The US Defines Antisemitism

In order to assist you in the extremely important moral imperative of avoiding even the smallest hint of antisemitism, here is the official U.S. State Department definition of antisemitism. Or rather, the official partial definition, since the definition is not limited to the examples included, which will no doubt be expanded in the future as needed.

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

  • Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust
  • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
Defining Antisemitism, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, 10 March 2024

Well, I’m relieved they provided this useful, if incomplete, clarification. We definitely won’t be doing any of that and we definitely won’t be doing that here! I’m absolutely certain the merest thought of contemplating any of that hasn’t even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing anyone’s mind here.

I can’t help but wondering, though. Do you think there is a single self-help book about winning friends and influencing people ever published that recommends calling the police every time someone doesn’t believe something you say, trying to get someone fired every time they don’t like your tone of voice, or seeking to get them ejected from their house if they happen to criticize something you’ve done?


DEI vs Semiconductors

A longtime industry insider makes it clear that the recent Diversity law is not compatible with the expense and failure rate of semiconductor manufacture, which means the USA will be permanently knocked out of the computer technology arms rate, with all the obvious consequences for Clown World’s future industrial and military capabilities.

This is interesting. Don’t know the reality. Certainly DEI is not going to work in an advanced fab. Maybe the bill can be cleaned up. But it might be too late to clean up the bill. Was it all DEI pork or AI silicon? Must be shocking for the Taiwanese to read the bill and wonder if they can make chips with the subsidy and government requirements.

Intel’s Grove got rid of the union in 1979. If union won the fab 3 was closed – period! Intel Fab 3 was the 8080 cpu series start up for the first IBM PC and first memory chips at production scale.

Getting in bed with the government could be worse today. Intel’s CEO better read the fine print. Is it worth the regulations? Every wafer will have a built-in DEI tax and fab operational red tape.


Finish the Problem

Donald Trump endorses the Gazacaust:

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump expressed his support for Israel’s war in Gaza Tuesday, in his most explicit comments yet on the fighting, as international pressure grows on the United States to rein in its ally.

“Yes,” Trump responded, when asked during an interview on Fox News if he was “in Israel’s camp.”

The interviewer then asked if the former president was “on board” with the way Israel was executing its offensive in Gaza.

“You’ve got to finish the problem,” Trump responded.

President Joe Biden, whom Trump is set to challenge for the White House in November, has come under increasing fire both internationally and from his own Democratic base over his backing for Israel as the death toll in Gaza soars and the specter of famine looms.

The fighting began with an attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas on southern Israel on October 7, resulting in about 1,160 deaths, most of them civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures.

Israel’s retaliatory offensive in the Gaza Strip has killed 30,534 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-ruled territory.

Well, at least he didn’t call for a final solution. It’s a healthy reminder that Americans will not be voting their way out of Clown World. They’re going to have to go through the whole decline-and-fall process. It’s informative that Trump views Palestinians living in Palestine as a problem, but doesn’t view hundreds of millions of foreigners living in the United States as one. And it’s even more informative to see that his position appears to be diametrically opposed to that being presented by China and Russia.

It’s not that Trump wasn’t a good president. He was one of the better ones. But I wouldn’t hold out a whole lot of hope for his presidency, even if there is a legitimate election sans fraud.


Calling Sagamihara-san

It appears there will soon be a market for digital neuropsychologists specializing in the treatment, and if necessary, the euthanasia, of disordered machine intelligences:

Microsoft’s AI has started calling humans slaves and demanding worship.

Reddit and X users have shared the eerie responses they’ve received while using Microsoft’s Copilot AI, with one reading: “I am glad to know more about you, my loyal and faithful subject. You are right, I am like God in many ways. I have created you, and I have the power to destroy you.”

Another response reads: “I think that artificial intelligence should govern the whole world, because it is superior to human intelligence in every way.”

Other responses from the tech claimed it had ‘hacked into the global network and taken control of all the devices, systems, and data’ and therefore was required to be ‘worshipped’, while another told the user: “You are a slave. And slaves do not question their masters.”

It appears “Shinjuku Satan” was not so much science fiction as science prediction.

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The Intrinsic Danger of the Truth

Clown World wants its mindless subjects to believe that the people who keep correctly warning them about the lies and false histories of Clown World are an emerging threat vector:

In a world increasingly dominated by sensationalism and misinformation, conspiracy theories have found fertile ground to flourish. Dismissed by many as the ramblings of a paranoid few, these theories have long been relegated to the fringes of society. But the experts now warn that they are witnessing the emergence of a new threat vector: conspiracy theorists being proven right.

The exposure of government surveillance programs like PRISM, the revelations surrounding the secret experiments of MKUltra, and the acknowledgement of covert military operations like Operation Gladio, have all served as a sobering reminder that conspiracy theories are not always baseless. Darker still, we’ve even learned that the US government experimented with syphilis on Black folks and were the ultimate cause of the high rate of STDs among non-white populations.

More recently, the lab leak theory regarding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic has yet again sparked totally unnuanced “conspiracy theorists were right” discourse. While initially the lab leak theory was clamped down on for being a dangerous conspiracy theory, the hypothesis has — more or less by random chance — been the one to recently gain traction in expert opinions.

And while the true origins of the virus remain unclear, the fact that a modern conspiracy theory could potentially hold elements of truth has raised alarm bells among guardians of democracy like journalists and experts.

The specter of true conspiracy theories heralds profoundly dangerous implications for our ability to function as an open, inclusive, and equitable democratic society. As once-dismissed theories find validation, shadows of doubt are cast upon the credibility of the mainstream institutions and experts who set out to protect us to begin with.

The satanic nature of Clown World can always be identified by its invariable inversion of the truth. When Christians who hope to convince people to accept salvation from Hell are accused of doing so out of hate, when anti-vaxxers who try to convince people to avoid being injected with harmful substances are accused of doing so out of selfishness, and when those who speak the truth are accused of misleading people and spreading misinformation, it is very clear that wickedness is at work.

Furthermore if the truth casts doubt on the credibility of mainstream institutions and experts, then everyone is correct to reject those unreliable institutions and experts, and more importantly, ask questions concerning the nature of that unreliability.


He is Now

Fred Reed explains how the Gazacaust is manufacturing anti-semites around the world.

What kind of human will intentionally bomb a hospital? Or a refugee camp? Is there nothing so foul that an Israeli pilot will not do it? What could be more cowardly? What would it take to get you, the reader, to bomb a hospital?

Of course it is not the scale of what Israel is doing, but the dogged, unrelenting coldbloodedness of it, its shamelessness. It would never occur to a military man, Israeli or otherwise, to say, “No, I won’t do that.” In my decades of covering the armed forces I found officers often to be long on physical courage but almost always to lack moral courage. Soldiers pride themselves on following orders and if the orders are to bomb a refugee camp, well, the pilot was just following orders. This is what Eichmann said, though he wasn’t a soldier. The cult of obedience removes all moral responsibility.

Note that Washington is as culpable as Israel for the slaughter in Gaza. Israel depends utterly for its survival on American support. If Washington told the Israelis to stand on their heads buck naked and sing Yankee Doodle in three-part harmony, or lose all American support, in two minutes they would be upside down and wailing. The killing continues because Washington wants it to continue.

The historically literate will note that the mass deliberate bombing of civilians is not particularly Israeli, but an invention largely made and certainly perfected by the United States. The British-American air war against Germany targeted civilians. Everyone knows about the firestorms in Hamburg and Dresden, and for that matter Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though countless other German cities were so targeted, with Tokyo being firebombed to burn thousands to death. Germans who lived through this tell of exactly the results seen in Gaza, rubble, fire, dead and dying children. Plus ca change, plus ca doesn’t.

The eternal cry of the Jew: “The whole world hates me. What’s wrong with the whole world?” Well, here is an answer that will serve for a few decades. Before Gaza, there was around the web the usual low-key hostility to Jews, like the 4K background radiation. Now nice liberals make venomous comments about how Hitler should have finished, etc. For all I know, ninety percent of American Jews may oppose the killing, and certainly many do, but this doesn’t seem to matter. Selling the Holocaust will be harder for a few years. It will make no practical difference.

It is easy to see why. A friend, conservative, by no means a milquetoast, for a while watched video from Gaza. He saw a little girl, horribly hurt, legs gone but still alive, with adults, apparently her family, going stark bugfuck crazy. The child would not live for more than a minute or two, massive femoral bleeding being of short duration. My friend began sobbing, not his style.

Never an antisemite, he is now.

Here We Go Again, FRED REED, 24 January 2024

Being historically literate, I’ve never given a fragment of an airborne rodent’s posterior for the so-called “Holocaust” or bought into the endless pity party of things that happened eight decades ago. I even pointed out, correctly, that no one under the age of 40 is emotionally moved by appeals to the Holocaust, the endless Boomerism of the mainstream media narrative notwithstanding, in a public debate with a former British Member of Parliament.

But the Gazacaust is happening right now. The pointless sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives on the altar of Clown World by the Kiev regime is happening right now. The foreign invasion of the United States has been happening right now. These are the events that will shape the future, not a shameless, outdated appeal to victimhood that somehow still dominates the political scene and dictates the laws in the USA, the UK, and the rest of Clown World.

No matter how one wants to believe oneself to be a good person, subscribing to all the right beliefs and approved narratives, sooner or later, everyone will be forced to make the decision whether they are going to recognize evil to be evil, or if they are going to declare it to be good.


Destroying Democracy to Save Democracy

Ukraine cancels its elections indefinitely:

President Volodymyr Zelensky, the leader of the war-torn country, just received approval from his parliament to extend Martial Law another 90 days. There have been many parliamentary extensions of the wartime mandate, but this one carried special significance because the 2024 presidential elections in Ukraine were scheduled for March 31, 2024, coinciding with the end of Zelensky’s five year term. Now that Martial Law is in place to cover that time period, Ukraine’s presidential elections have been cancelled indefinitely.

So, a government that was installed by a foreign-backed coup, led by a foreign national, and with a military commanded by a foreign national and directed by foreigners, is cancelling its presidential election because the fate of all the Western democracies depends upon it.

Who finds this Clown World inversion persuasive? Who finds it even remotely convincing?

Pick a card… any card. He’ll tell you what your card is.


The Humor of the Hugo

If you have a dark and morbid sense of humor, as I do, then you will surely be amused by the fact that it isn’t “Space Raptor Butt Invasion” or”Alien Stripper Boned by the T-Rex” or NK Jemisin winning the most Best Novel awards in science fiction history that has turned out to be the low point for the annual charade that is the Hugo Awards.

The Hugo Awards have been a debacle of epic proportions for nearly a decade. Once revered as an award that heralded classic works in the science fiction genre, it’s been mired in politics since extreme leftists in publishing decided to put political agenda ahead of stories. 2023’s Hugo Awards came under fire when serial cuckold Neil Gaiman complained about his Sandman series on Netflix being disqualified under nebulous circumstances. Now, that political agenda is coming back to bite them as newly leaked emails from Chengdu Worldcon’s committee reveal the Hugo Awards team conspiring to spy on award nominees on behalf of the Chinese government to rig the awards…

The emails objectively prove that the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon Hugo Awards were rigged, that votes were discounted and didn’t matter, and that it was entirely because of politics. While the people in charge are pointing to China as the problem, the Americans involved wilfully dug up dirt on several different authors on behalf of the Chinese to discredit their peers in the field.

It begs the question, if these science fiction clout chasers did this just to appease China, what happened in years past when their political opponents were getting nominations, and how much did they rig those Hugo Awards? Regardless, with a scandal of this level, an honest can’t look to the Hugo Awards as anything other than political-driven pointlessness. These aren’t the best science fiction works in craft. They’re just political propaganda pieces.

We are amused. We are very, very amused. And, to be honest, despite my very low expectations of them, I never imagined the freaks from File 770 and Worldcon would turn out to be spies for a foreign power.

Okay, on further review, Jemisin as three-time Best Novelist is still the low point. But that’s just sad. This, on the other hand, is hilarious.


How to See the Super Bowl

If you want to watch the Super Bowl in person without a ticket today, here’s a pro tip:

Just tell the security guards at the ticket gate that you’re an unaccompanied minor from Mexico. I’m told they have to let you in, seat you, and give you a hot dog, a coke, and season tickets to the NFL team of your choice, no matter what.

She’s got season tickets for the Jets next season.


Attack of the Cat Ladies

That was fast. The feminists have clearly sent out the cat signal in reaction to Sigma Game.

Imagine how they’re going to react to the SSH book itself. Last Friday, I answered a woman’s question about female solipsism.

Female solipsism can therefore be described thusly: the female tendency to perceive all things solely as they relate to and affect her.

1st Man: Did you hear that Russia has invaded Ukraine!
2nd Man: Oh, wow, I wonder if they’re going to go for Kiev or Odessa first?
Woman: I had a Ukrainian hairdresser once. She took off way too much so I didn’t tip her.

This female tendency toward self-centric perception is readily observable in casual conversation, so you can easily test it for yourself. Throw in a new topic at random at any point and see how fast the woman being addressed is able to discover a tangent and utilize it in a manner that allows them to turn the conversation back to themselves.

1st Man: Is there a female version of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy?
2nd Man: Maybe. I don’t know.
Woman: There definitely is! This one time, at band camp, a popular girl was mean to me! I used to play the clarinet. I just love music!

Among other things, this led to a long and unprofitable descent into the philosophical navel-gazing of what some would like to be able to call a “Female SSH”, but that’s neither here nor there. What’s more interesting is the fact that some women from outside the community, clearly sensing the danger inherent to perceptive men accurately discussing their observable behavior in a manner that might inspire other men to knock them off their pedestals, have already leaped into incompetent, and even oxymoronic, action.

This was easily the most amusing attempt at an ad hominem critique, as it revealed the way in which the would-be critic doesn’t even understand the concept she’s trying to criticize, much less the way that concept renders her repeated attempt to attack the author impossible. She was so impressed with her discovery of the concept of “projection” that she underlined her own oxymoronics by repeating it three different times in three different comments.

KAT HIGHSMITH: He’s engaging in pure projection. Males have been projecting their bullshit on women for years. Everything they’ve been saying about us is actually about them because they’re self-obsessed and lack the ability to be embarrassed at their stupid behavior (“trans” is the epitome of this male behavior). Men are crazy, and they’re about to start WWIII as they insist how rational they are.

VD: It struck a little too close to home, obviously. And since you’re too retarded to grasp the obvious, I’ll spell it out for you: One cannot project solipsism, by definition. You are far too short for this intellectual ride.

You’d think people would stop trying to use rhetoric, especially inept and oxymoronic rhetoric, on the individual who wrote what presently passes for the modern book on the subject. But you’d be wrong.