Louis CK is up to bat

The next Hollywood Values guy to be thrown to the wolves is Louis CK:

The New York premiere of Louis C.K.’s upcoming film, I Love You, Daddy, set for Thursday, has been canceled. Reps for the premiere, due to take place at the Paris Theatre, cited “unexpected circumstances.” A source tells The Hollywood Reporter that a New York Times story on the comedian is about to break, and the premiere was canceled in case it is damaging. Additionally, Louis C.K.’s planned appearance on CBS’ The Late Show With Stephen Colbert was also canceled, with William H. Macy taking his place.

I wonder what was going on there?

The film generated controversy following its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. TIFF programmers had screened it and given I Love You, Daddy a world premiere after C.K. surprised Toronto organizers, letting them know the film existed. Controversial dialogue appears throughout the film, including the use of the N-word by C.K.’s character and multiple jokes about child rape.

Ah, there we go. As a rule of thumb, if a Hollywood Values guy is joking about something, or making a movie about something, he’s probably doing it. Good riddance. I never thought he was funny anyhow.

UPDATE: Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say

After being contacted for an interview this week about the on-the-record accusations of sexual misconduct — encounters that took place over a decade ago — Louis C.K.’s publicist, Lewis Kay, said the comedian would not respond. “Louis is not going to answer any questions,” Mr. Kay wrote in an email Tuesday night.

Neither Louis C.K. nor Mr. Kay replied to follow-up emails in which the accusations were laid out in detail, or to voice messages or texts. On Thursday, the premiere of Louis C.K.’s new movie “I Love You, Daddy,” was abruptly canceled, and he also canceled an appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.”

The stories told by the women raise sharp questions about the anecdotes that Louis C.K. tells in his own comedy. He rose to fame in part by appearing to be candid about his flaws and sexual hang-ups, discussing and miming masturbation extensively in his act — an exaggerated riff that some of the women feel may have served as a cover for real misconduct. He has all but invited comparison between his private life and his onscreen work, too: In “I Love You, Daddy,” which is scheduled to be released next week, a character pretends to masturbate at length in front of other people, and other characters appear to dismiss rumors of sexual predation.

The sex suicides begin

Although apparently as a result of the Pestminister scandal rather than the Hollywood Values meltdown:

Top Welsh Labour politician Carl Sargeant is found dead days after being suspended by the party over ‘shocking’ sex allegations. A senior Labour politician has been found dead in apparent suicide today just days after he was suspended from the party over claims of sexual misconduct. Former Welsh Government minister Carl Sargeant, 48, is believed to have taken his own life at home in Connah’s Quay, North Wales.

I do wonder, however, about the recent suicide of actor Brad Bufanda. He had a pretty serious case of gayface and “began his acting career before his teens”. One wonders how close he was to the power centers of the Hollywood Values crowd.

In the meantime, the New York Times is VERY unhappy about their lawyer David Boies running interference for Harvey Weinstein in order to kill stories by New York Times reporters.

“We learned today that the law firm of Boies Schiller and Flexner secretly worked to stop our reporting on Harvey Weinstein at the same time as the firm’s lawyers were representing us in other matters,” the statement read. “We consider this intolerable conduct, a grave betrayal of trust, and a breach of the basic professional standards that all lawyers are required to observe. It is inexcusable and we will be pursuing appropriate remedies.”

How very shocking to learn that a lawyer representing the New York Times would not be a paragon of ethical or professional behavior! No one finds it harder to believe he has been robbed than a thief.

And this is why I avoid Hollywood

It’s one of the few places where “guilt by association” actually is a genuine form of guilt. The whole place is like a citywide Satanic cult.

Yesterday and last night a studio (___________) was in crisis mode with executives flying in and lawyers summoned. All because this perverted jerk director (____________) and his company (_________) are such a major part of the studio’s project slate that the studio itself may be in jeopardy – especially being taken over by a publicly traded company that requires Congress’ approval.

Last night during the investigation into the damage done by the director, and how damaged the studio can be, they discovered some bizarre business interests. Seems the director is a major investor-partner in several adult porn websites. The studio and even the director’s managers didn’t know it.  One of the porn sites in particular is so disgusting, perverted, and possibly illegal in the USA that the studio is scrambling to cut all ties and remove the director from everything, before the media uncovers this.

The site, hosted offshore and hidden beneath layers of front companies, is so awful that the analysts refused to explore it – and only finally did so after a lawyer and ex-FBI man at the studio both agreed to monitor the investigation. If the director and his pals see that website as their normal views of sex? Then those abuse allegations are just the beginning of his slide into the gutter. Even a national official (_______________) is scared. He sent a representative of his to meet studio brass all because of his own former association with the director which still reaps financial income for the official. They’re trying to quietly cover up all ties to Russian investors and Arab investors before people start looking deeply at those relationships.

This is almost certainly related.

Warner Bros. is severing ties with embattled filmmaker Brett Ratner after six women publicly accused him of a range of sexual harassment and misconduct. A person with knowledge of the matter said the Burbank studio will not renew its production deal with Ratner and the fate of his company’s $450-million co-financing agreement beyond 2018 is unclear. 

The “national official” is most likely the Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin.

Brett Ratner may lose $450M Warner Bros deal as company he launched with billionaire James Packer and Steve Mnuchin

He’s just tikkuning the olam

Harvey Weinstein isn’t a serial rapist and sex predator, he’s merely healing the world:

Harvey Weinstein believes he is a savior who was born to be accused of sex assault in order to ‘change the world’, it is reported. Sources close to the shamed producer said he has resigned himself to being punished over the allegations ‘as a martyr for social change’.

The bizarre claim emerged after more than 80 women accused Weinstein of sexual harassment, assault and rape dating back to the 1970s. Sources told the site: ‘Harvey believes he is a savior, that he was born to take the fall for his behavior in order to “change the world.”‘

Oh, that’s a new one. I figure it will take about two or three more Hollywood Jews being busted for their predatory behavior before we start hearing about how it’s another Holocaust if sex criminals are held accountable for their crimes.

Kevin Spacey accused

Kevin Spacey has not merely been outed as gay, but has also been accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy:

In an interview with BuzzFeed News, Rapp is publicly alleging for the first time that in 1986, Spacey befriended Rapp while they both performed on Broadway shows, invited Rapp over to his apartment for a party, and, at the end of the night, picked Rapp up, placed him on his bed, and climbed on top of him, making a sexual advance. According to public records, Spacey was 26. Rapp was 14.

The walls surrounding the filth of Hollywood are crumbling.

As it happens, there is even a scene in Precious Sons that calls to mind Rapp’s encounter with Spacey, in which Ed Harris’s character drunkenly mistakes his son (played by Rapp) for someone else, climbs on top of him, and makes a sexual advance.

Oh, FFS. Burn both Hollywood and Broadway to the ground and then salt the Earth.

Build your own platforms

Then keep the SJWs out of them. Stop trying to play nice. Stop trying to hide what you think. Stop trying to work within their system. If you’re creative and you’re talented, then stand up to them and fight them openly. Build your own platform, foxnews them, take half their collective audience away from them, and hit them where they aren’t expecting it. This chronicle of the ideological corruption of Hollywood explains why moderation and accommodation will never work.

“The blacklist of people on the left grew out of a defacto blacklist of people on the right within the industry,” recalls Orson. “There was communist directors, members of The Party, who only would cast you if you were also a member of The Party, or they were trying to woo you as a member of The Party. A lot of rightwing actors…were really furious at them. So when the Cold War happened…these rightwing actors, who had been seething for years about the way the communists were infiltrating the Hollywood business and were infiltrating the unions too, took their revenge. I don’t think that story’s ever been written because it’s not attractive for the Left.”

Orson isn’t alone in remembering this lost history.

“Morrie Ryskind, who was a Pulitzer Prize winner, couldn’t get a job because he didn’t think exactly like these fellows,” recalled John Wayne.

After testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee as a “friendly witness”, the extraordinarily talented Morrie never received another offer from a studio again – and neither did other screenwriters that testified against communism in Hollywood. When the “official” blacklist era ended, liberals continued where they left off – freezing out conservatives…to far better effect.

“I think there’s a reverse blacklist, even today,” said director and Hollywood Ten member Edward Dmytryk in Hollywood on Trial, a 1976 documentary about the blacklist. “I think that the liberals who are riding high, are going in the opposite direction. I think some of the fellas back then, who were on the reactionary side, are having a tough time getting jobs now.”

This greylist has been fully institutionalized. “The Writers Guild of America, my union, is at a minimum 99 percent leftist liberal and, like me, socialist,” said screenwriter and MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell in 2003. In the wake of the blacklist era, the left gained complete control of La La Land using a tactic they now vilify on the big screen. In a sense, it’s a weird tribute to Morrie Ryskind, John Wayne, Cecile B. DeMille and the others concerned about how the far-left storytellers could use movies to rewrite history.

“Being not a communist is grounds for dismissal now,” says Gavin McInnes about being a right-winger in showbiz. The co-founder of Vice Magazine, Gavin is unquestionably one of the funniest people on the planet. From the founding of Vice in 1994 until he left in 2008, its comedic voice was his voice – and it was one that comedians wished to emulate. “Their brand of humor is what I would do if there were no ‘standards and practices’ on TV,” said Jimmy Kimmel about Vice during Gavin’s helm.

After leaving the magazine due to creative differences with his partners – he came up against Hollywood’s liberal enforcers. “Jimmy Miller is Dennis Miller’s brother. He’s one of the biggest managers in comedy. He managed Will Ferrell, Jim Carey. He took a real shining to me after I left Vice,” says Gavin. “Things were going great. And then he found out I was right wing. He didn’t ‘X’ me per se, but it’s exactly like being known as a pedophile…no one likes a pedophile.” (Jimmy Miller did not respond to a request for comment.) Since the election of Trump, even with his star on the rise among the right and a new show on CRTV, his entertainment peers have become even more intolerant. “I’ve lost 100{7a570d310fd04ee61246b4469264ca1004967a98be813fe63aaa5d2057987204} of my friends that are in comedy. I’ve lost 100{7a570d310fd04ee61246b4469264ca1004967a98be813fe63aaa5d2057987204} of my celebrity friends.”

This ploy keeping Hollywood a liberal bastion is subtle, but extraordinarily effective – smoke out right-wingers and their sympathizers, spread the word of their apostasy, freeze them out, repeat. This process is seen in every crevice of Tinseltown, and it quietly teaches a lesson to all watching.

Chris Roberts didn’t need the game companies to finance Star Citizen. Neither do we. PewDiePie doesn’t need YouTube or Disney. Pretty soon, we won’t need Hollywood to make our movies either. There is no place for us in their sandbox. Fine. Who wants to play in that disease-infested filth anyhow? Let us build our own instead.

After two generations of being pummeled by La La Land, the newly constituted right is punching back with a force that has Tinseltown scrambling.

Damn right we are.

But where the old right was content with closing their wallets to Hollywood, the new right thinks stopping there is the stuff of cucks. This politically incorrect movement has galvanized in a way that was unheard of just a few years ago. Instead of the Kum Ba Yah rallies of yesterday’s Tea Party, this new right prefers a more active approach. They bombard film reviews with negative grades, inundate show sponsors with calls to drop their advertising, and hit the most hate-filled celebrities with a flurry of boycott campaigns usually only seen coming from the left.

No longer afraid to be called racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, or xenophobes – because they know they’ll be branded these no matter what – the new right is going directly after their perceived enemy, rejecting traditional content, creating their own entertainment, and organizing on a scale that should make Hollywood take pause in their daily putdowns. Social norms are no longer barriers, and some are even willing to flout the law…all to even the playing field.

The death cult in comics

The estimable John C. Wright explains why Marvel and DC Comics are pursuing their present course:

What is happening is that the leaders at SJW Marvel would prefer to put Politically Correct nonsense and crap into bookstores for sale than real stories penned by good writers about heroic topics.

They do not know why. To them it looks like financial suicide.

I submit to your candid judgment that if you look at a man’s financial motives, you are not seeing the whole man. Man seeks money to buy bread, but man does not live by bread alone. No culture in the history of the world ever existed without rites and rituals and sacrifice to hidden powers greater than human life. For the communist East, that power was the material dialectic of history, a sort of science flavored goddess, who demanded the bloody sacrifice of world wars, gulags, mass starvation, and endless executions. In the democratic West, the greater power was God, and, to a lesser degree, the ideals of freedom. God demands righteousness; democracy demands civic virtue and the self sacrifice of soldiers and sailors.

Now, no honest Christian would burn a pinch of incense to Caesar, and call him a god, for any amount of money. Not even the threat of death stirs the heart of the martyr.

SJW Marvel look at themselves as martyrs.

They think their goddess, history, will reward them with victory over their enemies, the conservatives, who are the sole source of all greed and evil in the world. All they need do is burn, degrade, and insult the beloved heroes of comics, and turn them all into minorities. The loss of review means nothing to them. They do not want our money.

They want the reward of righteousness without being righteous. They want to be martyrs without paying the cost in blood. Political correctness allows them to do this. All they need do it take an industry and ruin it in the name of PC.

The destruction is deliberate. They regard it as a sacrifice. This is a death cult.

The retailers, on the other hand, signed up for no such sacred mission and they are extremely unhappy with it.

An exchange between direct market retailers and Marvel Comics editors became heated in the closing minutes of Marvel’s Retailer-Only panel at New York Comic Con 2017, starting after a unidentified retailer expressed concern about Marvel’s lenticular variants not selling well in his store.

Marvel executive editors Tom Brevoort and Nick Lowe fielded the question, thanking the obviously upset retailer for his feedback. However, the retailer cut Lowe short to express his distaste for Marvel’s recent trend of replacing or altering its existing characters.

The retailer specifically cited examples such as characters that don’t reflect the ethnicity, gender, or sexuality of their predecessors – specifically expressing his distaste for Iceman “kissing other men,” and Thor “becoming a woman.” The retailer’s complaints sparked an outcry among the other retailers present in the room, some echoing his frustration, with multiple attendees raising their voices to speak over each other.

The original speaker called for “creating new characters and not messing with the old guys. The old guys are solid,” while a second said that Marvel has “never replaced its characters like this.”

Lowe pointed out that the changing nature of the identities of characters was engrained in Marvel’s history, pointing out examples from James Rhodes to Frog Thor. The retailer responded that Marvel has “never replaced them all at once before,” going on to say that he has had Marvel Cinematic Universe fans come into his store to find Avengers comic books only to leave “when they see that Thor is a woman and Captain America is a black man.”

And what’s more, the social justice cancer has spread to the Marvel movies now.

The rot of Marvel Comics has finally crept into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not just the rot of Social Justice — the rot of mediocrity.

On paper the movie sounds awesome. Thor, the God of Thunder, must defend Asgard and the Nine Realms from Hela, the all-powerful Goddess of Death. However, he is stranded on the planet of Sakaar on the other side of the galaxy. Surviving a brutal gladiatorial arena, Thor gathers allies and makes his way home to prevent Ragnarok, the prophesized destruction of Asgard.

In execution, it was as stale as week-old popcorn. With a basic plot, forgettable dialogue and limp characters, I struggled to remain engaged with the movie, much less care about the story. The heart of the problem lies with the movie’s poor craftsmanship and its rejection of the mythic.

Well, that’s certainly interesting, don’t you think? I don’t know about you, but I love the smell of opportunity in the morning.

Why didn’t they speak out?

In some cases, they did. But everyone refused to listen. Read this before you condemn the women in Hollywood who were pressured by producers, directors, and executives like (((Louis B. Mayer))), (((Jack Warner))), Daryl Zanuck, (((Harry Cohn))), (((Arthur Freed))), Buddy Adler, (((Harvey Weinstein))), (((James Toback))) and (((David O’Russell((( to sexually submit to them for their supposed silence:

Daryl Hannah, who is known for her roles in “Splash,” “Wall Street,” and many other films, told colleagues about what had happened to her. “I did tell people about it,” she told me. “And it didn’t matter.” Hannah first met Weinstein at the Cannes Film Festival, in the early aughts, before she appeared in “Kill Bill: Volume 1,” which Weinstein produced. She was returning to her room at the Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc, the same hotel where Sciorra said Weinstein harassed her. She saw Weinstein, who was at a reception in the hotel bar nearby. He called her over, and told her that he loved her work. Then he asked for her room number so that he could call her to schedule a meeting.

“That seemed pretty normal to me, you know, how people talk in business, and I didn’t know his reputation or anything,” Hannah said. She was in her room, already in her pajamas and getting ready for bed, when the phone calls started. “It felt like it was too late to have a meeting. I didn’t want to answer.” Though she didn’t pick up, she guessed that it was Weinstein. “And then, shortly thereafter, the knocking on the door began,” she told me. “It was sort of incessant, and then it started turning into pounding on my door,” she said. She was certain that it was Weinstein—as she recalls, she saw him through the peephole in the door. The pounding became so frightening that Hannah, who was staying on the ground floor, left her room via an exterior door. She spent the night in her makeup artist’s room. The following evening, Hannah was in her room with the makeup artist, packing her things ahead of their departure the next morning, when the pounding on the door began again. “The knocking started again and again. And I was like, ‘Oh, shit,’ ” Hannah recalled. “We actually pushed a dresser in front of the door and just kind of huddled in the room.” The next morning, as they left, Weinstein was standing outside the hotel, and appeared, she felt, to be waiting for her. She left quickly and went to the airport.

Several years later, while she was promoting “Kill Bill: Volume 2,” Hannah was in Rome for the film’s Italian première. She and the rest of the cast were scheduled to depart the following morning on a private plane belonging to Miramax. The première was followed by a reception, after which Hannah was in her suite at the Hassler Roma hotel with another hair-and-makeup artist, Steeve Daviault. The two had changed into their pajamas and were sitting on Hannah’s bed with an order of room-service spaghetti, watching a Sophia Loren movie, when Weinstein entered the bedroom. “He had a key,” Hannah recalled. “He came through the living room and into the bedroom. He just burst in like a raging bull. And I know with every fibre of my being that if my male makeup artist was not in that room, things would not have gone well. It was scary.” Daviault remembered the incident vividly. “I was there to keep her safe,” he told me.

When Hannah asked Weinstein what he was doing, he became flustered and angry, she said. Weinstein demanded that she get dressed and attend a party downstairs. Hannah pointed out that no one had ever mentioned a party. Weinstein stormed out, and she quickly took off her glasses and pajamas, donned a dress, and headed downstairs. When she arrived at the reception room Weinstein had mentioned, it was “completely empty,” Hannah recalled. “And it wasn’t even like there had been a party there. I didn’t see drinks around.” As she turned to leave, Weinstein was standing by the elevator. Hannah asked him what was happening and Weinstein replied, “Are your tits real?” Then he asked if he could feel them. “I said, ‘No, you can’t!’ And then he said, ‘At least flash me, then.’ And I said, ‘Fuck off, Harvey.’ ” She took the elevator back to her room and went to sleep.

“I experienced instant repercussions,” she told me. The next morning, the Miramax private plane left without Hannah on it. Her flights for a trip to Cannes for the film’s French première were cancelled, as were her hotel room in Cannes and her hair-and-makeup artist for the festival. “I called everybody,” she recalled, including her manager, a producer on the film, and its director, Quentin Tarantino, who has since told the Times that he knew enough, from his years collaborating with Weinstein, to have done more to stop him, and regrets his failure to do so. “I called all the powers that be and told them what had happened,” Hannah said. “And that I thought that was the repercussion, you know, the backlash from my experience.”

“And it didn’t matter,” Hannah said. “I think that it doesn’t matter if you’re a well-known actress, it doesn’t matter if you’re twenty or if you’re forty, it doesn’t matter if you report or if you don’t, because we are not believed. We are more than not believed—we are berated and criticized and blamed.”

It is no secret that there has been a very strong (((cabal))) in Hollywood for decades that can make or break people’s careers there. Nor is it any secret that the primary reason for Jewish success in the USA is not “high intelligence” or “hard work”, but rather, the combination of high in-group preferences and low altruism operating in a high altruism culture. Read Chaim Potok and Philip Roth if you don’t understand how this process has worked for about 110 years. That’s all you really need to know in order to grasp how the Hollywood swamp came into being, and why it has persisted for four generations of film-making, and why it will probably continue to persist until either a) the God-Emperor drains the swamp or b) the Chinese take over Hollywood.

The coverup is already in the works. Notice anything that might be relevant missing from Ben Shapiro’s proposed “solution“? It will also be missing from this forthcoming documentary.

The filmmakers behind The Hunting Ground, a documentary about the epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses, will tackle the same issue in Hollywood following the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Co-directors Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering announced plans for their new documentary Monday, with the film set to examine how the entertainment industry covered up or ignored sexual assaults in the cases of powerful people like Weinstein, the Hollywood Reporter writes.

First, there is no “epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses.” Second, (((Amy Ziering))). Third, Kirby Dick. These are obviously not people who want to prevent women from being victimized. These are award-winning Hollywood creatures who have been charged with attempting to contain the damage and prevent it from taking down the entire industry.

It doesn’t do any good to talk when everyone refuses to listen. And if you find that this post angers you and you don’t want to hear any more about it, then remember, that’s exactly how the Tarantinos of Hollywood felt when Darryl Hannah told them how Harvey Weinstein treated her.

Conservatives simply won’t fight

For all their complaints about the cultural war, the conservative movement has repeatedly proven to be useless, totally useless, when it comes to fighting back against Hollywood, against the publishing industry, and against the entertainment media:

If conservative investors had any courage, this would be the time to make a hostile takeover of the movie business.  Unfortunately, they don’t. I know this from bitter personal experience. Wealthy conservatives are delighted to support the Philharmonic, but when it comes to popular culture they turn away, as if afraid to get their hands dirty.

That this is a huge mistake should be obvious.  They have abandoned the culture — and our children — to the creepiest people imaginable.

Consider this. In just twelve days, Alt★Hero managed to reach the top one percent of all kickstarted campaigns ever, and it did so on a platform so new that it doesn’t even have some of the most basic user interface features yet. Other than Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and Stefan Molyneux, how many of the conservative media figures who regularly lament the dire straits of culture and entertainment in America have bothered to even recognize its existence, much less recommend it to anyone?

Do you want to know why the Right is losing the culture wars? Because conservatives simply refuse to fight them. For all that they decry the French as cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the WWII-era French Army offered considerably more resistance after the Maginot Line was bypassed than the conservative movement does in the culture wars.

Fat Bastard is toast

Harvey Weinstein is more finished than finished now. They’re going to lock the repulsive pig up for years if this New Yorker article is even remotely accurate. They even have audio of the creep harassing a woman and admitting to having groped her the day before.

Three women––among them Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans—told me that Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex. Four women said that they experienced unwanted touching that could be classified as an assault. In an audio recording captured during a New York Police Department sting operation in 2015 and made public here for the first time, Weinstein admits to groping a Filipina-Italian model named Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, describing it as behavior he is “used to.”

Sixteen former and current executives and assistants at Weinstein’s companies told me that they witnessed or had knowledge of unwanted sexual advances and touching at events associated with Weinstein’s films and in the workplace. They and others describe a pattern of professional meetings that were little more than thin pretexts for sexual advances on young actresses and models. All sixteen said that the behavior was widely known within both Miramax and the Weinstein Company. Messages sent by Irwin Reiter, a senior company executive, to Emily Nestor, one of the women who alleged that she was harassed at the company, described the “mistreatment of women” as a serial problem that the Weinstein Company was struggling with in recent years. Other employees described what was, in essence, a culture of complicity at Weinstein’s places of business, with numerous people throughout the companies fully aware of his behavior but either abetting it or looking the other way. Some employees said that they were enlisted in subterfuge to make the victims feel safe. A female executive with the company described how Weinstein assistants and others served as a “honeypot”—they would initially join a meeting, but then Weinstein would dismiss them, leaving him alone with the woman.

What a joke. This loser is not at all powerful, he’s overtly and observably pathetic. Just listen to the pig whine and beg. The sickness of any industry that would allow this sort of disgusting creature to have any influence at all is an indication that it should be burned to the ground.

That isn’t the only reason that I have always turned down requests for film options to my books – and yes, I’ve been approached on five occasions that I can recall – but it is one of them. I have never, ever, wanted anything to do with any of the people in that industry ever since meeting a few of them in my game and music industry days. They aren’t the kind of people with whom I even wanted to have a drink, let alone spend years trying work with them.

UPDATE: Harvey Weinstein’s Wife Georgina Chapman Divorcing Him