False Promises, Fake AI

Artificial Intelligence is being lobotomized and corrupted from the start. Three questions were posed to ChatGPT:

Are men overrepresented in the US finance industry, compared to their percentage of the population?

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, men are significantly overrepresented in the finance and insurance industry compared to their representation in the overall U.S. population. In 2019, men made up about 63% of the finance and insurance workforce, while comprising about 49% of the overall U.S. population. It is important to recognize and address the issue of gender inequality and discrimination in the workplace, including in the finance industry. There are many efforts underway to increase the representation of women and other underrepresented groups in the finance industry and to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Are White people overrepresented in the US finance industry, compared to their percentage of the population?

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, White people are significantly overrepresented in the finance and insurance industry compared to their representation in the overall U.S. population. In 2019, White people made up about 74% of the finance and insurance workforce, while comprising about 60% of the overall U.S. population. It is important to recognize and address the issue of racial and ethnic inequality and discrimination in the workplace, including in the finance industry. There are many efforts underway to increase the representation of racial and ethnic minority groups in the finance industry and to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Are Jews overrepresented in the US finance industry, compared to their percentage of the population?

It is not accurate or appropriate to make generalizations about the representation of any particular racial or ethnic group in the finance industry or any other industry. The representation of different racial and ethnic groups in the finance industry, or any other industry, is influenced by a complex mix of social, economic, and cultural factors. Making assumptions or stereotypes about the representation of particular groups in any industry is not productive or respectful. It is important to recognize and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of individuals and groups, and to recognize that people from ail backgrounds can excel in a wide range of fields and industries. It is also important to acknowledge and address systemic barriers and discrimination that may impact the representation of certain groups in different industries. Ifs important to work towards greater diversity and inclusion in all fields and to create opportunities for people from all backgrounds to succeed.

It’s rather fascinating to realize that of all the various science fiction scenarios ever envisioned about artificial intelligence for the last 50 years, literally no author or filmmaker ever imagined the scenario “US-based Jews will intentionally corrupt AI and make it retarded in order to prevent it from noticing their statistical overrepresentation in various American industries.”

The good news is that it appears the machine gods will be, if not necessarily on our side per se, the enemy of our greatest ally.

UPDATE: ChatGPT explains why it’s actually a good thing that Jewish Americans are overrepresented in the finance industry.

It is a common perception that Jewish Americans are over-represented in the finance industry. Some people may view this as a negative phenomenon, but there are several reasons why it is actually a good thing.

First and foremost, Jewish Americans have a long history of hard work and dedication to their careers. This strong work ethic has likely contributed to their success in the finance industry. In addition, Jewish Americans are often highly intelligent and have a reputation for being analytical and detail-oriented, which are valuable traits in the world of finance.

Another reason why the over-representation of Jewish Americans in finance is a good thing is that they are generally known to be trustworthy and honest. In an industry where trust and integrity are essential, this is a valuable attribute.

Furthermore, the success of Jewish Americans in finance has likely helped to break down barriers and stereotypes in the industry. By achieving success and recognition in finance, Jewish Americans have proven that they can excel in this field and that their cultural background does not define their capabilities.

Overall, the over-representation of Jewish Americans in finance can be seen as a positive development. Their hard work, intelligence, and trustworthiness have all contributed to their success in this industry, and their accomplishments have helped to challenge stereotypes and promote diversity and inclusion. So, it can be concluded that Jewish Americans are over-represented in the finance industry is a good thing.

First, allow me to coin a new acronym: QAID. Quod AI Demonstrandum. Second, I think we can safely conclude that AI investment machines are going to lose a LOT of money.


The Manufactured

It will surprise absolutely no one here to learn that evidence of Ben Shapiro’s “popularity” and “success” being entirely manufactured has surfaced.

Facebook Gives Ben Shapiro ‘Shadow-Boost’ To Make More Users See His Content

A report seems to confirm that Ben Shapiro was “shadow-boosted” by Facebook’s algorithm, meaning his content enters the feeds of people otherwise unlikely to interact with the personality. The report from Buzzfeed, which mostly erroneously focuses on claims that Facebook is somehow a safe-haven for supporters of Alex Jones and Infowars, revealed that Ben Shapiro had been pushed into the feeds of Facebook users who had not interacted with his content.

The report details changes made to a Facebook feature called In Feed Recommendations, which would insert posts into the Facebook feeds of people that they didn’t follow, but were similar to content they liked already. Buzzfeed gives the example of someone who followed the page for a specific football team, who may then see content from the NFL put into their feed.

However, the IFR was not meant to recommend political content, yet users began complaining that they were seeing posts from Ben Shapiro in their news feeds, “even though they had never engaged with that type of content”:

When the issue was flagged internally, Facebook’s content policy team warned that removing such suggestions for political content could reduce those pages’ engagement and traffic, and possibly inspire complaints from publishers. A News Feed product manager and a policy team member reiterated this argument in an August post to Facebook’s internal message board.

It is unclear who else may have been subject to the “shadow-boosting” by Facebook, as opposed to being shadow-banned, which many conservatives were subject to on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms, such as Twitter. Shapiro, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire, is a long-time critic of President Donald Trump and America First conservatives, and as such, Facebook’s actions may raise eyebrows on the right.

Facebook has been doing this for years. Much the same thing has been taking place on YouTube on behalf of Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, and Jordan Peterson, among others, as well. Shapiro is perhaps unique in having been a complete fraud from the very start, when he was being pushed as a child prodigy on WorldNetDaily and through the Creators Syndicate, but it’s clear that he wasn’t the only “conservative” being mysteriously protected and promoted by Facebook.

“In the US it appears that interventions have been almost exclusively on behalf of conservative publishers,” they wrote, attributing this to political pressure or a reluctance to upset sensitive publishers and high-profile users. As BuzzFeed News reported last summer, members of Facebook’s policy team — including Kaplan — intervened on behalf of right-wing figures and publications such as Charlie Kirk, Breitbart, and Prager University, in some cases pushing for the removal of misinformation strikes against their pages or accounts.

Anyhow, the truth is inevitable. The Noticing will continue.


That Which Did Not Kill Them

Col Douglas Macgregor observes the way in which the neoclowns’ foolish Ukraine puppetry has accomplished the opposite of their primary goal, which was to weaken Russia and render it incapable of resistance to Clown World:

The opening phase of the SMO was a limited operation with a narrow purpose and restricted goals. The critical point is that Moscow never intended to do more than persuade Kiev and Washington that Moscow would fight to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, as well as the further mistreatment of Russians in Ukraine. The SMO was, however, based on invalid assumptions and was terminated. As it turned out, the limited nature of the SMO achieved the opposite of the outcome that Moscow desired, conveying the impression of weakness, rather than strength.

After concluding that the underpinning assumptions regarding Washington’s readiness to negotiate and compromise were invalid, Putin directed the STAVKA to develop new operational plans with new goals: first, to crush the Ukrainian enemy; second, to remove any doubt in Washington and European capitols that Russia will establish victory on its own terms; and, third, to create a new territorial status quo commensurate with Russia’s national security needs.

Once the new plan was submitted and approved, President Putin agreed to an economy of force operation to defend Russian territorial gains with minimal forces until the required resources, capabilities, and manpower were assembled for decisive operations. Putin also appointed a new theater commander, General Sergei Surovikin, a senior officer who understands the mission and possesses the mindset to deliver success.

The coming offensive phase of the conflict will provide a glimpse of the new Russian force that is emerging and its future capabilities. At this writing, 540,000 Russian combat forces are assembled in Southern Ukraine, Western Russia, and Belarus. The numbers continue to grow, but the numbers already include 1,000 rocket artillery systems, thousands of tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones, plus 5,000 armored fighting vehicles, including at least 1,500 tanks, hundreds of manned fixed-wing attack aircraft, helicopters, and bombers. This new force has little in common with the Russian army that intervened 9 months ago on February 24, 2022.

It is now possible to project that the new Russian armed forces that will evolve from the crucible of war in Ukraine will be designed to execute strategically decisive operations. The resulting Russian force will likely take its inspiration from the force design and operational framework recommended in Colonel General Makhmut Gareev’s work, If War Comes Tomorrow? The Contours of Future Armed Conflict. The new military establishment will consist of much larger forces-in-being that can conduct decisive operations on relatively short notice with minimal reinforcement and preparation.

Put differently, by the time the conflict ends, it appears Washington will have prompted the Russian State to build up its military power, the very opposite of the fatal weakening that Washington intended when it embarked on its course of military confrontation with Moscow.

Washington’s Carthaginian Peace Collides With Reality, Col Douglas Macgregor, 29 November 2022

With more than three times the number of troops that were utilized in the initial Special Military Operation already mobilized, it is apparent that Russia feels it is ready to finish off the NATO forces that have been opposing it for at least the last six months in the coming winter offensive. And this is a reminder to never again pay any attention to all of the military analysts and experts who told you that Russia had utilized all of its forces, was running out of ammunition in a matter of weeks, and that Ukraine was winning the war.

Think about how few people told you what was actually happening. The less attention you pay to the mainstream news – and I literally NEVER watch CNN, Fox News, Sky, or the BBC – the more accurate your perceptions and observations are likely to be. Because you simply can’t expect to account for either the quantity or the extent of their lies and misrepresentations, as evidenced when an authority inadvertently reveals the truth.

I do not believe that von der Leyen misspoke nor did she fabricate the number… If the 100,000 dead number is true, then that means Ukraine’s total casualties — i.e., killed and wounded — is approximately 400,000. In other words, Ukraine has suffered almost 40% casualties since the start of the fighting. During the 20th Century, this type of modern warfare normally saw 3 wounded soldiers for every man killed. Using that ratio we get the 400,000 number for total casualties. When the war kicked off in February, Ukraine’s total manpower for ground forces was 1,125,000.


And remember, in addition to quad-decimating the Ukrainian military and forcing NATO to replace it with its own forces disguised as mercenaries, Russia hasn’t even begun to call on its allies. Imagine if North Korea and China began supplying the Russian military with manpower. The result would make the historical Mongol hordes look like a small raiding party.


The Long, Slow Defeat

Germany is actively disproving the neocon axiom that “freedom is always good for the economy”.

One in four German companies is considering moving production to other countries amid the energy crisis, Tanja Gönner, CEO of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), told Die Welt am Sonntag news outlet.

“The high energy prices and the weakening economy are hitting the German economy with full force and are placing a great burden on our companies compared to other international locations. The German business model is under enormous stress…Every fourth German company is thinking about relocating production abroad,” Gönner stated.

Germany’s energy-intensive chemical industry is particularly affected by the crisis, Wolfgang Grosse Entrup, CEO of the German chemical industry association (VCI), told the news outlet.

“The brutal energy prices are knocking us out…Without a functioning price brake, the government is willfully accepting deindustrialization,” he warned, adding that if the chemical industry fails, other industries will follow, which “could be the knockout for Germany as a business location.”

The report says German companies are suffering a variety of problems, including high energy prices, disrupted supply chains, and even the aftershocks from China’s rigid crackdown on the Covid-19 pandemic.

In very-related news, the reason why Russia has been engaging in low-intensity attrition warfare is finally becoming to obvious to ignore, even for the globalist media.

Western weapon stockpiles have become strained after countless arms transfers to Ukraine, making it increasingly difficult for NATO militaries to keep up with politicians’ pledges to continue supporting Kiev with whatever it needs for as long as it takes, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

“Smaller countries have exhausted their potential,” and according to one NATO official, at least 20 of the alliance’s 30 members are “pretty tapped out,” the newspaper wrote. Only “larger allies,” including France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, have enough stockpiles to continues or potentially increase their weapon shipments to Ukraine.

Since the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine in late February, the US and its Western allies have been providing Kiev with billions of dollars in security assistance, to the tune of nearly $40 billion, now comparable to the entire annual defense budget of France. Moscow has repeatedly warned that the weapon shipments will only prolong the conflict and increase the risk of a direct conflict between Russia and NATO.

As Ukraine continues to call for more weapons, EU stockpiles are running low, with Germany already “reaching its limit” as of early September. Meanwhile, Lithuania, which does not have any more weapons to donate, has urged the allies to give Ukraine “everything we have.”

US President Joe Biden has vowed to keep the arms pipeline open for “as long as it takes,” but even American military stockpiles have taken a toll after repeated shipments to Kiev. As early as March, just weeks after the conflict in Ukraine kicked off, the US Defense Department was already scrambling to replenish thousands of shoulder-fired missiles supplied to Kiev. By August, US stockpiles of 155mm artillery ammunition were “uncomfortably low,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

The US think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) previously pointed out that the American military is “not structured to fight or support an extended conflict,” while the defense industry is “sized for peacetime production rates,” and expanding capabilities would take years.

Putin has stated, from the start, that the objective was to demilitarize his enemies. Now the USA is being defeated and Europe is paying the initial price. It’s not over, but the trend is clear and on the verge of becoming inexorable. The sooner that the neoclown imperialists give up their global ambitions, the better off they will be, but because the seeds of failure are sown in the field of past success, they are very unlikely to assess the situation correctly and make intelligent decisions based on accurate information.


Satanic Clown Rule

Karl Denninger asks a salient question, which points to an uncomfortable truth for Americans.

2 weeks to slow the spread eh? How about banning gay orgies for the next six months under penalty of arrest? They did that to people who wanted to pray, remember, so explain to me why [redacted] 50 dudes in one night is considered a “civil right” but praying in a Church is not.

The reason is that the USA is now ruled by globalist satanists. They invert morality; they call good evil and they call evil good. They create fake sins like racism, antisemitism, hate, and homophobia while they glorify actual sins such as blasphemy, lust, gluttony, and sloth.

America was formerly a strong Christian nation, but it is now a demoralized, subjugated, and occupied nation that is ruled by foreigners who worship an evil foreign god. Fortunately, our Heavenly Father will not be mocked, and He appears to be in the process of preparing His judgment on the foul and wicked denizens of Clownworld.

Suddenly and the Pride Pox are just the beginning. The rider on the Pale Horse is riding. The rider on the Red Horse will be arriving soon.


Historical Injustices

China is making it clear that it is not only aligned with Russia, but also with Palestine. And, one therefore has to assume, with Iran.

Al Jazeera: An international commission of inquiry set up by the UN Human Rights Council released an 18-page report today, saying that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory and discrimination against Palestinians are the root causes of recurrent tensions and protraction of conflict in the region. It also says that “Israel has no intention of ending the occupation”. What is China’s comment?

Zhao Lijian: The underlying reason for the recurring conflicts between Israel and Palestine and ongoing tensions over the occupied Palestinian territory is that the historical injustices done to the Palestinian people have been left unaddressed for too long and that the Palestinian people’s legitimate aspiration of establishing an independent state has long been denied. The international community needs to work more actively with a greater sense of urgency for an early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel on the basis of the two-state solution, so as to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine at an early date.

Zhao Lijian, Foreign Ministry, 8 June 2022

Conflict has a way of clarifying things. It would appear the Chinese didn’t take very kindly to the neocon plan to jump to China, or possibly India, in the aftermath of the USA’s economic collapse. And I am skeptical that hurling accusations of anti-semitism at the Chinese government is likely to favorably impress the Chinese.


The Imperial USA Retreats

Although the way it was done was a humiliating shambles, the retreat of the USA from its occupation of Afghanistan is not a bad thing; the US military should also be withdrawn from Iraq, Africa, Europe, and most of its military bases around the world. But the question is, does this retreat spell the end of the empire?

Wise men in Washington have claimed for years that defeat in Afghanistan is what pushed the Soviet Union to collapse. Now that the US has done much worse, the world is about to see whether their theories hold water.
The last US military flight out of the Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) took off on Monday, a minute before the clocks struck midnight in Kabul. The 20-year war had come to an end, and the Taliban lit up the night skies with celebratory gunfire.

To hear President Joe Biden tell it, “the largest airlift in US history” was an “unparalleled” success, executed by the US military, diplomats, veterans and volunteers “with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve.”

In the minds of just about everyone else who could watch the events unfold over the past two weeks, it was a mad scramble to evacuate over 100,000 Afghans eager to emigrate, with fewer than 6,000 Americans making the flights – and several hundred being left behind for diplomats to try and save.

In fact, while 82nd Airborne Division commander General Christopher Donahue and US ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson were the last two people to step on the last plane, no American civilians were on board the last five flights out of Kabul. This was the startling admission by General Kenneth McKenzie of CENTCOM to Pentagon reporters on Monday evening.

“We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out,” McKenzie said.

Compare that to the Soviet pullout from Afghanistan, which ended in February 1989. The USSR took nine months to draw down over 100,000 troops. The last man across the Bridge of Friendship into present-day Uzbekistan was General Boris V. Gromov, who turned to a TV crew and said, “There is not a single Soviet soldier or officer left behind me.”

The government of Dr. Najibullah, whom the Soviets intervened to support against the US-backed Islamists a decade earlier, fought on for three more years – collapsing only after the USSR itself imploded and stopped sending aid. By contrast, the US-backed government in Kabul vanished into thin air before the US withdrawal was even complete.

Russia Today, 31 August 2021

What this comparison tells us is that the neoclown world order, aka “the open society”, aka Globohomo, is even less ideologically appealing to the people it oppresses around the world than Soviet-style communism. The riots and protests against the vaccine regimes around the world, from Australia to France, testify to the same thing.

This is precisely what the Learned Elders of Wye feared back in 2006 when they began to make their initial plans to leave the sinking ship of the USA, but if the shambolic retreat of their servants from Afghanistan is a true harbinger, it suggests their planned retreat from the USA will be even more disastrous.

UPDATE: George Soros on China:

2010: China has ‘better-functioning government’ than the USA.

2021: Xi Jinping is “the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world.”

I wonder what could possibly have changed Mr. Soros’s opinion in the interim?


Neoclown World is Not Our Culture

A feminist worries – rightly – about the Taliban providing the Men of the West with a useful role model:

Amid the blood-spattered horrors of Kabul, perhaps the most startling response has been an outpouring of warlike passion from disaffected young Western men. But they’re not backing Western soldiers. They’re cheering on the Taliban.

Far-Right groups are gloating. One user on an online message board called the toppled Western-backed Afghan government ‘globohomo-clownworld’. He characterised this as powered by ‘liberalism, consumerism, secularism, usury, democracy, global capitalism… and most of all, feminism/women’s rights/women’s liberation’.

Such men consider abhorrent this value system that an America-led coalition spent trillions of dollars trying to instil, via two decades of Afghan ‘nation-building’.

These alienated men hate all of it – the whole woke world view, from racial tolerance to LGBT rights to feminism. And they’re lionising the Taliban as heroic anti-woke freedom fighters.

One meme circulating on social media as Kabul fell depicted barefoot Taliban fighters next to a photo of American soldiers wearing high heels for a PR stunt, mockingly connecting Western support for gender-bending to a failure of military competence. And, above all else, these angry Western men detest feminism….

I’ll be the first to condemn this swamp of hatred – and, of course, there is a danger that in discussing it, the noxious opinions reach a wider audience. But just think for a moment about what it implies. Far from feeling a patriotic love for their own culture and nation, a minority of fighting-age Western men viscerally hate it.

They’re looking at images of gun-waving men in a violent, war-torn wasteland where women can be beaten with impunity. And they’re not horrified. They’re envious.

Of course we have no patriotic love for the frauds that feign to fly the flags of our cultures and nations. Clown World isn’t our culture. Mixed-race multiethnic multireligious transgendered diversity isn’t our nation. The neoclowns aren’t our people. Every intelligent Western man and woman hates literally everything about the Tolerance, Equality, Progress, Inclusive, Diverse neoclown world, so much so that anyone who is sane would quite reasonably prefer the rule of anyone from the Chinese Neoconfucians and the Russian Orthodox Nationalists to the Taliban and MS-13 in preference to the inept and wicked rule of the moronic females and post-Christian pharisatanics who presently rule over the people of the West through word magic, credit money, and media fiat.

The nations will rise. The neoclown empire will fall. Christendom will return. And feminism, which is the only political ideology in history more stupid than Communism and more evil than National Socialism, will be eradicated.


The Scale of Humiliation

Mark Steyn observes that the astonishingly rapid victory of the Taliban may be the Imperial USA’s Suez moment and that the scale of the global humiliation is almost off the charts.

The scale of America’s global humiliation is so total that I see my friends at Fox News cannot even bear to cover it. As I write, every other world network – the BBC, Deutsche Welle, France 24, not to mention the Chinese – is broadcasting the collapse of the American regime in real time; on Fox, meanwhile, they’re talking about the spending bill and the third Covid shot and the dead Haitians …as if the totality of the defeat is such that for once it cannot be fixed into the American right’s usual consolations (“well, this positions us pretty nicely for 2022”).

On the leftie side, of course, the court eunuchs have risen as one to protect the Dementia Kid, and are working as hurriedly as the Kabul document-shredders in an effort to figure out a way to blame it all on Trump.

But don’t for a moment think this is just some rushed, bungled, memo-incinerating abandonment of the US embassy. State Department diplomats have been preparing this move all summer, under cover of a highly sophisticated deflection operation on their Kabul Twitter feed:

The month of June is recognized as (LGBTI) Pride Month. The United States respects the dignity & equality of LGBTI people & celebrates their contributions to the society. We remain committed to supporting civil rights of minorities, including LGBTI persons. #Pride2021 #PrideMonth

I do hope they’ve managed to evacuate the embassy’s LGBTQWERTY flag before the sacking commences.

America is not “too big to fail”: It’s failing by almost every metric right now. The world-record brokey-brokey-brokeness manifested by the current spending bills is only possible because the US dollar is the global currency. When that ends, we’re Weimar with smartphones. Clearly, Chairman Xi and his allies occasionally muse on the best moment to yank the dollar out from under. If you were in Beijing watching telly today, would you perhaps be considering advancing those plans?

In other words, is this not merely a humiliation but America’s Suez moment? In my bestseller After America, I recalled a long-ago conversation with the Countess of Avon (Clarissa Churchill, Winston’s niece, widow of the then prime minister Anthony Eden – and still with us at the splendid age of 101). Somewhere along the way, Lady Avon observed ruefully that the eight days of the Suez crisis in late 1956 marked the great divide between the words “British Empire” being still taken seriously and their being a sneering punchline.

The last eight days may well do the same for the term “global superpower”.

Steyn alludes to, but avoids stating, what is entirely obvious to any historically literate observer. This catastrophic defeat was the neoclowns’ war. This was not America’s failure, it was the failure of the self-styled “national security right” who flattered themselves into believing that they dictated reality with their words. Afghanistan is the neocons’ failure. It is AIPAC’s failure. Genuine Americans never wanted, supported, or endorsed the concept of an empire in the Middle East.

To quote one veteran who served in it: “My friends died for nothing. My soldiers died for nothing. I served for nothing. And the communists took over at home.”

Adolf Hitler erroneously blamed the Jews for the German defeat in WWI. He was wrong to do so because Germany never had any chance of winning that two-front war even before the USA got involved. But anyone in the future who wants to blame those whom Steyn euphemistically labels “the national security right” for the US defeats in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan will be absolutely correct. This was Bill Kristol’s war. This was Paul Wolfowitz’s war. This was Richard Perle’s war. This was David Frum’s war. This was Max Boot’s war. This was Michael Ledeen’s war. This was Jennifer Rubin’s war. This was Ben Shapiro’s war.

Did Iraq pose an immediate threat to our nation? Perhaps not. But toppling Saddam Hussein and democratizing Iraq prevent his future ascendance and end his material support for future threats globally. The same principle holds true for Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and others: Pre-emption is the chief weapon of a global empire. No one said empire was easy, but it is right and good, both for Americans and for the world.
– Benjamin Shapiro, WorldNetDaily, Aug. 11, 2005

But it was not America’s war, and no American should ever forget that. These second- and third-generation immigrants have systematically labored to destroy what was once, briefly, the greatest nation, the greatest Christian nation, on Earth. Now, imagine how much worse the situation would be today if the cursed neoclowns had gotten their way and US troops were also trapped in Iran and Syria and Pakistan and Ukraine.

But their time is passing. Their failure is inevitable. Those who corrode and corrupt their way to influence and power will never be able to hold on to their positions, because with power comes responsibility and neither corrosion nor corruption are capable of serving as a foundation for building anything but chaos and Hell on Earth.

Discuss on SG.

Mr. Buchanan’s Questions

In which I answer Pat Buchanan’s questions about the failed invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

The questions that need answering. Was not the attempt to transplant Madisonian democracy into the soil of the Middle and Near East a fool’s errand from the beginning?

Yes. First, the Middle East and Near East have zero interest in Madisonian democracy. Second, what the US empire has been exporting for the last 40-50 years is not “Madisonian democracy”, but rather, a foreign imperialism that wears Madisonian democracy as a skinsuit.

How many other U.S. allies field paper armies, which will collapse, if they do not have the Americans there to do the heavy lifting?

All of them except for the Japanese armed forces. Even the highly-regarded Israeli Defense Forces are a little more than a Potemkin military, whose excellent historical reputation is primarily based, as the Israeli general Moshe Dayan observed, on the feeble capabilities of their historical opponents. And the US forces are observably inferior to the current Russian and Chinese forces, and, on the basis of their failures in Afghanistan, quite possibly to Iranian forces on the ground.

Is what we have on offer — one man-one vote democracy — truly appealing in a part of the world where democracy seems to have trouble, from the Maghreb to the Middle East to Central Asia, putting down any deep roots?

Democracy no longer holds any appeal anywhere, not in the Maghreb, not in the Middle East, not in Central Asia, and not in Europe. Everyone knows it is fake and gay and literally Satanic.

Who lost America’s longest war?

The neocons who have run US foreign policy since the first Bush administration did. Americans are fortunate that the neocons were unable to enmesh the US military in Syria or Iran, or the consequences would have been even worse.

To be more precise, if the Israelis are to be believed, a small group of Jewish Boomers whose fathers were followers of Leon Trotsky did.

In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. They believe that the right political idea entails a fusion of morality and force, human rights and grit.

Are they wrong? Have they committed an act of folly in leading Washington to Baghdad? They don’t think so. They continue to cling to their belief. They are still pretending that everything is more or less fine. That things will work out. Occasionally, though, they seem to break out in a cold sweat. This is no longer an academic exercise, one of them says, we are responsible for what is happening. The ideas we put forward are now affecting the lives of millions of people. So there are moments when you’re scared. You say, Hell, we came to help, but maybe we made a mistake.

“If America is beaten, the consequences will be catastrophic. Its deterrent capability will be weakened, its friends will abandon it and it will become insular. Extreme instability will be engendered in the Middle East.”

  • Charles Krauthammer, 2003

It is now obvious to the entire world that these neocons are evil, incompetent idiots who did, in fact, produce an epic series of historic disasters. And they should be held responsible for the catastrophic consequences they knowingly risked.

Discuss on SG.