Mailvox: Read Your Own Book

A reader observes that Scott Adams failed to listen to his own advice when he trusted the experts and got vaxxed:

In Scott’s book, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, chapter 28 “Experts”, Scott shares a story of when a medical doctor was wrong about diagnosing Scott with cancer at age 20. He then goes on to tell people that when things are complicated, experts are wrong half of the time. Scott advises the best thing to do is trust your own intuition.

This is the very advice Scott is now condeming. People following their intuition using pattern recognition, the subject of chapter 22 in the same book.

Scott should have read his own book.



We Explained. You Didn’t Listen

Scott Adams is now attempting to claim that no one who knew the vaxx would be harmful is willing to explain to him how they knew.

But we’ve been explaining our reasoning all along. Scott’s problem is that he refused to listen to anyone who isn’t mainstream-approved, which guaranteed that the only people who knew how bad the vaxx was to whom he would listen were the people who were strongly incentivized to lie to him about it.

I’ve repeatedly explained why I knew the vaxx was inimical to human health before it was available to anyone.

  • The fact that its primary advocates were global depopulationists.
  • The fact that its manufacturers were not liable for adverse effects.
  • The fact professional scientific procedures were not followed.
  • The fact that it was not necessary.
  • The history of past mRNA technology failures.

I even said, at the time the vaccines were first being rolled out, that one would have to be either old and very sick or insane to take the risk of getting vaccinated.

“You’d have to be crazy to roll the dice with these vaccines rather than the virus if you’re not an obese 68-year old black man with asthma. If you’re old and in a high-risk group with comorbidities, sure, take your chances with the shots. Otherwise, it makes no sense. The complete inability of people to grasp the probabilities involved would be depressing if one wasn’t already aware how retarded they are on average.”

Vox Day, 10 February 2021

I also pointed out that getting boosted never made any sense for anyone at all.

“This isn’t the Mark of the Beast. It’s the Mark of the Retarded.”

Vox Day, 25 September 2021

If I recall correctly, I was warning people to avoid the Covid vaccines long before they were even announced. So, Scott’s pretense that people who knew better won’t explain how they knew isn’t true, except, of course, for the people who are responsible for knowingly doing this to hundreds of millions of people. I trust he can figure out why they’re not coming clean anytime soon.

UPDATE: He really is retarded. Or perhaps just vaxx-damaged.

One thing I learned during the pandemic is to ignore the lying experts and rely on people such as this anonymous stranger.

How stupid do you have to be to fail to recognize that the experts are lying more often than not these days? They’re literally professional liars who are paid very well to lie. Are you still eating four servings of bread and potatoes every day, Scotty?


Schroedinger’s Cornerback

Consider how the “revelation of the method” deception works. It’s a very Gamma technique and it works most effectively on Gammas, Deltas, and women. To utilize it, you admit what you are doing, but you do so in a sarcastic or snarky manner that is intended to leave the audience with the impression that you are denying what you are literally admitting. It’s perceived denial by admission.

In the case of the NFL cornerback who may or may not be alive, there is an additional element of reductio ad absurdum. No one, literally no one, believes that Damar Hamlin has been replaced by a genetic clone of his that was prepared more than two decades ago just in case he died of an adverse reaction to a mandated genetic therapy in front of tens of millions of viewers. What skeptics actually think is that the unfortunate Mr. Hamlin either died or is in very poor health, and he is presently being portrayed in public by a stand-in who is two inches shorter and about 15 pounds lighter, based on a comparison of the video evidence with his measurements at the NFL Combine as well as the fact that “he” resolutely avoids showing his face on camera or in public.

Now, the skeptics may be wrong. Perhaps Damar Hamlin is every bit as alive and healthy as Tiffany Dover, the nurse who we have been assured totally didn’t die after being publicly vaccinated and collapsing unconscious on camera. And if Damar Hamlin shows up and plays for the Buffalo Bills next year, it will be obvious that he did not die on the field or in the hospital that was inexplicably surrounded by federal agents on the night he went into cardiac arrest.

On the other hand, if he tragically dies in a boating accident this offseason after assiduously avoiding the cameras until then, we’ll have a very different sort of confirmation.


/pol/ is Always Right

I don’t know if it would have made any difference whatsoever if someone had noticed this back in the autumn of 2019, assuming that it is accurately dated and is not something created sometime around January 2022, which is the earliest date it was archived. To be honest, I simply can’t imagine this sort of “conspiracy theory from 4chan” having convinced any of the individuals I urged not to get vaxxed to desist from doing so.

But it is evidence that the vaxx was always designed to harm people from the beginning. And it’s worth noting that the objective of the magnitude appears to have been limited, according to the source, which would imply that the vaxx could be just a precursor of a more deadly medical treatment that will be similarly pushed and propagandized.

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:45:17 No.225498529
9-10 million Americans will be killed during 2020 > 2021 in some kind of major event. Don’t ask me how I know this.

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:50:37 No.225499031
Do not accept any vaccines that will be released for a deadly virus in the winter of 2020.

Anonymous ID:hS1VZyKV Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:51:13 No.225499094
Where will the virus first appear?

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:54:45 No.225499413
It will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military op’s in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone but it’s a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with copious amounts of toxic metals.

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 01:02:56 No.225500111
I do not know any details on the actual genetics of the virus sorry. But I know they have tested it multiple times already but in different “brand” names.

Alternatively, it could be that the source was not aware of the more insidious way in which the vaxx systematically degrades the human immune system over time, and was therefore unaware that the objective is at least an order of magnitude higher.

The one thing that is evident is that the number of people now dying is significantly greater post-vaxx than it was during the so-called pandemic.


They Lied, is How

Scott Adams is still running through various Gamma routines, but his delusion bubble is showing signs it might pop soon.

Andrew Bostom, MD, MS @andrewbostom
Data obtained by FOIA from CDC’s gold standard, C19 vax safety cohort study, “V-safe”: 7.7% of this ~10 million cohort reported having to receive acute medical care after receipt of a C19 vaccine, up to & incl emergency room care, & /or hospitalization. Link to source.

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
How can this be real?

The various, and at times, mutually contradictory, attempts to explain these numbers away is understandable, but mildly amusing. But for those who can’t read, the point is that “acute medical care” was required by 7.7 percent of the vaccinated within six weeks of the vaccination, a higher rate than would normally be expected.


Suddenly, An Unexpected Twist

As Big Bear pointed out on his stream yesterday – the very one in which he falsely and scurrilously accused me of substituting rat skins for the glorious Italian goat leathers in which the Libraria books are beautifully and lovingly bound – it’s not the unvaccinated, but rather, the vaccinated, who are going to suffer most under the post-vaxx regime.

This sort of incident is why the Narrative shift he predicted is coming. It’s one thing for the globalist media to carry the depopulationists’ water as long as they believe that they were too important to be purged with the plebs. It’s another for them to continue doing so once they discover that they were not, in fact, deemed integral to the future.

Fox News Executive Dies Suddenly at 47 After Heart Attack

Fox News Senior Vice President of News & Politics Alan Komissaroff passed away on Friday, according to the network. The 47-year-old channel executive died after a heart attack that occurred two weeks ago, according to a GoFundMe organized by a family friend. “This is an extremely difficult day for all of us who worked closely with Alan, and we are completely heartbroken,” Fox News Media President Jay Wallace and CEO Suzanne Scott said of their colleague’s death in a memo provided to Fox employees.

“He was the ultimate producer: breaking news, politics, special events — there was no steadier or more trusted colleague to be with in the control room during the most consequential events of our time, and his incisiveness and passion for news made our work better.” Komissaroff worked for Fox News from the channel’s inception in 1996.

Those who ride with the Black Rider are always surprised when they’re flung from his high horse and left to die. Which never ceases to amaze me, because that’s how it always ends for those who ride with him. He doesn’t hate those who serve him any less, he just despises them as well.

But I suppose if they weren’t retards, they wouldn’t serve him in the first place.

I have a lot of sympathy for the averaged vaxxed individual. They simply did as they were told by authorities they trusted. But I have none for people like this guy, who was actively involved in pushing it on others, and even attempting to force it on them through corporate and government mandates.

Finally, I feel I would be remiss if I failed to point out the fact that Big Bear can’t tell what real goat skin feels like is further proof that he’s living on a homestead set in Los Angeles, not in Idaho. At this point, I think we almost have to ask the obvious question: is he even a real bear?


Deceiving the Deceivers

It may not be merely the people of the world who have been betrayed by their leaders. According to this conspiracy theorist, who claims to have had a conversation with a New Zealand elite globalist sixteen months ago, it will not be merely the commoners of Clown World who are sacrificed by the globalists en masse in order to bring about Babel 2.0, the sacrifice will include most of the leading Clown Worlders themselves.

I initially asked what they thought the ‘end game’ was for all this covid stuff. They asked me what I thought it was, with great interest, but I wasn’t close. They basically said this:

A plan was devised many years ago and for many years that is all it was, a plan. They had to wait many years for the technologies available to make the plan viable. And to recruit the appropriate individuals. This is definitely about a new global government being put in place. This new global government is already in place operating for years in complete secrecy, waiting on the sidelines, moving the chess pieces.

The new government required some of the top minds on the planet, almost all of them came on board of their own free will and with a full belief in the cause of a new world government. In their view, they are brute-force saving humanity at all costs. I was told those who refused were dealt with, but in most cases, they would bring the person to the wider group and through discussions, they were convinced and became committed to the cause. Most times, these ‘minds’ were applying for fake jobs and going through psych evals etc as a first step.

This plan is ongoing and the most complex global chain of events ever put into motion. The plan is essentially to turn every citizen of every country, violently against their own government. How they are doing this is pure genius and pure evil. To achieve this plan, my chance encounter asked how would I do it? How would you turn every citizen of every country against their own government? I really have no idea. So they laid out the basics for me:

  • There must be a global engineered ‘sickness’.
  • There must be mass fear, panic and paranoia.
  • Leaders, Scientists and Media must converge on consensus of a treatment.
  • That treatment would be essentially handed to them without them even realising it.
  • Initially, there can only be few ‘sanctioned’ treatments, all other treatments must be deemed ‘dangerous, unsafe and banned’.
  • Leaders, Scientists and Media are manipulated to believe this ‘treatment’ is the only option, the only way to keep you and your family safe. Leaders, Scientists and Media in a sense, give you their word that this treatment is safe and effective.
  • Children were also targeted to inflict maximum pain and anger when it goes bad. I found this part interesting. Our leaders, scientists and media are NOT complicit in this plan or actually part of this plan in any way. NONE of them, not even Fauci. They are mere fodder to these elites, serving a purpose then will be “discarded” or “fed to the angry”! They have been played.
  • The few outliers who question the ‘treatment’ are discredited in a variety of ways and censored. Sanctioned ’treatments’ are biologics/poison that takes 2-3 years to be fully realised.
  • mRNA was the advanced technology they were waiting for.
  • Public messaging ensures people beg for the ‘treatment’ and line up tor it.
  • We could say, the plan is well underway at this point and so far hugely successful. The mRNA uptake has been huge and the people all believe the ‘treatment’ is the only way back to normality.
    I was told it has exceeded their wildest expectations!

WHAT NEXT? This is where the final plan executes.

The tables turn on the vaccine narrative. I was told in time the vaccine will increase infection and increase death. That billions will die, and the people will be enraged and burn their governments to the ground. Their leaders, scientists and media will be torched, hunted and hung in the streets. BOTH sides will burn their governments to the ground. The pro-vax side, completely betrayed and dying will rage, the non-vax side will rage for what their gov allowed to happen.

Once the masses are free of government and all those who ‘betrayed’ them, and they have suffered enough, this is when the new global government will emerge as the great saviour. It will be an “easy sell” I am told.

Now, this would be vastly more convincing if it was dated to September 2019 rather than September 2021. It could be nothing more than a revenge fantasy written by a reasonably-well-informed vaccine skeptic. But regardless, the proposed scenario provides us with a coherent hypothesis that can be falsified, or not, as events proceed. And certainly, it is very credible in that it implements what we already understand as the High Horse policy, which concerns the way evil appears to take particular pleasure in turning on its servants and forcing them to harvest the very wicked fruits for which they originally sowed the seed.

That it sounds rather like late 1980s Christian apocalyptic fiction will make it more credible to some, and less credible to others. Regardless, it is apparent that we are already beginning to see the first signs of a backlash to the vaccines among the vaccinated.


The Damage is Ubiquitous

Based on the available evidence, it would be an exaggeration to say that everyone who got vaxxed now has heart damage. But unfortunately, it wouldn’t be as much of an exaggeration as we would like to see.

I don’t think you can overstate how bad this is, so I’ll just put a couple of snippets here and you can follow the link for the whole deal; Steve certainly deserves to get both the credit and reads for it:

In a study (not yet published) of 177 people in Puerto Rico (97% of whom were vaccinated), cardiac injury was objectively measured in 70% of the people measured (ages 8 to 84).

Oh, that’s not good. Want worse? Here’s a highly medically supervised group of people, which makes this sort of news much worse:

In the US military, they did a thorough investigation of a large number of soldiers and found markers of cardiac injury in 68% of our soldiers. This was kept under wraps, but I am friends with the doctor who did the study.

That is nasty because the correlation in injury rate is very high. If there was no common denominator or, in the alternative, one or both of the studies was trash, with two studies where each was performed by different and unrelated researchers you’d expect materially-different outcomes but that’s not what you got in two distinct sets of people who had reasonably-similar jab rates.

This naturally raises the question of what the base rate of cardiac injury in the population is. The only number that I’ve seen that appears to be potentially relevant is 36 percent. But as bad as literally doubling the cardiac injury rate is, it will be even worse if subsequent studies start showing rates in excess of 70 percent, as that would indicate that the mRNA worm is continuing to do more damage over time.

From the comments is some fascinating anecdotal evidence about some of the less problematic aspects of vaxx damage:

I’m a mid-50’s unjabbed cyclist and that my jabbed riding buddies all got slower this past season. Group cycling is a competitive endeavor where being first to the top of a hill climb is taken seriously. A hill around here is an all-out effort (zone 4-5) for ten to thirty minutes. Those I ride with are Ironmen, ultra runners, and ex/current road racers.

Previously I was an average rider for my age, finishing in the middle of the pack. This past season the only ones to beat me the top were at least twenty-five years younger. And they didn’t beat me by much. Those close to my age were out of sight behind me. This is unprecedented. I have a power meter on my bike. The data shows that I’m no faster than I was previously.

It’s anecdotal evidence but supports the heart damage theory.


He’s Going to Win That Bet

Steve Kirsch challenges Jonathan Bing concerning the percentage of vaxxed who have damaged hearts:

On a Twitter space just now, I claimed that 20% (or more) of people develop objectively measurable cardiac injury within 4 months of the shot. Jonathan Bing (@jonbingnj) called me a misinformation spreader (which of course I took as a compliment). I then challenged Jonathan, in front of a live audience, to put his money where his mouth is. To my delight (and utter amazement), he accepted.

I’ll propose terms similar to the Saar Wilf term sheet, but since it’s only $50K, we can relax some of the terms, e.g., 3 mutually agreeable judges and you need to get all three judges to win, otherwise it’s a draw. And we can skip the escrow. I trust Jonathan will pay when I win.

He’s playing it safe with that 20 percent. He could probably go as high as 50 percent and be confident of winning the bet.


The Fauci Flop

Karl Denninger concludes it’s time to take a victory lap. And there is no doubt about it, he was absolutely right about the pernicious nature of the vaxx. In a just world, he’d receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom for the tens of thousands of lives he saved by his diligent and persistent efforts.

We won, they lost.

The outcome was in doubt for quite some time. But now, its not.

Rasmussen ran a poll not long ago and found a very large percentage of people who are convinced that someone they knew was seriously injured or killed by the vexxines. Remember the old mantra — safe and effective? Its no longer an opinion that holds sway among the American people.

But its not just opinion anymore: Now its fact, as we keep seeing. Report after report, even showing up in the mainstream media, of people taking the Fauci Flop. Allegedly healthy people, even elite level athletes, suddenly collapsing and in many cases dying.

Reality is that everyone dies and death is not uncommon. But unexpected, sudden death among people younger than 60 or so is quite unusual. Especially among athletes and other people of prominence, except from drugs, which of course have always been a scourge and have claimed people all the time. Elvis infamously died on the crapper and upon autopsy they found ten prescription drugs in size and a seriously damaged liver. Not all that long ago my sister died under similar circumstances, and from similar root causes. I’ve had friends who also succumbed from the same sort of abuse of substances and that sucks.

But many of these are not slow suicides by drug abuse — or, for that matter, by potato chip and sugared beverages. They’re “side effects” of something peddled to the masses and everyone knows it. Those who were conned are scared of meeting God and having to explain their personal insanity to him, thus that fearful look in their eye. Their attacks on you both over the last two years and today are from that exact reason: They’re scared they got it wrong and you had it right — and they may be literally walking while already dead. Those who conned others or worse, who were enforcers either through soft coercion or even literal force, such as politicians, police officers, CEOs and supervisory people are not just scared they might be next but that their particular fiefdom and ambitions are screwed, never mind their personal life and wealth, perhaps terminally so.

I’ve already lost a brother to the vaxx. Our family very nearly lost a good friend to it; she survived, but it was touch-and-go for a while there. And I know there will be more Unexpected, and more Suddenly, and more people performing the Fauci Flop in the future. That is why I am determined, like Karl, to make certain that absolutely no one is permitted to erase from memory what happened during what may yet turn out to be one of the most infamous events in human history.

But the most important thing is that everyone, vaxxed and unvaxxed, must understand from this point forward that neither the government nor the scientists, neither the media nor the health care system, have your best interests at heart. Never, ever, believe any of them again.

I wonder who will play him in the movie one day?