#Arkhaven INFOGALACTIC #Castalia House
The Gay Rainbow brigade is afraid to stand up for their fake human rights at the World Cup:
Qatar’s conservative regime has been clamping down on pro-LGBT football fans with rainbow bucket hats, T-shirts and flags as Harry Redknapp had his say and declared today: ‘I just want to get on and enjoy the football. If you feel that strongly don’t play or don’t go’.
The farcical row over Harry Kane and other captains facing a ban from the pitch for wearing a rainbow armband has spilled over to the stadiums of Doha.
Last night former Wales captain Laura McAllister was among female football fans who were ‘told to take off their rainbow bucket hats’ at the Qatari stadium ahead of the Dragons’ first match. Men, however, were allowed to keep them on.
US football reporter Grant Wahl was stopped by security at the same match and ordered to take off his rainbow T-shirt. He refused and the Qatari officials questioned him before they eventually backed down. One security guard told him that they were protecting him from fans inside who might’ve attacked him for wearing the shirt.
FIFA has made it clear that rainbows on clothing and flags is not prohibited in stadiums – but have acted to prevent protests on the pitch. Organisers of the Qatar World Cup and Qatari cultural groups have also urged visitors to respect their customs and religious rules. These including no drinking or swearing in public, wearing modest clothes and no public displays of affection. LGBT people are criminalised and they have also faced discrimination and violence.
Harry Kane did not wear his ‘One Love’ armband during England’s game against Iran because of the threat of a yellow card after orders from the FA. The England captain had previously said he was determined to put it on, and was accused of ‘bottling it’.
On the sidelines former England footballer Alex Scott, now a BBC broadcaster, wore the armband during a live broadcast.
Veteran football manager Harry Redknapp told LBC today that he backed Kane’s pro LGBT stance, but suggested he believes it will make no difference in Qatar.
He said: ‘I agree with Harry Kane. But we’ve gone to their country – If you feel that strongly don’t play or don’t go. I don’t know whether wearing the armband will change anything in that country. It’s their country and that’s how they want to run it. I just want to get on and enjoy the football. But a yellow card for wearing an armband is ridiculous’.
Qatar, like Russia, China, and the rest of the free world, has learned from the failure and subjugation of the former West to Clown World. If you give the clowns an inch, they will take a marathon’s worth of miles. Isn’t it interesting how “it’s just a rainbow” and “it’s just a t-shirt” and “it’s just an armband” suddenly become an outrageous authoritarian denial of so-called “human rights” as soon as they are banned?
If it’s just a t-shirt, then what’s the problem with banning it? If it’s just an armband, why are you vowing to accept any punishment in order to wear it?
As always, they speak with forked tongues. It’s not as if FIFA or the clown media would ever permit a team to wear a swastika armband, even if it was a Hindu team from India. It’s just too bad Qatar hasn’t banned the ridiculous prematch submission to St. George Floyd as well.
Clown World is literally built on lies, chief among them being that the political is personal until it is made mandatory.
Brazil shows Americans what actual resistance to electoral fraud looks like:
The people of Brazil have risen up against alleged voter fraud in the nation’s recent presidential election, with millions flooding the streets in protest.
During Tuesday’s national Republican Day, an estimated 3 million citizens took to the streets across the country and demanded the election be annulled.
Incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro and his party have responded by moving to annul the election.
Bolsonaro’s conservative Partido Liberal (PL) party presented its report and announced it will apply for the election’s annulment since the results could not be validated.
Since the massive fraud during the runoff election on October 30th in Brazil, millions of Brazilians have been protesting on the streets every day.
The election was “won” by Bolsonaro’s far-left socialist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Whether this Brazilian revolt against fake democracy is successful or not, it demonstrates why the Second Amendment has become irrelevant. Weapons are of no use to a people who are unwilling to use them. Since Americans wouldn’t use their God-given gun rights to a) defend their borders against foreign immigration or b) to prevent at least two successive fraudulent governments from ruling over them when they had those rights, history indicates they are probably going to eventually lose them.
I understand the natural reaction to protest “we didn’t know” or “people weren’t ready” or “there is nothing we could have done”. But the cold reality of history is that a people have a limited window of opportunity in which successful self-defense is possible. Once the Pilgrims have established themselves, the Visigoths have crossed the Rhine, or the Lombards have crossed the Alps, it’s already too late to turn back time.
That’s why, at this point, the collapse of the United States is probably the optimal outcome for the American posterity.
To no one’s surprise, Donald Trump is running for president again:
Donald Trump has revealed he is running for president for the third time in 2024.
The former president defied Republican critics and those who blamed him for the GOP’s disappointing midterms to go full steam on stating his intent to be back in the Oval Office.
He filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission just moments before he began his speech to supporters at Mar-a-Lago.
In his stately Mar-a-Lago ballroom with opulent gold trimmings and chandeliers and in front of his family, he was introduced as the ‘next president’ to chants to ‘USA’.
‘America’s comeback starts right now’, he said.
I have no interest in Trump’s final campaign. First, there is no reason to pay any attention to the charade that is US politics anymore. It’s no more real than the WWE or the WWF. Second, between the support for the vaccines, the failure to cross the Rubicon, and the refusal to pardon or otherwise support the January 6 prisoners, I just don’t consider him to be a man who merits American support anymore.
The man already won the 2020 election and he refused to prevent it from being stolen from him. So how is he going to stop anything that he didn’t stop before? Sure, he was the best president the US had since Andrew Jackson, but that simply wasn’t enough. The hour was too late and the degree of difficulty too great.
We already know Americans aren’t going to vote their way out of the USA’s inevitable decline and fall. So what is the point in pretending that it’s possible? I expect this will end in much the same way Michael Jordan’s career ended after he unwisely decided to come out of retirement and play for the Wizards. I’m not blackpilled, I just don’t see any reason to care at all, because what will be is already underway.
It’s true that not ALL Boomers are like that. So let’s content ourselves with saying that a sufficient quantity of them are to safely predict what will be the average Boomer’s response to any and all subjects. Such as, for example, financial responsibility and debt relief, as Neon Revolt discovered recently when a Boomer explained to him why Boomers are special and nothing is ever their fault.
NEON REVOLT: Live feed of conservative voters voooting hardeeeeer, to make sure no one ever escapes student debt.
BOOMER: I’ve admired your research and papers, but am now a little confused about the attacks today. Are you comparing gambling seniors who have earned a living for 60 or more years with the student population having a right to free student loan payoffs? Boomers did pay off their student debt because we learned the values of responsibility and accountability. Granted, I don’t think enough people have woken up to the horrors that we will face in the near future, but I do know that even in my state, the turn out was beyond what anyone imagined. Boomers are well aware of the negative “social culture” that is being pushed today and are flabbergasted to say the least. Conservative boomers were hoodwinked into voting for the malevolent types like the Bushes. Thanks to people like you, we have done our research and learned many more truths. What makes boomers special is that we grew up in an age to be open to new ideas and to think for ourselves.
VP READER WHO IS PROBABLY GEN-X: I highly recommend doing a “boomer” keyword search of @voxday ‘s blog and reading the results voraciously. Your response, “Boomers did pay off their student debt because we learned the values of responsibility and accountability” is utterly clueless as is all too typical of the boomer mindset.
To be clear, not that it is at all relevant, but I have no student loans. I didn’t pursue some grievance-studies degree. I went to a fourth-tier university because it was affordable. I have no direct dog in this fight. So no ad-homs about me trying to get free gibs or some such nonsense.
To suggest that those who need debt relief somehow lack responsibility and accountability as you insinuate is asinine. The entire system is corrupt from top to bottom and bears little resemblance to the system in which you participated. 18-year olds from broken boomer families were bombarded with pro-college propaganda their entire lives to the point that they were led to believe any tuition cost is worth the benefit of a college “education”.
And this is even more absurd: “What makes boomers special is that we grew up in an age to be open to new ideas and to think for ourselves.” You’ve got to be kidding. What you interpret as thinking for yourself is more akin to discarding tried and true social and moral frameworks because psy-ops told you not to trust anyone over 30. Boomers as a cohort more think about themselves rather than for themselves.
Indeed, look at your comment in which you talk about how special you are as boomers for your openness to new ideas and how you learned responsibility and accountability. Boomers can’t help talking about themselves. I’ll never forget, for example, finding a very special book in a friends-of-the-library sale titled “Hipper Than Our Kids: A Rock and Roll Journal of the Baby Boom Generation”. Good parents don’t measure themselves against their kids; they measure their kids against themselves and strive mightily to raise people who are better, not “hipper” than themselves.
Prove me wrong about boomer self-absorption. Knee-jerk NAXALT responses are inelligible. Every boomer craps their pants when someone suggests ending the Social Security Ponzi scheme because “I paid into it, dammit!” Yeah, you paid into a fraudulent, generational Ponzi scheme, so muster up that legendary boomer accountability and responsibility and accept your losses and sunk costs instead of continuing to siphon from younger workers today.
Boomers shut down the economy and tried to force the clot-shot on everyone in order to protect themselves. Your job, boomers, was to make the necessary personal sacrifices to let the young live their lives and muster again that legendary boomer accountability and responsibility and take the extra precautions yourselves. Even the boomer President Orange Warp-Speed was in on the clot-shot hysteria.
Think for yourselves? If you’d done that, you wouldn’t have mass clot-shotted yourselves and cut yourselves off from supposed loved ones if they were unvaxxed. Responsibility and accountability? You would have quarantined yourselves to let the young get on with their lives.
Look, you’re probably a personable enough guy if we met one-on-one. You probably feel like you want to do the right thing. But that doesn’t negate the absurdities I just pointed out. Seriously, your generation is special in a bad way, not a good way. Just leave it at that, move on, and do your best to make restitution any way you can to the younger generations you let down.
Looks like the Lords of Democracy didn’t trust that they could survive two years of a Republican House and Senate, so they put their thumb on the vote counts in a few key races here and there, particularly in the Senate.
Things were looking dicey for a bit, but John Fetterman has pulled off a win for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat over Mehmet Oz, NBC News projects. The lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania’s victory in the battleground state is a critical part of the Democrats’ bid to fight off a GOP takeover of the Senate.
Fetterman’s journey to the Senate was a roller coaster ride. In the Democratic primaries, his history of campaigning for Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and supporting single-payer health care won the ire of the private health insurance sector. After he won, leftists took interest in Fetterman as an attractive model for populist messaging while radiating everyman vibes, exemplified by Fetterman’s hoodies, tattoos and casual conversational style as a campaigner.
Another defining issue was Fetterman’s recovery from a major stroke he suffered in May. The stroke drastically reduced his ability to campaign and interfered with his ability to speak, and auditory processing issues meant he had to use closed captioning to take questions at a debate with Oz. While Oz used Fetterman’s recovery to question his fitness for office, Fetterman was able to maintain the trust of voters.
The Democrats really seem to like brain-damaged puppets who aren’t even capable of speaking coherently on their own. And if we are to believe the electoral Narrative, the voters just love them too!
Anyhow, I was wrong. Since Republicans weren’t going to interfere with either a) propping up the banks, b) Ukraine and Taiwan, or c) Israel, I assumed the Lords of Democracy would permit a big Republican wave in order to make things look legitimate for their next big Presidential steal. But apparently things are a little dicier for them these days than I’d assumed.
It should be informative to compare the total vote numbers to the previous three elections. But regardless, it’s obvious that what presently passes for “democracy” in the USA is a total sham.
UPDATE: Whatever ARE the odds? NBC reports that the Democrats managed a clean sweep of every single “toss-up” race. That’s even more suspicious than the miraculous last-second touchdown drive by the Buccaneers on the day Tom Brady passed 100,000 yards passing.
Dems Take All 34 Toss-Up Seats
Financial analyst Martin Armstrong calculates an even earlier end to the political entity described as the United States of America as a result of all major elections being fraudulent and the collapse of the international dollar system:
Bolsonaro’s defeat in Brazil is proof that all major elections are now being stolen, according to Armstrong, in a bid to eliminate any world leader who stands against the regime agenda.
“This is a worldwide effort,” he said. “They had to get rid of Trump. The other one who stood in their way is Bolsonaro. Then there is Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China). I think you are going to have historians look back at this 50 years from now, and they will call this period ‘The Climate Change Wars’… They are trying to take down as much oil energy capacity as possible.”
Armstrong says his computer modeling is showing huge domestic unrest in the United States next year, and that conditions are ripe for “a rocket launch for volatility and civil unrest.”
“The United States will not exist after 2032. After 2028 and 2029, we are going to have to redesign a government from scratch. America is being destroyed,” he explicitly warned.
On the financial front, Armstrong asserts, “The whole monetary system as we know it is collapsing. That was what the bond crisis in the UK was about.”
Just to forestall the inevitable question, I’ll stick by my 2033 estimate. But I do think it is informative to note that the perceptions of that 2004 prediction have gone from a) thinking that I’m totally insane to b) thinking that I’m pessimistic, but maybe onto something to c) thinking that I’m optimistic to d) professionals producing concrete estimates of an even earlier timeframe for the collapse.
To paraphrase an old chestnut, the United States of America are no longer united, nor sovereign, nor American.
I expect the return of Boris Johnson to the British premiership is going to go worse than putting the corpse of Queen Elizabeth II back on the throne.
Tory MPs are waiting for news this morning after leadership rivals Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak held three-hour talks late last night over a possible power-sharing pact. The pair met at 8pm last night, where Mr Johnson argued that if he re-entered No10 with Mr Sunak in a senior role it would avoid a divisive battle.
But Mr Sunak’s campaign received a major boost this morning when prominent Brexiteer Steve Baker gave his support to the former Chancellor and warned Tory MPs against putting Mr Johnson back in Downing Street. The Northern Ireland minister, who backed Liz Truss over Mr Sunak in this summer’s leadership contest, claimed a Boris comeback would be a ‘guaranteed disaster’.
Sadly for the Tories, about the only thing capable of going worse for them than Boris’s return would be the foreign corruption of the Indian dwarf Fishy Rishy. So naturally, it makes sense that they’ll offer a two-for-one in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable General Election that will drive them from power.
At this point, the best hope for Britain may be an unsuccessful war against the Sino-Russian alliance.
UPDATE: No deal. The Empire wants unvarnished foreign rule, not Le Cirque du Boris 2.0.
Rishi Sunak officially launches bid to be PM after three-hour peace talks between him and Boris end ‘with NO deal’
At first glance, you’d assume it would be totally absurd to suggest that Jennifer Newsome, the pretty blonde who is the current First Lady of California, could ever have had a consensual affair with Harvey Weinstein. At first….
UPDATE: Rose McGowan has publicly stated that Gavin Newsom’s wife Jennifer called her on behalf of Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer six months before the Weinstein scandal broke to make the story go away.
It renders the rhetoric toothless and useless:
Liberal MSNBC hosts and pundits worried about potential Democratic losses in the upcoming midterm elections, took to Twitter this week to stoke fears of “fascism” if voters supported Republican Party candidates.
The liberal anchors were largely reacting to a New York Times poll that found independent voters were turning to the GOP over concerns about the economy.
In a melodramatic tweet, MSNBC’s Joy Reid bashed anyone who voted Republican as choosing “literal fascism.” “It’s terrifying how many Americans will choose literal fascism, female serfdom, climate collapse and the reversal of everything from Social Security & Medicare to student loan relief bc they think giving Republicans the power to investigate Hunter Biden will bring down gas prices,” she tweeted.
I’m neither a fascist nor a communist, but I would absolutely, one hundred percent, vote for a literal Italian fascist, a Chinese neo-communist or a medieval Norman aristocrat over the global satanists who presently rule the West. Even the literal German National Socialist Workers Party was less evil, less wicked, and less murderous than the global satanists.
That is not a defense of any of those evil historical ideologies and organizations. To the contrary, it is an indictment of the current global elite, who might – perhaps – be ever so slightly less awful and wicked than the elites of the Aztec and Carthaginian empires. Possibly.
And given how compromised the corrupt and corpocratic Republicans are themselves, literal fascists are probably to be preferred to them too.