Resurrecting the Iron Curtain

I am certain that Vladimir Putin has no designs on Eastern Europe. But that doesn’t mean the Russians can’t be provoked into invading and occupying Eastern Europe in order to pacify it if the Eastern European retarderati are genuinely stupid enough to attack Russia.

Several countries in Eastern Europe are considering a pre-emptive strike against Russia, according to Financial Times columnist Simon Kuper. The reported development comes despite the Ukraine peace negotiations launched by Moscow and Washington.

According to Kuper, the perceived pivot toward Moscow by US President Donald Trump has brought back the geographical distinctions of the Cold War, namely the idea of “Eastern Europe”, and “Western Europe,” where one sees Russia as an existential threat and the other “isn’t that bothered.”

“We know. That’s why some of our countries are asking, ‘Why don’t we attack Russia now, instead of sitting waiting for it to attack us?’” an unnamed “prominent Eastern European politician” said, without elaborating.

This is the ultimate in foolish “let’s you and him” fight strategies. And it’s based upon the obviously false assumption that if the Eastern European countries start a war with Russia, the USA will be somehow forced into declaring war on Russia in order to defend them.

I don’t know how the God-Emperor could make it any more verbally clear to all of the European countries that the US military is not going to defend them under any circumstances, so it’s becoming apparent that he’s going to have to actually withdraw all of the US troops from Europe in order to convince the Europeans that they are genuinely and completely on their own, and that Uncle Sam is not going to rush in to rescue them from defeat and occupation by the Russian military.


Clown World’s Bluff

The European retarderati doesn’t know how to fight, do diplomacy, or do anything else except double down on its delusional rhetoric. An Austrian Clown World puppet by the name of Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn, the Chairman of the Austria NATO NGO, actually dared to threaten Americans and the God-Emperor 2.0 himself:

If MAGA/Putin America wants to play hard ball with us in Europe, we shall do the following.

  • 50% tariffs on all US imports
  • Confiscating all USA military assets in Europe if case US withdraws USA military staff
  • No more inteligence sharing
  • No more visits or invitations
  • Boycott key American products whose owners support Trump as Tesla, SpaceX
  • Exclude USA defence sector from EU military procurement
  • Cancel all F35 contracts etc
  • We produce our own defence material ourself of buy it from Ukraine, Turkey or South Korea

Call them on it, Mr. President. By all means, call them on it! It’s hard to think of anything that would shatter the European Union faster, more completely, and permanently than seeing it attempt to flex on a tripartite economic alliance of China, Russia, and the USA. Europe is a continent, it is not a regional power or even an actual power at all.

These little European yap dogs behave like men who were never spanked as children or punched in the mouth as adults. They have no ability to distinguish between verbal posturing and material power.

UPDATE: The God-Emperor called at least part of the Eurocrat bluff.

President Donald Trump is putting a pause on all military aid to Ukraine and issuing an ultimatum to President Volodymyr Zelensky after their Oval Office meeting blew up on Friday. All military equipment not currently in Ukraine will be halted and all future aid is now in jeopardy.


The Total Irrelevance of 80’s Conservatism

It’s amusing to see how the Jonah Goldbergs of the world still not only think that National Review conservatives matter, but that they’re on the right track for the future.

The purpose of FreeCon 2025 was to defend and renew the principles of 20th century movement conservatism, particularly the approach adopted by Buckley and laid out in the Sharon Statement of 1960. The movement is reactionary in the literal sense—a response to the growing intellectual influence of populism and postliberalism on the American right and the concomitant question of old conservative pieties of free markets, free trade, the separation of church and state, the status of civil rights, and the proper use of state power.

These are questions that the Freedom Conservatives are ill-equipped to answer, if FreeCon is any guide. How did fusionism fall out of favor so rapidly—reduced from a powerful guiding force in Republican party politics to an intellectual backwater out of favor even among conservatives? This was at least partly the subject of one of the panels, the discussion between Goldberg and Will. Goldberg obligingly laid out one potential argument for the precipitous decline in factional fortunes: It is the result of failures by successive Republican administrations after the end of the Cold War, as attempts to lower trade barriers with Mexico and China destroyed American jobs and the communities of the industrial heartlands while a limp, overly libertarian response to social issues left families vulnerable to decay and disintegration.

Is that where our intrepid mastodons think things went so wrong? To the contrary—in fact, nothing went wrong at all. “I don’t think conservatives made any mistakes in the postwar era,” said Will. The loss of jobs to Mexico and China were the natural results of the free market, and so must be considered a good thing. As for social issues, Goldberg argued that the fusionists did take action—by publishing articles in National Review. Having gotten the self-absolutions out of the way in record time, Will and Goldberg turned the rest of the discussion over to critiquing the excesses of various non-fusionist groups.

A central element of the conference was a basic inability to come to grips with the political reality of the United States in 2025. Not only did the speakers conclude that fusion conservatism did nothing wrong in its journey to the fringes of the American right; they concluded that most Americans are actually fusionists in ignorance. How convenient! From what they read in the polling data, Americans agree with them on the issues already. They want lower taxes, smaller government, more power to the states! They want freedom and equal opportunity! Isn’t this what conservatism has always been about? The problem, one panel discussing the issue concluded, was that Americans simply didn’t realize that fusionism is what they really want. With just a little better messaging, a more extensive campaign to get FreeCon principles in front of the American people, and (inevitably) stronger outreach to Latinos, the American people will come to their senses once again.

Easily the most bizarre moment of the conference was an interview with Kay Coles James, the former head of the Heritage Foundation. James—a black woman—looked out on the almost uniformly white audience and proclaimed joyously that “in 30 years, people of color will run America.” Cue a few awkward chuckles from the seats.

This demographic change, she said, necessitates a new, grand strategy from conservatives, Joy argued. Conservatives must recognize racism in America and promise to put an end to it by providing equal opportunity. By 2040, minorities will be a majority of the American population, so, she warned, conservatives had better inform those minorities that we care about them and dedicate American resources to prepare them for the mantle of leadership which will inevitably be theirs.

She had been terribly disappointed, she recalled, that conservatives had not seized the moment after George Floyd’s death to make their case against racism to the American people. “Regardless of what the hard statistics were,” Republicans should have taken the opportunity to tell minorities “we hear you and understand you” instead of allowing Black Lives Matter to take leadership of the movement. Likewise, James argued, conservatives should have claimed DEI, but with “equal opportunity” in place of “equity.”

“I don’t know anybody in this room who doesn’t disagree with the idea that diversity makes things better,” she said.

Due to its unprincipled and non-ideological devotion to defense, Buckleyite conservativism was always a loser’s strategy. But their embrace of neoconservatism and its globalist imperialism was the deal with the Devil that secured their eventual descent into complete irrelevance and open anti-Christianity.

When you haven’t conserved so much as the ladies room and you find yourself writing articles attempting to make the conservative case for satanic self-mutilation in the name of a psychological disorder while playing second fiddle to diversities blathering about the supreme importance of even more diversity, you should probably rethink your principled lack of principles.


The Definition of Wishful Thinking

James Carville doesn’t exactly have his finger on the pulse of the American people:

Political guru James Carville forecasted Donald Trump’s Administration will collapse within the next 30 days. The veteran Democratic strategist told Mediaite’s Dan Abrams that Trump’s popularity is sinking, and he believes the administration will implode from a lack of public support.

‘I believe that this administration, in less than 30 days, is in the midst of a massive collapse and particularly a collapse in public opinion,’ Carville said. ‘What I have said very publicly is that Democrats need to play possum. This whole thing is collapsing.

Nonsense. It’s far more likely that in 30 days virtually everyone Carville knows will be either a) unemployed, b) arrested, or c) dead.

3,500 More Years!


Why I Don’t Fly RyanAir

I don’t want wacky, I don’t want diversity, and I don’t want inclusivity when I’m travelling. I want serious, highly-competent ex-military men in their mid-50s who could land a plane in their sleep. And if I owned this airline, I’d immediately fire every single one of these jokers for degrading confidence in the company’s ability to safely fly its planes.


The Retarderati at Work

EU politicians aren’t merely evil. They’re observably stupid too. Even children are usually capable of remembering what they did just two years ago. Who could possibly believe this is effective rhetoric? Are the European elite just so hopped up on adrenochrome that they have zero functioning memory, or do they simply assume that no one pays any attention to what they say?

And what “democracy” is that? The one that is now literally imitating what Alt-Hero was describing several years ago with the federal police breaking into people’s homes and arresting them for illegal memes? The one in which the minority parties in power are attempting to outlaw the party that is most popular and best represents the actual will of the German people?


Is Blake Lively Playing a Lawyer?

Now, perhaps the courts are even more corrupted than I think, but this attempt to control who the other side uses to conduct their depositions strikes me as completely insane.

Blake Lively wants Justin Baldoni’s powerful celebrity attorney Bryan Freedman barred from taking her deposition, can reveal.  The actress’s lawyers have told their counterparts representing Baldoni and his production company Wayfarer that they object to veteran litigator Freedman conducting the under-oath grilling.

The shock demand is revealed in a new letter from Baldoni’s team to the New York judge overseeing the It Ends with Us co-stars’ $400million defamation suit. They say the 37-year-old Gossip Girl alum and wife of Hollywood megastar Ryan Reynolds, 48, has no right to dictate who questions her.

‘Specifically, the Lively Parties’ counsel indicated that they object to Bryan J. Freedman personally, taking Ms. Lively’s deposition, based upon unspecified statements made by Mr. Freedman. When asked to elaborate on the grounds for their objection, counsel for the Lively Parties declined to do so.’

It would appear that the Lively Parties’ counsel not only are not powerful celebrity attorneys, but are not even lawyers at all. Everything they file or say doesn’t appear to just be counterproductive, but genuinely crazy.


Little Black House on the Prairie

There are just so many ways this is almost certain to go very, very wrong:

Little House on the Prairie fans are voicing their concern after Netflix revealed plans to release a new take on the beloved Western series, which aired from 1974 to 1982. On Wednesday, the streaming giant announced they were working on a ‘fresh adaptation’ of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s series of American children’s novels.

It has been more than 40 years since the original, long-running series wrapped its final episode after nine seasons in 1984.

In a statement, obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, Jinny Howe, vp drama series for Netflix, revealed that the reboot will be a ‘fresh take on this iconic story.’

Fresh take = Pa is going to be an escaped slave, Ma is going to be a strong, independent Jewish feminist, Mary will be crippled by polio because she didn’t get vaccinated, and Laura and Nellie will have an ambiguously lesbian relationship.

There is some real Rings of Power potential for disaster here.


Wruh-Wroh, Wrexham

Those Hollywood millions may be flowing out of Wales even more quickly than they flowed in after Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought the team. Lady C, who usually knows what’s going on behind the scenes, explains why Reynolds and Lively appear to be heading for defeat in court, as well as, she suspects, a divorce.

Here’s the story. Reynolds has form in hijacking movies from their originators and not only taking credit for them, but taking the profitability as well. When he and Lively realised that “It Ends With Us” was going to become a huge hit – and Baldoni, who was not only the male lead but also the brains behind the film, the producer, director, script writer and held the option to a sequel, had control of the project – they set about wresting control of the movie frmom him.

However, to achieve their objective of supplanting Baldoni, they had to obtain the rushes and edit the movie themselves. And that’s where things derailed… Ryan Reynolds became increasingly unsettled (to be polite) when he witnessed the unbridled attraction his wife was displaying towards Baldoni… So what does Lively do? Ever the pastmistress of deflection, she denies behing attracted to Baldoni, spins her overt acts of attraction into victimhod, and blames her co-star for taking advantage of her. Remember, at this point, neither Lively nor Reynolds appreciated that Baldoni had footage with sound which could disprove her accusations.

Now, it all made sense to me except one thing. How could publicly destroying the man guarantee them the control over the sequel that they were allegedly pursuing? Did they think he would grant it to them in a settlement, when the movie did $350 million globally? That seemed… improbable.

Well, it’s been reported that there was a clause in his original purchase of the IP that would strip him of the right to use them for the sequel if he was accused of sexual harassment. Which, to me, tends to tie the whole thing together.

It’s entirely possible that this scenario isn’t exactly correct, and even if it is, it’s at least theoretically possible that everyone involved takes a deep breath, steps back, and realizes that letting bygones by bygones and making nice in public would be a win-win-win for everyone. But where sex, pride, and lawyers are involved, people are seldom rational about their interests.

Anyhow, I hope for the sake of the town and team of Wrexham that the vagaries of celebrity ownership don’t wreck what has been a very good thing for everyone, including our community and our FC.


Let California Burn

Not only did Californians vote repeatedly and consistently for this obvious madness, but their current state government has obviously learned absolutely nothing from its massive failures. Oregon fire stations have sent 60 fire engines to help fight the Los Angeles fires, but the California Department of Transportation is reportedly demanding to inspect all of them before they can be permitted to fight the fires.

Those 60 engines sent yesterday to the Cali fires are not on the fire lines…yet. They’ve been ordered to submit to a DOT inspection in Sacramento that’s scheduled for 4:30 pm today. If they clear the inspection, they’ll THEN be able to drive 400 miles to Pacific Palisades. Talk about “looking a gift horse in the mouth.” Then, on the way home, they get inspected again, and if they get red tagged, it’s “fix it before you can return.”

The sad reality is that you get the government you tolerate. There is no point in just trying to go along to get along, because sooner or later, a wicked or incompetent government is going to destroy your life, your liberty, and your property. And it doesn’t really matter if it’s evil, stupid, or as in most cases, both.

Convergence always results in incompetence. Always, and every single time. Because convergence eliminates an organization’s ability to perform its core functions.

I wouldn’t blame the Oregon fire chiefs if they said, “fine, never mind,” and ordered the fire trucks to return to Oregon.