Too Soon?

I think we can safely conclude that the USA will be abandoning Ukraine to its fate now that the media is reporting the horrific news that six million Israeli infants have been holocausted in their incubators by Hamas. The only real question is if it will be a false flag or a green flag that will be utilized in justifying a US attack on Iran.


Vibrancy in the UK

The English are beginning to learn that their former subjects didn’t really take to the English way of doing things after all.

Almost 90 retail leaders, including the bosses of Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Boots and WH Smith, have written to the government demanding action on rising retail crime, in which violent criminals are “emptying stores”.

The retailers, who also include the bosses of Aldi, Primark and Superdrug, call for the creation of a new UK-wide aggravated offence of assaulting or abusing a retail worker – as already exists in Scotland – which would carry tougher sentences and require police to record all incidents of retail crime and allow the allocation of more resources.

“The police consistently tell us that a lack of data about these offences means they have no visibility about the nature or scale of the issue,” the letter says.

The 88 retail bosses have asked for a meeting with the home secretary, Suella Braverman, to discuss the issue after a meeting with the minister for crime, Chris Philp, led to the promise to develop an action plan.

The call comes after retailers, including the Co-op and John Lewis, highlighted what they said was a worsening issue. A survey of members of the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which represents all the major chains, found levels of shoplifting in 10 of the biggest cities had risen by an average of 27% this year.

Meanwhile, the police’s own data for one major retailer shows that forces failed to respond to 73% of serious retail crimes that were reported, while 44% of retailers in the BRC’s annual crime survey rated the police response as “poor” or “very poor”.

Apparently the English dirt isn’t magic either. Of course, all of the “retail leaders” complaining about immigrant crime are still funding advertising that relentlessly pushes Africans into every single ad on British television. To judge by the advertising, and by the advertising for the shows, you’d think that BBC stood for the Botswana Broadcasting Corporation.

However, speaking of British television advertising, I was excited to spot family number 15 for the man who appears to be the primary black actor available for hire as a family man this last week. That makes 12 white wives and 3 black ones for him so far.


Delingpole Has His Doubts

About the legitimacy of Russell Brand in the aftermath of his apparent cancellation:

Brand employs language not to so much to communicate as to beglamour. Like a cut-price Jimmy Savile – reputedly he was a wizard and his catchphrase ‘Now then, now then’ was calculated to throw listeners off their temporal balance – he is an enchanter weaving a spell. The message he strives to get across is “yes I know I’m a shifty sleazebag but you can’t help loving me because I’m a cheeky chappy, you can tell from my accent that I’m a man of the people, yet I’m also above average bright because listen to all my long words and how quickly I join them together in sentences which sound like they make sense.”

Lots of people fell for this – and continue to fall for this – for words indeed work as powerful spells for those who know how to use them. But mainly people fell for it because they were told to fall for it: by the telly; by that loveable Jonathan Woss; by chat shows; by Hollywood; by the organisers of the 2012 Olympics ceremony; by the publishers who put out My Booky-Wook; and, most recently, by all those allegedly Awake fans of Brand’s podcast who’ve been protesting for the last two or three years “No, it’s OK, you don’t understand, he really has changed, he’s one of us now.” Or, if you prefer, “But I LOVE him, Dad.”

This is how the Narrative prevails. It wears you down with its relentlessness and its ubiquity. We can sometimes appreciate this with hindsight – the way, for example, it’s now impossible to watch old footage of Jimmy Savile without wondering whatever we saw in this obvious creep. What we forget is that at the time it was almost impossible not to think Jimmy Savile was a good thing. He had been endorsed and promoted by so many sources – the charidees, the royals, Top of the Pops, his dear old Mum… – that our natural instinct to be utterly repelled by him was bludgeoned into quietude. It was like the Asch conformity test. You couldn’t help giving the wrong answer even when you knew it wasn’t the right one…

This is why there is such division, even among the Awake, about Russell Brand. What it comes down to, essentially, is whether or not you believe he’s an Illuminati foot soldier who has sold his soul to the devil and serves no other cause than the Luciferian agenda of the occult predator class.

If you don’t, if you think all that occult/Masonic/Babylonian Mystery School stuff is a bit too bonkers to accept, then you’ll find it easy to make earthbound excuses for his behaviour. If, on the other hand, you know that it’s all real, that when, in the course of a supposedly self-exculpatory video Brand forms his fingers into the shape of the Number of the Beast it’s not because he’s got arthritis, then you’ll wonder why anyone could be so deluded as to fall for the oldest trick in the book.

And a hand gesture is never just a hand gesture. Personally, I couldn’t care less about a celebrity who may or may not be, but probably isn’t, on our side. Unless he’s openly proclaiming Jesus Christ, defending the three pillars of Western civilization, and publicly denouncing every aspect of Clown World, including its master, I consider it safe to assume that he’s been assigned to a new role as the latest gatekeeper and celebrity icon for the naive Christian Right, which unfortunately sometimes seems to comprise most of it.


YouTube Piles On

Despite him not having even been accused of streaming anything objectionable on YouTube, the social media giant has demonetized Russell Brand.

YouTube has stopped Russell Brand from being able to earn any money through his channel for ‘violating our Creator Responsibility policy’.

The 48-year-old produces around five videos a week for his 6.6million subscribers, earning him an estimated £1million a year.

Under the terms of his suspension Brand – whose net worth has been estimated at between £15m and £40m – will still be allowed to post videos on the platform but will not receive any of the advertising revenue.

YouTube said in a statement: ‘If a creator’s off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action to protect the community. This decision applies to all channels that may be owned or operated by Russell Brand.’

This is why it is so foolish for these public figures to prioritize reach over stability. What is the point of building up a massive social media following on a platform where it can, and will, be taken away from you overnight?

This is also why UATV, and other independent platforms with paid subscriptions, are the wave of the future. But it will probably require the collapse of YouTube before most creators are able to seriously consider those platforms, because the allure of YouTube fame and money is far too strong for them to resist despite the obvious risks.

JUST IN: “We will move to an economic model of a small monthly payment to use X.” – Elon Musk

Anyhow, YouTube’s action, in combination with the media blitz, does make it obvious that Brand’s cancellation is an organized, inorganic action.


The Cancellation of Russell Brand

The Clown signal has gone out and Russell Brand is being mass-swarmed in the media by women accusing him of rape, sexual assault, emotional abuse, and sinister behavior toward women:

TV bosses have been accused of offering to take female staff members off shows fronted by Russell Brand after concerns about his alleged behaviour were raised.

It comes amid reports that accusations about his ‘sinister’ behaviour towards women were an ‘open secret’ among TV and radio executives.

Some former staff members who worked with him during his time on Big Brother’s EFourum claimed they were ‘acting like pimps to Russell Brand’s needs’ as he demanded they get the numbers of girls from the audience for him.

Bosses at the BBC and Channel 4 are accused of turning a blind eye towards the entertainer’s behaviour while he worked for them as a presenter between 2006 and 2013.

The broadcasters have insisted they took all necessary steps deal with him, but executives could still be called before a Government select committee where MPs will grill them over what they knew.

The 48-year-old’s behaviour is alleged to have been common knowledge among female performers on the comedy circuit, who are said to have warned each other about him.

Brand has been accused of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse by multiple women, including one who says she was 16 at the time.

I’m not defending Russell Brand. He’s an awful guy, a drug addict who was embraced by the Hellmouth and married to an Illuminati princess. He has eminently earned his cancellation, and the public discourse will not be harmed one iota by his public and permanent erasure from it. He does not have, and has never had, anything of substance to offer the stream of public consciousness.

That being said, it is interesting to ask why he is being cancelled at this late date and at this juncture. Is it because he is genuinely reformed and repentant, and therefore must be destroyed like any other ticket-taker who reneges on his contract pour encourager les autres? Is it part of a masquerade to set him up as a new gatekeeper in the mode of other fake-cancellations like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate? Did he simply cross the wrong dark master at the wrong time? Or does he know something that Clown World is desperate to prevent him revealing to the rest of the planet?

Regardless of what the real reason is, never forget that neither cancellation nor opprobrium from Clown World makes an individual a hero, a good guy, a leader, or someone worthy of taking seriously.

UPDATE: It’s fascinating to see how celebrities are protected from every form of criticism and investigation, until they’re not.

Channel 4, BBC and the police have all launched probes into Russell Brand’s behaviour in light of rape and sexual assault allegations



Why does anyone continue to pay any attention to mainstream media conservatives? It puzzles me. Very nearly to a man – or woman – they failed the most basic test of analytical capability of the last decade as they fell for what was quintessentially a globalist and government program of the very sort they nominally oppose.

Megyn Kelly, a veteran journalist and podcaster, said Wednesday that she deeply regrets getting the COVID-19 vaccine because she believes she may have suffered a vaccine injury. Ms. Kelly said that she regrets getting vaccinated and then boosted, saying she doesn’t think it was necessary—and that a doctor told her that an autoimmune condition she developed after getting the shot may be related to the vaccine.

“I regret getting the vaccine even though I’m a 52-year-old woman because I don’t think I needed it,” Ms. Kelly said during a Sept. 6 episode of her podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show.”

“I think I would have been fine. I had got COVID many times, and it was well past when the vaccine was doing what it was supposed to be doing,” she added. “For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. And I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks? And she said yes. Yes. I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with,” Ms. Kelly said.

Her current vaccine regret stands in contrast to remarks she made in April 2021, when she said she had “zero qualms” about getting the shot.

“Am getting the [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine this [weekend]. Have zero qualms [because] have spent a life immersed in a media obsessed with fear-mongering that is often irresponsible and untrue. Do what your doctor tells you to do and ignore everyone else,” she said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

While it’s good that she’s telling the truth about her negative consequences, what about this provides you with evidence that her opinion about anything is to be taken seriously, let alone valued, in any way? Why would you ever watch a show, or listen to a podcast, or read a book, in order to learn what Ms Kelly thinks about anything? The same goes for every single other vaccinated conservative media figure. It wasn’t rocket science.

To the extent that “conservatism” stands for anything, it is supposed to stand against big government programs intruding on the lives of the citizens. And yet, there are few government programs bigger in scope or more intrusive than the various aspects of the Covid-19 program, from acquiring respirators to lockdowns to vaccines and vaccine mandates. But all it took was a wildly unconvincing health scare to convince conservatives to abandon their nominal core principle.


Excellence is in the Details

Fawlty Towers is rightly considered one of the greatest television shows in the history of television. So it’s interesting to learn this little detail about it from the man married to the actress who played Sybil Fawlty.

It wasn’t just the lines that Pru and the cast had to familiarise themselves with.

‘In the case of Fawlty Towers, the devil was in the detail.

In addition to writing the dialogue, John and Connie had gone to great pains to explain exactly what was happening in each scene and why. Put it this way: the script for a 30-minute episode of a sitcom would normally be around 60 pages long, but for Fawlty Towers they were something approaching 140.

In other words, the reason Fawlty Towers so often resembled the synchronized perfection of an oft-shown play or musical is because it was essentially written as a play, with the script containing the choreography and the character motivations as well as the dialogue.

While it doesn’t rise to the level of Tolkien’s invented histories and languages, or Umberto Eco’s recreation in string of his monastery in order to time the length of the conversations properly, it does serve as a spur to the creative mind to up his creative game.


The Media Extinction Event

Clay Travis explains why ESPN is sinking fast, why the free ride that sports fans enjoyed at the expense of everyone else with a cable subscription has come to an end, and the inevitable implications for everyone in the media business

ESPN knows that their cable and satellite business is collapsing but, and this is key, they’ve also done the math and realize that streaming is going to destroy their existing cable business. Because, and this is what no one seems willing to say, ESPN doesn’t just have one bad business now — the cable and satellite bundle — they have the streaming business too, which is an even worse business. And, and this is very key, each business is accelerating the demise of the other. Streaming isn’t making ESPN stronger, it’s making ESPN weaker because it’s hastening the destruction of a profitable business — cable and satellite — for a money-losing business — streaming.

And that’s what many are still missing — as the cable and satellite bundle boat takes on water and sinks, the streaming bundle is also taking on water and sinking too. ESPN has tried to sell people on the idea that at the exact moment that the cable and satellite bundle collapses they are going to step to a brand new business, the streaming business, and it’s going to be a sturdy and successful lifeboat that carries them to richer waters.

But the reality is, streaming is a way worse business than the cable and satellite bundle. Because the only people who pay for ESPN will be sports fans. The free ride is over, your Aunt Gladys is never signing up and subsidizing your sports viewing again.

Let’s say ESPN makes $8 billion a year now in subscription fees. ($10 a month x 70 million subscribers they has before Charter cut this by 15 million). Toss in another two billion in advertising and let’s say ESPN presently nets around $10 billion a year. Okay, how many people will sign up for ESPN as a direct to consumer streaming service? If they could get 70 million subscribers we’d all have to pay $120 a year for ESPN streaming by itself. (This assumes advertising will still be the same, which it won’t, but let’s just be generous and pretend it will.) But, as I noted above, many of these people paying for ESPN now as part of their cable and satellite package never watch ESPN.

So how many people will actually subscribe to a direct to consumer ESPN streaming service? Turns out there are some early test cases.

The NFL Sunday Ticket is the most desirable direct to consumer product on the planet. Do you know how many households subscribe for NFL Sunday Ticket? Around three million.

Uh oh.

Wait a minute, you’re telling me that the NFL can only get around three million households to sign up for actual NFL games, all of the out of market games, in the entire country?

We’ve got a major math problem here for ESPN.

In other words, even if we’re generous and we assume all the other sports combined generate as much television interest as the NFL, we’re looking at a decline from 100 million at peak to six million. That’s a decline of 94 percent in households. In monetary terms, if we use a single-season, single-team MLB subscription as a stand-in for all other sports, that’s an 88 percent decline in revenue from $10 billion to $1.23 billion… with $45 billion in rights fees owed through 2027.

No wonder the Saudis are licking their lips and looking to buy up more sports leagues instead of teams. It also explains why Bob Iger is desperately casting around for anyone who wants to buy pieces of the collapsing Devil Mouse empire. But it’s not just Disney that is facing the precipice.

TNT, Turner, AMC, Nickelodeon, you name the channel, all of them are basically being held together by the cable bundle. And ESPN is the most important channel in the cable and satellite bundle, it’s the linchpin, the anchor store. ESPN is your neighborhood shopping mall’s anchor tenant — the Macy’s, the Nordstrom, the Dillard’s the JC Penny. When a mall’s anchor tenant leaves the mall is often dead for, the rest of the shopping mall collapses around it. That’s why the best analogy for ESPN isn’t Blockbuster, it’s Sears, a big mall anchor tenant that collapsed and went bankrupt.

Okay, if you’ve read to this point, you might be thinking, “This feels like it’s going to be really bad, Clay.”

Uh, yeah, it is, that’s why I called it a media extinction level event.

And yet, the alternative media will survive this unscathed, because we’re already accustomed to being entirely dependent upon our direct supporters. No free riders, no advertisers. And so, as it happens, the great media extinction may be the best possible thing for the future growth of Arkhaven and UATV.


Changes in Comics News

Bleeding Cool used to be one of the leading comic book sites on the Internet. It was sufficiently influential that the 2018 interview of me by its chief editor and founder Mark Siefert led directly to the post-crowdfund deplatforming of Arkhaven’s Alt-Hero: Q campaign, but the subsequent firing of Siefert and the decline of DC Comics and Marvel, and its refusal to cover major independent players from Arkhaven, Ethan van Sciver, Eric July, and Razorfist to the various ‘toons sites have left Bleeding Cool in a state of decline that mirrors that of the overall mainstream US comics industry.

So while it’s encouraging to see the Arkhaven-friendly site Bounding Into Comics passing Bleeding Cool in terms of popularity, traffic, and influence, it was always inevitable given the SJW convergence of the latter. There isn’t much use for a comics site that doesn’t cover what is not only an entire section of the industry, but the growing section of the industry, after all, and one gets a much more accurate picture of what is actually happening in comics these days from Bounding Into Comics.

But congratulations to John Trent and company for this major competitive milestone as noted by Similarweb. It’s good to see that there is still one news organization in the industry that reports actual news with some degree of impartiality and objectivity.

In tangential news, John Trent wonders why anyone would want to read Marvel’s new erstatz Punisher, in light of how SHIELD agent Joe Garrison has replaced the iconic Frank Castle.

It’s unclear why anyone would purchase this series after the first issue. The entire series as described by Pepose in this interview and how it was initially announced at San Diego Comic-Con appears it’s just a derivative version of Frank Castle.

Not only does Garrison sound like a derivative version of Castle, but, of course, Marvel has to push the demasculinization and demoralization narrative with having Garrison report to a woman. It’s also not hard to imagine that they “very cool preexisting villains” will be reimagined to fit the same demoralization narrative. Furthermore, we don’t know what kind of “family” Joe Garrison has. One can only imagine it fits the agenda.

Readers looking for new Punisher stories are probably better served diving back into their long boxes and reading the classic The Punisher War Journal stories or Garth Ennis’ Punisher Max.

Or, better yet, reading Arkhaven’s forthcoming Black Warrant, written by ex-Punisher writer Chuck Dixon.


Then They Came for Wranglerstar

Miles Klee of Rolling Stone gets Wranglerstar banned from Tik Tok and goes after his YouTube account with a hit piece written on behalf of Jared Holt, the social media hit man who was previously “instrumental in getting social media and other internet platforms to give Infowars the boot” from Apple, YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify, among others.

While his comments are a mixed bag of supporters and detractors, there’s no telling whether someone will put Crone’s more irresponsible recommendations into practice. “It’s alarming to see content that he offers instructions for doing damage paired with content that promotes a generally paranoid worldview,” says Jared Holt, a senior research analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue who studies the intersection of tech and U.S. political extremism. “That can be a volatile cocktail, and I worry that it normalizes types of violence.” 

After Rolling Stone brought the UN helmet video and other clips to TikTok’s attention, the company deleted Crone’s page. A TikTok representative confirmed that Crone was banned for “repeatedly violating” their policies, though did not enumerate which rules he had broken. The TikTok representative also reported that Crone had never made money on the platform. “While our investigation is ongoing, I can confirm that it did not monetize through our product features this year, and we’ve so far not found an indication it did so before that,” the rep said. Another Wranglerstar-branded TikTok account with more than 200,000 followers has preserved clips including a guide on breaking into buildings and a screed about “pushing back” against police officers by showing up to their houses to confront them. (It’s unclear whether Crone operates the account or someone else is reposting his content.)

YouTube, for its part, did not remove any of Crone’s videos or issue him a warning, and continues to generate revenue from his brand. (Crone, who has had an ad partnership with the site for at least a decade, was previously featured as an “On The Rise” influencer and on YouTube’s “Spotlight” channel.) In a statement to Rolling Stone, YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon says Crone’s videos have not violated the site’s community or the advertising-friendly guidelines for official YouTube Partners. “As such, they will remain on the platform,” Malon says.

According to the site’s policy guidelines, YouTube forbids “content intended to praise, promote, or aid violent extremist or criminal organizations is not allowed on YouTube,” though notably, Crone does not seem to identify with any particular radical group. YouTube also prohibits “content encouraging others to commit violent acts.” Whether Crone risks violating this policy with material like the arson clip — which falls into something of a gray area — is an open question. Malon’s statement did not address the assessments YouTube made of any individual video.

Holt tells Rolling Stone that Crone is “crossing or edging on the line of policies that platforms have against what’s usually called ‘dangerous’ or ‘harmful’ content,” but that such rules are useless without rigorous enforcement. If YouTube doesn’t see fit to remove this kind of content, says Holt, it would “be responsible to at least down-rank it in sorting.”

Though Holt emphasizes that “most people who view this sort of content will not be compelled to act, and even fewer will be violent,” he says a slim minority may feel emboldened to take action “in harmful or violent ways.” For YouTube to allow this content on their platform, he explains, is “to provide the next would-be attacker or vigilante with the tools they need to act,” comparable to “scattering instruments all over a stage and inviting musicians into the theater.”

Of course, Holt cautions, we can’t say for sure that this is what Crone intends — which gives him the plausible deniability to continue operating on YouTube without interference. As long as he is ambiguous enough in his prophecies, avoiding direct imperatives to act or praise for known terrorist groups, he comes across as just another eccentric, gun-loving conservative. This way, Crone is able to walk a thin line, seeding extremist propaganda while separately laying out strategies for an anticipated clash with authorities, leaving his audience to connect the dots. Unlike his less-filtered TikTok channel, his YouTube presence relies on the power of what remains unsaid.

He Taught People to Make Bombs — And YouTube Is Helping Him Cash In, ROLLING STONE, 11 August 2023

When, as they like to say, there is no place in their society for us, it is clear that there is no place for them in our society. It’s not paranoia when they really are out to demonetize, deplatform, and destroy you. This is why it is foolish to rely in any way upon enemy platforms; there is more to preparation than building a cabin in the deep woods. Fortunately for us, our half of the global economy is much bigger than the one they have coopted; the two leading BRICSIA nations, Russia and China, have already declared war on their Empire of Lies.

It’s fascinating to see the Imperial SJWtroopers intensifying their attacks and expanding their range of targets at the same time that the companies they utilize as weapons are in decline and increasingly desperate to bring people, including those they previously banned, back to their platforms. Just this week, one major platform unsuspended an account that was frozen in 2020 and tried to get us back on the platform; we declined and took advantage of the unsuspension to cancel it for good. Just as it’s a mistake for consumers to subscribe to Disney+ or ESPN, or drink Bud Light, it’s a mistake for a non-SJW creator to become reliant upon YouTube, Facebook, or any other converged platform.

Big Bear and I have warned other creators about this for years. Most of them didn’t heed those warnings. But it’s just going to keep getting worse as the US continues to implode internally and the external pressure on its various institutions and corporations grows. Is it going to be easy at first? No. Are you going to take an initial hit in terms of every single metric? Yes. But that’s the price of playing the long game that ensures you’ll be around in the future.