When Nemesis Strikes

Live by the vaccine, make funny faces by the vaccine:

A source close to California Gov. Gavin Newsom today told The Defender the governor experienced an adverse reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine he received Oct. 27.

The source, who asked not to be identified, said Newsom’s symptoms were similar to those associated with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a known side effect of many vaccines.

GBS is a neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system — the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord — and can range from a very mild case with brief weakness to paralysis to leaving the person unable to breathe independently.

The governor has not been seen in public since he was photographed Oct. 27 getting his COVID booster.

No idea if this rumor has a solid basis in fact or not, but it would be very fitting indeed if that was the adverse effect experienced by the vain narcissist that passes for California’s current governor who has pushed very unsafe, very ineffective, and very unnecessary vaccines on innocent children.


We Weren’t the Problem

There is really no reason to feel any sympathy for some of the vaccinated individuals who are dropping dead or their families. It’s one thing to be deceived, it’s another thing altogether to go out of your way to needlessly castigate those who were not so easily fooled.

It is with indescribable shock, sorrow, and regret that the family announces the untimely death of Wade Baird. He is survived by his wife of 21 years Chantal and his children Nathan and Kaitlyn.

Wade had strong political opinions and would unapologetically share them with everyone. Saucy, humorous, and sarcastic banter with colleagues and close friends were a staple of his repertoire. He usually got the last barb in and it was, inevitably, a very good jab.

All invited attendees will require to show valid ID and proof of vaccination or a negative Covid -19 test within 72 hours of the service.

Karma is a real bitch. As a general rule, one does well not to tempt her.

UPDATE: Karma respects neither Jew nor Gentile.


An Ugly Metaphor

The inept, unwatchable performance of the Chiefs and Packers is the direct result of the NFL adopting unnecessary pro-vaccine protocols.

The Chiefs’ defense has been a mess all season. Fortunately, today they got to play against Jordan Love. Love, the Packers quarterback making the first start of his career, could do next to nothing as the Chiefs won an ugly game, 13-7. If Aaron Rodgers had played, the Packers almost certainly would have won easily. But Rodgers decided not to get vaccinated, and as a result he’s on the COVID-19 reserve list and his teammates just lost a game they should have won.

No, the NFL chose to create a stupid set of rules, then chose to prevent Rodgers from playing. And as a result, the entertainment product that they are selling suffered. This is an ugly, but accurate metaphor for what is happening all across the USA.


5th Circuit Stays Vaccine Mandate

This isn’t over, but it’s a good start:

An appeals court has issued a stay and temporarily halted Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees. The ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit came after multiple states’ attorney generals filed lawsuits against the administration.

The court said that they found “grave statutory and constitutional” issues with the mandate.


Newsmax is Bad News

This is not news, but some on the Right still fail to recognize that Newsmax is not on our side:

A vaccine mandate is coming to Newsmax.

The conservative news network informed staffers of the move on Thursday, in a staff-wide email obtained by Mediaite. Newsmax cited the implementation of Covid rules by Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) as its reason for instituting the mandate.

The company decree requires all employees be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4, 2022, or else they will be forced to undergo a weekly Covid test.

“To ensure that we are in compliance, we require that all vaccinated employees submit a copy of their vaccination card,” the email informed staff.

It’s the Vaccines, Stupid

The hospitals in Australia and a number of other highly-vaccinated hospitals are overcrowded despite the fact that very few of the patients are infected with Covid:

Something very weird is happening in the state of Western Australia (WA) home to a population of almost 3 million people. The WA state has been locked down and isolated from the COVID-19 impacts in the eastern states.

There are very few COVID cases in locked down Western Australia, which has allowed them time to prepare for the potential arrival of the virus which includes a massive vaccination effort. The state has modeled an anticipated arrival of the COVID virus in early 2022, early next year. However, as the vaccination rates increase, the hospitals are being overwhelmed with new patients and the Premier cannot explain why.

Alex Berernson notes comments made by WA Premier Mark McGowan on October 31st about hospitals being currently overwhelmed. “Our hospitals are under enormous pressure. This is the same in [the rest of Australia]. This has been something no one has ever seen before, the growth in demand in our hospitals, why it is is hard, hard to know… There is huge numbers of people coming through the door, so we’re doing everything we can to try to manage it,” says Premier McGowan.

This is because the cure is quite literally worse than the disease. It’s just more noticeable in Australia and New Zealand because they had so few Covid cases from the start. A German site has chronicled 75 athlete collapses, most of them fatal, since June 2021. That’s 75 more athletes than collapsed and died of Covid.

Between a) the disemployment of the unvaccinated medical workers, b) the number of vaccinated medical workers suffering adverse effects, and c) the adverse effects of the vaccines on the vaccinated population, it appears that hospitals around the world are going to be completely overrun without even having a single Covid patient.

If you know you’re going to need a medical procedure, you’d do well to schedule it sooner rather than later.

The Anti-President Doubles Down

At least his fake administration did in attempting to sell its unconstitutional and illegal vaccine mandate for corporations:

President Joe Biden’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for businesses will be enforced after the New Year, the White House has announced. Failure to comply will incur heavy penalties, with a fine of around $14,000 per violation.
The US will begin enforcing mandatory coronavirus vaccination for private-sector workers starting January 4, the White House announced on Wednesday. Those not vaccinated will have to be tested weekly.

“It is important to understand that there are still so many workers who are not protected and remain at risk from being seriously ill or dying from Covid-19,” said a senior administration official in remarks carried by the White House press service.

Failure to comply with the vaccine mandate will incur heavy penalties for businesses, which will face an “approximate” fine of $14,000 per violation. The fines will scale up with multiple violations, senior officials said. It was not immediately clear whether workers could get fired should they refuse vaccination or testing.

Since “Congress shall make” no such law, and even a properly-elected President can’t make any laws, what is the legal basis for this charade by the cast of characters presently pretending to occupy the White House? Or is the idea that since everything is fake, everything is permitted?


Another One Bites the Ice

Young athletes are literally dropping dead on the turf, the court, and the ice due to the “safe and effective” vaccines:

Doctors have been unable to save a hockey player who suddenly collapsed on the ice during a game in Slovakia.
Boris Sadecki was playing for the Bratislava Capitals, of the Ice HL, when he fell to the floor during a match against the Dornbirn Bulldogs on October 29.

Medics are said to have spent several minutes attending to the 24-year-old, resuscitating him before transporting him to hospital, where he had spent 11 days before his passing was announced.

Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game

Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game

Jens De Smet, 27, footballer collapses on field, passes away of heart attack

Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack

Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game

Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack

Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch

Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues

Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game

Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match

Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game

Antoine Méchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna

Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly passes away

Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues

Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine

Carl Madsen, 71, NFL referee dies of heart attack after working the Chiefs-Titans game.

This isn’t normal. This isn’t even remotely normal. And it’s all a complete mystery to the medical community, which is totally unable to connect obvious cause and effect because it is paid to avoid doing so

Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing all over America, and nobody can seem to explain why this is happening. Right now, the number of new COVID cases in the United States each day is less than half of what it was just a couple of months ago. That is really good news, and many believe that this is a sign that the pandemic is fading. Let us hope that is true. With less people catching the virus, you would think that would mean that our emergency rooms should be emptying out, but the opposite is actually happening. All across the country, emergency rooms are absolutely packed, and in many cases we are seeing seriously ill patients being cared for in the hallways because all of the ER rooms are already full.


The Complicit Media

Vaccine advocate Peter King writes 1,739 words for a section entitled Death of a Ref in his weekly NFL roundup column. At no point does he mention the fact that the healthy 71-year-old man who had just finished refereeing his last NFL game was fully-vaccinated, or contemplate what must be considered the probability that his fatal heart attack was vaccine-related:

The game ended at exactly 3 p.m. Central Time. If traffic on the 4-hour, 40-minute ride home to Weldon Springs, Mo., just went of St. Louis, was okay, Madsen would be home by a little after 9. But at 4:46 p.m., police found his SUV in a northbound lane of I-65 just 10 minutes north of the stadium. The vehicle was on, in park, the rear brake lights on, doors locked. His right foot was pressed on the brake when officers, seeing he was unconscious, broke a window, removed him from the car and began doing chest compressions. He was pronounced dead a short time later at St. Thomas Midtown Hospital.

The media has been complicit in the globalist Vaxxocaust. Don’t forget this, and don’t hesitate to hold them accountable for it.