The Media Extinction Event

Clay Travis explains why ESPN is sinking fast, why the free ride that sports fans enjoyed at the expense of everyone else with a cable subscription has come to an end, and the inevitable implications for everyone in the media business

ESPN knows that their cable and satellite business is collapsing but, and this is key, they’ve also done the math and realize that streaming is going to destroy their existing cable business. Because, and this is what no one seems willing to say, ESPN doesn’t just have one bad business now — the cable and satellite bundle — they have the streaming business too, which is an even worse business. And, and this is very key, each business is accelerating the demise of the other. Streaming isn’t making ESPN stronger, it’s making ESPN weaker because it’s hastening the destruction of a profitable business — cable and satellite — for a money-losing business — streaming.

And that’s what many are still missing — as the cable and satellite bundle boat takes on water and sinks, the streaming bundle is also taking on water and sinking too. ESPN has tried to sell people on the idea that at the exact moment that the cable and satellite bundle collapses they are going to step to a brand new business, the streaming business, and it’s going to be a sturdy and successful lifeboat that carries them to richer waters.

But the reality is, streaming is a way worse business than the cable and satellite bundle. Because the only people who pay for ESPN will be sports fans. The free ride is over, your Aunt Gladys is never signing up and subsidizing your sports viewing again.

Let’s say ESPN makes $8 billion a year now in subscription fees. ($10 a month x 70 million subscribers they has before Charter cut this by 15 million). Toss in another two billion in advertising and let’s say ESPN presently nets around $10 billion a year. Okay, how many people will sign up for ESPN as a direct to consumer streaming service? If they could get 70 million subscribers we’d all have to pay $120 a year for ESPN streaming by itself. (This assumes advertising will still be the same, which it won’t, but let’s just be generous and pretend it will.) But, as I noted above, many of these people paying for ESPN now as part of their cable and satellite package never watch ESPN.

So how many people will actually subscribe to a direct to consumer ESPN streaming service? Turns out there are some early test cases.

The NFL Sunday Ticket is the most desirable direct to consumer product on the planet. Do you know how many households subscribe for NFL Sunday Ticket? Around three million.

Uh oh.

Wait a minute, you’re telling me that the NFL can only get around three million households to sign up for actual NFL games, all of the out of market games, in the entire country?

We’ve got a major math problem here for ESPN.

In other words, even if we’re generous and we assume all the other sports combined generate as much television interest as the NFL, we’re looking at a decline from 100 million at peak to six million. That’s a decline of 94 percent in households. In monetary terms, if we use a single-season, single-team MLB subscription as a stand-in for all other sports, that’s an 88 percent decline in revenue from $10 billion to $1.23 billion… with $45 billion in rights fees owed through 2027.

No wonder the Saudis are licking their lips and looking to buy up more sports leagues instead of teams. It also explains why Bob Iger is desperately casting around for anyone who wants to buy pieces of the collapsing Devil Mouse empire. But it’s not just Disney that is facing the precipice.

TNT, Turner, AMC, Nickelodeon, you name the channel, all of them are basically being held together by the cable bundle. And ESPN is the most important channel in the cable and satellite bundle, it’s the linchpin, the anchor store. ESPN is your neighborhood shopping mall’s anchor tenant — the Macy’s, the Nordstrom, the Dillard’s the JC Penny. When a mall’s anchor tenant leaves the mall is often dead for, the rest of the shopping mall collapses around it. That’s why the best analogy for ESPN isn’t Blockbuster, it’s Sears, a big mall anchor tenant that collapsed and went bankrupt.

Okay, if you’ve read to this point, you might be thinking, “This feels like it’s going to be really bad, Clay.”

Uh, yeah, it is, that’s why I called it a media extinction level event.

And yet, the alternative media will survive this unscathed, because we’re already accustomed to being entirely dependent upon our direct supporters. No free riders, no advertisers. And so, as it happens, the great media extinction may be the best possible thing for the future growth of Arkhaven and UATV.


Changes in Comics News

Bleeding Cool used to be one of the leading comic book sites on the Internet. It was sufficiently influential that the 2018 interview of me by its chief editor and founder Mark Siefert led directly to the post-crowdfund deplatforming of Arkhaven’s Alt-Hero: Q campaign, but the subsequent firing of Siefert and the decline of DC Comics and Marvel, and its refusal to cover major independent players from Arkhaven, Ethan van Sciver, Eric July, and Razorfist to the various ‘toons sites have left Bleeding Cool in a state of decline that mirrors that of the overall mainstream US comics industry.

So while it’s encouraging to see the Arkhaven-friendly site Bounding Into Comics passing Bleeding Cool in terms of popularity, traffic, and influence, it was always inevitable given the SJW convergence of the latter. There isn’t much use for a comics site that doesn’t cover what is not only an entire section of the industry, but the growing section of the industry, after all, and one gets a much more accurate picture of what is actually happening in comics these days from Bounding Into Comics.

But congratulations to John Trent and company for this major competitive milestone as noted by Similarweb. It’s good to see that there is still one news organization in the industry that reports actual news with some degree of impartiality and objectivity.

In tangential news, John Trent wonders why anyone would want to read Marvel’s new erstatz Punisher, in light of how SHIELD agent Joe Garrison has replaced the iconic Frank Castle.

It’s unclear why anyone would purchase this series after the first issue. The entire series as described by Pepose in this interview and how it was initially announced at San Diego Comic-Con appears it’s just a derivative version of Frank Castle.

Not only does Garrison sound like a derivative version of Castle, but, of course, Marvel has to push the demasculinization and demoralization narrative with having Garrison report to a woman. It’s also not hard to imagine that they “very cool preexisting villains” will be reimagined to fit the same demoralization narrative. Furthermore, we don’t know what kind of “family” Joe Garrison has. One can only imagine it fits the agenda.

Readers looking for new Punisher stories are probably better served diving back into their long boxes and reading the classic The Punisher War Journal stories or Garth Ennis’ Punisher Max.

Or, better yet, reading Arkhaven’s forthcoming Black Warrant, written by ex-Punisher writer Chuck Dixon.


Then They Came for Wranglerstar

Miles Klee of Rolling Stone gets Wranglerstar banned from Tik Tok and goes after his YouTube account with a hit piece written on behalf of Jared Holt, the social media hit man who was previously “instrumental in getting social media and other internet platforms to give Infowars the boot” from Apple, YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify, among others.

While his comments are a mixed bag of supporters and detractors, there’s no telling whether someone will put Crone’s more irresponsible recommendations into practice. “It’s alarming to see content that he offers instructions for doing damage paired with content that promotes a generally paranoid worldview,” says Jared Holt, a senior research analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue who studies the intersection of tech and U.S. political extremism. “That can be a volatile cocktail, and I worry that it normalizes types of violence.” 

After Rolling Stone brought the UN helmet video and other clips to TikTok’s attention, the company deleted Crone’s page. A TikTok representative confirmed that Crone was banned for “repeatedly violating” their policies, though did not enumerate which rules he had broken. The TikTok representative also reported that Crone had never made money on the platform. “While our investigation is ongoing, I can confirm that it did not monetize through our product features this year, and we’ve so far not found an indication it did so before that,” the rep said. Another Wranglerstar-branded TikTok account with more than 200,000 followers has preserved clips including a guide on breaking into buildings and a screed about “pushing back” against police officers by showing up to their houses to confront them. (It’s unclear whether Crone operates the account or someone else is reposting his content.)

YouTube, for its part, did not remove any of Crone’s videos or issue him a warning, and continues to generate revenue from his brand. (Crone, who has had an ad partnership with the site for at least a decade, was previously featured as an “On The Rise” influencer and on YouTube’s “Spotlight” channel.) In a statement to Rolling Stone, YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon says Crone’s videos have not violated the site’s community or the advertising-friendly guidelines for official YouTube Partners. “As such, they will remain on the platform,” Malon says.

According to the site’s policy guidelines, YouTube forbids “content intended to praise, promote, or aid violent extremist or criminal organizations is not allowed on YouTube,” though notably, Crone does not seem to identify with any particular radical group. YouTube also prohibits “content encouraging others to commit violent acts.” Whether Crone risks violating this policy with material like the arson clip — which falls into something of a gray area — is an open question. Malon’s statement did not address the assessments YouTube made of any individual video.

Holt tells Rolling Stone that Crone is “crossing or edging on the line of policies that platforms have against what’s usually called ‘dangerous’ or ‘harmful’ content,” but that such rules are useless without rigorous enforcement. If YouTube doesn’t see fit to remove this kind of content, says Holt, it would “be responsible to at least down-rank it in sorting.”

Though Holt emphasizes that “most people who view this sort of content will not be compelled to act, and even fewer will be violent,” he says a slim minority may feel emboldened to take action “in harmful or violent ways.” For YouTube to allow this content on their platform, he explains, is “to provide the next would-be attacker or vigilante with the tools they need to act,” comparable to “scattering instruments all over a stage and inviting musicians into the theater.”

Of course, Holt cautions, we can’t say for sure that this is what Crone intends — which gives him the plausible deniability to continue operating on YouTube without interference. As long as he is ambiguous enough in his prophecies, avoiding direct imperatives to act or praise for known terrorist groups, he comes across as just another eccentric, gun-loving conservative. This way, Crone is able to walk a thin line, seeding extremist propaganda while separately laying out strategies for an anticipated clash with authorities, leaving his audience to connect the dots. Unlike his less-filtered TikTok channel, his YouTube presence relies on the power of what remains unsaid.

He Taught People to Make Bombs — And YouTube Is Helping Him Cash In, ROLLING STONE, 11 August 2023

When, as they like to say, there is no place in their society for us, it is clear that there is no place for them in our society. It’s not paranoia when they really are out to demonetize, deplatform, and destroy you. This is why it is foolish to rely in any way upon enemy platforms; there is more to preparation than building a cabin in the deep woods. Fortunately for us, our half of the global economy is much bigger than the one they have coopted; the two leading BRICSIA nations, Russia and China, have already declared war on their Empire of Lies.

It’s fascinating to see the Imperial SJWtroopers intensifying their attacks and expanding their range of targets at the same time that the companies they utilize as weapons are in decline and increasingly desperate to bring people, including those they previously banned, back to their platforms. Just this week, one major platform unsuspended an account that was frozen in 2020 and tried to get us back on the platform; we declined and took advantage of the unsuspension to cancel it for good. Just as it’s a mistake for consumers to subscribe to Disney+ or ESPN, or drink Bud Light, it’s a mistake for a non-SJW creator to become reliant upon YouTube, Facebook, or any other converged platform.

Big Bear and I have warned other creators about this for years. Most of them didn’t heed those warnings. But it’s just going to keep getting worse as the US continues to implode internally and the external pressure on its various institutions and corporations grows. Is it going to be easy at first? No. Are you going to take an initial hit in terms of every single metric? Yes. But that’s the price of playing the long game that ensures you’ll be around in the future.


They Can’t Hide the Bodies

The proof has always been, not in the pudding, but in the “inexplicable” excess deaths that began with the mass Covid-19 vaccination campaigns. And while the initial set of adverse reactions were not as widespread or as fatal as we’d feared, it appears that the insidious long-term and/or ongoing damage being caused by the mRNA technology is still being revealed by the number of deaths above baseline averages, particularly in the younger, healthier populations.

This is where the conclusive and irrefutable evidence of the injurious nature of the vaxx is going to be provided, as no amount of denial and groundless theories about global warming and gaslighting about how there have always been excess deaths – one of the most retarded and oxymoronic arguments ever articulated, by the way – will be able to handwave it away. But the facts about excess deaths across every vaxxed population are beginning to appear in the mainstream news.

In the U.S., 76 percent of Covid-19 deaths occurred among people 65 and up. But now, excess deaths are flat for seniors, while they are soaring for the able-bodied young and employed, a cohort that has traditionally been the healthiest in society.

In the last quarter of 2022, deaths among 35-to-44 year-olds were 34 percent above the 2017-to-2019 baseline normal; they were 23 percent above baseline in workers a decade younger and older.

In the dry parlance of an actuarial report, “The working-age population continues to see the highest A/E (actual-to-expected) ratios.” Tragically, deaths were 8 percent above normal among 0-to-24 year-olds.

There are other anomalies depicted in the Society of Actuaries report.

Throughout the pandemic and into 2022, white collar workers, in public administration and educational services for example, died at rates 19 percent above normal, while blue collar workers, curiously, suffered less, with 14 percent more deaths than expected. What made these highly-vaccinated workers, many by mandate, more vulnerable?

As concerning were momentous shifts in worker mortality in the third quarter of 2021. White collar deaths reached 39 percent above normal. Deaths for all employees were 34 percent higher than baseline. Mortality among 35-to-44 year-olds reached a stunning 101 percent above–or double–the three-year pre-pandemic baseline. In a seeming contradiction, U.S. Covid deaths during that period were 40 percent lower than the previous wave in 2021. This suggests other factors at play.

These deaths should cause alarms to go off. They occurred in a population—those with life insurance—whose education, income, and access to healthcare suggest that they, of all people, should have gone back to their pre-pandemic lives. Consider the fate of less entitled groups.

In England, a searchable government database tells wrenching stories of excess death, like the 42 people, from birth to 24 years old, who died in a two-week period in May—children perhaps, adolescents and young adults who might be alive but for a pandemic.

Playing a huge role in England’s excess deaths is cardiovascular disease, which claimed 1,300 more people over normal in the four weeks this spring. Is this a remnant of Covid or of something else? Officials need to study also why a consistently greater share of these excess deaths occur at home, rather than in hospitals, care homes and hospice.

The executive of a large Indiana life insurance company was clearly troubled by what he said was a 40% increase in the third quarter of 2021 in those ages 18-64.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference in January 2022. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”


None of this is news to any of the readers here, except that an excerpt of this article was published in USA Today. Which may indicate, as the authors suggest, that the mainstream’s wall of silence is beginning to crack. Soon, one hopes, we won’t even be able to say “we don’t know it’s the vaxx, but…” because we, and everyone else, will know it’s the vaxx.

A second article by the same doctor shows the latest actuarial data through the end of 2022. Notice that that the rate of excess deaths are higher for everyone from 25 to 64 in the second half of 2021 (vaxx) than they are for the 65+ group in the second half of 2020 (Covid).

Note that previous Society of Actuaries reports show that all-cause excess deaths began to rise in March 2020 and did not reach 120 percent for any age group prior to Q3 2020, so the chart above displays the full extent of the pandemic’s effect on mortality.

The statistics prove that the cure was literally worse than the disease. This is why you and your friends and family shouldn’t take the next vaccine they attempt to push on everyone either. Because you know they’re going to sell it with the line that while they might have gotten it wrong last time with Covid-19, this time it’s totally safe and effective.


Ticket-Taker Taken to Task

It’s educational to note that Steven Crowder’s marriage abruptly disintegrated and his past misbehavior was exposed after he refused to submit and kiss the ring at the Daily Wire:

One former Louder with Crowder employee told Mediaite that during his time on the show, he received unsolicited, sexually graphic texts that included photos of Crowder’s genitalia. Those texts and images were reviewed by Mediaite.

“In the moment we dismissed it as sort of frat boy humor. In hindsight, it’s super creepy and felt groomer-ish,” the ex-employee said.

“It always felt like childish behavior in the moment that then felt predatory in hindsight,” he explained. “Like he was always testing people’s comfort levels with that kind of behavior. Because he was the boss though and he had no accountability, it just continued to happen. There was no one trusted to complain to.”

In addition to receiving unwanted sexual text messages, the former employee alleged that Crowder habitually exposed himself to other male staffers, a claim backed up by two other sources.

“In regards to exposing himself in general, to my knowledge, he only exposed himself to male staffers. It happened all the time. It was a regular occurrence. It usually happened when he was in a really good, sort of manic mood. So while we all were disgusted by it and it was never welcomed, it was preferable to him being in a bad mood and how he treated people in that state,” the former staffer said.

“Steven never explained it. We never talked about it. It would just happen, and everyone would either throw out a fake uncomfortable laugh or show clear disgust which Steven interpreted as his reward for what he did,” he continued. “The more disgusted everyone seemed, the more pleasure he seemed to get from it. It’s like he couldn’t understand that we weren’t in on his ‘joke.’”

Remember that binary thinking is reliably false. There are no good guys here. Crowder, like Shapiro, is a manufactured creature, the main difference is that Crowder, for whatever reason, began finding the yoke imposed upon him to be unbearable and sought to shake it off. But once you take the ticket, you cannot simply decide to untake it and free yourself from the various obligations and obediences you have agreed to assume.

This is why those whom the media proclaims to be “successes” can be reliably assumed to be fake, gay, and in most cases, criminal, because their hidden pasts are their literal hostages to their future fortunes. I was told this in oblique fashion when I was 21 by someone who absolutely grokked the system, only I didn’t understand what I was being told at the time.

Only those whose talent is absolutely undeniable, and whose achievements do not require being granted to them by some third party, can be assumed to be organic and legitimate these days. There is a reason so many “stars” admit to having imposter syndrome, and it is because they are, in fact, imposters.


Obvious Manufacture is Obvious

You may recall the list of signs that an individual is controlled opposition and his “popularity” is being manufactured for him by the mainstream media, as in the cases of Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Nick Fuentes, and Andrew Tate, just to name a few. The next one absolutely pings on all of them.

What do you get if you throw Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, a Baptist preacher and seventeen cans of Red Bull in a blender?

Jon Zherka.

You mightn’t have heard of him before, but believe me, it’s only a matter of time before his name pops up on your social media feed. That’s because the “6’5 king of alpha male energy” is taking the internet by storm. On TikTok, his videos have been viewed tens of millions of times.

According to his YouTube channel, which boasts 93,000-plus subscribers, Jon Zherka is a comedian who excels at pushing boundaries. His “humour” – controversial to say the least – explores “topics such as race, religion, gender dynamics and orientation”.

Zherka’s comedy, we’re told, involves “challenging perceptions and sparking dialogue, all while making sure the laughs keep coming”. He’s not your average comedian, he’s Jon Zherka, a human wrecking ball who is liable to say what he wants, when he wants.

‘Alpha male energy’: Why Jon Zherka is the most controversial man on social media, 23 July 2023

Now, how can he be ‘the most controversial man on social media” when he hasn’t been deplatformed from any of the SJW platforms? Note that he has less than one-third the number of YouTube subscribers that Big Bear did before he was ejected from the platform four years ago. And note that while you haven’t heard of him – I certainly hadn’t – he’s “taking the Internet by storm” thanks to some suspiciously familiar themes.

When he’s not busy trying to convert the masses to Christianity, Zherka enjoys pushing flat earth conspiracies. Not surprisingly, Zherka also believes that the moon landing of 1969, when two American astronauts became the first humans to walk on the lunar surface, was faked. His close friend, Sneako, also a wildly popular influencer, also subscribes to the fake moon landing narrative.

Translation: this is the media’s feeble attempt to provide an alternative to Owen Benjamin. Notice in particular how the article compares him to their previous fakes instead of to the individual whom he is obviously imitating; they do this because the whole point is to avoid mentioning the genuine celebrity they are attempting to depopularize.

Be particularly suspicious when these manufactured creatures always refer to “Christ” and never “Jesus Christ of Nazareth”.


7 Signs of Controlled Opposition

Postcards from the Edge of Reason lists seven signs that your saviour du jour is just another gatekeeper:

  1. Inexplicable popularity with conservatives.

The first time you heard about Big Conservative Thing was probably someone in media telling you how popular it has already become. No one can explain how, and most likely nobody you know could say they knew anything about it when it was small. Their rise is described as miraculous, or a movement, but the growth was very sudden.

  1. Fleecing massive amounts of money off of conservatives.

Gee. With all those resources in one pool, we’ll surely see some positive change, right? Right? Don’t hold your breath, mate. But do expect someone to extol the virtues of “taking stands” and “making statements” and other ways of paying them to tweet things about other famous people.

  1. Alleviates the pressure of the current situation by saying, “Something is being done.”

Somewhere, out there. You may have had a bee in your bonnet about some issue, and Controlled Opposition may have even gotten you riled up about it, ready to kick names and all that. Even just listening to someone talk about it was cathartic.

  1. Offers their entertainment value as part of some vague solution.

This is closely tied in with the last two. One way or another, it always comes back to them leading the way forward. They assure you that you’re all part of something big together.

  1. Leaves the true power of action entirely within the System.

The closest they ever come to offering a solution is to reinforce processes inside the System, or to leave solutions entirely in the hands of System officials.

  1. Portrays the managers of the system as incompetent, weak, cowardly, clumsy, or even greedy, but never evil and complicit.

This deflects true responsibility from those in power. Worse, it appeals to our natural inclination to say this about leaders we disagree with. But this is all part of the show that starts with politicians saying one thing and doing something else with entirely different results.

  1. Irregular ties to suspicious folk.

How many CIA agents do you know? How many criminals? How many billionaires? You may know zero, or a handful. But you probably don’t know many, and you probably haven’t received large sums of money from them, or acted as godfather to their kids.

The most reliable sign is the first one, the way that they suddenly pop up out of nowhere and their “incredible rise” is celebrated by the media and accepted unquestioningly by the average conservative. And here are a few additional signs:

  • This isn’t their first rodeo. Look into the background of all these manufactured characters and you’ll inevitably discover a previous attempt at becoming a star, from Ben Shapiro’s playing violin on TV as a “child prodigy” to the “modeling” of various female gatekeepers.
  • They publish books even though they’re obviously not writers. I’ve written and published more books than most of these “bestselling authors” combined, and I’m not even particularly prolific. The one “popular book” is there to justify their marketing as a relevant intellectual figure.
  • They’re poorly read and are usually known to have one major influence, who is the only intellectual figure they ever reference because it’s the only one they can reference. How much Jung do you think Jordan Peterson actually read when he didn’t even bother reading the Bible once?
  • They’re connected to other manufactured creatures. See: Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.
  • They travel a lot. Most genuinely successful people don’t travel that much because their success permits them to live comfortable lives in the manner they prefer. If you’re in LA on Saturday, DC on Sunday, and Budapest on Monday, you’re not successful, you’re an actor working a PR job.

It’s not an accident that these signs tend to point to The Sound of Freedom being a gatekeeper operation. That doesn’t make it a bad thing, per se, especially given the comparisons and context. But it does point to the improbability that enthusiastically anointing those involved with the film as conservative leaders will end well.


Tell Me You’re a Ticket-Taker

Without coming right out and telling me you’re a ticket-taker.

The sign of a ticket-taker: a colleague describes Huw Edwards, the BBC presenter who has been accused of paying young men to expose themselves.

“I admire the professionalism of both of them and remain impressed by Huw’s sensational rise through the BBC from humble beginnings in Bridgend.”

Key words: “sensational rise”. But wait, there’s an additional clue right there in the same article.

“We agreed that delving into the backgrounds of news journalists such as ourselves wasn’t appropriate.”

Indeed. One wouldn’t want the public looking too closely into the real reasons for those sensational rises and amazing careers, would one?

Not all material success is fake, but most success in Clown World is, at a minimum, manufactured. It’s manufactured and then distributed to those who are willing to render the required services and provide the necessary hostages. And the sooner you accept this reality, the more effective your independent efforts will be, as you will stop chasing illusions and wasting your best efforts playing a game that is rigged against you and everyone else unwilling to take their tickets.


The Media Knows

Never talk to the media. Observe that the media executives themselves never respond to inquiries from other media organizations. Notice that ESPN is resolutely refusing to respond to questions from Outkick and Fox News about a misleading edit of a clip it broadcast recently.

OutKick emailed ESPN Vice President of Communications Josh Krulewitz the following questions Thursday:


I would like to send an inquiry about the ESPYs taking a video of Will Cain out of context to make him look bad.

Does ESPN stand by its decision to edit the video?

Who approved the clip?

What level of management approved the idea to edit the clip that way?

Does ESPN feel it should issue a statement correcting the record?

Krulewitz and ESPN did not respond. Nor did they respond to a Fox News inquiry.

If the media knows it’s foolish to talk to the media, then that’s all you really need to know. Keep your ego in check, don’t seek the attention they offer, don’t permit them to claim they talked to you, and thereby avoid giving them the evidence they require to make their usual strawmen.


The Ink Wall Crumbles

Once more, we learn that /pol/ is always right. The “BBC Presenter” is confirmed to be Huw Edwards, the presenter of BBC News at Ten.

Huw Edwards’ wife Vicky Flind names him as BBC star at centre of ‘£35k sex pics scandal’: Statement issued on presenter’s behalf claims he is in hospital suffering from ‘serious mental health issues’ – as Met Police say ‘no offence has been committed’

It’s just so obnoxious to see how the media doesn’t hesitate to go out of their way to identify people of whom they don’t approve, while fighting like rabid dogs to hide the identities of celebrities and their fellow media figures whenever they are accused of wrongdoing of some kind.

Stars rally round Huw Edwards as John Simpson and ex-BBC stars Dan Walker and Jon Sopel share support for their former colleague.