Fool me once

Apparently Wired thinks I can’t remember two whole years ago.

I’m a writer at WIRED magazine. I saw the Hugo noms this morning, and I have to ask about Stix Hiscock. What can you tell me about him? How did you discover him, and why was he a Rabid Puppies candidate this year?

My response:

That’s hilarious. I made the mistake of talking to you jokers once before. No thanks. You’ll have to sustain your Narrative without my help. 

The amusing thing is that I even received two emails from Wired editors trying, and failing, to defend their writer’s little off-topic hit piece after I wrote about it here. They know they’re full of shit, they just want to hide that uncomfortable little fact from their readership.

As Andrew Torba says, I don’t talk to Fake News.

Mailvox: sporting the colors

A very satisfied Dark Lord Designs customer writes of his experience wearing DLD attire:

Had a unique outing this weekend to various home depot and lowe’s stores working on stuff for a home project and not realizing I was was sporting the Trumpslide 2020 shirt, took a while from all the looks and lots of smiles to figure out what was going on. And I thought I was looking extra handsome lol. Oh wait, I was! #MAGA

You have to admit, even the prettiest girl is only going to look that much more attractive in one of these.  SO MUCH WINNING! Now in red too.

The bounty of Kek

This one-star fake review pretty much sums up the current SF-SJW perspective:

This book is, by acknowledgement of the author, a direct attempt to discredit John Scalzi. I am appalled that Amazon decided to resume selling this item.

Because, obviously, even if Amazon isn’t in the business of policing any attempts to discredit John Scalzi, it should be. Really, any book that discredits any public figure on the Left should be banned, the publisher arrested, and the author publicly flogged, right?

The tragic thing is that they don’t even realize that they are the very fascists they believe they hate.

Some of them have switched tactics now that they can’t count on the SJW insider to end the cognitive pain and amygdala triggering they are experiencing. You see, if they feign to be confused, then perhaps someone will do something and make the pain stop!

Even if it violates the Amazon Community guidelines.

Any attempt to manipulate Community content or features, including by contributing false, misleading, or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited. If you violate our Guidelines, we may restrict your ability to use Community features, remove content, delist related products, or suspend or terminate your account…. 

Customer Reviews and Questions and Answers should be about the product. Feedback about the seller, your shipment experience, or packaging can be shared at or Comments about pricing, product availability or alternate ordering options are also not about the product and should not be shared in Customer Reviews or Questions and Answers.

  • Bait and switch… I was looking for Tor’s latest release by Salzi… this is deceptive advertising worthy of a back ally Chinese factory.
  • Fake troll book. Check out the good author here.Terrible book. If you want good sci-fi, check out this one instead. MUCH better author:
  • Gross. The only good thing about it is its cover, which they apparently got from somewhere else.
  • Terrible obvious attempt to rip off/ride the coattails of an actually good author, done by none other than the leader of the Rabid Puppies
  • One star. Ugh.
  • A clear and blatant attempt to ride John Scalzi’s name to make a quick buck. Vox Day is a parasite who imagines his ham-fisted proclamations to be schemes.
  • Wow, really? Please don’t mistake this book for the absolutely fantastic writings of John Scalzi.
  • Theodore Beale (the actual author) should have spent more time on character development, and the editing leaves something to be desired. I borrowed a friend’s copy and in hindsight, I’m glad it’s not a book I spent money on myself.
  • Ugh, I totally thought this was John Scalzi’s new book and bought it by mistake. It was bad. Really bad. Don’t waste your time.
  • Rip off, borderline copyright infringement of John Scalzi’s book by an inferior right-wing scam publishing house. Avoid.
  • This is not “Collapsing Empire” got this by mistake, as the author ripped the cover straight from the aforementioned title. Was fooled into getting this and went through great lengths to get a refund. This books reads as if it was a hastily written Asimov fan fic. The writer seems like he could be intelligent and skilled, but forgets his craft multiple times in the first three chapters.
  • Badly edited dreck from an ethically repugnant company. The confused tenses in the very first sentence of the narrative (visible in the preview) tell me there’s no need to read more.
  • Petty rip-off of John Scalzi’s new book The Collapsing Empire. Fake author name, fake book from a childish hack writer. Go buy Scalzi’s work instead.
  • Be warned: IT’S A RIPOFF. See Also: Ripoff artist from “conservative publishing house” engages in wholesale plagiarism. They even ripped off the cover art, and the fake pseudonym-author name is designed directly to attack REAL author John Scalzi, who white supremacist garbageman “Vox Day”, the publisher, has decided to feud with.

In other words, they’re all in clear violation of the Community Guidelines for Customer Reviews, their various rationalizations and logical gymnastics notwithstanding. (File 770’s Rev. Bob, in particular, should note that the mere act of doing a Customer Review, by definition, makes one a Customer.) And it’s not as if the fake reviewer who lied about “going to great lengths to get a refund” or the fake reviewer who “borrowed a book from a friend” are going to fool Amazon. They don’t even fool us and we don’t have access to their accounts. But we can see the refund history of the book.

Now, it’s downright hilarious that Scalzi fans would be upset by any other author ripping him off, considering that ripping off better authors has made up the entire extent of John Scalzi’s literary career, such as it is. His big new book is already 20 percent off in the bookstores; they’ll be remaindering it soon. He’s not done as a mediocre writer of trivial one-voice snark for those who find that sort of thing entertaining, but everyone now realizes that the emperor Tor dressed up as a “major science fiction author” is entirely naked, and has been all along.

The much more interesting observation is the childish rage that these SJWs are openly exhibiting, both in the comments at iO9 and in the fake Amazon reviews. And the reason for this is that they are fearful and demoralized, so they are lashing out in helpless anger. The constant strain of the pressure that they’ve been feeling since the initial shock of the Rabid Puppies triumph two years ago has steadily grown, and it has been compounded by the God-Emperor’s unexpected election.

As one observer commented, they are rapidly exhausted and the residual emotion gets dealt with by other defense mechanisms. People can only take so much, and SJWs are far more delicate and emotionally incontinent than the norm.

They don’t see these things coming. They don’t have the normal human capacity to accept reality, so therefore they have no ability to anticipate enemy action. To do so would be to accept the anathema that the Narrative is wrong, that their enemies are not stupid, evil, hapless buffoons who fail at every single contest, but independent agents possessing the ability to defeat them now and in the future. This is why they predict our failure every single time; because just the thought of our possible success is painful and frightening to them.

Confronting the reality of it, well, you can see the result of that.

But don’t think that we inflicting pain on them merely for our pleasure. In fact, this emotional pain is the only mercy we can show them because it is their only path to sanity. And so, even as they scream and vent and shriek and lie, we do well to continue to calmly apply the pressure, with clean consciences, pure hearts, and the satisfaction of knowing that the truth will out.

At the moment, Corrosion: The Corroded Empire, Book One is #625 on Amazon, less than 400 spots behind The Collapsing Career of the Author. Even before you buy it, even before you have read the first word on your Kindle, are you not entertained?

All these lulz, they are Kek’s gift to you.

Case in point. They “laugh” to relieve the emotional pain they are experiencing as a result of their cognitive dissonance between the SJW Narrative and reality.

Good lord. Your dumb attempt at attention-getting, then whiny blog post about how YOU are somehow the victim for infringing on someone’s copyright is amusing, as an outsider who is aware of your name through all of the bullshit you attempt to start. I did, actually try to read your work, too. Just to not be a troll. Wow, it sucked ass. Really.  But, really, doesn’t it just burn your hide that people wouldn’t read your crappy ‘right-wing’ fiction at all if you weren’t such a whiny little dick about everything? That must suck. Realizing that even with the kerfuffle you attempt to create every time you drop a big turd on the world of ‘Sci-Fi’, people are still ignoring your work because you are such a terrible author must just infuriate you. I mean, people still read Heinlein, despite his very far-right views. People still support Card, even though he is sort of a dick and a total homophobe. At least his fiction is good… People aren’t ignoring your work because of your politics, they ignore your work because it sucks ass. And they still ignore it, even when you beg for attention from ‘The Left’, like a little snowflake baby-boy.





They’re building a wall

A report from the inside the belly of the beast indicates the God-Emperor is gradually forcing the rebellious creature to do his will.

At this morning’s staff meeting, certain persons had a very sour look on their faces, so I knew the news would be good.

— CBP has announced that some 100 feet of a series of “test wall sections” will be built quickly, among the competitors already chosen.

— One of these walls will be in the high-profile, high-traffic San Diego section.

— CBP will then choose from the “test wall sections” as to which one it likes and proceed from there, negotiating on cost, etc., with bidders.

— The contracting timeframe has been moved to as quick as possible under current law, and is as short as three weeks for this stage.

The Wall is being built.  It’s going to be solely on Fed property, so no states can stick their noses in it.

But they’re certainly going to try.

Three California Democrats have a warning for contractors who sign up for President Donald Trump’s border-wall construction project between the U.S. and Mexico: Build it, and we will divest from your company.

In the latest act of resistance against the Trump administration, the state lawmakers have introduced a bill that would force the state to drop its pension investments in any companies involved in the project.

“This is a wall of shame and we don’t want any part of it,” Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, said in a statement. “Immigrant stories are the history of America and this is a nightmare.”

It’s not a surprise Mr. Ting knows nothing about the history of America? He’s not American.

Mailvox: in feeble defense of Keynes

I don’t think Art Deco quite understands where he is.

What’s the point of slamming Keynes? Keynes is notable as a progenitor of a nexus of macroeconomic models. Macroeconomics has some trouble settling on a consensus model. It’s neither necessary nor proper to attack his integrity.

First, Art Deco is wrong. Second, he is WAY out of his league here. Keynes had zero integrity – he claimed to have abandoned his theory of money in between its publication and the published rebuttal by FA von Hayek in order to avoid having to answer the latter –  he was incredibly intellectually dishonest, and his General Theory was little more than rehashed Freudian nonsense dressed up in math-sounding economics.

The only reason it became popular is because it gave politicians an excuse to do what they wanted – spend money.

Bureaucratic resistance

On March 6, 2017, the President signed a new Executive Order (E.O.) on Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States that contains provisions that impact visa adjudication and issuance procedures (NOTE: this E.O. does not yet have a number.  End Note).  This new E.O. has an effective date of March 16, 2017 and revokes its predecessor, E.O. 13769, as of that date.  We will not begin implementing the new E.O. until the Department of Justice confirms that pending litigation does not interfere with implementation of the new E.O.  Further guidance will follow. 

Mailvox: WAR

This is not a book review by me, but rather, by an author who prefers to remain anonymous.

WAR by Janne Teller

If you want a relationship to last, one of the most important pieces of advice I can give you is this: never use emotional blackmail.  Saying ‘if you love me, you’ll do [whatever]’ is not a sweet romantic gesture, but an attempt to use someone’s emotions as a weapon.  Used repeatedly, it convinces the victim that you only care about his emotions insofar as you can manipulate him to get what you want.  In the end, it causes pushback – the victim decides that he doesn’t care what you think or feel any longer.

On the larger scale, emotional blackmail has been replaced by ‘weaponised empathy.’  This is probably best described as an attempt to wring the public’s heartstrings to get them to support a policy that is almost certainly unwise.  (The proof it is unwise lies in the failure to put forward a coherent argument that doesn’t rely on de facto emotional blackmail.)  Those who choose to oppose the policy are blasted as heartless monsters, causing others who might agree with them to shut up in a hurry.  Again, it causes pushback – in many ways, growing resistance to weaponised empathy helped fuel the rise of Donald Trump.

War is a piece of emotional blackmail that, in the end, is an unconvincing read.

It follows the story of a British refugee who has to leave his country and take up residence in the Middle East, following the collapse of British society.  One of the minor annoyances in this book is the lack of a coherent rational for either the collapse or war with Denmark – Denmark!  Doesn’t anyone know Britain’s historical enemies are the French? So far, so good – the author does a good job of making us feel for him and his family.  But, like so many other pieces of weaponised empathy, it only works by removing nuance from the equation.  The refugees are painted in a saintly light.  Cold experience tells us that this isn’t true.

Yes, it is easy to feel sorry for people who are forced to flee their homes.  But that does not excuse bad behaviour in the host countries.  The author barely nods to this – she admits the existence of inter-refugee scrabbles, but not the epidemic of thief, assaults, rape and outright murder that has plagued Europe since the refugee crisis began.  It is easy to understand, even in the author’s limited presentation, why the local Egyptians might begin to tire of the British presence, perhaps even want them driven back to Britain.  And who could possibly blame them?

The author could, of course.  She is, like so many others of her ilk, safe and protected – to use Peggy Noonan’s term – from the realities of the world.  When they meet the ‘Other’ – if I can borrow an SJW term – they meet someone educated, someone polished in the way of the world – someone cosmopolitan in the truest possible sense.  They do not meet people with medieval ideas on women, people who believe that a woman who wears a short skirt is a whore who’s just asking for it.  Even with the best will in the world – and that is lacking – the cultural clash alone would cause far too much disruption.

The blunt truth is that sympathy has its limits.  It tends to fade – and vanish altogether – when someone feelings exploited.  Imagine, for the sake of argument, that you give your friend a loan to help him get back on his feet after a personal crisis.  How pleased are you going to be when you discover he’s wasting the money on booze, hookers and drugs?  And are you going to give him more money when he comes crawling back to you?

So-called ‘refugees’ – economic migrants would be a better term – in Europe have behaved badly, very badly.  If you happen to be dependent on someone, it is sheer insanity to alienate them.  And yet, they have managed to alienate vast numbers of the host population.   Just because someone got the short end of the stick, as SM Stirling put it, doesn’t mean they’re automatically the good guys.

If I had to flee my country – God forbid – and go to a refugee camp, desperate to avoid returning home until it was safe, I like to believe that I would find a way to be useful.  I would hate the idea of doing menial work, but I would do it because I wouldn’t have a choice.  The idea of just sitting around – or turning into a criminal – is absurd.  I have lived in a couple of very different countries to my own.  It isn’t that hard to avoid making myself unwelcome.

Why, then, should bad behaviour be tolerated?

The current problem now is that vast numbers of Europeans believe – and they might not be wrong – that a significant fraction of the migrants are moochers, looters, rapists, terrorists or generally unpleasant scumbags.  This alone would be bad enough.  But even worse, they have also become convinced that the governments are either unable or unwilling to address the crisis, when they’re not causing it.  Virtue-signaling by multi-millionaires like JK Rowling does not convince them they’re wrong.  They know that such millionaires are protected from the world.

BREXIT and Donald Trump – and the rise of nationalism across Europe – is a direct response to weaponised empathy.  No one feels sorry for refugees any longer.

In short, War is a piece of propaganda.  And a bad one.

Mailvox: Facebook is the enemy

This is intriguing. First Twitter, now Facebook:

Heads up — a good friend of mine just posted your Milo post on facebook when I sent it to him to his wall. We were chatting via PM about the topic and I watched on my phone as all of his messages turned into “your message has been flagged by facebook for spam.”

His account is now gone and blocked. Everything about his posts have disappeared from my timeline, he can’t get into his account.

We’re headed for all-out war.

We are. And we’re going to win. Because everything they do is built on lies. Spam indeed. This is yet another reminder of why we need to build our own platforms. And we will.

Mailvox: Alt-Right allies

Because of the rise of the Alt-Right around the world, it is not going to be possible for SJWs and cuckservatives to continue to deny the fact that the Alt-Right is neither Neo-Nazi nor White Supremacist, but a broad-spectrum nationalist movement that upholds the rights of Europeans and white Americans to self-determination, freedom of association, and self-defined nationalism.

White nationalism is Alt-Right. Imperialist Teutonic supremacism is not. Anti-globalism is Alt Right. Eine Welt, Ein Reich, Ein Gedanke is not.

Scriba Dei writes of his experience being a black man who is largely in agreement with the Alt-Right, and how he was treated by racist white SJWs as a result.

I wrote for a SJW converged website. Theoretically, the site claims to be politically neutral and welcoming of all perspectives among its writers on one condition: they must be written politely, without purposeful intent to insult or deride any one group or individual.

Failure to heed the rule results in progressive sanctions up to and including a permanent ban.

I am sure you understand how this rule works in practice, for its conservative writers: they constantly walk on eggshells, in a world where only the cuckest of the cucks can seemingly escape unscathed.

And so it came as no surprise that the SJW inner circle was not too happy about my surging popularity by pimping alt-right talking points to their cucky conservative readership. Even for this group, the ideas we peddle proved too seductive, and as it turns out, I have been marked for deletion.

Now, being Black allowed me to get away with far more than the average Straight White Male writer could. But in the end, as one of my last pieces for them made it clear, there is no reasoning with the left. If you break the narrative, you get slashed. I was a thorn in their side, constantly reminding them that nope, these beliefs are not the domain of mindless, hateful, neo-nazi Supremacists and they were the mindless ones for denying them; and in the long run, the heartless ones, too.

No matter how nicely said–how well sourced–my pieces were, they suddenly became offensive in and off themselves, regardless of intent. And so I’ve been thrown out the window.

The last time we spoke, you said something which marked me: it is important for those of us who couldn’t as easily be dismissed as Nazis and supremacists to serve as allies for the Alt-Right.

In my own small way, I’ve decided to do it. I know that the usual suspects will have dismissed my last mail to you as a sham; I’ve made it a little harder for them to do so this time.

Remember, cucky, if you criticize him or what he is saying, you’re raciss! So brave. Thank you for this.

Mailvox: how to mentor an SJW

A successful software entrepeneur teaches SJWs that beliefs have consequences:

After years of hearing the SJW and “allies” bash straight white men, I’m fighting back. When they ask for my advice, mentorship, a reference, a referral, leads or whatever, I now tell them that white people (and especially men!) have it too easy and their business is going to be successful no matter what. And further, it would be racist and sexist for me to help them.

The sputtering responses are so worth it.

SJW delenda est. Give them neither assistance nor mercy. Let them rely upon their privilege of which they speak so highly.