Those Pesky Mathematics

A physicist proves that black holes cannot exist:

Laura Mersini-Houghton, a physics professor at UNC-Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences, has proven, mathematically, that black holes can never come into being in the first place.

The work not only forces scientists to reimagine the fabric of space-time, but also rethink the origins of the universe.

“I’m still not over the shock,” said Mersini-Houghton. “We’ve been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about.”

For decades, black holes were thought to form when a massive star collapses under its own gravity to a single point in space – imagine the Earth being squished into a ball the size of a peanut – called a singularity. So the story went, an invisible membrane known as the event horizon surrounds the singularity and crossing this horizon means that you could never cross back. It’s the point where a black hole’s gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape it.

The reason black holes are so bizarre is that it pits two fundamental theories of the universe against each other. Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes but a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear.

Efforts to combine these two theories lead to mathematical nonsense, and became known as the information loss paradox.

In 1974, Stephen Hawking used quantum mechanics to show that black holes emit radiation. Since then, scientists have detected fingerprints in the cosmos that are consistent with this radiation, identifying an ever-increasing list of the universe’s black holes.

But now Mersini-Houghton describes an entirely new scenario. She and Hawking both agree that as a star collapses under its own gravity, it produces Hawking radiation. However, in her new work, Mersini-Houghton shows that by giving off this radiation, the star also sheds mass. So much so that as it shrinks it no longer has the density to become a black hole.

Before a black hole can form, the dying star swells one last time and then explodes. A singularity never forms and neither does an event horizon. The take home message of her work is clear: there is no such thing as a black hole.

Assuming that she got the numbers right, it will be interesting to see if astrophysicists accept the math that disproves the existence of black holes any more gracefully than biologists have accepted the math that disproves the existence of evolution by natural selection.


Vaccines Almost Certainly Cause Autism

As Steve Kirsch notes, the list of evidence suggesting that vaccines cause autism is growing steadily. And in light of the known corruption and proven unreliability of professional science, it it really reasonable to assume that the lack of a definitive scientific consensus concerning the link between vaccines and autism is even relevant one way or the other?

Here’s my favorite short list of evidence that can’t be explained if vaccines don’t cause autism. Does anyone think I’m wrong and can explain the list?

  • Madsen study: Even in this heavily flawed study, the raw data showed a strongly elevated risk of autism. So they never showed the raw data odds ratio (did you know that the rate of autism was 45% higher in the vaccinated group than the unvaccinated group?) and the paper only showed the adjusted numbers! That’s unethical. You can read the flaws in this study that was widely cited to prove that there was no association here. Over 1,000 scientists didn’t see anything wrong with the study! It’s really stunning how easily bad science propagates into the mainstream. Note that this is the single best study that is cited to prove that vaccines don’t cause autism and it is deeply flawed. The authors wouldn’t provide the underlying data and refused to answer any questions. Is that the way science works?
  • 214 papers in the peer-reviewed literature linking vaccines and autism: Autism mom Ginger Taylor compiled a list of 214 studies showing the link between vaccines and autism. Here’s the list as a single download.
  • Wakefield 1998 paper: Wakefield’s retracted paper reported that “We investigated a consecutive series of children… Onset of behavioural symptoms was associated, by the parents, with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination in eight of the 12 children, with measles infection in one child, and otitis media in another.” So 66% of the cases were associated with the MMR vaccine.
  • The 2022 Morocco study: 70% of the 90 parents surveyed affirmed that the first autistic features appeared after vaccination with the MMR vaccine. The rates are nearly identical to the 66% rate in the Wakefield study.
  • DeStefano paper evidence destruction: CDC scientist William Thompson was ordered by his bosses at the CDC to destroy ONLY the evidence linking vaccines and autism. Furthermore, the race subgroup analysis showing the link was omitted from the paper which is also unethical. When Congressman Bill Posey tried to get Thompson to testify in Congress, they shut him down so there was no testimony. This coverup was what convinced Wakefield that he was right: vaccines cause autism. More about the DeStefano paper in this article.
  • Simpsonwood meeting: CDC scientist Thomas Verstraeten did a study in 1999 linking thimerosal with autism. They tried to make the autism signal go away. They couldn’t. The original signal was a RR=7.6 which is a huge signal. See my article for details and a link to the original Verstraeten study.
  • Paul Offit lied to RFK Jr. about thimerosal: RFK Jr told me the story personally, but now, it’s on the Joe Rogan podcast Episode #1999. Start listening at 23:00. The punchline is at 28:33. Basically, the ethylmercury in the thimerosal makes a beeline out of your blood and deposits into your brain (unlike the methylmercury in fish which has a harder time entering your brain so it stays in your blood longer). Offit tried to convince RFK that the mercury gets excreted by referring to a paper. When RFK brought up the Burbacher study, there was dead silence on the line because Offit knew he had been caught in a deception. In short, thimerosal can seriously damage people’s brains. Vaccines are not supposed to cross the BBB. This creates biological plausibility needed for causality.
  • The CDC study showing how the measles vaccine caused permanent brain damage
  • Studies of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed
  • There are large cohorts with a no vaccination policy which have NO autism
  • The before:after odds measures
  • The admission of a top autism expert

Read the whole thing. The most damning piece of evidence is the last one.

“We all know vaccines cause autism. We just aren’t allowed to talk about it.”


Of truth and Truth

Liars are very concerned that Christianity appears to make it harder for them to successfully lie to people:

A new study, published in something called the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, claims that both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism are independently associated with a greater tendency to believe in conspiracy theories. More to the progressive point, that study purportedly found when people believed in both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism, their distrust of government officials increased significantly. Egad!

In other words, they were more astute and less naïve.

Yet leftists believe that the findings provide insight into the socio-cultural factors that contribute to the inexplicable spread and persistence of “misinformation” — among certain groups of people.

The more one is dedicated to discovering the truth, the more one finds oneself led inexorably toward the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It should not be a surprise that the People of the Lie wish to dissuade everyone from even beginning to learn what the truth of their reality is.


The Failure of Modern Science

Peer review was supposed to be the gold standard of science. Instead, it turned out to be a fraud that polluted the knowledge base, corrupted the profession, and destroyed confidence in the method.

For the last 60 years or so, science has been running an experiment on itself. The experimental design wasn’t great; there was no randomization and no control group. Nobody was in charge, exactly, and nobody was really taking consistent measurements. And yet it was the most massive experiment ever run, and it included every scientist on Earth.

Most of those folks didn’t even realize they were in an experiment. Many of them, including me, weren’t born when the experiment started. If we had noticed what was going on, maybe we would have demanded a basic level of scientific rigor. Maybe nobody objected because the hypothesis seemed so obviously true: science will be better off if we have someone check every paper and reject the ones that don’t pass muster. They called it “peer review.”

This was a massive change. From antiquity to modernity, scientists wrote letters and circulated monographs, and the main barriers stopping them from communicating their findings were the cost of paper, postage, or a printing press, or on rare occasions, the cost of a visit from the Catholic Church. Scientific journals appeared in the 1600s, but they operated more like magazines or newsletters, and their processes of picking articles ranged from “we print whatever we get” to “the editor asks his friend what he thinks” to “the whole society votes.” Sometimes journals couldn’t get enough papers to publish, so editors had to go around begging their friends to submit manuscripts, or fill the space themselves. Scientific publishing remained a hodgepodge for centuries.

(Only one of Einstein’s papers was ever peer-reviewed, by the way, and he was so surprised and upset that he published his paper in a different journal instead.)

That all changed after World War II. Governments poured funding into research, and they convened “peer reviewers” to ensure they weren’t wasting their money on foolish proposals. That funding turned into a deluge of papers, and journals that previously struggled to fill their pages now struggled to pick which articles to print. Reviewing papers before publication, which was “quite rare” until the 1960s, became much more common. Then it became universal.

Now pretty much every journal uses outside experts to vet papers, and papers that don’t please reviewers get rejected. You can still write to your friends about your findings, but hiring committees and grant agencies act as if the only science that exists is the stuff published in peer-reviewed journals. This is the grand experiment we’ve been running for six decades.

The results are in. It failed.

The Rise and Fall of Peer Review, Adam Mastroanni, 13 December 2022

It’s very important to remember that most people neither know or understand anything about science, so the idea that science is not only less than perfectly reliable, but is, in fact, reliably false is extremely foreign to them. They have no idea that reliable science is called “engineering”, and in fact, their grasp of the credibility of the two fields is usually inverted.

But if you are an independent thinker capable of processing information on your own, it should not be too difficult to grasp that science is intrinsically flawed due to several unavoidable factors that boil down to the absence of any controlling factor for the human element.

Peer review was never that missing factor. As I pointed out years ago, peer review doesn’t even rise to the level of editing, much less auditing, it is more akin to slush-file reading by volunteers. The great irony of the primary defense of peer review is that it is a concept based on nothing more than pure logic utilized to justify an activity specifically conceived to replace the use of pure logic.

UPDATE: The retards are never going to learn, no matter how reliably they fail.

It’s already starting in the comments: I don’t think it failed perhaps as much as it stopped working. REAL PEEER REVIEW HAS NOT BEEN TRIED.


Like the Lambada, Only Math

Forrest Bishop dares to go where few have gone before: the Forbidden Equation!

There are two great branches of Physics, dating back centuries, called Mechanics and Electromagnetism, with the more recent Electrodynamics as a blending of the two. Mechanics is about billiard balls and roller coasters, buildings, rockets, and cars, stuff like that. Electromagnetism is about electricity & magnetism, optics, radio, the juice that courses through your devices.

Mechanics has a few foundational, algebraic equations, F = ma (force equals mass times acceleration) is as close to its core as any. Everything to do with engineering moving machines is built on F = ma, all the airplanes, satellites, the works. And yet it’s just three little letters and an equal sign. It may seem like such a trifle, but it is arguably the most useful equation in the world, far more so than the famous e = mc2 of Electrodynamics.

Electromagnetism has its foundational algebra, too, which precedes and enables all the fancy squiggles and Greek letters. There’s F=kQlQ2/r2, P = FV, and a few others. But there is one seemingly little trifle that sits right at its core, three little letters and an equal sign: i = qc. It plays a role similar to F = ma. being the condition precedent for Maxwell’s Equations, Quantum Electrodynamics, and the Standard Model. And it is arguably the most Forbidden Equation in the world.

One gets the sense that Dan Brown could write an incredibly bad novel with a title like that. Frankly, I’m tempted…


Mystery Deaths in England

Whatever could possibly be causing tens of thousands of people in the UK to die?

Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren’t quite sure why that is. From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid.

Excess deaths are defined as the number of people who died above the five-year average – worked out excluding 2020 due to how Covid spiked death figures that year. This means that over 32,000 Brits would’ve been expected to be alive, but died according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures across this period.

These shocking figures raised a number of important questions about what is happening to the country’s populations, how it’s changing, and why so many more people are dying.

What is utterly damning is the way that the vaxx isn’t even mentioned as a possible culprit. Even though it’s the only obvious change from the previous period in which the averages were observed, and therefore the most obvious causal factor from a logical point of view, the mere possibility cannot even be suggested.

Meanwhile, the mysterious deaths of suddenly continue around the world, for absolutely no reason at all…


How the Vaxx Causes Cancer

And especially, why it is triggering pre-existing cancers that had previously been in remission. Translated from Twitter.

Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science: Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine had plasmid DNA, so when I checked it, I was surprised to find the SV40 sequence. SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses, and the presence of this sequence facilitates the translocation of DNA to the human nucleus. easier to enter the genome. Even though it’s a sequence that is completely unnecessary to make an mRNA vaccine. Why SV40?

Trilliana 華: The plasmid DNA map submitted by Pfizer to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) does not appear to include SV40. Why did you hide it? The contents of the plasmid DNA submitted to PMA by Pfizer (left) and the contents revealed this time (right). The double-enhanced SV40 promoter is completely absent from the declaration. Why did you deliberately insert the unnecessary cancer sequence twice? Why did you hide an important point that should never be overlooked?

This appears to explain the explosive increase we are seeing in recurring cancers that are unusually aggressive and increasingly lethal, which are up 20 percent among the under-55 population since 2020. And unfortunately, the risks do not appear to be declining over time since the injections, although it is too soon to reach any conclusions on that score. It is therefore extremely important to encourage your vaccinated friends and family with a history of cancer to move up their checkup timelines, in order to give them a chance of catching a recurring cancer early enough to give them a chance of having it successfully treated again.

It’s worth noting that this information is broadly consistent with a leak from a purported Moderna engineer back in December 2020 on 4chan.

I’m an industrial engineer at Moderna and the other one of us is a process development engineer. I’m sure the same thing is happening with Pfizer-BioNTech. It was hard to put things together based on the small quantities of additions happening in manual step (highly unorthodox for a continuous process production). The explanation we got was highly sensitive trade secret adjuvants being added. Digging in deeper showed how sensitive it actually was.

Most people’s understanding of this novel vaccine type is that it works as follows:

  • Make mRNA coding for S protein
  • Make lipid nanoparticle delivery system
  • Profit

How it actually works from what we’ve uncovered.

  1. Make mRNA coding for S protein
  2. Make mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts
  3. Make sure that while delivery system for (1) mostly ends up in liver, most of (2) ends up in the gonads
  4. Make sure form and quantity of additive upregulating LINE-1 reverse transcription activity makes it hard to detect among legit adjuvants
  5. Effects from (2) integrated by (4) are recessive: mildly oncogenic effects in vaccine recipients unlikely to be noticed for many years
  6. (5) recessive but since most of population vaccinated, in next-generation female offspring have premature ovarian failure

(6) coincides with poor people being obsoleted by Al and robotics, so we didn’t have to dig for motivation.

UPDATE: More detailed technical information on the sequencing of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.


Pfizer Knew Pregnancy Risks

And yet the company aggressively pushed the vaxx on pregnant women even though it knew the vaxx would have adverse effects on the MAJORITY of pregnant women.

The April 2023 batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review are “…from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021,” and Robert T. Maroko of the FDA approved the Review on April 20, 2021. It reveals that Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in:

  • Adverse events in over 54% of pregnant women including:
  • Fetal deaths.
  • Fetal tachycardia requiring early delivery and hospitalization of the affected neonate for five days (outcome “unknown”).
  • Premature labor and delivery resulting in:
  • Neonatal deaths.
  • Neonatal severe respiratory distress.
  • Neonatal pneumothorax, which is a collection of air between the lung and the chest wall that develops when air leaks out of the lung.
  • Moreover, in the Cumulative Review, nineteen percent of babies exposed to Pfizer’s COVID mRNA vaccine via lactation (breast milk) were reported to be suffering from 48 different adverse events

These people are damnable servants of evil. Never trust either “the science” or the corpocracy. It is safer by far to assume that literally everything they say is inverted.


An Obvious Solution

There is an easy and obvious way to simultaneously reduce both carbon emissions and food consumption by New York City residents:

New York City will track the carbon footprint of residents’ food consumption as part of a sweeping initiative to decrease the city’s carbon emissions from food by a third this year, Mayor Eric Adams revealed on Monday at an event for the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice. 

About a fifth of New York’s greenhouse gas emissions come from household food consumption, Adams told reporters, blaming much of that total on meat and dairy. Household food consumption is supposedly the third largest contributor to city emissions totals, trailing only buildings and transportation. 

The Mayor’s Office of Food Policy has ordered city agencies to reduce their food consumption by 33% by 2030, and Adams has asked private corporations to cut their own emissions by 25% by 2030, insisting New Yorkers’ wasteful eating habits cannot continue without imperiling the planet.

“It is easy to talk about emissions that are coming from vehicles and how it impacts our carbon footprint,” he said. “But now we have to talk about beef.” City officials urged New Yorkers to put down the burgers and pick up vegetables and beans.

The household consumption carbon footprint tracker will be viewable on the same website as the city’s breakdown of its annual greenhouse gas totals, which also includes data on producing consumer goods and using professional services. 

Sooner or later, the Satanists always resort to starvation. It’s less confrontational, and therefore, less risky than war. This is why it’s important to start taking steps to secure your family’s food supply now.