Seven Kill Clot Structures

The vaxxed aren’t out of the woods yet. A microscopic analysis of the “blood clots” that have been found in those killed by the vaccines proves that they are not blood clots, but rather, auto-assembling protein structures.

We don’t yet know what all these structures are. We know what they are not, however: They are not simply clotted blood cells. If they were, then at the 1500x magnification shown in the last photo, above, we would be able to see individual blood cells. These are not blood cells, they are protein structures.

Protein structures circulating in the blood like this, building up over time, are clearly being constructed by the body’s cells. The ribosomes in the cells instruct the body what proteins to construct. These ribosomes are hijacked by mRNA gene therapy injections, which overwrite new instructions to the cells, causing them to manufacture something other than human.

I believe the structures you are seeing above are the result of mRNA protein synthesis instructions which have been injected into people under the false umbrella of “vaccines.” I welcome input from other experts who may have other theories or explanations of where this is coming from.

More research is needed to confirm the function and composition of these structures, yet because of the extreme censorship and “science authoritarianism” that now exists in the world, no lab or university will dare examine these clots and honestly report the results. To do so would risk losing all NIH funding and federal grants, since the very same people who engineer vaccines and bioweapons also control most science funding in America. Thus, only independent scientists, labs and journalists will dare tell the truth about these clots.

In conclusion, they are not “blood” clots. They are structures in the blood. They are “structural clots” or “fibrous clots” that are extremely large and are being constructed inside the body over time.

My grave concern is that every person who has been injected with mRNA instructions may be constructing these fibrous structures inside their bodies at this very minute, and that it’s only a matter of time before they block major arteries or cause heart attacks, strokes or other acute causes of “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS).

I believe these structures may very well explain why so many seemingly healthy adults are suddenly dying.

The problem here is that it’s theoretically possible that these structures are self-constructing in every vaxxed individual, in which case every single one of them is going to die long before their expected life spans have run out. That’s obviously not necessarily the case, but it’s too soon to rule it out because we have zero information about how fast these structures assemble themselves on average.

The good news is that now that the medical community has been alerted to their existence, it may be possible to develop a technology that will dissolve these structural clots before they start fatally damming the blood flow of the majority of the vaccinated and producing a pandemic of Suddenly.


Five Months to SADS

UK All-Cause Mortality data indicates that the vaxx is a ticking time bomb that activates, statistically speaking, five months after boosting.

Office data published by the UK Government showed that the vaccinated population in England had a higher mortality rate per 100,000 than the unvaccinated population. Our analysis found that it takes approximately 5 months from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realised.

Well, now the latest UK Government data on deaths in England and Wales adds further weight to the above findings because the UK has been experiencing excess deaths again since the end of April 2022. Approximately 5 months after the mass winter “Booster” vaccination campaign.

You’ve likely all seen the headlines this week on doctors being baffled by an uptick in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS)?

If you haven’t then we have covered it in detail in an article you can read here. But this “baffling” uptick in healthy young people dying unexpectedly from “a mysterious syndrome”, and the fact excess deaths are on the rise again in England and Wales is simply because of Covid-19 vaccination.

This is because further ONS data shows that Covid-19 vaccination significantly increases the risk of death and kills thousands after five months.

While statistical studies only address correlations rather than causes, they are usually more reliable than published, peer-reviewed scientific studies due to the corruption of the scientific profession and the science publications.

The main takeaway here is that a vaxxed individual isn’t out of the woods after three months post-vaccination. Which really shouldn’t be surprising; if the lethality approach wasn’t subtle, considerably more people would have been refusing to be vaxxed.


Mailvox: Coming Home with a Vengeance

The Covid chickens are coming home, apparently.

So I had to wait more than two years to go back to Australia to visit my family. I moved to Europe over a decade ago. I refused to get the Fauci Ouchi and caused a lot of grief with my family and friends who kept insisting “it´s just a vaccine”. My reply was Thalidomide was “just a morning sickness pill”.

So finally I am allowed back into Australia and go to a wedding which has now turned into a superspreader event. I was going to go the the cinema with friends of my parents who are all old, so I did a courtesy test 3 days after the wedding. It was a very, very bright red positive. I got PCR confirmed and continued to have zero symptoms. I had a bit of a headache which could possibly be just due to my jet lag. I had the urge to have hot showers for about 1 day as well.

My friend, who implemented a vaccine mandate at his job and actually fired 3 people because they refused, was also in attendance, and has since come down with a pretty bad case of it. I warned him not to get boostered or get any kind of clot shot and he called me a “conspiracy theorist”.

The thing is, calling someone a conspiracy theorist doesn’t somehow magically negate the observed existence of the conspiracy. Conspiracies are not ontological; they exist or not independent of anyone’s belief, or disbelief, in them.

It will be informative to learn how many more people have to die of “suddenly” before the inevitable Narrative Whiplash occurs and everyone suddenly knew all along that the global depopulationists were going to use a vaccine to kill large numbers of people, pretty much exactly as the X-Files and various other books, films, and TV shows suggested they would.

Classic narrative whiplash… As the war started Putin said that America and NATO are using Ukraine to try to destroy Russian power and bring their regime change project, so widespread in Eurasia for 30 years, to Moscow. And our Ministry of Truth — official government statements amplifed by the BBC, CNN, New York Times, Guardian et al — said ‘Nonsense anybody who believes this is a Putin Apologist’? And now? Now, Putin’s claim is Official Truth briefed out by the White House and No10 and if you don’t agree with using Ukraine to destroy Russian power and bring regime change to Moscow … ‘you’re a Putin apologist’! Another good example of the narrative whiplash we saw on covid as Official Truth switches 180 degrees and mainstream media instantly turns without reflection.

Domnick Cummings, Substack, 6 June 2022


They Called Their Shot

It doesn’t really matter if the satanic elite of Clown World are divinely bound to announce their intentions or if they are simply narcissistic psychopaths who revel more in the knowledge that they are getting away with their wicked deeds than they do in the deeds themselves, the simple fact of the matter is that they do announce their future intentions, albeit always in a manner that provides them with plausible deniability both before and after the fact.

This X-Files episode is not an accident. This is not an astonishing coincidence. This is how, and why, it is relatively easy to interpret current events utilizing well-informed conspiracy analysis. Even when this episode was first broadcast, I immediately noticed the expositional clumsiness and contemplated the possibility that it was blown cover as cover, although I must admit that I forgot about it as time passed. But it was not the only such announcement. This habitual revelation under the cloak of fiction is another reason why anyone who submitted to the vaccine – which I will remind you was relentlessly pushed by international corporations and global depopulationists – was not only blitheringly stupid, but required almost wilful ignorance to do so.

We were warned. We were repeatedly warned. And I can assure you, it vastly amused the wicked of Clown World to see how many of us flat-out refused to believe their repeated warnings. The truth really is out there.


The Elite Faked Their Vaxxes

As we all suspected even before the likes of Boris Johnson were being publicly “vaccinated” by syringes with the cap on, it appears that a significant portion of the corporate elite may have arranged to avoid the experimental gene therapies to which the masses were repeatedly subjected.

Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up in a scandal in Europe involving people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money, with many of them familiar faces and household names.

Police allege that Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccination and paid thousands of dollars to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register, as confirmed by police sources and reported by El Periodico de Espana.

Dr. Sousa-Faro is among more than 2,200 celebrities and European elites on the list drawn up by National Police of those falsely vaccinated against Covid. According to El Mundo, Spanish police carried out the investigation called Operation Jenner which uncovered the vast network of celebrities and elites who have paid money to have their names fraudulently entered on the National Immunization Register, despite refusing to be vaccinated.

The leader of the network was a nursing assistant at the La Paz University Hospital, where he is accused of charging more than €200,000 euros for fraudulently registering 2,200 people as vaccinated in the National Registry against Covid-19. He has been arrested and is currently in custody.

On a surprise scale of 1 to 100, this is about a 4. It was fairly obvious that the globalist elites were getting saline because they haven’t been dropping dead at the same rate as ordinary people. About the only thing I find surprising is that it doesn’t appear to have been officially organized by some high-level WHO agency.

I suspect at least twice as many people are unvaccinated as are presently believed to be.


When The Reaper Calls

The Death Jab is killing a lot more Australians than Covid ever did.

So, the good news is that you’re not necessarily doomed if you were dumb enough to get the Death Jab one or more times. The bad news is that you not only proved that you’re literally gullible enough to kill yourself on the basis of a government agency’s recommendation, but you’re also much more likely to die of “suddenly” or some other cause due to your genetically-altered, vaccine-compromised immune system.

It’s possible for science and the media to hide or otherwise explain away a lot of statistical anomalies, but all-cause mortality isn’t one of them.


Protecting the Filthbloods

Laws are being passed to prevent discrimination against the genetically altered formerly human:

No longer sci-fi speculation, the transhuman revolution is real; it’s here; it’s unfolding in real time. Man’s transformation into machine – or at least something not entirely human — will accelerate rapidly in the coming decades.

The next milestone on the road to transhuman techno-hell is a most unorthodox piece of legislation in Chile – which, along with Argentina, is the global corporate technocracy’s beachhead on the South American continent. The new law “bans discrimination against mutants and genetically altered people“:

“Law No. 21.422 prohibits labor discrimination against mutations or alterations of genetic material, and in turn ‘prohibits demanding any certificate or test to verify that the worker does not have such alterations or mutations in his human genome.’”

Ultimately, whether the intent of the bill is to normalize and legalize genetically engineered human chimeras as “human,” or to disincentive employers from snooping into actual natural humans’ genetic makeup as a precondition for employment, or for some other purpose, remains unclear.

Given the recent track record of human rights abuses by Western governments admittedly captured by the World Economic Forum, the safe bet is on the first, more sinister objective.

Actually, this is probably not about transhumanism, as it is more likely that it is a response to growing awareness of the deleterious effects of the gene therapies that are the mRNA-based not-vaccines. Because once it becomes clear that the vaxxed are much more likely to keel over and die, or become very expensive medical liabilities, no corporation is going to want to be on the hook for their insurance bills.


Stupid People Doing Stupid Things

You can’t always anticipate them. You simply can’t. From the Market Ticker comments:

Wife went to Walgreens for a short shopping run. As she walked by the Pharmacy an older guy guy was arguing with the Eugenici…err ..Pharmacist about wanting another booster as he didn’t feel well. The Pharmacist was teliing him he already had the 2 initial shots as well as 2 boosters and more weren’t approved yet so try some OTC cold remedies in the mean time.

You can’t expect to reliably prevent stupid people from doing stupid things that will break the system because you are totally incapable of imagining – much less anticipating – the full extent of their stupidity.


Safe and Effective Abortions

Vaccinated women no longer require coathangers or vacuums to prevent childbirth:

Out of 27 women that were accidentally pregnant during the vacc program. Outcome: 23 spontaneous abortions. 2 premature with neonatal death. 1 spontaneous abortion with neonatal death. 1 living baby

Pfizer doc 5.3.6 page 12

“Safe and effective”

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis

Twitter has this tweet marked “misleading”. How, one wonders, can an accurate quote from an original source reasonably be categorized as misleading? The numbers are the numbers, are they not? It appears the word “misleading” has been redefined as “contrary to the current Narrative”. See also, “debunked”.