You want orcs, you’ve got orcs

If the latest absurdity out of Germany doesn’t make you laugh, you’ve got a heart of stone:

FURY is growing in Germany over mounting evidence of ANOTHER cover-up of migrant sex crimes after it emerged a welcome party for refugees held two months before the Cologne rapes descended into a mass groping session.

and victims have furiously demanded to know why organisers did not warn
them that refugees had committed abhorrent sexual harassment amid
speculation such information could have helped avert the sickening
attacks on New Year’s Eve.

Young women had to flee the welcome
event in terror after being groped by gangs of migrant men, even though
organisers repeatedly interrupted the music with messages in Arabic
urging them to stop their harassment.

Wow, even though they repeatedly interrupted the music? Unstoppable! You can imagine the total puzzlement of the German organizers. “But vee have TOLD zem to stop attacking zee young vimmens! Vee told zem TWICE but zey do not stop! Do zey not know es ist verboten?”

It will be interesting to see how long the German SJWs try to deny the simple reality that orcs are going to behave like orcs and that the Magic Dirt isn’t working. Probably about as long as it takes for German economists to figure out that all this immigration is not, in fact, good for the German economy.

No, they shouldn’t have

Outsourcing your money to a self-interested outside party seldom ends well:

Finland should never have signed up to the single currency union, according to its foreign minister.

With the northernmost euro member now set to become the bloc’s weakest economy, the question of currency regime continues to resurface as Finland looks for explanations for its lost competitiveness. Timo Soini, who is also the leader of one of three members of the ruling coalition, the anti-immigration The Finns party, says the country could have resorted to devaluations had it not been for its euro membership.

The comments come as a former foreign minister gathers signatures in an effort to force the government to hold a referendum on euro membership. While polls still show most Finns don’t want to go through the process of exiting the currency bloc, there are signs that a plurality of voters think they would be better off outside the euro….

Without the option of currency devaluation, the government has calculated that Finland needs to lower its labor costs as much as 15 percent to catch up with its main trade partners, Sweden and Germany. Finland’s economy has shrunk for the past three years and Nordea, the biggest Nordic bank, predicts further contraction in 2015. Finland will be the weakest EU economy by 2017, when it will grow at less than half the pace of Greece, according to the European Commission.

Translation: when you can’t devalue your currency and share the burden equally throughout the entire nation, you have to pay all your workers less even though their expenses will remain high. So, instead of a devalued currency, you’ve lowered the quality of life of pretty much everyone who works for a living.

The sad thing is that this was all entirely obvious, and was in fact predicted, by many economists critical of the Euro. But social mood always trumps the naysayers who are battling the zeitgeist.

The Euro will fail eventually. This is not in doubt. The only question is how bad it has to get in the member nations before they reclaim their financial sovereignty.

Mailvox: the burning shame

Gammas never know when to stop. They always think that if they can just figure out the perfect thing to say, if they can somehow formulate the ideal insult and drop it at just the right time, they can completely flip the situation around and triumph like the secret kings they believe themselves to be.

By which I mean HS, or “Harry Savannah” as he calls himself, couldn’t
even flounce away properly. After loftily announcing that he
would let me “take the last word… like an obnoxious child demands,” he couldn’t quite manage to do so and emailed me a sixth time.

Did I say 16 yrs. old? Overestimated. Make that 13…Gamma.

I figured you’d be back again. You are such a Gamma that you can’t even flounce away properly. You see, when you talked about what an obnoxious child demands, that was a psychological tell. You were emotionally projecting. That’s why you’re trying to use my terms now, because you think they will hurt me the way they hurt you. But they won’t. They don’t apply.

I understand that it stings to know thousands of people are laughing at you. But that’s what happens when you are foolish enough to take on your intellectual and social superiors. Now, you can either learn your lesson and stop here, or you can keep digging yourself in deeper.

Your behavior is not Christian in the slightest, in fact, it makes Christians look more than a little bit crazy. You really should stop this now.

This is where the similarity between the SJW mindset and the Gamma mindset can be seen; both SJWs and Gammas believe that if they fake it long enough, their declarations will somehow magically come alive. It’s a sort of intellectual cargo cult; it certainly involves magical thinking.

UPDATE: Harry just. keeps. going.

You are a study, Junior, in adolescent tub-thumping. You know nothing about me but offer this blunderbuss: “…your intellectual and social superiors.” Are you for real? Can you actually be this intellectually pubescent? Also this teenage piece of work: “…that was a psychological tell.” Riiiiiiiight, Junior, that’s EXACTLY what it was…a “psychological tell”. Now I’m actually curious – how old are you?

Just a little piece of advice, lad, because I’m beginning to feel embarrassed FOR you. And it is just that. You seem to be without a capacity to feel embarrassment. Call it extreme adolescent hubris. Call it moronic, but for heaven’s sake take some adult advice at long last. Am I asking too much here?

I have warned Harry that if he persists in attempting to harass me, his email address is going on the blog. I don’t think it’s necessary to turn him over to the VFM, as he’s just an annoying Gamma male, not an SJW in attack mode. I get the feeling that he is an older individual who doesn’t really understand how social media works.

Just like a control-obsessed overweening bully – you make a threat. Very
good, the mask comes off. You persist in asking why I don’t stop
emailing you. Yet you do not seem to see that you do exactly the same.
Remarkable obtuseness. This could have stopped several steps ago in this
exchange. But, of course, you must have the last word – only to make a
threat after you’re wearied with it. But it is true that I offered to
give you that last word. So I am obligated to do so.  Let me finally say
that it is my judgment that you are a fraud as a professing Christian, a
disgrace – not even identifying as a believer a single time in this
exchange and engaging in a thoughtful manner anything of the substance
of my initial query, but preferred to petulantly complain about my being
“impolite.” Which, considering all the badinage in this tennis
exercise, seems down-right ridiculous in the end, no?

This is the second time he has implied he would stop. We’ll see. It’s really remarkable the way Gammas always seem to want to jump in, lecture you, and then have you obediently accept their very important message without saying anything.

The faithful lose their way

The Church of Star Citizen has lost a brother:

Its always going to be hard leaving a cult that I helped to build – But it was time to do it.

Not only has the game changed, but so has the community. Its hard to watch the transition between “tech savvy people with a bit of money to invest in a fun project” into “hypemachine! – you are not valid unless you invest, and subsequently don’t complain”

It is a shame that CR has not been able to admit to himself that he couldn’t handle this, and I promise – this is the same goddamn problem every single one of us have, role delegation, letting someone else take over, when we don’t have the time/skills to do it anymore.

So, assets are getting done, redone, changed, people jump off, new guys come in, hype online, the name that shouldn’t be mentioned, grey market crashing, 2.0 another disappointment, this feels like a DEMO cd from the front of a magazine in the damn 90’s… AAAARRRH……

Silence. . . .I had had enough. This project’s direction is lost within itself.

I had tried to sell my stuff, so that CIG could keep the money I had donated, but, I couldn’t even get half of what I had invested. So, I decided to just mail CIG and ask them for my money back. And they gave it to me.

We will see. But certainly events do seem to be following the direction Derek Smart predicted. Which is not at all to say that he is responsible for them going that way.

Oh, the irony

There are neither faces nor palms big enough to suffice:

The violence follows a weekend of clashes in asylum centres across the country. In one asylum centre in the former airport of Tempelhof in Berlin, police had to intervene after a fight started as migrants queued for food.

That came at the same time as another fight in the Berlin suburb of Spandau, where migrants attacked one another with fire extinguishers. Windows were smashed and sofas thrown, leaving several migrants wounded. Some 500 people had be to be evacuated from the migrant centre in “fear and panic”.

Germany’s police union has previously called for migrants to be separated by country of origin to minimise the risk of inter-ethnic tension.

Let’s see. You are going to separate THE PEOPLE YOU LET INTO YOUR COUNTRY by country of origin TO MINIMISE THE RISK OF INTER-ETHNIC TENSION.

That’s not minimizing the risk of inter-ethnic tension. Minimizing the risk of inter-ethnic tension would involve kicking all the non-German ethnics out and keeping them out.

Immigration is rape culture. Immigration is culture rape.

SF-SJWs devouring themselves

ST Joshi, who is a leftist, an SF writer, and a respected H.P. Lovecraft scholar, has come under intense SJW fire for standing up for Lovecraft’s literary legacy:

1) The World Fantasy Award is a purely literary award. It is awarded purely for literary excellence in the field of weird fiction. It commemorated Lovecraft because (a) it was created for the First World Fantasy Convention in 1975, held in Providence, R.I., which was essentially a Lovecraft convention, and (b) it acknowledges Lovecraft’s literary greatness, both intrinsically and in terms of his influence. That is all that the award “means.” The award says nothing about Lovecraft as a person (just as other awards in this and related fields say nothing about the person or character of the figures they are named for). The changing of the award is an implicit rejection of Lovecraft’s literary status. It suggests that Lovecraft’s racism is so heinous a character flaw that it negates the entirety of his literary achievement. This is one of many reasons why I find it mystifying how any genuine devotee of Lovecraft can be in favour of changing the WFA bust.

2) We have no reason to be confident that the current agitators will stop at the WFA bust. Indeed, the prime mover in the matter—Daniel José Older—has made his general contempt for Lovecraft quite clear, as when he called him a “terrible wordsmith.” (I suspect he would say much the same about Poe, Dunsany, Machen, and any other writers who don’t write the kind of slangy, faux-hipster style he favours.) It is quite evident that some of these agitators really don’t like Lovecraft as a writer and resent his fame and influence, and have seized on the one flaw of his racism to cast him out into the literary darkness. Vigilance needs to be maintained that the tarring of Lovecraft’s reputation doesn’t go any further.

3) The discarding of the WFA bust may in itself be insignificant, but it is troubling for a multitude of reasons. It is, for example, an historical error to pass condign judgment on figures of the past because they are perceived to have departed from the moral, political, and social views to which we adhere. This shows a cultural intolerance and lack of historical understanding that is very discouraging. We have not exactly attained moral and intellectual perfection ourselves, and I daresay we will be judged harshly for all manner of derelictions a hundred years from now. (We now hear of students at Princeton University—where I did graduate work in 1982–84—lobbying to have every vestige of Woodrow Wilson’s name eliminated from the campus merely because he made a few racist comments, as if these comments somehow repudiate all the significant political and diplomatic achievements of his career.)

By the way, this is not the first time I’ve seen Ellen Datlow’s name mentioned with regards to egregious SJW lunacy. She would appear to be nearly as ideologically insane as Patrick Nielsen Hayden.

I have been led to believe that the celebrated editor
Ellen Datlow was a major force in getting the Lovecraft bust discarded
from the World Fantasy Awards. If this is so, it casts a dubious light
on Datlow herself. One has to wonder about the moral compass of a person
who has materially benefited from Lovecraft’s increasing reputation by
opportunistically assembling two volumes of Lovecraft-inspired fiction (Lovecraft Unbound [2009] and Lovecraft’s Monsters [2014]) and who then turns around and kicks Lovecraft figuratively in the posterior.

This part was particularly amusing to me:

My dissociation with Dan Clore was not because he disagreed with me, but because he treated me in an abusive and insulting manner. He in effect stated that I was a right-wing racist bigot, even though he knows that I am a leftist.

You don’t say! What, pray tell, do SJWs do? Ah yes, that’s right. SJWs Always Lie!

Next up: Mayweather?

High-Lar-Ee-Us. Absolutely hilarious. Delusional big yapper Ronda gets KO’d in two rounds.

Holm easily won Round 1, bloodying Rousey’s face with stiff left
hands and oblique leg-kicks that slashed through her opponent’s
fearsome, furious frontal attacks. Rousey got in one takedown — her
signature move that has won her several fights within the first minute —
and Holm promptly wriggled out, then caught Rousey with a stinging
punch to the face and a left elbow across the right cheekbone.

But it was the beginning of Round 2 that was to be the end of
Rousey’s perfect 12-0 record. Still woozy and bloodied from the
first-round beat-down, Rousey endured a number of stiff punches and
kicks — most, again, to the face — as she tried to chase Holm around the
ring, hoping to suck the taller fighter into one of her devastating
submission holds.

That’s when Holm’s swinging left leg strike caught Rousey in the neck and sent her teetering to the mat: Holm
fell with Rousey to deliver a flurry of finishing hammer punches to the
face, but by then she was beating on an already unconscious Rousey.

UFC 193: Rousey v Holm
The kick that ended Ronda Rousey’s perfect 12-0 record.

To paraphrase Rousey herself, I wonder how Ronda feels being beat by a woman for once? Tell us again how you’d beat Floyd Mayweather, Ronda…. I told you the woman was nothing but corporate feminist hype; now even those without any experience fighting know that she’s a fraud.

I had no respect for Rousey whatsoever because she is a liar, a charlatan, and utterly sans class. She showed no respect for her sport, no respect for far superior fighters, and no respect for her fellow female fighters either. Few athletes who have been so completely humiliated have merited it more.

On a technical note, these all-offense, no-defense fighters who rely on quickly overwhelming their opponents often surprise everyone with how completely they lose because their offensive dominance usually masks an inability to defend themselves. Once they meet a fighter they can’t simply overwhelm, they don’t tend to have a B option. Counterfighters tend to be the more complete fighters. I’ve bolded the relevant notes below, with my observations in italics.

Round 1: Holm offered up a touch of the gloves and Rousey didn’t take her eyes off her, refusing the gesture. Holm standing right in the pocket ready to engage, but it’s Rousey who gets off the first shot. Holm lands with a combo that stops Rousey for a brief moment in her tracks. No full-on blitz by Rousey yet, as she has done lately. [She was afraid of walking into a defensive jab from a superior boxer.] Another stiff left from the challenger finds a home, as does the oblique kick. Rousey with a right that stuns Holm and they clinch. To the fence and Rousey fires off several knees. Holm pushes back and Rousey unloads, but so does Holm. It’s likely Holm has hit Rousey more times through two minutes than she’s been hit in over a year. Rousey takes her down and is working for an armbar, but Holm defends and survives the first ground exchange. [This is likely where Holm won the fight. The grappler was counting on getting the striker to the ground quickly.] Back to the kick goes Holm and she circles away. Another kick finds a home and a straight left by Holm lands. Rousey’s face is starting to turn red from the straight shots, as she’s not moving at all. She’s just eating these shots. [She can’t close and she couldn’t finish when she did. No Plan B.] Holm loses her mouthpiece and we have a break. Holm with the clinch and she takes Rousey down, quickly getting back to her feet. Rousey looks desperate, chasing after her and she’s breathing heavily. Exchange of knees from the two, but Holm is all over her. [By this point, Holm knew she was in control of the fight. She’d figured out that Rousey had no defenses.]

FightLine scores the round 10-9 for Holm

Round 2: Rousey eats a shot right off the bat and a combo, as Holm is dominating this fight. Rousey completely whiffs on a strike and falls to her knees. She hurts her with a left and delivers a kick to the face and Rousey is out cold. Rousey was out cold and asking Herb Dean what happened.

Watch the video. It wasn’t even close. After a flailing attack ends up with her on her knees, Rousey exhibits a total lack of basic defense, as she failed to get clear before getting up and turning around. She blindly turned right into the kick, which is why she was KO’d on her feet.

After watching this, I would not only expect Holm to beat Rousey in a rematch, but I wonder if Rousey will even ask for one. That wasn’t an upset, that was a better fighter cleaning the clock of a tactically limited one.

The arrogance of the inept

America’s empire-builders are receiving a humiliating lesson in the limits of human power:

Fourteen years after we invaded Afghanistan, Afghan troops are once again fighting Taliban forces for control of Kunduz. Only 10,000 U.S. troops still in that ravaged country prevent the Taliban’s triumphal return to power.

A dozen years after George W. Bush invaded Iraq, ISIS occupies its second city, Mosul, controls its largest province, Anbar, and holds Anbar’s capital, Ramadi, as Baghdad turns away from us — to Tehran.

The cost to Iraqis of their “liberation”? A hundred thousand dead, half a million widows and fatherless children, millions gone from the country and, still, unending war.

How has Libya fared since we “liberated” that land? A failed state, it is torn apart by a civil war between an Islamist “Libya Dawn” in Tripoli and a Tobruk regime backed by Egypt’s dictator.

Then there is Yemen. Since March, when Houthi rebels chased a Saudi sock puppet from power, Riyadh, backed by U.S. ordinance and intel, has been bombing that poorest of nations in the Arab world.

Five thousand are dead and 25,000 wounded since March. And as the 25 million Yemeni depend on imports for food, which have been largely cut off, what is happening is described by one U.N. official as a “humanitarian catastrophe.”

“Yemen after five months looks like Syria after five years,” said the international head of the Red Cross on his return.

On Monday, the wedding party of a Houthi fighter was struck by air-launched missiles with 130 guests dead. Did we help to produce that?

What does Putin see as the ideological root of these disasters?

“After the end of the Cold War, a single center of domination emerged in the world, and then those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to think they were strong and exceptional, they knew better.”

Then, adopting policies “based on self-conceit and belief in one’s exceptionality and impunity,” this “single center of domination,” the United States, began to export “so-called democratic” revolutions.
How did it all turn out? Says Putin:

“An aggressive foreign interference has resulted in a brazen destruction of national institutions. … Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster. Nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life.”

The arrogant neocons who “create events” would do well to understand that when you’ve reached the point that a Russian autocrat looks preferable to neutrals and Americans alike, you should stop digging and reassess your assumptions.

Put a fork in the Republicans

They’re done. They’re not only sell-outs, they’re never going to be seriously competitive with the Democratic Party because apparently they have hamstrung themselves and agreed to never challenge voter fraud:

The following is compiled from an account on The Judicial View, a legal website specializing in court decision research and alerts, and from “Democratic National Committee v Republican National Committee,” Case No. 09-4615.

In 1981, during the gubernatorial election in New Jersey (NJ), a lawsuit was brought against the RNC, the NJ Republican State Committee (RSC), and three individuals (John A. Kelly, Ronald Kaufman, and Alex Hurtado), accusing them of violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 1971, 1973, and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The lawsuit was brought by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the NJ Democratic State Committee (DSC), and two individuals (Virginia L. Peggins and Lynette Monroe).

The lawsuit alleged that:

    The RNC and RSC targeted minority voters in New Jersey in an effort to intimidate them.

    The RNC created a voter challenge list by mailing sample ballots to individuals in precincts with a high percentage of racial or ethnic minority registered voters. Then the RNC put the names of individuals whose postcards were returned as undeliverable on a list of voters to challenge at the polls.

    The RNC enlisted the help of off-duty sheriffs and police officers with “National Ballot Security Task Force” armbands, to intimidate voters by standing at polling places in minority precincts during voting. Some of the officers allegedly wore firearms in a visible manner.

To settle the lawsuit, in 1982 — while Ronald Reagan was President (1981-1989) — the RNC and RSC entered into an agreement or Consent Decree, which is national in scope, limiting the RNC’s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court’s approval in advance. The following is what the RNC and RSC, in the Consent Decree, agreed they would do:

[I]n the future, in all states and territories of the United States:

(a) comply with all applicable state and federal laws protecting the rights of duly qualified citizens to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice;

(b) in the event that they produce or place any signs which are part of ballot security activities, cause said signs to disclose that they are authorized or sponsored by the party committees and any other committees participating with the party committees;

(c) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their agents or employees to remove or deface any lawfully printed and placed campaign materials or signs;

(d) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their employees to campaign within restricted polling areas or to interrogate prospective voters as to their qualifications to vote prior to their entry to a polling place;

(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;

(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.

The RNC also agreed that the RNC, its agents, servants, and employees would be bound by the Decree, “whether acting directly or indirectly through other party committees.”

As modified in 1987, the Consent Decree defined “ballot security activities” to mean “ballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud.”

Since 1982, that Consent Decree has been renewed every year by the original judge, Carter appointee District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, now 88 years old. Long retired, Debevoise comes back yearly for the sole purpose of renewing his 1982 order for another year.

Do you seriously believe any party that would agree to such handcuffs is even remotely capable of defending American interests?

How is this woman still a candidate?

I’m sure you will be just as shocked as I am to learn that Hillary Clinton has been caught lying about her emails again:

The U.S. Defense Department has found an email chain that Hillary Clinton did not give to the State Department, the State Department said on Friday, despite her saying she had provided all work emails from her time as secretary of state.

The correspondence with General David Petraeus, who was commander of U.S. Central Command at the time, started shortly before she entered office and continued during her first days as the top U.S. diplomat in January and February of 2009.

The Defense Department provided the emails to the State Department in “the last several days,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.

The exchange of 10 or so emails, the existence of which were first reported by the Associated Press on Friday, largely dealt with personnel issues, according to the State Department.

Clinton’s use of a private email account connected to a server in her home instead of a government-issued email address came to light in March.

News of the previously undisclosed email thread only adds to a steady stream of revelations about the emails in the past six months, which have forced Clinton to revise her account of the setup which she first gave in March.

Nearly a third of all Democrats and 58 percent of all voters think Clinton is lying about her handling of her emails, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

At this point, it is beginning to look as if the only reason the Lizard Queen is still in the race is in the hopes of being able to get elected and pardon herself. She’s not only jumping the shark, she’s doing backflips over it.