How the Vaxx Causes Cancer

And especially, why it is triggering pre-existing cancers that had previously been in remission. Translated from Twitter.

Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science: Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine had plasmid DNA, so when I checked it, I was surprised to find the SV40 sequence. SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses, and the presence of this sequence facilitates the translocation of DNA to the human nucleus. easier to enter the genome. Even though it’s a sequence that is completely unnecessary to make an mRNA vaccine. Why SV40?

Trilliana 華: The plasmid DNA map submitted by Pfizer to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) does not appear to include SV40. Why did you hide it? The contents of the plasmid DNA submitted to PMA by Pfizer (left) and the contents revealed this time (right). The double-enhanced SV40 promoter is completely absent from the declaration. Why did you deliberately insert the unnecessary cancer sequence twice? Why did you hide an important point that should never be overlooked?

This appears to explain the explosive increase we are seeing in recurring cancers that are unusually aggressive and increasingly lethal, which are up 20 percent among the under-55 population since 2020. And unfortunately, the risks do not appear to be declining over time since the injections, although it is too soon to reach any conclusions on that score. It is therefore extremely important to encourage your vaccinated friends and family with a history of cancer to move up their checkup timelines, in order to give them a chance of catching a recurring cancer early enough to give them a chance of having it successfully treated again.

It’s worth noting that this information is broadly consistent with a leak from a purported Moderna engineer back in December 2020 on 4chan.

I’m an industrial engineer at Moderna and the other one of us is a process development engineer. I’m sure the same thing is happening with Pfizer-BioNTech. It was hard to put things together based on the small quantities of additions happening in manual step (highly unorthodox for a continuous process production). The explanation we got was highly sensitive trade secret adjuvants being added. Digging in deeper showed how sensitive it actually was.

Most people’s understanding of this novel vaccine type is that it works as follows:

  • Make mRNA coding for S protein
  • Make lipid nanoparticle delivery system
  • Profit

How it actually works from what we’ve uncovered.

  1. Make mRNA coding for S protein
  2. Make mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts
  3. Make sure that while delivery system for (1) mostly ends up in liver, most of (2) ends up in the gonads
  4. Make sure form and quantity of additive upregulating LINE-1 reverse transcription activity makes it hard to detect among legit adjuvants
  5. Effects from (2) integrated by (4) are recessive: mildly oncogenic effects in vaccine recipients unlikely to be noticed for many years
  6. (5) recessive but since most of population vaccinated, in next-generation female offspring have premature ovarian failure

(6) coincides with poor people being obsoleted by Al and robotics, so we didn’t have to dig for motivation.

UPDATE: More detailed technical information on the sequencing of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.


Pfizer Knew Pregnancy Risks

And yet the company aggressively pushed the vaxx on pregnant women even though it knew the vaxx would have adverse effects on the MAJORITY of pregnant women.

The April 2023 batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review are “…from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021,” and Robert T. Maroko of the FDA approved the Review on April 20, 2021. It reveals that Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in:

  • Adverse events in over 54% of pregnant women including:
  • Fetal deaths.
  • Fetal tachycardia requiring early delivery and hospitalization of the affected neonate for five days (outcome “unknown”).
  • Premature labor and delivery resulting in:
  • Neonatal deaths.
  • Neonatal severe respiratory distress.
  • Neonatal pneumothorax, which is a collection of air between the lung and the chest wall that develops when air leaks out of the lung.
  • Moreover, in the Cumulative Review, nineteen percent of babies exposed to Pfizer’s COVID mRNA vaccine via lactation (breast milk) were reported to be suffering from 48 different adverse events

These people are damnable servants of evil. Never trust either “the science” or the corpocracy. It is safer by far to assume that literally everything they say is inverted.


An Obvious Solution

There is an easy and obvious way to simultaneously reduce both carbon emissions and food consumption by New York City residents:

New York City will track the carbon footprint of residents’ food consumption as part of a sweeping initiative to decrease the city’s carbon emissions from food by a third this year, Mayor Eric Adams revealed on Monday at an event for the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice. 

About a fifth of New York’s greenhouse gas emissions come from household food consumption, Adams told reporters, blaming much of that total on meat and dairy. Household food consumption is supposedly the third largest contributor to city emissions totals, trailing only buildings and transportation. 

The Mayor’s Office of Food Policy has ordered city agencies to reduce their food consumption by 33% by 2030, and Adams has asked private corporations to cut their own emissions by 25% by 2030, insisting New Yorkers’ wasteful eating habits cannot continue without imperiling the planet.

“It is easy to talk about emissions that are coming from vehicles and how it impacts our carbon footprint,” he said. “But now we have to talk about beef.” City officials urged New Yorkers to put down the burgers and pick up vegetables and beans.

The household consumption carbon footprint tracker will be viewable on the same website as the city’s breakdown of its annual greenhouse gas totals, which also includes data on producing consumer goods and using professional services. 

Sooner or later, the Satanists always resort to starvation. It’s less confrontational, and therefore, less risky than war. This is why it’s important to start taking steps to secure your family’s food supply now.


Pfizer Pfaked the Clinical Trials

In which we learn why science in the absence of Christianity or some other external standard imposing honesty on the process and the profession is doomed to inaccuracy and being used as a basis for bad policy:

There were 31.2% higher deaths in the “gold standard” Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials.

There is only one way to know whether or not the vaccine caused any of the deaths in the 21 vaccinated patients who died: proper histopathology.

Pfizer never did it and the FDA never asked for it.

This was the biggest mistake in the pandemic and nobody has acknowledged that or lifted a finger to correct it. Had they done the proper testing on the 21 deaths, the vaccine would never have been approved.

In lieu of the proper tests, there were assurances from Pfizer that nobody died from the vaccine. That’s absurd. We need the tests, not assurances. The tests are cheap and dispositive.

We can fix this in a New York minute, but nobody wants to know the answer.

Today, only Ryan Cole is doing the proper histopathology and in 100% of the cases he’s been asked to look at, he can attribute the deaths to the vaccine.

In other words, the scientists did the trials, a number of people died, but the scientists falsely attributed the deaths to some other factor than the vaccine being tested.

We knew it. We absolutely KNEW it, but we didn’t have the conclusive evidence to prove it. Now we do. The vaxxes were never safe nor effective. And for many, it was a fatal mistake to trust the science.

Scientody is not only not a reliable mechanism for determining truth, in its corrupt modern form, the scientific method is absolutely guaranteed to be abused and used to mislead and deceive those who are foolish enough to trust the scientists.


US Life Expectancy Declines

So much for the myth of inevitable progress. Even the most-retarded conservatives are beginning to consider the possibility that the dirt may not be not magic.

Years of widening economic inequality, compounded by the pandemic and political storm and stress, have given Americans the impression that the country is on the wrong track. Now there’s empirical data to show just how far the country has run off the rails: Life expectancies have been falling.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last year that life expectancy at birth fell in 2021 to its lowest level since 1996, a decline of nearly a year on average from 2020. That was after a decline by 1.8 years from 2019 to 2020, producing the worst two-year decline since 1921-23….

The factors contributing to America’s decline in life expectancies could point to a decline in its international stature.

Although wealthy countries as a group suffered a fall in longevity during the pandemic, the discrepancy between life expectancies in the U.S. and its closest cohorts has been widening for decades. In 1995, U.S. life expectancy was about six months less than those of high-income countries; by 2020 it was about three years, according to the World Bank.

In 1995, the U.S. had a commanding lead over China, which was about 5 1/2 years behind the U.S.; China then roared ahead, outstripping the U.S. in 2020, when its average life expectancy clocked in at 78.08 years, compared with America’s 77.28.

The mass vaxx campaign is going to contribute to declining life expectancies around the world, but that’s merely one of the significant factors. The fact that the USA is now a minority-European country means that its average quality of life is also going to more closely approximate the global norm.

A society is necessarily either eugenic or dysgenic. And adopting policies that are anti-eugenic is similar to adopting anti-racist policies, since societal degradation is the inevitable, mathematically-guaranteed result in either case for any society that is above average.

The wages of sin are death. And the wages of intellectual inversion are decline.


Another Nail in Darwin’s Coffin

One variable that is unaccounted for in my mathematical proof of the impossibility of evolution by natural selection is the way in which close genetic relations are observed to reduce life expectancies rather than enhance them. And yet, it significantly strengthens my argument.

A 2013 study in the Lancet reported that when first cousins reproduce, the baby’s risk of congenital problems such as heart and lung defects, cleft palettes, and extra fingers doubles. The childhood death rate among children of first-cousin marriages was roughly 5 percent higher than the rate in nonrelated marriages.

A 2014 study published in PLOS One found that children of two cousins are likely to have lower IQs and higher rates of mental retardation.

A 1993 study by genetics expert Dr. Alan H. Bittles of the University of London found that childhood death rates were about 16 percent in offspring of marriages of unrelated people, compared with about 21 percent in marriages between cousins.

The significance of this factor is that if a theoretically-advantageous mutation takes place, then the mutated specimens must breed with other identically-mutated specimens in order for the mutation to eventually become fixed. In other words, the children and cousins of the original mutated specimen must interbreed, and have such an advantage over non-mutated specimens that the intrinsic disadvantages of inbreeding are overcome to such an extent as to fix the mutation across the entire population.

However, it is observed that closely-related specimens have a significant built-in DISADVANTAGE with regards to attributes and life expectancies, and therefore, presumably, fitness as well. It would be very useful to learn the average extent to which inbreeding conveys a disadvantage with regards to fertility, as that alone might be sufficient to statistically falsify neo-Darwinian theory.

Given the numerous observed disadvantages of genetic inbreeding, it is very highly improbable that whatever advantage is conveyed by any one mutation will overcome the inherent disadvantages conveyed with it. Which provides further evidence that the theory of evolution by natural selection is not only false, but is obviously absurd.

UPDATE: The rhetorical version.


White is the New Red

The Kurgan puts a new spin on one of my past observations that Europeans are the Indians now:

  • We know covid was a bioengineered virus (no, I am not going to provide you with all the links to the Fauci emails etc. if you don’t know these bullet points yet it’s arguable whether you can read and/or have been living in a cave off grid somewhere).
  • There is at least some evidence that the so-called normal flu/cold has actually disappeared. No, I am NOT assuming this data point is real or even likely, as we know full well, that the $cience on this topic is completely corrupt, but there are other, more subtle, indicators, as well as some actual science theories on it, as well as personal experiences I have had over the last year and a half at least that lead me to believe this is a real possibility.
  • Coronaviruses mutate. A lot.
  • I believe that the main target of the bioweapon is people with DNA of European descent and in particular with some genetic traits that I would associate with lineages that we could call Normans or Franks that were predisposed to being efficient physical fighting men (this is a BIT of a stretch because my data point here is mostly anecdotal, however the hard push in the Caucasoid countries of the deadly generic serum is also a separate (if mild) indicator).

On this basis then, it makes sense to me that the original bioweapon (which we also know was the weaker of at least two versions) has mutated and in the process assimilated, mutated or overrun the common cold too, meaning that we now have a new “common cold” that has at least parts of its make-up that are designed to mess up Viking types prone to doing massive justified violence.

So the type of “flu” people like me, my son, and others with that generic make-up are more prone to getting will be a vicious one that is hard on the system and difficult to get rid of. Just as some new types of flues in the past would be at their first or second iteration.

We’re All Red Indians Now

It’s possible, I suppose. One minor datapoint that may or may not be relevant is that my family and I, who have a statistically significant admixture of American Indian blood in addition to our Northern European DNA, barely noticed Covid when we had it. Two days of fatigue with no real symptoms other than a moderate headache was about it; it was basically equivalent to the most minor form of flu you could imagine from my point of view.

Regardless, I expect that even if The Kurgan’s suspicions are correct and the flu virus has been effectively replaced with the Covid virus, pure Northern Europeans who are periodically afflicted with Covid will generally shake it off without too much trouble so long as they are not vaccinated.

Because logic suggests that the vaccinations would not have been administered in the first place, much less boosted, if they were not necessary for the Promethean’s insidious plans.


Never Trust the Science

You’d literally be better off just flipping a coin at this point. And that’s a conclusion based on statements by some of the most reputable scientists in history of the United States.

  • The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. —Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet
  • lt is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. —Dr. Marcia Angell, physician and editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine
  • The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful. —Arnold Seymour Reiman (died 2014), Professor of Medicine at Harvard University and former editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine
  • Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them. —Dr. Linus Pauling, (died 1994), two-time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry

Remember this when people tell you to “trust the science”. You cannot. You simply cannot trust a profession that is filled with liars, grifters, and propagandists, in addition to many otherwise honest men and women whose careers are being held hostage by the interests that control their scientific field with an iron fist.

The New Atheists could not have gotten it more wrong. Not only is science not inherently in opposition to Christianity, science requires Christianity in order to operate freely, honestly, and openly. And it is the construction of a false concept of intrinsic conflict between Revealed Truth and Reliable Falsification that has permitted science to be corrupted and rendered unreliable.

Let reason be silent when observation and history directly contradict its theoretical conclusions constructed in the complete absence of relevant information.


A Government of Literal Morons

The United States is observably well into the “decline” part of “decline and fall”. If you ever doubted my prediction that the US polity will collapse and break apart, do keep this astonishing statement by a high-ranking government official in mind:

A top official in Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration recently told Congress that “natural immunity is not something we believe in.”

Gil Cisneros, Biden’s undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, made the statement while arguing the case for vaccine mandates for members of the U.S. military. Cisneros made the claim shortly after a British study showed prior infection protects people as well as or better than vaccination.

The armed forces will instead continue to push service members to take the COVID-19 vaccine “and boosters,” Cisneros declared.

He continued by denying an inspector general’s report that officials reviewed Christians’ requests for religious exemptions only 12 minutes before dismissing them.

“We don’t know about natural immunity there, as far as how it works and how effective it is,” replied Cisneros after Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) raised the U.K. study during the congressional hearing.

“There’s no good evidence and the research is still going on as to how we need to progress with this,” said Cisneros.

“But as for right now, natural immunity is not something we believe in for this, and so we are still moving forward.”

This isn’t “trust the science” anymore. It’s “trust the retards who don’t know the first thing about science”. I knew Clown World was fake, evil, and gay, but I had no idea it was so deeply and utterly retarded.

I once said Americans would be fortunate to preserve indoor plumbing. But it’s increasingly clear that we’re not going to be that lucky. The plumbing, it is most certainly toast.

Forget the History subscription. We may need to introduce a Basic Survival and Technology subscription.


EVERYTHING is Fake and Gay

There is not one single thing that Clown World has told you is true that can withstand the light of even a half-serious investigation. NOT ONE SINGLE THING. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, from evolution to the Moon, from Covid-19 to Vatican II, all of it is fake and gay, all of it is obviously and provably false.

At this point, the only rational, logical, and sane thing to do is to assume, a priori, that everything the mainstream media reports as fact or history is misleading at best and on average false. This superskeptical heuristic will point you in the direction of the confirmable truth far more often than assuming the mainstream narrative is more or less true will.