He Never Had a Shot

Given the mainstream media’s determination to maintain its wall of silence even as Neil Gaiman cancels his planned public events, it seems appropriate to ensure that Mr. Tubcuddle is not allowed to simply avoid being forced to answer for his alleged actions.

One of Neil Gaiman’s public speaking appearances has been cancelled, according to the following information provided by a writer for Tortoise Media, which first reported about the sexual assault allegations he’s now facing, with a police report to back them up. So it looks like the reports have indeed had some negative effect on Gaiman’s career and reputation, though as some may have noticed, any coverage by the comics specialty press has been very muted, and last time I looked, comic-centric sources like Bleeding Cool, Newsarama, Comics Beat, and even Popverse haven’t said anything at all. Only Bleeding Fool, CBR, and Comic Book Movie seem to have reported anything. Most peculiar that the “believe all women” liberal establishment in comicdom has apparently chosen to ignore this potentially serious issue.

On Sigma Game, there are a pair of posts on the subject of Neil Gaiman that I believe help put the situation in context, one an analysis of his “close friendship” with Tori Amos and the other in response to an upset “leave Neil alone!” defender. And one thing you won’t want to miss on Thursday is Arkhaven Nights. You definitely will not want to miss that!


SSH Analysis of VP Choice

A look at JD Vance from a purely socio-sexual perspective, rather than an ideological or political frame, at Sigma Game.

Let’s have a look at Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s selection as a running mate for the 2024 US Presidential election. Senator. US Marine. Author. Married man with children. JD Vance almost looks like a leader of men here. Senator Vance has clearly done his best to improve his image and make himself look more masculine. But one principle of Sigma Game is that no matter what superficial and temporary changes a man makes to himself, his core behavioral patterns are always going to be there and will tend to resurface over time and under stress.

So, is this bearded, resolute visage the true face of JD Vance? Almost certainly not.

This could prove to be a fascinating test of the SSH as a predictive model if the conclusion turns out to have been correct.


The Most Alpha Thing Ever

I go into this in a bit more detail on Sigma Game, but now that the full audio of the assassination attempt is out, I am genuinely amused by President Trump’s first response to being told to move by the Secret Service.

“Let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes on.”

A man simply doesn’t walk off the stage in his socks just because some overmedicated patsy took a pop at him with a .22, after all. First things first, gentlemen. And lady.


Mad, Bad, and Dead

Gammas don’t take it well when their favorite philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, is criticized. Or when it is suggested that perhaps a man would be well-advised to avoid adopting his philosophy, given how he wound up living out his days

The last eleven years of his life, Nietzsche spent in an incoherent madness, crouching in corners and drinking his urine. 

Now, I’m still of an instinctively libertarian bent, so far be it from me to deny any Gamma his right to live as a superman should. But crouching in corners and drinking your own urine while looking down on the rest of humanity for their slave resentment of your self-professed superiority does not strike me as one of the more desirable ways to live one’s life.

The crazy thing about Nietzsche is that a lot of people actually took him seriously, when in truth he was never anything more than a talented scribbler of navel-gazing fantasy fiction about himself. His entire ouevre is one gargantuan delusion bubble, or, as Cioran correctly describes it, “an unspeakable megalomania”.

This observation offended a number of Gammas who, for God only knows what reason, hold Nietzsche in high regard. This was one response.

Just because you call him a lunatic doesn’t make it so. you think and behave as if we are in the Middle Ages and you Catholics are top dog and have a continent-spanning secret police behind you but you don’t. All you have is a little internet echo chamber and a religion that is built on the flimsiest foundation that cannot stand up to any criticisms. So you arrogantly dismiss them. but the vast majority of people aren’t convinced by your bluster anymore and haven’t been for centuries. You come off as weak and ignorant now more than ever.

I have to admit, I have a fairly low opinion of the intellectual capabilities of the average Gamma, but I did not expect any of them to genuinely attempt to deny Nietzsche’s well-chronicled lunacy, considering that he not only had a mental breakdown in 1889, but suffered “a complete loss of his mental faculties” before he died in 1900.

And it’s ironic that considering it was something that he erroneously asserted was a symbol of powerlessness, Nietzsche certainly devoted a considerable percentage of his seemingly-lucid years to raging against the Cross.

The Fury of the Superman

My philosophy, such as it is, includes this precept: never take advice from a man who died in a state of raving dementia after drinking his own urine for 11 years.


The Sad, Stupid Rise of the Sigma Male

The Guardian has come a long way since it first started trying to discredit me back in 2013. Back then, I didn’t merit identification by name, but was merely “one particular individual” and John Scalzi’s “bête noir”. They started identifying me as Vox Day in 2016 when the Rabid Puppies upended the Hugo Awards, but now that the concepts of the Sigma Male and the SSH have entered the mainstream discourse, I’ve been upgraded to full “real name” status, complete with unequivocal libel and false attributions:

The sad, stupid rise of the sigma male: how toxic masculinity took over social media

The “sigma male” emerged from this primordial testosterone swamp largely thanks to a 55-year-old American science-fiction writer and publisher named Theodore Robert Beale, who blogs under the name Vox Day. A proud Christian nationalist, racist and misogynist, Beale has argued that black men are genetically more inclined to violence than white men, that women should not be allowed to vote, and that feminism was “a seductive but destructive Jewish ideology that was more incoherent than communism, more bloodthirsty than nazism, and more histrionic than fascism”.

In 2010 Beale wrote a blog post in which he attempted to expand the “overly simplistic” division of men into alphas and betas. He came up with his own “sociosexual hierarchy”, with alphas at the top – “the male elite, the leaders of men for whom women naturally lust” – followed by betas, deltas, gammas, lambdas, right down to omegas – “the losers”. Sitting outside this imaginary pyramid of masculinity were sigmas – “the lone wolves”. Beale defined sigmas as “outsiders who don’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow” and who “often like women, but also tend to be contemptuous of them”. They were on a par with alphas, but just didn’t show off about it.

“There is very little – if any – convincing science behind the notion that personality types exist or are fixed,” says Debbie Ging, professor of digital media and gender at Dublin City University. “It’s basically a really simplistic, misguided and bio-determinist account of human behaviour, which doesn’t take into account the sociocultural construction of gender identity or the impact of economic and political forces on people’s choices or lack thereof.”

The purpose, of course, is to seed Wikipedia and provide other publications with identification and spotting in order to encourage them to fire for effect. That’s why the full name, nationality, and age are provided, to ensure that the journalists in the SJW school follow this particular turn of direction correctly. So, we can anticipate a few more hit pieces from the lesser media sites, although I expect the Swiss journalists have learned their lesson about the validity of Internet sources by now and are less than enthusiastic about sitting down for another round of interviews with the police.

The piece by a pretty good specimen of journalistic deceit. The author, Steve Rose, is almost certainly aware that the idea that “black men are genetically more inclined to violence than white men” is not my argument, but rather an observation by the British editor of Science, Nature, and the science section of The New York Times, Nicholas Wade, in his controversial 2014 book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History.

Rose knows this, because there are no less than 11 references to Wade’s work on this blog, including the direct quote from the book that is the basis for the argument to which Rose is referring and falsely attributing to me.

“As it happens, the promoter for MAO-A is quite variable in the human population. People may have two, three, four or five copies of it, and the more copies they have, the more of the MAO-A enzyme their cells produce. What difference does this make to a person’s behavior? Quite a lot, it turns out. People with three, four or five copies of the MAO-A promoter are normal but those with only two copies have a much higher level of delinquency…. He and his colleagues looked at the MAO-A promoters in African Americans. The subjects were the same 2,524 American youths in the study by Shih mentioned above. Of the African American men in the sample, 5% carried two MAO-A promoters, the condition that Shih had found to be associated with higher levels of delinquency. Members of the two-promoter group were significantly more likely to have been arrested and imprisoned than African Americans who carried three or four promoters. The same comparison could not be made in white, or Caucasian, males, the researchers report, because only 0.1% carry the two-promoter allele.”

Now, why would my fellow former contributor to the Atlanta Journal/Constitution – Rose didn’t mention that either, naughty naughty – falsely attribute my reference to Wade’s book and Shi’s study as being an original argument of my own? Because it’s just another hit piece, of course.

Anyhow, just as the Swiss hit piece only made me look like a prescient genius with regards to the Russian military victory in Ukraine, this British hit piece is going to demonstrate, once more, that I’m well ahead of the scientists and the current state of scientage. Because while the mainstream Narrative is asserting, correctly, that there is no “convincing science behind the notion that personality types exist or are fixed”, they are too low-IQ to understand that scientage is a dynamic and incomplete collection of accepted knowledge, some of which is verifiably true and some of which is provably false.

There is little, if any, scientific evidence for generally fixed behavioral profiles because I am the one who provided the original hypothesis, just as I was the one who provided the original hypothesis in 2007, now supported by the scientific evidence of several studies, for the link between atheism and autism. The fact that the evidence has not yet been provided by professional scientists for a new scientific hypothesis says absolutely nothing about the hypothesis being supported or falsified by the scientody required to produce, or fail to produce, the scientific evidence.

And the fact that the SSH is a taxonomy, one that describes real and observable patterns of human behavior, means that the evidence to back the hypothesis will inevitably be forthcoming. There are no amount of experiments and studies that will deny the existence of the readily observable; deny the okapi all you like, but everyone can go and literally see it at the zoo.

Which is why I find this particular hit piece to be both informative and extremely useful. It’s informative because it tells us that the SSH is getting popular enough that Clown World wants to either a) disappear it or at least b) sever its link with me, and it’s useful because it will serve as additional proof of precedence for what will eventually be my well-deserved claim to be the father of anthrothesiology once the scientists begin to catch up with the concepts I’ve introduced and begin not only substantiating them, but utilizing them.

The Rise of Anthrothesiology


46 Billion

Sometimes, I can almost empathize with the clowns whose job it is to suppress the various Unauthorized creators and prevent us from becoming mainstream figures. It’s got to be frustrating to keep us off all of the mainstream platforms, and yet see our ideas still winning out over all of their ticket-takers and approved, algorithm-pushed, and well-funded pet intellectuals. From Wikipedia:

Sigma male
Sigma male (or simply sigma) (/sɪɡmə məɪl/ ⓘ) is a term in internet slang used most often to describe archetype of a male who is a “lone wolf”. The name is a product of the manosphere message boards in the 2010s, the term has gained widespread prominence within internet culture, and since the early 2020s, has become an internet meme. Commonly regarded as the “rarest” type of male, a sigma male is typically denoted as an archetype of a male who is similar to the alpha male. Unlike an alpha male, sigma males are more introverted and seek to dominate themselves, in other words “self-mastery”. On social media, the term is often used to describe the idolization of masculine characters from films and TV shows, or celebrities.

Alternatively, the term has taken on an ironic and satirical meaning, mocking the concept of the manosphere and the sigma grindset.

In 2023, #sigma gained over 46 billion views on the social media platform TikTok.

I find it more than a little ironic that a) it is deemed a “contentious topic” and b) despite it having its own page, there is no reference to it on the Wikipedia page about me. It appears the Wikipedia admins would prefer to believe that I am known for imaginary things I’ve never said than for genuine things I have.

Anyhow, this is why you should contemplate subscribing to UATV if you haven’t already. It will put you somewhere between ten and 20 years ahead of the curve, depending upon the topic.


Three Simple Steps to Sigma

It’s really quite easy if you know what to do. From Sigma Game:

I’ll be honest. Given my talent for unorthodox thinking and my ability to write more or less coherently, I assumed from a fairly young age that I would leave some intellectual legacy behind. Nothing particularly major on the scale of an Aristotle, a Thomas Aquinas, or an Adam Smith, but something more on the level of a Hermann Hesse, a Samuel Huntington, or a John Bagot Glubb.

Umberto Eco, I felt, probably represented my potential ceiling, although my inability to execute Summa Elvetica as I’d envisioned it made it pretty clear that even the Eco strata was beyond me. C’est la vie. It’s better to aim high and fall short than content oneself with mediocrity.

And while my small contributions to gaming, literature, science, and theology are likely to survive in some anonymous capacity to be expanded upon by future intellectuals, it’s been a real surprise to discover that the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, and the concept of the Sigma Male in particular, have gone viral to the point that they are being adopted and applied, however erroneously, to a wide variety of cultural applications. Well and good, even if Sigma is literally the least important of the various behavioral profiles to understand for practical purposes.

But it’s more than a little bizarre to see the way AI systems have ingested and processed the concept, to the point that it has now even incorporated my personal clothing preferences…

My intellectual ambition circa 2005 to 2015 was to one day write the Summa Economica, doing for economics what Thomas Aquinas did for theology. Now my ambitions are considerably more curtailed, as I’m just hoping to be able to publish Steve Keen’s magnum opus, finish Arts of Dark and Light, and wrap up the definitive work on the SSH before my ability to string words together goes the way of Mr. Martin and other washed-up writers.


There’s Always One

I pointed out a few obvious observations about tattoos at Sigma Game. I know you’ll find this very hard to believe, but one reader shared a personal anecdote that proved those observations are completely unfounded.

READER: Huh, my partner has tattoos and also a very good job at an old company with renowned retirement benefits. As in, an extremely conventional employer. He’s doubled his income in the past three years and recently got his annual salary in shares as a bonus.

VD: Well, your unverifiable personal anecdote is obviously conclusive and clearly obviates every other bit of statistical and observational data on the subject. We now understand that tattoos are sexy, high-class, and will only help one’s career progress. You must be exceptionally nice and pretty to have locked down such an exceptional partner. You should probably tattoo FUKC on your forehead; I’m sure it will do wonders for your future prospects, which we will follow with interest.


Go Away, Gamma

In case I haven’t made it entirely and absolutely clear, being “a longtime reader”, being a “supporter”, being a “subscriber”, being a “backer”, or even being “your biggest fan” cuts absolutely no ice with me. In fact, to the contrary, if you are any of those things, I have higher expectations of you than I do of some random drive-by commenter who knows nothing of me or of this community.

Today at Sigma Game, I asked women who had experience of raising, dating, or marrying Deltas to share their opinions concerning some of the pros and cons of Delta males. I also specifically told men to not share their own opinions or experiences, but to limit themselves to commenting on what the women were saying.

Needless to say, there were a few Gammas who were too emotionally incontinent to restrain themselves and simply let the women talk. One, in particular, didn’t hesitate to ignore my directions and go right off the deep end.

Elwin Ransom: Comments are interesting, but as I read them I can’t help feeling that many classifications by commenters are very likely skewed by perception and situational biases. I have long thought about a Myers-Briggs style test for SSH, but instead of just creating one and guessing what certain types will answer, thereby invoking the “this is what me the Alpha/Sigma would say” type response, a better proposal would be to create such a test, then administer it to a known set including all types, then correlate responses based on what the known set of answers. Hard part would be to find and agree upon the classification of the set of base answerees – but once complete, would be more quantitative way of self-assessment.

Man of the Atom: What does your husband do?

[Very long digression by a few commenters on why Man of the Atom, as a commenter, would attempt to keep the comments on track and on topic redacted.]

Elwin Ransom: He’s providing an unasked-for service, anonymously, on a comment board on the internet. That makes him a loser. Not Gamma on your part, and no further contemplation required.

Vox Day: It’s fascinating how the Gammas always identify themselves so quickly. Do you simply not have any idea how transparent all your little machinations are to everyone, ESPECIALLY women, who play those games much better than you do?

Man of the Atom: You still haven’t told us what your husband does.

Elwin Ransom: He shuts the fuck up when no one asked for his opinion, that’s what he does.

Vox Day: You didn’t. Why should he? Also, you’re permanently banned. I don’t wish to turn this into a no-Gammas zone, but it’s probably going to end up that way over time.

But wait, there’s more! Because of course there is. Within 11 minutes of my banning Mr. Ransom from Sigma Game, I received an email which led to the following exchange.

“Elwin Ransom” (real name redacted): The commenter on your Sigma Game thread that you just banned was me. I have been a reader for close to two decades, and subscriber to both Castalia series since they started. No longer.

Vox Day: Excellent. You clearly learned nothing over those two decades. Your behavior was unwanted, disrespectful, vulgar, and you should be embarrassed for yourself. But you won’t be, because you’ll just fire up your Gamma delusion bubble and convince yourself that you were justified. We’ll be pleased to refund you for any books you haven’t received yet. Just email [the usual address] to make the request.

So, for those who didn’t subscribe early enough, if it turns out there is an extra Thucydides, we’ll let you know.


A Significant Nexus

Some years ago, I predicted that Alpha Game would surpass Vox Popoli due to the fact that people are, on average, more interested in intersexual relations and the socio-sexual hierarchy than in the various esoterica that makes up the greater part of the posts here. That might have seemed unlikely, given the way in which VP grew to a daily pageview average of over 110,000 and the fact that I shut Alpha Game down entirely due to my lack of interest in people repeatedly asking what I refer to as The Incessant Inquiry.

The full poem will have to wait for the publication of my I novel to see the light, but it amounts to the simple, straightforward, and seemingly inescapable question: “what about me?” And it is tiresome in the extreme. What about you? Why are you asking me? I don’t care.

What’s interesting, perhaps only to me, is that the combination of the decline in VP’s pageviews that resulted from the move from voxday.blogspot.com to voxday.net with the spamalicious efficiency of Substack has unexpectedly resulted in Sigma Game traffic very nearly surpassing the Vox Popoli traffic yesterday, as Sigma Game hit 97.3 percent of the VP total. And given what I expect to be the popularity of today’s post on A Tale of the Two Heathers of the 1980s, I will not be even remotely surprised if Sigma Game ascends to the status I’d originally envisioned for Alpha Game before tomorrow.

Yeah, this one is going to do, as they say, numbers.

This is not a bad thing. You may note the aphorism that has been the philosophical foundation of this blog since its inception is relevant here.

Success comes most swiftly and completely not to the greatest or perhaps even to the ablest men, but to those whose gifts are most completely in harmony with the taste of their times.
– Dame Iris Margaret Origo, Marchesa Origo

And if this recent article by The New York Times is any guide, it appears my gifts may finally in harmony with the taste of our times.

Are you a “sigma”? Do you have “rizz”? The youngest generation is bamboozling its elders with terms all their own.

Sigma has something to do with wolves.

“Everyone in my grade, at least, says it in a way where they’re like the alpha of the pack,” Alta said. “If you’re trying to say you’re dominant and you’re the leader, you’ll call yourself ‘sigma.’”

Can You Understand Gen Alpha’s Slang?, THE NEW YORK TIMES, 11 November 2023

In any event, we’ll be scheduling the SSH and Hypergamouse crowdfund as soon as we get Midnight’s War Vol 1 and AH:Q out the door.