Mailvox: The Thumb on the Scale

A longtime reader emails his observations:

Two plays where the NFL put their thumb on the scale. One, taking away Devonte. Smith’s reception near the first half. If allowed the Eagles could have gone up by two scores at the half. Instead they got a field goal. And of course, the “holding play” on 3rd down with 1:54 to go.

Totally agreed, with the minor caveat that the first play actually involved two interventions, the first being the invented “substitution” call that permitted the officials to give Andy Reid a chance to challenge the call, which was then overturned despite the absence of clear visual evidence of a non-catch.

There was also an attempt to put a third thumb on the scale, but the Goddard catch was too obviously legitimate to risk overturning. The “holding” call was particularly egregious as the receiver was very little, if at all, impeded, and it literally handed the game to the Chiefs by giving them three more downs to run out the clock before kicking the field goal they would have kicked right away in the absence of the flag.

The purpose, however, was not to favor Mahomes over Hurt. It was to reward Kansas City for throwing the second half against Cincinnati in the AFC Championship game the year before. And while I had no doubt the referees would be favoring the Chiefs, I didn’t think a thumb on the scale would be enough to make up for the obvious superiority of the Eagles.

The headline from Pro Football Talk may be relevant in this regard: Patrick Mahomes: Past postseason failures give you a greater appreciation for winning this game

The non-appearance of the vaunted, near-historic Eagles pass rush against an injured Mahomes makes me wonder if we’ll see Philadelphia similarly rewarded next year. I certainly wouldn’t bet against them so long as Hurts is reasonably healthy. That timely fumble…

A second potentially relevant headline: Nick Sirianni: Failure will motivate us


Mailvox: Read Your Own Book

A reader observes that Scott Adams failed to listen to his own advice when he trusted the experts and got vaxxed:

In Scott’s book, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, chapter 28 “Experts”, Scott shares a story of when a medical doctor was wrong about diagnosing Scott with cancer at age 20. He then goes on to tell people that when things are complicated, experts are wrong half of the time. Scott advises the best thing to do is trust your own intuition.

This is the very advice Scott is now condeming. People following their intuition using pattern recognition, the subject of chapter 22 in the same book.

Scott should have read his own book.



Mailvox: Gamma Struggles

An Australian Gamma asks for advice:

Hope you could give some advice for a 19 yr old gamma. I have read “graduating gamma” several times over the last few years and have mitigated most of my gamma behaviors and thoughts. The articles were very helpful.

While I am much less annoying now, I am struggling socially. I was forced to take a gap year (Victoria vax mandates), so all of my school friends are at university while I am not yet. I’m working minimum wage jobs until February when university starts. My self-esteem is poor thanks to this and because I had no-one to take to my senior high school dance last year (the final nail in the coffin for years of delusion about my social abilities).

I am okay at small talk with colleagues, but am fairly socially incapable in large group settings. I was immensely uncomfortable at a recent work Christmas party held at a bar.

I seem to have a resting depressed-looking face. Work colleagues, not infrequently, ask “Are you okay?” for no apparent reason. I am struggling to form new friendships after high school and am fairly black-pilled and reticent thanks to vax-related ostracism I’ve received in the last 2 years. I do not talk about political or social issues except with close friends. I understand that despair is a sin and hope is a virtue, but this is difficult for me.

I lift, but not as often as I used to or should. I pray, but also not as often as I should.

I was reading Panzer Commander recently, and this quote from the brilliant tank commander’s book seems to be relevant. He’s addressing the challenge facing soldiers in wartime, and how they are able to keep themselves from falling into despair when routinely faced with situations far more ghastly than young men face in peacetime.

Every war brings with it, through the shifting of theaters of action, longer or shorter pauses, the “periods between campaigns.” These pauses are of great value, both for the individual soldier and for the community. Everyone tries to mobilize his mental forces and is ready to suppress negative experiences and assimilate even the slightest positive ones.

People encourage each other and strengthen one another in the hope that at some point in time they will be able to escape this constant mortal threat forever.

Probably every soldier finds out in the course of a war that he can only bear the “having to kill” and “being killed” over long periods if he adopts the maxims of the Stoics: learn to endure all things with equanimity. He can only do this if he builds up an immune system of his own against the feelings of fear and sympathy and probably, to a certain degree, even against matters of ethics, morals, and conscience. He cannot afford to question the whys and wherefores of the things that happen around him and in which he, himself, has a part. He must act and apply his whole concentration to that.

Panzer Commander, Col Hans von Luck

The key there, in my opinion, is “to suppress negative experiences and assimilate even the slightest positive ones”.

In my experience, it is not low self-esteem that is the reader’s problem. To the contrary, it is the contradiction between his high self-esteem and objective reality. It’s not the peasant who is depressed, because he knows his place. It is the peasant who imagines he is a secret king forced to endure the life of a peasant who is depressed. But self-esteem is irrelevant. No one cares what anyone thinks about himself. Esteem has to be earned, it cannot be assumed, postured, or cajoled by imposters.

The good news is that there is steel at the core. The reader didn’t submit to the narrative. He didn’t take the vaxx. That means he has it in him to succeed, and what he needs right now are some small victories upon which he can build. So, my prescription is relentless positivity. Focus on making each interaction with you, no matter how small, a positive one.

The reader should NEVER talk about himself. He should always steer the conversation to the other person: “I’m fine, how are YOU doing? What have you been up to?” And then actually listen to what the other person says; since so few people actually listen to anyone else – most people simply wait, impatiently, for their own turn to talk – just being perceived as a listener will elevate the reader over most other people.

There is no answer, but there is a process of transformation. And that process is a slow one that takes shape one interaction at a time. It starts when the Gamma applies two concepts to his behavioral pattern:

  1. Get over yourself. Everything isn’t about you.
  2. LISTEN. Just shut the fuck up and listen! You learn SO much more when you listen than you do when you talk.

As an aside, it might surprise a lot of readers to learn that I’m a reasonably good listener in social situations. Granted, it’s more about intellectual curiosity than any personal interest in the conversations taking place around me, but even my mother didn’t realize I’d been paying any attention to anything that anyone had said until my second novel was published.


Mailvox: On Suicide

A reader shares his thoughts:

Things aren’t going well. The hard is getting harder. And out of nowhere your post on “suicide.”

Thank you, Vox.

Not tonight.

Thank you.

Life is too interesting and full of possibilities to end it simply because one particular series of past choices culminated in a disappointing dead end.

Roll the dice. Shake things up. Enjoy the opportunity to make a completely new start. Explore one of the different paths you might have previously taken.

You have literally nothing to lose anymore. You’re entirely free!


Mailvox: Intellectual Stimulation

I have a number of friends who struggle to find some kind of intellectual fulfillment outside of their work. They were raised loving school, pursuing growing their mind, etc., and are stuck in this lie that the only way to continue that stimulation and that growth is by having a job. Do you have any advice for those (women especially) who have this deep drive to keep learning, but want to be moms and are worried that their intellectual side won’t be stimulated in the home?

Yes. Read a fucking book. Then, once you’ve finished it, read another one. If you’re intellectually fulfilled by sitting in an office or a classroom, you’re literally retarded.

It’s probably not an accident that no one ever asked me to write an advice column.


Mailvox: Anomie in Asia

A reader writes in about the situation in Thailand:

The shooting yesterday took place a couple of provinces away from where I live. Recently, the vast majority of murders that you read about in the English papers here are committed by cops, ex-cops, and soldiers. This one was a recently fired cop on meth. The cops here are incredibly corrupt, which I suppose is par for the course in the Third World. They are the biggest drug dealers in the country, too. Meth here is so cheap that even the poorest of the poor can afford it. The cops and the military also have access to the best weapons, which makes them especially dangerous. Weapons–meaning guns–are not hard to acquire at all.

There’s also so much anger and a sense of hopelessness here that its almost palpable. The military clowns that run this place are destroying the country. They still run around with masks and are now starting to vaxx 6-month-olds, so they are screwing over multiple generations. People in the poor rural northeast part of the country have no jobs, no money, and no hope.

Of course, the Were-West is in no shape to help anywhere else, because mass immigration has imported all of the Third World structual problems with it. To the contrary, until globohomo collapses and is rooted out, we can expect the structural problems to get worse everywhere. That’s the price of abandoning Western tradition and what made those societies desirable in the first place in favor of dyscivic policies and people.


Mailvox: Dyscivilizationation

Lest you thought I was kidding, or exaggerating, about indoor plumbing being one of the aspects of Western Civilization that is at risk in post-American America, I received this email from a reader yesterday.

Looks like you were right re: “As I have repeatedly warned you, we’ll be fortunate if we emerge on the other end of this civilizational catastrophe with interior plumbing.”

Gov Tate Reeves on the Jackson Mississippi water crisis this past Monday:

“Jackson’s main water treatment facility has been operating with zero redundancies,” and that damage to the main pump had left the city operating far weaker backup pumps….The city cannot produce enough water to fight fires, to reliably flush toilets, and to meet other critical needs”

Well that was quick.

One of the reasons I don’t provide time estimates anymore is because it has proved nearly impossible to correctly nail down the timing of future events. Even the 2008 crisis took six years to show up after I first saw it on the horizon. But my predictions are usually quite reliable with regards to the nature of the events themselves, because historical trends are reliable and the foundational assumptions of those who changed the demographic makeup of the United States were absolutely and utterly wrong.

The end result of diversity, inclusion, and equality is inevitably going to be everyone except the well-connected elite living in third world squalor, because diversity is totally incapable of maintaining, let alone constructing, functional systems with running water. See: every third world country.

If you import third world populations, your society will eventually become third world, because infrastructure collapse. This is the process henceforth to be known as dyscivilizationation.


Mailvox: Projection

Gotten a little obvious who u take money from – KC

I don’t take money from anyone, even when it’s offered. Not everyone is a whore, and if you think everyone is, you’re projecting.

Not only did I refuse to accept an appearance fee when I appeared on CGNT, I refused to even accept any reimbursement for my travel costs.

The opinions I express here and on the Darkstream are mine. No one else’s.


Mailvox: Enjoy the Silence

Big Tech is so corrupted and converged that even the less-converged companies are in on the deplatforming game.

Today I noticed that Brave Search severely down-ranks Using the search term “infogalactic”, appears as the fifteenth result, on the second page of results.

I checked other major search engines using the same search term. Google seems to have completely removed from its search. Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Yandex all return as the first result, as they should.

According to this post by a Brave employee, 92% of Brave Search results are from their own crawler.

Brave Search isn’t even out of beta and it’s corrupted.

What’s more, the current version of Brave Browser (V1.39.122 released June 10th, 2022) doesn’t allow setting default search to anything other than a short, approved list (that excludes Yandex) despite documentation describing otherwise.

It’s not a big surprise. Brandon Eich is a good man, but he’s a techno-idealist who has never understood the necessity to secure his flanks and police his ranks. A pure meritocracy may sound nice, but since they are effectively defenseless against infiltration and convergence, the concept is intrinsically counterproductive. Once just one capable SJW gets inside, it’s only a matter of time before “merit” is redefined and the meritocracy ceases to exist.

Infogalactic support actually used to be built into Brave. Typing “:i” would automatically search Infogalactic. But once that was removed, it was pretty clear that Brave was eventually going to get converged. It probably won’t be more than two years before there is a serious attempt to eject him from the company he founded, presumably for committing one of the new satanic sins such as transphobia or pedophobia.


Mailvox: An Insider’s Take

A friend who correctly called fake news on Jack Maxey of the false Hunter Biden laptop leak also offered me his take on Elon Musk and his recent actions, including the acquisition of Twitter.

Musk is a premier mechanism by which a certain faction of USG routes around the scleroticism of fedgov.

Most obviously with SpaceX contra United Launch Alliance, but also Tesla to counter Chinese electrotech dominance, Boring Company for post-drone swarm underground warfare, Neuralink for 1) controlling said drone swarms 2) AGI via human brain activity cloning.

His entire portfolio of companies is dual use for military purposes. Twitter is the public infowar arena for the Deep State.

Now Musk and by extension this faction own it.

Difficult to tell if this faction is friendly, neutral or hostile. They appear to me to be at the least not obviously friendly. This will be a public, reasonably sensitive test as to whether they are useful, depending on how they handle banned anti-prog accounts and ongoing anti-prog (note the distinction from rightist) speech.

Considering that Ivan Throne has already managed to get himself banned from the New and Improved Twitter (Musk edition), I am confident that all of Musk’s blatherings about FREE SPEECH are nothing more than empty rhetoric and advertising to bring all the basic conservatives and their gatekeepers back into the conservative sheepfold.

As far as I’m concerned, literally nothing has changed.

Furthermore, I note that the Enlightenment value of consequence-free freedoms of speech and expression is neither a Christian moral value nor a societal virtue. Societal virtue is determined by qualititative measures, not quantitative ones.

A society or an institution that permits everything is better described as licentious, not free, while a society or an institution that bans blasphemy, obscenity, and vulgarity is fundamentally different than one that bans the existence of opinions about historical events, sexual behaviors, and certain nations.

Musk’s faction is almost certainly more libertarian and licentious than the social justice faction, but it’s entirely possible that, given his predilection for dabbling with women enamored of spiritual darkness, that it is even more deeply wicked.