deep State is still undrained. But he likes massive proposals that change the game by the mere fact of them being on the table, which is why I think it is likely that the opening statements on the subject by Vance and Hegseth are a prelude to a proposal to leave European security to the Europeans.

It is telling, is it not, that nothing terrifies the Clown World servants who rule antidemocratically over the European peoples than those peoples being set free to rely upon themselves.

In any event, I’m sure that whatever does come out of these initial discussions will prove interesting and provocative.


Cold Water

Didactic Mind points out that just because the USA has finally come to its senses and is willing to discuss a peace settlement with the Russians, that doesn’t mean that the Russians will have any interest in outdated proposals that are based on the situation back in 2022 rather than the one that reflects the current one three years later.

When the news broke of Mr. Hegseth’s comments, and Mr. Trump’s call, I was among those who reacted with joy, thinking this meant an imminent set of peace negotiations. But, if you read the Russian reactions carefully – and I did, and do – then you will quickly understand that the Russians are in no mood for tomfoolery, and they are not optimistic about possible negotiations, at all.

Nor do they have any reason to be.

You see, the fundamental realities of the Russian position have not changed. Russia’s list of demands goes far beyond the mere inadmissibility of Ukraine into NATO. This is but a condensed version of the things on the minds of the Russians:

  • Not only can Ukraine not join NATO, but NATO itself must roll back far beyond Russia’s borders, preferably to where it was back in 1991;
  • Russia needs to see treaties signed and ratified between itself and the US, and itself and NATO, that forever solves the problem of Russia’s western border, by ensuring NATO never again expands anywhere near it;
  • The extremely odious Banderite-controlled government in Queef must be disbanded, and held to account for its war crimes against the Russian people of Donbass;
  • Arms control treaties – which THE AMERICANS TORE UP – must be restored and renegotiated in light of new realities (which is to say, the fact that Russia has won the arms race, and by a huge margin);
  • All – I repeat, ALL – Western sanctions against Russia must end, and the insane attempts to box in and bankrupt Russia must end, forever;
  • The rabidly Russophobic elites of Europe must be put back in their box, never to appear again, and Europe itself must never again be in a position to threaten or invade Russia;

This is before we get to a whole host of other questions, like bringing to justice those who destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline (the Americans under Brandon, obviously), or the supply corridors to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, or the competition over the Arctic, and a whole other batch of problems.

I think the Russians will listen to the US proposals, but I don’t see that even the God-Emperor 2.0’s administration, as radical and exceeding of expectations as it has been, is going to be inclined to do what it should, which is a) end all sanctions, b) withdraw all troops from Europe, c) pay the relevant reparations that are owed to Russia for the damages that were caused by the various sanctions and seizures, and d) turn over all of the US and European war criminals to the Russian authorities.

That’s what I would consider to be a reasonable demand from Putin. He has no reason to settle for anything less. Anything short of that, and he will likely continue to strangle both Ukraine and the EU states until they surrender unconditionally. His problem is that even now, the European authorities believe they cannot be touched by the Russian forces. If he’s not going to reach a settlement with President Trump, he is going to have to convince them otherwise.


Nobody Asked You

It’s amusing that the little sock puppet serving as the figurehead for the Kiev regime actually thinks his opinion matters.

Ukraine must be involved in any negotiations for a peace deal with Russia, President Volodymyr Zelensky insisted on Sunday. The Ukrainian leader says that he won’t accept any deals made between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin if he and his team are not also invited to the table.

‘I will never accept any decisions between the United States and Russia about Ukraine – never,’ Zelesnky told NBC Meet the Press host Kristen Welker. ‘And our people, never. And our adults, and children, and everybody, it can’t be so.’

Nobody asked him and nobody cares. Not only can it be so, it will be so. There are precisely two choices:

  1. The USA negotiates a peace settlement with Russia.
  2. Russia dictates an unconditional surrender.

That’s it. That’s the entire list. And it was obvious from the very start back in February 2022. Notice that nowhere on it appears anything about Zelensky, the Kiev regime, the UN, the Terran Confederation, Starfleet, or the European Union. All of those entities are irrelevant to the outcome.


Kiev Doesn’t Count Either

There isn’t any point in including the Kiev regime in the upcoming talks between the USA and Russia concerning how NATO will surrender to Russia, so it’s good to see that representatives of the unelected regime are not invited.

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has confirmed that Kiev was not invited to the discussions between delegations from Washington and Moscow which are expected to take place in Saudi Arabia in the coming days.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Wednesday, marking their first known direct conversation since the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022. On Saturday, the countries’ top diplomats followed up with a call to discuss “preparations for a potential high-level Russian-American summit.”

Moscow has yet to confirm any details, but according to multiple media reports, a US delegation – likely composed of national security advisers – will travel to Saudi Arabia in the coming days for talks with their Russian counterparts.

These are surrender talks, not “peace negotiations”. So, it’s important to exclude both a) the yapping dogs who still don’t think they have any skin in the game and b) the sacrificial lambs, since neither of them can bring anything rational or meaningful to the table.

The only way a substantive and potentially lasting agreement can be made is if the two relevant powers can reach an accommodation that they will mutually impose on all of the other parties involved. So, the fact that all of those other parties have been excluded from the talks is a positive sign that a resolution may be possible.

Of course the Europeans and the war-criminals in Kiev will be kicking and screaming about their exclusion and the eventual settlement. That’s precisely why they can’t be involved in the first place. If the matter was left up to the clueless, short-sighted retarderati that presently speak for the European Union, the Russian army would end up having go all the way to Lisbon and Barcelona, and no one wants that less than Vladimir Putin.

By the way, I expect Trump’s demand for Ukrainian natural resources is actually aimed at Putin, because Russia controls the region that contains most of them. That’s what he really wants out of the settlement, an agreement to sell them to the USA at a reasonable price, which Putin will likely grant if he’s provided what Russia needs with regards to a) territory it hasn’t taken yet and b) the retreat of NATO from Russia’s borders.


He Doesn’t Care, Margaret

The corrupt kleptocrats of the EU are very, very worried that they will be left out of the peace negotiations between the USA and Russia. Which, of course, they will be, because they are a) irrelevant and b) worse than useless. The whole war could have been avoided and over one million lives saved if Boris Johnson hadn’t convinced the deranged Kiev regime that NATO could defend them from Russia.

President Donald Trump’s envoy has sparked fury among European leaders after being told they would be excluded from the Ukraine-Russia peace talks, causing Emmanuel Macron to call for an emergency summit.

US Special Presidential Envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Keith Kellogg, 80, has encouraged Europe to join the conversation about the Ukraine-Russia conflict, but ultimately said they won’t have a final say in the resolution.

‘That is not going to happen,’ he said at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday.

‘And to my European friends, I would say: get into the debate, not by complaining that you might, yes or no, be at the table, but by coming up with concrete proposals, ideas, ramp up [defense] spending.’

Kellogg defended America’s desire to keep the meeting small, stating that last time the meeting included too many countries and no agreement was made.

However, many European leaders are worried about being excluded from the conversation over fears the decision will directly – and negatively – affect their countries.

Seriously, even Ghana and Niger don’t care what France thinks, much less Sweden. Why would Russia or the USA? The age of pretending everyone is equal and everyone matters equally is over.